Anastasia Volochkova real weight and height. What is Anastasia Volochkova's foot size? Biography and personal life of Anastasia Volochkova

Today we will see how much ours weigh Russian stars: Anastasia Volochkova, Anna Semenovich, Anfisa Chekhova, Ksenia Sobchak, Zemfira Romazanova and Alla Pugacheva, Zhanna Friske and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

Anastasia Volochkova: height 171 cm, weight 49 kg
There were rumors that at one time the ballerina was fired from Bolshoi Theater because too heavy weight. By the way, the working weight of ballerinas is up to 45 kg, so Anastasia does not exceed the norm too much. The weight norm for ballerinas is height minus 120-122. For example, ballerina Ulyana Lopatkina Ulyana Lopatkina, with a height of 175 cm, weighs 52 kg. She is even heavier than Volochkova. .

Anna Semenovich: height 168 cm, weight 60 kg
Outwardly it seems that she is bigger, Anna is a large girl with curves.

Anfisa Chekhova: height 165 cm, weight 69 kg
Anfisa (you can see her in a bikini in the photo accompanying the article) really loves cheesecakes, as well as borscht and broth. In the evenings Chekhova eats fruit. The girl carries nuts and dried fruits in her purse in case she gets very hungry. Anfisa Chekhova manages to maintain an almost constant weight, although she is, to put it mildly, not fluffy. As for the rules, Anfisa does not combine carbohydrates with proteins: for example, she does not eat porridge with meat, does not eat sweets, fatty and starchy foods, and also mixes fruits with any other foods.

Ksenia Sobchak: height 172 cm, weight 52
She once said in an interview that she eats everything, but is usually so busy all day that she simply has no time to eat. Always maintains approximately the same weight.

Zemfira: height 165 cm, weight 47 kg
Some time ago, the very dense Zemfira became almost weightless, having lost weight by a short time more than 20 kg. She herself explained that she lost weight due to “greed for work, creativity and life.” They wrote that her skinny appearance terrified people, there were rumors about drugs, AIDS and anorexia. However, insiders reported that Zemfira really did not eat anything , just drank cola and smoked. But by 2010, Zemfira gained weight and now looks better.

Alla Pugacheva: height 173 cm, weight – 89 kg
The media write that Alla Borisovna tried many ways to lose weight - she was on both a protein diet and a vegetable diet. It was also reported that the Primadonna tried to lose weight on a herbal diet - all kinds of greens, including dill, parsley and cilantro, need to be poured with kefir and eaten only with this mixture. By the way, Pugacheva smokes, which is unfortunate.

Zhanna Friske: height 175 cm, weight 55 kg
In Maxim magazine, Zhanna recently showed off her almost naked bodies. She's in good shape!

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk: height 165 cm, weight 50 kg

Some time ago, Anastasia had her breasts enlarged, and the media wrote that it was unsuccessful and her breasts had to be redone. Obviously, with large breasts, Zavorotnyuk began to weigh a little more. As for diet, Zavorotnyuk loves meat and olive oil, and claims that he does not go on diets.

Modern Russian ballet would probably have lost a lot if not for the determination of one little girl. From early childhood she dreamed of big stage, so she was ready to make any sacrifices to make her dreams come true. And today a grateful viewer enjoys watching this performer. The ballerina, actress, and simply charming woman demonstrates incredible energy and optimism.

Anastasia Volochkova, whose weight and height is always under the supervision of the paparazzi and fans, is a bright and extraordinary person. She is also known for her numerous novels and scandals associated with her name. The star was born in St. Petersburg on January 20, 1976. Her career developed very rapidly: she successfully performed at the Bolshoi Theater and also delighted audiences with solo programs. However, the end of the second millennium was marked by a conflict between the famous ballerina and the administration of the institution. The management of the Bolshoi Theater issued a statement that Anastasia Volochkova, whose weight and height does not meet ballet standards, can no longer work for them. However, the girl herself believes that this statement was only the reason, because her parameters are the same as those of Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya during her finest hour.

Anastasia Volochkova's height and weight today are average for a ballerina. She weighs only forty-nine kilograms and is one meter seventy-one centimeters tall.

It’s no secret that ballerinas simply have to be slim. They can't be plump. Anastasia, whose parameters are considered ideal, admits that she has always been inclined to be overweight. By nature she has a large physique, which she has to constantly struggle with. The desire to make a brilliant career in ballet gave her the strength to endure a grueling struggle with her own body. However, the star admits that when she fell in love with herself the way nature created her, overweight began to go away on their own. Here is a way to get a perfect figure from the famous ballerina, and believe it or not - decide for yourself.

Anastasia Volochkova, whose weight and height should be ideal for working in the theater, reveals her own secret to her fans. In her opinion, you can never relax. You should always take care of yourself and keep yourself in shape. Volochkova's diet is the same diet followed by Anita Tsoi. Famous singer told the ballerina that all she needed to do was eat grapefruit and egg whites. Eating must be every two hours. And the star limits herself to food in order to do what she loves for as long as possible.

Ask any resident of Russia which ballerina of our time is the best. Without hesitation, he will answer: “Anastasia Volochkova!” Her weight and height are almost perfect, as are her grace and flexibility. Natural beauty and a charming face are complemented by acting skills that allow you to brilliantly fit into any role. These qualities cannot leave men indifferent, which is why crowds of fans always hang around the seductive blonde.

In 2002, Volochkova became an Honored Artist of Russia. At the age of five, little Anastasia Volochkova attended the ballet “The Nutcracker” at the Mariinsky Theater. In 2009, Anastasia Volochkova’s autobiography, “The History of a Russian Ballerina,” was released. Most, incl. celebrities, stars are unhappy with their height, weight and overall figure.

All the time that the probationary period at the school lasted, one of the teachers, says Anastasia Volochkova, “harassed” her, and her classmates “sorted.” Volochkova's final exam was the role of Odette-Odile in Swan Lake at the Mariinsky Theater in 1994. The ballerina graduated from college with honors, after which she joined the troupe Mariinsky Theater.

He helped her with connections and money, but after the ballerina took everything Aksentyev could give, she broke up with him. In 2000, Volochkova participated in a competition in Saint-Pelten, Austria, where she received the Golden Lion as the most talented ballerina in Europe. Another man in Volochkova’s life was comedian Jim Carrey. When the actor arrived in Moscow, he attended a performance with the participation of a ballerina.

Later they also met, for example, on solo concert Anastasia in Denver. At the same time, Anastasia Volochkova assured the press that she was not interested in non-Russian men. But he returns there a year later at the request of choreographer Yuri Grigorovich to participate in Swan Lake. In the press and ballet backstage, talk began that Anastasia Volochkova had become Yuri Grigorovich’s “favorite”.

Anastasia Volochkova leaves the Bolshoi Theater

During the presentation of the award, Volochkova was booed by unknown people, and shouts of “Shame!” were heard from the hall. This prize was established in 1992 by Yuri Grigorovich. In the same year, Volochkova starred in the film “A Place in the Sun.”

Anastasia Volochkova has always been known as a lover of provocations. The troupe openly said: “It would be better if Volochkova became a swimmer.” The ballerina went to court, but although in the end Themis took the plaintiff’s side, as a result of the litigation Volochkova left the troupe and began working on solo projects.

The couple separated in 2003. And after that, she started having problems at the Bolshoi Theater, according to Anastasia herself. In 2005, Volochkova’s daughter Ariadne was born. Anastasia is against her child studying ballet. She will want to be not just a ballerina, but a prima ballerina,” Volochkova shares. And he adds: let the daughter “at least” be a singer. On May 6, 2011, the restless ballerina Anastasia Volochkova tried to find family happiness on Channel One in the “Let’s Get Married” program.

Anastasia Volochkova: I don’t eat anything - only grapefruits and egg whites

They met on Valentine's Day during her tour in Vladivostok. It was amazing adventure in my life". In 2009, Anastasia Volochkova nominated herself for the post of mayor of Sochi, but when filling out the documents she forgot to indicate her date of birth, which is why the election commission refused her registration. Volochkova later stated that because of her participation in the elections, she was deprived of a seat in the theater in Krasnodar.

On February 2, 2011, Volochkova announced that she had left the party due to the reaction of fellow party members to the publication of explicit photographs of Anastasia. On June 17, 2010, Volochkova defended her dissertation on the topic creative schools in the regions of Russia and received an MBA degree from the Higher School of Economics (Master of Business Administration). In 2011, the first creative center of Anastasia Volochkova was opened in Moscow. Candid photos from work and leisure regularly appear on her accounts.

Childhood and family of Anastasia Volochkova

There were even rumors in the press that the ballerina had an affair with him. But the woman refutes this information and talks about how successful she is with other men. The King of Russian Glamor” took great pleasure in squeezing Anastasia Volochkova in his arms in front of the paparazzi, and at the end of the event he posted a photo with the ballerina on his blog.

Belova". Volochkova is not at all attractive there, but one might say she has fallen. The face of a woman who abuses alcohol, her vocabulary and behavior too. She was attractive in her youth, but now it’s something terrible!

In general, I love people! And Volochkova Anastasia, in herself, is a very unique person. And that's a fact. In my opinion, undeniable! Only envious and embittered people speak badly of her. And also losers who have not achieved anything in life...... In 1994, as a 2nd year student at the St. Petersburg Academy of Russian Ballet, Anastasia Volochkova begins her career as a leading ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater.

Anastasia toured with the Mariinsky Ballet Company and with other companies in the United States, Great Britain, Japan, Korea, France, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Greece, Belgium. In 1998, Anastasia received an invitation from Vladimir Vasiliev to the Bolshoi Theater for main party Swan Princess in his new production"Swan Lake".

Anastasia Volochkova was born into the family of a USSR table tennis champion and an athletics coach in sports school Yuri Fedorovich and Tamara Vladimirovna, tour guide in St. Petersburg.

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Anastasia Yurievna Volochkova- famous Russian ballerina, former performer of leading roles at the Mariinsky and Bolshoi theaters. Laureate International competition name Serge Lifar, the Golden Lion prize (2000) for “the most talented ballerina in Europe.” In 2002, Volochkova received the Benois Dance prize and became an Honored Artist of Russia. Anastasia Volochkova - People's Artist Karachay-Cherkessia (2006), North Ossetia-Alania (2007). IN last years Volochkova - actress, singer, celebrity, public figure, also runs a popular Instagram. Anastasia often makes the news due to scandalous photos, both their own and those that appeared in the media as a result of the leak.

Childhood and education of Anastasia Volochkova

Anastasia's father - Yuri Fedorovich Volochkov— made a sports career, international master of sports, champion Soviet Union in table tennis.

Mother - Tamara Vladimirovna Antonova- engineer, worked at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In addition to her main profession, Tamara Vladimirovna graduated from state guide courses and enjoyed conducting interesting walking tours around the Northern capital.

In the photo: Yuri Volochkov takes his wife and daughter Nastya from the maternity hospital, 1976

At the age of five, Anastasia was first taken to the ballet “The Nutcracker,” and the girl fell in love with this art. She told everyone that she would become a famous ballerina.

At the age of 10, my mother took her daughter to the entrance exams to the Academy of Russian Ballet. A. Ya. Vaganova. It wasn't easy. Anastasia Volochkova was considered not talented enough. But the famous Russian choreographer Konstantin Sergeev, seeing that the girl had a passionate dream of becoming a ballerina, took part in it.

Volochkova’s youth was not strewn with roses. As the future ballerina recalled, the teachers “bullied” her. But Anastasia studied hard. Every day after the main lessons, Volochkova remained in the ballet class and studied additionally. And then Volochkova noticed Natalia Dudinskaya. Under her leadership, Anastasia graduated from the ballet academy with honors. At the final exam, Anastasia Volochkova performed the role of Odette-Odidia in Swan Lake on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater.

Career of Anastasia Volochkova

Anastasia's career in ballet began in 1994 in this legendary theater. Anastasia Volochkova performed leading roles in The Sleeping Beauty, Giselle, Don Quixote, Raymond and others. However, even in her native Mariinsky Theater, where the young ballerina worked for four years, Anastasia encountered intrigue. As a result, in creative biography Anastasia Volochkova got the Bolshoi Theater - Vladimir Vasiliev invited Anastasia to work with him.

The ballerina worked in the main theater of the country from 1998 to 2003. Vladimir Vasiliev entrusted Anastasia Volochkova with the main role of the Swan Princess in his new production of Swan Lake. The ballerina performed the roles of Nikia (La Bayadère), Raymonda, and the Lilac Fairy (Sleeping Beauty) in editions Yuri Grigorovich.

In the photo: Anastasia Volochkova /Swan Princess/, Konstantin Ivanov /Prince/ in the Bolshoi Theater ballet " Swan Lake", 1998 (Photo: Alexander Kosinets/TASS)

In addition to performing at the Bolshoi Theater, Anastasia Volochkova simultaneously performed with her own concert numbers in other theaters.

Volochkova’s popularity went beyond Russia. She received an engagement in London - with the English National Ballet. Choreographer here Derek Dean especially for Anastasia, he came up with the role of Fairy Karabas in his own interpretation of “Sleeping Beauty”.

In the photo: a scene from the play: Honored Artist of Russia V. Moiseev - Tsar, ballerina A. Volochkova - Tsar-Maiden, ballet dancer Morihiro Iwata - "The Little Humpbacked Horse". State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia, 1999 (Photo: Alexander Kosinets/TASS)

In the photo: ballet dancer V. Neporozhny, playing the role of Ivan, People's Artist of the USSR Maya Plisetskaya, Honored Artist of Russia V. Moiseev, playing the role of the Tsar, ballerina A. Volochkova, playing the role of the Tsar Maiden, after the premiere of the play "The Little Humpbacked Horse". State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia, 1999 (Photo: Alexander Kosinets/TASS)

Returning to Moscow in 2000, Anastasia Volochkova signed a contract for next season for the main roles at the Bolshoi Theater. However, after the dismissal of Vladimir Vasiliev, Volochkova began to have conflicts with the new administration. But this did not prevent the artist’s popularity from growing. Volochkova regularly took part in various television shows. In 2002, Anastasia became the laureate of the Benois Dance prize. However, this also caused outrage among the ballerina’s ill-wishers.

Ballet "Carmen Suite" at the Bolshoi Theater. Dancers: Carmen - Anastasia Volochkova (pictured), Jose - Evgeny Ivanchenko, Torero - Denis Matvienko, 2002 (Photo: Natalya Loginova/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

In the photo: ballerina Anastasia Volochkova and her lawyer Lev Zubovsky (pictured in the center) in the Basmanny Court during the consideration of the ballerina’s claim against to CEO Bolshoi Theater to Anatoly Iksanov, 2004 (Photo: Grigory Sysoev/TASS)

In 2003, the administration of the Bolshoi Theater did not sign an annual contract with Anastasia Volochkova, the scandal with the dismissal of the famous ballerina was actively covered in the news. The reason was that Anastasia allegedly did not meet the physical fitness requirements and it was impossible for her to find a partner. As the ballerina said, the male troupe was forced to sign a letter in which they refused to dance with Volochkova.

Anastasia’s biography on Wikipedia contains a quote from the then general director of the Bolshoi Theater Anatoly Iksanova that he cannot “build prospects depending on whether Nastya Volochkova loses weight or not.”

The ballerina went to court and won the case. The court found the actions of the Bolshoi Theater administration unlawful and ordered the illegally dismissed ballet dancer Anastasia Volochkova to be reinstated as part of the troupe, according to the biography on the ballerina’s website.

In the photo: hosts of the “Unreal Politics” program Tina Kandelaki (left), Andrei Kolesnikov and invited guest ballerina Anastasia Volochkova (center) on the set, 2008 (Photo: Alexey Filippov/TASS)

Although Anastasia Volochkova no longer appeared on stage, she employment history lay at the Bolshoi Theater. “I am considered the leading stage master, despite the fact that not a single performance has been proposed for ten years. Every year I come to the Bolshoi Theater on September 23, this is my daughter’s birthday, and write a child care application. And that’s how it’s been for eight years,” Volochkova told SP in 2013.

In the photo: ballerina Anastasia Volochkova during a master class on the opening day of her choreographic school at the Zebra Golden Wellness sports club in Moscow, 2015 (Photo: Artem Geodakyan/TASS)

“It was important for me to show people that I have, that I have preserved honor and dignity in this environment. That I’m not as “big and fat” as Iksanov told everyone,” Volochkova later commented on the scandalous story in an interview with Free Press.

By the way, in one interview Volochkova herself reported her exact height and weight. According to her, with her height, ballerinas can weigh up to 53 kg. At the time of publication (2006), Anastasia Volochkova’s weight was between 49-50 kg, and Anastasia’s height was 171 cm. On Wikipedia, Anastasia Volochkova’s height is 168 cm.

In 2013, in connection with another scandal at the Bolshoi Theater, Volochkova accused the theater management of even organizing intimate leisure activities with ballerinas for wealthy men. Anastasia told SP that trips abroad were arranged for ballerinas from the Bolshoi Theater with oligarchs and, as the girls told her, “they approached each of them on a list and offered to go to banquets, warning that this would all be continued in the form of a bed. When asked what would happen if they did not agree, they were told that then this could be their last trip, and “they would be waiting at the theater.” happy life».

New life in the art of Anastasia Volochkova

Anastasia Volochkova had other creative hobbies. Since 2005, the artist has been working on her own projects - starring in films, television series and commercials. She was made one of the main characters in Cartoon Personality. Volochkova also participated in the television project “ glacial period"(2007, 2009). Anastasia was invited to her project “Christmas Meetings” Alla Pugacheva as a singing ballerina. Igor Nikolaev I wrote the song “Ballerina” especially for her.

In the photo: figure skater Anton Sikharulidze and ballerina Anastasia Volochkova on the set of the TV project “Ice Age”, 2007 (Photo: Oleg Naumov/TASS)

In 2009, Volochkova made her debut in the show “Nerve” on the stage of the London Coliseum theater (Coliseum theater the English National Opera), then showing this program in Moscow, at the Kremlin Palace.

Anastasia tried herself in literary activity, writing “The History of a Russian Ballerina” (2009). And in 2010, Anastasia Volochkova defended her dissertation on the topic of creative schools in the regions of Russia. In 2011, the ballerina opened the children's creative center of Anastasia Volochkova in the capital.

Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova performing at the XV International Bike Show (photo on the left). President of the Night Wolves bike club Alexander Zaldostanov (Surgeon) and ballerina Anastasia Volochkova at the XV International Bike Show (pictured on the right), 2011 (Photo: Alexey Pavlishak/TASS)

In 2012, in the Barvikha Luxury Village hall there was a presentation of Anastasia’s new project “Emerald of Russia” - this annual bonus on an all-Russian scale for young talents.

The biography on Volochkova’s website says that Anastasia currently continues to “actively tour the world with her new dance show, whose style is already out of bounds classical ballet».

Political and public position Anastasia Volochkova

Anastasia Volochkova became a member of the United Russia party in 2003, but left the party in 2011. Commenting on her political career at SP, Volochkova noted that “she spent eight years in this party, I saw that here they were only concerned with the process, like all officials, shifting papers, making promises. I didn't want to be a member, I - beautiful woman, well, I can’t be a member.”

In the photo: ballerina Anastasia Volochkova before submitting documents to the Sochi Municipal Election Commission as a candidate for the post of mayor of the city, 2009 (Photo: Viktor Klyushkin)

In February 2017, Anastasia Volochkova took candid photos in Russia. In Priozersk she lay naked in the snow. And even a frost of 20 degrees did not become an obstacle for a big fan of the Russian bath, which Anastasia demonstrated once again on Instagram.

Candid photos occupy important place in biography (Photo:

Sometimes even the sea cannot withstand Volochkova’s beauty, so after a photo from Crimea on Instagram, a discussion ensued about why the Black Sea retreated behind Anastasia’s left shoulder.

During the same trip to Crimea, Volochkova’s Instagram subscribers noticed a photo in which the ballerina was relaxing on the grass in short shorts and a transparent tight T-shirt. Anastasia was shamed for not wearing a bra.

At the same time, Anastasia Volochkova has more than 600 thousand subscribers on Instagram, having published almost 8 thousand photos there.

Scandals with Anastasia Volochkova

Volochkova’s popularity does not save her from robbers. Her house is on the street Molokova in the Moscow district of Lianozovo was robbed. The news reported that robbers stole two safes with jewelry while Volochkova was on tour in Warsaw.

In the photo: police officers at the house on Molokova Street 35/2, where ballerina Anastasia Volochkova lives, 2013 (Photo: Artem Korotaev/TASS)

Anastasia Volochkova is constantly under constant media control. For example, an incident was reported at the Turkish airport, which the ballerina spoke about on her Instagram.

Canned fish found in the luggage of ballerina Anastasia Volochkova aroused suspicion among Turkish customs officials. Thus, five loaves of Borodino bread and ten cans of sprats and sprats were found in the ballerina’s luggage. Volochkova intended to bring Russian delicacies to her Turkish friends. However, the canned goods attracted the attention of customs officers, who mistook them for caviar and other products not permitted for import into the country.

“Oh, my vacation could have ended pitifully before it even began. But my pointe shoes saved me branded t-shirts a la Volochkova, and the most important thing is that customs workers are people too and they came to my concerts in Turkey. And this time, luckily for me, they let me go!” the ballerina shared her impressions on the social network.

The artist tours a lot around the countries - former republics THE USSR. On such trips, Anastasia often faces difficulties.

For example, on December 20, 2016, while on tour in Kazakhstan, the Russian ballerina Anastasia Volochkova got into a snow drift on the Astana-Karaganda highway. The celebrity admitted that she was very scared and cold.

“Life without adventure is boring. On the road from Astana to Karaganda we were really scared. A storm began, a blizzard, the road was covered with snow, fog. Nothing was visible outside the car window except a white cloud of snow and a blizzard. And now we are stuck in the middle of the road. It was very scary and cold,” the ballerina wrote on her Instagram.

She said that her car was pushed out of the snowdrift by the actors who were playing with her in the play “Lady.” “I was very scared. And they froze while our actors pushed the car. We do not lose heart even in difficulties,” added the Honored Artist of Russia.

In the summer of 2016, the ballerina caused a scandal in the news after her daughter Ariadne returned home early from Artek, having spent only a week in the camp. Anastasia Volochkova said that the management of Artek refused her a free trip. Therefore, she had to pay about 65 thousand rubles for her daughter’s vacation. And this despite the fact that Anastasia gave a free concert at the camp.

Anastasia Volochkova is a controversial Russian ballerina and public figure. Anastasia also tried herself as a singer, actress and politician.


Nastya was born on January 20, 1976 and was only child in family. The Volochkov family lived in Leningrad.

Mom Tamara Vladimirovna was an engineer at the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg, and father Yuri Fedorovich was a renowned champion of Europe and the USSR in table tennis.

Nastya in childhood

Also in early childhood The girl had a dream of becoming a ballerina. This happened after Nastya’s mother took her five-year-old daughter to the Mariinsky Theater to see the Nutcracker ballet.

Amazed by the performance, Nastya firmly decided to become a ballerina. She often attended performances with her parents at the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater.

Admission and student years

After graduating from school in 1992, Volochkova submitted documents to the Academy of Russian Ballet. Vaganova. The entrance exams did not go entirely smoothly: selection committee told the applicant that she had no talent.

But the famous choreographer Konstantin Sergeev still saw talent in the girl and accepted her with probationary period for half a year.

The girl was enrolled in Natalia Dudinskaya’s course, but her studies were not easy at first. As Volochkova says, in her first year one of the teachers even allowed himself to speak rudely about her.

But then Natalya Dudinskaya drew attention to the aspiring ballerina, and studied at the university under the strict guidance new mentor went up.

Anastasia graduated from the academy with honors. At the final exam, Volochkova performed the role of Odette in the ballet Swan Lake.

The play was staged within the walls of the famous Mariinsky Theater, where Nastya was taken immediately after graduating from university.

Volochkova performed on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater for 4 years, playing the main roles in many productions, among which the most successful were “Don Quixote”, “The Nutcracker” and “Giselle”.

Also during this time, Anastasia and the troupe went on tour to the USA, Japan, South Korea, England, Germany, Austria and Denmark.

Grand Theatre

In 1998, Russian choreographer Vladimir Vasiliev invited Nastya to perform the main role in his production of Swan Lake on the stage of the Moscow Bolshoi Theater.

The ballerina agreed, and after the success of Swan Lake she became a member of the Bolshoi Theater troupe. According to rumors, Anzori Aksentyev helped her get a job at the theater.

After moving to Moscow, Anzori supported the girl financially, but then Volochkova broke up with him. Anastasia told the press that she didn’t even know Anzori.

In parallel with performances at the Bolshoi Theater, Anastasia began solo career. In 2000, Nastya took part in a competition in Saint-Pölten.

For her performance at the competition, the girl was given the Golden Lion award, and she was also recognized as the most talented ballerina in Europe.

After success in Se-Pölten, the English National Ballet invited Volochkova to perform in the production of The Sleeping Beauty.

In 2000, the ballerina left the Moscow theater, but a year later she returned to its stage at the request of choreographer Yuri Grigorovich.

Then the girl performed the main role in his production of Swan Lake. After Volochkova returned, rumors began to circulate that famous ballerina became Grigorovich’s “favorite”.

The period of working with Grigorovich became one of the most successful for Anastasia. Her performances attracted full houses of spectators, and in 2002 the girl was awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Scandalous dismissal

In 2003, Volochkova had a scandal with the management of the Bolshoi Theater. The girl was fired from the theater, citing the fact that Nastya was unsuitable for her profession.

The theater's general director, Anatoly Iksanov, accused the ballerina of being in a bad mood physical fitness– with a height of 171 cm, she weighed 55 kg.

The scandal attracted enormous attention from the press, and even Western media came out in support of Volochkova: the New York Times magazine asked to measure the star’s parameters in order to refute the rumors.

Then the ballerina decided to sue the offenders. And although the court sided with Anastasia and decided to return her back to the theater, the girl still left the troupe and took up a solo career.

Solo projects and filming

After Anastasia's loud departure from the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, she performed for several years on the stage of the Krasnodar Ballet Theater.

In 2004, viewers saw Anastasia in films for the first time. It became her debut the main role in the series "A Place in the Sun".

Colleague film set became famous actor. Critics rated the series low, disapproving of the famous ballerina's performance.

The next work was the film “The Black Prince”, released in next year. In 2005-2006, Nastya played herself in the television series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.”

Political and social activities

In 2003, Volochkova became a member of United Russia, and in 2011 she left the party. In 2009, she wanted to become mayor of Sochi, but was refused registration as a candidate.

In the spring of 2014, in an interview for the Ukrainian TV channel “1+1”, she stated that for her Crimea will always be a part of Ukraine.

However, already in the spring she accused “1+1” of distorting facts and stated that Crimea is Russia. Because of the situation in Ukraine, Anastasia even quarreled with the singer, calling the singer and her husband “political prostitutes.”

In 2011, the ballerina opened the children's “Creative Center of Anastasia Volochkova” in Moscow. In the future, Anastasia plans to open creative centers all around Russia.

Participation in TV shows and music

Anastasia participated in the “Ice Age” show twice; in the winter of 2009, Alla Pugacheva invited the girl as a singing ballerina in her “Christmas Meetings” show.

Also in 2013, she participated in the show “Two Stars”, but neither critics nor viewers appreciated Volochkova’s singing. Despite the negativity, in the same year the ballerina released her first video, “Above the Ground,” under the creative pseudonym “VOL’NA.”

In 2009, Volochkova released her autobiography, “The History of a Russian Ballerina,” and in 2010 she received a Master of Business Administration degree from the Higher School of Economics.

Personal life

In the early 2000s, the ballerina began dating businessman Suleiman Kerimov, the relationship with him lasted more than two years.

In an interview, Volochkova stated that it was the separation from Kerimov that became the reason for the negative attitude of the new administration of the Bolshoi Theater towards her.

In 2005, Anastasia gave birth to a daughter, Ariadne, her father was businessman Igor Vdovin. Anastasia is categorically against her daughter taking ballet.

Two years later, the ballerina legalized her relationship with Igor. This wedding attracted a lot of media attention and became one of the most memorable events of 2007.

But later Anastasia let it slip that the wedding was fictitious, and they had never been scheduled with Igor. The lovers broke up in 2008, but continue to maintain friendly relations.

In May 2011, Anastasia appeared on Channel One’s TV program “Let’s Get Married,” but she never found her happiness there.

With Bakhtiyar Salimov

In 2013, Volochkova began an affair with Bakhtiyar Salimov, an oil businessman. Just 9 months after the start of the relationship, the ballerina announced that she had ended her relationship with Bakhtiyar.

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