Anastasia Volochkova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Look at the photo of Volochkova in her youth and try not to fall in love with her innocent beauty Volochkova at the beginning of her ballet career

Anastasia Volochkova is known not only for her creativity. shockingness, high-profile scandals, acclaimed novels and candid photo shoots accompany her name.

The girl’s love for art brought her to the stage. Since the age of five she has been passionate about ballet, and at 18 she began doing it professionally at the famous Mariinsky Theater. Hard work and talent helped me get to main stage countries- to the Bolshoi Theater. And here - incredible success. The role of the Swan Princess in “Swan Lake”, the admiration of the audience, foreign tours, engagement in “Sleeping Beauty” in London.

But calm creative life didn't last long. Personnel changes and part-time work on the side (she carried out solo projects) created conflict situation, But at the same time bring widespread fame. The actress is offered to be the face of a fashion jewelry house.

All this caused discontent among the administration and subsequent dismissal. The court overturned the unlawful decision of the theater management, but there was no longer any desire to return to the team.

She manages herself. But the ballerina Volochkova no longer exists for society. Now she is a scandalous person who either gets into a public quarrel with Ksenia Sobchak, or posts provocative photos, or starts quarrels over the attention of rich potential suitors.

Surprisingly personal life women are just a show too. What was the cost of a luxurious wedding with a millionaire, which lasted three days, with the changing of several luxurious wedding dresses, as it turned out later, without official registration. Of the entire show, only the daughter Ariadne turned out to be real.

With age, Nastya becomes not only more confident, but also more relaxed. She does not forget to remind her admirers and enemies of herself with nude photo shoots filmed at expensive resorts.

Anastasia Volochkova was born in 1976 in Leningrad into the family of a champion Soviet Union table tennis coach Yuri Volochkov and tour guide Tamara Volochkova. Nastya’s parents divorced when she was still a child, but maintained a good relationship, so Volochkova always remembers her childhood with warmth.

The girl firmly decided to become a ballerina after going to the Nutcracker ballet at the Mariinsky Theater at the age of five. Nastya was fascinated by what was happening on stage, and she promised her mother to dance.

The parents supported their daughter and sent her to ballet classes. Growing up, Nastya decided to enter the Vaganova Ballet Academy. Young Volochkova’s admission was not easy: she was taken from probationary period six months, arguing that she “has no talent.” Ballet in the life of Anastasia Volochkova in her youth always came first, and she decided to fight to the end. But relationships with teachers and fellow students did not develop until teacher Natalya Dudinskaya became her mentor, who supported the young ballerina.

In 1994, young Volochkova graduated with honors from the ballet academy and was immediately accepted into the troupe. Mariinsky Theater. For four years at the St. Petersburg theater, Anastasia performed the main roles in classical ballets"Giselle", "Don Quixote", "Sleeping Beauty", "The Nutcracker". But this period turned out to be extremely difficult for Volochkova: she learned from her own experience what intrigue and betrayal are in the world of ballet. The relationship between the artists in the Mariinsky troupe was far from ideal. At some point, they became so tense that Anastasia was removed from all performances and fired from the theater.

In 1998, Vladimir Vasiliev invited Anastasia to the Bolshoi Theater to participate in the production of “ Swan Lake" The debut on the Moscow stage was successful, and it was followed by the main roles in La Bayadère and The Sleeping Beauty. While working at the Bolshoi, young Volochkova’s talent was spotted by the famous Yuri Grigorovich and invited the ballerina to his productions. In 2000, Anastasia left Bolshoi Theater. There are many legends about the two scandals with the largest theaters in Russia (Mariinsky and Bolshoi). They say that Volochkova was accepted into the Bolshoi troupe thanks to her patron, philanthropist Anzori Aksentyev. Volochkova herself denies the fact of acquaintance with Aksentyev. Official version dismissals from the Bolshoi are called excess weight ballerinas

After dismissal from Bolshoi Volochkova she received prestigious award“Golden Lion” as the best ballerina in Europe, and after that she was invited to dance “Sleeping Beauty” at the National English Ballet.

In the early 2000s, she ended her professional career and became socialite, while simultaneously conducting his own concerts and filming videos.

What does Anastasia Volochkova look like now?

Photos of Anastasia Volochkova in her youth still delight the eyes of fans on the Internet, but today the ballerina looks completely different than at the end of her career as a professional ballerina. The beauty transformation began the very moment she left the stage. The explanation for the desire for change is quite simple: the life of a socialite heroine required her to be very bright and noticeable. Anastasia Volochkova in her youth was the most beautiful ballerina Russia, and her regular facial features and plump lips made her look ideal and complete.

The first noticeable transformation of the ballerina is breast enlargement. Old photos of Volochkova in her youth show that she had size 1 breasts. This is not surprising, because the ballet world imposes strict restrictions on the volume and dimensions of the figure, but immediately after retiring from her career, her bust increased sharply. Anastasia tries to demonstrate her deep neckline at every opportunity.

A comparison of photos of Anastasia Volochkova in her youth and now makes me think about plastic surgery. The ballerina talks about the gossip of envious people and thinks plastic surgery life-threatening. In an interview, she spoke harshly about women who come to plastic surgeons to improve their appearance.

In her opinion, youth and freshness will fade faster this way. According to Volochkova, her breasts grew from physical activity, special exercises For pectoral muscles, proper nutrition and stable hormonal levels.

Even in her youth, Anastasia Volochkova fell in love with pearlescent shadows, glitter, and pink lipsticks. If earlier this looked acceptable due to the youth and freshness of the skin, then with age the face looks overloaded with cosmetics. After turning 30, she discovered face contouring in brown tones, and all looks became even heavier.

Such aggressive makeup, combined with the ballerina’s shocking behavior and outfits, made her a frequent heroine of gossip columns. Eyebrow tattoo, which has become business card ballerinas have long gone out of fashion, but Anastasia is not going to change anything and is happy with the way she looks.

Some skeptics suspect Anastasia of Botox injections. Nastya’s eyebrow line has seriously changed, and the contours of her face have become sharper (this is especially evident from the changed line of the lower jaw), which indicates either a facelift or regular beauty injections. Anastasia Volochkova denies all this and believes that she has too many enemies who want to cast her in an unsightly light and spread gossip.

Photo: Google.Image, @volochkova_art

The material is based on comparative analysis photographs and does not contain a statement of the fact of plastic surgery.

How many times have Internet users begged Anastasia Volochkova to change her hairstyle! But the famous dancer stubbornly refused to change the existing long years image. And finally, Nastya finally decided to change her image. True, not entirely by choice.

Volochkova admitted to subscribers that short haircut She was motivated by the deplorable condition of her hair. Due to constant extensions and dyeing, the ballerina’s own hair suffered. Therefore, the star removed the artificial strands, trimmed her real hair, and now plans to undergo a course of treatment and restoration, and only then grow her curls again.

True, followers are now asking the star not to return her original length. Everyone agreed that with her new haircut, Anastasia looks much younger than before. And this hairstyle looks much more stylish than curls or a smoothly combed bun.

This is what Volochkova looked like just recently

What changes in appearance did Nastya decide to make before this? We traced the evolution of the ballerina's style and appearance from a young age.

Let us remember that not long ago Volochkova shared with her fans an archival photo in which she is simply unrecognizable. It shows a very young artist together with famous ballerina Inna Zubkovskaya, who was her teacher and mentor at the Mariinsky and Bolshoi theaters.

Volochkova’s subscribers (and there are almost a million of them) gasped: Anastasia in the picture looks like a completely different person. Chiseled facial features, huge eyes, gorgeous smile. In this photo, Volochkova simply glows with tenderness. But fans are already accustomed to seeing her, to put it mildly, shocking and very revealing images.

By the way, unlike her star colleagues, Volochkova almost never posts archival footage online. Behind last couple There were only two such years.

Anastasia Volochkova. More photos - along the arrow

Maybe the contrast with today's image is too striking and the star does not want to listen to the next portion of criticism addressed to him? After all, although she herself provokes controversy with almost every post on social networks, she does not welcome haters and responds to ill-wishers very harshly.

We decided to remember what the star looked like at the beginning of her stage career, and tracked how she changed over more than two decades. By the way, Nastya’s most devoted followers claim that she changed dramatically only in last years. “Find a photo from five years ago. Then she still looked like she did in her youth. And she seems to be an athlete at the same time. This is all that surprises people,” Volochkova’s fans write under her photos.

Volochkova began her career in her second year. And in 1998 she was invited to the Bolshoi Theater. Soon she became his prima, but then conflicts began with the management. Be that as it may, in the early 2000s Volochkova looks simply amazing: a slim body, moderate makeup, stylish clothes in pastel colors...

By 2007−2009, Volochkova was no longer only successfully doing solo career, but is also becoming more and more a media person: he participates in television shows, publishes an autobiography, and becomes an honored guest at social events and fashion shows. Her style also changes. Outfits are becoming more revealing and pretentious. And in makeup, Anastasia seems to try everything, from eyebrow tattooing to hard contouring and super shiny textures.

Then, in 2012-2014, her toilets again became more modest and looked quite stylish. In addition, the ballerina changes her usual bun ponytail to an elongated bob and looks like a real society lady. And about a couple of years ago she was suddenly thrown in the other direction. She again begins to flaunt her figure, and it was at this time that fans noticed that this very figure should be “polished”: Volochkova can no longer be called a reed. Volochkova’s extravagant outfits now become a topic of discussion every time, and her shocking photographs evoke a lot of emotions among fans, and not always positive ones. One can only guess what surprise the ballerina will present next.

The evolution of Volochkova’s image in 16 photographs

2000 Big photo- along the arrow

IN Lately Volochkova presents her fans with gifts of a very dubious nature: now photos without clothes, now provocative splits in a swimsuit, now a discussion of her tarnished reputation as a ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, now loud scandals on TV shows related to divorce.

Where did that fragile and gentle ballerina with an innocent look that everyone saw in young Volochkova go? Then she was considered charmingly beautiful. Volochkova’s charms were so strong that people fell in love with her even dressed and with her legs together.

What do we see now? Public displays of the body.

Volochkova signed this photo with the words: “Today in this bath I need to wash myself off from the shooting in which I took part today... “Actually” on Channel One. Topic: Zaitsev sisters. Everything was fine until they got into a fight.”

“Thank God, not with me, although they wanted to. Konstantin, a lawyer, came under attack. And a glass of water, which I presented to these sisters, was thrown in his face. It was trash. There are no words. You'll see everything on the air. And water is my help!” The question is, why participate in such programs in which you can get involved in dirty showdowns for once or twice?

Anastasia Volochkova still gives concerts and receives flowers and kind words in gratitude for them. She is very pleased with this, as she herself says in the videos posted on her page.

If everything was limited to this, fans would still treat the ballerina the same way as in the past.

But no. With many of her actions she provokes fans. And then he defends his honor because he is offended by the negative reaction. This is such a vicious circle.

“I respond to any insults from nonentities, to any attacks against me and to any attempt to annoy me with work and the quality of the result! And always with a smile. And if something doesn’t work out, I still overcome difficulties and achieve results! It happened that even when falling... The pointe shoe's radius is small. But I always get up and move forward again! While practicing the elements, I look for ways and exits. Staying on top", writes Volochkova under her training video.

“And today, after seeing my mother off to St. Petersburg, at this late rehearsal I’m dancing to the music of Tchaikovsky’s “Russian”. And I’m happy that professionalism always speaks for me. And the ability to do what many cannot do.”, she adds.

They say that happy man does not need to convince others of this. And here we are. Do you agree with this? Write in the comments.

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