Armen Dzhigarkhanyan filed for divorce: latest news. Dzhigarkhanyan accused his first wife Tatyana Vlasova of similar actions Biography of the young wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

Continues to gain momentum. On federal channels, one after another, new stories are released every day, revealing more and more details of this family drama.

For example, today in the Central Television program, 82-year-old Dzhigarkhanyan stated that he has not only financial claims against Vitalina. The fact is that the spouses had another reason for conflict. According to Armen Borisovich, the 36-year-old wife insisted on having a child with him. For obvious reasons, the actor was categorically against the birth of an heir.

“Vitalina wanted us to have a child... Only an adventurer could come up with the idea for an 80-year-old to give birth to a child!” - Armen Borisovich told NTV journalist. The actor is great understands that he could hardly see with his own eyes how a child born from a young wife would go to at least first grade. In addition, let us recall that the people's artist experienced tragedy when his beloved daughter died after falling asleep in a car parked in the garage with the engine running.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan says about Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya: “Before my eyes, she gradually turned into a monster.” When asked by the correspondent whether there was love, the people's artist replies that he simply lived with a woman and shared a bed with her. But life and work in the theater should not intersect. Now the actor wants only one thing: “I will try to forget her for the rest of my life.”

In turn, Vitalina is still waiting for her husband and a serious explanation with him about everything that happened. In an interview with the NTV channel, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya said that if it weren’t for her, then, most likely, Dzhigarkhanyan would not have been alive for a long time. However, her famous husband does not want to listen to or see his savior, with whom he was in a relationship for 17 years.

Let us remind you that on October 16 it became known that the second wife of the famous actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, 36-year-old Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, wrote a statement to the police that her husband was missing. She explained that she suspected that Dzhigarkhanyan had been kidnapped. Andrei Malakhov undertook to find Dzhigarkhanyan. After long discussions of the situation, journalist Valentina Pimanova appeared in the Live Broadcast studio. She reassured everyone: the People's Artist of the USSR is now in the 57th Moscow hospital, and everything is fine with him. Armen Borisovich said: it’s painful for him to even pronounce Vitalina’s name, since this woman behaved vilely. "She's a thief! Thief!" - the actor said emotionally, adding that there can be no talk of any reconciliation.

The young wife of 82-year-old Armen Dzhigarkhanyan insisted on having a child

In this tragicomic, or rather operetta, story, even its main characters They don’t understand what is true and what is a lie. (details)

Vasily Livanov introduced himself, but decided to play along with Vlasova and continued the conversation with her as with Vitalina. The actor decided to provoke Tatyana Sergeevna: “I say, how could his wife Tatyana Vlasova cynically leave him when he made the theater, go to America, and leave him here? She said: “But he had to earn a living in America.” And then she realized that she had made a mistake. Vitalina would not answer that way. Then she said: “It’s me, Tatyana Vlasova. Why did you call me cynical? - “Because now you were posing as Vitalina. This is already cynicism, dirt and disgusting.”

A beloved cat named Phil, who lived in Dzhigarkhanyan’s house in the USA for the last few months, died at the age of 15. Armen Borisovich was given a new cat almost immediately. But the artist admitted that his four-legged friend is not at all like the old Phil. “My new cat is not the same at all. The old cat was completely different. In order for us to learn to understand each other, he had to be born with me. And he came to me as an adult guy. My friends wanted to give me a gift. But it turned out that we didn’t find the cat common language. At first, when they brought me this cat, there was a feeling that this was the first Phil who came to me. It turned out not. I cried a lot because of this,” Armen Borisovich admitted with tears in his eyes.

And about the difficult character of her husband: “I was never interested in being with my peers. With those who are older, since it was possible to learn from them and learn something. That's why turning points never happened in my life, everything happened naturally for me. I cherish the opportunity to interact with great people. I don’t think that I’m on good terms with Armen Borisovich. I understand the level of a person. I can always adapt, it’s not difficult for me. We have no disagreements, since I don’t argue, even if I don’t agree...”

Everyone who closely follows the latest news in 2018 regarding Vitalina’s life was struck by another rumor that she was allegedly in a relationship with another man. Her name is literally on everyone's lips. Surely the pianist never dreamed of such fame. Talk about a new man in Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s life did not come out of nowhere. The point is that in social network Her photos dated January 5 of this year appeared. In them she is in the company of a man. Who he is is still unknown.

Dzhigarkhanyan's lawyer Evgeny Parfenov denied all talk regarding the possible reconciliation of the spouses, saying that this is impossible. Armen Borisovich canceled his will in favor of Vitalina and now feels calm in the role of “free from family relations person."

Elina Mazur in the first season of the series about Dzhigarkhanyan and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was Vitalina’s friend and representative. In the new season, she defected to the camp of the “enemy”. And now he works for Dzhigarkhanyan. They say that Mazur was a “double agent” sent by a Cossack woman, who was specially sent to Vitalina in order to harm her. Anyway, now ex-girlfriends They feel such personal hostility towards each other that “I can’t eat.” We called Mazur to find out the reason for her “betrayal.” (details)

Since September last year, the whole country has been following the scandalous story of the separation of 82-year-old Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and 36-year-old Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. The couple exchanged mutual insults on various talk shows and divided property in front of millions of television viewers until the divorce. According to the documents, all of Armen Borisovich’s real estate was transferred to Vitalina, and the artist was forced to move to rented housing.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk lawyer. Detailed information.

On February 25, two married Armen Borisovich. The path to marriage was long: the woman was next to her future husband for almost sixteen years, and after Dzhigarkhanyan had a stroke eight years ago, she moved to him and looked after the artist with difficult character. Vitalina took her husband to resorts, arranged a comfortable life, repaired new apartment... And then a conflict occurred, which was witnessed by television viewers federal channels. The ending is divorce.

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The latest news in 2018 is that now Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, intends to sue him for libel, thereby punishing him for indecent behavior. She is tired of the insults directed at her. With the help of her lawyer Larisa Shirokova, she intends to write to law enforcement agencies appropriate statement and attract Russian actor to responsibility. As Vitalina explains, these actions are not a way of taking revenge on the ex-spouse, but only responses to his behavior.

Sherlock Holmes, beloved by millions, was outraged by what Tatyana Vlasova says in interviews on TV channels. According to people's artist USSR, Tatyana Sergeevna really, as Vitalina says, abandoned Armen Borisovich without the support that he so needed, and left for America. “Afterwards she states on television that she had no idea he was having a stroke. Nobody told her. This is a blatant and cynical lie!” - Vasily Livanov could not contain his indignation in an interview with

Earlier, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, together with her mother being treated for cancer, appeared in one of the episodes of the “Live Broadcast” show. According to Aram, Vitalina lives on fees from going to TV shows and earns more than 20 million rubles a year. “On one of the channels, editors complained to me that Vitalina asked for a fee of 2 million rubles! Behind latest programs she received a million. In six months, Vitalina, according to my estimates, has already earned about 20 million from the talk show. The fact that she brought her cancer-stricken mother to a talk show and talked about her illness is already a “family contract.” They just forgot to say that they treated her mother with Armen Borisovich’s money,” the doctor told reporters.

According to Polyansky, they first met in Kyiv, but the romance did not last long because he had to fly to Cologne. He hoped that Vitalina would forget him, but a year later the persistent pianist found her lover in Germany. “Then she came here to audition, as far as I remember. In 2001. It was February or March. Then there was romantic story. Well, I didn't take it seriously, to be honest. I hope that my words do not offend Vitalina. This is a non-binding story on my part... Many men are greedy for young girls, there is nothing surprising and nothing unnatural in this,” said Oleg. He separately noted that Vitalina’s desire to build at his expense musical career I found out almost immediately, so I broke off the relationship.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya divorce. Main news.

At the exit from the temple, the husband and wife were met by theater artists who sang “Many Years” and sprinkled them with orchid petals. Many kissed Tsymbalyuk-Romanov’s hand. Among the latter was Dzhigarkhanyan’s lawyer Evgeny Parfenov. When the marriage is officially registered at the registry office, with the help of Parfenov, the newlyweds will enter into a marriage contract. Now all apartments and neighborhoods will be divided according to the law and the press will have no reason for gossip.

The hype surrounding the divorce proceedings of Honored Artist of Russia Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and pianist Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya no way doesn't subside. Today it became known that Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife had another lover - her colleague Oleg Polyansky. The pianist became a guest of the “New Russian Sensations” program, on the air of which he said that in 2001 he had a romantic relationship with Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

“I'm not making anything up. I write posts on social networks with words of support for Vitalina. He took part in television shows. I'm for her. I don't like it when women are attacked. Moreover, I only know Vitalina from the good side,” said Yuri Nenev. – We meet periodically and go out somewhere. But more often than not together, but in a group, because other people support her. No, I am not a reason for Armen Borisovich’s divorce. Vitalina and I are friends. I don’t know what emotions Vitalina feels towards me. Maybe she’s just putting up with me...” Yuri Nenev emphasized: he’s free now. But he asked his colleagues “not to marry” him to Vitalina, since she, despite the hype in the media, still loves Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and worries about him.

At the press conference, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya answered questions regarding the division of property. To the latest news of 2018, we can add that she became aware of her ex-husband’s promissory note for $1 million.

How and where do the ex-spouses live now? Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan is renting an apartment in the same building where his ex-wife lives. Armen Borisovich lives three floors above Vitalina. Accident? Hardly. From the house on Molodogvardeiskaya Street (next to the Kuntsevskaya metro station) to the theater is half an hour by car. Dzhigarkhanyan once wanted to buy an apartment in this very place - there is a park nearby, a lot of greenery, a new (at that time still under construction) house. Vitalina began the purchase, and issued real estate documents in her name on February 14, 2016, a couple of days before registering the marriage. She supervised the renovation, coordinating the details with her husband.

“Channel One had a script: Vitalina is such a poor baby, robbed by the swindler Dzhigarkhanyan,” Elina explained. – Everyone is in shock: oh, what a passage, oh, how dare a people’s artist and respected person offend a young Ukrainian pianist like that. But I mixed the cards for them - I began to tell them who was hiding behind this personal meekness, what scams she pulled off, how she forged signatures, that her name was not even Vitalina... Channel One did not need these confessions of mine at all. And the editors of Let Them Talk found decoys to discredit me. They came up with the idea that I had brothels, brothels and other nonsense. In a word, they silenced me in every possible way, and meanwhile Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya became impudent, feeling her impunity.”

If Vitalina didn’t lock Armen Borisovich in his office, (as she says in one of the programs on Channel One) he threw a tantrum out of the blue, called his Armenian friends, took things from the apartment where they lived, then Armen Borisovich has inconsistent behavior, but he gives interviews, does theater, etc., such an orgy and everything is on the first channels, the feeling that everything is permissible, the law is not followed, I feel sorry for Tatyana Sergeevna, the most worthy and well-mannered woman of all the characters!

We see both Armen Borisovich (the driver brings him and takes him home) and Vitalina (she drives the car herself) quite often. Why doesn’t Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya initiate a meeting with her husband, who lives “close by”? After all, the woman claims that dreams personally discuss with your ex-husband all the intricacies of their separation. Vitalina hints: they say, dear, he doesn’t know all the intricacies of our divorce. Or maybe there is something we don’t know? After all, going on talk shows, intrigues, scandals, stories with an open ending is a very profitable activity. Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya appears on air on various channels for an impressive fee - from 200 to 500 thousand rubles. That is, now she earns much more than in the theater.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya children video. Recent events.

At the end of last year, “KP” published material about the conflict in the family of the people’s favorite artist Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. It's coming now litigation between him and him ex-wife Tatyana Vlasova (they divorced in the summer of 2015). At stake is a three-room apartment in the center of Moscow and money raised from the sale of a house in America.

This is Tatyana Sergeevna's first interview. She herself invited us to visit the very apartment in Starokonyushenny Lane, over which there is a dispute.

In 1998, Armen Borisovich bought a house in Dallas, where you moved...

My move to America was my husband's initiative. I had to twist family nest, with no doubt that over time he will move there too. At first, Armen Borisovich came to see me every year. Every time I asked him if he had found a successor at the theater when he finally moved into our house. I'm already used to living in America.


- Why would the most popular actor, who was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most filmed artist, leave for America?

Perhaps he wanted to join the American elite. Dreams of Hollywood...

- Without knowledge of English.

My husband lived according to his own scripts.

This was a period when Armen Borisovich did not appear on stage for ten years. True, he acted a lot in films and directed the theater. But then something sparked inside him again, and he began performing plays again. Moreover, in America the attitude towards our artists is not the same as here. If they recognize you by sight, it will only be in an emigrant environment.

At the Dallas Museum of Art, I conducted tours for the Russian-speaking public. It was volunteer work, no salary was paid. I worked part-time teaching Russian and did productions for children, but the money was small.

We moved our Siamese cat there. We were both very attached to Phil. When Armen Borisovich came to Dallas, he stayed with Phil, and I flew to Moscow to restore order in our Moscow apartment. While he was working in Russia, I was babysitting the cat in Dallas. The cat lived with us for 18 years.


When I moved to America (it was in 1999 - Ed.), I was 57 years old. Now I’m 74 years old,” Tatyana Sergeevna continued her confession. - New wife Dzhigarkhanyan Vitalina (Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, 37 years old, originally from Kyiv, married the actor a year ago. - Ed.), says that their relationship is more than 15 years old. I lived in America for exactly that long, so it turns out that my husband deceived me for so many years...

- A man of ANY age will never be left alone. Especially if he is an artist, and even such a popular one, like Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

I didn't think about it. Maybe I’m such a naive Siberian felt boot because I myself am loyal by nature. It seemed to me that Armen Borisovich was happy with his family life with me. I have always been a comfortable wife and a reliable support.

We shared joys and sorrows together. When we moved from Yerevan to Moscow in 1967, no one imagined that Armen would become the same Armen Dzhigarkhanyan that everyone knows now. We lived in a tiny theater room, without amenities. We waited a long time for them to give us an apartment. So we went through fire, water and copper pipes together. He made a career by rejecting everything that distracted him from his work. I took care of the house and everyday life. But I have a diploma in theater studies and an acting education. I didn’t have luxurious fur coats, I didn’t go to presentations with my husband. This suited him. And now he constantly appears in public with his young wife. I think she needs it more than he does.

- Vitalina not only promotes herself, but also takes care of Armen Borisovich. He said that when several years ago he was lying with a stroke in Moscow, no one called him from Dallas or even asked how he was doing.

Now they are saying that I did not take proper care of my husband. He stopped coming to Dallas in 2009 when he suffered a second stroke. But I didn't know he was sick. He usually called America. And when I found out, I flew to Moscow to visit him in the hospital. But my husband said: there is no need to go to him.

- At the same time, did he send you money to live on?

Sent regularly. In America, I lived with this money, paid taxes, utility bills, and made home repairs. In March 2015, I sold the house on his initiative, and in April I returned to Moscow. I called my husband: please come, let’s talk. He again refused the meeting under various pretexts. Soon the question of divorce arose. That’s when I refused financial assistance. In June we were divorced.

When I humiliatedly waited for him near the theater, this was a few months after our divorce, he didn’t even want to talk to me. I was watching him on the street after the performance, he came out, I told him: “Hello, I’m Tatyana Sergeevna.” “Hello,” he replied friendly. He didn't even recognize me! And when I realized who I was, I got into the car and drove away. Then they wrote a statement to the police against me, alleging that I had threatened Dzhigarkhanyan. I didn’t threaten, I made an attempt to talk to my ex-husband about how to move on.


Our apartment in Starokonyushenny Lane is shared ownership, half is his, half is mine. So we have nothing to share. Vitalina wants to sell this apartment. I ask you to leave me an apartment so that I can live in it...

- But you sold your house in America. You kept the money for the house (there is also a lawsuit over this money. - Ed.), although according to the law, property acquired during marriage is divided in half.

After such a long marriage, I have the right to file a lawsuit against my ex-husband demanding financial support. But I was uncomfortable, he is 81 years old after all. Famous person, the demand from him is different. There was no agreement between us to divide the money for the house. Initially, Armen Borisovich said that he gave me the house. And I treated this property as if it were my own.

- You sold the house for more than 130 thousand dollars. Agree, the money is good, even if it is divided between you and your ex-husband. Which option do you think is fair?

I would like Armen Borisovich to let me live in an apartment on Arbat. Didn't sell it. He has another apartment, in Krasnogorsk, where he lives with Vitalina. There is another one in Kuntsevo, where they are doing renovations. I could live on the money for an American house. I am alone, there is no one to expect help from. I have a minimum old-age pension of 8,500 rubles (about 4,000 UAH). Son? What does this have to do with my son?! I'm not asking for alms. My son has his own life, I have mine.


For some reason, it is customary to express sympathy for abandoned wives...

Friends of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan told me that about him family life you could write a whole novel, his life is so full of dramatic conflicts. This is probably how it should be great artist. In this whole family conflict, it is Armen Borisovich who personally sympathizes with me.

I don’t think that the position of a people’s artist’s wife is a well-paid sinecure that will provide food until old age. I prefer working women.

Moreover, it is not clear what kind of spiritual generosity you are counting on if ex-husband meets you on the street and doesn’t recognize you? Not because he sees poorly or something has happened to his memory. But because you haven’t lived together for many years and haven’t even seen each other, even though you are married. Tatyana Sergeevna’s reasoning that she sacrificed her career for the sake of her husband’s career is talk in favor of the poor, reminiscent of Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya: they say, if it weren’t for you, I would have become Dostoevsky or Schopenhauer.

And in the division of property with ex-wife, which Dzhigarkhanyan supported all his life, I don’t see a very ungentlemanly act. Half of the apartment on Arbat and half of the proceeds from the sale American home, - I guess it’s bad for a comfortable old age? But for some reason it is customary for us to express sympathy for abandoned wives, and not for the men who left them.

Probably, having read the message in the fall of 2014 that the famous and beloved actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan dissolved his 40-year-old family union, it would never have occurred to anyone that another woman was behind this decision. After all, last October the actor turned 80, and therefore all suggestions about a romantic relationship seem frivolous. However, just yesterday, February 25, the third and legal wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan became Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, who previously worked as the manager of his theater musical part, and now - director.

In the photo - Armen Dzhigarkhanyan with his young wife

The age difference between the newlyweds is a little more than four decades. Today, the master’s chosen one is 36 years old. Moreover, it recently became known that their romance has been going on for 15 years. It was for the sake of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, who had been her idol since childhood, that the girl left Kyiv and moved to Moscow. She was next to the actor when he suffered his first and second micro-strokes. According to younger sister celebrity, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is exactly the woman she famous brother I've been searching all my life. However, due to the large difference in age, he hesitated for a long time, then bringing his young lady closer, then again moving away from him. And she showed feminine wisdom and patience unusual for a young girl. Now she is not only reliable support for Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, thanks to which, by his own admission, he still has the opportunity to live and create, but also right hand master in theater management. The young wife has complete control over the health of her beloved (and the actor serious disease– diabetes), tirelessly ensures that he strictly follows all the doctors’ recommendations and does not miss taking medications. The only thing that upsets Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is that he, like his colleague Oleg Tabakov and his young wife Marina Zudina, is unlikely to be able to leave offspring.

In the photo - Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's first wife Alla Vannovskaya

This is the third marriage in the actor’s biography. He had the opportunity to become a father only once in his life - his first wife, actress Alla Vannovskaya, gave him a daughter, Elena. Unfortunately, she suffered from mental illness, which was passed on to her daughter. A few years after the breakup with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, she passed away. The master's daughter could have made a career in the theater, however tragic accident ended her life at 23 years old.

In the photo - Armen Dzhigarkhanyan with his ex-wife Tatyana Vlasova and stepson Stepan

The celebrity was grieving the loss of his beloved daughter. But with his second wife, Tatyana Vlasova, despite long years there was no marriage of common children. The couple raised their children from their first marriages. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan adopted the son of his wife Stepan immediately after his official marriage. True, the relationship between the children and their parents did not go well all the time and was quite tense. Now Stepan lives in the USA, like his mother. Both of them and the actor have stopped all communication for more than six years.

The third wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is known not only for the record number of roles he played, but also for the fact that he had numerous love affairs and was married several times. His wives are intelligent talented women, which had a significant influence on the development of the culture of our country.

Dzhigarkhanyan's first wife is actress of the Russian Drama Theater Alla Vannovskaya

Alla Vannovskaya was the daughter of People's Artist of the Armenian USSR Yuri Alekseevich Vannovsky. She met Armen when he worked in a theater in Yerevan. Alla was very beautiful, loved Armen, but was jealous of all the women with whom he had to collaborate. After getting married, they lived together for six years. She gave birth to Armen's daughter Lena in 1964.

Unfortunately, it turned out that Alla was sick mental illness- Dance of St. Vitus. This disease had a negative effect on her mental condition, Alla constantly made scandals for Armen. In the end, he couldn’t stand it and took it one year old daughter Lena and left for Moscow. In 1966, Alla died in a mental hospital.

Later, having matured, the daughter of Armen and Alla was educated in Moscow and wanted to become an actress. But her life ended suddenly in 1987 when she fell asleep in a car with the engine running. Before this event, the girl had a heated dialogue with her father, who could not forgive her for an affair with one of the theater actors.

Dzhigarkhanyan still blames himself for his daughter’s death. She is buried on Vagankovskoe cemetery in Moscow.

Dzhigarkhanyan’s second wife - Tatyana Vlasova

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan met Tatyana Vlasova back in Yerevan. She was born in 1943, and since childhood she saw herself as an actress. Her place of work was Yerevan Russian Theatre of Drama named after Konstantin Stanislavsky.

She was married to a theater director and gave birth to a son, Stepan. The marriage broke up, Tatyana divorced her husband, but at the same time continued to work as a freelancer in the theater.

For the first time Armen saw his future wife when she stood and smoked near the stage. He immediately noticed her long and graceful fingers. After meeting, Tatyana admitted to Armen that her life was dominated by boredom and depression, and Armen advised her to fall in love. Over time, their conversations became more and more exciting, they talked about everything in the world... and gradually fell in love with each other.

Second wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan - Tatyana Vlasova

Soon the couple decided to leave Yerevan for Moscow. The reason for leaving was the fact that the famous director Anatoly Efros invited Dzhigarkhanyan to play a role in the Lenkom Theater. They took Dzhigarkhanyan’s daughter Elena with them, and little son Tatyana remained in Krasnoyarsk. As wedding ring Tatiana put Armen’s grandmother’s old ring on her hand.

Arriving in Moscow, Tatyana and Armen began to live in a small basement near the theater, and after some time they received an apartment in one of the houses on Arbat. Tatiana's son Stepan moved to Moscow. At first, Dzhigarkhanyan tried to place him in the theater, even bought him a one-room apartment in his house, but Stepan did not work well, and his stepfather fired him. The couple began to avoid meeting each other, and gradually the relationship went wrong.

In 2000, Tatyana left for the United States of America to teach Russian at the University of Dallas. Armen was thinking about going to America himself, since his old friend gave him a house there, and American government issued him a green card for services to culture. But then the actor realized that his knowledge of the language was not enough to adequately show himself in the American theater.

The third wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is from Kyiv and graduated from the Kyiv Conservatory in piano. I first saw a performance with the participation of Dzhigarkhanyan at the age of 16, when the Moscow theater came on tour to Kyiv. Then the actor captivated her with his performance of the role. Even then, Vitalina dreamed of devoting her life to classical music and at the same time she became interested in everything that was connected with Dzhigarkhanyan.

After graduating from school, Vitalina took part in the International music competition in Paris, received an award there and entered the Kyiv Conservatory to study. In 2001, Vitalina went to Moscow to meet Dzhigarkhanyan there - at that time it turned out that the actor had health problems. This is how her Moscow life began, studying there at the conservatory. Periodically, she traveled to study music in Israel and Austria.

Dzhigarkhanyan’s third wife – Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Soon Dzhigarkhanyan invited Vitalina to work in his theater musical director. Then she helped him stage a play based on the fairy tale “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.” Vitalina changed her citizenship to Russian and began to help Dzhigarkhanyan in everything, making sure that the best doctors supervised his health.

When she managed to help Dzhigarkhanyan overcome his illness, they settled in another area of ​​Moscow. Together with him she went to New York, to a resort in Spain, and visited Las Vegas.

A couple of months before his 80th birthday, Dzhigarkhanyan officially divorced Vlasova. There is an assumption that he wants to legitimize his relationship with Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. The age difference between Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is 45 years. Now Vitalina is the musical director of his theater, there are rumors that many actors could not get along with her and left the theater. She was recently promoted to General Director theater

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