Ararat Keshchyan and his wife age difference. Irina Keshchyan: biography, personal life, photo

Ararat Keshchyan is a famous comedian, Armenian by nationality, who became famous thanks to the TV series “Univer” and performances in the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful.

Today, the public's favorite is not going to stop there and is again in a creative search, receiving a director's diploma, which will give him the opportunity to realize his bold dreams.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born in the Abkhaz resort town of Gagra in 1978. Soon Ararat and his family moved to Adler, where he later graduated high school. The boy grew up with his older brother Ashot, who was a role model for him and had a great influence on the guy. Thanks to Ashot, Keshchyan Jr. entered the KVN stage.

Brothers Ashot and Ararat Keshchyan in their youth

My brother studied to become an economist, and Ararat mastered the hotel industry. Despite their serious professions, both loved performing in KVN. Their parents supported them, although playing on stage was not related to their future professions.


In 1999, on Ashot’s initiative, the brothers joined the “Grandchildren of Lumumba” team, which over the next 3 years won many awards, became the champion of Sochi and reached the semi-finals of the KVN Northern League. The team was part of the RUDN branch. After a series of successful performances in “Grandchildren of Lumumba,” the talented brothers were noticed and invited to Moscow, now they are members of the “RUDN University Team.” Their first game in the Major League took place in 2003.

Ashot and Ararat Keshchyan on stage

The guys quickly got used to the new team and were able to prove themselves, becoming the best players. Soon the “RUDN University Team” is invited to the festival in Jurmala, where Ararat’s debut takes place. The parody “Talking Kivin” was remembered by both the audience and the jury members.

After this performance, Ararat felt what fame was, but this was only the beginning of a successful television career. A year later, the team comes to the festival again and this time takes 2nd place, being surpassed by the team from Pyatigorsk. Ararat performs a parody “Talking Parrot” about the legendary comedian.

In total, Ararat demonstrated 3 parodies of Khazanov, and in 2005 in the presence of Khazanov himself. In 2006, the RUDN National Team team reached the highest point in KVN - became the champion of the Major League. The interesting jokes and parodies of the Kaveenist were loved by the audience; not a single performance of RUDN University in Jurmala was complete without a number from Ararat. And his best jokes began to circulate on the Internet and passed from mouth to mouth.

A television

Living in the capital, having many opportunities, the brothers often participated in entertainment shows. He made his debut on television in 2007 (the “Blah-Blah Show” program). A year later, the Keshchyans have a new opportunity to try themselves as TV presenters of the “Outside the Game” program. The guys also participated in the “Fight Club” program, and all this in parallel with their performances in KVN.

TV presenters Ashot and Ararat Keshchyan and Andrew

According to Ararat, being a Kaveen player is simple and easy at first glance. In fact, you need to work hard to go out and produce a high-quality program that will find a lively response from the viewer.

Famous for playing in KVN and the role of a graduate student at “Univer,” Ararat began to drop in to visit the show “ Comedy Woman" After the first release of the program, viewers of the TNT channel began to discuss with all their might that Keshchyan was a relative of the host of the show. Like, they raised the topic of kinship more than once in their dialogues, and they communicated too warmly with each other. Someone even noticed an external resemblance between them.

Meanwhile, Yeprikyan and Keshchyan became friends back in the days of KVN, when Natalya played for the Megapolis team as famous Natalia Andreevna. They have different surnames and different places of birth. Yeprikyan even had to deny her relationship with Keshchyan in the press.

In 2014, Keshchyan became the TV presenter of the “Beastly Work” program on the Zvezda TV channel. 2 years later he is already hosting the program “Not a FACT!” together with former colleague according to KVN. The program is dedicated bright events, interesting and mysterious places, the destinies of people. One of the places about which the program was filmed was the famous Amber Room.

At the end of 2016, Ararat became a guest of the “Explorer” program on the “Friday!” TV channel. The essence of the program is that show business stars, accompanied by a witty presenter, conduct excursions to their native places. Ararat acted as a tour guide around the city of Sochi. The artist considers the Russian resort his homeland, along with Abkhazia.


Fate smiled on Keshchyan as an aspiring actor in 2009. He was invited to the casting of the popular student series “Univer”, and he agreed. Participation in the filming of the project became turning point V creative biography artist. In the series he starred with, and others.

Stas Yarushin and Ararat Keshchyan in the TV series “Univer”

The actor got the role of the colorful student Michael, who comes from Adler to Moscow. A tall, athletic guy (Ararat’s height is 182 cm, weight – 90 kg) with a sense of humor quickly won the attention of the public.

The artist admits: it was hard to act in a sitcom, there was no free time left, he was freed late in the evening, when it was time to go to bed. But thanks to the series, Keshchyan woke up famous throughout the country. In 2011, the artist appeared in the continuation of the sitcom “”. The project turned out to be no less successful, it last season came out 7 years later.

In 2010, being at the peak of its popularity, Ararat entered the major accident, after which rumors about the actor’s death appeared on the Internet. Fortunately, everything worked out fine. As a result of the collision between two foreign cars, both cars were seriously damaged. The artist was not injured, and the fact that he was driving a right-hand drive foreign car saved him from serious consequences.

Ararat Keshchyan in the series “Classmates”

Before the start of filming the series “Univer”, Ararat, together with his brother Ashot, hosted an entertainment show on the radio station “Humor-FM”, dedicated to the 2008 Olympics, called “Olympic Reserve”. In addition to “Univer,” there were other episodic, but no less striking roles in films. Films with his participation are the comedies “Exchange Wedding”, “”, “That Carloson”, “Moms”.

In 2012, Ararat Keshchyan, together with the star of “Real Boys,” starred in the film “Nannies,” directed by his brother Ashot. The comedy involved: In the story, Keshchyan and Naumov play the roles of unlucky businessmen who are taken to a resort to sign an important contract. The film received mixed reviews from critics, mostly negative.

Nikolai Naumov and Ararat Keshchyan in the film “Nannies”

Keshchyan also performed on the stage of the Comedy Club, where others became his partners former members Club of the cheerful and resourceful - Stas Yarushin, . The actor starred in new version film " Caucasian captive", where he played Nina's uncle.

A striking project in Keshchyan’s filmography was the comedy “Classmates,” in which the artist played the role of bank employee Misha, the heroine’s lover. In 2017, the sequel to the popular film “Odnoklassniki: A New Turn” was shown, in which Ararat shone in the role of two twins Misha and Gosha, separated in childhood.

By now, Keshchyan has managed to prove himself as talented comedian, television presenter, radio presenter and actor. My plans for the future include opening my own business (a Georgian restaurant), which will allow me not to think about money and work for pleasure: acting in films, not paying attention to the size of the fee.

Keshchyan enjoys diving, relaxing underwater after a noisy and rich life in the capital.

Personal life

While pursuing a career, for a long time Keshchyan did not think about his personal life. His first real feeling came on the eve of his 30th birthday. The actor’s wife was a girl named Irina; the wedding took place in Adler in 2007. But the marriage lasted 3 years. The breakup of relations became known in 2010. In the program “COSMOPOLITAN. Video version" Ararat announced that he was divorced, but his heart is not free.

Soon the actor married his second wife Ekaterina Shepeta, who received a diploma in public relations. The girl’s plans included organizing her own business. The young couple had more than one wedding. Since Ekaterina’s parents live in Kostanay, and Ararat lives in Adler, the celebration had to be celebrated in 2 cities. Along the way, the newlyweds visited Thailand, where they went in the company of friends. And when we returned to Moscow, we held an event among our colleagues.

In September 2014, a significant event occurred in the lives of the lovers - they became parents, Katerina gave birth to a daughter, Eva, who later became a star "Instagram" father. While pregnant, Katya opened her own wedding agency, which she called “Duck House”.

In 2017, a second daughter, Diana, appeared in the family. Children regularly become heroes of Keshchyan’s Instagram. Moreover, photos of not only daughters, but also nephews appear on the personal profile of the screen star. The actor has a close relationship with his brother: Ararat and Ashot are family friends.

Ararat Keshchyan now

Ararat's creative career is closely connected with TNT. The actor not only stars in the channel’s projects, but also participates in entertainment programs such as “Improvisation”, “Where is the logic?” Moreover, in the second show, Keshchyan appeared several times, including with his wife Ekaterina.

Now Ararat is working on a role in a project called “The Baker and the Beauty.” In the film, where the main roles will be played, we will talk about the love of a screen star and a guy from the province. The premiere is scheduled for 2019.

Ararat Keshchyan with his wife at the premiere of the film “Year of Culture” in 2018

In 2018 there was an important event V creative life artist. Ararat entered the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors, where he began to learn the basics of filmmaking with reverse side cameras. For 2 years, Keshchyan will attend classes of masters of Russian cinema, because others teach here. The cost of the training course will be 430 thousand rubles.


  • 2009-2011 – “Univer”
  • 2011 – “Exchange Wedding”
  • 2011-2018 – “University.” New dorm"
  • 2012 – “He’s still Carloson!”
  • 2012 – “Nannies”
  • 2012 – “Moms”
  • 2013-2015 – “SashaTanya”
  • 2014 – “Prisoner of the Caucasus!”
  • 2016 – “Odnoklassniki”
  • 2017 – “Odnoklassniki: New twist”

Ararat Keshchyan is an actor and comedian who is not yet so popular, but definitely strives to become so. His rise as a TV star has just begun, so the man needs to constantly improve his acting skills, which he demonstrates with every new film released with his participation. Let's tell you more about his modest person.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ararat Keshchyan

Height, weight, age. How old is Ararat Keshchyan - the actor is thirty-eight years old, he is in full bloom, but on the other hand, his age already implies some results of work and a couple of passed life exams. Ararat's weight is ninety-two kilograms, his height is 190 centimeters. Libra. By his nationality he is Armenian. For the first time his personality was noticed after he starred in the series “Univer,” but not only this series helped his talent to manifest itself, but also his games in KVN.

The boy was born in the city of Gagra, Abkhazia. He was very lucky that the family almost immediately moved to Russian city Adler, it was there that Keshchyan graduated from high school. He spent his entire childhood communicating with his older brother named Ashot, who in turn was a brilliant role model for Ararat, looking at his brother’s behavior and taking an example from him, he found the strength to go on the KVN stage.

Biography and personal life of Ararat Keshchyan

Biography and personal life Ararat Keshchyan - begins with the date of birth, of course, namely October 19, 1978. After school, the young man mastered the hotel industry. But then, thanks, as mentioned above, to brother Ashot, in 1999 Ararat joined him in the KVN team “Grandchildren of Lumumba,” a joke that was liked not only by the judges, but also by the audience in the hall, so for three whole years, “ Lumumba's grandchildren won a huge number of various awards. The team was able to reach the semi-finals of the KVN Northern League.

Of course, the play of such sparkling and cheerful brothers could not go unnoticed and over time they were invited to the capital of Russia - Moscow. There they begin to advocate new team, whose name is “RUDN University Team”. Play directly in Major League the brothers became brothers in 2003. After such a successful start in KVN, it’s time to start in cinema. Moreover, Ararat has already tasted popularity and glory. But, despite everything, the man made his debut not in a film, but in one of the entertainment shows, in 2007. Very often in his interviews, the actor says and emphasizes that behind such a seemingly simple performance in KVN there actually lies a lot of work, which, like any other, according to Ararat, must be respected.

Family and children of Ararat Keshchyan

Family and children of Ararat Keshchyan - the actor is quite young, but has already managed to start a family. Moreover, he was married twice. It is not surprising that the marriage with the second wife turned out to be much stronger than with the first, because in their youth everyone commits rash acts, which later become mistakes.

They had no children with their first wife, but with their second they had an amazing girl, Eva. Perhaps there will be more children together, because the couple has been married not so long ago. It cannot be said that the now famous comedian and actor is in any hurry to extend his own gene pool; perhaps it will be enough for him to invest all his love in one child in order to raise him according to all the canons of modern society.

Daughter of Ararat Keshchyan - Eva

Ararat Keshchyan's daughter Eva was born on September 3, 2014. The girl is so far Keshchyan’s only heir. To say that the comedian is happy about the birth of his little angel is to say nothing! He is simply happy, even the name was chosen according to the girl - Eva. A huge number of pictures can be found in social network On Instagram, where the actor has his own personal page, he deliberately posts photos with his girl, showing the whole world how proud he is of her. The baby is still small, she is only three years old, but a charming smile always shines on her face, isn’t it wonderful? And very soon the young parents will be busy choosing a kindergarten for Eva and preparing for the girl to start attending it.

Wives of Ararat Keshchyan - Irina Keshchan, Ekaterina Shepeta

Wives of Ararat Keshchyan - Irina Keshchan, Ekaterina Shepeta interesting topic for journalists. The actor’s first wife, Irina, married him on November 7, 2007 in Adler. The marriage lasted three years, in 2010 the couple decided to separate. He announced that Ararat is free from marriage ties in one of television programs, it is still unknown whether he did it intentionally or the words themselves came out of his mouth. The most curious thing is that by making such a loud statement to the whole country, the man’s heart was already occupied. By whom? Ekaterina Shepeta - the girl who later became his second wife. This happened on January 11, 2013. See happy couple together and you can capture them on camera at many social events, as well as those associated with the premieres of new films, in particular, of course, those in which Ararat itself is starring. Ekaterina herself is not wasting time and plans to soon begin developing her business in earnest by opening a wedding agency. The parents are raising baby Eva together.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ararat Keshchyan

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ararat Keshchyan are absolutely not classified information. Wikipedia (,_Ararat_Gevorgovich) will gladly open its doors to anyone who wants to read something new about their idol. The personal page on Instagram will do the same (, by visiting which you will seem to plunge into Keshchyan’s life, feel it, see it from the inside, get satiated, and be charged with positive emotions. Because the star dad not only posts a lot of photos with his daughter, but also shoots inquisitive video clips. In a word, his personal pages need to be visited, perhaps more than once. The decision is yours!

Photo: in the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus!” Ararat Keshchyan played with Gennady Khazanov and Nastya Zadorozhnaya. On January 11, 2013, Ekaterina Shepeta became Ararat Keshchyan’s wife. Ararat Keshchyan talks about his life and publishes a lot interesting photos on official page on Instagram - @araratkeshchyan.

The wife announced that she was pregnant, in an unusual way, - recalls the actor. – The surprise was presented in a small box with the results of pregnancy tests. Ekaterina (the actor’s wife) and I had an ultrasound. At the end of the pregnancy I was already urging my wife: “Come on, give birth to a daughter. Stop holding her.” When I come to visit family or friends who have children, I devote the first half hour to the kids. I can’t say that pregnancy greatly affected Katya’s character. Everything went within the rules.

In terms of my wife’s health, everything went, pah-pah-pah, smoothly. We went to the hospital together, but I waited outside the delivery room door. I was allowed to take my first swim only as an observer. The mother-in-law and wife were operating in the bathroom. And now the wife copes on her own in most cases.

There is no need to force me, I do it with pleasure and without problems. The choice of name for the child was left up to his wife. At first, Katya suggested naming her daughter Victoria, like her close friend.

He also had romances in his life, although not in such numbers as his character Michael. The actor’s first marriage, which lasted three years, ended in divorce, and this happened because, according to Ararat’s friends and relatives, he was too hasty and chose the wrong girl for his wife.

Ararat Keshchyan, wife

Ararat Keshchyan is reluctant to share details of his personal life with the public. When the actor’s daughter was born a year ago, the couple didn’t even immediately say what they named her. Ararat believes that the birth of Eva changed his life for the better.

I became more attentive, concentration, speed and coordination increased significantly. I can teleport in a second if a person is hanging off the couch. On the other hand, I can get lost in a second. Keshchyan's all-encompassing love for his daughter does not affect the methods of his upbringing. Ararat believes that a child should learn from birth to understand what is good and what is bad. “I don’t want my daughter to be spoiled.

Ararat does not hide that he is proud of his daughter. Our daughter is calm. Evochka is great, she’s letting dad get some sleep,” says the actor in an interview with the website “Woman’s” Photos, interviews, ratings, polls, all the most relevant and interesting things about celebrities - 24/7 on the pages of

Ararat Keshchyan – Russian actor, presenter, comedian. Born on October 19, 1978 in the city of Gagra, Abkhazia. At an early age he moved with his family to Adler. After school, he entered the Sochi branch of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University.

In 2009, Ararat debuted in popular TV series Uni, with the role of Michael. Michael, or Arthur Mikaelyan, is a real Armenian, and unlike his friends Alexander Sergeev and Eduard Kuzmin, he does not miss a single pretty student at the university. However, unbridled love for female does not prevent him from studying, and by the end of the first part of the series, he graduates from university and enters graduate school.

In 2014, Keshchyan played Dzhabrail in the film Captive of the Caucasus. The actor is not registered on the social network VKontakte! Be careful, there are several dozen fake stars on VK! The family of the star of the series “Univer” Ararat Keshchyan is considered exemplary by many. Subscribers of Keshchyan’s chosen one noted how glad they were that the spouses still spend time together. Many could not help but notice that Ararat looked very tired.

Nevertheless, Katerina understands this, and therefore shows only care and attention towards her husband. When we got married, we never spent a day without Solik, and by the end of the year we were even thinking about getting a divorce.

Ararat Keshchyan's wife came out for the first time after giving birth

Can be played role-playing games– for example, coming to a meeting as if you don’t know each other. Then the romance in the relationship will not fade away.” Video version” dated June 26, 2010, Ararat Keshchyan announced that he was divorced, but his girlfriend’s place was no longer vacant.

Hooray! Hooray! Here we are. “I’m stressed,” admitted Katya. – For the first time in 3 months, I went out in the evening and left the baby at home. I’m very worried how my grandparents will cope with her.” Katya Keshchyan has not yet returned to work. Let us remind you that Ararat and Catherine secretly got married on January 11, 2013. Ararat Keschan had already been married before, but he became a father for the first time.

Ararat Keshchyan: “I lisp with my daughter until she starts to get impudent”

In 2004, the RUDN Team again reached the season finals, where, losing to the Pyatigorsk Team by only 0.6 points, they became second. At the Jurmala festival in 2004, Ararat performed with new parody to Khazan’s monologue “Parrot”, and his team became the owner of the “Big KiViN in the Dark”.

Also, together with his brother, he participated in the third season of “Fight Club,” a humorous project by the Kvartal-95 studio. The news about the arrival of the famous Michael and his young wife in Kostanay was initially accepted as a “duck”. But a month later she realized that it was not for her, and entered the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU), choosing a specialty in public relations.

I was lucky with my choice of specialty, and I am satisfied with the knowledge I gained at the university over five years,” says Ekaterina. When I grew up, I had very long hair, and everyone around me kept telling me that I needed to go to modeling school.

The second wife of Ararat Keshchyan was a native of Kostanay, Ekaterina Shepeta, who came to Moscow to get an education and make a career. Ararat's first marriage to Irina Keshchyan lasted three years; the couple divorced in 2010. In life, Ararat Keshchyan is much more modest, but no less charming, than in the TV series “Univer”, which made the actor super popular. Photo: Ararat Keshchyan at the premiere of the new film “Prisoner of the Caucasus!”

Ekaterina Shepeta is a spectacular beauty and the wife of the star of the TV series “Univer” Ararat Keshchyan. The article will tell you more about the girl’s biography.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina was born in Kazakhstan in 1989. She studied at the gymnasium named after. Gorky, and after graduation she went to Moscow to enter one of the capital’s universities. She succeeded, and the girl became a first-year student at the design faculty of Moscow State Technical University. However, soon Ekaterina Shepeta felt that her calling lay in another area. She took the documents and entered the Russian State University for the Humanities. In 2012, the girl received a diploma in public relations.

Modeling career

WITH young age Ekaterina Shepeta participated in beauty contests. She liked to be the center of attention, to turn on interesting acquaintances. Those around her admired her pleasant facial features and luxurious long hair. The first experience was the Miss Kostanay competition, followed by participation in Miss Tourism Kostanay and Miss Tourism Kazakhstan in 2005. At the All-Russian beauty competition "Miss Volga", Shepeta, according to the competent jury, was one of the ten most charming participants.

However, she herself does not like being called a model in the media. Ekaterina shares that it was rather her hobby, a way to bring more into life bright colors, travel, make new friends. Diplomas and personalized ribbons remind us of the past, because now the girl is a young mother and the founder of her own profitable business.

Bright couple

Ekaterina Shepeta is married to actor Ararat Keshchyan, who became famous after playing the heartthrob Arthur Mikaelyan in the youth sitcom “Univer”, and then starred in the films “Moms”, “Nannies”, “Exchange Wedding”. The celebration took place in 2013. It’s funny that the wedding was celebrated three times: for close friends, colleagues and Ekaterina’s parents in Kostanay. Reporters were not invited to the celebration - the couple treated the event as a secret ritual, accessible only to those closest to them.

According to the newlyweds, they met thanks to director Sarik Andreasyan, with whom they worked. Ararat participated in developing scripts for films and filming them, and Ekaterina got a job at Andreasyan's company Enjoy Movies for PR of film projects, in particular the comedy "Pregnant". There the future spouses met.

Ekaterina Shepeta, whose photos on the Internet are fascinating, in real life struck the actor. A fair-haired, slender beauty with beautiful curls and an expressive smile - who could resist? At the time they met, Keshchyan was recovering psychologically from his recent divorce from his first wife, Irina. He was sure that from now on he would never marry. But the meeting with Catherine completely dispelled this pessimism. In 2014, the couple had a daughter, Eva. This was an unexpected surprise, because the doctors convinced that a son would be born. Ararat succeeds best in the role of the father of a tiny and adorable baby - he has become more gentle and softer.

The eleven-year difference in age and cultural background did not prevent the couple from creating strong family. Ararat Keshchyan and Ekaterina Shepeta are not those who spend every minute family life posts on Instagram. They prefer to protect their relationships from excessive attention, and in the interview they share a minimum of details. It is known that Catherine, out of respect for her husband’s traditions and desire to know her beloved better, began to learn the Armenian language. The girl also learned to cook National dishes to pamper your spouse with delicious food.

Present tense

On this moment Ekaterina is raising her daughter and is also the director of the Utkin House wedding agency. The idea to start such a business was successful - the girl combines her own source of income with fulfilling the wishes of the newlyweds. She, like a wedding fairy, strives to make each couple’s ceremony perfect and magical.

Ararat notes that his wife is a workaholic. She doesn't like to spend time idly. A sincere desire to give happiness to clients and hard work help her in developing her business. While the husband acts in comedies, the wife proves herself to be a true businesswoman.

Free from active work Nowadays, young people love to attend various events and shows, such as the Comedy Club, or simply enjoy the peace and comfort of home. Ekaterina Shepeta, whose biography began in Kazakhstan, managed to achieve success in the capital and find true love.

Celebrity wives prefer to lead an idle lifestyle, placing their hopes entirely on their husbands. But there are exceptions to this rule. Ekaterina Shepeta is a young mother of two children, the wife of a successful actor and TV presenter, who is not satisfied with the role of a housewife. The girl owns an event agency. She manages to combine family chores with organizing one of the most important holidays In every person's life there are weddings.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina is originally from Kazakhstan. Born September 4, 1989. Parents, like a good part of the population of Kostanay, are Russian by nationality. As a child, Katya dreamed of becoming a fashion model. When she grew up, she began participating in beauty pageants. Height (173 cm) and other parameters made it possible to make a career in modeling business. But Ekaterina, even after winning several competitions, was determined to obtain a serious profession, which in the future would bring both income and pleasure.

Katya received her secondary education in one of the best institutions in Kostanay - in the gymnasium named after. . However, not a single university hometown didn't attract the girl's attention. Ekaterina set her sights towards the Russian capital, where there is a better chance of getting a quality education and making a career. Soon after the prom, the girl was already hastily getting ready for Moscow.

The parents were not surprised by their daughter's plans. Father wanted Katya to study in Moscow. In addition, relatives live in the capital who supported the girl at first. Katya planned to enter MSTU. .

According to one version, she entered, but studied for only a month, after which she transferred to another university. On the other hand, on the way I changed my mind and upon arrival in Moscow submitted documents to the Russian State University for the Humanities. One way or another, five years later, thanks to perseverance, perseverance and the support of my parents, I received a diploma with honors.

Ekaterina is an advertising specialist. But the girl was always frightened by the fate of a hired employee, even in a prosperous company. I wanted freedom and independence. And you can achieve this by opening a business. The graduate of the Russian State University for the Humanities did just that, but a little later - two years after receiving higher education. First, I had to gain initial experience in the advertising business.


After receiving her diploma, Catherine, of course, had to get a job. She began building a business plan for the future agency later, after she got married. Before meeting her future husband, Ekaterina worked in a PR agency that specializes in promoting films and other projects from the world of the film industry. Ekaterina began to realize her thoughts about her own business while she was pregnant.

At the beginning of her journey, the girl had little idea what her agency would be like. But the choice of niche in the holiday business was influenced by events from own life. The memories of the wedding have not yet faded. And Catherine wanted to organize holidays for others. So she created a wedding agency.

Ekaterina’s project is “Duck’s House”. This name for the aspiring business woman came to mind by accident. Later, Catherine learned that the duck is a symbol of domestic well-being. On behalf of the holiday agency, the girl decided to launch a competition. The winner was promised an original prize - a comprehensive organization of the holiday.

The gift package of services intended for the luckiest participant included video filming, performances by artists, and decoration of the hall. Catherine dreamed of making a holiday that the bride would remember for the rest of her life, and she succeeded.

The competition started on February 14. Only couples from Moscow took part. The winner was the one whose love story was the most convincing. Catherine looked through the letters every day. Finally I chose the five most touching ones. The couple who will receive the prize was chosen by the audience.

In an interview, Katya once said that she did not pursue the goal of “conquering Moscow.” The girl fell in love with this city as a child. I dreamed of living here since I visited for the first time with my parents. Thanks to her participation in competitions, Katya visited different cities. She remembers this period with warmth in her biography. But the girl doesn’t like the fact that journalists, having learned about the popular actor’s marriage, dubbed her the “Kostanay beauty queen.”

Personal life

Enjoy Movies is the name of the company where Katya worked after graduating from university. Here the girl not only gained experience in the advertising business, but also met her future husband. The specifics of the work involved communication with actors, including one who had long collaborated with the founder of the company.

Katya got married in 2013. Photos of the star of the TV series “Univer” and his bride immediately appeared in the media. At first they planned to organize a wedding in a narrow circle. Ekaterina’s husband is from Gagra. The celebration took place near his hometown - in Adler. But the newlyweds wanted to continue the holiday. Therefore, they celebrated the important event three more times.

After Adler and his friends flew to Thailand. Then, at the invitation of Katya’s parents, she went to Kostanay. When they returned to Moscow, Ararat suggested holding another celebration - this time among colleagues.

In 2014, Eva was born. Two years after the wedding, Katya gave an interview in which she talked about her family. Now she has many relatives, most of them from her husband’s side. A girl from Kostanay has become a proper Armenian daughter-in-law: she cooks national dishes and even mastered native language Ararat at a conversational level.

In all her endeavors, Catherine was supported by her husband. The name of Ararat became important detail advertising campaign. But the founder and manager of the wedding organization project is Ekaterina. On your personal page "Instagram" she regularly adds new photos. This is a hobby that the girl takes seriously. Katya makes every publication informative and useful for subscribers.

Ekaterina Shepeta now

In 2017, Ekaterina became a mother for the second time. Another girl was born into the Keshchyan family and was named Diana. On Instagram, the girl shares her experience, talks about how she managed to stay in shape after the birth of her second daughter, and about the principles healthy eating.

Ekaterina Keshchyan also finds time for business. In February 2018, she visited a wedding exhibition, which she announced on Instagram. detailed comments. But main topic Catherine's blog - family.

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