Anna Pletneva and her daughter. Anna Pletneva: “Once I myself kicked my daughter out of the house

Singer Anna Pletneva featured her eldest daughter Varya in her video for the first time and talked about her difficult relationship with her.

Photo: DR

Today, the lead singer of the Vintage group Anna Pletneva will present her new single “Sunday Angel”. Even while recording at the studio, Anya realized that this was not just a song, but a personal story very close to her. That is why in the “Sunday Angel” video, viewers will see her eldest daughter, Varya, for the first time.

Never before in her entire long career has Pletnyova decided to take this step! Despite repeated persuasion to reveal her personal life, all media outlets received a categorical refusal from the singer. The appearance of the singer’s daughter on the screen is not accidental. According to Pletneva, the relationship with Varya has been very tense for the last six months; Varya ran away from home several times, and the singer realized that she was losing touch with her. One day, Anna completely kicked her daughter out of the house, and then secretly followed her down the street, wiping her tears. The difficult relationship with her daughter inspired the artist to shoot a video.

When we recorded the song, everything came together!! I very clearly saw the picture of the clip - it was about such a lost teenager who moves away from everyone, runs somewhere, headlong and not thinking about the consequences, but at the same time needs love and tenderness... I decided that I would direct the video myself together with Sergei Tkachenko, and we flew to Paris to film... It seems to me that the day we spent with Varya in Paris gave us more than all my educational measures in several months. One girl left Moscow on the plane, and returned completely different. Finally she heard me, and I heard her...

Anna explained the decision not to talk about her personal life with a desire to protect her family. The artist recalled the beginning of her career, when she shared her most intimate things with journalists: she talked about her relationship with her beloved man, about their first acquaintance, and then saw materials with flashy headlines: “Pletneva fell in love with an oligarch,” “Pletneva gave birth to a child for the sake of money.” .

I have no complaints against journalists, this is their job, it is interesting to present the material so that there are readers and good ratings. Then I didn’t understand this, like the rules of show business, and I was very offended. So I closed my personal life. Long years I didn’t talk to the press about children at all. Now they have grown up, and I want to talk about them, how wonderful they turned out to be. To be honest, until I came of age, I didn’t want to involve any of them in my work. But it turned out differently.

Anna had never previously discussed the possibility of filming together with her daughter. The artist was categorically against putting her personal life on display. However, everything changed overnight - Varya grew up, and cooperation with her became symbolic for the singer. By the way, Anna was more than comfortable working with her daughter. The singer was surprised at how courageous Varya turned out to be. The girl worked as equals with the entire film crew and learned firsthand the complexity of filming.

I am very glad that she experienced all the difficulties of the filming process and gained this work experience. And I’m glad that I myself looked at her differently - she is not only a capricious, wayward teenager, but also an adult responsible person, capable of coping with difficulties that I tried to protect her from all her life. In general, one girl left Moscow on the plane, and returned completely different. Finally she heard me, and I heard her...

The track “Sunday Angel” will be included in new album « Strong girl", the release of which is scheduled for August 21 - Anna Pletneva’s birthday. The track can be listened to and downloaded via the link.

Anna Pletneva – Russian pop singer, former soloist popular groups"Lyceum" and "Vintage". Anna was born on August 21, 1977 in Moscow. The girl went to school with in-depth study of mathematics and choreography, while at the same time Anna danced in the children's ballet “Ostankino”.

The biography of Anna Pletneva will be incomplete without mentioning, who has been an idol and role model for her since childhood. Since childhood, the girl considered the singer her first love; she went to all his concerts and dreamed of singing in a duet with a star.

The girl's dream was destined to come true. One day the musicians were flying together on tour, and from time to time Anna Pletneva remembered her childhood dream. The singer decided to try, so as not to regret the rest of her life about the unused opportunity, and that same evening Vladimir and Anya performed the song “Zurbagan” together on stage.

Group "Lyceum"

Anna took her first steps on stage in the mega-popular group of the 90s “Lyceum”. She joined the trio back in 1997 after leaving the group. At that time, the Lyceum was at the peak of its popularity; among the awards of the Russian stage were the Silver Microphone and Ovation.

Anna Pletneva stayed in the Lyceum group for eight years, after which the artist decided to take up solo career. Moreover, the contract was terminated in 2004, when during orange revolution in Ukraine, the girl refused to play in support of the then government.

For Anna Pletneva, work at the Lyceum became an excellent school, where she grew to the rank of a professional singer. In addition to working with the trio, during this time she defended two diplomas.

The girl entered the State Academy of Arts named after. Maimonides, where she studied with a degree in pop-jazz singing. After graduating, Pletneva began teaching at the Maimonides State Classical Academy. Anna also received the profession of a sculptor.

Group "Vintage"

Pletneva dreamed of a solo career, but began her search for herself with the group “Coffee with Rain,” where she recorded the song “Nine and a Half Weeks.” Nevertheless, the girl managed to release one solo composition, the author of which was good friend singer Alexey Romanof.

The collaboration with him did not end there, and she appeared on stage a new group“Vintage”, where, in addition to Anna Pletneva, Alexey and dancer Mia were listed. For a very long time, the girl could not understand how she would like to see her work; she constantly met new musicians, took advice from professionals and arrangers.

In May 2007, a new single from the Vintage group called “Criminal Love” appeared on the radio. IN next year Together with Anna Pletneva, she recorded a video for the song “Bad Girl,” which turned out to be not only frank, but also scandalous. Some time after, the group even performed at concerts together with the actress. “Bad Girl” became the group’s first single to top the Russian radio chart. The song also received the MTV Russia Music Awards 2008.

In the fall of 2009 in music stores the album “SEX” appeared. It is worth saying that the internal content of the record fully corresponded to its title. The disc included the scandalous composition “Bad Girl”, the songs “Loneliness of Love”, “Eve” and other popular tracks.

The performances in support of the new album were no less frank. The performers appeared on stage in translucent dresses made of rhinestones or chains. Viewers had the opportunity to admire Pletneva’s feminine figure (the singer’s height is 154 cm, weight 46 kg). But, as Anna later admitted to journalists, such costumes at corporate events created dangerous and unpleasant situations when drunk spectators began to pester the soloists and backup dancers, and the girls had to fight their way to the exit and even climb out of the windows.

In the same year, the men's glossy magazine Maxim placed Anna Pletneva in the Top 5 sexy women countries.

In 2010, Anna Pletneva greatly surprised fans, because she appeared in the image of Mickey Mouse and performed the song of the same name. The composition was dedicated to another idol of the singer - the King of Pop. In the video for the song, Anna Pletneva changed her images every half minute: first she appeared in the form of a factory toy, then she became a glamorous show character.

In 2011 the group released their third studio album“Anechka”, which included the compositions “Roman”, “Trees” and “Sign of Aquarius”. A scandal erupted around the video clip for the song “Trees”. The clip was censored due to the fact that Anna stands in a crown of thorns, in which officials saw a religious symbol, and watches “acts of copulation that are traumatic for the consciousness of the younger generation.”

The group withdrew the single from radio rotation, since without a video the text was not perceived as the authors intended. Anna commented on the situation and stated that the idea of ​​the video was the primacy of love on Earth. According to the singer, officials think in stereotypes and are ready to see totalitarian sects and Illuminati conspiracies everywhere.

In 2013, the group released the album “Very Dance”, and a year later the digital release of the new album “Decamerone” took place. On the first day of release, the album topped the iTunes and GooglePlay Top Albums chart in terms of sales.

Personal life

In the summer of 2003, Anna Pletneva married a man about whom nothing is still known; in 2003, she gave birth to a daughter, who was named Varvara. During pregnancy, the Lyceum group continued to perform; Anna Pletneva did not want to leave the stage and gave several concerts a night. Moreover, Varvara was born almost during the performance.

After the birth of the baby, the husband was forced to leave the family at the request of the singer herself. The separation was very difficult to survive; Pletneva herself says that this had to happen and it was better for the child. Ex-husband was not ready to become an exemplary father. Due to nerves and the current situation, the girl lost ten kilograms, was constantly depressed and cried.

Anna Pletneva met her second husband Kirill Syrov 15 years before their Serious relationships. They met in a Moscow club, the businessman asked for her phone number, but the artist immediately forgot about one of her many fans. The couple met only three years later, when the man already had a family and a child, but at that moment he was divorcing his wife. The young people were destined to meet for the third time on the way to Dnepropetrovsk 10 years later. Then Syrov approached Anna Pletneva and asked if she remembered him, she replied that yes, if only he would leave her alone. The young man was very persistent. So the relationship began to develop rapidly, and the lovers began to live in the same apartment.

Anna Pletneva was worried about how her daughter Varvara would react to the new dad, but negative thoughts were in vain. Today it is a happy family, which already has three children. The singer gave birth to two more children, a son and a daughter, to Kirill.

Anna shares photos from Everyday life on your personal page in " Instagram" This is a verified account with 501 thousand followers. The singer’s Instagram is designed in a glamorous style: Anna appears in photos in fashionable dresses and makeup, posing against the backdrop of tropical resorts and stylish interiors, publishes teasers and posters for new events.

Anna Pletneva now

In 2016, Anna recorded her last composition as part of the Vintage group, “A Little Advertising.” On August 21, the singer presented her first solo single, “Strong Girl.” The text of this song was written by Alexey Romanof a year earlier and presented to Pletneva for her birthday. The singer officially announced that she will now perform under her own name, and not under the name of the group.

Pletneva has no scandals, but, as the singer admitted in an interview, she seemed to have divorced after a ten-year marriage. According to the singer, everyone needs to go through at least one difficult divorce, in Anna’s case it’s a musical one.

Anna explained this decision by saying that she felt cramped within the popular youth group. According to Pletneva, the image of a fashionable group and the format of a club performance impose restrictions on the repertoire. Delicate lyrical compositions are not in demand in this format; they did not appear on radio broadcasts and live performances, although they were released as part of albums.

Now Anna has the opportunity to present any compositions. The singer believes that it is free creativity will tell fans about the singer’s experiences much more than the group’s previous super hits. Separately, Pletneva noted that she is targeting a wider audience than the Vintage group. Some potential viewers do not go to clubs and restaurants. Anna wants to meet them too, performing at concert halls.

Soon after Anna Pletneva left the group, Romanof announced the casting of new Vintage soloists. August 30 in the group "

// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov/

Anna Pletneva has long been accustomed to being called nothing less than a sex symbol. The singer loves revealing outfits, and her songs often have erotic overtones. This is why it is so difficult for many fans to realize that the star is a mother of many children.

Despite her busy work schedule, Anna considers herself a really good mother. “It may be immodest, but it’s true. I am very well developed maternal instinct. Three times I was faced with a choice between a child and work, and each time I decided to give birth, but at all costs to maintain my career,” the artist admitted in a recent interview.

And yet, even with all her talents, Pletneva failed to maintain a good relationship with 15-year-old daughter Varvara. According to the star, they began to rapidly move away and almost became enemies.

“The fact is that we had a very difficult relationship, especially Last year. Varya is a teenager, and although it seemed to me that I was a progressive mother and understood young people, I could not manage to reconnect with her. At some point it occurred to me to try to solve our problem in a non-standard way- write a song about her and all teenagers in general who really need love and nothing more. After the song was written, I invited Varya to star in the video. Filming took place in Paris. We literally flew away from Moscow at knifepoint, and a day later we returned as best friends,” said the artist.

According to the singer, it was difficult for her to come to terms with the fact that the child had matured, and soon Varvara would have to be released into an independent life.

For many of Pletneva’s fans, her revelations came as a complete surprise, because the star rarely talks about her personal life. So, even the name of the artist’s first husband, with whom she broke up just a few weeks after Varvara’s birth, is still unknown. But the star talks with pleasure about her relationship with her current husband Kirill.

“When you’ve been married for 15 years, there’s nothing better to stimulate the senses than popularity. Is it true. When people are together for a long time, they begin to get bored, so they look for ways to diversify their personal lives. Here and role-playing games, and various sex toys. And I don’t need any of this. Therefore, my advice to everyone: whoever wants to live a long and happy married life, become pop stars, and you will be able to achieve what you want,” the artist shared.

Speaking to, Pletneva emphasized that she is not going to make public people out of her loved ones. She prefers to leave the personal in her heart and discuss exclusively creativity with fans. On this moment Anna really feels happy man, so he doesn’t want to let strangers into his world.

At 39 years old, “bad girl” Anna Pletneva really looks like a girl. With a height of only 151 cm, she weighs about 45 kg, and fully lives up to the saying “A small dog is a puppy before old age.” Looking at this sexy girl, it’s hard to believe that Anna is... mother of many children and a faithful wife.

First challenge for a “strong girl”

The artist’s first marriage was not successful. So unfortunate that there’s nothing to even remember about it. Presumably, her first husband's name was Sergei. According to one version, her husband left Anna pregnant; according to another, Anna herself broke off the relationship.

In one of the interviews, the singer mentioned that her husband was still a child himself and was not ready for the role of a father. Independent Anna, who had been feeding both herself and her mother and grandmother since she was 19, could not tolerate this. The fact remains Anna gave birth to a daughter from her first marriage in 2003, and since then her husband has disappeared from her mother’s life, and your own child.

She went through the divorce very hard, she had to work. My mother helped with the child, and Anna did not get out of tours and concerts. Anna lost ten kilograms and cried constantly.

Perseverance and reliability

Anna met her second husband 15 years before the start of their relationship. In one of the clubs, a young businessman Kirill Syrov asked Anna for a phone number, and the girl dictated some set of numbers at random. Three years passed between the first and second meeting, and during this time Kirill managed to get married, have a child and get divorced. The second time, Anna also ignored the fan.

Fate gave us a third meeting. On the plane on the way to Dnepropetrovsk, Kirill approached the star and asked if she remembered him. She didn't remember, but answered: "Yes." Kirill stood next to the girl’s chair, and she ignored him this time too.

By chance or not, the future spouses met again, but this time in the city. In the Dnepropetrovsk hotel, where Kirill bought the room reserved for Pletneva. The capricious artist had to live in Nastya Makarevich’s room. Kirill took a moment and once again tried to make acquaintance with Anna. Persistence did its job, and the young people began a relationship.

The novel began just at the time when Anna divorced her first husband and really needed help and support. Kirill, like no one else, could listen and support his little companion; in addition, he became a support and reliable shoulder for the girl.

Such a long backstory of their acquaintance is quite in the spirit of Anna. She believes that a woman’s initiative in a relationship is punishable:

“I am 100% sure of this. Men are hunters who must conquer a woman. Therefore, hide your interest by trying on the image of a victim. But when a man swallows the bait, you can already eat him whole!”

Strong rear

Her husband is a successful businessman, co-owner of the Valenta company, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Russia. In 2005, the couple officially registered their marriage.

For some time after the wedding, Kirill and Anna were inseparable, and the businessman even accompanied his beloved on all her tours. At some point, the group’s producer forbade Syrov from accompanying Pletneva, and he began to follow her on parallel flights.

One day he let her go on tour to Anadyr alone, and he himself secretly went after her. There were only two hotels in the city, and there were no vacancies. Kirill simply had nowhere to stay! Seeing her husband freezing at the door of the hotel, Pletneva decided to leave the Lyceum.

And I was right. In attempts to create solo career, Anna after some time came to her own project “Vintage”. Dropping the image good girl, she turned into a fatal vamp seductress, and achieved success. Dear clips, prestigious awards, concerts at the best venues, Anna achieved all this by breaking away from the production project. Only a few can do this.

Interesting notes:

Need I say that her adoring husband financed the project? This is precisely what explains the husband’s calm attitude towards the artist’s revealing outfits and her super-sexy image. The singer had three explicit shoots in Maxim magazine alone.! “It’s just part of the business,” the artist comments.

In her marriage to Syrov, Anna had two more children: daughter Maria was born in 2005, and son Kirill was born in 2009. A large family lives in a four-story mansion in Rozhdestvenskoe, in the company of numerous animals. There are eight dogs alone in the house..

Anna thought out the interior of each of the rooms herself, because she is a sculptor by first education, and has an idea about the aesthetic organization of space. A native Muscovite, she admits that nowadays living in a metropolis is inconvenient and unsafe, and therefore spends a lot of free time in her country house.

Anna does not like to give lengthy interviews about her family life , but it’s clear that Anna is happy with the marriage. From bad husbands So many children are not given birth and sons are not named after them.

Singer Anna Pletneva was born in Moscow on August 21, 1977. Since childhood, the girl dreamed of performing on stage, and in school years was madly in love with singer Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. Anya went to all the concerts of her idol and secretly dreamed of singing a duet with him. The only thing she had from her favorite singer was an autograph. The singer's brother got it. The girl was so happy that she kept it under her pillow for the next five years. Anya took out a piece of paper with an autograph every night before going to bed. As a result, it was ground into dust.

Anna Pletneva finally fulfilled her dream of singing with Vladimir Presnyakov. Once, when the girl had already become popular, she and Vladimir flew on tour. The girl's love had already passed, and the obsession periodically made itself felt. As a result, Anna approached her childhood idol, told her about her dream, and that same evening they sang the composition “Zurbagan” together on stage.

Anna Pletneva's career at the Lyceum

The girl’s career began in the Lyceum group. Anna joined the trio in 1997 after Elena Perova was fired from it. “Lyceum” at that time was already quite popular on the Russian stage - the group received the “Silver Microphone” awards from the “Ostankino Hit Parade” and “Ovation” competitions, the group was recognized as the best according to the “Musical Exam” program.

Anna Pletneva worked with the Lyceum soloists for 8 years. After the singer came to the conclusion that it was time to pursue a solo career, she left the group. Moreover, the contract with the group was terminated when the singer refused, during the Orange Revolution, to play at a concert in support of the Ukrainian government.

Anya considers working in the Lyceum group to be a good school, graduating from which is akin to receiving a professional diploma. In parallel with her work in the Lyceum group, Anya received diplomas as a sculptor and a teacher of pop-jazz vocals.

Anna Pletneva’s career after “Lyceum”

While swimming freely, the singer looked for herself in the group “Coffee with Rain” and recorded the song “Nine and a Half Weeks”. The first solo song already went beyond the usual “Lyceum”. The author of the single was the artist’s friend Alexey Romanof. Search own style ended with the creation of the “Vintage” project, which, in addition to the girl herself, included Alexey Romanof ( former soloist group "Amega", also the author of songs Alsou, Yulia Savichevy, group "Nepara") and dancer Mia. Anna Pletneva took a long time to understand how she wanted her work to be. Anya constantly met with different musicians, consulted with arrangers and got acquainted with composers. And as a result, I found my image in the “Vintage” group.

By the way, the “Vintage” project was created with the financial support of Anna Pletneva’s husband, businessman Kirill Syrov. The man is a co-owner of the Valenta company (formerly Domestic Medicines - one of the leaders in the production of medicines in Russia).

On May 27, 2007, the first single of the Vintage group, “Criminal Love,” was released. And in the spring of 2008, the team, together with actress Elena Korikova, presented a scandalous video called “Bad Girl.” For some time, the group even gave joint concerts with Korikova.

In the fall of 2009, Anna Pletneva and the Vintage group released another album called “SEX”. The content of the disc matches its title. And in 2010, the singer appeared before fans in an unusual appearance - she became the mouse Mickey Mouse, who is known as a sad symbol of the show business industry. The song was dedicated to the king of pop on the world stage, Michael Jackson. Throughout the song, Anna Pletneva constantly transformed. At the beginning she was a simple factory toy, and by the end of the composition she became a glamorous show character. With the English version of this song, Anya plans to conquer not only Russia, but also the West.

On September 28, 2011, the album “Anechka” was released, in which the group touched on various topics, from love to global world problems. The album was received very differently by critics. The tour in support of the album was called “History bad girls"and started on October 15.

Vintage feat. Smash - The City Where Dreams Come True

On February 7, 2013, the fourth studio album of the Vintage group, entitled “Very Dance,” was released. This album was distinguished mainly by the fact that it included compositions by guest DJs and other young authors. This was the first such work on Russian stage. Previously, such albums were released by such famous foreign pop divas as Madonna and Rihanna.

On July 22, 2014, the fifth album “Decamerone” was released. The group worked on it together with musician and songwriter Anton Koch.

Personal life of Anna Pletneva

Anna Pletneva's first marriage ended in divorce. In 2003, the singer got married and gave birth to a daughter, Varvara. Almost immediately after the birth of the baby, the husband left the family on the initiative of Anya herself. The girl had a hard time with the separation, however, she believes that it was better for both her and the child. As the artist herself explains, her husband was not ready for fatherhood. From constant thoughts about the current situation, Anna even lost 10 kilograms, constantly cried and was in a stage of prolonged depression. By the way, while pregnant, Anna did not leave the stage, but continued to tour, giving several concerts a night even at 40 weeks. The first-born was born practically on stage.

Lyceum - Autumn

Anna Pletneva met her second husband Kirill 15 years before the start of a serious relationship. A man approached a girl in one of the Moscow clubs and asked for her phone number. However, the frivolous Anna gave the wrong number and immediately forgot about the fan. The couple met again only three years later. By that time, Kirill had already managed to start a family, give birth to a child and begin divorce proceedings. However, during the second meeting, Anna ignored the gentleman. The third meeting took place on the way to Dnepropetrovsk 10 years later. A young man approached the singer and asked: “Hello, do you remember me?” Anna answered “Yes” only so that the young man would leave her alone. The whole way the man stood next to Anna’s chair, who once again did not pay any attention to him.

However, fate brought the couple together in the city itself, in the Dnepropetrovsk hotel. Kirill outbid Anna’s booked room, there were no free rooms left in the hotel and the singer had to move in with Nastya Makarevich. And at that moment, when the singer wanted to call Moscow, the young man helped with advice instead of a hotel employee. The relationship began to develop rapidly just after this incident. However, for a long time the couple was hesitant to start life together under the same roof. Anna was worried about her daughter Varvara’s reaction to her “new” dad.

Now the happy family is raising three children. Anna gave birth to a daughter and a son to Kirill Syrov.

It is worth noting that Anna Pletneva has karate skills. That is why he can easily stand up for himself in a dark alley.

Vintage - Breathe Anna Pletneva has repeatedly starred in erotic photo sessions
for various glossy publications. It is noteworthy that the singer does not hesitate to pose in front of cameras in nude style and demonstrate her ideal body, even after three pregnancies. In particular, this year the 33-year-old singer has already managed to take part in candid photo shoot

for Maxim magazine. Anna Pletneva has been collaborating with the publication for a long time and this series of photographs is already the third in a row.

Anna Pletneva is quite a scandalous personality in the domestic show business. The press is constantly replete with stories about the singer’s antics that shock the public. For all her angelic appearance, Anna does not commit righteous deeds. For example, recently, during the filming of the new video for the Vintage group for the song “Mother America,” Anya was constantly seen near the bar with a glass of whiskey. After several takes, the bottle of alcoholic drink was empty, and the singer herself began to become hysterical and demand film crew

Anna Pletneva now

make a scene in the rain outside. As a result, Anna Pletneva found herself in 15-degree frost in the freezing rain. In 2015, Anna Pletneva left the Vintage group and started solo work

. In September 2016, she presented fans with her first single, “Strong Girl.”

Anna Pletneva – “Strong Girl” (2016) Share with your friends!