Amphitheater seats in a theater diagram. Theater stalls

It is believed that theater begins with a hanger. But this aphorism is far from the truth. In fact, theater begins with the purchase of tickets. What place in auditorium choose to fully enjoy an opera, ballet or play? Price is not always a criterion for quality. For example, the first seats in the stalls are always expensive, but the viewer sitting there hears not the voices of the actors, but the sounds from the orchestra pit; Throughout the performance he must sit with his head raised, and what is happening prevents him from seeing the back of the conductor’s head. Before buying tickets, it doesn’t hurt to figure out what a mezzanine in a theater, benoir, stalls, amphitheater, box, balcony and gallery are. Our article will introduce you to the intricacies of the structure of the auditorium.

What does the theater look like?

Of course, the temples of Melpomene are different. There are small ones, the auditorium of which consists only of the stalls and the first tier. There are theaters with special features, for example, with a “royal box”, the decorative stucco of which blocks the view of the audience from below. There are halls without stalls, where each row is higher than the previous one (the so-called amphitheater). But here we will give a diagram classical theater. So, right in front of the stage, just below it, is the stalls. Immediately behind it is the amphitheater. On both sides of the stage, at its level or slightly above, there are two boxes called benoir. The name comes from the French baignoire - bathhouse. The fact is that these boxes are covered with a fine mesh, which determines a certain intimacy. It prevents the spectators sitting there from seeing, but in no way interferes with the latter's view.

On the same level as the stalls along the wall there are boxes with a separate entrance. Where is the mezzanine in the theater? It is located above the stalls. And even over the amphitheater. In some buildings there is a “royal” box on the same level. Above the mezzanine are the first, second and third tiers. The topmost of them is called a gallery or raek.

This word itself comes from architecture. In rich houses, the second floor, located above the ground floor, was decorated more than others. The first tier usually housed the kitchen and utility and functional premises. On the third - bedrooms, offices, boudoirs. On the fourth floor, if there was one, there were servants' rooms. But the second tier was the front tier. There were ballrooms, living rooms, and reception rooms. Sometimes the main staircase led directly to the mezzanine. The term bel étage, as we see, consists of two words. Its literal translation is " beautiful floor". This second tier of a rich house was magnificent not only inside, but also outside. It was decorated with large windows, stucco moldings and beautiful decoration. And what is the mezzanine in a theater? Photos demonstrate that this term in the temple of Melpomene carries the same meaning as and in the architecture of the house. This is not just the second tier, as a rule, it is also the most beautiful.

Problems related to location in different parts of the visual range

Even if you know what a mezzanine in a theater is, this is not a guarantee that you will buy best places. The appearance of the auditorium matters here; design of rows (sometimes steep and high sides interfere with visibility); acoustics (sound pits, etc.). Theater regulars have information that sometimes good visibility is accompanied by poor hearing, and vice versa. Therefore, for the ballet you need to purchase some seats (first tier, benoir), and for the opera - completely different ones (dress circle, stalls from the fifth row and beyond, amphitheater, boxes). At symphonic orchestral performances, the sound is well revealed in general on the second tier.

At chamber concerts it is better to sit not far, but not close to the stage, but always in the middle. But the mezzanine counts the best part auditorium. Even if the theater is not famous for its acoustics, the sound carries forward and slightly upward from the stage. So the audience on the most beautiful tier can enjoy the opera without any interference. Visibility there is also excellent, since the second floor allows you to see all the action from above and, unlike the gallery, without the help of binoculars.

What are the best seats in the theater on the dress circle?

As you can see, this “beautiful tier” has an advantage both in terms of visibility of the stage and audibility. But since the floor stretches along the entire back wall of the theater, it's important to know which seats to buy. And this depends on the structure of each specific auditorium. Let's take for example Mariinskii Opera House, Old stage.

Here the mezzanine is divided into boxes. Ticket prices are, to put it mildly, steep. It is best seen and heard from the first row of central boxes. Cells No. 11 and No. 12 offer excellent visibility. And from the second row too. The view is quite noticeably hampered by the decorative decorations of the “royal box”. Also, you should not buy tickets for the mezzanine next to the benoirs. These boxes are equipped with columns that block part of the stage from the audience. There are several “blind spots” in the New Hall of the Mariinsky Theater, but this does not apply to the dress circle. Visibility and audibility there are wonderful.

Mikhailovsky Theater

This cultural temple also has a classical auditorium. There are all the elements: stalls, mezzanine, benoir and three tiers with boxes. Music lovers here also claim that sound and visibility in Mikhailovsky are in conflict. In addition, here there is the notorious “royal box”. The hall in the Mikhailovsky Theater is small. Therefore, the roundness of the tiers under high angle leads to poor visibility in lateral areas. Knowing what the mezzanine is in a theater, you also need to understand that ideal viewing of the action and enjoyment of sounds without extraneous interference are achievable only in places in the center (directly opposite the stage).

State Variety Theater

Despite all the interesting performances on this stage, the audience unanimously criticizes the layout of the auditorium. Many people know that the best places are located on the “beautiful tier”. That's why they buy tickets to the mezzanine of the Variety Theater. How can you see the stage from there? If you sit in the center, it's still bearable. But the sound arrives with distortion. To the left and right of the center the mezzanine is completely unsuitable for theatrical productions.

According to spectators, it is convenient to hide there, since there are some columns, sides and other obstacles. As a result, you can only see a small part of the stage, and only from the first row. The sound that comes out is incomprehensible, with interference, a continuous inarticulate hum. Best places in State Theater the stage is the stalls.

Dear friends! You, of course, know that to work productively you need to be able to rest. One of the pleasant and cultural ways A visit to the theater has long been considered a holiday. But behind the very first doors, in the lobby, we find ourselves in the world full of secrets and riddles. IN literally words. We are overwhelmed by a stream of unfamiliar and often incomprehensible words: foyer, administrator, stalls, mezzanine... What to do? Where can I find the administrator? Where is it better to take a ticket: to the stalls or the mezzanine? Where can I find the lobby? Let's try to figure it out.

Start over. What is theater?

Theater(Greek Θέατρον - main meaning - a place for spectacles, then - spectacle, from θεάομαι - I look, I see) - a form of performing art.

Theater is a synthesis of all arts, it includes music, architecture, painting, cinema, photography, etc. The main means of expression is the actor, who through action, using various theatrical techniques and forms of existence, conveys to the viewer the essence of what is happening on stage.

In this case, the actor does not have to be a living person. This could be a doll or some object controlled by a person. Theater is considered the most powerful means of influencing people, because, seeing what is happening on stage, the viewer associates himself with one or another character. Through catharsis (purification through suffering), changes occur within him. The main theater workers: directors, actors, make-up artists, cloakroom attendants, lighting technicians, ticket takers, choreographers, artists, stage workers. But more about them a little later.

Having opened the first entrance doors, we find ourselves in the lobby.

I, m. Large room separating the entrance from internal parts buildings, mainly public In many theaters, the ticket office and the administrator's window are located in the lobby.

IN box office You can purchase a ticket for the current performance or for future theater performances. If the performance is cancelled, you can return your ticket here or find out when the canceled performance will be given. The administrator window is also located there.

Administrator– a member of the theater team, responsible for the organizational side and daily work cashiers, ticket takers and other theater personnel, often also for providing free or discounted tickets for and during a specific performance; responsible for compliance with safety rules and regulations while spectators are in the theater. Having passed through the second doors, you find yourself in the theater foyer.

Neskl., Wed. A room in a theater (cinema, circus) for the audience to stay before the start of a performance, show, performance, as well as for the public to relax during intermission. From the ground floor foyer you can access the cloakroom.

– a room or specially designated space in the entrance lobby where spectators can leave outerwear, hats, umbrellas (etc.) for storage during the performance. If the theater building contains several floors, then the foyer will be present on each of them.

And now you enter the hall. In front of you is a stage and rows of chairs that “diverge” from it in rows and tiers. How to figure out where to go? On the one hand, the hall administrators will always help you. On the other hand, here are our tips: the rows of seats that are located closest to the stage are called the stalls, followed by the amphitheater, around them and slightly above are the boxes and mezzanine, above them there is a balcony in tiers.

Parterre(French arterre - on the ground) - the lower floor of the auditorium in a theater with seats for the public in the space from the stage or from the orchestra to the opposite wall or to the amphitheater. The ancestor of the stalls was the bench for senators in theaters Ancient Rome. In the 17th century, after the appearance of the tiered theater building, the stalls also changed, taking on more modern look. The stalls were intended for the lower class, so for a long time there were no seats - the audience on the stalls had to watch the performance while standing. Seating in the stalls appeared at the beginning of the 17th century in private indoor theaters in England. Then the seats were arranged as needed. Nowadays, seats are most often arranged in rows that rise from the stage to the amphitheater and are parallel to the edge of the stage. The seats are separated by passages to exit the stalls.

Amphitheater– these are seats for spectators behind the stalls, located in a towering semicircle.

Lodge- This is a separate room in the auditorium, in the form of a small internal balcony, intended for several spectators. The boxes, as a rule, are located on the sides and behind the stalls, on tiers, as well as on the sides of the proscenium or adjacent to the orchestra pit (such boxes are called “benouir”). Characterized by insufficient visibility of the stage; sometimes used for lighting equipment.

Mezzanine– seats in the auditorium, usually located in a semicircle or along a curved line, behind and above the stalls and amphitheater. Sometimes considered as the balcony of the first tier of the theater.

Balcony– these are seats for spectators, located above the stalls, in various tiers of the auditorium. Note: often in English-language literature the word “balcony” means a balcony of the first tier. You took your seat and froze in anticipation of the performance...

Definitions of the terms presented are taken from the websites.

They say that theater begins with the hanger, but in reality it begins with the purchase of tickets. Main question- which places to choose? There are stalls, boxes, mezzanine... In some theaters there are so-called not comfortable places- this is where nothing is seen and little is heard. However, such inconveniences are not always warned in advance.

Some places are too far away, while from others the edge of the stage is not visible. To choose the best seats, first let's look at the layout of the theater hall.

The stalls are the places in the auditorium area that are closest to the stage. The amphitheater is the space immediately behind the stalls. Usually the amphitheater area is slightly above the stalls. Seats in the mezzanine are even higher. At the very top there is a balcony. On both sides of the stalls there are boxes - these are small spaces with a separate entrance.

By tradition, seats in the box are considered the most prestigious - previously only rich visitors could sit there. Each box has a separate entrance, and besides this you can not only watch the performance, but also show yourself. More than a hundred years ago, representatives of high society came to the theater precisely for this reason. The officers sat in the stalls, and the titled persons sat in separate boxes. Leo Tolstoy described this in Anna Karenina.

Nowadays, the beautiful Vivienne, played by Julia Roberts, is introduced to the opera by businessman Edward Lewis of Richard Gere, having bought tickets in the box. But in fact, the places there are some of the most uncomfortable. The stage is not completely visible, and you have to watch the performance half-turned.

Today, to the question “What are the best seats in the theater?” Almost everyone will answer “on the ground.” Seats in the stalls are traditionally considered the best, and they are also the most expensive. Moreover, almost every theater has a so-called “sound pit” - it is located somewhere between rows 5 and 10. There the sound literally flies over the viewer. This is especially important if you are going to the opera.

A famous film example: Bruce Willis' character Corwin Dallas in the film The Fifth Element watches the opera from the front row. Many people will not recommend taking tickets to the front rows of the stalls. It is only from afar that it seems that the artists are fluttering around the stage like butterflies, but in the first row you will hear all the extraneous noises. In addition, you will have to watch the action with your head raised, and you will still see the back of the conductor’s head in front of you.

Choose seats in the middle of the hall or a little further. Tickets there are cheaper than in the front rows, and the view is better. In addition to the stalls, real theatergoers often choose the first rows of the dress circle.

In general, the most prestigious and expensive seats in the theater do not mean the best. Sometimes even on the balcony you can see and hear everything without interference.

If you often go to the theater, of course, you already know all the intricacies of the location of seats in the auditorium, as well as which tickets are best to buy. But when planning your first viewing of the performance, it’s worth finding out how the seats are arranged so that you can clearly see the stage. Of course, tickets to the front rows are expensive; we will talk about those that represent a compromise between an affordable price and comfortable viewing. Let us dwell in detail on the definition of “mezzanine in the theatre”. What is it and how to choose a convenient place?

How are the spectator seats located?

Let's consider the theater in a general sense, and not any specific building. The seating arrangement is approximately the same, only the size of the auditorium differs. The closest places to the stage are called the stalls. These are the most convenient places to watch, which affects their cost - tickets for them are the most expensive. You shouldn’t occupy the first row if there is an orchestra pit in front of the stage, then you won’t be able to see the action at all. Sometimes the chairs are installed on a flat floor, but more often the surface is inclined, so that the heads of those sitting in front are not disturbed by the people sitting behind.

Beyond them, on a slight elevation, is an amphitheater located at stage level. In these places the viewer receives the widest and full review, as well as good audibility, especially when watching opera or ballet. This optimal choice in terms of price and panoramic view. Sometimes next to the stage on the sides of the stalls there are special boxes called benoir. They are often covered with a special black mesh so that people sitting inside do not interfere with the actors’ work. They are considered the most prestigious places.

Tiers and mezzanine in the theater

What is it and how are the seats above the stage located? The seating described above is complemented by tiers along the wall above stage level. Sometimes there is only one tier, and in theaters with halls large area their number reaches four. The lowest one is called the mezzanine. It's quite comfortable to sit there, but it's better not to take seats close to the stage: you'll have to turn and bend over to follow the developments. It is optimal to sit in the center, right above the amphitheater, in the first row. Tiers located high up will not allow you to see the actors without binoculars, but tickets there are the cheapest. Sometimes these places are called balconies.

Decoration of mezzanines

You may have already chosen the mezzanine area of ​​the theatre. What is it and is the stage clearly visible, you know. Let us give examples of what these tiers look like in some of Melpomene’s houses. The entire hall and stage are decorated in uniform style, many carved details are finished in gold and complemented with dense, beautiful fabrics. Sometimes it's nice to go to the theater to see historical beauty. Let's take for example the Mariinsky Theater, the mezzanine of which is located above the benoir. It is illuminated by numerous chandeliers, giving it the appearance of a palace hall, white with gold trim and red seats. How else is the mezzanine decorated? The variety theater uses fabrics for finishing. It seems that the whole hall is glowing with bright rich colors: carpets, curtains, and chairs - everything comes together in big picture, complemented by white columns and sides supporting the lower tier.

Advantages of purchasing mezzanine tickets

Having bought a ticket to one of these places, the viewer will not be disappointed. The advantages of this arrangement have already been noted: good review scenes, excellent audibility of the actors' voices and orchestral music, let's add more seating comfort. Mezzanines rarely have more than 10 rows of seats, often there are only 6-12 chairs in 2 lines, located in a small niche. But sometimes you can make a mistake with your choice, and then you have to spend the entire time of the performance on your feet in order to at least see something.

Now you will not be tormented by the question: “The mezzanine in the theater - what is it?” When buying tickets for any productions, check the visibility of all seats and their prices, and then choose the appropriate option.

From the hanger, the main thing in it is the auditorium. And in the hall itself there is, respectively, a stage and seats for spectators.

Since antiquity, the theater has undergone enormous changes. But its essence remained the same, because any theater is, first of all, a spectacle. And every spectacle presupposes a spectator, who, in turn, wants the spectacle to be as comfortable as possible. The viewer at all times was not indifferent to what place he would occupy in front of the stage.

Parterre and balcony

The prototype of the location, and therefore the names of the seats for spectators, appeared in medieval street theaters that had booth-type stages.

Due to persecution, theaters did not have their own premises at that time.

Most of the spectators stood in front of the stage and watched the game while standing. This is the place and the stalls. However, residents of surrounding houses could watch the performance from their balconies. This is how the balcony appeared.

With the advent theater halls these street people have safely migrated under the roof. True, the seats in the stalls still remained standing for a long time and were intended for people of the lower classes. Only under the influence of ideas french revolution There are spectator seats in the stalls.

The balconies are located in different tiers opposite the stage or on the sides of the stalls. One of their varieties was the amphitheater. He was also facing towards, going upward in smooth ledges.

Lodges and gallery

But the most honorable place in the theater auditorium, undoubtedly, belongs to the boxes. Unlike a balcony, this is already a fenced-off room on one tier.

A special place among them is occupied by the general () lodge. It is usually located opposite the stage with the most convenient view for the audience. In addition, it is a kind of PR for its special visitors and increasing their level of security.

The important people in the general box are clearly visible from anywhere in the hall. And for security reasons it has a separate entrance.

Benoir - located in one of the tiers on the sides of the stalls. This row of boxes is usually at or just below stage level. The mezzanine is located above the benoir and amphitheater.

According to their size and shape, theater boxes are divided into two types - Italian and French. The Italian type of boxes is more recessed inward. Thus, he allows those in such a box not to be too noticeable to the rest of the public. French lodges, on the contrary, allow their inhabitants to demonstrate themselves as much as possible.

And finally, there is a gallery, or paradise, in the auditorium. A favorite place for audiences unpretentious to theatrical comfort. The seats here are located in the very top tier. They are as far away from the stage as possible, but they are the cheapest.

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