Anatoly Zhuravlev biography personal life. Anatoly Zhuravlev and Polina Prikhodko: the actor married a young actress

Anatoly Zhuravlev is from the Urals. Despite the fact that he dreamed of becoming an actor since childhood, after graduating from school Anatoly entered the Ural Pedagogical Institute to the Faculty of Philology. He graduated from it, served in the army and got a job as a literature teacher at a school.

Apparently, the young man did not feel entirely comfortable in the role of a teacher. As he himself admits, he pedagogical activity At first, it was similar to the “statutory” relationship with recruits: he tried to teach literature to schoolchildren with the help of harsh, almost army commands. Until, finally, the brave sixth-grader advised the gloomy teacher to smile more often. Discouraged simple solution pedagogical problems, the novice teacher began to feel more confident at the board, but, nevertheless, upon completion school year went to Leningrad.

Theater and sports

In Leningrad, Anatoly entered LGITMiK, from which he graduated in 1992. At the same time, in 1991, he was accepted into the troupe of the Comedy Theater. N. Akimova. By that time, the aspiring actor was already a famous athlete - master of sports in taekwondo, champion of the USSR in 1991.

From 1996 to 1998 Zhuravlev is an actor at the Studio Theater under the direction of O. Tabakov.


First big success The actor received the role of the former paratrooper Kolya in Dmitry Astrakhan’s melodrama “Everything will be fine!”

In 2000, Anatoly starred in the role of "Tolstoy" - the security guard of the main character in the series "Bourgeois's Birthday". Anatoly Mateshko, the film's director, called the actor a "Ural nugget", referring to his numerous talents and the fact that the actor comes from a Ural village. Tolstoy's talents manifested themselves literally before our eyes. It was he who offered to give the guard Bourgeois a button accordion and immediately showed the ability to handle it. “Dance with a towel” was also invented by Anatoly Zhuravlev. This scene was filmed in almost one take. Although this was not easy to do: the huge Tolstoy in the role of the stripper was so concentrated and serious that the cameraman, like the entire film crew, could hardly restrain his laughter.

In the film, Tolstoy more than once demonstrates his knowledge of hand-to-hand combat techniques, and in one of the episodes there is an episode where he “warms up” according to all the rules of taekwondo. This episode did not appear by chance.

According to participants' observations film crew, Anatoly Zhuravlev is one of the most responsible actors involved in the series. He prepared for filming very seriously and always memorized even the smallest lines.

Anatoly Zhuravlev, who strictly monitors his athletic form, still gained several extra pounds on the set of “Bourgeois.” Fat always eats Snickers, and the actor had to eat at least one chocolate bar a day.

Versatile Talents

According to Anatoly Mateshko, the performer of the role of Tolstoy is an excellent storyteller. During the filming of “Bourgeois,” the director always listened with pleasure to the descriptions everyday scenes, considering them complete short stories, reminiscent of Shukshin's stories.

A philological education came in handy for Anatoly Zhuravlev: after finishing filming “The Bourgeois,” he wrote a play about Mayakovsky. The events of the play take place in 1916 and last years poet's life. The author of the play is most interested in personal life the poet, namely the drama of his relationship with Lilya Brik. The figure of Mayakovsky has long been interesting and dear to Anatoly Zhuravlev, main role he's going to perform it himself.

Personal life

Anatoly is married. Wife - Natalya - prop master at the Studio Theater directed by O. Tabakov.

Zhuravlev Anatoly Anatolyevich was born on March 20, 1964 in Charovka, Chelyabinsk region, USSR (Russia)

Anatoly Zhuravlev is from the Urals. Despite the fact that he dreamed of becoming an actor since childhood, after graduating from school Anatoly entered the Ural Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Philology. He graduated, served in the army and got a job as a literature teacher at a school.

Apparently, the young man did not feel entirely comfortable in the role of a teacher. As he himself admits, his teaching activity at first was similar to “statutory” relations with recruits: he tried to teach literature to schoolchildren with the help of harsh, almost army commands. Until, finally, the brave sixth-grader advised the gloomy teacher to smile more often. Discouraged by the simple solution to pedagogical problems, the novice teacher began to feel more confident at the blackboard, but, nevertheless, at the end of the school year he went to Leningrad.

In Leningrad, Anatoly entered LGITMiK, which he graduated in 1992. At the same time, in 1991, he was accepted into the troupe of the Comedy Theater. N. Akimova. By that time, the aspiring actor was already a famous athlete - master of sports in taekwondo, champion of the USSR in 1991.

In 1996, Anatoly moved to the Studio Theater directed by O. Tabakov, where he worked until 1998.

The actor's first great success came with the role of the former paratrooper Kolya in Dmitry Astrakhan's melodrama "Everything will be fine!" Anatoly played an ordinary guy. He returns home from the army, where his beloved girl is waiting for him. And everything would be fine in their life if it weren’t for the unexpected arrival of a millionaire in their town... The film was a huge success with the audience. Everything in the film came together in a wonderful way - a good plot, an amazing fusion of actors different generations, Beautiful music. All this ultimately gave rise to the belief among the audience that “everything will really be fine.” The only one who suffered to some extent in this whole story was the hero of Anatoly Zhuravlev...

In 2000, Anatoly starred in the role of "Tolstoy" - the security guard of the main character in the series "Bourgeois's Birthday". Anatoly Mateshko, the film's director, called the actor a "Ural nugget", referring to his numerous talents and the fact that the actor comes from a Ural village. Tolstoy's talents manifested themselves literally before our eyes. It was he who offered to give the guard Bourgeois a button accordion and immediately showed the ability to handle it. “Dance with a towel” was also invented by Anatoly Zhuravlev. This scene was filmed in almost one take. Although this was not easy to do: the huge Tolstoy in the role of the stripper was so concentrated and serious that the cameraman, like the entire film crew, could hardly restrain his laughter.

In the film, Tolstoy more than once demonstrates his knowledge of hand-to-hand combat techniques, and in one of the episodes there is an episode where he “warms up” according to all the rules of taekwondo. This episode did not appear by chance.

According to the observations of the crew members, Anatoly Zhuravlev is one of the most responsible actors involved in the series. He prepared for filming very seriously and always memorized even the smallest lines.

Anatoly Zhuravlev, who strictly monitors his athletic form, still gained a few extra pounds on the set of “Bourgeois.” Fat always eats Snickers, and the actor had to eat at least one chocolate bar a day.

Versatile Talents

According to Anatoly Mateshko, the performer of the role of Tolstoy is an excellent storyteller. During the filming of “Bourgeois,” the director always listened with pleasure to descriptions of everyday scenes, considering them complete short stories, reminiscent of Shukshin’s stories.

A philological education came in handy for Anatoly Zhuravlev: after finishing filming “The Bourgeois,” he wrote a play about Mayakovsky. The events of the play take place in 1916 and in the last years of the poet’s life. The author of the play is most interested in the poet’s personal life, namely the drama of his relationship with Lilya Brik. The figure of Mayakovsky has long been interesting and dear to Anatoly Zhuravlev, he plans to play the main role himself.

Personal life

Anatoly is married. Wife - Natalya - prop master at the Studio Theater directed by O. Tabakov.

Anatoly Zhuravlev became a father. PHOTO

26-year-old Polina Prikhodko gave birth to a son to 51-year-old actor Anatoly Zhuravlev.

Actor Anatoly Zhuravlev has a new addition to his family. His young wife, aspiring actress Polina Prikhodko, gave birth to his son.

51-year-old Anatoly married 26-year-old Polina two years ago. And so the couple decided to have a child.

Polina is originally from St. Petersburg. There she graduated from the St. Petersburg Theater Academy and then served in the Workshop Theater. It was there that Anatoly and Polina met in 2011.

Anatoly, at the invitation of friends, came to the “Workshop”, where the aspiring actress worked. After the performance there was a skit party, where Polina attracted attention famous actor. The girl sang, danced and played the accordion. According to Polina’s entourage, Anatoly invited her to a restaurant, but she was not free at the time, so she refused.

But Zhuravlev showed persistence. Anatoly began to come with flowers to every performance of Polina. And in the end he achieved his goal.

The fact that Anatoly and Polina are expecting a child became known recently when the couple attended a Kremlin concert, dedicated to memory Lyudmila Gurchenko: Zhuravlev came accompanied by his pregnant wife. They took a picture together with, who played Lyudmila Gurchenko in the series of the same name.

Anatoly Zhuravlev with his wife Polina and Yulia Peresild

In general, little is known about Zhuravlev’s personal life. For several years he was officially married to a woman named Natalya, but there were no children in this family. According to rumors, Zhuravlev has illegitimate children from actress Tatyana Shitova. But the actor himself does not comment on this information.

During the filming of the cult series “Bourgeois's Birthday,” the director of the film, Anatoly Mateshko, called this actor “a Ural nugget.” Anatoly Zhuravlev, who played the hero nicknamed Tolstoy in the series, not only masterfully portrayed the desired image. The artist was full of creative ideas, most of which were embodied in the film.

Anatoly Anatolyevich Zhuravlev was born in the Ural town of Verkhnyaya Salda in March 1964. WITH early years the boy lived in a single-parent family: his parents divorced and divided their children among themselves. The son stayed with his mother, and sister Anatoly stayed with her father. Soon his mother became very ill, and the boy was sent to a boarding school, and in 1976, Anatoly was taken by his grandmother, who lived in a village near Nizhny Tagil.

Anatoly became interested in martial arts, choosing taekwondo. Later acquired skills and physical training with a height of 189 cm more than once helped Zhuravlev out at castings.

But most of all Tolya was interested acting profession. For a boy from the provinces, this profession seemed unattainable. Therefore, after graduating from school, the young man entered the Ural Pedagogical University, choosing philology.

After serving in the army, Zhuravlev worked as a literature teacher for a year. But the dream of going on stage did not leave the young man. This desire especially intensified at the institute, where Anatoly first tried his hand as an actor. The student participated in performances that were staged at the Nizhny Tagil Drama Theater.

Having finally realized that school was not for him, Anatoly Zhuravlev went to Leningrad and entered LGITMiK. In 1992, the young man received a diploma. At the time of graduation, the young artist had already been working at the Leningrad Comedy Theater for a year.


After 5 years, the actor changed the stage of the Comedy Theater to the stage of the Studio Theatre. This happened after Anatoly Zhuravlev moved to Moscow. But the artist stayed with Tabakov only for 2 years. Since 2007, the actor has served in the troupe of the capital’s Film Actor Theater.

The cinematic biography of Anatoly Zhuravlev began in Leningrad, when the actor was still an initial student at a theater university. At first, the artist got episodic roles of bandits or athletes, but the aspiring actor was glad of this experience too. The first film with a prominent role, which brought Anatoly Zhuravlev success and recognition, was released in 1995. It was a high-rated melodrama with the prophetic title “Everything will be fine!” Anatoly played former paratrooper Kolya in the film.

In addition to the young actors playing the leading roles - and Mark Goronok, the film also starred. After the release of the tape, Anatoly’s career rapidly took off. The actor’s portfolio included work in popular projects of that time, “Poor Sasha”, “Russian Transit”. Each time in the credits, the actor’s roles were defined by one succinct word - bandit.

In 2000, Zhuravleva was waiting star role. In the series "Bourgeois's Birthday" Anatoly got one of key characters- security guard Bourgeois Tolstoy. The shots where Tolstoy plays the button accordion and dances a striptease with a towel are the ideas of Anatoly Zhuravlev, gladly supported by both the director and the entire film crew. After the release of the series, the Ural artist woke up famous.

As it soon turned out, the first education Zhuravlev received—philological—was useful to the artist. Anatoly wrote a play about the life of the poet, which told about the last years and difficult relationship with the poet's beloved. Anatoly Zhuravlev admitted that he dreams of a film adaptation of the play, as well as of playing Mayakovsky.

After “Bourgeois’s Birthday,” the Ural nugget appeared in a huge number of films. Of those that came out in the first decade, the most striking and rated films were “ Best city Earth", "March of Turetsky. New appointment”, “Operational pseudonym”, “Sarmat”, “Zhmurki” and “Dad of all trades”.

Now Zhuravlev’s filmography includes over seven dozen films and TV series. In recent years, fans of Anatoly Anatolyevich’s talent have seen the actor in the projects “Terrorist Ivanova”, “20 Years Without Love”, “Veronica. Lost Happiness", "Caviar Baron" and "Beekeeper".

Personal life

The ups and downs of the artist’s personal life often became top topics in the tabloids. It must be said that the Ural star turned out to be a rich source of gossip and gossip, many of which were confirmed over time.

The first wife of Anatoly Zhuravlev was his fellow countryman Natalya Dubonos. At first, the girl worked as a kindergarten teacher, but later, after moving to the capital, she got a job as a props maker at the Tabakov Theater. The couple lived together for 20 years. This period life together was often overshadowed by the infidelities of the loving artist.

Some time ago it became known that in the Urals it grows illegitimate son Zhuravlev, who was born by a woman named Nadezhda Danilova. At first, Anatoly denied paternity, but after a DNA examination he recognized the young man.

As soon as the scandal with her son subsided, it turned out that the actress gave birth to a daughter, Polina, from Anatoly. The artist also recognized the girl after an examination and numerous trials. Then there were several more fleeting novels.

In 2011, Anatoly Zhuravlev’s personal life again underwent dramatic changes. In St. Petersburg, the 49-year-old actor met 24-year-old actress Polina Prikhodko. The first meeting of the future spouses took place at the Workshop theater, where Polina worked after graduating from theater school. At a skit party held after the theater premiere, Polina performed on stage. The girl’s temperament and beauty amazed the evening’s guest, Anatoly Zhuravlev, who arrived on a friendly visit to the Northern capital.

After this evening, the actor began courting Polina. The romance that broke out culminated in a marriage proposal, as well as Polina’s subsequent consent.

The wedding took place in St. Petersburg, and then the newlyweds left for Moscow, where Anatoly has an apartment on Ostozhenka. Two years later, the couple had a son, Gleb.

Anatoly Zhuravlev now

One of Anatoly Zhuravlev’s last film roles to date is considered to be his work in the TV series “Fugitive Relatives,” which was released on the STS TV channel in 2016. The film is about two lovers - Dima and Yulia ( and ), who decided to introduce their parents to each other. But it turned out that the families had known each other for a long time. The young man's father, Boris Chaikin (), was in charge of a construction project, the shareholders of which, including Yulia's parents (Anatoly Zhuravlev), went bankrupt.

In 2017, the artist’s main place of work became an enterprise. The audience remembered Anatoly Zhuravlev for playing the role of Vasily Kuzyakin in the production, where they also played.


  • 1995 - “Everything will be fine!”
  • 1997 - “Poor Sasha”
  • 1997 - “Brother”
  • 1999 - “Birthday of the Bourgeois”
  • 2000-2007 - “Turkish March”
  • 2003-2006 - “Evlampia Romanova”
  • 2005 - “Blind Man’s Bluff”
  • 2006 - “Terminal”
  • 2006 - “Dad of all trades”
  • 2008 - “On the Roof of the World”
  • 2009 - “Terrorist Ivanova”
  • 2012 - “Beekeeper”
  • 2013 - “Caviar Baron”
  • 2014 - “Executioner”
  • 2016 – “Fugitive Relatives”

Anatoly Anatolyevich

Born: 03/20/1970, Charovka, Chelyabinsk region.

Anatoly Zhuravlev is from the Urals. Despite the fact that he dreamed of becoming an actor since childhood, after graduating from school Anatoly entered the Ural Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Philology. He graduated from it, served in the army and got a job as a literature teacher at a school.

Apparently, the young man did not feel entirely comfortable in the role of a teacher. As he himself admits, his teaching activity at first was similar to “statutory” relations with recruits: he tried to teach literature to schoolchildren with the help of harsh, almost army commands. Until, finally, the brave sixth-grader advised the gloomy teacher to smile more often. Discouraged by the simple solution to pedagogical problems, the novice teacher began to feel more confident at the blackboard, but, nevertheless, at the end of the school year he went to Leningrad.

Theater and sports

In Leningrad, Anatoly entered LGITMiK, from which he graduated in 1992. At the same time, in 1991, he was accepted into the troupe of the Comedy Theater. N. Akimova. By that time, the aspiring actor was already a famous athlete - master of sports in taekwondo, champion of the USSR in 1991.

In 1996, Anatoly moved to the Studio Theater directed by O. Tabakov, where he worked until 1998.

The actor's first great success came with the role of the former paratrooper Kolya in Dmitry Astrakhan's melodrama "Everything will be fine!" Anatoly played an ordinary guy. He returns home from the army, where his beloved girl is waiting for him. And everything would be fine in their life if it weren’t for the unexpected arrival of a millionaire in their town... The film was a huge success with the audience. Everything in the film came together in a wonderful way - a good plot, an amazing fusion of actors from different generations, beautiful music. All this ultimately gave rise to the belief among the audience that “everything will really be fine.” The only one who suffered to some extent in this whole story was the hero of Anatoly Zhuravlev...

In 2000, Anatoly starred in the role of "Tolstoy" - the security guard of the main character in the series "Bourgeois's Birthday". Anatoly Mateshko, the film's director, called the actor a "Ural nugget", referring to his numerous talents and the fact that the actor hails from a Ural village. Tolstoy's talents manifested themselves literally before our eyes. It was he who offered to give the guard Bourgeois a button accordion and immediately showed the ability to handle it. “Dance with a towel” was also invented by Anatoly Zhuravlev. This scene was filmed in almost one take. Although this was not easy to do: the huge Tolstoy in the role of the stripper was so concentrated and serious that the cameraman, like the entire film crew, could hardly restrain his laughter.

In the film, Tolstoy more than once demonstrates his knowledge of hand-to-hand combat techniques, and in one of the episodes there is an episode where he “warms up” according to all the rules of taekwondo. This episode did not appear by chance.

According to the observations of the crew members, Anatoly Zhuravlev is one of the most responsible actors involved in the series. He prepared for filming very seriously and always memorized even the smallest lines.

Anatoly Zhuravlev, who strictly monitors his athletic form, still gained a few extra pounds on the set of “Bourgeois.” Fat always eats Snickers, and the actor had to eat at least one chocolate bar a day.

Versatile Talents

According to Anatoly Mateshko, the performer of the role of Tolstoy is an excellent storyteller. During the filming of “Bourgeois,” the director always listened with pleasure to descriptions of everyday scenes, considering them complete short stories, reminiscent of Shukshin’s stories.

A philological education came in handy for Anatoly Zhuravlev: after finishing filming “The Bourgeois,” he wrote a play about Mayakovsky. The events of the play take place in 1916 and in the last years of the poet’s life. The author of the play is most interested in the poet’s personal life, namely the drama of his relationship with Lilya Brik. The figure of Mayakovsky has long been interesting and dear to Anatoly Zhuravlev, he plans to play the main role himself.

Personal life

Anatoly is married. Wife - Natalya - prop master at the Studio Theater directed by O. Tabakov.

Igor BIN

Used materials:
Anatoly Zhuravlev;
Biography of Anatoly Zhuravlev

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