Ballerinas. Pavel Dmitrichenko: “Everything that does not kill us makes us stronger Husband of Angelina Vorontsova

Russian ballerina Angelina Vorontsova, known for her performances in the troupes of the Bolshoi (Moscow) and Mikhailovsky (St. Petersburg) theaters.

Angelina was born and raised in Voronezh. She became interested in ballet "inexcusably" late - at the age of 12. It is believed that at this age it is already too late to start, but at that time Vorontsova had several years in rhythmic gymnastics behind her shoulders, and this allowed her to easily “enter” the new world of artists for her. Angelina began training in ballet art at the Voronezh Choreographic School and, while still a schoolgirl, won her first two awards - the Crystal Slipper in Kharkov and the prize-winning place of the Arabesque competition in Perm. Immediately after that, she was invited to the capital, where the promising young ballerina was immediately transferred to the Moscow State Academy of Choreography.

The creative path of Anzhelina Vorontsova / Anzhelina Vorontsova

Further creative destiny Angelina has already been decided for several years to come. Immediately after graduating from the academy, she was "taken" by the ballet troupe Bolshoi Theater, where Vorontsova very soon began to perform solo and main parts.

At the age of 18, Angelina took part in the Moscow International Competition of Ballet Dancers and Choreographers, where she won the Gold Medal.

In 2013, the ballerina moved to St. Petersburg, where she became an artist Mikhailovsky Theater. According to Angelina, the reason for this was the creative stagnation within the Bolshoi Theater. Vorontsova wanted more, and Mikhailovsky gave her a chance to get it. On the stage of the St. Petersburg theater, a young ballerina plays leading roles in such famous productions, How " Swan Lake”, “The Nutcracker”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Giselle, or Wilis”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “La Bayadère”, “Don Quixote”, “Corsair” and others.

Anzhelina Vorontsova: “You know, it's some kind of delusion that any artist who comes to the theater from outside is met with disapproval. Believe me, it's not. When you go on stage, it immediately becomes clear to everyone whether you deserve it or not. If you do not reach this level, then some conversations begin. But all this passed me by. The troupe of the Mikhailovsky Theater is very friendly. I don't have a problem with anyone here."

Angelina Vorontsova, whose name was associated two years ago with an attack on the artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater Ballet Sergei Filin, got married. But not with the dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko, who is now serving a sentence. Angelina became the wife of another man.

Nobody has forgotten this terrible state of emergency in the world of art. Acid was thrown in the face of Sergei Filin, and one of the leading dancers was named the customer of this monstrous crime Big Pavel Dmitrichenko. According to the investigation, Angelina was his girlfriend, Filin did not let her grow, oppressed her in every possible way, so Dmitrichenko took revenge.

According to the teacher and the first partner of Vorontsova at the Bolshoi Theater Nikolai Tsiskaridze, "in what they said and wrote, there are three percent truth." Tsiskaridze said that at the time of the crime, Pavel and Angelina had almost parted.

A year ago, while in prison, Pavel got married, - said Nikolai Tsiskaridze. And more recently, on September 21, 2015, Angelina married Mikhail Tatarnikov, chief conductor and music director Mikhailovsky Theatre. There she is now on staff as a leading ballerina.

The ballerina was tried to be broken by behind-the-scenes intriguers, who are many in the ballet world. Who exactly, Tssikaridze did not name. But, as we see, everything is going well for her - both in her career and in personal life. Already at the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg, she danced 17 parts. But for Pavel Dmitrichenko, intriguers broke his career and life. Although there are big doubts about his guilt even after the trial.

According to Tsiskaridze, Dmitrichenko will not return to the profession. Unlike Vorontsova, his career is over. “It’s not even worth deceiving yourself. Pasha, I think no one understands this. Ballet is a daily workout. Even half a year or a year of break for ballet is too much. And there is too long a break,” said Nikolai Maksimovich.

Angelina Vorontsova was born in Voronezh on December 17, 1991. She studied at gymnasium No. 4 and was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, performed at all-Russian competitions. She started ballet at the age of 12. In 2003-2008 studied at the Voronezh Choreographic School, where her teachers were famous ballerinas in the past, folk artists RSFSR: first Marina Leonkina, then Nabilya Valitova and Tatyana Frolova.

In 2008 she was admitted to the Moscow State Academy of Choreography in the class of teacher N. Arkhipova. In 2009 she graduated from the Academy and was invited to the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia. She rehearsed under the direction of Nikolai Tsiskaridze, he was also the first partner of Vorontsova in the performances of the Bolshoi Theater.

Since July 2013 she has been a ballerina of the Mikhailovsky Theatre. In the current repertoire of the ballerinas there are leading and solo parts in the ballets Giselle, or Wilis, Swan Lake, La Bayadère, Don Quixote, Halt of the Cavalry, Laurencia, Flames of Paris, Class Concert ”, “Vain Precaution”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “The Nutcracker”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Prelude”, “White Darkness”. She took part in tours of the Mikhailovsky Theater in the USA.

Often, many people are not immediately able to find their true calling in life. So it happened with the notorious Angelina Vorontsova. It is today that she cannot imagine what she will do without ballet, but there was a time when the ex-Prima of the Bolshoi Theater did not even think about doing “great art” ...


The ballerina Vorontsova was born in Voronezh in 1991. Subjects at school were easy for her, and she studied for one five. From childhood, the heroine of our story showed a special interest in rhythmic gymnastics, and, despite young age has repeatedly achieved success in this field. The girl took part in many competitions and was preparing to conquer even the international Olympus.

Once a friend suggested future star Bolshoi Theater to try your hand at choreography. But in order to master this art professionally, you need to study. And then the young Vorontsova decides to enter a specialized school in Voronezh.


It should be noted that not all teachers positively assessed the girl's abilities. Twelve is not the right age to start ballet. She was enrolled not in the first, and not in the second, but already in the third grade, which means that precious years have been lost. Few believed in the career of an overgrown girl. However, this did not stop Angelina from striving to achieve success in great art. Her incredible perseverance and hard work did their job. Ballerina Vorontsova spent time dancing almost the whole week, taking a break only on Sunday. She even dreamed of ballet at night, and only in it did she see the meaning of her life. Naturally, the final dance exam was passed with excellent marks.

First achievements

Already from the age of 16 young ballerina Vorontsova could boast of her first victories in great art.

A young lady goes to the Kharkov competition " glass slipper". She was able to make the characters played so bright and unique that the jury members, together with the audience, unconditionally awarded her the first prize.

And already in 2008, the ballerina Vorontsova was invited as a participant in the Arabesque competition. And this time luck smiles at her: she is awarded as many as four special awards for the fact that she was able to bypass not only Russian, but also foreign competitors. As a bonus, the girl receives two hundred thousand rubles.

A year later, the young talent becomes the owner of a grant in prestigious award"Triumph". In addition, she takes first place in a competition organized in the Russian capital, dancing with a partner.

The secret of victory

Ballerina Anzhelina Vorontsova explains her success painstaking work, diligence and diligence. She will not be satisfied until she has perfected every movement. You can not discount the factor of good heredity. According to the teachers, Anzhelika Vorontsova is a ballerina with an ideal physique.

Success in the capital

After winning the Arabesque competition, the young prima leaves Voronezh for Moscow.

She accepts an invitation from the capital's academy of choreography. Studying at such a prestigious university is the dream of many ballerinas, and Angelina does not miss this opportunity. Currently, she is a graduate of the aforementioned academy, and the doors of the leading institutions of art in Moscow are wide open for her. One of them was the Bolshoi Theater, where a young prima was invited. It was a resounding success for Vorontsova. But the surprises didn't end there. The girl's mentor was Nikolai Tsiskaridze, who is one of the leading experts in choreography.

Ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater Anzhelina Vorontsova never dreamed of such a turn of events. The debut work at the Bolshoi Theater was the performance "Paquita", which won audience sympathy not only in Russia, but also abroad. Ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater Anzhelina Vorontsova can be proud of her brilliantly performed images in productions of La Bayadère, Don Quixote, and Le Corsaire. The audience especially remembered her solo part in the play "Diamonds", as well as the role of the Russian bride in "Swan Lake".

Who helped Prim achieve success

Of course, the ballerina Angelina Vorontsova, whose biography is remarkable, could not have achieved high victories in choreography without the faith and efforts of teachers who did not doubt her talent at all. This, of course, is about the mentor Tatyana Frolova, who taught the future ballet star at the Voronezh Academy. It was thanks to her participation that Angelina Vorontsova was able to repeatedly win in youth competitions.

And, of course, her teacher made a huge contribution to the development of the girl’s talent, famous Nicholas Tsiskaridze. In his opinion, Angelina Vorontsova is a very gifted person. Nikolai is very glad that she was the one he got as a student.

Here is how he speaks about his ward: “I had to work with a unique nature. But it should be noted that when a young girl, in addition to rare creativity, there is also impeccable external data, then this is a real tragedy. Such people often become the object of envy.

Indeed, Angelina's beauty is irresistible: it can be compared with that of Dina Vorontsova, a ballerina with a bright appearance who lived in the first half of the last century.

Naturally, relatives and friends helped the girl to take steps on the path to fame. The moral support of the family - parents and sisters - is worth a lot. The young ballerina always remembers her loved ones and regularly spends her holidays with them.

Leaving the Big…

It so happened that Angelina had to terminate the contract with the directorate of the Bolshoi Theater. Decision the young ballet star motivated by the fact that in this famous temple of Melpomene they began to trust her less significant parties, and this hinders development creativity. It is noteworthy that Vorontsova announced her decision shortly before Nikolai Tsiskaridze himself was forced to say goodbye to the Bolshoi Theater. However, this story is not without its pitfalls...


Once, a real scandal erupted at the Bolshoi Theater, in which Angelina Vorontsova was involuntarily involved.

Soon after she began working at the Bolshoi Theater, the theater team was replenished with another ballet dancer - Sergei Filin. Relations with the artistic director of Vorontsova did not work out, which colleagues in the workshop could not help but notice. The ballerina's mentor has repeatedly emphasized that Sergei Filin does not allow her ward's talent to reveal itself in the entire range. Tsiskaridze simply wondered why Angelina Vorontsova was not trusted by the main parties. This state of affairs did not suit the civil spouse of the prima, Pavel Dmitrichenko. Presumably, the latter splashed acid in the face of the offender of his beloved, trying to in a non-standard way to convince Owl that he deliberately does not notice the girl's talent. The incident occurred right at the entrance of the house where the artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater lives. As a result, a criminal case was initiated. The court found Pavel Dmitrichenko guilty. Russian media filled with notes, covering this story.

One way or another, but Angelina Vorontsova at first had no idea why the conflict broke out between her Dmitrichenko and Sergey Filin, and until a certain moment she believed in the innocence of her cohabitant.

northern capital

Currently, the young ballet star serves in it. She has already played over 14 main parts in it, and experts note that this was done at a high professional level. In any case, Angelina Vorontsova has every opportunity to reveal her creative potential.

On March 8, the young soloist of the Mikhailovsky Theater Angelina Vorontsova will make her debut in Nacho Duato's Romeo and Juliet

On the eve of her premiere, the ballerina told VP about why she left the Bolshoi Theater, how she was met at Mikhailovsky, and why it is more difficult to dance in soft shoes than on pointe shoes.

At the Bolshoi Theater I had no creative growth

- Angelina, you left the Bolshoi Theater shortly after the resignation of Nikolai Tsiskaridze. For what reason? Is your dismissal related to the story of the attack on Sergei Filin?
— The most main reason I didn't have creative growth there. But I remained in the theater while my teacher Nikolai Maksimovich Tsiskaridze worked there. We rehearsed performances with him in which I did not dance. It was a huge job - luggage that could come in handy for me in further career. When he left the theater, I was left even without such an optional job. At that time, I already had several offers from different theaters. The invitation received from the Mikhailovsky Theater seemed the most tempting to me - to dance in the ballet The Flames of Paris, staged by Mikhail Messerer. I was not busy with the repertoire of the Bolshoi Theatre. Therefore, I asked the management to give me a vacation at my own expense for two months. But they didn't let me go. I realized that I could not be without work for two months, and went to Mikhailovsky. In the ballet "The Flames of Paris" I danced two parts - Diana Mireille and Jeanne.

Was it difficult to prepare two complex and different games so quickly?
- Mikhail Grigorievich Messerer said that I have a wide role and I can dance different roles. And these words inspired me a lot to work on the part of Zhanna. The rehearsal period lasted a month. First, when I arrived, I started rehearsing the part of Diana Mireille. I danced this part at the Bolshoi too, but it was in a completely different edition. Then Mikhail Messerer suggested that I try myself in the role of Zhanna. And this party is completely different, it is more characteristic, I have never performed in this role before. It so happened that on the day of the premiere I went on stage as Diana Mireille, and the next day I was already dancing Jeanne.

- And you were immediately offered a contract?
- Yes, I was immediately invited to the ballerina's bet.

How did your colleagues at the Mikhailovsky Theater welcome you? A young ballerina, came from Moscow, immediately the main parts ...
- What's so strange about that?

- So your colleagues were glad to see you?
- You know, it's some kind of delusion that any artist who comes to the theater from outside is met with disapproval. Believe me, it's not. When you go on stage, it immediately becomes clear to everyone whether you deserve it or not. If you do not reach this level, then some conversations begin. But all this passed me by. The troupe of the Mikhailovsky Theater is very friendly. I don't have any problems with anyone here.

- Was it more difficult at the Bolshoi Theater?
- Yes, because there is a very large troupe, many artists, serious competition, and the management does not always distribute the work correctly - so that the artists do not take offense at each other.

Feet and knees are covered in blood, but these are trifles!

- Tell us a little about the ballet in which you will dance on March 8 ...
— I will take the stage for the first time as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, staged by Nacho Duato. I am lucky that my premiere will take place right now, because Nacho himself has arrived. He is no longer artistic director Mikhailovsky ballet troupe, but did not break the connection with the theater. There are directors who tell the dancers how to do it. Nacho is amazing. You just need to look at it and try to repeat it. All his ballets are so musical. The ballet "Romeo and Juliet" is staged for every measure, for every note. He hears music in a way that, probably, no one from modern directors hears.

Everything takes place in the same century as in Shakespeare's play, during the Renaissance, the costumes are historical, close to that era. And this is a ballet in which they dance not on pointe shoes, but in soft shoes. For me it new technology, and I was very interested in learning it. A modern dancer must be able to work in different styles, genres, techniques. Of course, the transition from pointe shoes to soft shoes is fraught with injuries. But now my repertoire is so built that I only rehearse Romeo and Juliet. Of course, the feet and knees are covered in blood, all bruised, but these are trifles!

- Do you think such love as Juliet's is possible these days?
“I think women have changed. Maybe it happens to someone else as well. But the majority modern women they have their own tasks, goals in life, work ... So, to take one's own life in the name of love ... Few people are capable of this.

I got into ballet from rhythmic gymnastics

What family are you from? Are your parents - people of art, connected with ballet?
- No, my parents are doctors, my older sister - dentist. And I got into ballet from rhythmic gymnastics, which I have been doing since the age of 5. I had some success, I became a candidate for master of sports at the age of 10. And when I quit gymnastics, my choreographer, who gave me numbers, got upset. And he advised me to go to ballet. I did so. I passed the exams at the ballet school in Voronezh, and I was accepted immediately into the third grade.

What do you have to give up for ballet?
“I realized a long time ago that I can’t live without my profession. Therefore, all restrictions for me are self-evident. If we talk about the diet, then, of course, I eat a little. It often happens that for the whole day it is not possible to eat at all. I rehearse all the time. Today, let's say, I had a class, and then six hours of rehearsal - a general rehearsal, then an hour and a half we attended a rehearsal with Natasha Osipova, then an hour and a half I had my own rehearsal, then I immediately ran to you, and by seven I need to return to the run.

- But with such loads, energy is needed! Maybe, although sweet is possible?
- I eat sweets. For example, chocolate, because it gives energy. I can’t say that I don’t eat after six, because sometimes we don’t eat until six.

There is no time for food and for many other things. But it doesn't bother me. Work for the artist is the main thing. I noticed that when I have a lot of work, I feel better. When there is little work, I feel uncomfortable. I'm used to this rhythm.

- Well, do you find time to read, watch films, go to theaters?
- I go to the theater, I recently watched Eifman's ballets, I go to the Mariinsky Theater if possible, I watch movies at home, I read books before going to bed, thereby calming down.

- Do you have any idols?
- I have always admired Ekaterina Maximova, Nadezhda Pavlova and Lyudmila Semenyaka.

Photos provided by the press service of the Mikhailovsky Theater

When unknown, the administration of the country's main theater began to hint at the involvement of the famous dancer Nikolai Tsiskaridze in this crime. And the investigators, without further ado, were looking for a woman who could involuntarily push her to commit a crime. And it looks like they found it.

Meet: leading soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Anzhelina Vorontsova. Studied in Voronezh. Stars drew attention to her at the ballet competition in Perm Bolshoi Ballet Ekaterina Maksimova and Vladimir Vasiliev. Angelina finished her studies already in Moscow. At one of the concerts, she was seen by Sergei Filin, who was just taking charge of the ballet musical theater them. K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. A romantic relationship began between Filin and Vorontsova, and it is only natural that Angelina gave her word to become the soloist of Stasik. But she didn’t hold him back ... The fact is that she was also noticed at the Bolshoi Theater. And Angelina made her choice - not in favor of Sergei Filin. It can be understood: not every day they offer to dance on the legendary stage of the Bolshoi.

One can only guess what the young soloist experienced when her ex-lover moved to the Bolshoi Theater for the same position as artistic director of the ballet.

Filin began to put spokes in her wheels, - a source at the Bolshoi Theater told VM. And she began to look for another point of support.

As his tutor, which every soloist of the Bolshoi Ballet has, Vorontsova chose Nikolai Tsiskaridze. This is said to have helped her get a part in The Nutcracker, where she danced with her mentor. Angelina also had other winning parties - despite the fact that she is more of a characteristic ballerina and simply could not claim the title of prima ballerina.

As they say in the theater, in December Vorontsova went to Filin with a request to introduce her to Swan Lake. Filin, as expected, refused. Apparently, this decision became fatal for him ...

The fact is that Angelina for a long time was in a civil marriage with the Bolshoi Ballet soloist Pavel Dmitrichenko. Most recently, he danced Ivan the Terrible in the first performance since the return of this legendary production to historical scene Big. Ballet connoisseurs explain this not so much by Dmitrichenko's great talent as by the fact that he fell into the cohort of Yuri Grigorovich's favorites. The theater recalls, to put it mildly, the unbalanced character of the soloist. Perhaps it was the complaints of a beloved woman about former lover and pushed Dmitrichenko to commit a crime. At least, this version is now adhered to by the investigation.

Anzhelina Vorontsova / Nikolai Tsiskaridze - The Nutcracker


Angelina Vorontsova was born in Voronezh. In 2001-08 studied at the Voronezh State Choreographic School (teacher Tatyana Frolova). In 2008, having won the Arabesque competition, she was transferred to the third year of the Moscow State Academy of Choreography (teacher Natalia Arkhipova).

In 2009 she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Arts and was admitted to ballet troupe Bolshoi Theatre. Rehearses under the direction of Nikolai Tsiskaridze.

The debut performance of Anzhelina Vorontsova on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater as its artist was the premiere of Vladimir Vasiliev's ballet "The Spells of the Escher Family" to the music of G. Getty, which took place as part of the festival of the Russian National Orchestra.


In 2007, Angelina received the 1st prize at the International Youth Competition classical dance"Crystal Slipper" (category "solo") in Kharkov (Ukraine). In 2008 - I prize open competition ballet dancers of Russia "Arabesque" in Perm (category "solo"), as well as the prize of Natalia Makarova " Best dancer competition, prize for best performance numbers contemporary choreography(shared with the Perm participant of the competition), Diaghilev's house prize "Hope of Russia", diploma of the press jury "Opening of the competition" Arabesque ".

In 2009, Angelina received a youth grant from the Triumph Prize; Union Prize theatrical figures RF "Exercise", awarded to graduate students choreographic schools"for the successful attainment of the profession of a ballet dancer" (for the performance of the title role in the Grand Pas from "Paquita", a performance of the Moscow State Academy of Arts); 1st prize International Competition ballet dancers and choreographers in Moscow ( junior group, "duet").

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