Baba Yaga simple drawing. How to draw Baba Yaga with a broom with a pencil step by step

Now we have a lesson in drawing Baba Yaga with a pencil step by step from Soviet cartoon 1979 “Baba Yaga against”, and we will learn how to draw Baba Yaga on chalk and, the second option, in a mortar. The shapes are very simple, you can easily draw them. There is a more difficult lesson, located.

1.First of all, let’s draw Baba Yaga flying on a broom. This is a screenshot from the cartoon when she and Koshchei wanted to kidnap the symbol of the Olympics, the bear cub, but before they had time, he had already gone after her. Instead, Koschey caught Baba Yaga, thinking it was an Olympic bear.

Draw an oval at a certain angle, as in the picture, by the way, click on it to enlarge. Then draw the nose, mouth, scarf on the head, then the eyes and hair.

You must decide where the stick is located, then only based on this position you begin to draw the body and arms.

Let's paint it over.

2. Now we draw the evil Baba Yaga in a mortar, ready to take off.

Draw an oval face and a scarf on the head, nose, mouth.

Eyes, hair and polka dots on a headscarf.

We draw the stupa, determine where the broomstick will be, and draw the body.

Master class: Grandmother Yaga from the Forest Corner

Master class with step by step photos: How to draw Baba Yaga with gouache

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, Teacher, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education children "Children's art school named after A. A. Bolshakov", the city of Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.
Description: The material can be useful to everyone who is interested in creativity, Slavic culture and traditions, children 9-12 years old
Purpose: interior decoration, gift
Target: creating a fairy-tale portrait of Baba Yaga
-draw fairytale portrait Baba Yaga based on the project "Fairytale Map of Russia";
-improve skills in working in the gouache technique;
-foster interest in revival ancient traditions, the study of legends and tales, love and respect for cultural heritage of his people.

“One day you will be so old that you will start reading fairy tales again.” (Clive S. Lewis)
Hello, dear friends and guests! Today my work is dedicated to perhaps the most remarkable project in history modern Russia, which is interesting not only to children, but also to the adult generation. This is the "Fairytale Map of Russia" or "Fairytale Ring of Russia".
The Fairytale Map of Russia is a cultural and tourism interregional project aimed at the development and promotion of territories and regional attractions. The project is based on historical heritage countries of fairy tales, epics and legends. The task of the project is to find and substantiate the places of possible birth or existence of fairy-tale or epic heroes. Regional historians, local historians and philologists act as experts advising the author of the project on issues of determining the homeland of the fairy-tale hero. The author of the idea of ​​​​creating the “Fairytale Map of Russia” is Muscovite Alexey Kozlovsky.

Social project"Fairytale Map of Russia", launched in November 2010, is intended to combine all available information about the museums, estates and residences of all the heroes of Russian fairy tales and epics. The fairy-tale map of Russia indicates the habitats of native Russian fairy tale characters, and with each new year new heroes and fairy-tale places appear.
The leader among them is the Yaroslavl region. In its vastness live Baba Yaga, Alyosha Popovich, Emelya and Pike, Ryaba the chicken, Little Mouse, Vodyanoy and the whole Far Away Kingdom! It is not for nothing that the “First Fairytale Tour Operator” works here, which will take everyone who believes in miracles and does not want to part with their childhood on a journey through the “Fairytale Ring of Russia”. In May 2012, all the fairy-tale characters gathered in Kirov for the “Fairytale Olympics” and decided to jointly develop fairy-tale tourism. Now more than 25 regions of Russia invite you to visit their fairy-tale heroes.

So, on the fairy-tale map of Russia, Kukoboi is officially listed as the birthplace of Baba Yaga. This grandmother settled in the village of Kukoboy back in 2004. From ancient times, a Yaroslavl legend has come down about a mysterious, nameless old woman from the backyard. She lived in the depths of dense dense forests, rarely anyone managed to see her. By the way, the locals somewhat corrected the image of the dark character. Now Baba Yaga is here, a kind and fair old woman. She is the keeper of the customs and traditions of the family. Her wooden hut and personal museum are located in the center of the village. Grandma's signature tea room is also open. On the last Saturday of July everyone is invited to Baba Yaga's birthday.

I'll spit, rub and blow,
And I’ll whisper something quietly,
I will enchant whoever I want,
I will return someone to my beloved.
I've never made a mistake,
I know magic words.
There are herbs for damage and the evil eye,
And there is also grass for spoilage...
But ethnographer Anatoly Rusakov claims: “Baba Yaga has no place of residence! This is not a real man, A fairy tale image. Some call Baba Yaga a remnant of a funeral cult. Others are a Slavic goddess who was responsible for the initiation rite. There is an opinion that the word “Baba Yaga” translated from Finno-Ugric simply means “forest woman”, “witch doctor”. Tales about her were told throughout Rus'. So any region can declare itself the birthplace of Baba Yaga, but this will be historically incorrect."
And perhaps we should agree with this opinion! It turns out for the right to shelter some fabulous or literary hero many cities argue. And of course, every year the “Fairytale Map” is replenished with new heroes and fabulous places, and there is still more to come... Our country is great, its open spaces are wide and every corner is truly fabulous, has its own legends and tales. And my story today is about one of these fabulous places, and that place is called “Forest Corner”.

Baba Yaga comes from Furmanovo! Local historians from the Ivanovo region are sure of this, having installed a hut there on chicken legs; she is also the first weaver in the region.
The original name is Furmanova-Sereda. This is the basis of one of the main arguments of Furman’s local historians. After all, Sereda, according to Slavic mythology, was the name of Baba Yaga's middle daughter.
Sereda is the name of the first settler, who was Baba Yaga and her daughters, the leader is sure creative association"Spectrum" Lev Ulyev. Interestingly, Sereda is considered the patroness of weaving. Not a single fairy tale tells of Baba Yaga without a spinning wheel. So why shouldn’t its homeland be the Ivanovo region, which is famous for its textile industry?
In addition, the names of the villages of the Furmanovsky district - Babino, Stupino, Metlinskoye, Koshcheevo, Igrischi (according to mythology, a place of pagan festivals), Ivantsevo - clearly indicate fairy-tale motifs.

Having cast aside all doubts, Furmanov’s local historians set out to determine the location of the hut itself:
- This must be an energetically charged place. We crawled around half the area with special frames, with rings on strings,” says Andrei Vorobiev, chairman of the Center for Alternative History. - And we found the ideal place - a triangular hill four kilometers from Furmanov, not far from the village of Belino.
- Local residents“They asked, but they don’t even know about the existence of this hill,” Lev Ulyev is surprised. In a word, miracles. Nature even prepared the traps in this place that Baba Yaga loved to set for people. For example, deceptive trails. You are walking along one of them, and suddenly a sharp cliff awaits you.

The fairy-tale heroine’s home was built right in the Furmanovsky Palace of Culture - from old boards and poles collected throughout the city. Then they transported him along the wall to the hill.
In the same house measuring three by six meters, without windows, doors or floors, on four birch legs, the builders stayed overnight. And Baba Yaga gave them a “test”.

At night there was a heavy downpour. The rain was so strong that people were knocked off their feet and seemed to be pushed off the top of the hill. And the next morning two pots disappeared without a trace.
The installed hut is rather a symbol than the real house of Baba Yaga. When Yozhka has a good-quality hut with all the utensils, then she will obviously return the missing pots, the builders thought then.

So, in the Ivanovo region, in the Furmanovsky district there are very old village Novino. And it is so old that the nature here is completely special - wide fields, endless forests and cold springs keep the mysteries of ancient times and the smell of ancient legends, Grandma Yaga's guest house "Forest Corner" is located right in this village, on the verge of two worlds , in the middle of a dark forest...

Not everyone has the chance to end up in Leshy’s lair, much less in Baba Yaga’s hut. In the "Forest Corner" this is par for the course - Baba Yaga lives here. Everyone knows about the witchcraft and tricks of Baba Yaga and many are even afraid of her, but this Grandmother is not like that. He sings and dances, removes damage, cures all ailments and illnesses, and most importantly, lifts the spirits of everyone without exception. Both adults and children are happy to be photographed hugging Baba Yaga.

Sometimes guests from Rus' drop by, trying to eat some, and welcoming others. He will help some in words, help others in deeds, and bake others in the oven. Next door to her live the Goblin Yashka the Robber - a very charismatic personality, but very loud, and Kikimora the Swamp - a girl of indescribable beauty, overgrown with mold and mud. They go to visit each other, build intrigues and plot pranks.

Get under New Year in that fairy world and feel the witchcraft of evil spirits, walk along the cherished path and take part in the witchcraft, meet in magical forest with Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Both children and adults will be able to have a healthy and fun time here; unforgettable experiences and memorable souvenirs await everyone here! And if you're lucky, Yaga will make your wish come true!

Materials and tools:
- A3 sheet
-simple pencil
-water jar

Progress of the master class:

Let's start working with pencil sketch. Approximately in the middle of the sheet we draw a “hook” nose, in other words, a curved oval.

In the upper part of the nose we draw the arches of the eyes, under them there are circles-pupils.

Next, we form an oval face and a smile.

Around the silhouette of the face we draw the lines of Granny Yaga’s future hairstyle.

We draw the eyes in detail: the upper eyelid, wrinkle lines under the eyes, eyebrows. Then we draw the line of the neck and collar of the blouse (rounded shape).

We finish the collar with a few more lines, draw in the lines of the shoulder and arm, and we can start working with paints. Pencil drawing done with light lines, so that later they will not be visible through a layer of paint. If necessary, pencil lines can be softened using an eraser.

On the palette we create a color for the face: white + ocher + red. We outline with the resulting color contour lines faces.

Then fill the silhouette evenly with color.

Next, we highlight the facial features with brown lines.

We wash the brush and carefully blur the brown color with some water, mix it a little with the main tone of the face, so that a smooth transition of colors is obtained.

We paint the eyebrows brown. I will have Grandma Yagulechka against the background of the doors of her hut, the main color here will be ocher.

Further brown we draw the lines of the future logs of the hut and determine the size and shape of the door. We blur the lines of the door with some water, but don’t touch the hair yet.

We do the same with the walls of the hut, blurring each brown line with water. We create smooth transitions from dark to light.

Then we start working on the hairstyle, creating on the palette grey colour: white+black.

We paint part of the hairstyle gray, and part white - and use smooth strokes to combine the colors, mix them a little with each other.

Hello. Today's educational article is dedicated to fairy-tale characters, or rather Baba Yaga. We will step by step analyze the process of depicting the seemingly negative hero of all fairy tales.

A little digression

Baba Yaga is present in every second folk tale. In most cases, it acts as an evil spirit that tries to harm good fellows, and bring them out of the light.

When characterizing the character, the author describes an old, decrepit and scary old woman living in the wilds of the forest, who has crooked teeth and disheveled hair. Baba doesn't like people and eats children. She is also a witch, and her friend is Koschey the Immortal.

In fact, Yaga is not such a dark and creepy character. In addition to scary and bad old women, there are positive women in fairy tales forest wilds, which reveal secrets, victories over terrible evil, give magic lumps leading to the goal, reward living water, and so on.

But today we will not delve into the origin and meaning of this character. Our goal is to figure out how to draw Baba Yaga, so let's get started.

Today we will draw not just the classic Yaga, but with all her attributes: a broom, a mortar, a characteristic scarf on her head and a malicious smile. Grandma will not look scary, but cute and charming.

STEP No. 1 (selection of angle)

Before you start drawing the image, decide in what position you want to draw the heroine: standing near the stupa and holding a broom in your hand, or flying.

In an approximate version, a woman is depicted sitting in a mortar and holding a broom in her hands. Therefore, the first step is to outline the silhouette and Yagi’s vehicle using sticks and circles.

STEP No. 2 (marking)

Once the outline is complete, you need to mark the head. Using a line of vertical symmetry and a horizontal eye line, we roughly mark the place for the eyes. Since in our case Yaga in the figure will be depicted in a spread, then vertical line it must be applied from the side, thus dividing the head into two hemispheres (one larger, the other smaller).

Just below the horizontal line of the eyes, using short strokes we draw the designation of the nose and mouth. Above the same line, a drawing is made that determines the location of the headdress. Since we will draw the scarf tightly fitting the character’s forehead, the line of the scarf can be drawn closer to the eyes.

STEP #3 (hands)

Let's start drawing the body parts. It’s not difficult to draw hands, a few figures in the form of cylinders - and the hands are ready. It will be more difficult with hands and twisted fingers. The fingers need to be drawn so that the emphasis falls on firmly holding the broom. Immediately draw several indirect lines connecting the head and shoulders. Draw the bent legs.

If you draw Yaga in a standing position, then it is better to immediately outline the lower part, which consists of a skirt and shoes, with lines.

STEP No. 4 (scarf)

Now let's draw a scarf for our character. Do not forget that Yaga is depicted in flight, so the scarf should seem to develop in the direction of the wind. It is important to draw the occipital fold.

STEP No. 5 (face)

It's time to start designing and drawing the character's face. Draw the eyes along the previously outlined lines, drawing two small circles on a horizontal line. A little higher we outline the location of the eyebrows, drawing arched lines.

Next we draw a massive hook-shaped nose and mouth. When drawing the lines that form the mouth, try to bend them a little, as if drawing a smile, because the character’s expression should ultimately turn out to be malicious.

STEP No. 6 (add a chin)

In this step, we continue to draw the face, more precisely the lower part - the chin. In the form of the extreme part of the bone, we apply it to required space. You need to draw as if pulling your chin forward, this will give the overall facial expression a kind of slyness inherent in Baba Yaga.

At correct technique images, and the exact location of the facial parts of the drawn Baba Yaga are obtained, as in such a schematic drawing.

STEP #7 (details)

At this stage of drawing Baba Yaga, we will finalize and improve the image. Finishing drawing small parts plays an important role in the final perception of the character.

Wrinkles on the face, warts on the nose, a protruding crooked tooth and disheveled hair peeking out from under a scarf are an integral part of the design that cannot be missed.

Place the lines indicating wrinkles to the left and below the eye.

STEP No. 8 (main part)

It's time to move down the drawing and depict Baba Yaga's torso in detail. First of all, give your hands a finished drawn look.

Pay a little more attention to the middle sleeve. To do this, erase the guide lines drawn in the previous steps, and instead draw sleeves (approximately reaching the elbow). Don't forget to mark the folds.

Give the far sleeve the desired shape.

Also erase the guide lines from the body and outline the contours of the clothing. The fingers also need to be drawn well, focusing on a strong grip.

Draw the top edge of the broom.

STEP #10 (shadow)

To complete the drawing, you need to correctly distribute the shadow. You need to darken the side opposite to the light, as well as areas shaded by clothing and body parts. Draw the shaded areas of the headdress brighter on the inside.

The shadow is applied with a pencil using stroke-like movements. Hold the pencil lightly, without pressing. First, mark the contours, and then start shading.

That's all, the lesson on how to draw Baba Yaga has come to an end. Inspiration, and until new lessons.

    There are many ways draw Baba Yaga in a mortar using pencils step by step. Below I will attach a Photo Scheme where you can very quickly and easily draw Baba Yaga in a mortar.

    In the beginning it is necessary draw the head of Baba Yaga. To do this, draw a round image, then divide it into two parts, as shown in the picture, then draw the ends of the scarf, similar to the ears.

    Then we draw the eyes, nose and mouth and make patterns on the scarf as seen in the picture.

    Then we draw the stupa.

    After that draw a broom and a necklace on Baba Yaga’s neck.

    That's all. At the end we paint it as in the picture.

    Thanks for the question.

    On the video diagram you must stop the frames, and after that it will be easier to draw Baba Yaga. Because they draw very quickly there, I couldn’t keep up with him myself.

    If you want to draw other pictures using Pencils step by step, then I recommend the website, here you will find all the pictures that need to be drawn using pencils step by step.

    First, we draw the approximate outline of the stupa and the silhouette of our future Grandmother, and then we add such details as a knot on a scarf, a broom, gray curls, a crooked nose, a skewed eyebrow, a single tooth sticking out to the side, and a protruding chin. and hands. What kind of Baba Yaga is without arms? As you draw, gradually erase the extra lines. You can also show the texture of the wood on the stupa, as well as the crack in the stupa itself. Don't forget to decorate it beautifully. Here is an approximate diagram according to which you can draw

    This was an option for those who are smaller, but here is a diagram for your attention step by step drawing Women, and not necessarily exactly Yagi in a mortar with a broom. Drawing is done in stages, with simple pencils, for free, without registration and SMS, do it yourself offline in Photoshop.

    As always, when I saw such a wonderful question, I took up a piece of paper and a simple pencil. I also needed: an eraser (soft eraser), a penknife, a sharpener, mechanical pencil.

    We have all watched wonderful fairy tales about Baba Yaga, and we roughly know how this fairy tale character should look like. Of course, there will not be a hut on chicken legs, as well as a broom and mortar, which are our hero’s inseparable companions.

    We also roughly know that a mortar is similar to a glass, and a broom is similar to the main tool of a janitor.

    Now you need to place the composition successfully and correctly on a sheet of paper. For this we need our eye. Naturally, the desired object, Baba Yaga, in a mortar and with a broom, will be located in the center of the future drawing, since she main character of this event, and we will depict only her, without her associates and comrades.

    Therefore, we determine the center of the sheet and proportionally place the silhouette of the future image. We try to ensure that the result obtained is not strongly shifted in one direction or another, that is, it is not located significantly closer to any of the edges of the sheet. This way the finished drawing will look more beautiful and dynamic, although it all depends on the plot and the artist’s intention.

    Now we begin to draw the contours and features, and also create the background. To draw facial features, we need a thin mechanical pencil, and to create a background, we can use a regular art pencil.

    Pencils vary in degree of softness and hardness, and in this particular case, we will need a softer pencil.

    As for the choice the right pencil, as well as drawing techniques with a simple pencil You can read my answers here:

    What are the main canons of drawing with a simple pencil? What are the rules?

    Naturally, in order to more fully answer the question posed, I tried to capture the entire process of creating a drawing on a video, which I present to your attention immediately after processing. Although the quality of the camera itself is not very high, the basic principles of the simplest drawing for pleasure are very visible. And if a person has never drawn, or drawing Baba Yaga seems like a huge task for him, then this video will demonstrate that there is nothing easier)

    Baba Yaga is an integral character of many Russians folk tales. This evil witch lives in a hut on chicken legs, flies with a mortar and a broom, with warts, and is waiting for someone to bake in her oven...

    Step-by-step process of drawing Baba Yaga with a pencil:

    • first we draw a circle,
    • then a big nose, eyes, mouth, straw-like hair,
    • head scarf,
    • followed by the torso, arms, hands,
    • broom and mortar.

    Photo instructions - drawing in eleven steps:

Today I'll tell you how to draw Baba Yaga with a pencil step by step. Our granny is just a beauty, if, of course, she gets her manicure done on time and her chicken nails filed. By the way, several centuries of life have only done her good: she has gained intelligence and looks more and more beautiful every year. And most importantly, her attitude towards life is exactly the same as the rest of us: the more nasty things she does in a day, the more peacefully she falls asleep, with a sense of accomplishment, so to speak. Her accessories are all modern: widget gadgets. And a mirror that recognizes a smile, and a plate that shows last news, and a glomerulus - a la GPS navigator. In general, grandma is not far behind. And Yagulechkin’s transport vehicle is not inferior in speed to a modern Harley. In general, we draw conclusions. To successfully live at least three centuries, it is advisable to live away from civilization. Well, it's time to pick up a pencil.

How to draw Baba Yaga with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw the contour of the face. At the same time, in some places we will get angularity. Evil persons it is inherent 😉 Let’s draw a circle in the chin area - this is an apple. And from there down are two thin fingers. On the left side of the page we will show the outline of the hair. Step two. We'll show two on our faces parallel lines- This is eye level. Accordingly, two circles need to be placed inside. Above them is a broken line of a headdress. Let's show the outline of one ear visible to us. From eye level down - business card Baba Yaga - hooked nose. Well, the mouth is quite an ordinary mouth. Step three. Now let's start drawing the details. There are many of them, and you need to be very careful. First, let's deal with the headdress. Now we can move on to the face: wrinkles, folds, on the forehead, under the eyes... Eh, apparently the rejuvenating apples don’t help. Draw an eyebrow above the right eye. Something like a small broom. Let's draw the line of the chin. It should turn out uneven and very winding. Let's draw: round, smooth, beautiful. And dry, sinewy fingers with long nails. There was a contrast. All that remains is to draw the hair. And on the left side there was a maple leaf perched on his shoulder. Step four. We will show even more folds and wrinkles on the face. Even on thin fingers there are folds from saggy, dried skin. For the drawing to look natural, all the lines need to run along the contour of the face. Place a round wart on the nose. The hat is a testing ground for fantasy. Here you can draw leaves, bugs, spiders, and patches. The mouth is slightly open: we’ll show a couple of teeth. This is enough for our old lady. Step five. Let's draw the pupil. It is small in relation to the eye itself. This effect gives the face an aggressive look. Exactly what we need. But how immediately the face became more alive when the eyes appeared. Shade the leaves on the cap. Using a couple of lines we will add volume. You can add some more folds to the face. Ready. It turned out so scary! Pah-pah-pah. Mind me, mind you. Well, she came to life. Now troubles cannot be avoided!!! Finishing my story, I recommend that you try to draw a few more interesting characters.

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