Antithesis as the basis for constructing the comedy “Woe from Wit. Chatsky's loneliness is a modern phenomenon

Using the image of the main character of the work “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboedov wanted to show the reader how difficult it is to bring something new into the world, how difficult it is to live in a society where they cannot understand and accept you because of your progressive thinking. People with new views on life are always alien to society, and therefore are doomed to loneliness. This also applies to Chatsky, because it is not easy to find people who will share his views.

Chatsky is endowed with ideal features human soul. This person has self-esteem, he is educated and smart. Life in an unfair world is unacceptable to him. He tries in every possible way to resist the old order, telling people about new truths. IN " Famusov society“Chatsky is considered abnormal; people in Famus’s circle are not ready to accept his new views on life; it is much easier for them to continue living in their swamp with old morals and views. But Chatsky is doomed to loneliness in this vile Famus society.

Faced with lies, deception, hypocrisy and lack of education, Chatsky begins to directly express his opinion about the chaos that is happening around him. He opposes the “herd” opinion of the “Famus society.” Instead of understanding something, understanding something new, these people cling to the old order. They are simply afraid to leave the herd, so they express their misunderstanding and disgust towards Chatsky. People of the “Famus society” are ready to do anything for the sake of ranks and titles, hypocrisy and selfishness live in them, they don’t know any other life and don’t want to know.

Alexander Andreevich has a sense of self-expression, freedom, he will never serve, all this characterizes him as a man of new times. Chatsky is doomed to loneliness precisely because of this, he is very different from other people, he simply does not have an interlocutor in terms of intelligence.

Together with the article “Essay on the topic: Why is Chatsky doomed to loneliness? (“Woe from Wit”)” read:

I would like to hope that the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov’s “Woe from Wit” did not leave ninth-graders indifferent. Comedy wonderful master words about which great poet A.A. Blok said that “having no predecessors, he had no followers equal to himself.”

In November 2016, in 9th grade, public lesson on literature " Tragic loneliness Chatsky." At the beginning of the lesson, “Griboyedov’s sayings” were offered (as I.A. Goncharov called them in the article “A Million Torments”): you had to complete the phrase and get 1 point for the correct answer.
For example: If evil is to be stopped: take away ..... / all the books and burn /.

The students coped with 25 “sayings” without much difficulty: they read the comedy. The most active was Mikhail Kravchenko.

Messages prepared at home showed that ninth-graders understand the originality of Griboyedov’s immortal comedy and are proficient in monologue speech.

Timofey Khopryaninov spoke about the ideological concept of the comedy and its composition.

Stepan Tsybin gave a characterization of the defenders of antiquity, representatives of the “past century”.

Mikhail Kravchenko very energetically introduced Alexander Andreevich Chatsky. Chatsky in the literature of the 20s of the 19th century is the most striking image of the “new man”, positive hero, Decembrist in views, public behavior, moral beliefs. Chatsky’s personal drama is also interesting.
Anna Beresneva and Arthur Kadnikov analyzed the key scene of the comedy ( Act III, yavl. 4-14), in which a rumor about Chatsky’s madness is born. Anna purposefully highlighted certain meaningful lines associated with the origin of gossip. Arthur diligently helped Anna.

“Woe from Wit” or “Woe to Wit”?

There were no indifferent people in the class when discussing this problematic issue. Everyone tried to express their opinion. Playwright Griboyedov unambiguously expressed his point of view: “In my comedy there are twenty-five fools for one sane person”... At the same time, the conflict is structured in such a way that each of the opposing sides considers itself smart, and those who do not share its views are crazy.

The topic of the lesson is “Chatsky’s tragic loneliness.” To the question: “Do you agree with this formulation?” - the answers were different.

Mikhail defended Chatsky, for whom the ideal is not Maxim Maksimych, an arrogant nobleman and “hunter of indecency,” but an independent, free person. Chatsky for the unity of the intelligentsia with the people. Calls him “smart” and “cheerful”, i.e. vitally active. Mikhail's speech is literate and expressive.
Stepan can speak quite well. He likes that Chatsky defends freedom of thoughts and opinions, recognizes the right of every person to have his own beliefs and to express them openly. Chatsky asks Molchalin: “Why are other people’s opinions only sacred?”

Anna is a woman of few words, but speaks with dignity and competently.

Timofey and Arthur listen more and rarely express their opinions.

The lesson went by unnoticed. The opinion of the ninth-graders was unanimous: there were not many people like Chatsky in Russian life, a minority protested, but Griboyedov realized that such people were the future, and created the image advanced person first period liberation movement in Russia.

Lesson objectives:
- improve skills in analyzing a work;
- expand students’ knowledge, bring all the material into a system, generalize it, draw conclusions about the meaning of Chatsky’s image in comedy;
- determine the features of Griboedov’s innovation in creating a new type of comedy;
- show the significance of the play for Russian literature;
- identify the degree to which students have mastered the material covered.

computer, fragments of the video film “Woe from Wit”. Books by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit".

Lesson plan.

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.
  3. Examination homework(individual assignments).
  4. New thread message:

Conversation on issues using text;
- viewing a video clip.
5. Problematic question.
6. The teacher's word.
7. Lesson summary.
8. Homework.

During the classes.
Test on the content of comedy by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit".

“I’m not talking about poetry, half of it should become proverbs.” This famous saying A.S. Pushkin became prophetic. There is no work in Russian literature that has given the world so much catchphrases.
“Griboyedov’s sayings” (as I.A. Goncharov called them in the article “A Million Torments”) must be finished. For each correct answer - 1 point.

  1. Modest, but nothing but _______

/ mischief and the wind on the mind /.

  1. The girls are dreaming

/morning is so subtle/.

  1. Pass us away more than all sorrows

/And lordly anger, and lordly love/.

  1. Is it possible for a walk?
  1. No other sample needed

/when the example of the father is in the eyes/.

  1. Who is poor

/he’s not a match for you/.

  1. Think about how happiness


  1. And the golden bag, and

/aims to be a general/.

  1. Oh! If someone loves someone, why search for intelligence and

/to travel so far/.

  1. What does it mean to see the light! Where is better?

/Where we are not/.

  1. When you wander, you return home,

/and the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us/.

  1. A confusion of languages ​​still prevails:

/French with Nizhny Novgorod/.

  1. Not a human,
  1. What kind of commission, creator,

/to be a father to an adult daughter/.

  1. I would be glad to serve

/it’s sickening to be waited on/.

  1. He fell painfully

/got up great/.

  1. To get ranks,

/there are many channels/.

  1. And who is in love -

/ready for anything/.

  1. I'm weird, huh

/it’s not strange who/.

  1. Empty man, from

/the most stupid/.

  1. Laugh at old age
  1. Once evil is stopped: take away

/all the books should be burned/.

  1. Bah! familiar

/all faces!/.

  1. Get out of Moscow! Here

/I'm no longer a rider/.

  1. Mind with heart

/out of tune/.

  1. God did not reward me with abilities, but gave me a good heart, so

/what makes me nice to people/.

  1. Happy

/they don’t watch the clock/.

  1. You can share with anyone
  1. He will reach the known degrees,

/after all, nowadays they love the dumb/.

  1. He's a wise man

/ didn’t say it for a long time - I don’t care whether it’s for him or not /.

Teacher's opening speech.
Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" is a remarkable work in concept and execution. It belongs to the category of works “for all times”. This is how I.A. said about it. Goncharov: “The comedy “Woe from Wit” stands somehow apart in literature and is distinguished by its youthfulness, freshness and stronger vitality from other works of the word.”
There are a lot of things connected with this play. mysterious facts: this is also strange, tragic fate its author, and the ambiguity of the images of comedy, and, finally, another interesting phenomenon: for a long time none of the critics dared to make a complete, integral analysis of the work. Critical study by I.A. Goncharov’s “A Million Torments” appeared only almost 50 years after the comedy was written. The author of the article appreciated the comedy, ranking it best works XIX century
“...The comedy “Woe from Wit” is both a picture of morals, and a gallery of living types, and an ever-sharp, burning satire, and at the same time a comedy and... - most of all a comedy - which can hardly be found in other literatures...”.

Student messages:
Timofey - The ideological concept of the comedy and its composition.
Stepan - “The Past Century” (Famusov society).
Plan (approximate):

  1. Who are they, defenders of antiquity?
  2. People in Famus's circle are staunch supporters of the autocratic-serf system.
  3. In Famus society, a person is valued only by his origin and wealth, and not by his personal qualities.
  4. The nobles of Famus's circle do not see peasants as people.
  5. The goal in life for Famusov and his guests is career, honors, wealth.
  6. Careerism, sycophancy, servility to superiors, dumbness - everything character traits The bureaucratic world of that time is especially fully revealed in the image of Molchalin.
  7. The conservative society of the Famustovs - serf owners, is afraid like fire of everything new, progressive, everything that could threaten its dominant position.
  8. The education that representatives of Famust society receive makes them alien to their people.

Mikhail - “The Present Century” (Alexander Andreich Chatsky).
Plan (approximate):

  1. Chatsky in the literature of the 20s of the 19th century is the most striking image of the “new man”, a positive hero, a Decembrist in his views, social behavior, and moral beliefs.
  2. Listening to a fragment (video clip) “Chatsky’s monologue “Who are the judges?”
  3. How old world fighting with Chatsky? Who wins this fight?
  4. Chatsky's personal drama.

Anna - Arthur.
Expressive reading and analysis key scene(d. III, appearances 4-14), in which a rumor about Chatsky’s madness is born (highlight certain meaningful lines associated with the origin of gossip, show the role of this scene in the development dramatic conflict comedy).

Teacher's word.
The comedy features Various types mind - from worldly wisdom, a practical mind (Famusov, Molchalin) to a mind that reflects the high intelligence of a free thinker, boldly entering into confrontation with that which does not meet the highest criteria of truth (Chatsky). It is to such a mind that “Woe”, its bearer is expelled from society and declared crazy...
“In my comedy there are twenty-five fools for one sane person; and this man, of course, is at odds with the society around him, no one understands him, no one wants to forgive him, why is he a little higher than others.” By calling Chatsky smart and the other characters fools, the playwright expressed his point of view unambiguously. At the same time, the conflict is structured in such a way that each of the warring parties considers itself smart, and those who do not share its views are crazy.

Griboyedov shows grief smart person who is forced to live in a serf-dominated society, where intelligence, love, a person’s desire for creativity, and in general all the best human qualities perish.

As you know, Pushkin, who highly appreciated the comedy as a whole, was critical of its hero, reproaching Chatsky for delivering his speeches to the Famust society.

Showing the failure of Chatsky's sermons, Griboyedov shows that it is time to move from words to deeds, to action.

Despite the fact that Chatsky fails, it would be a deep mistake to consider him “ extra person", a groundless dreamer, a "lonely Protestant." Chatsky himself does not feel lonely at all. In the famous monologue “Who are the judges?” he speaks on behalf of the new generation.
Where, please indicate us, Fatherland fathers...

That's who we should respect We to the wilderness.

Who is this - " We"? Who did Chatsky mean? " Judges“We contrast it with the younger generation, who are following a different path. The image of “one of us” appears in the words of Griboyedov’s hero.

The enemy of quests,
Without demanding either a place or promotion,
He will focus his mind, hungry for knowledge, on science,
Or God himself will stir up heat in his soul
To the creative, high and beautiful arts...

This is Skalozub’s cousin, who refused the ranks, and Prince Fyodor, a chemist and botanist, “who does not want to know the ranks”, shuns the empty secular environment, these are also professors who practice “schisms and unbelief.”

Famusov also understands that Chatsky is not alone. “Terrible century! - he exclaimed. “Today, more than ever, there are more crazy people, affairs, and opinions.”

And, as Goncharov correctly noted, “Chatsky is inevitable with every change from one century to another...”

The topic of our lesson: “Chatsky’s tragic loneliness.” Do you agree with this formulation?

Summarizing. Grading.

Homework: test (control).
From the book for teachers “Literature. 9th grade. Lesson plans." Author - compiler S.B. Shadrina.
Volgograd, Uchitel Publishing House, 2014.

For many of us, the word “loneliness” is associated with a certain peculiarity, uniqueness and novelty. Our thinking and perception are influenced by the society around us. Of course, on the one hand, following everyone is good, as this allows you to feel support from others, but on the other hand, society can stall the development of your personality.

Many are afraid to stand out from others, because it often ends in misunderstanding and condemnation behind their backs. Alexander Griboyedov in his work “Woe from Wit” shows how life is for a person who is trying to convey his ideas, which are criticized from all sides. Main character Alexander Chatsky is endowed with the features of an ideal person, he is independent, free and generous. Alexander was a nobleman, because early death parents, he had to live and grow up in the house of Famusov, who was a longtime friend of his father. Chatsky with young age I was used to freedom, so I often heard negative words addressed to me by Famusov. Chatsky wanted to serve the Fatherland, but because of his honesty, he could not last long and his career quickly ended with the words: “I would be glad to serve - it’s sickening to be served.” In the comedy "Woe from Wit" the image of Chatsky is the only positive one.

The author worked to give the hero qualities that he would like to see in every person. Chatsky is determined to fight injustice, he respects the people and tries to resist the serfdom system. His sincere intentions are also visible in relation to Sophia. But he had to part with her because the main thing for him was the call to serve the Fatherland.

The author created the image of a “new man”, endowing him with all good qualities, on the other hand, this means that Chatsky becomes an outcast from society. In turn, the main character is determined to defend his ideas and principles, but as it turns out, no one needs everything that Chatsky strives for. Society is not ready to accept something new into its life, because it is much easier to leave everything as it was. Alexander is faced with the choice of becoming like everyone else, but this prospect does not make him happy at all and the author compares this to moral death.
The idea of ​​the story is the contradiction of Chatsky’s character and actions in relation to Famus’s world.

Thinking deeper, you can understand that the author creates images ideal hero, who does not receive support in his direction, he himself tries to introduce his ideas when many people are against him. Not wanting to understand, they consider him a crazy madman. Chatsky is doomed to loneliness because of the society that surrounds him, because among them there are many rich people, with their own whims and completely different values. All these people live for themselves, so it is wild for them to make any concessions. The main character is trying to bring some joy and laughter to the Famusovs’ house, to convey to these people the concept of tenderness and sincerity, but they cannot understand this, because their main thing is completely different.

Opportunities Chatsky, to some extent, is to blame for his loneliness. Even though he was endowed with everyone positive features, he lacked special flexibility of thinking in order to adapt to society.

Chatsky's loneliness in Famus society

In Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit,” representatives of two worlds collide – the bygone century and the present century. Chatsky in the work is a representative of the century that replaced the last century.

Apparently, at the change of eras, it is always difficult for the new to fight the old way of life. So it was simply impossible for Chatsky to prove his new views to the representatives of the majority of the nobility, who had no idea about changing anything in their lives, because they were already happy with everything.

Having left the service, because in his understanding it was necessary to serve for the benefit of the Fatherland, and not because of his own selfish motives, he began to travel.

Returning from a trip, Alexander Andreevich came to Famusov’s house with his advanced views on life and what was happening around him, hoping that changes had already come in Moscow. But here everything remained the same, so it was difficult for a freedom-loving, intelligent, generous person to communicate with representatives of Moscow circles, but he tried to prove that he was right.

Chatsky was a great patriot of his homeland and condemned the nobles for hiring foreign governesses and teachers. After all, how can such teachers instill in children a love for Russian traditions and patriotism?

Being an ardent critic of serfdom, he loved the common people very much, complained for the freedom of people, for justice.

How could Famusov’s society like this, where the way of life was based on lies, worship of the strong, and enrichment. Representatives of this society did not want to give up their cozy world. They could not understand and accept Chatsky’s new ideas, which condemned their way of life and morals. Moreover, they considered them crazy.

Chatsky is not like everyone else, which is why he is alone in his ideas and outlook on life. He boldly went against the system, not bending to the foundations imposed on him by society, and refused to become like everyone else, proudly defending his rightness. This only deepens his loneliness.

Chatsky was ridiculed, his beloved girl betrayed him and, finally, they could not forgive him for his love of freedom and was expelled from society, with hatred declaring that he had gone crazy. Upset by all this, he goes to look for a “cozy corner” where his new ideas will be understood and he will not be alone in his thoughts.

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“Woe from Wit” is a wonderful work that has been called a comedy, although if you look at the essence, the comedy is more like a tragedy, because here a person of progressive views is waging an unequal struggle with established views, condemning the morality that formed the basis of the life of Famus society. This life is rooted in the minds of everyone, but not in Chatsky, whom the author endowed with remarkable qualities.

The main character of the work "Woe from Wit" is collective image, with the help of which the theme of loneliness is revealed. With the help of the image of the main character, the author wanted to show us how difficult it is to bring something new into the world, how difficult it is to live where you are not understood, are not accepted, since ossified views are unbreakable. Such people, with new ideas and views, like Chatsky, are doomed to loneliness, since there are few of those who will walk hand in hand. But Chatsky doesn’t give up.

The writer endowed his hero with the ideal features of the human soul. This is a person with self-esteem, he is educated, smart, and most importantly, he does not want to live in an unjust world, among the social foundations of the world of the past century. He gained the courage to confront the old order by telling people about new truths. He is an opponent of serfdom, which oppresses people. The hero of the comedy condemns morals, thereby Chatsky becomes lonely in the “Famus society”, because his A New Look no one needs them for life, they are ready to continue living in their swamp, which has sucked everyone in headlong. But this is not about Chatsky, who is doomed to loneliness in this Famus society.

Why is Chatsky doomed to loneliness? And all because people don’t want to change their lives, everything suits them, and Chatsky himself is for them like an outcast, a madman who needs to be expelled from their world. It is incompatible with existing society, since their views are different, completely opposite.

Griboyedov accurately conveyed to us a picture of how difficult it is for people who decided to overthrow the old system, it’s like two worlds that want to live at the same time, but they can’t do it. At the same time, Chatsky’s loneliness is a modern phenomenon, because many people are still afraid of change, they are afraid to take the right path, the path that would be comfortable for them and exist according to established orders, even if they contradict their views, people are silent and move like a flock of rams,” which is guided by a “shepherd.” And it shouldn’t be this way, but for now it is. Perhaps in the future, everything will change, but today, “Woe from Wit” is a work that is still relevant to this day.

First of all, antithesis in comedy"Woe from Wit" is already visible in the title, with which Griboyedov seems to be arguing with previous traditions. According to the ideology of classicism, reason is a synonym for happiness, this is exactly what a person should be guided by. Griboedov, using the example of the life of the main character, Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, shows that intelligence does not always bring people happiness. For Chatsky, his prudence brings only problems and loneliness.

So, Chatsky is a young nobleman. Previously, he held quite high positions, but was removed from service. He spent three years abroad and returned to Russia to marry Sofya Famusova, with whom he had been in love since childhood. However, having arrived at Famusov’s house, he discovers that the bride has lost interest in him, and she is more interested in Molchalin, her father’s secretary. He also discovers that he educational ideals do not find a response in Famusov’s house, where everyone tends to live according to outdated traditions. Realizing his inappropriateness there, Chatsky leaves get out of Moscow!...

Chatsky is the main ideologist character in the play; he expresses many smart and noble ideas. His most famous monologues are Who are the judges?..(dedicated to the fact that the generation of fathers was ossified in attachment to serfdom, that connections could help anyone escape from troubles), There's an insignificant meeting in that room...(a patriotic monologue about Russia, where Chatsky opposes French borrowings) - they were often interpreted as monologues of the Decembrists. But Chatsky nowhere talks about revolution.

The tragic loneliness of Chatsky - a Decembrist in behavior

Several oddities can be traced in his behavior, called antitheses. Firstly, Chatsky’s attitude towards everything foreign seems unreasonable: on the one hand, he himself lived abroad for three years, and on the other, he so vehemently criticizes French borrowings in Russia. Secondly, the difficulties in his relationship with Sophia cause bewilderment: upon arriving, he immediately begins to scold everything she lives by. And then, in the final monologue ( I won’t come to my senses, it’s my fault...), sincerely wonders why she stopped loving him.

Also in favor of the theory that Chatsky will become a Decembrist is the fact that for him the world is clearly divided into friends and strangers. This was typical for members secret societies. Consequently, Chatsky a priori perceives Famusov as a stranger, and Sophia as a like-minded person, because they once laughed together at Famusov and played together in childhood.

Chatsky is the ideal Decembrist, because he's lonely. He has neither family nor close friends, he does not serve anywhere. At the end of the comedy, it turns out that he no longer has a lover. Society is unable to understand and accept him, so the only one left is life path- the activities of the Decembrist.

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