Application based on the work of S. Marshak “Who will find the ring? Crafts from ear sticks Knitted craft from Marshak's fairy tales

63 students in grades 1-4 took part in the competition of drawings and crafts based on the work of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. 18 letters were written for the writing competition. They are addressed both to the poet himself and to the heroes of his works: Lenochka from the poem “Fire”, the cat from “Cat’s House”, the little stupid mouse from the fairy tale of the same name, the absent-minded man from the poem “The Absent-Minded Man”, Nikolai Blinov from “Four Ends”, Skvortsov Grishka from “The Book About Books”, the bear from the poem “A Lesson of Politeness”, the stepdaughter from the fairy tale play “Twelve Months”. In the Reading Room of the School Library there is an exhibition of drawings and crafts “Tell the poems of S.Ya. Marshak with his hands"

Shadrin Daniil 3B S.Ya. Marshak “That’s how absent-minded” Works of 3rd grade students Bairova Aryuna 3G Letter to an absent-minded person ... I want to tell you that there is no word “carriage respected” and “station” cannot stop near the “tramcar”…. …Thank you, you introduced us to the stations: Balogoe, Popovka, Dibuny, Yamskaya and the city of Leningrad. ...I wanted to ask you about your name, patronymic and surname? How old are you? Where do you live? …My wishes to you: Don’t be absent-minded! Be careful! Look at the signs! Don’t get into an uncoupled carriage, because it won’t move! Sincerely, Bairova Aryuna 3G class

Letters addressed to the heroes of the works of S.Ya. Marshak...I really love reading books and one day I came across the poem “A Book about Books” by S. Ya. Marshak. Having read the work, I was upset by such cruel treatment of books... ...I understand. That this story is made up. Books cannot escape their owner. What I really wish I had sometimes... ...I liked it. That your son is a smart pioneer and appreciates books. I want him to never repeat your mistakes. Viktorova Ekaterina 4D class ... From the poem I learned that you live with your mother, and my large and friendly family consists of 5 people. Our oldest grandmother is Tonya. She is 77 years old, we all love her very much and listen to her wise advice... ...Lena, you are younger than me. Therefore, I decided to give you some friendly advice...You did not listen to your mother and a big disaster happened - a fire. Now try to listen to your mother and not play with fire! Badlueva Liza 4D class

Ten Andrey 4D class S.Ya. Marshak “Fire” ...I heard your sad story about how you treated your books... After all, so many people worked so that these books reached the reader... ...You, Grishka, acted so stupidly, but I’m glad that all your books were cured and found their place in a clean and comfortable library, among other books from good people, whose profession is the most peaceful. This profession is a librarian... I wish you success, all the best and kindness. With respect to you, student of 4D class of Gymnasium 14, Ulan-Ude, Nikita Donskoy

Budazhapov Marat 4D Letter to Blinov Nikolay from the poem “Four Ends” Khankharayev Ardan 4D Letter to the Bear from the poem “A Lesson of Politeness” Dear Bear!...So here is my advice: without internal culture, respect for people, manners will not save you from rudeness and impoliteness …. Khankharaev Ardan 4D Please write me the answer. Hello, little mouse! I feel sorry for your mother, who was exhausted while looking for a nanny for you. You need to feel sorry for your mother. No one can tell you a fairy tale better than your mother. You can't be so capricious and disobedient. Your whims can lead to trouble. You are still small and stupid, you don’t know and don’t understand a lot. Know that the cat is smart and cunning. It is very dangerous for little mice. Don't be capricious anymore and listen to your mom! Your friend, Nadya Banzaraktsaeva - 3B

After reading the poem, I came to the conclusion that you should always obey your parents and do as they say. They always warn us about dangers that may happen. Lena, you can’t play with fire, after all, your mother asked you before leaving: “Don’t touch the stove, Lena. It’s burning, Lenochka, fire!” And you didn’t listen to her!.. And by not listening to your mother, you endangered your life and the life of your cat! And if it weren’t for the brave fireman Kuzma, who carried you out of the burning house in his arms, then everything could have been worse!.. Come on, Lena, let’s listen to the adults, don’t touch the matches, don’t open the doors of the stoves where the fire is burning, then there will be no fires ! Vampilova Zhenya 4D class Hello, dear aunt cat! You did the wrong thing. When you lived richly, met rich friends, you did not let your orphan nephews into the door. They asked you to spend the night, at least to lie down on the floor and cover yourself with a matting. And when your house burned down, you asked to spend the night with your friends, but no one let you in. Only kittens who know cold and hunger gave you shelter. Now you understand that you need to stick to your loved ones. They will help in trouble, unlike rich friends. Goodbye. Sincerely, Anton Korchagin 3D.

Crafts on the theme “Fairy Tales”: Together with children we make panels and compositions from natural materials.

Crafts on the theme “Fairy Tales”

Today we continue with you our autumn children's crafts workshop. We have already made crafts with you based on children's fairy tales - detailed master classes in step-by-step photos with step-by-step descriptions can be found in the articles:

And today in this article there are more ideas for crafts on the theme “Fairy Tales” with preschool children. They were sent to us on the “Native Path” by Petushkova Lyubov Anatolyevna, teacher of secondary group No. 11 “Stargazers” from the city of Yugorsk, Tyumen region (MBOU secondary school No. 5). The group “Stargazers” held a family competition of crafts made from natural materials on the theme “Fairy Tales”. Here are some fairy tale-themed crafts that parents and their children created.

We will be glad if these ideas and photographs of the work of children and parents will help you make your own interesting crafts based on the plots of various fairy tales with children.

Crafts on the theme of fairy tales about Baba - Yaga

Baba Yaga in a mortar

Baba Yaga with a broom

Crafts on the theme of the fairy tale about Kolobok

Craft on the theme of the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”

Craft on a fairy tale theme: Masha and the Bear

This craft is made using the appliqué technique from natural materials.

Crafts on the theme “Tales of the Goldfish”

The craft - a goldfish - is also made using the appliqué technique. It's very easy to do. On a sheet of cardboard we draw a sketch of the future craft. Apply PVA glue to one of the details of the sketch and fill the outline with natural material. Next, fill in other details until you get a picture.

You can lay out the entire image only from natural materials, or you can lay out only a part, adding details to the plot picture with details drawn with a felt-tip pen or paints, or an appliqué made from colored paper.

Craft: fairytale hut on chicken legs

Craft based on a fairy tale: Miracle tree

You can learn the technology of making crafts from natural materials for children from detailed step-by-step master classes in the section

Boksha Galina

One of the favorite authors of preschool childhood is S. Ya. Marshak. This year, November 3 marks the 130th anniversary of writer's birth, who dedicated all his creativity to children. We spent in preparatory group drawing and crafts competition(parents helped children), dedicated to the works of S. Ya. Marshak. Contest was dedicated to the day writer's birth.

Target competition:

increasing the efficiency of inclusion work

children to the creativity of S. Ya. Marshak

Tasks competition:

To promote children's interest in fiction

Promote the value of books, form an information culture of the individual.

Involve parents in family reading of literary works.

To develop the ability to emotionally perceive the figurative content of works; embody your imagination in the images of characters; develop imagination and creative abilities.

Using acquired skills and abilities, develop creativity and aesthetic perception

Before competition work was carried out with children:

Reading the writer's works;

Examination of illustrations;

Conducting literary quizzes;

Memorizing poetry;

Publications on the topic:

November 3, 1887 The well-known children's writer Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak was born. A life dedicated to children All of his work is a poet.

Children Protection Day. Asphalt drawing competition I approve the Head of MBDOU kindergarten “Fairy Tale” ___ E. N. Shamaeva “12” May 2017 REGULATIONS on the competition of children's drawings.

The Kamyshlovsk city children's library hosted a reading competition dedicated to the one hundred and thirtieth anniversary of the birth of the famous children's library.

Yesterday the cranes screamed, and my heart felt so sad. The flowers had not yet bloomed, there was no summer yet, It was just raining and the sky was cold.

World Aviation and Space Day is a memorable date celebrated on April 12. On the eve of Cosmonautics Day, it is traditional in our kindergarten.

All participants - drivers and pedestrians, adults and children - must know the rules of the road. Ignorance of these rules does not exempt us.

A reading competition was held in our Kindergarten, dedicated to the one hundred and thirtieth anniversary of the birth of the famous children's writer - Samuil Yakovlevich.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak(1887-1964) - Russian poet, playwright and translator, literary critic, screenwriter. Author of popular children's books. In 1923 he published his first poetic children's books: “The House That Jack Built”, “Children in a Cage”, “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse”. Marshak's books have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

This section of the site presents poems by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak for children. More than 40 works with illustrations by famous artists!

Read Marshak's poems

Navigation by works

    Princess Lindagul

    Topelius S.

    A fairy tale about the young princess Lindagul, the favorite of Shah Nadir. One day, during animal fights, she was stolen by the sorcerer Khirma, who turned into a tiger. The tiger bit off the hand of Prince Abderaman, who was the only one who rushed to defend Lindagul. Princess Lindagul read Once upon a time...

    How a tailor sewed Finland to Sweden

    Topelius S.

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    Jumping Firefly

    Bazhov P.P.

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    Stone Flower

    Bazhov P.P.

    One day, Danil’s student appeared with a noble master carver. He was an orphan, thin and sickly, but the master immediately noticed his talent and his true eye. Danila grew up, learned a craft, but wanted to learn the secret of beauty, so that in stone...


    Tolstoy L.N.

    A fairy tale about a little boy Lipunyushka, who was bred by his grandmother and grandfather in cotton wool. He ran to the field to take pancakes to the priest for lunch and asked to plow the field on his horse. Lipunyushka read There lived an old man with an old woman. U...

    How a man divided geese

    Tolstoy L.N.

    A fairy tale about a clever and savvy poor man who went to ask his master for bread, and in gratitude roasted the master’s goose. The master asked the man to divide the goose among all members of his family. How a man divided geese read U...

    About the elephant

    Zhitkov B.S.

    How an elephant saved its owner from a tiger

    Zhitkov B.S.

    One Hindu went into the forest with his elephant to collect firewood. Everything was going well, but suddenly the elephant stopped obeying its owner and began to listen to sounds. The owner got angry with him and began hitting his ears with a branch. ...

    What is everyone's favorite holiday? Of course, New Year! On this magical night, a miracle descends on the earth, everything sparkles with lights, laughter is heard, and Santa Claus brings long-awaited gifts. A huge number of poems are dedicated to the New Year. IN …

    In this section of the site you will find a selection of poems about the main wizard and friend of all children - Santa Claus. Many poems have been written about the kind grandfather, but we have selected the most suitable ones for children aged 5,6,7 years. Poems about...

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    A selection of short and memorable poems about winter and New Year, Santa Claus, snowflakes, and a Christmas tree for the younger group of kindergarten. Read and learn short poems with children 3-4 years old for matinees and New Year's Eve. Here …

    1 - About the little bus who was afraid of the dark

    Donald Bisset

    A fairy tale about how mother bus taught her little bus not to be afraid of the dark... About the little bus who was afraid of the dark read Once upon a time there was a little bus in the world. He was bright red and lived with his dad and mom in the garage. Every morning …

    2 - Three kittens

    Suteev V.G.

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Rimma Brynza
Application based on the work of S. Marshak “Who will find the ring?”

Application based on the work C. Marshak"Who will find the ring

Purpose of employment.

Continue teaching children to cut out round shapes from rectangles, make animal figures from individual parts, and make figures for dramatization games. Develop children's imagination in inventing additional content for the game. Continue to develop preschoolers’ interest in the illustrations of the artist V. Lebedev. Pay attention to the design features of the book cover, to the construction of the picture "Baby Elephant" Kipling, on the artist’s ability to convey the features of the beast.

Material. Multimedia equipment for demonstrating a presentation on the topic. Colored paper (rectangles and additional details - in envelopes, which depict figures of familiar animals), scissors, glue, rags.

Preliminary work. Carrying out dramatization games based on the fairy tale by S. Marshak"Who will find the ring. Using an animal hat, tabletop theater (finger, box, flat, flannel). The game is played repeatedly until the children memorize the text and begin to fantasize, inventing events with the presence of other characters. Carrying out the game on appliqués“Make a figure”.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher invites the children to play a fairy tale game "Who will find the ring. Draws attention to the fact that today there will be no puppet theater and children must make fairy tale heroes themselves, using book illustrations. Asks children: “Who drew the illustrations for the fairy tale "Who" will find the ring How did you know this?

Then the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that V. Lebedev, when illustrating books, already on the cover introduces the reader to the characters works. At the same time, they don’t just sit or stand, they act.

The teacher explains that children can choose any envelope with colored paper for themselves on the table. In each envelope "hidden" a riddle to answer answer: “Which hero is hiding here?” We need to complete the picture applique like this so that the hero lives, acts, is busy with something. Next he suggests looking at 1-2 illustrations to Kipling’s book "Baby elephant", draws children's attention to the simplicity of the forms used by the artist when depicting animals, to their similarity to an oval and a circle.

Then the teacher invites the children to cut out oval and round shapes and make familiar figures from them, supplementing them with the details that are in the envelope. Reminds me of the rule that when cutting round shapes from rectangular ones, the cut corners should fall off. Then the animal figures are glued onto a sheet of paper.

The game is played as follows. The teacher selects 3-5 characters. Children come out with their "heroes". The teacher begins game: It rolled, Olino rolled ring, It rolled, rolled off our porch. Who will get off the porch? Who will find the ring? Children respond in turn in the voice of their character, using the words of the text and explaining what their character is doing so urgently that he cannot help Olya. Educator speaks: Don’t look for the ring, bear (fox, etc., don’t try to roar like that. Our Olenka is small, but she went looking for it herself. At the end of the dramatization game, the teacher should praise those who were able to do it in the most accurate way appliqués portray your character and read the text expressively. Clarify which artist suggested with his illustrations for "Baby Elephant" that animals can be made from simple parts.

Publications on the topic:

“Who will find the ring?” Summary of GCD for FEMP (spatial orientation) in the middle group Who will find the ring? Summary of direct educational activities in the middle group. OO "Poznanie": FEMP - orientation in space.

Conversation on the work of V. A. Oseeva “Just an Old Lady” in the senior group Goal: To introduce children to the work of V. A. Oseeva. Objectives: - to improve children’s ability to behave with dignity in different life situations.

Summary of an integrated lesson on acquaintance with nature based on the work of K. D. Ushinsky “Bishka” Purpose: - to introduce children to the author's fairy tale - to teach children to answer questions about the fairy tale - to encourage them to remember the first and last name of the author of the fairy tale.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fiction. A retelling of S. Marshak’s fairy tale “Who will find the ring?” Program content: - introduce children to the children's author Samuil Marshak and his work “Who will find the ring?”; - teach carefully.

Scenario for a musical fairy tale based on the work of L. Moore “Little Raccoon and the One Who Sits in the Pond”"Little Raccoon and the One Who Sits in the Pond" Scenario of a musical fairy tale based on the work of L. Moore. To the music, Raccoon's mother and the baby come on stage.

Reading lesson in 3rd grade based on the work of K. D. Ushinsky “Our Fatherland” READING LESSON “OUR FATHERLAND” Purpose: development of reading technique, expressiveness, meaningful reading of the text. Objectives: 1. Develop reading.

Literary quiz evening based on the work of V. G. Suteev Literary quiz with children and parents in the preparatory group Purpose: 1. To create and develop interest in fiction.

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