Analysis of the poem "Star of the Fields". Rubtsov as a representative of quiet lyrics

! Historical reference

Nikolai Mikhailovich RUBTSOV (1936-71) –famous Russian poet. His work is the soulful poetry of nature, rural life(collections “The Soul Keeps”, 1969, “The Sound of Pines”, 1970, “Poems. 1953-1971”, 1977). One of these was written in 1964 - “Star of the Fields”.

Star of the Fields

And sleep enveloped my homeland...

The star of the fields burns without fading,

For all the anxious inhabitants of the earth,

Touching with your welcoming ray

All the cities that rose in the distance.

She rises brighter and fuller,

Do you know how this poem is connected with the poet’s biography?

In mid-1964, the poet was expelled from the Literary Institute. In the fall of 1964, N.M. Rubtsov returned to Nikolskoye, where he spent his childhood. Here the flowering of his creativity began, he finally decided for himself that his star of poetry burns “for all the anxious inhabitants of the earth,” casting its welcoming ray to the cities that “rose in the distance.” "Star of the Fields" marked the beginning mature creativity poet.

& Vocabulary work

Guys, what do the following words mean: “icy”, “hole”, “shock”, “fading away”?

Icy - frozen, covered with ice.

Polynya - an unfrozen or already melted place on the icy surface of a river, lake, or sea.

Shock - 1) deep, hard-to-experience excitement; 2) a complete change, a radical break in something.

fade away - the same as going out.

Answer the questions:

1. When was N. M. Rubtsov’s poem “Star of the Fields” written? (It was written in 1964).

2. What genre of lyricism does this poem belong to?(Elegy).

3. What is this poem about? (The poem “Star of the Fields” describes a star shining over the winter expanses of the homeland. The poem “Star of the Fields” is the author’s reflection on his attachment to his native land.)

4. What images arise when reading the poem? (When reading the poem, images of a star, homeland, expanse of fields, eternal beauty of the native land arise).

5. What does the star symbolize in the above lines?

Stars and fields in the icy darkness,

Stopping, he looks into the wormwood.

The clock has already rung twelve,

And sleep enveloped my homeland...

The Star of the Fields is a symbol of the Motherland, its beauty, uniqueness and significance for every person.

Creative workshop

Analysis of the content of the poem.

  1. When does a star burn?

Pay attention to these lines:

Star of the fields in the icy darkness,

Stopping, he looks into the wormwood.

The clock has already rung twelve,

And sleep enveloped my homeland...

Star of the fields! In moments of turmoil

I remembered how quiet it was behind the hill

She burns over the autumn gold,

It burns over the winter silver...

The star of the fields burns without fading...

The star always burns: at night, in winter, in autumn... - forever.

2. Where does the star burn? (Over the fields, over the cities, over the entire planet.)

3. For whom does the “star of the fields” burn?(“For all the anxious inhabitants of the earth.”)

4. Who do you think the “anxious inhabitants of the earth” are?(These are the poet’s contemporaries, city life, the bustle do not leave time to admire the star, which is a symbol of light, kindness, peace of mind, and this is all connected with the concept of “Motherland”.)

5. Where does the star “rise brighter and more fully”?

But only here, in the icy darkness,

It rises brighter and more fully...

(N. M. Rubtsov means his homeland.)

6. What feelings does the lyrical hero experience? Show this using lines from a poem as an example. (The lyrical hero feels love for native land, happiness to realize that you belong to it, all-encompassing joy, excitement):

And I'm happy as long as I'm in this world

The star of my fields is burning, burning...

Remember the concepts of rhyme, rhythm, poetic meter, because they are of no small importance in the analysis lyrical work. Here are the steps you need to perform to determine the poetic meter. Restore the sequence of these actions.

A) What is the size of the poem?

B) Place stress on all words.

B) Read the poem.

D) Divide the words into syllables.

D) Make an outline of the verse.

E) Mark the feet in the drawn diagram.

(Correct answer: C, B, D, D, E, A.)

Determine the size of N. M. Rubtsov’s poem “Star of the Fields”.

Star of the fields in the icy darkness,

Stopping, he looks into the wormwood.

Unstressed syllable

/ - stressed syllable


__ / __ / __ / __/ __ __

__ / __ __ __ / __ / __ __

Iambic pentameter with perrichia (iambic foot or trochee with a missing accent)

The poem combines masculine and feminine rhymes. Cross rhyme: ABAB.

7. What do you guys think, for what purpose does the author strictly observe the size of the stanza and rhyme? (This helps N.M. Rubtsov convey his thoughts and feelings.)

Creative workshop

Analysis of means of expression.

Find in the text of the poem examples of means of linguistic expression that help the author convey his emotions, and fill out the table.

Means of linguistic expression



In the icy darkness, a welcoming ray for all the anxious inhabitants of the earth, winter silver, autumn gold.


Burns over autumn gold, burns over winter silver, sleep has enveloped my homeland.


The star..., stopping, looks into the wormwood; touching with its welcoming ray.


The warmth of autumn gold, the unquenchable light of a star is contrasted with an icy haze, an ice hole.


It burns over autumn gold, It burns over winter silver...


“Star of the Fields” is repeated 5 times in the poem. This image opens the poem and ends it. The verb BURNING is also repeated 5 times, creating the feeling of an eternal source of heat and light.

 Draw a conclusion.

For what purpose does N. M. Rubtsov use various means? artistic expression? (In order to express his feelings, emotions, and convey them to us, the readers, N. M. Rubtsov also uses various means of artistic expression.)

"Star of the Fields" analysis of the work - theme, idea, genre, plot, composition, characters, issues and other issues are discussed in this article.

The poem “Star of the Fields” is one of the most famous in the works of N.M. Rubtsova. It is dedicated to the native Vologda region. It contrasts the images of his native land and his small homeland, which gives the poet vitality and nourishes his creative skill. For the author himself, this work was certainly programmatic, since one of his poetry collections also bears this name.

The central image of the poem has a social connotation. It is important for the lyrical hero that the “star of the fields” burns “for all the anxious inhabitants of the earth.” The poet emphasizes the static nature of the image, symbolizing the eternity and inviolability of the existing world order.

The star of the fields brings to life lyrical hero peace and quiet. She extinguishes the anxiety of the inhabitants of the earth, touching their cities with a welcoming ray. But only “in the icy darkness,” far from big cities this star “rises brighter and fuller.”

In the last stanza of the poem, the lyrical hero emphasizes that this is the star of his fields. Thus, the image of a star corresponds to the biblical guiding star.

It is interesting that in the original version the text of the poem sounded slightly different. It emphasized the theme of the homeland more deeply. The star of the fields burned “above the related limit.” In the final version N.M. Rubtsov replaced a fragment of the line “above the related limit” with the phrase “in the icy darkness,” which once again emphasized the ring composition of the work and at the same time strengthened the alliteration “l” in the poem, which gives smoothness and melody poetic text. Also, the image of “icy haze” is necessary for N.M. Rubtsov to create a contrasting landscape sketch.

The image of the “star of the fields” illuminating the earth with the good energy of light is emphasized by anaphoric repetition (“She burns over the autumn gold, She burns over the winter silver”) and repetition within the line (“The star of my fields burns, burns...”). This key image for the poem emphasizes the vast expanses of the earth, the precious beauty of nature (“autumn gold”, “winter silver”). In the original version of the poem, the description of the open spaces was more detailed and extensive. In the final text N.M. Rubtsov made it succinct but laconic.

The star is a traditional image of classical poetry. Since ancient times, stars have patronized poets, who, in turn, dedicated their best poems to them. However, N.M. Rubtsov managed to creatively continue existing tradition, creating a poetic image of a star of the fields, containing in its meaning an indissoluble connection between the earthly and heavenly principles. This image symbolizes the content art world the poet, his business card on the horizon of poetic luminaries.

Nikolai Rubtsov is a Russian poet of the second half of the 20th century. He was born in a village, so his work has always been inextricably linked with the theme of nature, with the opposition of urban and rural. Sometimes the poet had to feel a certain alienation; he faced problems in life. Hence the motif of loneliness and wandering in his poems. N. Rubtsov's "Star of the Fields" shows that the poet can also be called a philosopher with his own concept of seeing the world.

Rubtsov - representative of quiet lyrics

Nikolai Rubtsov's lyrics are called quiet. All thanks to the light tonality, grace of the verse and theme. The main topic Rubtsov's creativity became small homeland, that is, the corner where he was born and grew up. The poet wrote a lot about the village, about the beauty of Russian nature. It should be said that Rubtsov continues the traditions of Russian peasant poets of the early 20th century, in particular Sergei Yesenin, when he wrote in the spirit of peasant poetry. You can also find similarities with Lermontov’s poetry. Nature for Rubtsov, as well as for the above-mentioned poets, is a harmonizing principle. Analysis of the poem by N.M. Rubtsov's "Star of the Fields" confirms this.

Theme and idea of ​​the poem

The central image of the poem is a star. Heavenly bodies have always attracted people. To some, the stars seem cold and indifferent, while others, looking at them, feel warmth and a certain presence of an unknown force that guides human lives. In terms of thematic variety, this is As the analysis of the poem “Star of the Fields” shows, Rubtsov can rightfully be called a poet-philosopher. For him, a star is a source of warming light; he turns to it in difficult moments of life. This calming power of the star is the main theme of the work.

Rubtsov's philosophical concept

As shown detailed analysis poem "Star of the Fields", Rubtsov makes an innovation in the poets' understanding of such oppositions as "earth" and "sky". Rubtsov connects these two spheres; they are indivisible. That is why already in the name we see the definition not “heavenly”, but “star of the fields”. It is precisely in this connection between earth and sky that the similarity between Rubtsov’s poetry and Yesenin’s lyrics appears. Only for Yesenin the connecting link was a rainbow, a tree or some kind of body of water in which the sky is reflected, but for Rubtsov everything is simpler. A person himself must feel this participation in everything that exists. Not a single natural phenomenon can be alien to man. People always rely on the powers of heaven, and the star is clear evidence that these higher powers exist. Mayakovsky’s poem “Listen” immediately comes to mind, in which the poet also talks about the need for presence. In it, Vladimir Vladimirovich reflected the idea that a person is the smallest grain of sand in a huge universe, he is afraid, he is lost. But the star, as a reminder of divine power, helps people.

The lyrical hero of the poem

Without considering the lyrical hero, it is impossible to analyze the poem "Star of the Fields." Rubtsov writes the work in the first person, and therefore we can identify the author and his lyrical hero. He feels like a lonely companion, confused on life's roads. He is one of the "troubled inhabitants of the earth." It is not surprising that the motif of loneliness appears in Rubtsov’s poem. He didn't live the best happy life. Was brought up in orphanage, faced injustice, poverty and hunger. He, like many other people on earth, is deprived of faith, the only thing that helps a person survive. The poet says that he tried not to lose sight of his star. And so biographical fact which we can find in the poem. Many years later, Rubtsov returned to his native village, and there he saw this star, which was brighter than in other cities. The epithet “icy darkness” refers to the fact that the action takes place in the North, where the stars create the illusion of warmth, which is so necessary for man.

Analysis Plan

The analysis of the poem “Star of the Fields” (Rubtsov) according to the plan should look like this:

  • theme and idea of ​​the poem,
  • author's philosophy,
  • lyrical hero,
  • size, rhyme, stanza and means of expression,
  • emotional content.

Formal analysis of Rubtsov's poem "Star of the Fields"

The meter that the poet chooses was the favorite of his predecessor Lermontov. The poem has four stanzas, in each of them the poem is replete with means of expressiveness. Rubtsov uses such a syntactic device as anaphora. The phrase “star of the fields” is repeated three times, also an anaphora in two adjacent lines of the third stanza (“She burns”). Lexical means are widely represented. The author uses the epithets “icy darkness”, “friendly ray”. The phrase “icy darkness” is repeated twice in the text, which enhances the emotional tone, the feeling of alienation, loss. There are also metonymies in the text: “A dream has enveloped the homeland,” but this line also contains a metaphor. Very beautiful metaphors in the last two lines of the second stanza. Main image, which allows you to see the analysis of the poem, is the star of the fields. Rubtsov shows how important the luminary is to him. The star reminds him of home; in foreign lands it doesn’t shine so brightly, but it still helps.

Emotional content

An analysis of Nikolai Rubtsov's poem "Star of the Fields" showed that the author sought to enhance the effect by using different expressions. But what emotions did he want to convey? Firstly, anxiety for those people who are deprived of faith, hope, those who are lonely. Secondly, and this emotion predominates, a feeling of some security. The star of the fields guides a lost person, she protects him, lights the way.

Famous, perhaps even one of the most famous poems Nikolai Rubtsov’s “Star of the Fields” was written by him in 1964. This year, the poet begins his maturation in literature, after he was expelled from the literary institute.

The poem was written in literary genre called "Elegy". Elegy is literary work which carries sadness. This kind of play can also be considered an elegy. So, what is the poem talking about?

The main role in the poem is occupied by the lyrical hero’s love for his native land; it is interesting that this means not only the Motherland as a whole, but also the small Motherland. Rubtsov wrote a poem in Nikolskoye, this is the place where he spent his childhood, that is, his small homeland. Even then, Nikolai Rubtsov decided to write for all the people who need it.

The central image of Rubtsov's poem is the star of the fields. How many will understand that the star of the fields symbolizes their native land? However, it is true. It is not for nothing that the star is a symbol; it means eternity, steadfastness. This star burns in both autumn and winter, endlessly illuminating with its welcoming, warm light. It is enough to draw a parallel to realize the connection between the poet’s native village and the star. Of course, the star does not directly mean Nikolskoye, it’s just where the star burns brightest. You can guess that Nikolai Rubtsov is always given warmth by his small homeland, his beloved land.

A truly beautiful poem with comparison, deep and simple meaning. It was simultaneously written for all people, the poet’s contemporaries, and as a personal appeal from the poet to Nikolsky. The star shines for all the anxious inhabitants, but it seems to the reader eternal and especially bright precisely in native land Nikolai Rubtsov.

When reading this poem, images of a bright, stunning star always come to mind, as beautiful as our native land. This poem will be an eternal symbol of the beauty of the Motherland.

Analysis of the poem Star of the Fields according to plan

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1. Assignment (20 points).

Read the poem:


Star of the fields, in the icy darkness
Stopping, he looks into the wormwood.
The clock has already rung twelve,
And sleep enveloped my homeland...

Star of the fields! In moments of turmoil
I remembered how quiet it was behind the hill
She burns over the autumn gold,
It burns over the winter silver...

The star of the fields burns without fading,
For all the anxious inhabitants of the earth,
Touching with your welcoming ray
All the cities that rose in the distance.

But only here, in the icy darkness,
She rises brighter and fuller,
And I'm happy as long as I'm in this world
The star of the moss fields is burning, burning...

Analyze the poem, paying attention to the following:

1. What mood is the poem permeated with?

2. "stars of the fields".

3. Trace the development of the lyrical plot.

4. Describe the image of the lyrical hero.

5. Indicate the features of the composition of the work.

6. Name the figurative and expressive means of language in the poem. Give examples. Reveal their role in the text.

7. Determine the theme of the work, its main idea.


Nikolai Rubtsov’s poem “Star of the Fields” occupies one of the first places in Russian poetry in its soulful lyricism. This is a little sad, but at the same time a life-affirming poem, the lyrical hero of which reflects on his attachment to his native land, shares the happiness of realizing he belongs to it.

Features of the composition and development of the lyrical plot of the poem.

The poem “Star of the Fields” consists of four stanzas.

The first line contains the image "stars of the fields", which permeates the entire poem, is included in the title and becomes centrally the entire work. Repeating four times (“star of the fields” – 3 rubles, “she” – 1 ruble), it occurs in each stanza, starting and closing the work, forming a ring. Let's consider what this image represents. "Star"- a symbol of eternity, high aspirations, happiness (cf. "born under a lucky star"). « Star of the Fields" Nikolai Rubtsov’s work resembles the Star of Bethlehem, which pointed the way to God, and combines the earthly and the heavenly, the eternal and the transitory, the hope of salvation and the pain of loneliness. Rubtsov fills this image with new content. "Star of the Fields" for the poet it is a symbol of the homeland, its beauty, uniqueness and significance for every person.

In the first stanza there is expressive picture loneliness: a star, bright and unattainable, in the darkness of the night (the author reinforces the feeling of abandonment with the epithet "icy") “stopping, looking into the wormwood”, in which he sees only his own reflection...

The last two lines of the first stanza take the reader into reality: "twelve rang"(midnight, magical time of day, the beginning of a new day). The final line of this stanza is projected onto the main and key theme of the poem and all of Rubtsov’s poetry - "my homeland."

The second stanza begins with a rhetorical exclamation "Star of the Fields!" This exclamation can also be interpreted as an appeal. The lyrical hero shares his memories. His feelings are sincere. "Star of the Fields"- small homeland, rural silence dear to the heart - became a guiding star for the lyrical hero on difficult life path (“In moments of shock / I remembered...”). The poet succinctly, with two expressive strokes, using metaphorical epithets autumn gold And winter silver, creates a typical for central Russia landscape sketch autumn and winter. Syntactic parallelism on which the phrase, anaphora ( "she is burning"), give these lines a special insight and enhance their meaning. The picture expands over time.

In the third stanza, the poetic picture expands in space. Now "star of the fields" burns not only for the lyrical hero of the poem, but also "for all the anxious inhabitants of the earth." The epithet is noteworthy alarming. To be anxious means to be in a state of worry, waiting for something unknown. This state is typical of people who are young at heart and, daring, are looking for their path in life. For people “touching with your welcoming ray” burns without going out "star of the fields" A picture emerges of the unity of the star and the entire earth.

The final quatrain begins with an enthusiastic statement: “But only here, in the icy darkness / She rises brighter and more fully...”. To enhance the shine "stars of the fields", the author twice (in the first and last stanza) resorts to the technique of antithesis: "star"(light, heat) – "icy darkness"(darkness, ice). With the help of antithesis, the author develops in the poem the motif of light and starry radiance. So, instead of looking down ( "looks into the wormwood"), comes the rising light of the star ( "rises brighter and fuller"), reinforced by the fivefold repetition of the key verb in this poem "burning".

Focusing on main idea works, the ring composition of the poem turns us to the first stanza: against the background of the contrast of the surrounding darkness, the star of all-forgiving, enormous kindness becomes the main one in the fate of the lyrical hero: “And I am happy while in the white world / The star of my fields burns, burns.” This final stanza again concretizes the image “ stars of the fields“, but it has already become immeasurably enriched (expanded in time and space). AND "star of the fields" now it burns in all seasons and beyond "quiet behind the hill", but also "for all the anxious inhabitants of the earth". Thus, the image-symbol "star of the fields" filled with new content and now represents an inextricable fusion of personal ( "my fields") and general ( "for all").

Criteria for analysis and evaluation

Number of points

What mood is the poem permeated with?

Expand symbolic meaning image "stars of the fields"

Trace the development of the lyrical plot.

Describe the image of the lyrical hero.

Indicate the features of the composition of the work.

Name the figurative and expressive means of language in the poem (antitheses, metaphors, epithets, repetitions). Give examples. Reveal their role in the text.

Determine the theme of the work, its main idea.

Coherence of the statement, logic, sequence of presentation

2. Assignment (8 points).

Continue the lines of poetry (in one line).

1. Frost and sun; wonderful day!..

2. In the wild north it stands alone...

3. The snow is still white in the fields...

4. White birch

Below my window

Covered with snow...


Frost and sun; wonderful day!

You are still dozing, dear friend...

It's lonely in the wild north

There is a pine tree on the bare top...

The snow is still white in the fields,

And in the spring the waters are noisy...

White birch

Below my window

Covered with snow

Exactly silver.

For a continued line – one point

3. Assignment (8 points).

Define lyrical genres.

For the first text (Igor Severyanin “Chekhov”), justify your answer.

I don’t know how it is for the British and Czechs,
But he is by no means funny for Russians,
Sparkling like a sparkling cupochon
Serious Chekhov with sad humor.

Provincial girls, having not reached the goal,
We said goodbye to the dream. Their laughter is muffled.
And through a smile I am burned with torment
The destiny of people of various workshops.

Just like then, like many years ago,
Our scent is fragrant The Cherry Orchard,
Where feelings have become a victim of petty feelings...

As confirmation of the vitality of the themes -
Those vulgarities - it was delivered meanwhile
Chekhov's ashes in an oyster car...

Igor Severyanin

...You alone are only decent,
Princess! to create light from darkness;
Dividing Chaos into spheres harmoniously,
The union will strengthen their integrity;
From disagreement to agreement
And from fierce passions happiness
You can only create.
So the helmsman, sailing through the show-off,
Catching the roaring wind under sail,
Knows how to steer a ship.

You just won’t offend the only one,
Don't insult anyone
You see through your fingers the tomfoolery,
The only thing you cannot tolerate is evil;
You correct misdeeds with leniency,
Like a wolf, you don’t crush people,
You know right away their price.
They are subject to the will of kings, -
But God is more just,
Living in their laws.

You think sensibly about merit,
And you give honor to the worthy;
You don't consider him a prophet,
Who can only weave rhymes,
And what crazy fun is this -
Honor and glory to the good caliphs.
You condescend to the lyrical mode:
Poetry is dear to you,
Pleasant, sweet, useful,
Like in summer delicious lemonade

. Felitsa.

My nightingale, my nightingale, my young nightingale!

Don’t fly, nightingale, for a walk in the green garden,

Do not sit, nightingale, in my green garden,

In my green garden, on a broom bush,

Don't sing early at dawn, don't poison my heart!

And the young man is so sick, I don’t know why;

If you know, then everything is according to her, according to my lady.

Oh, who should I hire and send for the lady?

If you hire an old one, it’s a sin to accept:

The old man will not reach her, he will disappear in the path;

If you hire a small person, the small person does not know what to say;

If you hire a peer, your peer loves to go for walks.

Well, how do you know, a fine fellow can get up on his own,

Climb up on your own!


1. 1) sonnet; 2) ode; 3) lyrical song.

2. Igor Severyanin’s poem “Chekhov” is a sonnet, because it is a fourteen-line poem consisting of two quatrains (quatrains) and two tercets (tercets) with 5 continuous rhymes. Rhyme Scheme: Abba Abba ssd herd. Meter: iambic pentameter. Poetic thought is revealed sequentially. The plot-compositional turning point occurs during the transition from quatrains to terzettos.

Determination of lyrical genres – 2 points each

Argumentation – 2 points

4. Assignment (8 points).

Determine which Russian writer we are talking about. Briefly justify your answer.

1. He was called “the Columbus of Russian romanticism in poetry,” “the balladeer,” and “the singer of Svetlana.” As the critic put it, he “opened the human soul to Russian poetry.” Many generations of poets considered him their teacher. argued that without him “we would not have Pushkin.” And he himself, speaking about the influence of “singer Svetlana” on his work, noted:

And you, deeply inspired,

All the best singer,

You, idol of virgin hearts,

Isn’t it you, carried away by addiction,

Wasn't it you who gave me your hand?

And he called for pure glory...

In the minds of his contemporaries, he was not only a great poet, but also a true patriot and a citizen, a kind person and an important official, educator of the heir - the future Emperor Alexander II.

2. The work of this writer marks the greatest milestone in the development of Russian literature since Pushkin. believed that he “should be revered as a person gifted with the deepest mind and the most tender love to people!". " Ideally genius” was called by the Ukrainian writer Oles Gonchar.

Having been born in Ukraine and being very attached to “ sacred places his homeland,” this writer bequeathed his name, thoughts and works to Russia. noted that he “remains not only the greatest writer of Russian literature, but also a characteristic personification of Ukrainian nature.”

3. In his books, this writer, according to observation, created a beautiful land, full of fragrant thickets and sun - a land not mapped, and amazing events that turn your head like a sip of wine. He populated his works with “a tribe of brave, simple-minded, like children, proud, selfless and good people» ().

One of fictional characters the writer gave the world a simple, but very important truth, which consists of “doing so-called miracles with your own hands.”

dedicated to the heroine herself famous book the writer has these lines:

She was a strange girl -

She only directed her gaze to the sea,

Taking every boat

For the crimson-sailed frigate.

The dress is a patch on a patch.

But the insolent mouth was stubbornly clenched;

“The captain will arrive on a frigate,

And he’ll take me with him!”...

4. Igor Severyanin introduced this writer this way:

A gray-haired colossus, a tired, old lion
With the eyes of a dying gazelle,
He is a proud spirit, people have been hanging over him all his life
Cliffs of troubles and death, grinning...

In literature he lived a long and difficult life, became an author famous novels, European famous writer, moved from the Oryol village to Paris, where he died. His “Essays on the Russian People, the Strangest and Most Amazing People in the World” remains to this day one of the brightest, most poetic, artistic books in Russian literature. And this happened because the hero of the book was not only the Russian people, but also the Russian language, about which the writer said prophetically: “In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland - you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty , truthful and free Russian language! “If it weren’t for you, how could I not fall into despair when I saw everything that was happening at home?” “But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!”

For each correct answer - one point

For argumentation - one point each


3. Alexander Green.

5. Assignment (8 points).

Name the literary sources (indicating the authors) of popular expressions. Reveal their contents modern use.

1. And you, friends, no matter how you sit down, / Are still not fit to be musicians.

2. Deeds of days gone by, / Traditions of deep antiquity.

3. To grandfather's village.

4. I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.

· Example: It's your fault that I want to eat.

From the fable “The Wolf and the Lamb” by I. A. Krylov.

Quoted ironically, as a commentary on the desire to condemn, punish someone, instead of finding out the true state of affairs, restoring justice, etc.


1. And you, friends, no matter how you sit down, / You are still not fit to be musicians .

From the fable "Quartet".

The phrase is applied to a team that works ineffectively or for which things are not going well at all due to low professionalism, lack of mutual understanding and unity.

2. Deeds of days gone by, / Traditions of deep antiquity .

From the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

A phrase about ancient events, the veracity of which cannot now be verified, they are so old.

3. To grandfather's village .

From the story "Vanka".

The phrase is used in relation to letters and messages that are extremely unclear from the point of view of the addressee.

4. I'd be happy to serve, but being served is sickening .

From the comedy "Woe from Wit".

A phrase that characterizes people who do not tolerate servility and sycophancy, but are exclusively occupied with their official duties.

For instructions literary source and the author - one point each

For disclosure of modern use - one point each

6. Assignment (8 points).

The remarkable Russian artist Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (1817 – 1900) entered the history of art as a singer of the “proud beauty” of the sea. His painting, glorifying the courage and perseverance of man, received the greatest fame. The heroes of the canvas, having survived the shipwreck, continue to fight the formidable elements and seek salvation on the wreckage of the ship's mast. The capricious sea tests the will of people, their love for life. One of the furious waves, the most powerful, seeks to fall on people and bury them in the depths of the sea. But the terrible night is already behind us. The sun is rising. Sun rays The heavy waves were colored with all the colors of the rainbow. The major scale sounds like a hymn to the courage of people and inspires hope for salvation.

1. Indicate the title of the painting.

2. What features artistic direction embodied in this picture?

3. Determine what main features of this artistic movement are common to works of painting and literature.

4. Name the Russian poets you know XІ 10th century, who in their work turned to the image of a raging element (2-3 poets).

5. Indicate the city in Ukraine where the gallery is located.


1. “The Ninth Wave” – 1 point.

2. Romanticism – 2 points.

3. In the center of works of painting and literature of the romantic direction - strong personality, exceptional character in exceptional circumstances. The theme of natural elements is also vividly embodied in these works. – 2 points.

4. , – one point for one answer, but no more than two points.

5. Feodosia – 1 point.

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