Andrey Gaidulyan and Diana Ochilova are getting divorced. The ex-wife of Andrei Gaidulyan said that he cheated on her Life together, illness, wedding and divorce

The star of the series “Sasha + Tanya” secretly married his girlfriend Diana Ochilova.

It would seem that Andrey - married man for a long time now, and is even raising a son. But this is in the series... In life, Gaidulyan decided to take an important step only now. After five years of relationship, the 32-year-old actor signed with his girlfriend, Diana Ochilova.

The couple didn’t like to talk about their relationship before, but now they made no exception: o important event never even hinted at in real life.

The couple came to the Moscow registry office alone - neither their parents nor friends were invited to the ceremony. Only journalists, who filmed the newlyweds. The bride and groom were not dressed festively - in jeans and white polo shirts. The bride's wedding bouquet consisted of daisies.

True, there will still be a real big wedding with dresses and cake, but later it will take place on the seashore in Italy.

“The bride will have three dresses. She sewed to order for the ceremony. It was prepared for several weeks, embroidered with crystals and bugles. I bought the second dress, made of thin chiffon, in one of the famous Moscow stores, and the third, comfortable for dancing, I ordered on the Internet. The groom will limit himself to a black classic suit Italian brand“, - the couple’s friend Alena Smirenko told StarHit.

“I know how much Andrei loves Diana. He is both her dad and her friend. All best qualities, which can be imagined in a man, are collected in Andrey. He is ready to blow away specks of dust from Diana, he is such a caring person. It’s a pity, of course, that she gave away her “husband,” but I’m completely sure that they were created for each other,” Gaidulyan’s colleague, actress Valentina Rubtsova shared with “Antenna”. - I want to congratulate Sasha and Diana. And as a “husband’s wife,” I want them to value, protect each other, and be there for each other in difficult times. And they literally “grew into” each other, this is the only way to maintain a relationship for life. Well, great happiness. Diana is Andrei's little man. And I'm sure they were meant to meet."

Let us remind you that Andrei and Diana have been together for five years. The couple met in a fashionable Moscow club. There, Andrei’s colleague on the series, Vitaly Gogunsky, celebrated his birthday.

Andrey was lonely at that time. But he soon noticed a pretty girl sitting at the bar surrounded by her friends. At first, Diana didn’t even recognize Sasha from Univer as the guy. But, to the actor’s joy, her friends recognized her, which gave him a couple of extra points in the eyes of his new acquaintance.

That evening Andrei didn’t leave Diana’s side, and then he picked up the phone. Then there were several more dates, surprises, armfuls of roses and bears. And very quickly the young people came together.

“She captivated me with her recklessness and attitude towards life,” says the actor.

True, Diana was reckless in everything. She once joked with Andrei that “it’s all over,” because in her native Tashkent a rich neighbor was showing off to her. But Andrei was not at a loss and on the same day flew to her parents, where it turned out that his beloved had simply played a prank on him.

With Diana, it was not at all easy for Andrey at first. The girl was born into a wealthy family in Tashkent. She came to Moscow to study, but without getting anywhere, she trained as a nail extension specialist. Her parents provided financially for her daughter. Diana traveled around Moscow exclusively by taxi and for the first time went down the subway with Andrey.

“It was hard for me. But it’s even harder for Diana with me. I was hot-tempered and emotional. And he could scream over any nonsense. As a result, we both changed,” says the actor.

All this time, the young people almost never separated. Diana went on tour with her beloved, went to all his performances. And she was terribly jealous when Andrei even kissed someone on the cheek on stage.

But the real test of the relationship was Gaidulyan’s illness. Last summer, doctors diagnosed the actor with cancer. But Diana was initially confident of victory over the disease. And her optimism was enough for both of them.

Diana, following her beloved, flew to Germany for treatment and went through the entire course of chemotherapy with him. Eventually, terrible disease they won together.

True, later there was still some “pause” in the relationship. The star's chosen one even told fans about the breakup. But, to the delight of fans and relatives, the young people quickly realized that they could not live without each other. And they got back together.

“Facebook reminds us that exactly 5 years ago, on this day we were happier than ever. @gaydulyan How he knows how to please me and make unforgettable surprises. @gaydulyan is the best because only with such a man can you meet old age. After all, he treats me with care and I will last for many more years. How nice it is to remember where we started and how great we always had! Anything happened, as, indeed, with all people. And no matter what, we are together,” the happy bride wrote on Instagram some time ago.

With Diana Ochilova. The couple were together for six years. Diana supported her future husband during treatment when he was diagnosed with lymphoma.

Many fans condemned the actor for the quick divorce. It seemed to them that the actor, having recovered, undeservedly abandoned the woman who did not leave him during his illness. Recently, Andrei said that the illness and treatment did not affect their relationship with Diana. The divorce happened due to disagreements in the family. “Everything happened overnight, we had a big fight, and that was the end, there was no turning back,” he explained.

Last weekend Diana attended the program " The stars have aligned"on NTV. She admitted that Andrei cheated on her with Alexandra Veleskevich, the relationship with whom she hid after the divorce.


Diana said that they really had a serious quarrel in August, when she was badly burned during a walk: “We returned to the room, and then Andrei told me that I urgently needed kefir and I had to go get it. I said I didn't want to go. And because of this kefir, we had a fight and remembered each other’s seven years of accumulated grievances, and told each other a lot of unnecessary things.” But she didn't think the disagreement would lead to divorce. And a month after the quarrel, her husband began dating Veleskevich. “I recently found out that on October 11 they flew together to Chisinau, where they rented a separate room, where he ordered champagne directly to the bed,” Ochilova said. Later, Andrei contacted Diana and said that they were getting a divorce.

Andrei Gaidulyan himself said that he met Alexandra Veleskevich after the divorce. “No one cheated on anyone, we just decided to break up. It happens, this is life. I'm a supporter family values, but it didn’t work out,”

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And his wife Diana Ochilova got married in 2016. Unfortunately, their marriage did not last long: in November last year the public learned about the discord in their seemingly ideal family. At the end of January, the actor, explaining that he and Diana broke up mutual consent. "We divorced. No one cheated on anyone, we just decided to break up. It happens, that's life. I’m a supporter of family values, but it didn’t work out,” admitted Andrey. When asked if he had new darling, the artist then answered negatively, but just three months after the divorce - he became an actress. He told reporters that he met new love after separating from his wife.

Alexandra Veleskevich and Andrey Gaidulyan

Diana Ochilova claims that this is not true. Recently, the actor’s ex-wife found out that her husband had an affair while still married. She received the first evidence of betrayal a month after they last quarrel when the spouses were already living separately. Ochilova tried to contact Gaidulyan, but he did not want to communicate, and after a while he asked for a divorce. “On August 3, I flew away, and on September 3, a note appears on my phone that was synchronized with his phone. It was a very tender message to some girl Sasha,” Diana said in the studio of the “” program. According to the girl, she recently learned that on October 11, her husband and his new lover We flew together to Chisinau, where we rented a separate room. “He ordered champagne straight to bed. And the next day he just called me and said: “Dian, well, you understand, we’re getting a divorce,” she said.

Ochilova admitted that she wanted to save her family until the last moment, but new novel husband put an end to their relationship. At the same time, Diana still has warm feelings for Andrei. “I am grateful to him for everything and I can say that he will never be a stranger to me,” Ochilova admitted with tears in her eyes.

Diana Ochilova and Andrey Gaidulyan

By the way, in a recent interview, Gaidulyan said that he experienced family problems very painfully, since for him divorce is a sin. According to the actor, he for a long time tried to save his relationship with Diana, but all efforts were in vain. After breaking up with his wife, only his friends helped him not to go on a drinking binge.

Let us recall that in 2015 Andrei Gaidulyan was diagnosed with cancer- Hodgkin's lymphoma. The actor went to Germany for treatment, underwent a course of chemotherapy and felt better at the end of the year. Diana helped the actor completely overcome the disease. Before meeting her, Andrei was in a relationship with a classmate named Rimma. The couple were together for a year and a half. During this time they had a son Fedor, however, this did not help them save their marriage.

Diana Ochilova said that the reason for her divorce from Gaidulyan was the actor’s new romance

Famous couples whose names have long been heard, and who also live happily ever after, invariably arouse interest. People around you wonder how you manage to maintain feelings despite eternal fatigue, busy schedules and tours. But no less interest is attracted to couples whose marriage lasted, as they say, one year and one day.

A hasty divorce, when just yesterday the newly-minted spouses were happy, provokes a wave of new questions, and often speculation and gossip. And it doesn’t matter what scale the object of attention is - a big star in the show business horizon or a person who was talked about only in connection with an unusual situation. Diana Ochilova found herself in this situation.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Diana Ochilova is typical for young people who came from the outback to conquer the Moscow peaks. There is practically no information about Ochilova’s childhood. It is known that Diana was born in January 1991 in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, into a wealthy family. Like thousands of young girls, after graduating from school she set off to conquer Moscow. Having failed her exams at the institute, the girl did not want to return to her homeland and remained in the capital of Russia.

Later, Diana finally entered the Institute contemporary art, who graduated from it in 2006 future husband Andrey Gaidulyan.

As expected eastern woman, Diana – good hostess. When I first found myself at my future husband’s house, I put things in order and assigned each item its place.


On the Internet there is still scant information about the work of Diana Ochilova: she studies at the Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art, and occasionally appears on the stage of the student theater. The actress is not very well known to movie fans; she has so far starred in one short drama, released in 2016. Last call"in a small role. He works part-time as a manicurist.

Personal life

In 2009, in one of the Moscow nightclubs, Diana met, by that time already a popular actor, who was known thanks to his participation in the youth TV series “Univer” and “.” The relationship was uneven - the young people quarreled violently, and shortly before marriage they separated altogether. But the six-year period of marriage gave an understanding that one should not be led by emotions.

In 2015, shortly before the planned wedding, Andrei. The actor successfully overcame this difficult moment in his life, including thanks to the support of Ochilova, who did not leave her fiancé during the treatment period. dream about family life the couple realized it in 2016. They are in the Tagansky registry office in Moscow, they played in Venice. As Andrei said in an interview, Diana as a wife fit all the parameters.

Life began to turn out more than successfully for Diana. Andrey gave expensive gifts and arranged surprises. The couple often appeared at numerous parties and social events, acquired new apartment. Row of stars Russian show business Diana could now call them, if not friends, then at least good acquaintances.

Judging by the photo in "Instagram" Ochilova, a short girl (Diana’s height is 166 cm), did not have such an elegant figure before her bohemian life. Perhaps that is why in the spring of 2017, users’ delight spread across the Internet that Andrei Gaidulyan’s wife was pregnant. Diana revealed the secret of the change by publishing information about the transformation assistant on her personal blog. This person turned out to be Diana's old friend - doctor Gagik Makyan, who developed for the girl special diet, made me pay attention to the gym and directed me to beauty treatments.

Living in the capital, the girl tries to disguise her eastern origin, dyeing her hair blonde. This approach causes outrage among some followers, who wonder why in such a multinational city like Moscow one would hide one’s nationality.

Because of these photos they began to say that Diana Ochilova is pregnant

In the fall of 2017, flashy media headlines reported that Andrei Gaidulyan and Diana Ochilova had been married for a little over a year. Moreover, it is very one-sided - supposedly it was the wife who abandoned her husband, who had cancer.

According to insiders, Diana spent a lot of time studying, and Andrei was at work making up for time lost during his illness. The same Instagram of the girl, once known for her positive attitude, is filled with strange, even unambiguous videos hinting at betrayal on Andrei’s part, and does not add clarity. Fans are wondering what really happened in the family.

Now all the rumors have been added joint photos Diana and a young man who looks like . Attentive observers immediately identified him as the first, but now former PR director (by the way, Ochilova’s friend) - Anton Bogoslavsky. The latter, known on the Internet under the nickname anton_bo, was Gaidulyan’s official representative a couple of years ago.

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