Alla Pugacheva: Biography, year of birth. Biography of Alla Pugacheva - the prima donna of the Russian stage

Pugacheva Alla Borisovna – Soviet and Russian singer, actress, composer-songwriter.


Alla Pugacheva was born on April 15, 1949 in Moscow. Mother - Pugacheva (nee Odegova) Zinaida Arkhipovna. Father - Pugachev Boris Mikhailovich. Two years before Alla was born, her parents gave birth to a boy. The firstborn was named Gennady. Unfortunately, the child was very weak and sickly. The baby died at the age of just a few months.

Heart of Spring

Who is she, Alla Pugacheva? People's Artist of the Soviet Union and the heroine of fairy tales published by the yellow press, sensation, muse, prima donna. Honorary citizen of the city of Makhachkala. The same one in which, during the premiere of the film “Scarecrow,” it was written on the billboard: “Starring Scarecrow, according to the exact information of Akhmet, the daughter of that Zhenchina who sings.”

However, if we list all the titles, regalia and awards of the singer, the list will turn out to be very long, because Pugacheva’s songs were in the charts not only of the Soviet Union and Russia, but also of other countries: “Find Me” in France, Superman in Sweden, “Bad Weather” " in Poland, " Antique clock" in Greece. A "Million" Red roses"in Japan and Mongolia, even after many years, remained almost a national hit. When they planned to make a film there about the famous sumo wrestler Kyokushuzan (Batbayar), the main script move assumed that the entire film Batbayar would be looking for Pugacheva in order to meet her in the finale.

Poets dedicated their poems to her, musicians - songs, and writers - books. Performances at the South-West Studio Theater in Moscow and the Satire Theater on Vasilievsky in St. Petersburg are named after her, as well as flowers, perfume, shoes, a magazine, a music prize, a radio and many girls in Russia. Her portraits were taken famous artists, the image was replicated by parodists and doubles, and the songs did not have any quotes. Even popular rapper Piggy Bank used a fragment of her song “Sonnet” in his composition.


What can I say, many famous people promoted on the name of Pugacheva. When the director of the film “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” Milos Forman, was going to make a film based on Nikolai Erdman’s play “Suicide,” he suggested writing music only because he worked a lot with Pugacheva, whom the great Forman knew very well.

From the very beginning of her career, Pugacheva was a newsmaker for all newspapers and magazines in Russia, her photographs adorned the covers of metropolitan and provincial publications. The paparazzi tracked her every step, and her fans sighed. However, many stories of her turbulent biography remained behind the scenes. After all, life, in essence, is not so much loud victories or defeats, but a mosaic of thousands and thousands of the most various events, which add up to one overall picture. The best stories are on the topic own life she told it herself, but it is impossible to reflect it on paper - so many nuances are put into every intonation.

The director woke up to Pugacheva much earlier than the singer. When Alla first entered the music school named after. Ippolitov-Ivanov, the play “Ten Days That Shook the World” was just released at the Taganka Theater. Pugacheva, who was friends with the theater artists, asked them for leaflets that were used during the performance in order to scatter them during the evening dedicated to November 7 at the school. After which she was almost expelled from alma mater. Only when they read that the leaflets said “all power to the Soviets” did they calm down.

When Alla Pugacheva worked at Mosconcert, she was deputy secretary of the Komsomol organization of vocalists for production and creative work. That's when she was born catchphrase: « I will not part with the Komsomol, I will forever be with the young».

Going to the Golden Orpheus, Alla collected her “ceremonial” wardrobe from the world, piece by piece. Already in Bulgaria it turned out that concert shoes rubbed feet terribly. Therefore, during the rehearsal, the singer walked on stage barefoot, which was perceived ambiguously by those present. And she said “Harlequin” rather than sang it. Maybe that’s why such a sensation happened later, during the competition, because no one expected anything good from her.

However, Pugacheva performed barefoot more than once. When Alla magazine celebrated the best artists for 1996, Alla Borisovna, tired of uncomfortable expensive high-heeled shoes, parted with them right on stage, which caused not only general excitement in the hall, but also understanding, who, as a sign of solidarity, came out to receive her The prize is also barefoot. And at a concert in Odessa, in response to the indignation of the first rows of the stalls that the fans dancing in front of the stage did not allow the singer’s shoes to be seen, Pugacheva took them off and, taking them in her hands, raised them higher. For everyone to see.

At the end of 1982, the circulation of the first disc of Alla Pugacheva’s debut album “Mirror of the Soul” reached 7,753,500 copies. You can estimate how much the Melodiya company earned from this at a price of 2 rubles. 15 kopecks for each copy. The singer herself was paid 6 rubles. per minute of recording.

In the summer of 1989, Alla Pugacheva took part in the “Mercy and Beauty” concerts in Kyiv, which took place at the Dynamo stadium. To get to the stands, it was necessary to overcome three cordons of police, vigilantes and riot police, of which there were more than Tatars and Mongolians combined during Tatar-Mongol invasion. But as soon as Pugacheva entered the field, all the ticket takers and vigilantes ran together to watch the concert, leaving the entrances unguarded, and it was easy to enter the stadium without a ticket. This is the great power of art.

It’s hard to believe, but Pugacheva always listened to the recordings that came to her. There is a lot of evidence of this. Alexander Alov, who sent the singer by mail the lyrics of the song “Go to hell, darling,” heard his poems in the “Christmas Meetings” program a couple of months later. But the song “Australian” lay in Alla Borisovna’s stash for ten years before she began performing it at concerts.

This is how she is, Alla Pugacheva. It cannot be judged by publications in the yellow press, or indeed by publications in general. You can’t judge by television either - television is not capable of providing a three-dimensional image. Internet sites dedicated to her work, with all their numerousness, create only one more image of the singer - a virtual one. You can judge Pugacheva only by her solo performances, when the lights go out in the hall and the sounds of the first chords fill your soul with anticipation.

Here she came onto the stage - a figure in black against a black backdrop. A white, concentrated face etched with thin brushes of spotlights. The mime's face has expressive eyes and a clearly defined mouth. Plastic hands. Little conductor of the big orchestra of our hearts:

"Hold me tight,
Kiss me sweeter.
You see, the wings have weakened,
How to fly?
So that your heart doesn't hurt,
So that the soul sings again,
Bring your guitar
Sing a song..."

Chronology of the most important events


– admission to children's music school No. 31;

– admission to secondary school No. 496.


– completion of 8th grade of secondary school No. 496;

– graduation from children's music school No. 31;

– admission to the conducting and choral department of the Moscow State Music College named after. Ippolitova-Ivanov.


– entry for program “C” Good morning» All-Union radio song “Robot”;

– debut on the radio with the song “Robot” in the program “Good Morning”;

– tour with the program “Bang-Bang” by Lifshits-Levenbuk in Russia.


– tours around the Arctic and Tyumen as part of the propaganda team of the radio station “Yunost”;

– recording debut – M. Tariverdiev’s song “If you find love.”


– tours around the Arctic and Tyumen as part of the propaganda team of the Yunost radio station.


– March: participation in the concert on the occasion of the opening of the Oil Workers’ Palace in Tyumen;

– performances in Salekhard, tours around the Arctic;

– debut on TV in the program “Happy Birthday!”;

– work as a music teacher at school No. 621.


– May: passing state exams at the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music School;

– work as an accompanist at the State School of Circus and Variety Arts;

– summer: tour with the GUTsEI team with the “Paper Boat” program;

– debut in cinema (recording voice-over songs for the film “The Deer King”);

– soloist of VIA “New Electron” under the direction of. V. Prikazchikova (Lipetsk Regional Philharmonic Society).


- artist of Rosconcert.


– work in the ensemble “Muscovites”;



– soloist of the pop orchestra under the direction of Oleg Lundstrem;


– October 18-25: V All-Union Competition of Variety Artists (3rd prize) with the songs “Let’s Sit and Eat” and “Ermolova from Chistye Prudy”;

performances in the program “You, Me and the Song” with Yuliy Slobodkin and the ensemble “Muscovites”


- soloist of VIA “Jolly Fellows” under the direction of Pavel Slobodkin.


– as part of the ensemble “Jolly Fellows”, participation in the festival “Kiev Spring”;

– Grand Prix of the Golden Orpheus festival with the song “Harlequin”;

– July 20: release of the first record (the EP “Alla Pugacheva Sings” with the songs “Harlequin”, “Let’s Sit and Say” and “I Dream of You”);

– November 29: the beginning of concerts by VIA “Jolly Fellows” and A. Pugacheva in Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory.


– guest of the Golden Orpheus festival;

– participation in the program of the Midem festival in Cannes.


– filming in the leading role and first professional work as a composer (under the pseudonym Boris Gorbonos) in the film “The Woman Who Sings”;

– admission to the directing department of GITIS;

– member of the jury of the 1st television competition “With a song through life.”


– work with the group “Rhythm” under the leadership of Alexander Avilov.


– filming of the TV film “Alla Pugacheva’s Theater” by Tallinn TV;

– Grand Prix “Amber Nightingale” at the competition “Sopot-78” with the song “Kings Can Do Anything”;

– TV filming for the program “Studio 2” (Poland).


– release of the film “The Woman Who Sings”;

– creation of the program “The Woman Who Sings”;

– May: shooting of the Ukrainian TV film “Autograph” about Alla Pugacheva;

– July: joint concert with Joe Dassin at the opening of the Cosmos Hotel in Moscow;

– TV premiere of the film “At Alla’s” (Mainos, Finland);

– shooting a documentary film commissioned by the company “ARD” (Germany);

– guest of the competition “Sopot-79”;


– according to a survey of readers of the magazine “Soviet Screen”, Alla Pugacheva was recognized as actress of the year;

– creation of the Recital group under the leadership of Y. Shakhnazarov;

– summer: awarding the title “Honored Artist of the RSFSR”;

– July 21-25: solo concerts at the Variety Theater (Moscow) as part of the cultural program “Olympics - 80”;

– filming in the film “Recital” (later A.B. refused to participate in the filming and the film was released with the title role called “Soul”);

– December: radio concert (WDR) as part of the international music festival in Cologne;


– graduation from the directing department of GITIS;

– May: tours in Cuba;

– June: presentation of the “Golden Microphone” prize as the best singer of the year from the Dynacord company;

– December 21-28: premiere of the concert program “Maestro is our guest” (with the participation of Raymond Pauls and others) at the Variety Theater (Moscow);

– presentation of a medal for contribution to peace by the Chairman of the World Peace Council R. Chandra;

– October: tour in Australia;

– November: tour in Finland;


– January: TV premiere of “New Year’s Attraction – 82”;

– tours in Yugoslavia, Romania and Hungary;

– participation in the program of the Golden Orpheus festival;

– participation in the Moscow-California youth bridge;

– November: tour in Italy at the Olimpico Hall.


– January: TV premiere of “New Year’s Attraction – 83”;

– tours in Hungary, Sweden;

– March: tours in Yugoslavia;

– performance as a guest at the competition Soviet song in Zielona Gora and tours around Poland;

– May: guest of the Bratislava Lyre festival;

– May-June: tours in Czechoslovakia;

- filming of the television film “How does a Soviet superstar live?” (Sweden);

– filming in the film “Love for Love.”


– January: TV premiere of “New Year’s Attraction – 84”;

– a contract with World Records Music for the release of several giant discs;

– April: concerts in Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius;

– tours in Sweden and Finland;

– participation in radio and television programs in Scandinavia;

– June 2-17: premiere of the theatrical performance “I came and I say” at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex (Moscow);

– filming in the films “Season of Miracles” and “I Came and Say”;

– December: presentation of the “Golden Disc” (Track Music, Finland).


– January: awarding the title “People’s Artist of the RSFSR”;

– presentation of the “Golden Disc” by the All-Union Company “Melodiya”;

– April: trip to Finland for the launching ceremony of the ship “Alla”, named in her honor;

– summer: participation in the XXII International Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow with Udo Lindenberg;

– September: tour of the USSR with the program “Alla Pugacheva Presents...” with the participation of the Herreys trio (Sweden);

– wide screen release of the film “I came and I say”;

– filming in the television film “Rock around the Kremlin” (France) (also starred in the film, etc.);

– release of the film “Season of Miracles”;

– concerts in Germany with Udo Lindenberg.


– according to a survey of Komsomolskaya Pravda readers, the film “I Came and I Say” was recognized best film of the year;

– February: participation in the Italian TV program “Domenica In”;

– April: TV program “Flowers and Songs of San Remo in Moscow”;

– April: tour of Scandinavia;

– May 30: concert “Score 904” at the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex to help victims of Chernobyl (filmed by the television company “Anten 2”, France);

– tour of the USSR with the program “Alla Pugacheva Presents...” with the participation of R. Gorobets;

– September: solo charity concert at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.


– tours in Sweden, Denmark and Finland together with;

– March: filming of the Soviet-Swedish program “Jacob’s Ladder” visiting “Morning Mail”;

– April: Alla Pugacheva joined the Song Section of the Committee of Writers at the Literary Fund of the USSR, among other 16 new members (Chairman –);

– May 17: participation in a concert dedicated to the opening of a monument symbolizing our planet in Vienna in a duet with Bary Manilow and song One Voice;

– May 22: presentation of the FIDOF medal “For contribution to peace and harmony through music” in Moscow by the President of the International Federation of Festival Organizations Jim Halsey;

– August: concerts in Moscow and Leningrad “Alla Pugacheva presents...” with the participation of Udo Lindenberg, Vladimir Presnyakov, under the motto “For a nuclear-free world by the year 2000”;

– September: participation in the rock festival in Winterthur (Switzerland), at the press festival “Rock for a nuclear-free world” in Duisburg and the peace march in memory of Olof Palme in Munich (Germany) together with Udo Linderberg;

– October: performance during an anti-war demonstration in Hasselbach (Germany) with Udo Lindenberg;

– November-January: tour of India as part of the “Days of the USSR in India” festival.


– March: tour in Israel;

– July: presentation of the disc “Songs Instead of Letters” together with Udo Lindenberg;

– creation of the theater-studio “Theater of Songs” (artistic director);

– August 31-October 1: tour in the USA (participation in the program of the Bumbershud festival in Seattle, concerts in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, New York’s Carnegie Hall) together with the group “ Recital";

– filming the video program “Fireworks” (“Meeting of Friends”) in the “Kazakhstan” restaurant (with the participation of, etc.);


– February: filming of the TV program “A Woman is Always Right”;

– March 14: presentation of the “Golden Disc” for the album “Alla Pugacheva in Stockholm” by Ampex;

– April: tours to North Korea;

– concerts in Switzerland;

– July: participation in the charity festival “Mercy and Beauty” (Kyiv);

– tour of the USSR with the program “Young to the Young or Concert for Friends” with the participation of artists of the Song Theater;

– participation in a song festival in France;

– October: presentation in Nashville of the Distant Accord prize, established by FIDOF to artists for first place in the festival and for their contribution to the festival movement and participation in the work of the jury and the gala concert of the country music festival in Nashville;

– October: publication of the 1st issue of the newspaper “Ropewalk” (Minsk union “Alla”) and the newspaper “Tired Microphone” (Kiev club “Koroleva”);


– tour of the USSR with the program “Concert for Friends” (with the participation of artists of the Song Theater);

– tours in Vienna;

– release of the CD “Alla” (“Melody”);


– March 11: presentation of a diploma for contribution to directing at an evening meeting of GITIS graduates at the Central House of Arts;

– May: conclusion of a contract with Sogo (France) for the production of “Alla” perfume;


– January 19: presentation by the “Musical Marathon” (“Evening Moscow”) of the prize for “Best Show of the Year” - “Christmas Meetings”;

– January and May: tours in Israel;

– April: creation of the Alla company;


– tour of Russia and the CIS countries with the solo program “Alla Pugacheva Sings”;

– August: according to a survey by the weekly “Sobesednik” of its readers, Alla Pugacheva was named the most great woman XX century;

– October: tour to seven US cities;

– December 23: publication of the 1st issue of the magazine “Alla” (a total of 11 issues of the magazine were published, two of them double);


– January: tour in Germany;

– February: presentation of the title of count by the Assembly of the Nobility;

– May: tour of Israel with;

– June: participation in the Star Surf festival in Sevastopol;

– June: member of the jury of the Golden Orpheus festival;

– July: participation in the festival “Slavic Bazaar” (Vitebsk);

– November: tour in the USA with;


– summer: “Starry Summer” concert tour throughout the CIS with participation, including July 15 at the 40th anniversary of Mirny (Yakutia);

– July 29: statement about the temporary cessation of concert activities at a press conference in Almaty;

– October-November: solo concerts in Tashkent, Irkutsk;

– December 10: presentation of the “Komsomolskaya Pravda” prize “Star of the Year” as part of the “Faces of the Year” campaign;

– December: release of the disc “Don’t hurt me, gentlemen” (“Union”).


– January: woman of 1995 according to a poll by VTsIOM (man of the year –);

– January-February: tour of the “Starry Summer” program in the USA;

– March 31: presentation of the “Star” award in the categories “Best Singer” and “Best Album of the Year” for 1995;

– September: release of a collection of 13 CDs (General Records);

– October: directing and staging solo concerts “Music for Men”;

– October 20: presentation as a producer of the prize for the best animated video “My Bunny” at the festival “Fantasy - 96”;

– December: filming of the TV movie “Old songs about the main thing - 2”.


– January: woman of 1996 according to a poll by VTsIOM (man of the year – A. Lebed);

– January 24: presentation of the prize from the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” in the category “Favorite Woman” as part of the “Faces of the Year” campaign;

– March: presentation of the “Golden Apple” prize at the “Generation – 96” festival for the best supporting role in the video “My Bunny”;

– May 3: in the final of the Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin (Ireland), Alla Pugacheva performed the song “Primadonna” (15th place out of 25 countries);

– May: participation in the TV show “An Evening with Leo” /Holland/;

– June: presentation of the prize of the “Master Class” festival in the “People’s Love” nomination /St. Petersburg/;

– December: filming in the TV movie “Old Songs about the Main Thing – 3”;


– January: woman of 1997 according to a poll by VTsIOM (man of the year – B. Nemtsov);

– March 17: establishment and press conference of the Public Creative Confederation (co-chairman);

– August 27: laying a slab with the name of Alla Pugacheva and a concert in Atkarsk (Saratov region);


– April 15: awarding the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, 2nd degree, in connection with the 50th anniversary;

– December: concerts in Greece, filming “Christmas meetings visiting Alla Pugacheva.”

year 2000

– January: release of the photo album “Star Couple”;

– November 18: award ceremony of the “Russian Radio” “Golden Gramophone” prize for the song “Madame Broshkina”, co-director of the “Golden Gramophone” award ceremony of the “Russian Radio”;

– December: filming of the TV movie “Old songs about the main thing. P.S";

year 2001

– April 24: the single “Madame Broshkina” received the “Record – 2001” award at the ceremony of the same name as the best single of the year;

– May 25: Ovation Award as the best singer of the decade, Ovation Award for the song “Love Like a Dream” as best song decades;

– May 30: concert in Kharkov, Alla Pugacheva in the top ten Russians of Volgodsky regional competition"Hero of the Century";

– June 1: Prize named after. Svyatoslav Fedorov “For noble thoughts and worthy deeds” in the “Culture” nomination;

– June 29: the Alla Pugachova trademark was recognized as the best in the category “The most effective use of a star’s name in a trademark” at the International Trade Forum MIBA and NTA;

– August: awarding the “International Order of Merit in the Field of Music and the Arts” from the International Cambridge Biographical Center, awarding the personalized medal “2000 Outstanding Musicians of the 20th Century” from the International Cambridge Biographical Center;


– May 29: solo concert in Makhachkala, awarding the title “Honorary Citizen of the City of Makhachkala”;

– July 7: participation in the opening of the Slavic Bazaar festival in Vitebsk, presentation by the President of Belarus special award– Prize “Through Art to Peace and Understanding”;



– December-April: co-host (with) the show “Two Stars”;

– March 3: meeting with the Governor of St. Petersburg (discussion of the construction of the cultural center “Song Theater” in St. Petersburg);

– July 11-September 21: every Saturday at the All-Russian Exhibition Center there was a show “Dancing Fountains”, the program “Invitation to Sunset from Radio Alla” based on the songs of Alla Pugacheva;

Big love

On December 23, 2011, Alla Borisovna became the wife of a comedian and showman. On her wedding day, Pugacheva admitted that before that they had lived happily under the same roof for ten years. On September 18, 2013, the loving husband and wife gave birth to children - twins Harry and Lisa. A surrogate mother carried a cute boy and a charming girl for the star family.

News from Alla Borisovna Pugacheva

Philip Kirkorov shared with fans his plans for the future of his daughter Alla-Victoria. The singer admitted that he would really like his baby to grow up and live according to the human and life principles of his ex-wife A...

On September 18, 2017, Lisa and Harry Galkin, children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin, celebrated their 4th birthday. Kristina Orbakaite shared photos and videos of this wonderful event....

Photos of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva


Oleg (Moscow)

I love Alla Pugacheva’s old songs and don’t listen to new ones at all. Alla is very tired of this cockerel around her, the muse cannot push her way to Borisovna’s crown through the crowd of slurpers and mediocrities. ) And Kristinka has suffered half her life from the stress of the crowd staring at the queen’s granddaughter... After all, it’s clear that she doesn’t like the stage, she’s afraid of falling through the floor from shame because she can’t sing like her mother... Alla Borisovna, let her go, let her act better in films, she can do it. And even a hairdresser can sing nowadays, if he has enough chutzpah.

2017-03-27 22:37:02

Stas (Chelyabisk)

Thank you, Alla, for your creativity! Your new songs are light and danceable! Don't listen to any imaginary heroes, defenders of the "New Year's lights". Create!!!

2017-01-15 08:07:59

Igor (Sochi)

We love and are waiting for new songs!!! Come on, Allah, surprise us for the New Year!

2016-11-16 12:51:57

Avarov A.E. (Moscow)

Pugacheva... This singer is for those who have brains, imagination and good taste! Allah, burn!

2016-04-22 16:58:14

Vlad (Moscow)

Pugacheva will never become outdated! Thank you for the song "Don't Let Me Go"! It is a masterpiece! We are waiting for new songs and videos!

2016-03-22 11:20:22

Dima (Nizhny Tagil)

Pugacheva is the greatest singer on earth!!! And she has no equal!!! Tina Turner nervously smokes on the sidelines!!!

2016-03-17 06:48:01

Vlasov (Moscow)

Pugacheva rules! And everything fades!

2016-03-12 19:41:35

Igor (Moscow)

We were at the anniversary of R. Pauls. Pugacheva is a sorceress. It wasn't like that before. And then she came out - and the fun began! Thank you for the song "Native Land". She was number one and will remain so! Bravo, Allah!!!

2016-02-28 10:08:05

Alexander Richik (Kaluga)

Well done, master!!!

2016-02-04 21:09:05

Irina (Stavropol)

Eternally young and interesting, ambitious and pretentious, our almighty and adored Alla! Long summer!

2016-01-30 18:23:11

AB (Chelyabinsk)

Pugacheva will still be interesting at 100 years old! And all these young singers in panties are just so that they can “eat” with their eyes and... forget!

2015-11-14 19:35:02

Muranovs (Moscow)

Pugacheva on the “New Wave” was magnificent! Thank you, Alla, for a new round of your creativity!

2015-11-09 10:54:22

Lysakova Irina (Moscow)

Hieromonk Anthony in a petition to Patriarch of All Rus' Kirill: “Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, of course, main woman and singer of the main and best country in the world, Russia. Couldn't you say it better Why such a low rating?

2015-10-28 11:22:42

Lysakova Irina (Moscow)

I enjoyed watching Alla Borisovna Pugacheva’s performance on “New Wave”. She has no equal. All our other singers care about her like they care about the moon.

2015-10-27 20:23:56

Lysakova Irina (Moscow)

Favorite singer and actress. I'm looking forward to her performance at the New Wave in Sochi.

2015-09-05 18:50:08

Saida (Baku)

I have always loved her and her songs and will continue to love her

2015-06-21 17:03:30

Lysakova Irina (Moscow)

I bow, love and respect these women. May God bless her and her loved ones. It's a shame that she stopped performing.

2015-06-18 18:26:24

Polina (Angarsk)

Alla Borisovna, I adore you. I was going to go to you when I was 3 years old. I love you! I am already 9 years old and I still continue to love you!! And I would like to come and visit you...

2015-06-18 06:45:08

Valery (Chelyabinsk)

2015-06-17 18:25:40

Lysakova Irina (Moscow)

The best singer was and is. God bless her.

2015-06-02 07:50:47

Lysakova Irina (Moscow)

Favorite singer, best prima donna.

2015-05-20 11:33:16

Irina (Smolensk)

I just saw on television that a program about Alla Borisovna’s children is being prepared or has already been prepared (I’m a business person and I don’t sit in front of the TV, it just so happened). And she noticed how slowly and reluctantly the prima donna moved. Her appearance is excellent, but her movement does not match, she does not fly. But I want to offer help. 7 days and your legs and joints will wear you like feathers. And the desire to live and work as God commanded - a person should live from 100 years to 800. In health and full sanity. This is real and I am ready to help you. No surgeries or medications. Write your solution.

2015-05-13 22:19:05

Maksimenko Sergey (Chesma)

Alla Borisovna, God bless you, Maxim and your children.

2015-05-06 07:35:48

Corhunova (Moscow)

I love Alla Pugacheva! No matter what happens in her personal life, she is the best artist!

2015-05-03 13:25:44

Lysakova Irina (Moscow)

Alla Pugacheva was and will be the best.

2015-05-02 18:10:09

Pudovkin (Moscow)

Pugacheva is the standard of bad taste, the standard of tenderness, the standard of dirt, the standard of femininity. What kind of standards were not assigned to her during her life. But living in such a way that you are considered a standard is not given to everyone! Make us happy, the standard of Pugachev, and irritate those for whom you are the standard of vulgarity.

2015-05-01 17:51:16

Svetlana (Ekaterinburg)

I adore all creativity, although there are songs in the repertoire that are not of her level, but... Just the intro of the song - and it’s already mesmerizing, you dissolve in the music and forget about everything. There is no such feeling from any artist. Pugacheva has some kind of captivating magic, after her concert you don’t immediately come to your senses - the energy is so powerful. No matter who she is, no matter how she lives, her talent cannot be taken away, she is my idol, I adore her work. I was afraid to even touch her when I was at the last performance in 2009. May she live long and not fade, may she please you with her voice. I follow and know a lot about her. My daughter gave me 2 volumes of her books. I love and admire you very much.

Alla Pugacheva is a unique phenomenon on the Russian stage. At various times, as many books, films, television programs and jokes were dedicated to her as no other political or cultural figure has received in the last fifty years. The biography of Alla Borisovna is difficult to present in one article. But the most striking events of creative and life path cult singer, it’s still possible.

Childhood, family

Alla was born in Moscow. Her parents were people far from art, although they regularly participated in amateur performances. Mother Zinaida Arkhipovna worked at a factory. Father - Boris Mikhailovich Pugachev worked all his life at one of the Moscow factories. When her daughter was five years old, she was enrolled in a music school to study piano.

The future star was distinguished from an early age by his wayward character. In an interview, Alla Pugacheva once claimed that during her school years she was an exemplary student. However, the authors of biographies of the prima donna all as one claim that the future singer was not assiduous and had three marks in her certificate.

However, serious piano practice requires a certain amount of persistence. Alla Pugacheva not only successfully graduated from music school, but also continued her education in this field. And therefore, perhaps, the opinion regarding dark spots in early biography singer is somewhat exaggerated.

The singer was a child of the post-war era. Parents were constantly absent from work. The girl was often left to her own devices. This could not but affect his character. Alla Pugacheva is already in early years I learned to stand up for myself. IN later life These skills were extremely useful to her.

First performances, songs

In 1964, Alla Pugacheva entered the music school. School teachers predicted her a career as a pianist. She chose the specialty of a choral conductor. After graduating from college, she could work as a singing teacher, teach solfeggio, or conduct a children's choir. But already during her studies she traveled with performances as part of musical group.

Until 1976, Pugacheva went on tour as part of the popular musical ensemble. Right to solo performances she received after the reporting concert in Luzhniki

Alla Pugacheva was in her second year of music school when she was first invited to go on tour. As part of a pop ensemble, she traveled around the country, mainly to the northern cities of the Soviet Union. And upon my return I recorded my first song. The composition was called "Robot".

Until her last year, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva traveled with concerts. Touring life led to the fact that she was not allowed to take state exams. Get a diploma about music education succeeded after six months.


In 1969, Alla Pugacheva got a job at a circus school as a soloist and accompanist. There the young singer met her future husband. How many times Pugacheva was married, only the most devoted fans of her biography know for sure. The names of the spouses are also not familiar to everyone. The name of the prima donna’s first husband is known thanks to her famous daughter, singer and actress Kristina Orbakaite. His name is Mykolas Orbakas.

The early period of Pugacheva’s biography is extremely eventful. As, indeed, in subsequent years. She worked briefly at the School of Circus and Variety Arts, then for only a few months at the Lipetsk Philharmonic, and then became a soloist of the VIA “Moskvichi”. As for family relationships, here the Russian pop star also did not show constancy. In 1969, Alla Borisovna married a circus performer. Two years later she gave birth to a daughter, and a year later she got divorced.

It's no secret that a certain man plays a certain role in the career of every successful woman. Climb Star Olympus Pugacheva was helped by cooperation with two talented people: composer Pauls and poet Reznik. Rumor attributed Pugacheva to a love affair with both the first and the second. However, the singer was connected with the Baltic composer only by her love of music. With the poet - work and long-term friendship. Pugacheva once quarreled with the author of the music for a song about a poor artist who spent his last savings on buying flowers for his beloved. For many years, Pauls stopped all communication with the singer.

Photo: Alla Pugacheva, Reznik and Pauls
Alla Pugacheva's candidacy for the international song competition "Golden Orpheus" was proposed by the then famous pianist Orbelyan. The singer chose the song “Harlequin”. The Bulgarian public liked the young singer’s performance so much that she was called for an encore. The Orpheus figurine went to the Soviet singer. Since then, "Harlequin" has become a hit. And Pugacheva is a real star.


Alla Pugacheva tried herself in films several times. Her first work was the main role in the film “The Woman Who Sings.” It’s hardly possible to call Pugacheva a talented actress. It is also difficult to classify the above-mentioned film into the category of high cinema. However, the role of Anna Streltsova was actively discussed by both critics and viewers.

Alla Borisovna Pugacheva is a Russian pop prima donna, People's Artist of the USSR, performer of more than 500 songs in 8 languages, actress, presenter and music producer.

Alla Pugacheva's childhood

Alla Pugacheva was born in Moscow on April 15, 1949. Her parents, Zinaida Arkhipovna Odegova and Boris Mikhailovich Pugachev, were front-line soldiers; After the war, Alla’s mother got a job in the factory’s personnel department, and her father began his career at a shoe factory and quickly rose to the position of sales director.

The eldest child of Zinaida and Boris, Gennady, died of diphtheria. The girl, who was born two years later, was named in honor of the Moscow Art Theater actress Alla Tarasova. A year after the birth of their daughter, another child appeared in the Pugachev family, a boy, Evgeniy.

Music became a part of Alla Pugacheva’s life even before the girl entered the first grade of secondary school. In 1954, Zinaida invited a music teacher home to test the children for musical abilities. Evgeny did not show himself in any way, but Alla was found to have perfect hearing. Since then, Alla was literally “haunted” by the piano - she had to spend three hours at the instrument every day. However, the little girl’s perseverance quickly bore first fruit - a few months later she was already performing on the stage of the columned hall of the House of Unions. In 1956, it was decided to send the girl to a music school at the school named after M.M. Ippolitova-Ivanov.

That same year, little Alla Pugacheva went to school. The lively red-haired girl quickly got the nickname “Sergeant Major,” which means “senior sergeant.” Both the yard hooligans and the bullies from school knew that it was better not to mess with this wayward girl, who could put a button on the teacher’s chair or coat the chalkboard with wax - it would be more expensive for herself.

Alla Pugacheva's first performances

In 1964, Alla Pugacheva graduated from eight classes of secondary school No. 496 and, by that time already firmly knowing that she would become a singer, she entered the conducting and choral department of the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music School.

Carefree student life began - Alla and her classmates loved to gather at one of the guys’ apartments to chat and discuss last news, drink wine and smoke a cigarette or two. Despite the girl’s love for a fun pastime, her record was full of A’s.

In 1965, sophomore Alla Pugacheva went on her first tour in her life as part of the troupe of Alexander Levenbuk and Alexander Livshits. Upon her return, she recorded her debut song - the composition “Robot” based on the poems of Mikhail Tanich, presented on the air of the “Good Morning” program.

Alla Pugacheva’s first song is “Robot”, 1965

In 1966, Alla Pugacheva's collaboration with composer Vladimir Shainsky began. He wrote several songs for the singer, of which the public especially loved the compositions “Blackbirds,” “How can I fall in love,” and “Don’t argue with me.” The last two became winners in the All-Union Radio competition for the title of “Song of the Month”. A few years later, he wrote music for the musical audio fairy tale “Twice two is four,” in which the voices of Alla Pugacheva and Eduard Khil sounded.

Soon the singer joined the propaganda team of the Yunost radio station and for the next year and a half traveled around the Arctic and the Far North with a repertoire consisting of three songs: “The Only Waltz”, “I Just Love Very Much” and “The King, the Flower Girl and the Jester”.

The beginning of Alla Pugacheva’s professional development

Returning to Moscow in March 1968, Alla Pugacheva was unable to pass her final exams, since a long absence could not but affect her performance. The singer went to practice at Moscow secondary school No. 621. At this school, Alla, who received the nickname “Alka the Shouter” from her students for her loud voice, worked as a music teacher for five months. And already in June 1969 she passed her final exams (under her conductor the student choir sang two songs: “Lullaby” and “White Birch”), receiving a diploma of secondary specialized education.

However, Alla Pugacheva did not intend to become the director of the choir. After graduating from the “Hippolyte”, she was called as an accompanist to the brigade of the circus school. The team, consisting of singers, musicians and magicians, had to travel around the villages and entertain the village workers with musical and circus acts. Among the members of the brigade was the clown Mykolas Orbakas, whom the girl married in October 1969.

After marriage, Pugacheva recorded a duet with Yuri Yakovlev for the film “The Deer King”, left the brigade and became the lead singer of the group “New Electron”. A year later, she became a soloist of Rosconcert, then joined Oleg Lundstrem’s pop orchestra, and in 1974 became a soloist of the VIA “Jolly Fellows” under the direction of Pavel Slobodkin. During this period (since 1972) her collaboration with songwriter Ilya Reznik began, which lasted until the mid-90s.

As part of the group, the singer received first place at the Golden Orpheus festival with the song “Harlequin”. The composition was a reworking of the song of the same name by Bulgarian singer Emil Dimitrov with Russian-language lyrics, a new arrangement and sound effects in the form of laughter in the background. When, a year after the recording, Alla Pugacheva went on tour to Bulgaria, the audience clapped admiringly and called the singer for an encore.

Alla Pugacheva - “Harlekino”, 1975

“Harlequin” took Alla Pugacheva’s career to a new level. In 1976 she performed at music festival in Cannes on the same stage with VIA “Pesnyary”, and composer Mikael Tariverdiev invited her to record the soundtrack to Eldar Ryazanov’s film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”

In the summer of the same year, the artist recorded a short record with “Jolly Fellows”, after which she left the group and began singing in the orchestra under the direction of Konstantin Orbelyan.

A month later, Alla Pugacheva’s future second husband (by that time the singer had divorced Orbakas), director Alexander Stefanovich, convinced the singer to leave the orchestra. In winter, the girl won the “Song of the Year-76” award with the composition “Very Good” and for the first time became the host of “ Blue light”, performing the song “I Like” on the New Year’s broadcast together with Barbara Brylska.

Solo career of Alla Pugacheva

At the beginning of 1977, Alla Pugacheva began working on creating the image of an independent singer. The girl starred in the leading role in Alexander Orlov’s film “The Woman Who Sings.” Even those who were not interested in the work and life of Alla Pugacheva guessed that the story of pop singer Anna Streltsova is largely autobiographical. After the premiere of the film, the singer was assigned the pseudonym “the woman who sings,” she was awarded the title “Best Actress of the Year,” and the robe in which Alla appeared in the film became her business card.

In the spring of 1978, Alla Pugacheva presented to the people of the USSR her first solo album, “Mirror of the Soul,” on the recording of which composers Alexander Zatsepin, Mark Minkov, Boris Rychkov worked (he wrote the music for the hit “Kings Can Do Anything”), as well as Alla Borisovna herself (under named after Boris Gorbonos).

A year later, the singer recorded her second solo album, “Harlequin and Others,” performed with Joe Dassin at the opening of the Cosmos Hotel, went on tour in near and far abroad, and was also cast in the leading role in the new project of her husband [Alexander Stefanovich] – picture about dramatic fate pop singer with the working title “Recital”. On initial stage filming, the management of the Mosfilm studio suspended the singer due to a scandal on the set. This led to a rift in relations with Stefanovic, and in December 1980 the couple filed for divorce. As for the fate of "Recital", the film was later released under the title "Soul" with another leading actress - Sofia Rotaru.

At the turn of the 70s and 80s, Alla Pugacheva unwittingly became the cause of a wave of murders that swept across the USSR. In 1975, a certain Anatoly Nagiyev, a 17-year-old native of the Irkutsk region, was sent to a colony for rape. In the meager prison music library there was only one cassette - Alla Pugacheva, whose songs soon literally drove him crazy: he began to hear the singer’s voice in his head and soon became obsessed with the idea of ​​​​sending Alla to the next world. Once free, he, with manic persistence, prepared an assassination attempt on Pugacheva, simultaneously stabbing to death six women who reminded him of the Diva. With the help of criminal investigation officers, the maniac was caught in September 1980, while the superstar had no idea about the impending attack on her life.

“The investigation was carried out...”: episode about Anatoly Nagiyev

The years 1980–1981 brought the singer further achievements, among which was a new concert program“Singer’s Monologues”, two new albums (“Rise Above the Vanity” and “Whether There Will Be More”), as well as a creative union with composer Raymond Pauls, who gave the world the songs “It’s Time,” “Return,” “Without Me,” “ Maestro" and the immortal hit "A Million Scarlet Roses".

The latter was released as a separate mini-album, which sold 6 million copies and was heard far beyond the borders of the Soviet Union. Among foreigners, the song about a poor artist and a capricious actress was most loved in Japan. Five years later, Japanese singer Tokiko Kato covered the composition, and many residents of the country rising sun were convinced that the song was originally Japanese! For some time, this music was even heard at the Fukuyama train station, famous for its rose gardens.

Alla Pugacheva - “A Million Scarlet Roses” (“ New Year's attraction-82")

In 1981, the singer recorded her fifth studio album, “How troubling is this path,” and toured a number of countries in Eastern and Western Europe: the German Democratic Republic, Bratislava, Hungary, France, Italy and others. Abroad, Alla Pugacheva was called nothing less than “soviet superstar”.

The first hours of 1984 were marked by two new songs by Alla Pugacheva: “Iceberg” and “Tell me, birds,” which were performed on the air of the “New Year’s Attraction” show. They were included in Alla Borisovna’s new concert program “I came and I say”, which was soon “tested” in Scandinavian countries.

The beginning of the next period of Alla Borisovna’s work dates back to 1985. In the fall, the singer presented a new concert program “Alla Pugacheva Presents...”, held several joint concerts with Scandinavian groups (Swedish “Herreys” and Norwegian “Bobbysocks!”), American singer Dean Reed and German rock musician Udo Lindenberg, with whom Alla also recorded a joint bilingual album “Songs Instead of Letters” as part of establishing diplomatic relations between West and East Berlin.

The so-called “Baltic scandal”, the main figure of which was Alla Borisovna, is indirectly associated with the name of this German. In August 1987, on the stage of the Leningrad Sports and Concert Hall named after Lenin, a joint performance Lindenberg and Pugacheva as part of the concert program “Rock for a Nuclear Free World”. Due to a misunderstanding with booking a suite, the singer quarreled with the administrator of the Pribaltiyskaya Hotel, Nina Baykova, who promised to “find justice for the capricious singer” and filed a police report against Pugacheva.

The next morning, almost every newspaper, radio station and television channel in the USSR reported on the incident. Alla Borisovna was accused of “hooligan behavior”; letters from readers that came to the editorial office included demands to “tear off your tongue” and “fill your mouth with tar.” The singer's recordings were removed from broadcasting for several months. Even the fact that in September 1986, after the Chernobyl disaster, Alla Pugacheva courageously gave a free three-hour concert in the village of Cape Verde for the liquidators of the fire in the reactor did not save the situation. Then, performing the hit “Hey, you up there,” the singer added in the chorus: “Why did they blow up the station?”, addressing the reproach to the party leadership...

However, in December 1987, Alla’s songs returned to the airwaves, and in October 1988, the singer, who by that time had changed her style to a more “rock and roll” one, was already shining on the stage of New York’s Carnegie Hall. Upon her return, she founded her own Song Theater, appointing her third husband, producer Evgeniy Boldin, as its director.

During this period, the singer came up with the idea of ​​​​creating an annual song festival, where the students of her theater could demonstrate their successes. All she needed was an excuse to create a tradition, and it dawned on Alla Borisovna - Christmas! This is how “Christmas meetings with Alla Pugacheva” were born, since then almost every year they have been held in December before Catholic Christmas. Participants in the first festival were Alexander Gradsky, Vladimir Presnyakov Sr., Igor Kornelyuk and other Soviet pop stars.

In December 1991, the day before the collapse of the Soviet Union, Alla Pugacheva was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. She became one of the last creative figures to be awarded this title.

Alla Pugacheva in new times

With the country's entry into new era changes began in the life of Alla Borisovna. In 1992, the Song Theater was replaced by the commercial company Alla, whose first product was the perfume of the same name. Soon the singer unsuccessfully invested the borrowed money in financial pyramid"Vlastilina". In December 1993, Alla Pugacheva separated from Evgeniy Boldin; in the same month, the first issue of Alla magazine, edited by Pugacheva, was published, and the singer herself was recognized as a woman of the century according to the readers of Sobesednik magazine.

In the spring of 1994, the singer married Philip Kirkorov, and in the summer of 1995 she went to sabbatical, finally telling the public: “A place on the pedestal has become vacant. Who wants to stand?" Soon she turned to record company“Union” with a proposal to publish an album, which should become the final milestone of her singing career.

In December 1995, the singer presented her thirteenth solo album, “Don’t Hurt Me, Gentlemen,” which included 18 compositions, including the hits “Mary,” “Real Colonel,” and “Love Like a Dream.”

In May 1997, the singer returned to the stage as part of the Eurovision Song Contest, where she represented Russia with the song “Primadonna”. Alas, the composition took only 15th place out of 25, perhaps because Valery Meladze, who was supposed to perform the “male” part, was unable to get to Eurovision due to illness. In November of the same year, Alla officially returned to the stage.

Alla Pugacheva at Eurovision, 1997

In 1998, the newly minted Diva of Russian pop music released her 14th solo album, “Yes!” with a track list of 14 compositions, including “Diva” in French and “Calm down”, performed in a duet with Joseph Kobzon.

In 1999, Russian President Boris Yeltsin personally awarded Alla Borisovna the Order of the II degree “For Services to the Fatherland.”

In 2002, the Prima Donna recorded a joint album, “Was there a boy?” with singer Lyubasha (Tatyana Zaluzhnaya). The list of new compositions included a duet with Maxim Galkin “Be or not be.”

The next six years passed in constant turmoil of creativity: the singer actively collaborated with Igor Krutoy, starred in the film “Chasing Two Hares” with Galkin and Andrei Danilko, released three new albums (“Water Bus”, “Live in Peace, Country!” and “Invitation” at sunset") and took the participants of the fifth season of “Star Factory” under her wing. Among Alla Borisovna's favorites were young Victoria Daineko, Ruslan Masyukov and Natalya Podolskaya.

Alla Pugacheva at the “Star Factory-5”

After the concert on March 4, 2010, held in the capital of Bulgaria as part of the final international tour “Dreams of Love,” Alla Borisovna announced the cessation of concert activities.

“Dreams of Love”, farewell concert of Alla Pugacheva. TV version

However, even after these words, the Prima Donna remained the most important figure in national stage: she wrote lyrics for other performers (for example, Alla came up with the words of the song “My Girl” for Soso Pavliashvili), was a frequent guest on entertainment and analytical programs, chaired the jury of the show “Factor A”, which glorified Evgenia Otradnaya and Nikolai Timokhin, hosted the program "Morning Post".

Personal life of Alla Pugacheva

In 1969, Alla Pugacheva married Lithuanian circus artist Mykolas Edmundas Orbakas, her colleague at the circus school. did not break tradition and already in early years

took place as a musician and singer of the alternative group “MULTIVERSE”. Christina gave Alla Borisovna two more grandchildren - a boy Denis and a girl Claudia.

Officially, Evgeniy and Alla formalized their relationship in 1985, although before that they had already lived together for quite a long time. According to Boldin, the stamp in the passport cast a shadow on their relationship - he began to realize that his wife, in principle, was outside the concept of “family.” The couple began to live separately, but maintained friendly relations and continued to conduct joint activities.

Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov met back in 1976, when nine-year-old Filya came with his dad to the Kremlin Christmas tree. Of course, on the main thing children's event Pugacheva also spoke in the capital. After the concert, Shainsky approached Alla: “Alla, Bedros’s son is there, your admirer. Give him an autograph!

From that moment on, the boy, who had fallen madly in love with the diva, firmly decided that one day he would marry Alla Pugacheva. One could attribute this to childhood fantasies, but having already established himself as a singer, Kirkorov did not give up trying to win the heart of his beloved since participating in the first “Christmas Meetings” in 1988. In December 1993, the Diva gave up - at a party of the Na-Na group, she accepted her favorite yellow roses from the hands of a two-meter-tall handsome Bulgarian and immediately publicly announced her upcoming engagement, surprising not only her colleagues and close friends, but also Kirkorov himself, and Soon she officially ended her relationship with Boldin.

Despite the fact that Pugacheva’s fourth husband was 18 years younger, their relationship developed very happily until in 2001 Alla Pugacheva met a young parodist and TV presenter Maxim Galkin. Ironically, it was Philip who introduced them to each other at the Slavic Bazaar festival in Vitebsk. From that moment on, Alla began to move away from her husband, and in March 2005, Alla and Philip secretly divorced. In 2009, the singer dedicated the touching song “Alla” to his ex-wife.

The age difference between Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin is 27 years, but this did not become an obstacle for the lovers. Although their romance began in 2001, the official wedding ceremony took place only in December 2011. The couple purchased a castle in the village of Gryaz, where they lived together with their newborn twins Lisa and Harry, who were born in September 2013 with the help of a surrogate mother.

Alla Borisovna Pugacheva (born April 15, 1949, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer-songwriter, pop director, producer, film actress and TV presenter. People's Artist of the USSR (1991). Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1995).

Her repertoire includes more than 500 songs in Russian, English, German, French, Hebrew, Finnish, and Ukrainian.

Pugacheva's discography includes more than 100 solo records, CDs and DVDs. In addition to Russia and the countries of the former USSR, Pugacheva’s albums were published in Japan, Korea, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria. Total circulation discs exceeded 250 million copies.

Alla Pugacheva’s career is marked by both all-Union and international success at music scene in Europe, Asia and North America. Nowadays she is called “Diva”, “Variety Queen”, “Russia’s Main Singer”.

From 1976 to the early 1990s, according to the results of surveys of all-Union music charts, she was invariably recognized as the best singer of the year. In the foreign press of 1970-1980, she was repeatedly recognized as the No. 1 star of the Soviet stage, “soviet superstar”.

Alla Borisovna Pugacheva was born on April 15, 1949 in Moscow. She spent her entire childhood in Moscow at the Peasant Outpost on Zontochny Lane.

Alla Pugacheva's parents Zinaida Arkhipovna Odegova and Boris Mikhailovich Pugachev met in 1946. Both were front-line soldiers. In 1946, the couple got married, and in 1947 their first child, Gennady, was born. The child was sickly and died a few months after birth.

In 1949, they had a daughter, whom they named after the Moscow Art Theater actress Alla Tarasova.

In 1954, as a five-year-old child, little Alla appeared on stage for the first time. She took part in a large concert in the column hall of the House of Unions.

In 1956, at the age of 7, her parents sent their daughter to music school No. 31 at the Music College named after. M. M. Ippolitova-Ivanova. In the same year, she went to first grade at Moscow secondary school No. 496. Despite the fact that Pugacheva repeatedly stated in her interviews that she was an excellent student at school, she had B’s and even C’s in her certificate (in geography, chemistry, foreign language, drawing, physical education).

Pugacheva grew up in a post-war courtyard environment. As some biographers note, this affected her character. Classmates recalled that during her school years Pugacheva had behavior problems. For her wayward character and ability to stand up for herself in the yard and school, she was given the nickname Feldwebel. At the age of 14 she started smoking.

In 1964, Pugacheva graduated from a music school in piano and 8th grade of high school and entered the Music College named after. M. M. Ippolitova-Ivanova. Despite the fact that still in music school Pugacheva was promised a future as a pianist; she chose the conducting and choral department.

In November 1965, as a second-year student at the school, Pugacheva went on her first tour with Mosestrada as part of the national team variety program A. Livshits and A. Levenbuk “Bang-Bang, or Satirical shots at misses.” Performances took place in the Kirov, Perm, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen and Omsk regions. Upon returning from a trip in December 1965 for the program “Good Morning!” All-Union Radio she recorded her first song “Robot”.

At the beginning of 1966, the little-known composer Vladimir Shainsky approached Pugacheva. He invited the singer to record several of his songs: “How could I fall in love,” “Don’t argue with me,” “Blackbirds.” Soon, “How can I fall in love” and “Don’t argue with me” became winners in the “Song of the Month” competition held on the All-Union Radio.

On May 9, 1967, Pugacheva made her first appearance on television. IN live for the festive release of the children's television program “Alarm Clock”, she performed the song “Coming from the Cinema” (music by B. Savelyev, lyrics by I. Kashezheva).

In August 1967, Pugacheva became a member of the propaganda team of the Yunost radio station and went on a tour of the Tyumen region on a boat along the Irtysh and Ob rivers. As part of the propaganda team, Pugacheva spoke to geologists, oil workers, geophysicists, drillers, builders and reindeer herders of the Far North. She performed 3 songs: “The King, the Flower Girl and the Clown” (Vladimir Shainsky), “I Just Love You Very Much” (Karina Filippova) and “The Only Waltz” (her own composition).

In the winter of 1968, Pugacheva again went on a trip to the Arctic as part of the propaganda team of the Yunost radio station. The tour took place in Yamal and Novaya Zemlya, Tyumen, Salekhard, Nefteyugansk, Urengoy, Surgut and other cities of the Far North. Also, as part of Pugacheva’s brigade, she performed at the Inguri hydroelectric station. With short breaks, she toured until March 1968.

Long tours, and as a result, long absences from school, had a negative impact on Pugacheva’s educational process. Because of this, in May 1968 she was not allowed to take the final state exams and she did not receive a diploma. By decision of the school management, she was sent for an internship as a music and singing teacher at Moscow secondary school No. 621.

In May 1969, she passed the state exams and graduated from the conducting and choral department of the music school with a degree in “Choir conducting” with the qualifications “Choir conductor”, “Singing teacher in a secondary school”, “Solfege teacher in a children’s music school”.

In April 1969, Pugacheva got a job as a soloist and accompanist at the State School of Circus and Variety Arts (GUTSEI). There she met circus clown Mykolas Orbakas, her future husband. In the summer of 1969, Pugacheva, with students from the State Central Economics Institute, including Orbakas, went on tour to the regions of central Russia as part of the national pop program “Paper Boat”.

On October 8, 1969, Pugacheva married Mykolas Orbakas. In her marriage to him, she officially bore the surname Orbakiene, but performed at concerts under her maiden name Pugacheva.

Alla Pugacheva and Mykolas Orbakas

Alla Pugacheva and Mykolas Orbakas with their daughter Kristina in April 2015

In October 1969, Pugacheva resigned from GUTSEI and got a job at the Lipetsk Philharmonic as a soloist of the VIA “New Electron” under the direction. Valeria Prikazchikova. In addition to concerts in Lipetsk, the Lipetsk region and nearby regions, Pugacheva, as part of the ensemble, toured many small towns, towns and villages of the Far North in the Arkhangelsk region, the Komi and Karelia republics.

In August 1970, Pugacheva resigned from the Lipetsk Philharmonic and the New Electron VIA. She got a job at Rosconcert as a soloist of the Moscow Regional Philharmonic, where her husband Mykolas Orbakas worked at that time. From the Philharmonic, together with her husband, Pugacheva performed in concerts throughout Siberia and Far East, and in new year holidays they earned money playing New Year's parties in kindergartens in the Moscow region.

Pugacheva performed until she was 7 months pregnant, and only in March 1971 she resigned from the Philharmonic and went on maternity leave.

After giving birth, Pugacheva lived for some time in her husband’s homeland in Lithuania in the city of Palanga.

She did not stay on maternity leave for long, and 6 months after giving birth, in November 1971 she became a soloist of the VIA “Moskvichi” under the direction of. Gennady Puzyrev. As part of the ensemble, she performed with soloists Yuliy (July) Slobodkin, Oleg Ukhnalev and Georgy Mamikonov.

However, Pugacheva worked at VIA “Muscovites” for only two months and in January 1972, after leaving the ensemble, she became a soloist in a pop jazz orchestra under the direction of. Oleg Lundstrem (Rosconcert). As a member of the orchestra, she took part in the concert program of the orchestra “We are 15 years old” and toured many major cities of the USSR, and on September 14-28, 1972, her first foreign tour took place: she took part in the jazz festival “Jazz Jamboree” in Warsaw (Poland ), as well as in concerts around the cities of Poland.

In October 1972, while on tour in Leningrad, Pugacheva met songwriter Ilya Reznik, who offered her the song “Let’s Sit and Eat.”

In May 1973, Pugacheva left the Lundström orchestra and again became a soloist of the Moscow Regional Philharmonic, where her husband Mykolas Orbakas still worked. As a soloist of the Philharmonic, Pugacheva worked in the genre of children's songs, in particular, she recorded songs with Eduard Khil for the children's musical audio play “Twice two is four.”

In November 1973, Pugacheva divorced Mykolas Orbakas and left the Moscow Regional Philharmonic.

She got a job at the Mosconcert and became a soloist of the updated composition of VIA"Muscovites" under the management. Vitaly Kretyuk. As part of the ensemble, she performed in Moscow and other cities of the USSR. On May 14, 1974, at the Moscow Palace of Culture of Zheleznodorozhnikov, the premiere of the ensemble’s concert program “You, Me and the Song” took place, directed by Naum Brod, and soloists by Alla Pugacheva and Yuliy Slobodkin. They sang mainly as a duet, although Pugacheva also had several solo numbers. Until October 1974, Pugacheva and Slobodkin performed this program at concert venues in Moscow in the first part of concerts by Roman Kartsev and Viktor Ilchenko, as well as other more famous stars.

In October 1974, Pugacheva took part in the V All-Union Competition of Variety Artists with the songs “Let’s Sit and Eat” and “Ermolova from Chistye Prudy.”

Based on the results of Pugacheva’s performance, they refused to award a prize, but jury members Joseph Kobzon, Gelena Velikanova and Konstantin Orbelyan insisted that the young soloist not be ignored. As a result, under their pressure, the remaining members of the jury nevertheless agreed to award Pugacheva the “consolation” third prize, which she shared along with Shaigen Ayrumyan, Boris Lechtlaan, Sergei Moroz, and thus became the winner of the competition. The first prize was received by Valery Chemodanov and Renat Ibragimov. During this competition, Pugacheva met people who later played an important role in her creative biography- Evgeny Ginzburg, Raymond Pauls, Konstantin Orbelyan.

After participating in the V All-Union Competition of Variety Artists, Alla Pugacheva received an offer from the head of the VIA “Jolly Fellows” Pavel Slobodkin to become a soloist of his ensemble. Already in November 1974, she resigned from the VIA “Moskvichi” and became a soloist of the VIA “Jolly Fellows”. Since Pugacheva was a choir conductor by training and had good intonation, at first Slobodkin placed her backstage on backing vocals. However, soon Slobodkin began to assign Pugacheva two songs in the first part, and then two songs in both parts (the end of the first and the beginning of the second).

At the beginning of 1975, Pugacheva was chosen to represent the USSR at the XI international song competition “Golden Orpheus” in Bulgaria.

Initially, Georgy Minasyan was supposed to represent the USSR, but he was removed from participation due to suspicions of homosexuality. Konstantin Orbelyan proposed the candidacy of Alla Pugacheva to the Ministry of Culture, since she was a laureate of the all-Union competition. As a result, her candidacy was approved and in March 1975, Pugacheva began preparing for the competition.

She chose the song “Harlekino” by the Bulgarian author and performer Emil Dimitrov. Pavel Slobodkin made a new arrangement, Boris Barkas wrote Russian lyrics, and Pugacheva added laughter at the end of the choruses. In May 1975, she began to “test” the song at concerts.

Alla Pugacheva - Harlequin

On June 2, 1975, Pugacheva went to the Golden Orpheus. On June 4 she participated in the competition of new Bulgarian songs with the song “I want to see Leningrad again”, and on June 5 - in international competition performers with the songs “I Dream of You” and “Harlequin”.

The performance of “Harlequin” delighted the Bulgarian audience so much that Pugacheva had to repeat the song as an encore. Based on the results of the performance, the jury unanimously awarded Pugacheva Grand Prize festival - Grand Prix - a golden statuette of Orpheus.

On July 4, 1975, the festival broadcast Central television THE USSR. From that moment on, Pugacheva gained popularity in the Soviet Union, and the song “Harlequin” became her calling card.

Already on July 20, 1975, Pugacheva’s first solo release was released - the Harlequin EP, on which she was first presented as the only performer. The EP consisted of the popular songs “Harlequin”, “Let’s sit and relax” and “I dream of you”. The total circulation of the record was 14 million copies.

In the wake of Pugacheva’s success at the Golden Orpheus, throughout 1976 she was invited to prestigious international festivals.

In January 1976, she participated in the international music fair MIDEM in Cannes (France), where she was accompanied by VIA Pesnyary. Based on the results of the performance, Pugacheva was invited to tour in the USA.

In April 1976, Pugacheva and the “Jolly Fellows” went to the GDR on a month-long promotional tour for the ensemble’s upcoming tour. Despite the presence of the ensemble, all the attention of the public was actually given to her, and the ensemble itself was perceived as “an appendage to Pugacheva.” During the tour, she took part in many national concerts and popular programs on German television and radio, recorded the single “Harlekino”, and a documentary film was made about her.

In May-June 1976, Pugacheva and her ensemble toured the cities of Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria. In Czechoslovakia, Pugacheva was an honorary guest of the international festival "Bratislava Lyre", and in Bulgaria - an honorary guest of the "Golden Orpheus" festival. In August 1976, she performed as part of the concert of stars of the XVI International Song Festival “Sopot-76” in Poland. In September 1976, Pugacheva and her ensemble toured the cities of the GDR and took part in the Schlager Festival in Dresden.

At the end of 1975 - beginning of 1976, Pugacheva’s repertoire was significantly expanded with new songs. Over time, she began to be given a completely second part in the concerts of the “Jolly Fellows” and they gradually became almost an accompanying group for the singer. This caused dissatisfaction among many musicians, and then also among the leader of the ensemble, Pavel Slobodkin. On this basis, a conflict arose between Pugacheva and Slobodkin, and on September 30, 1976, she resigned from the ensemble and the Mosconcert.

After leaving the VIA “Jolly Fellows”, Pugacheva in October 1976 became a soloist of the Armenian Pop Symphony Orchestra under the direction of. Konstantin Orbelyan, listed in Rosconcert. As a member of the orchestra, she performed in group concerts at the Moscow State Central Concert Hall “Russia”, where she performed 4 songs. However, Pugacheva did not work in the Orbelyan orchestra for long.

In November 1976, Pugacheva met who would become her second husband (they were married 1977-1981).

Alla Pugacheva and Alexander Stefanovich

On the advice of Stefanovich, in December 1976, Pugacheva left Orbelyan’s team to start a solo career. She resigned from Rosconcert and again became a soloist of Mosconcert.

In 1976, Pugacheva first became a laureate of the Song of the Year festival. At the final concert of “Songs-76” she performed the popular song “Very Good” (music by A. Mazhukov, lyrics by D. Usmanov). At the same time, in 1976, Pugacheva first took part in the New Year’s television program “Blue Light”, not only as a performer, but also as a co-host of the program.

In December 1976 - January 1977, Pugacheva went on her first “test” solo tour to Kharkov.

Upon arrival, Pugacheva met the local ensemble “Rhythm” under the direction of. Alexandra Avilova and held their first performances with them. At the end of the tour, she offered the ensemble “Rhythm” permanent cooperation with her, and they agreed. Thus, the Kharkov ensemble became Pugacheva’s accompanying group until 1980.

In the winter of 1977, Pugacheva gave a reporting solo concert in Luzhniki, as a result of which she received a “red line” from the artistic council of the Mosconcert, giving the right to solo performances in the USSR and beyond. In 1977, Pugacheva became an independent solo singer.

During 1977, she held her first solo concerts in major cities of the USSR - Moscow, Tashkent, Leningrad, Tallinn, Riga and others. In May 1977, Pugacheva took part in the International Variety Spring festival in Poznan (Poland).

In September 1977, the musical melodrama film “The Third Love” was put into production, in which Pugacheva played the main role - singer Anna Streltsova. Later, on the advice of Pugacheva, the title of the film was changed to "The Woman Who Sings" on the title song.

Especially for filming this film, fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev created a loose hoodie dress for the singer. This robe allowed the singer to transform into various images- from the most comic to the most tragic, thereby creating the “Alla Pugacheva Theater”. As a result, Pugacheva left it for her concert performances. Subsequently, throughout creative career Dresses of this kind were one of the singer’s calling cards, an important detail of her stage image.

In May 1978, Pugacheva’s first solo studio album, “Mirror of the Soul,” was released. The album consisted of 16 recordings from 1975-1977, mainly by composer Alexander Zatsepin, as well as three songs by composer Alla Pugacheva (under the pseudonym Boris Gorbonos) and one song each by Boris Rychkov and Mark Minkov. At the end of the 1970s, the album became one of the best-selling albums in the USSR; several export versions were released with a list of songs in English, French, and Spanish. In addition, the album was published abroad in Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia.

In 1978, Pugacheva continued to tour actively, giving concerts in the USSR and abroad. During a concert in Minsk in May 1978, British producers invited the singer to perform on July 4, 1978 in a joint concert with Carlos Santana, Joan Baez and other Western stars in Leningrad on Palace Square. However, this concert did not take place for ideological reasons. In the summer of 1978, Pugacheva resigned from the Mosconcert, and VIA “Rhythm” from the Kharkov Philharmonic. A single team was created on the basis of Rosconcert, Evgeniy Boldin became Pugacheva’s concert director, and in the future her third husband.

In August 1978, Pugacheva went to the Polish city of Sopot to participate in the II international song competition “Intervision-78”.

She performed the songs “Kings Can Do Anything” and “Shakespeare’s Sonnet No. 90.” The result of her performance was victory at the festival and triumph among the Polish public. She was awarded the Amber Nightingale Grand Prix and a cash prize of 20,000 zlotys, which she donated to the fund for the construction of the International Children's Health Center.

Alla Pugacheva in the image of Boris Gorbonos - her alter ego

The film attracted 54.9 million viewers and took first place in the Soviet film box office in 1979; According to the results of a survey by the magazine “Soviet Screen”, Pugacheva was named “Best Actress of the Year”. After its release, the film received many reviews and reviews in the press, both positive and negative, and caused heated controversy in society, but not so much around itself, but around the singer.

Alla Pugacheva - The Woman Who Sings

During 1979, Pugacheva visited the GDR three times, where she performed in national concerts and popular television programs. On July 5, 1979, in Moscow, she gave a joint concert with Joe Dassin on the occasion of the opening of the Cosmos Olympic Hotel. On August 25, 1979, Pugacheva, as an honored guest, performed at the gala concert of the III International Festival “Intervision-79” in Sopot (Poland).

In 1979, the singer’s second album “Harlequin and Others” was released., which included recordings from the period of work at the VIA “Jolly Fellows”. In 1980, two more albums by the singer were released: “Rise Above the Vanity,” consisting of songs from 1978-1979 by composer Pugacheva, and “It Will Be More,” with recordings from 1977-1979. In addition to these records, several singles were released, as well as albums in Japan, Finland, Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia.

In the first half of 1980, Pugacheva continued performing with the program “The Woman Who Sings” in Omsk, Baku, Warsaw and other cities of Poland, Leningrad. However, due to preparations for filming the film “Recital”, as well as the preparation of a new concert program for guests of the “Olympics-80”, Pugacheva toured relatively little. In May 1980, she took part in the song festival “International Pop Spring” in Poznan (Poland), as well as in several concerts as part of the “Days of USSR Culture in Poland”.

On June 14, 1980, Pugacheva gave her last performance with VIA “Rhythm”. On the basis of an unnamed ensemble led by Yu. Shakhnazarov and some musicians who came from Rhythm, she organized the Recital group. On July 21-25, 1980, at the Moscow Variety Theater, the singer gave concerts for foreign guests of the Olympics-80. These concerts became the first working together Pugacheva and the group “Recital”, which subsequently, until the end of her musical career in 2010, invariably remained her accompanying composition.

In August 1980, the singer began filming the film “Recital”. The film was directed by the singer’s husband, Alexander Stefanovich. The film was conceived as a musical drama about a singer who, at the peak of her popularity, loses her voice and is forced to quit the stage. However, at the initial stage of filming, Mosfilm management removed Pugacheva from participating in the film. The reason for this was the scandal she created on the set. This led to a breakdown in relations between Pugacheva and Stefanovich and a subsequent divorce.

Subsequently, with a slightly changed script and other songs, the film was released under the title “Soul” (1982). The main role in it was played by Sofia Rotaru.

Preparations for filming the film “Recital” and for concerts for guests of the “Olympics-80” took up a lot of Pugacheva’s time. The consequence of this was the singer’s rare appearance on television, which affected her popularity. For the first time in 4 years, Pugacheva did not become a laureate of the all-Union festival “Song of the Year”. In general, 1980 was a difficult and turning point in the singer’s creative and personal life, separating “Pugacheva of the 1970s” from “Pugacheva of the 1980s.”

On the night of December 31, 1980 to January 1, 1981, in the New Year’s television program “Blue Light”, Pugacheva performed the song “Maestro” to the music of the Latvian composer and poetry by Ilya Reznik. Thanks to this song, the creative tandem of Reznik-Pauls-Pugachev and such famous song works as “Antique Watches”, “Return”, “Without Me”, “Time Matters” and others were subsequently created.

There were many rumors about love relationships Pugacheva and Pauls, but they both categorically deny this.

Alla Pugacheva and Raymond Pauls

In June 1981, Pugacheva graduated from the directing department of GITIS with a degree in Variety Directing. As thesis she presented her new concert program “Monologues of the Singer”. The defense of the thesis took place in the concert hall of the Air Force Engineering Academy named after. N. E. Zhukovsky in Moscow and was a closed concert for officers. Already in July 1981, Pugacheva went to present a new concert program in many large cities of the USSR and abroad.

During 1981-1983, Pugacheva presented "Singer's Monologues" in 15 major cities of the USSR, as well as in 10 countries besides the USSR.

In the fall of 1981, the singer gave a series of concerts in the cities of Czechoslovakia, where she also performed at the international festival “Intertalent - 81” as an honorary guest. Pugacheva also toured the cities of Austria and Finland, where she took part in the international political song festival in Helsinki. All funds raised from the Finnish concerts were directed to the World Peace Council Foundation for a campaign in support of universal complete disarmament. Following the results of these tours, the Secretary General of the World Peace Council R. Chandra awarded Pugacheva the medal “For promoting the cause of the struggle for peace.” Also in 1981, Pugacheva was awarded the Golden Microphone prize from the West German company Dynacord “For outstanding pop activities that have gained wide international popularity.”

At the end of 1981, Pugacheva and Igor Kio became co-hosts new TV program“New Year's Attraction”, in which pop and film stars performed in the circus in unusual roles. Pugacheva herself became an assistant to magician Kio. The premiere of the first issue of "New Year's Attraction" took place on January 2, 1982. At the same time, Pugacheva acted as a performer, presenter and director of Raymond Pauls’s creative evenings “Maestro is our guest,” which took place on December 21-29, 1981 at the Moscow Variety Theater.

The singer spent almost the entire 1982 on tour abroad: in the German Democratic Republic, Yugoslavia, Romania, Hungary, and Italy. On June 3-7, 1982, she was the guest of honor at the XVI international song competition “Golden Orpheus - 82” in Bulgaria; On June 28, 1982, Pugacheva performed in Paris at the famous Olympia Hall. The French press gave many positive reviews and reviews regarding that performance. In addition, Pugacheva starred in the film “Love for Love”, and also took part in the first Soviet-American teleconference Moscow-space-California, which was never shown to Soviet television viewers.

On January 2, 1983, in the second episode of the holiday TV show “New Year’s Attraction” performed by Pugacheva, her new song “A Million Scarlet Roses” was performed, which soon became a real hit not only in the USSR, but also abroad. It was especially popular in Japan.

In 1983, members of the Swedish pop group ABBA Björn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson began working on the musical Chess. The plot of the musical was about a duel between Russian and American chess players. According to the plot, having won the championship, the Russian athlete was supposed to run away to the West with the American’s girlfriend. To get acquainted with the atmosphere of the USSR and collect additional material, Ulvaeus and Andersson came to Moscow, where they met Alla Pugacheva and invited her to play the role of the wife of a Russian chess player. However, she refused the offer, because in order to play in a musical with an essentially anti-Soviet plot, she would have to leave the country, leaving her family.

In addition to touring the cities of the USSR, during 1983 Pugacheva took an active part in various international festivals. So, on May 27, 1983, the singer took part in the program of the international festival “Bratislava Lyre - 83” in Bratislava; On June 12, 1983, as a guest of honor, she gave a concert to open air within the framework of the XIX Festival of Soviet Song “Moscow Evenings” in Zielona Gora; in October 1983 she was a guest of the international festival “Intertalent - 81” in Prague; in November 1983 she was a guest at the Soviet Song Festival in Budapest.

During 1981-1983, Pugacheva released 9 singles and her fifth numbered album, “How troubling is this path.” Three of her foreign albums were also released in Czechoslovakia and Finland.

IN New Year's Eve In 1984, in the festive television program “New Year’s Attraction”, Pugacheva performed two new songs: “Tell me, birds” and “Iceberg”.

They were written by aspiring composer Igor Nikolaev, who at that time was listed as a keyboard player in her group “Recital”. These songs began the collaboration between Pugacheva and Nikolaev, which resulted in the album “...Happiness in your personal life!” (1986). In total, Nikolaev wrote more than 30 compositions for Pugacheva.

Pugacheva positioned the new program not just as a solo concert, but as a theatrical performance. The program premiered on June 2, 1984 in Moscow at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. During 1984, the singer introduced her to audiences in Leningrad and Yerevan. In 1985, she also performed with it in Moscow, Donetsk and Vladivostok.

Simultaneously with the premiere of the program, filming of the film “Alla” began at Mosfilm, in which the singer played the main role. Unlike the previous film with her participation - “The Woman Who Sings” (1978), - the film did not have a specific plot and was a musical film review, that is, a set of clips and documentaries that covered new stage the singer's creativity. At the final stage of production, the film was given the title “I Came and I Say.” The film was released in the All-Union cinema on September 16, 1985.

In 1984, Pugacheva also starred in the musical film “Season of Miracles” by G. Yungvald-Khilkevich. In it she performed several songs by Yuri Chernavsky, with whom she began collaborating at that time. Their plans were to publish an entire joint album, “Video Machine,” but the project was not completed due to the composer’s departure abroad.

During 1984-1985, Pugacheva actively toured abroad, in particular in Scandinavia. The result of these tours was the publication of several singles and albums in Finland and Sweden, filming in popular television programs on local television, and the naming of one of the ferries “Alla” in honor of Pugacheva. The ship was launched in the Finnish port of Kotka.

In December 1984, while on tour in Finland, the singer was awarded the Golden Disc from the music company Track Music, and in January 1985, the Golden Disc from the Melodiya company. On January 10, 1985, Pugacheva was awarded the title “People’s Artist of the RSFSR.”

In 1985, Alla Pugacheva married for the third time - to the program director of the festival department of Rosconcert, Evgeniy Boldin, who became the founder and director of her group. The couple divorced in 1993. After the breakup of this union, Alla Borisovna wrote the song “Strong Woman”. According to rumors, when Boldin heard this song on one of the TV channels, he burst into tears.

Alla Pugacheva and Evgeny Boldin

In 1985, Pugacheva stopped active collaboration with Raymond Pauls. The premiere of the last joint compositions “It’s About Time” and “Without Me” took place on New Year’s Eve 1985. At the end of the 1980s, there was a short-lived resumption of their collaboration: Pugacheva recorded several of his songs, but these songs no longer became national hits.

In March 1985, three joint concerts between Pugacheva and the Swedish group Herreys took place at the Moscow World Trade Center.

At the end of August - beginning of September 1985, the audience was presented with the program “Alla Pugacheva Presents...”: already at the big concert venue- stage of the Leningrad Sports and Concert Hall named after. Lenin gave 7 joint concerts with the Swedish group. Then the concert program was shown to spectators in Tallinn and Moscow). A total of 25 joint concerts were given.

Also in October 1985, Pugacheva gave 4 joint concerts with the Norwegian group Bobbysocks!

In July 1985, the singer took part in the XII World Festival youth and students in Moscow. As part of the festival, she gave several joint concerts with American performer Dean Reed and West German rock performer Udo Lindenberg. Subsequently, close cooperation began between Pugacheva and Lindenberg.

In September 1985, she took part in solo concerts Lindenberg in Essen, in October 1986 she participated with him in a large concert-manifestation in Hasselbach, and in August-September 1987, Pugacheva and Lindenberg’s big tour “Rock for a nuclear-free world by the year 2000” took place in Moscow, Leningrad, cities of Switzerland and Germany. The result of the collaboration between the Soviet singer and the West German performer was the release of the split album “Songs Instead of Letters” in July 1988.

At the beginning of 1986, Pugacheva began collaborating with Soviet musician and performer, leader of the rock group "Dynamic".

In March 1986, the song “Two Stars” was performed by Pugacheva and Kuzmin, which became the calling card of this creative duet. Together with Kuzmin, Pugacheva toured in many major cities of the USSR, as well as abroad, in particular, she performed at the song festival in San Remo (Italy) with the song “Wow” in February 1987.

On May 30, 1986, after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Pugacheva and Kuzmin took part in a large collective charity concert-action “Count-904” in Moscow to help victims of the accident, and on September 8, 1986, in the shift workers’ village of Cape Verde, not far from Pripyat, the singer gave an open-air concert for the liquidators of the accident. Subsequently, she was awarded the title of liquidator of the Chernobyl accident. At the end of 1986, Pugacheva and Kuzmin began working on a joint album, “He, She and Rain,” but in mid-1987 they stopped their collaboration and the album was never released on time. It was released 10 years later under the title “Two Stars”.

For a year, Vladimir Kuzmin was not just a stage partner, but also Pugacheva’s lover.

Alla Pugacheva and Vladimir Kuzmin

Evgeny Boldin, Pugacheva’s legal husband, having learned about his wife’s new hobby, nobly stepped aside and moved to another apartment. Pugacheva settled Kuzmin with her. A year later, their romance ended. Kuzmin moved out of Pugacheva’s apartment, and Boldin quietly returned to his rightful place. All that ultimately remained from this novel was a poodle named Kuzya, which Pugacheva, despite the protests of her legal husband, refused to rename even when it turned out that the dog was female.

On August 24, 1987, during Pugacheva’s tour in Leningrad, a conflict incident occurred at the Pribaltiyskaya Hotel, which received wide resonance in the Soviet press. Information about the scandal was reported by TASS and published in foreign media.

The essence of the conflict was the refusal of the hotel administration to provide the singer with a pre-booked room for her. Pugacheva’s demands to move her into this particular room (the singer’s favorite room, in which she always stayed during her stay in Leningrad) were called “the whim of the singer.” Then the conversation went on in a raised voice. As a result of the scandal, Pugacheva was subjected to sharp ostracism from society, the press and the USSR State Television and Radio; her songs and performances were removed from television and radio broadcasts for several months. The “Baltic” incident became one of the first manifestations of the policy of glasnost as applied to Soviet mass culture.

The period of the second half of 1985 - the beginning of 1988 is the first wave of the new, so-called. “youth” period in Pugacheva’s work. At this time, the singer changed her image: shapeless concert robes were replaced by modern trouser suits; The arrangements of most of the compositions were made in rock style, and the rock theme began to prevail in the lyrics. During this period, the singer actively toured in capitalist countries such as Sweden, Finland, Norway, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Austria, the Netherlands, Japan, Switzerland, positioning herself as a rock singer.

Since 1988, Alla Pugacheva began holding the annual concert-festival “Christmas Meetings”. They were broadcast on television before Christmas (Gregorian calendar).

In the late 80s, there were rumors about the relationship between Alla Pugacheva and Alexander Rosenbaum. Ilya Reznik claims that Rosenbaum called Pugacheva a “fly.” One of the researchers of the singer’s life cites in her book a quote from Pugacheva’s former classmate, who was with the singer all her life. “The affair with Rosenbaum,” this woman wrote, “to this day remains one of the most mysterious in Pugacheva’s life. She often came to see him in Leningrad, but for a long time Perhaps only Evgeniy Boldin knew about this.”

There is evidence that Alla Pugacheva was close to the singer Igor Talkov. Thus, Talkov’s wife Tatyana, after the murder of her husband, said that when Igor went on tour with Pugacheva’s theater, she mentally said goodbye to him and consoled herself only with the fact that her husband would be in good hands.

In November 1991, a video appeared on television Uninvited guest, in which the singer appeared before the public together with Pugacheva. The public happily picked up the myth, fueled by the artists themselves, that Pugacheva new novel, and began to excitedly discuss the singer’s merits and demerits. At the same time, Pugacheva continues to be married to Evgeny Boldin, and Chelobanov has a wife and two children.

Since Chelobanov was ten years younger than Alla and looked great, the singer became concerned about rejuvenation issues and in 1992 went to Switzerland, where she underwent a complex plastic surgery. A few days later, Russian doctors confirmed the singer’s clinical death from the onset of blood poisoning and literally miraculously saved Pugacheva. The relationship between Pugacheva and Chelobanov ended along with the end of their professional relationship.

In 1994, Alla Pugacheva’s song “Love Like a Dream” was released, which she dedicated to Philip Kirkorov.

On March 15, 1994, the couple got married. The 45-year-old Diva married 28-year-old Philip Kirkorov. The ceremony was broadcast on national television. The star couple was married, and the marriage was registered by the mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak.

Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov

In 1997, together with the Econika corporation, Pugacheva released her own brand of shoes under the Alla Pugachova brand. The shoes became the singer's most successful non-song business project.

On April 15, 1997, a grand concert “Surprise for Alla Borisovna” took place at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex in honor of the singer’s birthday. At that concert, about forty pop stars sang Pugacheva’s famous songs. Over time, this began to happen almost every year (some reporting concerts of the “Star Factory”, the “Big Premiere” program, “Pugacheva’s Day” at the Five Stars competition in Sochi, concerts “Happy Birthday, Alla!”, “ Songs for Alla" and others). At the finale of the concert, Pugacheva herself performed; she performed several songs, including “Primadonna,” with which she was to perform at Eurovision in two weeks.

The story of Eurovision began in January 1997, when the ORT television channel, as a member of the European Broadcasting Union, chose Valery Meladze to represent the country at this competition. He was supposed to perform the song “Diva”, the music and lyrics for which were written by Alla Pugacheva. However, due to illness, the singer was forced to refuse to participate in the competition, so he urgently had to look for a replacement. The management of the ORT TV channel persuaded Pugacheva herself to go.

The competition took place on May 3 in Dublin. According to the voting results, Pugacheva scored 33 points and took 15th place.

On November 26, 1997, during a large press conference at the editorial office of the newspaper “Arguments and Facts,” Pugacheva officially announced her return to the big stage and the resumption of touring activities.

The singer prepared two concert programs at once: “Yes!” (for stadiums and sports palaces) and “Favorites” for chamber halls.

The big tour began on April 3, 1998 with a concert in Almaty. Over three years, the singer gave over 150 concerts in Russia, the countries of the former USSR, as well as in Germany, Greece, Israel, Great Britain and the USA. The television version of the Moscow concerts was broadcast on the ORT television channel, and was later released on CD, VHS and DVD.

In May 1998, the 14th numbered album “Yes!” was released, in support of which the “Yes!” tours were organized. and "Favorites". In addition, over three years she released several singles and collections.

In December 1997, after a two-year break, Pugacheva revived the “Christmas Meetings” group concerts.

In 1997 they took place at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, in 1999 at the singer’s dacha, and in 2000 at the Moscow Operetta Theater.

During 1997-2000, Pugacheva took part in a large number of concerts and television shows, including “Song of the Year”, “Slavic Bazaar”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Celebration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow”, “Old Songs about the Main Thing” and others projects.

On April 15, 1999, Russian President Boris Yeltsin awarded the singer the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

In 2001, Pugacheva continued to tour with a program called “The Best”, “Holy Sinner”, or even “Favorites”. However, this was no longer the “Favorites” program of 1998-1999, but some kind of intermediate program, which a year later transformed into “We have arrived” and lasted until September 2007. The new program was based on songs by the composer Lyubasha, with whom Pugacheva began to work closely and even released a joint disc “Was there a boy?”, compositions from the current repertoire, as well as songs from the 1970s-1980s (“They Don’t Renounce Loving,” “Ancient clock" and others).

Since 2002, Pugacheva began to live separately from Kirkorov at the Balchug Hotel. Rumors about the singer’s divorce from Philip Kirkorov began to appear more and more often in the press.

Pugacheva herself initially denied these rumors, but increasingly began to appear in public with Maxim Galkin. In 2003, they toured together, and later starred in the musical television film “Chasing Two Hares.” In May 2005, Pugacheva and Kirkorov divorced. Pugacheva at this time went into business: she produced AB chips. However, things did not work out and the plant purchased in the Krasnodar Territory was sold.

In December 2005, Pugacheva became a member of the Public Chamber under the President of the Russian Federation, where until 2008 she worked on issues of social development.

2001-2005 became the period of the singer’s closest collaboration with composer Igor Krutoy. At this time, Pugacheva recorded a number of his new songs, took part in his “Creative Evenings”, and also actively supported his projects: she became a co-producer and co-host of the “Song of the Year” festival and performed as a “muse” at the “New Wave” competition for young performers. in Jurmala.

In addition, Pugacheva established own award“Alla’s Golden Star” and headed “Star Factory-5” on Channel One; organized “Christmas meetings” at the Crystal casino; starred in the musical television film “Tales of Love” (dir. I. Mironova); received many awards and prizes, including “Ovation” in the category “Singer of the Decade”, the Cambridge Biographical Center medal “2000 outstanding musicians of the 20th century” and others; released two numbered albums - “River Bus” (2002) and “Live in Peace, Country!” (2003) and several compilations and split albums.

On September 27, 2007 in Sochi, Pugacheva gave last concert as part of the “We have arrived” tour. During 2001-2007, the concert program “We have arrived” was shown to the public 195 times.

On July 20, 2007, Pugacheva became the artistic director of the FM radio station “Alla” in Moscow. She influenced music policy, and also hosted her own programs: “Hello, Alla”, “Visiting Alla”, “Alla is Looking for Talents”.

Behind a short time the radio station gained a large number of listeners, and already in November 2007, the weekly audience of Radio Alla amounted to 1,242,000 people, which allowed it to be placed first in 16th and then in 13th (out of 49) places in the TOP radio stations in Moscow. In December 2010, the radio broadcast in 22 cities of Russia, 16 cities of Ukraine and three cities of Moldova. After the death of Alexander Varin, a close friend of Pugacheva, the ideological inspirer of Radio Alla and President of the Prof-Media Broadcasting Corporation (VKPM), which included the radio station, Pugacheva was not found common language with the new leadership of the VKPM and left the project. On January 24, 2011, the radio stopped broadcasting in Russia, and on January 31, 2012, in Ukraine.

In 2008, Pugacheva’s 15th and last numbered album, “Invitation to Sunset,” was released.

On March 5, 2009, at a press conference, Pugacheva announced the end of her touring activities after the farewell “Dreams of Love” tour.

The tour began on April 7, 2009 in Moscow, and ended on March 4, 2010 in Sofia (Bulgaria). It is symbolic that the singer’s concert activity ended where her fame once began - it was in Bulgaria in 1975 that Alla Pugacheva sang her famous “Harlequin”. As part of her farewell tour, the singer gave 37 concerts in 13 countries: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, USA, Israel, Germany and others.

In 2007-2009, Pugacheva continued to be actively involved in creative activities. As a “muse” she participated in the “New Wave” competition in Jurmala, hosted various concerts and television projects, including “Song of the Year”, “Two Stars”, “Songs for Alla”, “Christmas Meetings 2010” and others.

On April 15, 2009, a grandiose anniversary benefit concert “Happy Birthday, Alla!” took place at the State Kremlin Palace, where many stars of Russian pop music were invited. At this concert, Pugacheva, in a duet with Sofia Rotaru, performed the song “They Will Not Catch Up with Us” from the repertoire of the Tatu group.

Pugacheva does not break her word about stopping touring. From March 5, 2010 until now, she has not given a single concert, but she has recorded and performed several songs in public. In addition, she voiced the Queen of the Rat in Andrei Konchalovsky’s film “The Nutcracker and the Rat King.”

Since September 2011, Pugachev has been supported by the politics of Mikhail Prokhorov. First, she declares her readiness to join his party, and then enters the Public Council of Prokhorov, a candidate for President of the Russian Federation, together with Andrei Makarevich sings the song “The Tallest” about him, and also takes part in various press conferences of Prokhorov and congresses of the public council party "Civic Platform". In 2015, in connection with Prokhorov’s departure from the party, she also left the Civic Platform.

In 2011, the NTV channel celebrated its 10th anniversary life together in the civil marriage of Pugacheva and Galkin, he releases a two-part film “Alla + Maxim. Confession of love." At the end of the year, the couple legitimizes their relationship. At the celebration of the wedding of 62-year-old Alla Pugacheva and 35-year-old Maxim Galkin, Nikolai Baskov was the toastmaster.

Alla + Maxim. Confession of love

On September 18, 2013, with the help of surrogacy, the couple gave birth to twins Lizaveta and Harry Galkin.

In November 2017 it became known that.

Despite the fact that Pugacheva is not actively involved in creative activities, she is still a frequent guest on TV: she searches for talent in the show “Factor A”, the festivals “New Wave” and “Crimea Music Fest”; together with Maxim Galkin he hosts the Morning Mail program; takes part in other television projects.

On April 15, 2012, Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin held a 3-hour “Direct Line” on the NTV channel - answering questions from residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Vladivostok, New York and other cities. Before this, only Vladimir Putin conducted such “Direct Lines”.

Alla Pugacheva has been a famous personality Russia.

Discography of Alla Pugacheva:

1978 - Mirror of the Soul
1979 - Harlequin and others
1980 - Rise above the hustle and bustle
1980 - There will be more
1982 - How disturbing is this path
1985 - Oh, how I want to live
1985 - Alla Pugacheva in Stockholm
1986 - Happiness in your personal life!
1987 - I came and said
1990 - Alla
1991 - Christmas meetings-91
1992 - Christmas meetings-91
1995 - Don't hurt me, gentlemen
1998 - Yes!
2002 - River bus
2003 - Live in peace, country!
2008 - Invitation to sunset CD RKF “Our Debts”

Filmography of Alla Pugacheva:

1976 - Ensemble of Losers - cameo
1978 - The Woman Who Sings - Anna Streltsova
1979 - Pena - singer at the festival
1979 - Grandmothers said in two... - cameo
1980 - Recital - Alena Volnova
1983 - Love for love - singer
1985 - I came and said - Alla Pugacheva (cameo)
1985 - Season of Miracles - taxi driver
1992 - Julia - cameo
1997 - Old songs about the main thing 2 - former resident of the yard
1998 - Old songs about the main thing 3 - a young singer who liked Eldar Ryazanov
2001 - Old songs about the main thing. P.S
2004 - Chasing two birds with one stone - Tonya Korovyak
2007 - Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors - Diva
2010 - The Nutcracker and the Rat King - Rat Queen, Frau Eva (voice)

Details Created: 01/23/2017 16:02 Updated: 10/21/2017 22:40

Alla Borisovna Pugacheva is a charming and delightful woman, a world-famous artist, singer, TV presenter and producer. Let's find out in more detail all the interesting facts from the artist's life in this article.

Her songs inspire and captivate, and her strong voice, unusual behavior and bright appearance attract.


According to media reports, the young lady was born on April 15, 1949 in big city Moscow, in an ordinary family of front-line soldiers. According to the horoscope, Aries is a friendly, proactive and enterprising woman, in whom uncontrollable energy seethes.

Alla in childhood photo

The celebrity family is small and consisted of four people: Alla (real name at birth, in honor of the famous film actress Alla Tarasova), dad Boris Mikhailovich(at first he was an ordinary worker in a shoe factory, and eventually became a sales director), mother Zinaida Arkhipovna(worked all my life in the HR department) and little brother Evgeniy(died at the age of 60 during heart surgery). According to sources, Alla also had an older brother, but unfortunately he died when he was still young from diphtheria.


Early years

Her parents connected the baby’s destiny with music even before she entered primary school. Believing that music would bring a great future to children, the mother invited a local music teacher to test whether her children had musical abilities. Allochka pleased her parents, because it turned out that she had an excellent ear for music. After this, persistent daily piano lessons began for three hours a day at home, as well as studying at a music school. The girl tried very hard and in 1954 she already performed as a competitor at a group concert of the House of Unions.

According to sources, Allochka was a very active and not entirely calm child. She studied well, but her behavior was not ideal. Rumor has it that she was a bully and could stand up for herself. Even some of the yard boys tried to avoid her, because they knew that this lively red-haired girl could fight back. She was even nicknamed "Sergeant Major" - senior sergeant. Since adolescence, the girl tried to smoke cigarettes and today does not give up this addiction.


In 1964, after graduating from two schools (secondary and music), the girl applied to a music school, firmly deciding to become a famous singer. Her student years were carefree and fun, but the girl did not forget about her studies and showed big success. Her first song "Robot"(1965) was recorded for the radio program "Good Morning". After the successful performance of the composition, offers in the musical field fell on her out of the blue. Now she works on television, tours the world and performs songs.

By the time Pugacheva became a solo singer, she performed as a soloist in various VIAs (for example, “New Electron”, “Muscovites”, “Jolly Fellows”). When she was a member of the group “Jolly Fellows,” she performed the song “Harlequin,” for which she received a prize at the “Golden Orpheus” song festival and recognition from television viewers. After this, her creative career went even higher. She hosted the “Blue Light” program for the first time and won the “Song of the Year-76” award. Since 1977, already an accomplished artist, she decided to work more on her solo image.


1977 - “Mirror of the Soul” (first album recorded solo). She also recorded many other albums. Among them are: " Arlecchino and others" (1979), "Oh, how I want to live"(1985), "I came and say" (1987), "Alla" (1990), " Water bus" (2001), "Live in peace, country!" (2003), "Sunset Invitation" (2008) and others.



Allah showed himself and how talented actress(took part in the filming of famous films and musicals). Among them: " The woman who sings" (1978), "I came and said" (1985), " Old songs about the main thing 2.3" (1997-1998), "Old songs about the main thing. P.S" (2001), "Chasing two birds with one stone" (2004) and more.

"Chasing two birds with one stone"

The most striking programs on television with her participation: “Song of the Year”, “What? Where? When?”, “Star Factory”, “Factor A”, “ glacial period" and others.

"Factor a"

Interesting Facts

Pugacheva is very short, her height is about 162 cm, and her weight is 68 kg. Many famous musicians and performers dedicated their songs to her (for example, Sergey Zverev, Philip Kirkorov, etc.). The singer also tried herself in the political sphere (she was a member of the Right Cause and "Civic Platform").

Personal life

According to sources, the femme fatale married 5 times. Her personal life was as bright and eventful as her creative career, and her husbands and children contributed to her development as an independent person. With my first husband Mykolas Orbakas(a clown by profession) she met on a joint tour and in 1969 they tied their lives in marriage.

Alla with Mykolas Orbakas

Soon they gave birth to a charming daughter Christina(05/25/1971). Pugacheva was on maternity leave for six months, and then continued her creative career again. Their marriage lasted only a few years, and then in 1973 it broke up and the singer was left with a small child in her arms.

With her first husband and daughter Christina

Daughter Christina pleased her mother and gave her three charming grandchildren: Nikita Presnyakov(05/21/1991), Denis Baysarov (05/10/1998), Klavdiya Zemtsova (03/30/2012).

Kristina Orbakaite with children and husband

Then, in 1977, Alla finds a new life partner - a film director Alexander Stefanovich and enters into her second marriage with him. But this married life did not last long. The marriage broke up in 1980. Rumor has it that the reason was Solo career Alla. Others argue that, most likely, there was infidelity, and also that the husband decided to live on his wife’s money.

With her second husband Alexander Stefanovich

After the divorce, in 1985, Pugacheva decided to get married for the third time. for music producer Evgeny Boldin. This marriage lasted much longer - 8 years, but still ended in the same way as the previous ones - in divorce. Rumor has it that Alla was having an affair with her stage partner at the time. Vladimir Kuzmin. There are rumors that in this marriage Pugacheva was supposed to become a mother for the second time, but because of her creative career she decided to have an abortion. This became the fatal mistake of her entire life, because after that she was never able to get pregnant again.

With third husband Evgeny Boldin

Then she was credited with many affairs with Raymond Pauls, Alexander Rosenbaum, Igor Talkov and Sergei Chelobanov. But, unfortunately, there is no evidence of love relationships with these people.

Pugacheva and Rosenbaum

In 1994, the Diva finds a new betrothed. This time she becomes her fourth husband at the age of 18 younger singer and just a loving fan - Philip Kirkorov. The two-meter-tall Bulgarian handsome man sought the singer’s hand and heart for a long time, and ultimately achieved what he wanted. The couple lived together for about 10 years, and then the couple separated. Some sources claim that the reason was Maxim Galkin, with whom the singer fell in love and began to move away from Philip. Others claim that their marriage broke up due to Philip’s large debts (he invested $5 million in the production of the musical “Chicago,” which failed miserably).

Alla and Philip Kirkorov

And Pugacheva’s last fifth husband is 27 years younger, humorist and parodist - Maxim Galkin. They registered their marriage in 2011 and live together to this day. They say that this marriage is Alla’s happiest, because it was with Maxim that she felt like a truly beloved woman. Today they live together in a luxurious country castle, which Galkin himself rebuilt.

Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin

Alla and Maxim became happy parents, they had twins from a surrogate mother - Elizabeth and Harry(18.09.2013). It turns out that the singer took care of her future long ago and froze her eggs. The kids are surrounded by love and care, and Alla feels like a young and confident mother. She develops their creative talents, so the kids can already sing and dance well.

Elizabeth and Harry

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