Alla Dukhova: “What dates? I'm fine as it is! Alla Dukhova, ballet "Todes": biography of the director, composition of the ensemble, history of Kostya Dukhova, Alla's son is autistic.

Russian choreographer Alla Dukhova, known as the founder and artisticsupervisor international ballet TODES.

Biography of Alla Dukhova

Alla Dukhova born in the village of Kosa, Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous Okrug. A year later the family moved to Riga.

Since childhood, Alla showed great ability for dancing. At the age of 11 she joined the folk dance ensemble " Ivushka", where, despite young age, she was in many ways superior to other, older participants. Alla's mentors were choreographers Laizane, Shurkin and Dubovitsky. According to Dukhova, they laid the foundations that built her entire career.

When Alla was in 10th grade, a circus came to Riga. She became friends with the daughter of the main trainer, and she, admiring her abilities, invited her to work for them in the attraction. Alla agreed and followed the circus to Chisinau. Her career was going uphill, she took part in performances, but just a month after her arrival, Alla received a serious injury - a complex fracture of her ankle. This is where the circus path ended.

Creative career of Alla Dukhova

At the age of 16, Alla was already working two jobs - as a janitor and as a freight forwarder at a moped factory. Six months later, she received a position as a dance teacher at a pioneer camp. After this, Alla was invited to work as a choreographer at the cultural center. Despite her young age, she gathered a large group called “ Experiment”, consisting of relatives and friends who were inspired by the girl’s excitement. Main dance direction became a break. The team performed several times at local festivals and took first place. Soon Alla Dukhova began to earn enough money to give up working at the factory.

“When we started, in our country there was classical ballet And folk dance. About modern choreography heard, but had no opportunity to learn. When some Western tapes and literature came to us, we greedily grabbed all the information. They turned on videos of their artists and learned to dance from them. It may seem funny now, but back then breakdancing was considered propaganda. For this they took me to the police station. It never occurred to anyone that this was a sport, complex tricks, beauty, dexterity and fortitude.”

Together with the group, she traveled and performed in different places, until finally in Palanga she met a male group of street breakers from St. Petersburg, who called themselves “ Todos».

On March 8, 1987, two groups united into one and performed at the break festival in St. Petersburg in concert hall"Oktyabrsky". They called themselves "Todes", combining the names. It was on this day that the team Alla Dukhova (Dina Dukhova, Ivona Konchevska, Marina Litsova, Lena Shlyk) teamed up with street break dancers, including Vyacheslav Ignatiev, Roman Maslyukov, Sergey Voronokov, Andrey Gavrilenko, Gennady Ilyin. Together they organized their own tour and traveled around cities, strengthening their success. At first, Alla combined the duties of a dancer and organizer, but later she took full charge of the show.

"Todes" began performing with pop singers, the first of which was Sergey Krylov. The popularity of ballet grew every day. After leaving North Ossetia the team went on tour to Chelyabinsk, where they performed with such stars as Sofia Rotaru and the group “Bravo”. Sofia Rotaru invited Todes to join her, and they worked together for five years.

To celebrate the fifth anniversary of “Todes” a concert was held, in which Philip Kirkorov, Alexander Buinov, Tatyana Bulanova took part. Later they worked together with such celebrities as Valery Meladze, Kristina Orbakaite, Larisa Dolina, Vladimir Presnyakov, Alla Pugacheva. “Todes” participated in such events as the “Golden Gramophone” awards, “ Jurmala", "New wave ".
The composition of the ballet expanded during this time.

The first school-studio “Todes” was opened in Lefortovo. Now such studios exist in many cities, and most of the 150 people of the main staff of Todes are their graduates.

Many of the Todes students became famous performers, for example, Vlad Sokolovsky, singer Angina, VIA " Cream", and the professional ballets of the stars consist almost entirely of Todes dancers.

In 2015, the show “Dance!” started on Channel One. ", the jury members of which were Alla Dukhova along with famous choreographer Radu Poklitaru, TV presenter Dmitry Khrustalev and Russian choreographer, director and dancer Vyacheslav Kulaev.

In 2017 "Todes" Alla Dukhova celebrated its 30th anniversary. T Todes also opened its own beauty salon and produces a special line of clothing.

Alla Dukhova: “Todes” is not easy dance group, this is an excellent well-coordinated team, this is a family, which means that I am not alone, and that’s why I cope with all the difficulties. Everything with us is based on mutual trust, help and support.”

Personal life of Alla Dukhova

Alla was married three times. She has sons Vladimir and Konstantin. Names ex-spouses Alla does not advertise, as well as all his privacy. According to her, the marriages broke up because the owner of Todes had almost no time left for her family. Even childbirth did not become a reason for her to refuse work.

“I just gave birth - Valery Leontyev calls: “Lusya, I urgently need to set up a number!” The child was only three days old, and we agreed that dancers would come to me and I would choreograph a dance for them. A couple of days before the concert, I came to the rehearsal and corrected all the nuances.”

During that period of her life, Alla was very often forced to travel from Moscow to Riga and back; her busy work schedule did not allow her to devote much time to her firstborn.

All that is known about Alla’s current husband is that his name is Anton. He collaborates with the Todes ballet as a lighting director. It was Anton who became the father of Alla’s second child.

“My husband Anton and I often have to separate; he is constantly on tour with Todes as a lighting director. Or I'm leaving somewhere. There's nothing wrong with "long-distance love" - ​​that's for sure. There are only advantages. We have no chance of boring each other,” Alla Dukhova said in an interview.

Alla’s eldest son, Vladimir, is already married and lives with his wife in the USA. He has a daughter, Sofia. Vladimir himself followed in his mother’s footsteps and chose creative profession- became a theater director and musician.

The youngest, Konstantin, who has an 8-year difference with his brother, is also passionate about dancing and performs as a member of Todes.

“The younger one is a complete fan, he constantly goes to the gym, tries hard, knows the whole program by heart. He definitely doesn’t have any jealousy towards “Todes”, because when he was born, many everyday problems were completely resolved and his mother was always nearby.”

Alla Dukhova is the “godmother” for countless dancers who graduated from the TODES studio school. In real life, she is a mother twice over. And already a grandmother - her granddaughter Sofia is three years old. This fall, the girl became one of the students of the TODES ballet, where she was brought by her parents - Alla Dukhova's eldest son Vladimir and his wife Anna.

Motherhood is a great joy for me. All free time I spend with my children. For example, we are working with Kostya’s son Nordic walking. And I try to devote the morning hours to communicating with him. In terms of choosing a profession and life path I trust my children. The eldest, Vladimir, is studying to become a director, Konstantin is still a schoolboy. What path they will choose, whether any of them will continue my work - life will show. The principles of my upbringing are simple: I love my sons, respect their choices and accept them! Now granddaughter Sofia is dancing with all her might in front of the mirror, making us laugh, and this year she went to classes at the TODES school.

Volodya was not interested in dancing. But Kostya, the youngest, loves to dance and enjoys going to dance school. And it's wonderful when children dance. From a scientific point of view, it has been proven that no sport develops the body as harmoniously as choreography.

When children come to our school, they become so enthusiastic that everyone has a personal motivation to attend classes. Children become disciplined and organized. This helps parents in their upbringing, and they enjoy using it.
Alla with son Kostya

Why choose dancing? The purposes for which children are brought to classes are completely different: someone brings a child to get in shape, lose weight, for general physical development. There are kids who are stressed out, and dance helps to overcome their inhibitions. Yes, there are those who are trying to make a star out of them. Many parents wanted to dance themselves, but various reasons They didn’t succeed, and they send their children to us.

One thing can be said: dancing provides tremendous positive energy, and regardless of your goals, everyone will enjoy and healthy body.
Alla Dukhova with her students (in the center is the daughter of Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin Yana)

Participant name: Alla Dukhova

Age (birthday): 26.11.1966

City: s. Kosa, Perm region

Job: ballet director Todes

Family: married, have children

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Alla Vladimirovna Dukhova was born on November 26, 1966 in a small village called Kosa in the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug. When little Alla was only a year old, her parents decided to move to Riga. There Alla grew up and first discovered the world of dance.

From childhood, Alla Dukhova showed a craving for creativity, or rather, she was drawn to music. The parents noted their daughter’s passion, and therefore soon decided to send her to study at the local music school. After class, Alla began to look into what was happening in the next class, where the children were dancing.

She watched them with particular pleasure, which her mother once noticed. Seeing that Alla was showing interest and accurately reproducing at home what she saw with the children in class, her parents decided to send her to choreography.

Mom asked Alla whether the girl would prefer to study music or dance. The answer was clear - dancing. So Alla became one of the participants in the Riga folk dance ensemble “Ivushka”.

Professional Development

Alla always wanted not only to dance beautifully, but also to stage numbers personally, and then she began to come up with entire performances. When the girl was 16 years old, she managed to gather a group of like-minded women who took the name “Experiment”. The decision to gather a team was successful. The girls quickly became popular. Alla personally choreographed the production numbers. She watched foreign performances of groups on cassettes and gained experience from concerts of street breakers.

While in Palanga during a performance, Dukhova crossed paths with the guys from the Todes group, who surprised her with their style of performing breakdancing and a lot of tricks. The guys opposite were surprised by the accuracy of the movements of the girls from the “Experiment”. Mutual sympathy became the basis for the creation of a new group “Todes”, where the guys skillfully were able to combine choreography and breakdancing.

In 1987, Alla Dukhova became the director of the ballet. She took upon herself the responsibility of combining dance production and organizational work. Colleagues almost unanimously came to the decision that she needed to take responsibility for the position of creative director.

During a tour through the North Caucasus, the performances of the Todes group aroused delight among all spectators. The guys decided to perform in the capital and moved to Moscow.

It was really very difficult, but the acquaintance of Alla Dukhova and Alexander Birman helped them cope with all the difficulties. The guys performed between numbers famous stars pop artists, for example, Igor Talkov, the Bravo group, Sofia Rotaru.

After the tour in Chelyabinsk ended, the ballet received an offer to dance in the numbers of S. Rotaru. Similar work lasted 5 years. Ballet became popular, and therefore it was decided to go on a solo voyage.

After 5 years of activity, the team gave its first solo concert. Todes was helped to organize it by his philanthropist I. Popov. The team has a lot of performances with famous stars— T. Bulanova, V. Meladze, l. Dolina, F. Kirkorov and many others.

In 1992, Alla Dukhova opened a dance school on the territory of Lefortovo. Subsequently, there were more branches; they were opened in Riga and St. Petersburg. Today, A. Dukhova’s dance school is located not only in the Russian Federation, the CIS, but also in Malta.

Today, Alla Dukhova continues to be at the helm of the Todes ensemble and is involved in a network of schools. She actively takes part in the selection of talented artists, for example, in 2017 she took an honorable place as a member of the jury in the project “ New factory stars."

Personal life and hobbies

Alla Dukhova is a very versatile person. She believes that the main thing in life is constant development and self-improvement.

The woman is not only a choreographer and well versed in music, but also produces her own clothing line.

The artist is officially married. This union became her third. Alla's chosen one was a man named Anton, who also works with the Todes ballet, staging the lighting.

Alla is the mother of two sons from different marriages. She already has grandchildren. This is Volodya and Konstantin. The family lives in Latvia, where Alla has a home in Riga luxury house with all conviniences.

Alla's photo

Alla Dukhova runs Instagram, where new photos sometimes appear.

Alla Vladimirovna Dukhova is a professional choreographer, founder and artistic director ballet Todes, she was born on November 29, 1966 in the village of Kosa, Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug. A woman is one of the most bright personalities in choreography, she managed to captivate audiences in Latvia, Russia and around the world.

She was never afraid to take risks, to use elements of Western European and American dance schools, even though this was not approved by the government. The woman developed her own method of teaching children to dance, which is now used in different countries and cities.

Love for dancing

Although the girl was born in Kos, a year later she and her family moved to Riga. Besides her, Alla’s parents also had a second daughter, Dina. Mother and father instilled in their children a love of art; they sent their daughters to music school. On the way to classes, the future dancer constantly stopped near the choreography class. She carefully observed the teacher’s movements and then repeated them at home.

One day, Alla’s mother asked her what she wanted to do in the future. The daughter said that she dreams of devoting her life to dancing. She was no longer interested in anything. Mom reacted with understanding, and soon she sent the girl to the folk dance ensemble “Ivushka”. At that time, the baby was only 11 years old, but in many ways she was superior to her older colleagues. The teachers who discovered the Spiritual amazing world choreography by Laizane, Dubovitsky and Shurkin.

The young dancer dreamed of not only learning from teachers, but also inventing routines on her own. In the tenth grade, she managed to get behind the scenes of the circus thanks to her acquaintance with the trainer’s daughter. The artists were amazed by Alla's abilities, they invited her to perform with them. The girl spent several months on tour, but due to an ankle injury she had to forget about the circus forever.

Dukhova has always been independent. She was used to making money from performing, so she didn’t want to be left without money. The dancer started working as a janitor, and later she got a job as a freight forwarder at a moped manufacturing plant. At the age of 16, the girl went to a pioneer camp, where she taught choreography to children. After returning, she was invited to work at the House of Culture. Thanks to this, she was able to quit the factory.

When financial issues faded into the background, Alla decided to assemble her first group. The Experiment team consisted only of girls. Among them were relatives, friends of Dukhova and even her sister Dina. They enjoyed working with the purposeful schoolgirl, and the ensemble repeatedly won festivals.

The birth of ballet

At one of the festivals in Palanga, participants of the “Experiment” crossed paths with the men’s group “Todos” from St. Petersburg. The guys performed risky stunts on stage, they were delighted with the sharp, sharp movements of the girls. Within a few months, the groups united, taking the name “Todes”. Together they performed at the Oktyabrsky concert hall at the break festival.

The debut took place on March 8, 1987, this is the date that is considered to be the date of birth of the ballet. In the same year, Dukhova was elected artistic director of the group. At that time, Dina Dukhova, Lena Shlyk, Marina Litsova, Vyacheslav Ignatiev, Andrey Gavrilenko and Gennady Ilyin danced in the group. During three years Alla combined organizational responsibilities with performances, but then stopped appearing on stage.

The first tour of “Todes” in the North Caucasus was sold out. Fans advised the dancers to go conquer Moscow, and they decided to listen. At first, the capital received the ballet participants coolly; they had to live in a hostel and organize concerts on their own. But soon Dukhova met Alexander Birman, who helped her negotiate performances in Chelyabinsk. The team accompanied famous stars - Sofia Rotaru, Bravo and Igor Talkov. The audience greeted them with applause.

A huge success

Sofia Rotaru was delighted with Todes' performance. She invited the dancers to accompany her at all concerts, their collaboration lasted about five years. After this, the team celebrated its first anniversary grand concert with the participation of Philip Kirkorov, Tatiana Bulanova and Alexander Buinov. The stars shared their impressions with each other, recommended ballet, and soon Alla had no end to those who wanted to collaborate.

The composition of the team has been expanded several times throughout its existence; in 1997, their number increased to 150 people. The dancers managed to perform on the same stage with Kristina Orbakaite, Valery Leontyev, Larisa Dolina and Valery Meladze. They were invited to events such as the competition " New wave"in Jurmala, the Nika and Golden Gramophone award ceremonies. Later they gained fame outside of Russia.

Alla considers them the biggest victory of “Todes” joint performance with Ricky Martin and Mariah Carey at the Music Awards. In addition, the band members accompanied Michael Jackson at concerts in Munich and Seoul. Many dancers subsequently began to collaborate on an ongoing basis with Russian and foreign stars. Some of them started performing solo. For example, singer Angina and Vlad Sokolovsky began their careers in the Dukhova ballet.

Other achievements

Alla Vladimirovna always strived for something more. Her team has become incredibly popular; the dancers still continue to tour around the world. And then the woman decided to create a place for those who dream of learning choreography. In 1997, she rented a room in Lefortovo, and it was there that the first students of the Todes school came. Later, two more educational institutions were opened in Riga and St. Petersburg. In just ten years, the network of schools has expanded throughout the CIS countries and even in Malta.

Dukhova personally selects teachers for branches educational institution. Everyone is accepted into the dance school, regardless of age, body type and level of training. The youngest students are barely 3 years old, so teachers must have psychological knowledge. In 2011, the main building of Todes was moved from Lefortovo to Paveletskaya embankment.

In 2002, with the help of Alla, a two-hour performance about the ballet Todes was created. Later she staged several more dance plays - “Dancing Love”, “Only for You”, “I Love You” and “The Most Dangerous”. Some productions were timed to coincide with the anniversaries of the group.

Since 2007, Alla has been releasing her own clothing line, developed together with her Todes colleagues. She says that all the dancers are a big family, their relationships are based on trust and teamwork. Perhaps it was thanks to the help and support of her wards that the woman was able to achieve such heights in her career.

In 2014, Dukhova opened the Todes Dance Theater. In 2015, she joined the jury of the show “Dance!” on Channel One. Her colleagues were choreographers Radu Poklitaru and Vyacheslav Kulaev, as well as TV presenter Dmitry Khrustalev.

Family and personal life

Alla Vladimirovna was married only once. Her chosen one was the talented programmer Sergei, who was later invited to work in the USA. Because of his move, the relationship began to deteriorate, and the couple eventually separated. From this marriage, the dancer has a son, Vladimir.

Due to her workload, the woman could not pay proper attention to her son. He lived in Riga with her sister, who had five children of her own. Dina was very supportive of Alla at that time, the dancer is still grateful to her for this. Despite rare meetings, she managed to maintain contact with her son.

The woman gave birth to her second boy, Konstantin. common-law husband Anton. He manages the lighting for Todes performances. The lovers have been living together for many years; they do not consider a stamp in their passport necessary for family happiness. Dukhova appears alone at all events, so journalists do not know whether she now has a man.

Alla Vladimirovna Dukhova. Born on November 29, 1966 in the village of Kosa, Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug (Perm Region). Soviet and Russian choreographer, founder and artistic director of the Todes ballet (TODES).

Alla Dukhova was born on November 29, 1966 in the village of Kosa, Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug, Perm Region.

Father - Vladimir Dukhov, had two educations - a physical education teacher and a gas-electric welder, worked in the second specialty at a moped factory.

Mother - Galina Dukhova, an economist, worked as a mathematics teacher, then was a housewife.

Sister - Dina, head of the Riga department of the ballet "Todes".

A year after her birth, the family moved from the Komi-Permyak district, where her parents taught, to Riga. There the children's and teenage years Alla.

WITH early years Alla studied music. And after lessons, she often loved to go to the neighboring choreography class and watch the movements of master of dance Alexei Kolychev. Then, when she came home, she repeated what she saw in front of the mirror. Alla was drawn to dancing, although she was considered phlegmatic. However, as she herself noted, from birth she was simply stress-resistant - which later helped her many times in life and in her profession.

Realizing that her daughter was obsessed with dancing, her mother, at the age of 11, took her to the folk dance ensemble “Ivushka”, in which she studied, learning the basics of choreography. Her teachers were Valentina Andrianovna Laizane, Yuri Vasilyevich Shurkin, who came to the team from the State Folk Dance Ensemble of Belarus, where he had previously worked as a choreographer, worked in the team, and at that time Eduard Dubovitsky from the Riga Choreographic School taught in the team.

After school I planned to become a circus performer. Once a circus came to Riga for a long tour, and Taya Kornilova, the daughter of hereditary trainers, began to study with her in her senior year. They became friends. Seeing Alla at the concert, she suggested: “Let’s go to our Elephants and Dancers attraction.” Dukhova came to the circus, they tested her and agreed to accept her.

Immediately after graduating from school, Dukhova went on tour with the circus to Chisinau, where for two months she was introduced to the program: she learned to easily climb on an elephant and perform tricks on its back. Then there was a tour in Minsk, where at one of the performances Alla broke her leg - at the ankle. The fracture was very difficult, it took her almost a year to recover.

Then I got a part-time job at a pioneer camp, teaching dance classes. There the director of the House of Culture in Jurmala drew attention to her and invited her to work. She quickly put together a group of girlfriends. Moreover, Alla Dukhova’s childhood dream was not only to dance on stage, but also to stage numbers and choreographic performances herself.

At the age of 16, she assembled her first team, “Experiment,” which consisted exclusively of girls. “The Experiment” quickly gained popularity due to the fact that the productions were based on modern choreography of the American and Western European schools, which at that time (early eighties) was under an unspoken ban.

Alla recalled: “When we started, our country had classical ballet and folk dance. We heard about modern choreography, but there was no opportunity to learn. When some Western tapes and literature came to us, we greedily grabbed all the information. We included clips their artists and learned to dance from them. Now it may seem funny, but then breakdancing was considered propaganda for this. It never occurred to anyone that it was a sport, complex tricks, beauty, dexterity and strength of spirit. There was no other reason."

As a united team of 14 people, they made a 40-minute solo program. They were taken with her to the North Ossetian Philharmonic. The team traveled all over the Caucasus, but then due to a conflict with the director they were fired. They went to Moscow. The first time was very difficult. We lived in two one-room apartments with 12 people in each. Dukhova recalled: “They slept on mattresses, and when they left, they rolled them up and put them in a pile. They maintained perfect cleanliness, assigned duties: who was responsible for the toilet, who was responsible for the stove, who was responsible for the dust. In the evenings, they cooked something simple and everyone sat down to eat together.”

But gradually creative life things started to get better - her friend’s father, Alexander Aronovich Berman (administrator of the Riga Philharmonic), sent them on a big tour. The team came to the attention of Sofia Rotaru, who invited her to work with her.

At one of the festivals in Palanga, fate brought the girls from “Experiment” together with St. Petersburg dancers, who gave their group the sonorous name “Todes”. Then they decided to unite into one team, and thus the ballet was born "TODES".

Alla Dukhova and the ballet "Todes"

Graduated from the directing department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts.

In 2001, she took part in the game “One Hundred to One”, was in the “Dancing” team (Sergey Voronkov, Denis Bugakov, Yulia Filippova (Malaya) and Anna Syadristaya).

The Todes team began with 14 people, and now the troupe has 150 professional dancers who are in demand not only in Russia, but abroad. Todes has the largest network dance schools in the world - in 111 branches in different countries there are 20 thousand students of all ages.

"Discipline and a responsible attitude towards one's work are important. Our team is a large and Friendly family. The most loving and devoted ones, those who fanatically love their work, remain for a long time,” said Dukhova.

Alla Dukhova's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Alla Dukhova:

She was married three times.

From his first marriages he has a son, Vladimir Dukhov.

The third husband, Anton, works at Todes as a technical director. In 2002, their son Konstantin Dukhov was born.

Vladimir Dukhov graduated from the Faculty of Directing in the USA, at the New York Film Academy, received a bachelor's degree, studied for a master's degree in his homeland, theater director, writes music. He gave Alla a granddaughter, Sofia (born 2014).

Konstantin Dukhov dances at Todes and plays sports.

As Alla Dukhova noted, her personal life it didn’t work out because of work: “I didn’t have enough strength for my husband, although I honestly tried. Family life First of all, it involves attention; it is not without reason that they say that family is hard work. In this regard, the family is a victim, although I don’t think so. I am for complete family, you can’t accuse me of feminism.”

Alla Dukhova lives with her family in Latvia. IN native Riga she built a big house.

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