Andrey Makarevich: biography, personal life, scandals and political views. Biography of Andrei Makarevich What does Makarevich do?

Andrey Makarevich – permanent leader legendary group"Time Machine". He is considered one of the pillars of Russian rock, and is also a poet, producer, TV presenter, bard, writer and actor.

So, in front of you biography of Andrei Makarevich.

Biography of Makarevich

Andrey Vadimovich Makarevich was born on December 11, 1953 in. His father, Vadim Grigorievich, was a participant.

During one of the battles against the Nazi Wehrmacht, he lost his leg. Due to this, he spent more than a year in the hospital, after which he was demobilized.

After the war, Vadim Grigorievich worked as a teacher at the Moscow Architectural Institute, where in 1993 he became a professor.

Makarevich’s mother, Nina Markovna, is a doctor of medical sciences and also a professor of microbiology. She is the author scientific works concerning the study of non-tuberculous mycobacteria.

Childhood and youth

Throughout his childhood, Andrei Makarevich lived in a communal apartment. He was a very inquisitive and active child.

At one time he dreamed of becoming a diver, paleontologist and zoologist. In his mature years, he managed to work in all these areas.

Young Makarevich

Since the parents wanted their son to become a musician, they sent him to music school, and in the evenings they practiced piano with him.

However classical music did not give him pleasure, as a result of which Andrei dropped out of school.

Most of all, young Makarevich liked bard music, which was gaining popularity at that time. The young man was delighted with the creativity and...

It was thanks to these artists that he wanted to learn to play the guitar. Having mastered several chords, 12-year-old Makarevich began composing his first songs.

Soon he heard the songs “ The Beatles”, which were not at all similar to pop compositions. Creation British group Makarevich was so impressed that he decided to devote his life to music.

While still at school in 1968, Andrei created the group “The Kids,” which turned out to be the first in his biography. After lessons, he and his comrades immediately went to rehearsals.

"Time Machine"

In 1969, the group was renamed “Time Machine”, which in the future would become almost the most popular in the Soviet Union. The author of the vast majority of the songs of the Time Machine group is Makarevich himself.

After graduating from school, Andrei decided to enter the Moscow Architectural Institute. However, he was never able to finish it, and was expelled in his fourth year.

The reason for this was rock music, to which Makarevich devoted too much time, and frequent absenteeism.

In 1975, Andrei returned to the institute in the evening department, and at the end of his studies received a diploma as a graphic artist and architect.

Music career

In 1975, a significant event occurred in Makarevich’s biography. He and the group were invited to the TV show “Music Kiosk,” which was never destined to air.

A year later, the musicians became winners music festival V . There they managed to meet already famous Boris Grebenshchikov, who will repeatedly support them in the future.

In 1980, the group signed a contract with Rosconcert. This was done so that “Time Machine” became legal and could fully tour the country.

Meanwhile, Makarevich’s songs became more and more popular and in demand, and soon they were sung in all the courts of the vast country.

In the 80s, Makarevich, together with members of the team, starred in the films “Soul” (1982) and “Start Over” (1986). In parallel with this, several “Time Machine” records were recorded, as well as Makarevich’s solo albums.

In the 90s, he repeatedly performed songs in duets with various musicians, and was also involved in producing Russian performer Yuz Aleshkovsky.

In 1993, Makarevich began hosting the culinary show “Smak,” which immediately gained enormous popularity.

TV viewers liked the program because it was hosted by Andrei Makarevich, who invited them to his kitchen famous personalities, with whom he later prepared various dishes.

It is interesting that this project lasted 12 years, after which Ivan Urgant became the host of “Smak”.

During his biography, Makarevich wrote about 30 books dedicated to different topics. An interesting fact is that in one of them he seriously criticized the pop group “Tender May”.

Makarevich's songs were covered by many famous rock bands: “Spleen”, “Agatha Christie”, “Aquarium”, “Micah”, “Underwood”, “Lyapis Trubetskoy”, etc.

Political activities of Makarevich

In 1967, Andrei Vadimovich joined the Komsomol, in which he was a member for more than ten years. In his interviews, he repeatedly stated that he had an extremely negative attitude towards this organization and was in it for a formality.

In Makarevich’s work you can find many songs that have a political background, for example: “Puppets”, “Turn”, “Wind of Hope”, “Barrier” and others.

An interesting fact is that afterwards the leader of the Time Machine actively supported the candidate who was running for the post of head of state.

After this, Makarevich campaigned for and. It is worth noting that he supported these candidates not because of benefits, but because he shared their views regarding the development of Russia.

In 2011, Andrei Makarevich harshly criticized the current government, accusing it of corruption and the corruption of the judicial system. It was then that he began to support the actions of oppositionist Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

When in 2014 Russian Federation annexed Crimea, Makarevich publicly condemned the Kremlin’s actions, harshly criticizing the actions of Vladimir Putin.

In connection with this, he began to serious problems in Russia. By presidential decree, he was expelled from the Cultural Council.

In addition, in a number of Russian cities Makarevich was refused to give concerts.

Because of his position on the annexation of Crimea, many citizens called him a traitor.

Personal life of Makarevich

The first wife in Makarevich’s biography was Elena Fesunenko, whom he married in 1976. However, this marriage broke up after 3 years.

The artist’s next wife was cosmetologist Alla Golubkina. An interesting fact is that before this she was the wife of one of the Time Machine musicians.

A year later, their boy Ivan was born. But this marriage lasted even less than the previous one. It is worth noting that Ivan also began to be interested in music and act in films.

From 1998 to 2000, Andrei Makarevich lived with journalist Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, with whom he had a daughter, Anna.

In 2003, the artist married make-up artist Natalya Golub for the third time, with whom he lived for 7 years.

Andrey Makarevich also has illegitimate daughter Dana (1975), living today in . They maintain good relations and meet periodically.

Andrey Makarevich today

Andrei Makarevich, who has long become a legend, continues to perform with “Time Machine” and give solo concerts. He was once a co-owner of the Andreevsky Smak club-restaurant, but soon left this business.

Today he is one of the owners of the Dental Art dental clinic.

Makarevich enjoys diving, billiards, archeology and underwater fishing. He collects various folk musical instruments and Omega watches.

Andrey Makarevich pays great attention to the homeless and is a member of the board of trustees Charitable Foundation animal protection "BIM".

From time to time he participates in charity concerts and still appears frequently on television.

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Name: Andrey Makarevich

Age: 64 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 172 cm

Weight: 80 kg

Activity: singer, musician, composer, poet, TV presenter

Family status: married

Andrey Makarevich - biography

Andrei Vadimovich Makarevich has many worthy roles, although at the moment he has already earned a negative attitude towards himself due to his statements and his preferences in the political life of the country.


The family into which the composer, singer and musician was lucky to be born was intelligent. Father is an architect, mother is a doctor by profession. Polish-Belarusian paternal blood flowed in the boy’s veins, and the mother gave her son Jewish roots. My father went through the entire war, came home without a leg, but took up pedagogical activity, and the mother, dearly beloved by her son, last years worked at the Tuberculosis Research Institute. Andrei's biography was similar to many biographies of children post-war years.

From childhood, the boy remembered the communal apartment and old house Prince Volkonsky. Very often Andrey changed his dream. At first he was attracted to the work of a diver, later he wanted to become a paleontologist. Then I decided to follow in my mother’s footsteps. Andrei did not grow up alone; he had a younger sister, Natasha. His passion for music passed on to his son from his father; Andrei even completed one year of music school in piano.


Andrey was lucky enough to attend a prestigious school in Moscow with an English bias. The schoolboy had enviable tenacity, as he managed to assemble a collection of butterflies. He even kept several snakes at home, explaining this as his new hobby. Snakes did not live long in the boy's house, and soon alpine skiing and swimming appeared. IN adolescence music overpowered all other hobbies, largely thanks to the work of Bulat Shalovich Okudzhava and Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky.

It occurred to Andrei to compose poems and music for them, and then perform them with a guitar. Many people came to him, just like him, to play the guitar and sing in the yard. The songs came out with deep meaning.

Music in the life of Makarevich

The Beatles gave the guy A New Look to his music. He fell in love with the work of this group. In 8th grade, Makarevich created his own group, which performed foreign compositions. Andrei’s comrades included Igor Mazaev, Yuri Borzov, Pavel Rubin, who already in the 9th grade gave the name to their team “Time Machine”. The future soloist and musician entered an architectural university, from the fourth year of which he was expelled for his passion for rock music, although the wording was of a completely different nature.

The guy managed to get a job as an architect, and a few years later he returned to the institute and completed his education, receiving a diploma. Andrey did not leave the group, the music continued to unite friends. The eightieth year was the year of recognition of the “Time Machine”; a cooperation contract was signed with it. Now the team could tour and present their creativity more fans.


Group biography received rapid development. Songs appeared that became business card“Time Machines”, the audience knew these hits by heart of different ages. Makarevich was fascinated not only by music, he was also inseparable from the art of cooking.

Andrey could be seen as the host of the TV show “Smak”, which revealed the secrets of preparing various dishes. Exploring the waters of many countries allowed Makarevich to take on the role of host of another program, which talked about the underwater world.

Artist position

Many of Makarevich’s statements on the unfolding Ukrainian conflict went against politics Russian state and the opinions of the majority of Russians. This behavior of the musician could not be called anything other than betrayal. He did not find support from the government; many concerts planned in cities across the country had to be cancelled. Being in everyone's sight in scandals - this path of popularity was chosen in Lately Makarevich.

It seems that the singer, who received audience recognition in home country Having found PR for himself in politics, he went beyond what was permitted. Music should convey the beautiful, the good, the eternal. People of art should not get involved in political persecution of the views of some to please others.

Andrey Makarevich - biography of personal life

The artist did not have stability in his family life, since he entered into an official marriage three times with different women. Makarevich’s first wife was Elena Fesunenko. Her father was a famous political commentator. This union lasted three years, they separated without scandals, hiding the reason for the divorce, their children did not unite them in this marriage.

After 6 years, the musician is once again trying to start a family. The second legal wife was Alla Golubkina; she worked as a cosmetologist and was far from the bohemia in which her husband was accustomed to moving around. Very soon a son, Ivan, was born, who was very similar to his father. But this child did not save the marriage, although he is still in good relations with own parents. Ivan Andreevich Makarevich - actor, musician and aspiring fashion designer, son of People's Artist of the Russian Federation Andrei Makarevich, bard and creator legendary rock band"Time Machine".

Among Ivan’s most notable works in cinema are “Shadowboxing”, “18-14”, “Brigade: Heir”, “House of the Sun” (where he played his father in his youth), as well as the television series “Ivan the Terrible” and “Drunk” firm".

Childhood and family

The future artist and representative of a famous creative dynasty was born on June 30, 1987 in one of the capital’s maternity hospitals. On his paternal side, in addition to musicians, there were also architects in his family - grandfather Vadim Grigorievich and aunt Natalya Vadimovna. The father himself, Andrei Makarevich, a graduate of the Moscow Architectural Institute, also considers himself primarily an artist, although he gained fame, of course, as a rock performer. Mother Alla Mikhailovna and grandmother Nina Markovna devoted themselves to medicine, one is a cosmetologist, the other is a phthisiatrician. Ivan has two sisters on his father’s side - eldest Dana(born 1975) and the younger Anna (born 2000).

Soon after his birth, his parents separated. However, the boy did not perceive the divorce as a tragedy, since he knew for sure that he had both a mother and a father whom he could trust. He lived with his mother, but his father actively participated in his upbringing, and how clever man, did without strict prohibitions and moralizing, but did it in the process of communication and by personal example. For example, Vanya constantly saw that Andrei Vadimovich is a very responsible person and always keeps his word, so he himself tried to keep his promises.

He graduated from the forty-fifth gymnasium - one of the most famous and prestigious metropolitan schools in Moscow with in-depth study foreign languages. He was an average student and sometimes skipped classes. The teachers remembered his father more, who every year organized concerts for the students, and after the performances led entertaining discussions with the children.

Rules of life of Ivan Makarevich

The teenager also studied guitar at a music school for two years, but, according to him, without any pleasure, although his dad tried in every possible way to “get him hooked” on the guitar. Regarding playing the piano, one lesson was enough for him to understand that this activity was not for him. But an African drum found one day in his father’s attic immediately attracted the attention of 12-year-old Ivan, and since then he has been playing the drums - contrary to popular belief, various and complex instruments.

Traditional holiday his graduating class - last call– took place in Makarevich Sr.’s nightclub. At the event, the founder of the Time Machine spoke first, then Ivan, who formed his own group while studying at the gymnasium. As Andrei Makarevich later joked, he performed as an opening act for his son.

Actor career

In 2004 he became a student at the Moscow Art Theater School. The head of his acting course was Konstantin Raikin. However, allegedly due to the fact that he “did not get along with the eminent teacher,” after a year of study he was expelled from the university. In 2005, the young man tried his luck at GITIS, and 4 years later he was already a graduate of Sergei Golomazov’s workshop.

Ivan’s graduation performances were “Days of the Turbins” (Lariosik), “Demons” (Petrusha Verkhovensky), “Dowry” (Vozhevatov). Soon after graduation, he joined the Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya (where he was employed in the most famous play his favorite playwright Tom Stoppard's "Arcadia") and in the theater new drama“Practice”, where for several years he played in a very popular play based on Natalia Moshina’s work “Heat”.

The debut film work of the aspiring actor was the role of Kostya, the brother of the girlfriend of the main character in the action-packed film by Alexei Sidorov (by the way, director of the famous television series “Brigade”) “Shadowboxing” (2005). Two years later he starred in its sequel. In 2007, the historical adventure film “18-14” was released, in which he played Pushkin’s lyceum friend Ivan Pushchin. In the film, his character, nicknamed Jeannot, actively participated in the investigation of brutal crimes.

The actor considers his participation in Andrei Eshpai’s series “Ivan the Terrible” (2009) to be an invaluable experience, where he had the opportunity to play a young king, with youth surrounded by intrigues, attackers and conspiracies (the “adult” version of the tyrant was played by Alexander Demidov). Makarevich Jr. called the director crazy wise man and was delighted with the entire cast. In particular, he noted that although he did not intersect on film set with Chulpan Khamatova, who played a messenger from Kazan, but still he “felt her.”

In 2010, he presented to the audience a role of a completely different type. The artist, who bears a striking resemblance to his father, portrayed him in his youth in the film “House of the Sun,” a drama written by Ivan Okhlobystin and Garik Sukachev. The film about the hippie era in the USSR turned out to be sincere and sincere, accurately recreating the time and events of those years.

In 2012, viewers saw the actor in a key role – the son of the “hero of the 90s” Sasha Bely – in the continuation of the cult TV series “Brigada” (“Brigade-2. Heir”).

In 2013, the disaster film “Metro” was released, where Ivan Makarevich played an assistant train driver. At the end of the same year he became a participant in the next interesting project- TV series “Survive After.” The actor was so interested in the script that he persistently auditioned several times, eventually landing the role of the computer genius Sasha, nicknamed Skat.

“Survive After”: Ivan Makarevich as Skat

Ivan successfully combined his work as an actor with performances in the groups “The Ant Principle” and “Stinky”. In addition, he writes his own music under the pseudonym James Oklahoma. He could also be seen as the host of the show “Heroes of the Internet” on the “Pepper” channel.

Ivan Makarevich: acoustic performance

In 2016, the younger Makarevich starred in new episodes of the post-apocalyptic series “Survive After.” He also harmoniously fit into the star ensemble of actors working on the creation of the crime comedy by Gregory of Constantinople “Drunk Firm”. The creators of the mini-series promised an original script, replete with unexpected twists, as well as outstanding cast– Mikhail Efremov, Marat Basharov, Evgeny Tsyganov, Victoria Isakova and others. The personal life of Ivan Makarevich is hidden from outsiders

He is a calm, peace-loving person, a vegetarian since the age of 14, loves to cook and even dreams of owning his own bakery. Participated in dogs; Together with his mother, he helped homeless animals. Doesn't watch TV at all. In terms of creativity, he is a maximalist, so he considers it impossible for himself to star in empty TV series or play bad performances. He enjoys designing and modeling clothes, doing stand-up comedy and diving (he has dived to a depth of 38 meters).

Stand-Up by Vanya Makarevich

The artist admitted to his subscribers on the Internet that he was baptized and circumcised. There was a time when, at the insistence of his grandmother, he taught the Lord’s Prayer, then became interested in the ideas of the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization (he went from house to house and asked citizens: “Do you know that Jesus loves you?”), then became interested in the ideology of Satanism. But subsequently he basically stopped adhering to any faith.

If before Andrey Makarevich was known as the lead singer of the Time Machine group and former presenter cooking show“Smak”, today this person is more associated with politics than with music. Blame it all civil position singer regarding the conflict in Ukraine.

Andrey Makarevich and his civic position

After the bloody events in Ukraine at the end of 2014, many simply famous people They did not stand aside, but spoke out in support or, on the contrary, condemned the “Maidan”. One of these people was the leader of the Time Machine, Andrei Makarevich. No one understood what happened to him, but it turned out that the singer Russian stage and the people consider the country in which he lives to be an aggressor, and the people for whom he sings to be nomads, a zombie mass.

After a series of statements by the singer, society shook up. It would seem, why did the opinion of some person, even a famous one, polarize people so much? Ordinary Russians and show business stars at a certain point were divided into fans and opponents of the singer. A petition even appeared on the Internet demanding that Andrei Makarevich be deprived of all state awards and titles.

The singer's civic position and opinion have not changed. He continues to support the coup in Ukraine and the new government. The singer condemned Russia's annexation of Crimea. To be fair, it is worth noting that Mr. Makarevich condemned attempts to ban the Russian language in Ukraine and the demolition of monuments from the Soviet era.

Life and work in 2014

In connection with the events that took place in the neighboring state, the singer’s activities developed into socio-political ones. He attended the Peace March and rallies in support of Ukraine, gave interviews on radio channels, and wrote his own blog. As for music, the singer performed in Slavyansk, but somehow the concerts in Russia did not work out. Many fans began to wonder where Andrei Makarevich disappeared to, what happened to him after openly criticizing the authorities.

Indeed, many of the singer’s solo concerts (and “Time Machine”) were cancelled. And at one of the events in Moscow, in the House of Music, during the singer’s performance, unknown activists sprayed pepper gas. The concert was disrupted, and members of the Other Russia organization took responsibility for the incident.

The matter did not end there. In the State Duma, United Russia deputy Evgeny Fedorov wanted to push through a law to deprive people with an anti-Russian position of state awards.

A group was formed on the Internet, collecting signatures for depriving the singer of all titles and awards. The opponents of the country's main "machinist" were such prominent public and cultural figures as Joseph Kobzon, Nikita Mikhalkov, Joseph Prigozhin and many others. In response, the singer's fans and people who share him public position, decided to appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request not to deprive the singer of his awards. Andrei Makarevich was supported by such artists as Alla Pugacheva, Oleg Basilashvili, and others.

But the singer and leader of “Time Machine” decided to stand up for himself and addressed Mr. President directly in an open letter. The reaction could be different. A response from the administration was received immediately. The singer was informed that the head of the country does not influence public opinion, this is not “harassment” of the singer, but simply people’s attitude to the current situation. Fans were worried about what Andrei Makarevich would do. What happened to him after the open letter? Public censure really stopped and all “popular” indignation faded away.

Events of 2015

This year, the persecution of the country's main rocker continued. This is reflected in the cancellation of concerts in Russia. Although the official Kremlin declares that it has nothing to do with the situation that has developed around creative activity singer

In February-March, concerts in cities of the Russian Federation were planned. Andrey Makarevich performed in Moscow in a club format. This was followed by concerts in Haifa, Tel Aviv and Ashdod. A tour of Ukraine was planned in March, but it was postponed. The singer referred to the need for medical procedures.

This year Andrey Makarevich, personal life which became the property of the whole country, did not stand out with loud statements, although the singer’s position did not change.

2015 was marked by another year for the singer a bright event. Makarevich sued publicist Alexander Prokhanov and won. The journalist said that Makarevich spoke in Svyatogorsk to motivate the military to shell Donetsk. The star claimed that he spoke to teenage refugees from Lugansk and Donetsk.

Andrey Makarevich group

Last year, “Time Machine” celebrated its 45th anniversary. The team is still working, writing new compositions.

In February 2015, fans of the group were shocked by the unpleasant news about the breakup of the group amid political disagreements. Although the singer’s official website denied this information, calling the message that appeared in the press gossip. Now “Time Machine” has one general concert planned. The musicians are developing other projects solo.

Andrey Makarevich: albums

During my creative career Andrey Makarevich performed and wrote thousands of songs. As the singer himself admits, after his “official” persecution, the popularity of him and “Time Machine” increased several times. Despite the reduced number of concerts in his native country, all events with Makarevich’s participation are always sold out.

Today the singer has 12 solo albums. Now he is actively writing compositions for his new album. So fans don’t have to worry about where Andrei Makarevich is, he’s simply absorbed creative process. The singer has almost completely disappeared from TV screens and rarely gives interviews.

Future plans

This year 2015, the artist plans to perform in several cities in Germany and Ukraine. He is also an active participant in the socio-political life of his native country.

In general, life is not only creative, but also social. So the singer’s fans don’t have to worry about where Andrei Makarevich disappeared, what happened to him after latest events. The musician has already stated that the GP has discredited itself and most likely he will leave the party.

Soviet and Russian musician, poet, composer, artist, producer, TV presenter. One of the founders and the only permanent member of the cult rock band “Time Machine”. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1991), National artist Russia (1999).

Biography of Andrei Makarevich

Andrey Vadimovich Makarevich born on December 11, 1953 in Moscow. His father, Vadim Grigorievich, was a veteran of the Great Patriotic War and worked as an architect at Gorstroyproekt, then as a teacher at the Moscow Architectural Institute. Mother, Nina Markovna, worked as a researcher at the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, was one of the first microbiologists in the USSR, and defended her doctoral dissertation. Andrey grew up in the company younger sister Natalia, who later became an architect.

Andrey Makarevich As a child, he dreamed of becoming first a diver, then a herpetologist, and then a paleontologist - as a result, he tried almost everything as an adult. Andrey, on the initiative of his father, early years played the piano and entered the corresponding music school, but then dropped out. At the age of 12, he took up the guitar, and a little later began to write poetry and play bard songs. At the age of 13 I became acquainted with creativity The group The Beatles - this largely determined his future fate.

Andrei Makarevich: “I had the feeling that all my previous life I had been wearing cotton wool in my ears, and then it was suddenly taken out. I just physically felt how something inside me was tossing and turning, moving, changing irreversibly. The days of the Beatles had begun. The Beatles were listened to from morning to evening. In the morning, before school, then immediately after and until lights out. On Sunday the Beatles listened all day. Sometimes my parents, exhausted by the Beatles, would kick me out onto the balcony along with the tape recorder, and then I would turn up the volume so that everyone around me would also listen to the Beatles...”

The creative path of Andrei Makarevich

In 1968 Andrey Makarevich founded his first ensemble - The Kids - friends performed covers of popular foreign songs. In 1969, together with classmates Alexander Ivanov, Pavel Rubin, Igor Mazaev And Yuri Borzov the subsequently famous " Time Machine" Makarevich became the leader of this group, the author of most of the lyrics and songs. The ensemble itself still exists.

In 1971, Andrei entered the Moscow Architectural Institute, but three years later he was expelled - believed to be due to his activities as a rock musician. Then Makarevich entered the Moscow Architectural Institute and graduated from the institution in 1977 with a diploma as a graphic artist and architect.

However, Makarevich always considered his main occupation and work musical performances. In 1979 " Time Machine"signed an agreement with Rosconcert - thus, the group became “legal”, and its members became professional musicians. Tours began throughout the country. The group's records, by the way, began to be released only during perestroika - the first album appeared only in 1986, and then it was released without the knowledge of the musicians. Meanwhile, Makarevich performed a lot as a bard - solo and without other group members. This lasted from 1982 to 1996, but then he, as he later admitted, got tired of such activities.

In the 90s, a number of Makarevich’s writings were published, including the books “Everything is very simple. Rasskaziki" (1991), "Relish. Meetings in the kitchen" (1998), "Seven thousand cities. Poems and Songs" (1999), "What is diving, or scuba gear for everyone" (co-authored with Yuri Belsky, 1999), etc. Then his collections "The Sheep Himself" (2001), "Andrei Makarevich. Songs and poems" (2003), "The place where the light is" (2004), "Entertaining drug addiction" (2005), "Men's cooking: conversations about food and more" (2008), "Men's cooking" (2009), "In the beginning there was sound" (2010), etc.

Together with literary and musical creativity Makarevich also developed in the artistic sphere. So, in 1990, his first exhibition was held at the Moscow Youth Palace. And the foreign debut took place in Italian Caserta. Then Andrey’s personal exhibitions were held in St. Petersburg, Riga, at various venues in Moscow, and a traveling exhibition was held that visited various Russian cities. In November 2005, a personal exhibition called Fish & More was held in San Francisco, and in 2006, Makarevich, together with Michael Cartelone, presented his works at the New York site, where he opened the exhibition in 2010.

In 2001, Andrei Makarevich founded the Creole Tango Orchestra. In the project, many popular groups perform jazz, blues, swing, and chanson.

In 2009, Makarevich gave birth to “Jazz Transformations”, in which he began to take part together with the “Evgeny Borets Trio” and the Brill Brothers in a new form for himself - jazz musician and performer. Many vocalists began to collaborate with the project. A few years later, in 2013, along with the Acapella Express ensemble, the E. Borts trio and trumpeter K. Gevondyan, Andrei Vadimovich created another project - “LOVE songs about love”. In 2014, Jazz Transformations released the Yiddish Jazz program. Both of these projects are successfully demonstrated in both Russian halls, and on sites in Europe, the USA and Israel.

In 2015, fans “ Time machines“were shocked by the news of the collapse of the team amid political disagreements, but Makarevich’s official website called these reports gossip. The musician did not even think of stopping his creative journey.

In the spring of 2017 in Moscow, as part of the art festival " Cherry forest“The world premiere of the multimedia play “The Devil, the Soldier and the Violin” based on the opera “The Story of a Soldier” by Igor Stravinsky took place. The main roles in the production were played by Andrei Makarevich, as well as journalist and TV presenter Vladimir Pozner. And in November 2017, the leader’s next book “ Time machines"titled "Not the first lyrical digression from the rules”, which is a collection of stories with drawings by Makarevich, who previously released the works “I grew up on your songs”, “Poems. Graphic arts. Songs", etc.

Film career of Andrei Makarevich

At the dawn of the 80s Andrey Makarevich first appeared in cinema - took part in the filming of the musical drama “Soul” (1982), which caused mostly negative reviews from Soviet film critics, who accused the director of the film, Alexander Stefanovich, of weak direction and a primitive script. They also talked about the worthless acting, but praised the innovative cinematography and professional editing.

Exactly at " Soul"We filmed the first video for the then-banned Time Machine." The fans received him very warmly. And fans of the film were split on two fronts: supporters of Sofia Rotaru’s work applauded the singer’s duet with an underground rock band, and admirers of “ Time machines"negatively assessed the collaboration of their favorite band with the pop star.

In the picture itself the main role soloist of the group " Zeit Machine» didn’t get Andrey Makarevich, who played only a cameo role, and Mikhail Boyarsky. However, with the release of the drama, Andrei’s group gained enormous popularity. The songs “For those at sea”, “Bonfire”, “The Path” and others heard in the musical received the status of imperishable songs.

In 1986, Makarevich again starred in Stefanovich’s film. It was a musical with Igor Sklyar, Rolan Bykov and Svetlana Nemolyaeva " Start from the beginning"Where is Andrey, young, but already popular singer and composer, played the budding talent, bard Nikolai Kovalev. According to the plot, the hero of Makarevich is loved by young people, but is not recognized by music officials, and this lasts until a significant meeting takes place in his life.

In 1989, a concert film dedicated to the twentieth anniversary was released. Time machines" The groups “Shanghai”, “Secret”, “Skomorokhi” and many others took part in the show. Makarevich also starred in the films “ Crazy Love"(1992) with Alexander Abdulov, "Showcase" (2000) with Fyodor Bondarchuk, " What Men Talk About"(2010) with "Quartet I", "Cinema about Alekseev" (2014) with Alexander Zbruev, other films.

In 1993, Andrei founded and then headed the Smak television company and became the host of the TV show of the same name. He participated in the creation of the programs “Oh, roads”, “Lampshade”, led the project “ Undersea world", etc.

Makarevich also wrote music for many films, including “ Speed"(1983) with Alexei Batalov, " Breakthrough"(1986) with Oleg Borisov, " Without a uniform"(1988) with Anatoly Vasiliev, " Arithmetic of Murder"(1991) with Zinaida Sharko, "Moscow Holidays" (1995) with Leonid Yarmolnik, as well as the documentary " Too much free man "(2016), telling about the life and fate of a politician Boris Nemtsov.

Political views of Andrei Makarevich

The musician is known for his political views. At one time he joined the Komsomol, although he claims that he always had a negative attitude towards Soviet power, but did not openly oppose the existing political regime. In the lyrics, according to the statement Andrey Makarevich, there was never much political overtones.

During the collapse of the USSR, Time Machine supported the departure of the communists from power and even performed “on the barricades” during the putsch in August 1991. IN modern history Makarevich openly supported Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev. At the concert Paula McCartney in Moscow, the musician even sat next to Putin.

Andrey Makarevich: “ Long years I was not happy with the communist regime. He interfered with my life, and prevented me from doing what I considered it necessary to do. I think that we also have some merit, perhaps a small one, in the fact that it burst. And what should I do the next day? I have to start fighting the new regime the next day, right?”

But in 2010 Andrey Makarevich dramatically changed his attitude towards the current government. This is reflected in the lyrics of new songs and in open statements to the public. At the end of 2010, the musician, together with famous colleagues ( Boris Grebenshchikov, Konstantin Kinchev and other performers) signed open letter Putin with a request for a fair consideration of the case of Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

In October 2011, Makarevich said on Radio Liberty: “I don’t really like everything that’s happening today. We have already been told who our president will be. But the point is not Putin, the point is that there is a feeling that we are being deprived of the remnants of the right to choose. That's all. Everything happens as it happens. That time I voted for Medvedev. Medvedev won. I thought I was doing absolutely the right thing. I am probably an incorrigibly naive person. I had some hopes for Medvedev.”

At the beginning of 2012, Makarevich began to openly support presidential candidate Mikhail Prokhorov. Then he took part in opposition protests, often spoke about the increased level of corruption, criticized United Russia and the current government, and supported the group’s defense Pussy Riot. In response, Putin expelled Makarevich from the Council for Culture and Arts in September 2012, although the musician claims that this was not due to political speeches.

Personal life of Andrei Makarevich

From 1976 to 1979 Andrey Makarevich was married to Elena Igorevna Fursenko, student at the Institute of History and Archives. From 1986 to 1989, the musician was married to Alla Mikhailovna Golubkina, they had a son, Ivan, who later became an actor (played in the film “Brigada: Heir”).

From 1998 to 2000, Makarevich lived in a civil marriage with the press attache of the Time Machine Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, in 2000, daughter Anna was born. With the third wife - Natalya Golub- Andrey was in a relationship from 2003 to 2010.

Makarevich also has an illegitimate daughter, Dana, who was born in 1975 and in currently lives in the USA.

Andrey Makarevich became the ambassador of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Discography of Andrei Makarevich

  • Solo
  • 1985 - Variety show
  • 1989 - Songs with guitar
  • 1991 - At the pawnshop
  • 1994 - I draw you
  • 1996 - Songs I Love
  • 1996 - Pioneer criminal songs (with A. Kozlov)
  • 1997 - Twenty years later (concert together with B. Grebenshchikov)
  • 1998 - Women's album (with the group "Fern")
  • 1999 - Songs from the movie Crossroads (songs from the movie “Crossroads”)
  • 2000 - Time for rent (with the group “Kvartal”)
  • 2000 - You or I (single) (with the group “Kvartal”)
  • 2002 - Etc. (with the Creole Tango Orchestra)
  • 2003 - A thin scar on my beloved bottom (with the Creole Tango Orchestra, E. Margulis, M. Leonidov, A. Sviridova and T. Lazareva) - songs by Mark Freidkin
  • 2004 - From me to you (concert with the Creole Tango Orchestra)
  • 2005 - A. Makarevich presents the songs of Gennady Ni-Li
  • 2005 - A. Makarevich presents the songs of Bulat Okudzhava (with the Creole Tango Orchestra)
  • 2006 - Old car(with the Creole Tango Orchestra)
  • 2007 - Shtander (with the Creole Tango Orchestra)
  • 2012 - Wine and Tears (with the Creole Tango Orchestra)
  • 2013 - Yiddish Jazz
  • 2013 - Chronicle of current events
  • 2014 - Clouds (Makarevich sings songs by A. Galich)
  • Collections
  • 2001 - Best
  • 2003 - Favorites
  • 2008 - It was not with us. Best songs
  • 2008 - 55
  • 2009 - Best
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