Bashkir names for boys and girls, rare and beautiful.

Most Bashkir names are very similar to Tatar names, as they have Turkic roots. At the same time, the Bashkir names also include Arabic names, and new names that were formed mainly from Turkic words. In the list below we have included Bashkir names of girls who are this moment are considered national names Bashkir.

It should be noted that traditionally eastern peoples give names to girls, according to the meaning of which they praise female beauty. After all, in Eastern culture, beauty is a kind of required attribute every woman. In other words, Bashkir names for girls describe female beauty in general, or focus on certain features of appearance. For example: Robin's name translates as "graceful", Zalia means "white-haired", and Firaya's name means "beautiful".

Very often the Bashkir population compares women with the image of the Moon, since in culture eastern peoples the celestial body is a symbol of beauty, tenderness, femininity and fertility. For example, the name Kamaria is translated as “crescent-like,” and Aibanu is “moon girl.” Also symbol female beauty, charm, tenderness are flowers. Therefore, there are a lot of “flower” female names in Bashkiria. For example, Milyausha is “violet”, Gulnaz is “flower tenderness”.

Bashkir girl names:

Agdalia is the fairest

Kaima - standing firmly on her feet

Aglia is very beautiful

Kalima is a beautiful word

Agnia - rich people

Kamalia - perfection

Adeline - honest, decent

Karima - magnanimous, noble, generous

Azalea - from the name of the flower

Kashima - distributing

Aziza - powerful, dear

Latifa is beautiful

Aida - Hades King of the Dead, benefit

Leia - antelope

Aiban is a girl like a month old

Liana - from the plant liana, thin

Aigul - moon flower

Lucia - light

Aisylu - beautiful as a month

Lyabiba - light

Aisha - living

Laysan - spring rain, month of April according to the Syrian calendar

Alice is beautiful

Mavlyuda - child, girl

Aliya - sublime

Magsuma - protected, sinless

Albina - white-eyed

Madina - a city in Arabia

Almira - from the Spanish town of Almeiro.

Maya - from the month of May

Alfira and Alfiya - exalted, long-lived

Mariam - from the name from the Bible Mary

Amila is a hard worker

Maysara - wealth, abundance

Amina - faithful, honest

Malika - queen

Amira - commanding, princess

Munisa - friend

Anis and Anisa - friend, comrade

Munira - sparkling, illuminator

Asia - comforting, healing

Lala and Lala - tulip

Asliya - real, true

Laura - from the laurel tree

Asma - sublime

Lily and Liliana - white tulip flower

Bagida is a long-liver

Nazar and Nazira - look, self-sacrifice

Bakira - young

Nafisa - graceful, thin

Banu - lady

Rabiga - daughter of the prophet, fourth

Bella is beautiful

Rada - joy

Ghazia - dancer

Rakiya - walking ahead

Gaisha - living, one of the prophet's wives

Rana and Rania - beautiful

Galia - dear

Raufa - merciful

Guzel - beautiful

Regina - the king's wife

Gul - flower, blooming

Mignonette - from the name of a flower with a pleasant aroma

Gulzar and Gulzifa - flower garden

Rumia - daughter of Byzantium

Gulnaz - tender as a flower

Sabira - patient

Gulnara - decorated with flowers

Sadria - first, main

Gulnur - light as a flower

Sadika - true, friend

Gulchechek - rose

Saida - mistress

Dana - knowledgeable

Salima - healthy, unharmed

Denmark - close, famous

Saliha - fair, kind

Darisa - teacher

Samira - interlocutor

Dilyara and Dilya - beloved, beauty

Sarima - nimble, sharp

Dilbar - beloved, charming

Susanna - lily

Dina - din-vera

Sufia - one who does not do evil

Dinara - from the word dinar (Arabic) gold coin; meaning precious

Taliga - walking ahead

Zabrara - hard, strong

Tansylu - beautiful as the morning dawn

Zainab - full

Firaya - beautiful

Zaytuna - evergreen tree

Firdaus - paradise, garden of Eden

Zamira - heart, conscience

Firuza - radiant, turquoise, happy

Zahira - assistant, beautiful

Habiba - beloved, friend

Zifa - slender, stately

Khadicha - premature

Ziya - light, light

Khadija - the first wife of the prophet

Zulfiya - with curls

Shaida - beloved

Zukhra - brilliant, light, star, flower

Shakira - giving thanks

Ildusa - loving her homeland

Shamilya - comprehensive

Ilnara - Nar (Flame) + Il (Homeland)

Shamsia - sunny

Ilsura - Hero of the Motherland

Shirin - sweet (from folklore)

Indira - goddess of war

Elvira - protective

Kadriya - dear

Elmira - beautiful

Kadir and Kadira - almighty

Yansylu - feather, beloved

Kaila - talkative

By origin Bashkir language belongs to the Turkic group, and also has big number features that make it similar to Tatar. Therefore, among the Bashkir names there are many that are of Persian or Arabic origin. But there are also our own options - both those that came from ancient times and those that are quite modern. Finally, the third group of anthroponyms are new borrowings from European languages. The list of male and female names is quite impressive.

Main sources of education

Looking at beautiful Bashkir names for boys and girls, it should be noted that they have several key sources. First of all, these are tribal and family nicknames, names of celestial bodies and luminaries, variants that came from the world wildlife(animals, plants, birds). A separate group should include names based on precious metals and stones; they have a very melodic sound and noble meaning. The following sources are also highlighted:

  • Names of natural phenomena.
  • Toponyms.
  • Relatives.
  • Flowers.
  • Personal characteristics.
  • Names are amulets, the main function of which is protective.

The ancient Bashkirs also had a so-called secret nickname, which only those closest to them could know, but if this information became known evil people, then the bearer of the name turned out to be completely defenseless against their evil spells.

The bulk of ancient names have two or three roots (for example, Tashtimer, which has two meanings - iron and stone), but in Soviet period this tradition was gradually lost, modern options consist of one root and one or two syllables.

However, some ancient traditions have still been preserved: the Bashkirs are very fond of giving children similar or consonant nicknames, so it is not uncommon for a brother and sister to be called Shakir and Shakira, and two boys to be called Rome and Dim. If twins are born, they should be named after Muslim prophets (for example, Ismail and Ibrahim) or national heroes (Salavat and Yulay).

Construction Features

Modern Bashkirs use a surname, first name and patronymic. However, until the 19th century, not everyone had surnames, and patronymics were formed only after the arrival of Soviet power. In the pre-revolutionary period, the father's name became the son's surname, and not his patronymic, and only rare representatives of the Bashkir nobility had the actual family surname. Now the situation looks like this:

  • The surname of a modern Bashkir ends with the suffix -in, -ov, -ev.
  • The patronymic ends, like the Russian one, with -ovich, -evich, -ovna, -evna.

But you can also find more ancient options, for example, adding the particles “ibn”, “uly”, “bin” for men and “kyzy” for women. Two parallel forms are acceptable: Islambek uly or Islambekovich, Islambek kyzy and Islambekovna.

Since a lot of male names began to be used by the Bashkirs after the adoption of the Muslim religion, the root “Islam” is often present as their element: Islambek, Islametdin or Dimislam, Nurislam. Another commonly found component is "din", meaning "belonging to Islam". Religion also had an influence on women's names, so girls began to be named in honor of the spouses and mother of the Prophet Muhammad: Sauda, ​​Aisha, Amina, Zeinab and others.

Variety of options

As pre-revolutionary researchers of Eastern culture point out, the Bashkirs were not conscientious Muslims, which is why their tradition of naming children has so many pagan roots. Often the basis of the root was taken from the names of plants, animals, totems, celestial bodies; these ancient variants have survived to this day, although they are considered unusual. There are a large number of rare and beautiful Bashkir names for boys, having different sources.

Modern Bashkir names for boys and their meaning are very interesting. Most often they display one of positive aspects personality: courage, willpower, honesty. For example, Karim is generous, endowed with generosity, Alim is knowledgeable, Galim is an educated person.

Thus, a large number of male and female names arose: Sabit - steadfast, Nagim - living in abundance, Kazim - patient. Agdalia - endowed with justice, Aglia - the most beautiful, Aisylu - beautiful, like a moon. You can give a large number of examples of rare and beautiful Bashkir names for girls:

The name Nafisa means “refined, refined”, Oigul (better known as Aigul) - the beauty of a flower. These are by no means all the options based on personal or external characteristic person. It is interesting that this same group includes names that emphasize the child’s physical flaws: for example, Aksak means lame, Sibek means frail, weak.

Quite a lot of names can be attributed to the time group; their name basis is given by certain segments indicating the time of birth of the baby: Thanatar (born at dawn), Ayaz (fair day). Often the names of the months are found in the names of the Bashkirs lunar calendar(Razhap, Safar, Zulhiza). The feminine "Laysan" means April, and Latin borrowing Maya, still popular today, is May.

Other name groups

Many Bashkir names have ancient origins and help to understand the peculiarities of the everyday life of the people, therefore they are considered one of the sources for studying the history of Bashkiria. The oldest of them have a pagan meaning, later versions - borrowed from Arabic and Persian languages ​​- are associated with Muslim beliefs. The following examples can be given:

Women's names often came from the names of plants and flowers, for example, Gulnar and Gulfira mean “flower garden,” Gulchechek means rose, Gulnara means pomegranate. The name Zaytuna means olive tree, it came to Bashkiria from the Arabic language, Lala - tulip, Laura - laurel, Milyausha - violet. A lot of names can be found in the book “Bashkort Isemdare” by Kitaba Kusimov.

Among the names that are used in Bashkiria, there are many that came from modern European languages, for example, Adeline (decent), Alice (beauty) came from German, Almira (from the name geographical feature) - has Spanish roots. Irina means calm, Faina means “light”, these names came to the Bashkirs from Greece.

This is not at all full list Bashkir names, of which there are a great many, some have a long history and are directly related to pagan rituals, others appeared much later and reflected beliefs in Allah.

Attention, TODAY only!

The Bashkir language belongs to the Turkic family. Therefore, many Bashkir names have significant similarities with Tatar ones. However, apart from linguistic relationship There is cultural as well as religious kinship. Therefore, modern Bashkir names largely come from Arabic and Persian languages. There is also a certain percentage of purely Turkic names - traditional and newly formed. Below we provide a list of the most common names in circulation among the Bashkirs.

List of names

The list we provide does not contain all Bashkir names. There are a lot of them, and we will limit ourselves to the most typical and popular of them. In addition, in different dialects and dialects, Bashkir names may differ somewhat in spelling and pronunciation. The form in which the names will be given below is based on the traditional practice of transmitting Bashkir sounds in Russian letters.

The list itself will be divided into nine thematic categories, uniting Bashkir names according to one or another characteristic.

Religious names

Abdullah. This is the origin. Translated into Russian it means “slave of Allah.” Often appears as part of a complex compound name.

Asadullah. Literally means "lion of Allah."

Batulla. Comes from the name of the Kaaba - the sacred center of pilgrimage in Mecca.

Gabit. This word refers to a true believer who worships Allah.

Gaden. Bashkir names for boys are often given in honor of some religious concepts and terms. For example, this name is the Arabic name for heaven.

Ghazi. This word itself means a person who is waging a diligent struggle for faith.

Gaifulla. The literal meaning is "mercy of God."

Galimullah. Translated into Russian this is male name means "the omniscience of Allah."

Zainulla. Religious epithets are also common names for boys among Bashkirs. Bashkir modern names, of course, most often have Islamic correlations rather than original pagan ones. For example, this name translates as “ornament of Allah.”

Dina. Bashkir female names also often have religious connotations. In this case, the name is translated as “faith” and has Arabic roots.

Dayan. It is a religious term that has become a name. Means the highest, that is, heavenly, divine court.

Daniyal. This is a masculine name that means “close to Allah.”

Zahid. In Arabic, this word refers to an ascetic of faith, an ascetic.

Ziyatdin. This name is another religious term. In this case it means one who preaches religion. In one word it can be translated as “missionary”.

Isfandiyar. The name is of ancient Iranian origin. Translated as “gift of the saint.”

Islam. Also female uniform Islamia. The obvious meaning comes from the name of the Muslim religion.

Ismail. Some Bashkir male names come from ancient Hebrew. This is one of them, and it means “God heard.”

Indira. Bashkir girl names are very rarely associated with non-Islamic religious concepts. Given name- exception. It comes from Sanskrit and is the name of the Hindu goddess of war.

Ilyas. Means "the power of Allah."

Iman. This is another word for faith. But this time the name is male.

Kamaletdin. A complex Arabic name that can be translated as “excellence in religion” or “religious perfection.”

Kashfulla. Translated as “revelation from Allah.”

Strength and power

Azamat. Name Arab origin, meaning warrior or hero. Can also be translated by the word "knight".

Aziz. Also the female form of Aziz. These are beautiful Bashkir names meaning “mighty”, “mighty”.

Leopard. From the Old Turkic language this name is translated as “strong”.

Bahadir. This name is a Persian word meaning "hero".

Pick up Also the female form of Zabir. Means “solid”, “unbending”, “unbroken”.

Zufar. In Arabic this name means "winner".

Ishbulat. A Turkic name that literally translates as “like damask steel.” Means a very strong person.

Kahir. Also the female form of Kahira. Means a person who has won a victory in some kind of struggle.


Amir. Also the female form of Amir. The name is of Arabic origin. Is a term denoting a ruler.

Akhund. This is a Turkic name that can be translated as “lord”.

Banu. Many Bashkir female names, just like male ones, are associated with the concepts of power and dominance. For example, this name is of Persian origin and means “lady.”

Bika. Means the same as the previous one. But it comes from the Turkic language.

Gayan. This word denotes a noble person, an aristocrat.

Ildar. Bashkir boy names with the meaning "lord" include this name of mixed Tatar-Persian origin.

Mirgali. Translated as “great king.”


Asan. In the Turkic language this name means “healthy”.

Bilal. The meaning is the same as the previous name. But the origin of this variant is Arabic.

Sabit. Means “strong”, “possessing good health”.

Salamat. Male name meaning "healthy".

Salima. Female name, meaning "healthy".


Diamond. Many Bashkir names and their meanings come from the names of jewelry or words that are somehow associated with the concepts of wealth, abundance and prosperity. This is an Arabic word, also common in Russian and meaning gem, is a fairly popular name among the Bashkirs.

Accordion. This word is of mixed Arabic-Mongolian origin. It means "wealth". Often appears as part of complex, compound names.

Bikbay. This is what a very rich or even too rich person is called in the Turkic language.

Ghani. Means in Arabic a rich person, usually holding some kind of government position.

Dinar. Also the female form of Dinara. Derived from the name of the coin of the same name. Metaphorically means preciousness and wealth.

Maysara. Means “wealth”, “abundance”.

Margarita. Name Greek origin. Is the name of pearl.


Aglia. Many girls' names in the world are associated with the concept of beauty. Bashkir modern and old names are no exception. This name, for example, means “very beautiful.”

Azhar. Male names are also sometimes associated with beauty. In this case, the adverb can be translated as “extremely beautiful.”

Alice. The name is of Germanic origin. Its direct meaning is “beautiful”.

Bella. The meaning of this name is similar to the previous one. But it comes from Latin.

Guzel. This name can lead the Bashkir names in popularity. Girls are often called Guzels, because it means “beautiful.”

Jamil. Arabic male name meaning "handsome".

Zifa. Literally translated as “slim.”

Zukhra. From Arabic this word is translated as “brilliant”. As a personal name, it hints at the beauty of its owner.

Latifa. Another name with the meaning "beautiful".

Plants and animals

Aigul. Very Turkic in origin. It means "moon flower".

AK Bars. WITH Tatar language translated as "white leopard".

Arslan. Turkic word meaning lion.

Arslanbika. This is the feminine form of the previous name. Accordingly, it means a lioness.

Arthur. A name borrowed by the Bashkirs from Celtic languages ​​through English. Translated as "bear".

Assad. Another name meaning lion, but this time in Arabic. This word also refers to the Hijri month that falls during July.

Gulchechek. Many Bashkir girl names contain a floral theme. Beautiful and modern, they are very popular among the population of Bashkortostan. This option is, for example, the name of a rose.

Gul. The word itself means "flower". Very often girls are given this name.

Gulzifa. Literally means "flower garden". It is of Persian origin.

Zaytuna. This word refers to the olive tree. As common as a proper name.

Lala. This is what a tulip is called in Persian.

Laura. Name borrowed from Latin language. Derived from the name of the laurel tree.

Lily of the valley. A name that also denotes the famous flower of the same name.

Lei. Hebrew name. Derived from the name antelope.

Liana. French name. Comes from a plant of the same name.

Milyausha. In Persian, this is the name given to the violet flower.

Narat. In the Mongolian and Turkic languages, this is the name of any evergreen tree.

Narbek. which comes from the name of the fruit of the pomegranate tree.

Rachel. A Hebrew name that means "sheep".

Mignonette. A name borrowed from French that is the same name for a flower with a very pleasant aroma.

Personality qualities

Agdalia. Means "most fair".

Agzam. A male name that can be translated as “tall.” Often used as a component in complex compound names.

Adeline. A name borrowed from the Germanic language. Translated as “honest” or “decent”.

Aybat. An Arabic dialect that translates to “authoritative.”

Akram. This word refers to the quality of generosity in Arabic. As a male name, it means a generous person.

Alan. In Turkic it means “good-natured”.

Arsen. A name of Greek origin, common among Muslims. It is translated as “fearless”, “brave”.

Asgat. Literally means “the happiest.”

Asia. It can be translated as “comforting” or “healing.”

Asliya. Another female Arabic name. Translated as “real” “sincere”.

Asma. Literally means "high". Metaphorically can be translated as “sublime.”

Asphat. This is what they call a good, kind person.

Afzal. In Arabic it means “most worthy.”

Ahad. Translated as “the only one.”

Ahmad. Arabic word meaning "glorified".

Amine. Also the female form of Amina. Means "faithful".

Bugman. This word refers to a person who is distinguished by goodwill.

Bahir. A word that conveys the property of “openness”.

Gabbas. Means "gloomy" or "gloomy".

Gadel. The female form is Gadila. The name is derived from the concept of justice.

Galiullah. This is a masculine name, which means a person who enjoys a certain authority among others.

Gamil. This adverb is derived from the Arabic word meaning hard work.

Gafar. It means a merciful, forgiving person.

Gafiyat. Translated as "calmness".

Gayaz. Means "helper".

Garay. This is a Persian word whose meaning is “worthy person.”

Dawood. A Hebrew name meaning "beloved."

Darisa. In Arabic, this word refers to a teacher. Used by the Bashkirs as a proper name.

Dilyara. Feminine Persian adverb meaning beloved.

Dilbar. Another word borrowed from Persian. Conventionally, it can be translated as “charming,” but in meaning it is closer to the previous name, that is, it means a woman who is loved for her charm.

Zaki. Translated as “virtuous.”

Zalika. In Arabic, this is the name of an eloquent woman.

Zalia. Literally "blonde", that is, a fair-haired woman.

Insaf. In Arabic, this word means a well-mannered and fair person.

Kadim. Also the female form is Kadima. “Old”, “ancient”, “ancient” - this is how this name is translated.

Kazim. The word comes from an Arabic root meaning patience, and - as - characterizes a patient person.

Kaila. Feminine Arabic adverb meaning “chatty”, “talkative”.

Karim. Also the female form of Karim. Represents a magnanimous, noble and generous person.

Clara. An adverb of German-Latin origin. Means "light".

Kamal. Means "mature" in Arabic.

Minnulla. This masculine name is given to a child whose appearance is distinguished by a special birthmark.

Wisdom and Intelligence

Aglyam. This name itself means a person who knows a lot. Often used as component complex names.

Agilya. This is what a smart woman is called.

Alim. A male name meaning "knowing". The origin of the name is Arabic.

Bakir. Means a student, that is, a person who studies something.

Galim. An Arabic word that denotes an intelligent, educated, learned person.

Galima. This is the feminine form of the previous name.

Garif. This name means a person who has specific knowledge about something. It can be translated by the word “informed.”

Dana. This is a feminine dialect of Persian origin. Translated as “possessing knowledge.”

Danis. But this means knowledge itself in Persian.

For peace. Translated as "mind".

Zarif. A masculine name that refers to a person who is affectionate, polite, and courteous.

Idris. Another Arabic word for student.

Katiba. Men's uniform- Katib. This Arabic word refers to a person who writes.

Nabib. Means "smart" in Arabic.

Heavenly bodies

Aiban. Heavenly bodies are a frequent topic with which Bashkir names for girls come into contact. Beautiful and modern, they occupy a special place in the onomasticon of the Bashkirs. This name is complex in its composition. Its meaning can be translated by the phrase “a girl like a moon.”

Ainur. This name is of Arab-Tatar origin. It means "moonlight". Can be either male or female.

Aisylu. This is feminine Tatar name, whose meaning can be conveyed by the words “beauty like a moon.”

Aytugan. This is a masculine name that literally translates to “moon rising.”

Kamaria. Another adverb from the cycle of lunar names. Translated as “light as a moon.”

Najmi. Means "star" in Arabic.

    “O you who believe! Eat the good food We have provided for you, and give thanks to Allah, if you worship Him.” (2/172)

    “Oh people! Eat on this earth what is lawful and pure, and do not follow in the footsteps of the shaitan, for, truly, he is a clear enemy for you. Verily, he commands you only evil and abomination and teaches you to blame on Allah what you do not know.” (2/168,169)

    “Among people there are those who equate [idols] with Allah and love them as they love Allah. But Allah is loved more by those who believe. Oh, if only the wicked could know - and they will know this when they are punished on the Day of Judgment - that power belongs only to Allah, that Allah is severe in punishment." (2/165)

    “Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, in the alternation of night and day, in the [creation of] a ship that floats on the sea with goods useful to people, in the rain that Allah caused to fall from the sky, and then revived its dry land and settled on it all kinds of animals, in the changing winds, in the clouds, submissive [to the will of Allah] between heaven and earth - in all this are signs for reasonable people" (2/164)

    “Perform salat, give zakat, and whatever good you do in advance, find it from Allah. Indeed, Allah sees your deeds." (2/110)

    “...Don’t be an unbeliever...” (2/104)

    “...Hold tightly to what We have given you, and listen!...” (2/93)

    “…“Believe in what Allah has revealed...” (2/91)

    “...Do not shed each other’s blood without right and do not drive each other out of your homes!..” (2/84)

    “...Your God is one God, there is no deity but Him, the merciful, the merciful.” (2/163)

    “...Do not worship anyone except Allah, treat your parents, as well as relatives, orphans, and the poor with dignity. Say nice things to people, say prayers, give out zakat...” (2/83)

    “...Follow what Allah has revealed...” (2/170)

    “...Hold tightly to what has been given to you, remember what is contained in what has been given, and then perhaps you will become God-fearing...” (2/63)

    “...Eat of what Allah has given you as an inheritance, and do not commit mischief on earth...” (2/60)

    “...Cry: “[Forgive us our] sins...” (2/58)

    “...Taste of the good things that We have given you as an inheritance...” (2/57)

    “Will you really call people to virtue, consigning your [deeds] to oblivion, because you [yourself] know how to read Scripture? Don't you want to think about it? Seek help in trust in Allah and prayer ritual. Truly, salat (namaz) is a heavy burden [for everyone] except the humble..." (2/44,45)

    “Do not confuse truths with lies, do not hide the truth if you know it. Make salat, perform sunset, and kneel with those who kneel.” (2/42.43)

    “Remember the favor I showed you. Be faithful to the covenant that [you] made to Me, and I will be faithful to the covenant that I made to you. And only fear Me. Believe in what I have sent down to confirm what you have, and do not rush to reject it before anyone else. Do not sell My signs for a small price and fear Me only.” (2/40.41)

    … “Fear the fire of hell, in which people and stones burn and which is prepared for the infidels. Give joy (O Muhammad) to those who believe and do good deeds: for they are prepared for the Gardens of Eden where streams flow.” (2/24.25)

    “[Worship the Lord], who made the earth your bed and the sky your shelter, who sent down rainwater from the sky and brought forth fruits on the earth for your sustenance. Do not equate [idols] with Allah, for you know [that they are not equal].” (2/22)

    “...(O people!) Repent before the Creator...” (2/54)

    “Oh people! Worship your Lord who created you and those who lived before you, and then you will become God-fearing.” (2/21)

    “Believe as [other] people have believed”….. (2/13)

    …“Do not commit wickedness on earth!”….. (2/11)

    “Our Lord! Indeed, we have believed. So forgive us our sins and save us from the torment of hellfire, "who are patient, truthful, humble, spend in alms and ask for [Allah's] forgiveness at dawn." (3/16,17)

    “Our Lord! You embrace all things with grace and knowledge. Forgive those who repented and stepped on Your path, and protect them from the punishment of hell. Our Lord! Lead them into the gardens of paradise that You promised them, as well as the righteous among their fathers, spouses and descendants. Truly, You are great and wise. Protect them from misfortune, and You also had mercy on those whom You protected from misfortune that Day. This is great luck." (40/7-9)

    "God! Forgive me and my parents and those who entered my house as believers, as well as believing men and women. Increase only destruction for sinners!” (71/28)

    "God! Truly, a misfortune has befallen me, and You are the most merciful of the merciful.” (21/83)

    "God! Include me and some of my descendants among those who perform prayer. Our Lord! Heed my plea. Our Lord! Forgive me, my parents and believers on the day of reckoning.” (14/40.41)

    “Our Lord! Truly, You know both what we hide and what we do openly. Nothing is hidden from Allah, neither on earth nor in heaven.” (14/38)

    “Our Lord! I settled part of my descendants in a valley where no grain grows, near Your reserved temple. Our Lord! Let them say prayer. Incline the hearts of people towards them, give them fruits, perhaps they will thank [You].” (14/37)

    "Oh my God! Grant my city security and protect me and my sons from idol worship. God! Indeed, they have led many people astray. Whoever follows me [from my descendants] is mine [by faith], and if anyone disobeys me, then You are the Forgiving, the Merciful.” (14/35,36)

    “Our Lord! We have punished ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will certainly be among the victims.” (7/23)

    “Our Lord! Grant us what You promised through the mouth of the messengers, and do not disgrace us on the Day of Resurrection. You don’t break promises.” (3/194)

    “Our Lord! Whoever you lead into hellfire will be disgraced. And the wicked have no intercessors! Our Lord! We heard a herald who called to faith with the words: “Believe in your Lord,” and we believed. Forgive us our sins and forgive us our sins and rest us [together] with the pious2. (3/192-193)

    “Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, in the alternation of day and night, there are true signs for those who have understanding, who remember Allah standing, and sitting, and [lying] on their sides and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth [and say]: “Our Lord “You did not do all this in vain. Glorious are You! Protect us from the torment of fire.”

    “Our Lord! After You have directed our hearts to the straight path, do not turn them away [from it]. Grant us mercy from You, for truly You are the giver.” (3/8)

    “Our Lord! Don't punish us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Lord! Do not place on us the burdens that you placed on previous generations. Our Lord! Don't put on us what we can't do. Have pity, forgive us and have mercy, You are our ruler. So help us against the unbelieving people.” (2/286)

    “Our Lord! Grant us goodness in this world and in the future and save us from the torment of fire.” (2/201)

    “Our Lord! Send to our descendants a messenger from among them, who will tell them Your signs, teach them the Scripture and [divine] wisdom, and cleanse them [from filth], for You are great and wise.” (2/129)

    “Our Lord! Make us devoted to You, and from our descendants - a community devoted to You, and show us the rites of worship. Accept our repentance, for truly You are Forgiving and Merciful.” (2/128)

    “Our Lord! Accept from us [righteous deeds and supplications], for You are truly the Hearing, the Knowing.” (2/127)

    ... "God! Make this country safe and give fruits to those of its inhabitants who believe in Allah and the Day of Judgment.” (2/126)

The main feature of the personal names of the Bashkirs is their expression of certain semantics. Bashkir names include the following:

  • names of stones, metals;
  • natural phenomena;
  • names of flowers, animals;
  • birth nicknames;
  • names of planets, stars;
  • name of days of the week, months, etc.

That is, they all reflect the characteristics of perception outside world and national mentality.

Bashkir names in different periods

In the history of Bashkir names, several periods are distinguished, which can be divided into the following types according to their origin:

  • Turkic names associated with the names of rivers, animals, relatives, plants, etc. For example: Tolkө “fox”, Aҡ “white”, bure “wolf”, Emesh “fruit”, Irandek (river), Kyҙyl “red”. Today these are quite rare Bashkir names.
  • Persian and Arabic names. After the adoption of Islam there appeared following names: Љata “gift”, Bәҙәr “moon”, Zamira “heart”, Bary “creator”, etc. The list of Bashkir names also includes epithets of Allah and the names of the Prophet Muhammad: Yappar “mighty”, Amina, Safiya, Dinbai, Sauda, ​​Afzaletdin, etc.
  • German names: Elvira, Adele, Alice; Greek: Agate, Arsen.

In the 30s of the 20th century, Bashkir names appeared that reflect new trends public life: Telman, Commune, Marx, Engels, Aida, Frunze, Madrid, later Yuri - in honor of the first man to conquer space. IN modern names Bashkirs can notice various suffix groups and name-forming components, for example: Minle-kai, Kin-kai; Aral-bai, Ish-bulat, Ba-shir, etc.

Frequent name components

The meaning of a Bashkir name depends on the various components used in its composition - words that are found in many Turkic languages: gol “flower”, ish “pair”, ay “moon”, timer “iron”, yul “road”, tan “dawn”, damask steel “steel”, bai “master”, etc. Thus, due to the presence of name-forming components, they contained information about their nationality. As a rule, the active word-forming component was in the first and last place names: Ai+dar, Bik+bai, Din+bai, Yul+dash, Bai+guyasa, Ish+murat, Yakshy+bai, etc.

How Bashkir names were given

A Bashkir name for the child was selected midwife. If the elders of the clan liked it, then the newborn was called that; if he was considered unsuitable, later the baby was given a different name. Also interesting is the tradition passed down from generation to generation: naming a child with a name that is consonant with the names of the closest relatives. For example: Lilo - Zilo, Anis - Anisa, Ibrahim - Ismoil, Dim - Rome, etc. Another one is the use of the component “kinye”, which means “last child”, in the case of birth last baby in family. If another child was born after him, then he was named Altyn, which means “golden”, or Artyk – “superfluous”. In this way, the elders expressed their attitude towards the newborn.

The emergence of new names

Today, some parents name their babies without following age-old traditions Bashkir people. Modern Bashkir names are chosen according to the zodiac sign, numerological indicators, horoscope, etc., that is, they have different origins. For example: Liana, Ernest, Dina, Marat, Regina, etc.

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