Anastasia Volochkova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. The naked truth about Volochkova: personal life and romance with Leibman

Anastasia Volochkova is most likely the most prominent ballet star in the world. national stage. And although you constantly hear not very good gossip about her, there are always envious rumors, all the same, the beautiful ballerina goes through life with her head held high and is not afraid that something might not work out for her. She knows her worth, understands that it depends only on herself how much success she will achieve, and, most importantly, she will be able to win over new fans and retain the attention of her audience. After all, the girl understands that only hard work, perseverance and self-confidence will allow her to continue to act and conquer more and more heights.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Volochkova

Height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Volochkova - all these questions make it clear that Volochkova looks beautiful, if only because she is a ballerina. But it’s not just that, besides the fact that Volochkova dances, she also acts in films. She is also an actress, which confirms that the girl is a public figure, therefore, it is very important for her to be in good shape, to be beautiful and perfect in everything. Today the woman is already 41 years old, although it is very difficult to believe.

This is not surprising, because the ballerina is 171 centimeters tall and weighs only 52 kilograms. That is, the woman’s parameters are simply amazing, also long years she will delight her fans with her excellent physical shape. Volochkova is also distinguished by her strong will, because she finds the strength not to pay attention to evil comments addressed to her, to the fact that many believe that she has no place in the world of show business, that she is nothing. Of course, whether someone likes Volochkova or not, everyone can decide for themselves, but we must admit that she has achieved success in life and achieved her goal.

Biography and personal life of Anastasia Volochkova

Biography and personal life Anastasia Volochkova deserves special attention, if only because she plays with different colors, events and everything that makes life bright, but not always happy. In fact, the most talked about Volochkova various rumors, people are interested in information Anastasia Volochkova with whom she lives now, 2017, this suggests that the ballerina is always interesting ordinary people. Nastya’s passion for ballet manifested itself at a young age, when she first went to ballet, she realized that she also wanted to become a ballerina. She entered choreographic school, but at the same time, she was only hired for six months, because adults thought that the girl did not and could not have talent. But this did not stop the purposeful girl, after some time, from starting to dance, putting all her soul and strength into it. That is, since early childhood she already understood that she wanted to dance, but not only for herself, but also for others.

After the future ballerina graduated from the choreographic school, she began performing on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. True, there are not very worthy facts from the life of Anastasia Volochkova, that they say she used different men in order to achieve her goal, after which she confidently parted with them. Volochkova herself denies that she did this, but no one can say for sure. She participated in various competitions, where she won prizes, and had the opportunity to show herself as a very talented ballerina. After some time, Volochkova left the Bolshoi Theater and began acting in films, where she also showed herself as talented actress. It should be noted that Anastasia really likes to concentrate attention around herself.

She often became a key figure in many scandals. It is difficult to imagine why she does this, most likely citing the fact that black PR is, in fact, the same PR. Nowadays, it is not so easy to attract someone’s attention, so Volochkova, most likely, uses any methods in order to always and everywhere be in sight. As for his personal life, there are also rumors and speculations that the star had a lot of affairs and various men. It may be so, but, in the bright one, beautiful woman, it will always be like this. In addition, one cannot reproach a person for building a career, even perhaps in not very worthy ways. After all, many stars could use others in order to build their lives. However, all the speculation and gossip about Volochkova was not particularly confirmed, so who knows how true they are. In any case, Volochkova was able to achieve success where others had no chance. She was able to realize herself not only as an actress and ballerina, but also as a mother and beloved woman.

The family and children of Anastasia Volochkova always played for the ballerina big role, despite fame, money and recognition, she wanted basic female happiness. And this is normal, because every person wants to have someone nearby who will make us happy, make us feel needed by someone. For two years, Volochkova dated oligarch Suleiman Kerimov. After the couple broke up, Volochkova, according to her, started having problems at the Bolshoi Theater. Two years later, the dancer had a daughter, Ariadna, who was born from businessman Igor Aleksandrovich Vdovin.

Moreover, the ballerina says that she does not want her daughter to take up dancing, that she should at least become a singer. Today, at Volochkova new lover, but she is in no hurry to enter into a legal relationship with him, citing the fact that she has already been married and does not want to repeat the bitter experience. But, one way or another, the family and children of Anastasia Volochkova today consist of herself and her daughter Ariadna, whom Volochkova is trying to raise in rigor and control. Although she believes that her daughter can achieve a lot, she still looks at the girl objectively, realizing that things don’t always work out the way you want.

Daughter of Anastasia Volochkova - Ariadna

Anastasia Volochkova's daughter Ariadna was born in the marriage of Anastasia Volochkova and Igor Vdovin. The girl was born in 2005, so it’s too early to talk about who she will become in the future. By the way, Volochkova herself is against her daughter becoming a ballerina, like herself. Volochkova believes that it will be better if the girl becomes a singer, then her career will develop in better side. But Ariadne herself has not yet voiced what she wants, and she doesn’t need it.

After all, in fact, she is still small, so she simply enjoys life, because she can get everything she wants from her parents, from expensive gifts to expensive trips abroad. In addition, she receives an excellent education in an elite school. So there is no need to worry about the girl’s fate; she is perfectly well-adjusted thanks to her mother, who once again separated from her new man.

Former husband of Anastasia Volochkova - Igor Vdovin

Former husband of Anastasia Volochkova Igor Vdovin for now the only man, with whom Volochkova entered into a legal marriage. But this can also be called into question, because on the “Let’s Get Married” program, the woman said that in fact, they did not get married legally, that the luxurious wedding was only for the public, in order to please the audience and raise their rating. But it’s hard to say how it really is, you can only be sure that today, the couple has already separated, and now Anastasia is cohabiting with a completely different man, whose name is Bakhtiyar Salimov.

One can only guess how long the flighty ballerina will be enough this time. In addition, on the Internet you can constantly see other news regarding Volochkova’s personal life. For example, Anastasia Volochkova and Sergei Astakhov got married in Germany, photo, although the rumors have not yet been confirmed. Be that as it may, if Anastasia decides to enter into legal marriage again, persistent journalists will definitely find out about it and write about it. Fans can only wait and guess who the choice will fall Volochkova.

Anastasia Volochkova has repeatedly raised her rating by publishing photographs of a provocative nature. One of these was the hot photo of Anastasia Volochkova in a swimsuit in the Maldives, when she posed openly against the backdrop of azure water. And this once again provoked a scandal around Anastasia’s personality.

Many critics were dissatisfied, saying that the ballerina did not have the right shape for her to flaunt her body like that. Some said that the woman has no breasts at all, others that her legs are not very straight, but, apparently, Volochkova is the type of person who does not pay attention to anything other than herself. She didn’t stop there; new explicit photos appear on the Internet from time to time.

Anastasia Volochkova latest news

Today, despite the fact that Volochkova is very old for a ballerina, she continues to fight for her popularity. Notes entitled Anastasia Volochkova speak about this last news, where it is said that she either goes into politics, or comes up with something else that can either outrage or delight the public. Among all this, you can find candid photos, where the woman is completely naked, her legs or other parts of the body are clearly visible.

Naked Anastasia Volochkova cannot go unnoticed, however, like another naked woman. Many sarcastically claim that she has no other ways to attract attention. Whether this is true or not, let everyone decide for themselves. Anastasia herself does not hesitate to take ratings by any means, she understands that winning recognition is not so easy, and she, apparently, cannot live without it. You can constantly see her in politics or show business; there is probably no cell where the persistent star has not penetrated.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anastasia Volochkova

But if you wish, you can ask for help from social networks. For example, on her Instagram page (, Volochkova shares photographs, often of an explicit nature. You can also find a photo with her daughter, the ballerina talks about her plans, what she is going to do next. Instagram and Wikipedia of Anastasia Volochkova are always at the service of those who want to get acquainted with the life of their idol in as much detail as possible, with all possible details.

Name: Anastasia Volochkova

Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Age: 43 years

Height: 171 cm Weight: 52 kg

Activity: ballerina

Family status: Single

Anastasia Volochkova - biography

The beautiful ballerina Anastasia Volochkova managed to win her success and the love of the audience with her creativity and skill, although her steps in big ballet it was quite difficult for her. Scandalous reputation a person who knows how to defend his position and achieve his intended goal, of course, left its mark on Anastasia’s entire biography.

Childhood, family of Anastasia Volochkova

On the twentieth of January 1976 in the family famous champion The USSR and even Europe in table tennis, Yuri Fedorovich Volochkov, and an engineer by training, but working as a tour guide, Tamara Vladimirovna, had a daughter. But, unfortunately, Anastasia does not remember happy times life together parents because they got divorced. And earlier childhood famous ballerina took place in a communal apartment.

At the age of 4, Anastasia was brought to the Mariinsky Theater, where the ballet “The Nutcracker” was then shown. She sat through the entire performance, spellbound, and then told her parents that she would become a ballerina.


At school, Anastasia Volochkova studied very well, but her parents dreamed of her brilliant future. Therefore, the girl visited and sports school, and even showed promise in athletics.

After graduating from school, Volochkova entered the Leningrad Academic Choreographic School, where they did not want to take her, believing that the girl had no ballet talent. But then they still took it probation. At the same time, she was noticed by a talented teacher Natalya Dudinskaya.

Anastasia Volochkova graduated from the school in 1994 with a Red Diploma. And even at the final exam, she beautifully danced the part of Odette and Odile in Swan Lake. The exam took place on stage Mariinsky Theater. This helped Volochkova enter the troupe of this theater, work in which had been her dream since childhood.

Career of Anastasia Volochkova

Dancing on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater from 1994 to 1998, Volochkova danced the main roles in many ballets, which were very popular at that time. And here in the biography of the famous ballerina - Anastasia Yuryevna an important event: she is invited to Moscow in Grand Theatre.

Having performed in the role of the Swan Princess from the ballet “Swan Lake”, Anastasia Volochkova decides to start her tour program. And already in 2000, after performing at the Australian competition, which was held in Saint-Pölten, Volochkova not only received the first award in her dance biography - the Golden Lion, but also the title of the best ballerina in Europe.

Immediately after this, an offer was made to the ballet star: to dance with Anastasia Volochkova at the National English theater in the ballet "Sleeping Beauty" main party. It was impossible to refuse such an offer.

In 2000, Volochkova left the Bolshoi Theater, but in 2001 she returned again: choreographer Yuri Grigorovich invited her to dance the main role in the ballet “Swan Lake”.

The next year becomes even more successful for Anastasia Volochkova: she is not only awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia, but is also awarded the most valuable ballet prize. Prima ballerina She joined Yuri Grigorovich’s troupe only in 2004 and no longer at the Bolshoi Theater, but at the Krasnodar Ballet Theater, where the famous choreographer then worked and invited Volochkova there.


Since 2004, Anastasia Volochkova began acting in various films. For example, “A Place in the Sun” (2004), “The Black Prince” (2005) and others. In 2006, Volochkova was awarded the title of People's Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia.

In 2009, a book by Anastasia Volochkova was published, which is autobiographical. In her work “The History of a Russian Ballerina” she made an attempt to talk about her creative biography- career.

Biography of personal life

From 2001 to 2003, Anastasia Volochkova met with oligarch Suleiman Kerimov. And around creative career, and even more so, the personal life of the famous ballerina has always been full of rumors and gossip. Throughout her developing career, Volochkova was constantly credited with having affairs with many men.

Because of men, relationships with ex-girlfriend ballerinas And if you carefully trace the relationship between Anastasia Volochkova and the men she dated, starting at the age of 14, you will notice that she was only interested in those who could help her financially or had connections to advance her creative career. After the divorce, Volochkova will tell the press that she will decide to live with men for the sake of her soul.

But Anastasia Volochkova only got married in 2007 to successful businessman Igor Vdovin. In September 2005, the couple had a daughter, Ariadne. But a year later the young people broke up.

In 2013, Volochkova began dating oil entrepreneur Bakhtiyar Salimov. They met during a tour in Vladivostok. But after 9 months they broke up.

Volochkova also had other men, but all these relationships did not stand the test of time. For example, there were rumors that on vacation Volochkova had an affair with.

Many will agree that modern ballet is an art for the “chosen few”. But the grace of the performers, the effectiveness of the production and the amazing sublimity of feelings cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Without a doubt, when it comes to Russian ballet, her name is first remembered. It was this ballerina who could become an idol contemporary art dance.

Her grace, her figure and beautiful appearance, even at the age of “over 30,” make her the most desirable woman. She can rightfully be considered a sex symbol of Russia.

This is Anastasia Volochkova - Honored Artist Russian Federation, actress, movie star and loving mother.

Ballet is the meaning of life

The future ballerina was born in the spiritual capital of Russia - the city of St. Petersburg. In 1976, it still bore the name Leningrad.

And the little girl Nastya, with a confident step, walked with her mother to the Mariinsky Theater for the ballet “The Nutcracker”. 5 year old girl She was so amazed by what she saw that she immediately decided for herself: “I will definitely become a ballerina.”

After graduating from school, the girl is accepted into the Academy of Russian Ballet. She demonstrated tenacity and perseverance in training and soon attracted the attention of the famous teacher and choreographer Natalia Dudinskaya.

Later, Anastasia will have many pleasant moments and great rewards associated with this leader.

In 1994 young ballerina gets his first role in the production of Swan Lake. The girl appears on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater, her childhood dream has come true. But she didn't stop there.

Soon Volochkova received leading roles in the productions of “Giselle” and “Firebird”. Her career is rapidly rising, she meets famous directors and choreographers, among whom was even Soviet legend Tatiana Terekhova.

The end of the 90s was marked in Anastasia’s life with large tours. She performs in Japan, Korea, England, France, USA and Canada. The audience applauds the talent of the Russian ballerina in admiration.

They begin to invite her to grandiose show productions in which the girl played the main roles. Her first teacher Natalia Dudinskaya played an important role in this.

It is she who invites Volochkova to Tokyo, to the troupe of the New National Ballet.

The crowning achievement of this period of the ballerina’s life can be considered the receipt of the Serge Lifar Prize for her performance of the composition “Death of the Gods” at an international competition in Kyiv. Then came another good news - Nastya was invited to perform at the Bolshoi Theater.

Scandals and the beginning of a solo career

In 2000, Volochkova performed with the English National Ballet in London. She is applauded by the Queen of Great Britain herself, a representative of the English Parliament.

Soon she gets the most prestigious award"Golden Lion" best ballerina Europe. And two years later she was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.”

Were there in life Russian star and dark moments. They are associated with the Bolshoi Theater and its director Evgeny Ivanchenko.

He refused to renew the contract with Volochkova, citing the poor physical shape of the ballerina and the lack of a partner for her. Litigation began, in which Anastasia nevertheless won.

But she was unable to continue working at the Bolshoi.

The solo career of the ballet star developed just as rapidly and rapidly. She was recognized all over the world. Scripts for productions were written for her.

In 2007, she presented her own program “Nerve”, with which she performed at the Coliseum Theater in London. This became a real event in ballet life Europe.

Personal life of a ballerina

In 2001, Anastasia Volochkova began dating businessman Suleiman Kerimov. But the relationship lasted only a few years, after which the couple broke up.

The next chosen one was Igor Vdovin, a great entrepreneur, Doctor of Law. Even after legalizing the marriage, the couple could not stay together for long.

Motivating the separation by divergence in interests, they separated, but maintained friendly relations for some time.

In 2005, a lovely daughter, Ariadne, was born in Anastasia. The girl became the real meaning of the Russian star’s life. They starred together in photo shoots and TV shows.

WITH youth the daughter was accustomed to life in front of television cameras.

She wrote autobiographical book, which sold out in quite a large circulation. She also managed to defend her dissertation in economics and start her own business.

Anastasia Volochkova is a symbol of enormous hard work, skill and creative perseverance.

She deservedly takes her place in the hall of fame of Russian ballet legends and continues to delight fans with her creativity.

How to be a successful, beautiful and wonderful mother in

Anastasia Yuryevna Volochkova. Born on January 20, 1976 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian ballerina, dancer, socialite And public figure. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2002).

People's Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia and People's Artist of North Ossetia-Alania. Laureate International competition named after Serge Lifar, winner of the Benois de la Danse prize (2002) and the Golden Lion (2009).

In 1994, she began her career as a leading ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater, and in 1998 she received an invitation from Vladimir Vasiliev to the Bolshoi Theater to play the main role of the Swan Princess in the production of “ Swan Lake" Volochkova's scandalous dismissal from the Bolshoi Theater in 2003 was widely covered in the press. Since then, she has been working on solo projects, and is also an actively discussed character in gossip columns.

Works as an actress, model and singer.

Father - Yuri Fedorovich Volochkov, champion Soviet Union in table tennis in 1983, athletics coach, taught at a sports school.

Mother - Tamara Vladimirovna Volochkova, worked as a tour guide in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).

Anastasia Volochkova in childhood

According to Volochkova herself, she dreamed of becoming a ballerina from the age of five, ever since her mother took her to the Nutcracker ballet at the Mariinsky Theater.

A graduate of the St. Petersburg Academy of Russian Ballet, a student of the famous teacher Natalia Dudinskaya.

In 1994, while still a 2nd year student, she began her career as a leading ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater. Performs leading roles in such productions as “Giselle”, “Raymonda” and “Firebird”.

In 1998, he received an invitation from Vladimir Vasiliev to the Bolshoi Theater to play the main role of the Swan Princess in his new production"Swan Lake". She also danced the roles of Nikia (“La Bayadère”), Raymonda, and the Lilac Fairy (“Sleeping Beauty”) staged by Yuri Grigorovich. Along with working in the Bolshoi Theater troupe, the ballerina begins solo career, performing with their own concert numbers and in the troupe of other theaters.

Anastasia Volochkova on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater

From 2000 to 2005, with interruptions, Volochkova’s conflict with the administration of the Bolshoi Theater continued.

In 2000, after a tour in Great Britain, Volochkova received an engagement in London with the English National Ballet.

Choreographer Derek Dean composes especially for Anastasia new image Fairies Carabosse (Sleeping Beauty). As a result, her contract with the Bolshoi Theater was limited to minor roles. However, in March 2000, the ballerina returned to Moscow and signed a contract for next season for leading roles at the Bolshoi Theater. At the same time, Volochkova turns into a star of gossip columns, tabloids, and constantly appears in various television shows and becomes the “face” of the Chopard jewelry house.

In 2003, the administration refused to sign another contract for a year, limiting it to four months. Volochkova responds by appealing to the courts and raising controversy about the legality of such a decision in the media.

In September 2003, the ballerina was officially fired from the troupe. The formal reason was that the ballerina did not meet the requirements physical fitness and it is impossible for her to find a partner. Evgeny Ivanchenko, the ballerina’s only partner, was injured and left the theater.

Volochkova herself connects her dismissal from the theater with the personal revenge of billionaire and deputy Suleiman Kerimov, with whom she broke up shortly before her dismissal. "Problem" excess weight The ballerina explains that the director of the Bolshoi Theater A. Iksanov forced the male part of the troupe (Nikolai Tsiskaridze refused) to sign a letter in which they refused to dance with Volochkova. Thus, a situation of objective impossibility for Volochkova to work in the theater was artificially created.

Although the court ultimately sided with plaintiff Volochkova, as a result of the litigation she left the troupe. Although she officially continues to be listed as a ballet dancer and leading stage master of the Bolshoi Theater.

Since 2005, he has been working in his own projects, starring in films, television series and commercials.

In 2009, Volochkova’s autobiography “The History of a Russian Ballerina” was published.

On June 17, 2010, Volochkova defended her dissertation on the topic creative schools in the regions of Russia and received an MBA degree from the Higher School of Economics. In 2011, the first one was opened in Moscow creative center Anastasia Volochkova.

Anastasia Volochkova's height: 172 centimeters.

Personal life of Anastasia Volochkova:

I dated an oligarch for two and a half years. The reason for the breakup, according to rumors, was the ballerina’s irrepressible greed. The couple separated in 2003.

In 2007, she married businessman and doctor of legal sciences Igor Aleksandrovich Vdovin (born 1963), but later admitted that wedding ceremony was fictitious and they were never officially scheduled. From Vdovin she gave birth to a daughter, Ariadna Volochkova (born September 23, 2005). According to media reports, a year later friction began between the newlyweds, they broke up, but maintain friendly relations.

Anastasia Volochkova and Igor Vdovin

She was in a relationship with businessman and PR man Chermen Dzotov. In 2017. Volochkova is sure that in order to boast of an intimate relationship with the artist: “I don’t know how he didn’t film his miniature creation, he erased it. He disgraced the Caucasian diaspora. Not a single woman will want to deal with him anymore, and the men of the Caucasus will not shake his hands. I trusted this man and invited him to my home.” Dzotov himself insisted that the photo was stolen by hackers.

Chermen Dzotov - ex-lover Anastasia Volochkova

The ballerina lives in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

On the night of April 29, 2013, the mansion rented by Volochkova on Molokova Street in the Moscow district of Lianozovo was raided by robbers who stole two safes with jewelry from the house. The artist herself was on tour in Warsaw at that time. Volochkova herself accuses people from her close circle of robbery.

After the robbery, the ballerina, in a press interview, estimated the value of the stolen jewelry at several hundred thousand dollars and reported that a new lover named Bakhtiyar Salimov had appeared in her life.

Anastasia Volochkova and Bakhtiyar Salimov

In 2017, she began dating programmer Mikhail Loginov. Nastya regularly began publishing pictures of them together. She also stated that she was determined to build strong family and I’m not at all opposed to formalizing the relationship with my chosen one.

She has repeatedly participated in TV shows on central channels.

In 2007, Volochkova participated, together with figure skater Anton Sikharulidze, in the project “ glacial period"(Channel One) and in the third season of the show (in 2009) paired with Maxim Marinin.

Oligarchs and main man: all the secrets of Anastasia Volochkova’s personal life

Volochkova is one of the main characters in the television cartoon show “Cartoon Personality”.

In December 2009, Volochkova was invited to Alla Pugacheva’s project “Christmas Meetings” as a singing ballerina; composer Igor Nikolaev wrote the song “Ballerina” especially for Anastasia.

On January 11, 2011, Volochkova posted erotic photographs from her vacation in the Maldives on her blog. According to the ballerina, she took such a step “to spite the paparazzi” and because she has nothing to be ashamed of. The photographs caused a great stir in the press.

Anastasia Volochkova kisses Nikolai Baskov

In an interview with the Ukrainian TV channel 1+1 in April 2014, she noted that for her Crimea will always be part of Ukraine. Regarding the “Crimean topic,” Volochkova spoke negatively about public position singer Valeria and her husband, producer Joseph Prigozhin, calling these two show business figures “political prostitutes.” But then she changed her position 180 degrees, visited Crimea several times and was blacklisted in Ukraine.

Filmography of Anastasia Volochkova:

2004 - A Place in the Sun - Katya Orlova
2004 - Black Prince - Natalie Goncharova
2005-2006 - Don’t be born beautiful - Cameo

Anastasia Volochkova is known for her splits, which she performs everywhere and under any circumstances. He then posts photos of his splits on Instagram.

Anastasia Volochkova's splits

Anastasia Volochkova – Russian ballerina and dancer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2002). She was a prima ballerina first at the Mariinsky and then at the Bolshoi Theater. She became famous not so much for her achievements in ballet art, but for her numerous scandals and extravagant behavior.

Anastasia Volochkova is increasingly attracting the attention of viewers and admirers of her talent, but sometimes black PR plays with her cruel joke. Nevertheless, this is one of the most notable stars of domestic show business.

Childhood and family

Anastasia Yuryevna Volochkova was born in Leningrad on January 20, 1976. Her father, Yuri Fedorovich, was the champion of the USSR and Europe in table tennis, and later became a coach at the State Sports Committee of Russia. Mother Tamara Vladimirovna worked as an engineer and, as Anastasia herself claims, as a tour guide. The ballerina's parents divorced when she was still a child.

At the age of five, little Nastya attended the ballet “The Nutcracker” at the Mariinsky Theater. It was after this that she got the idea of ​​becoming a ballerina. The parents fully supported their daughter's hobby. After school, Volochkova had difficulty, but still managed to enter the prestigious Academy of Russian Ballet. A. Ya. Vaganova, however, she was initially accepted on a probationary period of six months, explaining that the girl had no talent.

All the time that the probationary period lasted, one of the teachers, as Volochkova later admitted, bullied her, and her classmates, on the contrary, felt sorry for her. Fortunately for Nastya, the famous teacher Natalia Dudinskaya noticed her at the school, who supported the young ballerina and helped her achieve high results.

Ballerina career

Volochkova's final exam was the role of Odette-Odile in Swan Lake at the Mariinsky Theater in 1994. The ballerina graduated from the Academy with honors, after which she joined the Mariinsky Theater troupe, where she performed until 1998.

For four years at the St. Petersburg theater, Anastasia Volochkova performed the main roles in classical ballets"Giselle", "Don Quixote", "Sleeping Beauty", "The Nutcracker". According to Anastasia herself, this period was very difficult for her: she learned from her own experience for the first time what intrigue is in the world of ballet. Passions in the troupe ran high to such an extent that Volochkova was removed from all performances and left without work.

In 1998, Vladimir Vasiliev invited Anastasia to the Bolshoi Theater to participate in his original production of Swan Lake. The ballerina made her debut on the stage of the country's main theater in the role of the Swan Princess. She was followed by leading roles in other productions - “La Bayadère”, “The Sleeping Beauty”, during the work on which Volochkova was lucky enough to collaborate with Yuri Grigorovich. After leaving the Bolshoi in 2000, at the invitation of Grigorovich himself, the ballerina returned in 2001 to participate in Swan Lake.

According to unofficial information, sports philanthropist Anzori Aksentyev “attached” Volochkova to the capital’s ballet. He helped her with connections and money, but after the ballerina took everything Aksentyev could give, she left him. At the same time, in the future, Volochkova in every possible way denied even the fact of acquaintance with Aksentyev.

In 2000, Volochkova won the honorary Golden Lion award at a competition in Austria as the most talented ballerina in Europe. After that, she was invited to The Sleeping Beauty at the National English Ballet. And here there was a benefactor - he was the millionaire Anthony Kerman, who at that time was the vice-president of the English National Ballet. For the sake of Volochkova, Kerman abandoned his family.

How Anastasia Volochkova dances

In 2002, Volochkova became an Honored Artist of Russia. In the spring of the same year, the ballerina was awarded the International Ballet Prize “Benois de la Danse”, as best dancer. This prize was established in 1992 by Yuri Grigorovich, whom many began to call the patron of the ballerina. During the presentation of the award, Volochkova was booed by unknown people, and shouts of “Shame!” were heard from the hall.

In 2003, Volochkova became a central figure major scandal- The Bolshoi Theater refused to sign a new contract with her, citing the refusal by the fact that some of Anastasia’s demands go against the interests of the ballet troupe.

Besides, CEO The Bolshoi declared that the ballerina was unsuitable for professional work: the weight of the 171-centimeter Volochkova ranged from 50 to 55 kilograms (for comparison: Maya Plisetskaya’s height was 167 centimeters, and her weight varied from 49 to 58 kilograms). The troupe openly said: “It would be better if Volochkova became a swimmer.” After long litigation Volochkova left the troupe and began working on solo projects.

In 2004, Anastasia Volochkova began performing in Grigorovich’s troupe at the Krasnodar Ballet Theater, where she became a prima ballerina. In the same year, Volochkova starred in the film “A Place in the Sun.” In 2005, she played in the film “The Black Prince”, and in 2005-2006 she played a cameo role in the series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful”. In 2006, Volochkova became People's Artist Karachay-Cherkessia.

In 2009, Volochkova released her autobiography, “The History of a Russian Ballerina.” And on June 17, 2010, the famous ballerina received an MBA degree from the Higher School of Economics (Master of Business Administration). In 2011, the creative center of Anastasia Volochkova was opened in Moscow.

On the eve of her 35th birthday in January 2011, the ballerina published a series of nude photographs on her blog, which caused a flurry of criticism and discontent.

In 2013, intimate photographs of Volochkova with Nikolai Baskov became the reason for scandalous speculation. Rumors even appeared in the press that the ballerina had an affair with him, but the woman denied this information.

In May 2016, information appeared in the media that Anastasia Volochkova could be suspended from performing for the next three years. The scandal was caused by the ballerina’s refusal to participate in the play “A Man Came to a Woman” after Volochkova’s partner was changed without her knowledge.

Personal life of Anastasia Volochkova

The love affairs of Anastasia Volochkova are a favorite subject of discussion for yellow publications and gossip lovers. The ballerina dated oligarch Suleiman Kerimov for more than two years. The couple separated in 2003. It was after this, according to Anastasia herself, that she started having problems at the Bolshoi Theater.

In 2005, Volochkova gave birth to a daughter, Ariadna. The child's father is businessman Igor Aleksandrovich Vdovin. In 2007, the ballerina married him, but a year later the couple broke up, maintaining friendly relations. Volochkova later admitted that their magnificent wedding, which attracted public attention, was fictitious.

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