Alina Grosu - changes in her personal life and appearance. Biography of Alina Grosu “New” face of Alina Grosu

Now Alina is a real star, she is recognized not only by admirers of her teenage talent, but also by Russian celebrities.

Grosu successfully performs on the same stage with Grigory Leps, Valery Meladtse, Alla Pugacheva and other people in the domestic show business. decided to find out how Alina managed to achieve this fame and how she manages to combine creativity and personal life. Alina, you have been on stage since early childhood and you know what it means to be popular. Tell us when you first felt that popularity had come to you?

Alina Grosu: To be honest, I didn’t even notice how it happened, since it was “from the pot to the stage”, I don’t remember any other life. I don't think it's anything special. I didn’t even think that it was different for other people. Growing up, I began to understand that not everyone has a public profession and many people avoid it altogether, but I did not regard popularity as something special. Do you remember your first performance on the big stage? Tell us about your emotions.

Alina Grosu: My first performance on the big stage was probably in Chernivtsi, where from 800 to 1000 people gathered and I was 3 years old then. First she came out as a model, then with a song. Then there were big scenes in Kyiv at 3.5 years old, there was no fear at all, it was a game and nothing more. I wanted to sing quickly, get the promised toy, and I was pleased that they applauded me. Is there a big difference between performing for a small audience and at the Olimpiysky?

Alina Grosu: Not a big difference. It’s easier for me to speak at the Olympic Stadium than to a small audience. Because at the little one you catch absolutely every eye, but in the Olimpiysky, no matter how much you want, you won’t catch the gaze of absolutely every audience. In a small audience, I am very worried about what they will think, what they will say, about absolutely everyone. And I get great pleasure at the Olympics. How do you cope with anxiety? What do you do in 5 minutes? before going on stage?

Alina Grosu: I get nervous after 5 minutes and 20 seconds on stage, then I get used to it very quickly and begin to feel free. Usually before going out I sing, I can repeat something, think about what was prepared for the performance, so as not to forget anything, I cross myself. You are changing your image. Stage image and fashion preferences in everyday life - how different are they?

Alina Grosu: In normal life I don’t wear a swimsuit. In ordinary life I am more modest. But, nevertheless, on stage I remain myself and do nothing that is disgusting to me and does not correspond to any of my priorities. On stage I remain myself, but in life I am a little more reserved. What do you have to sacrifice on the path to fame? Which sacrifices are you ready for, and which ones are “no way, never!”?

Alina Grosu: I am not ready to step over any incredible boundaries, I will not step over a person, I will never do something mean and bad. Do you have enough time for your personal life?

Alina Grosu: I think whoever wants is looking for an opportunity, whoever doesn’t wants a reason, so I will have an opportunity if I really want it.

In conclusion, a short biographical note about Alina Grosu:

Alina Grosu was born on June 8, 1995 in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Alina began working on stage at the age of 4, participating along with adult artists in the “Hit of the Year” project with the song “Bee,” which was nominated for an award. In the same year, the first video “Summer” was released.

At the age of nine, Alina Grosu’s first solo concert took place in the city of Nikolaev.

In 2010, Alina Grosu entered the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S.A. Gerasimov (VGIK) in the acting department. Now Alina continues her studies at the Faculty of Directing and actively takes part in filming. In parallel with her studies, preparations are underway for the release of the singer’s new solo album, consisting exclusively of music and lyrics created by Alina herself. As a director, Alina Grosu showed herself in working on her own videos: “Yours forever” (2013), “Let Go” (2013), “Drop” (2013), “Adult” (2013), “Three words” (2014), "Brakes" (2014).

Alina Grosu is a young singer of Ukrainian origin who works successfully in Russia, born on 06/08/1995 in Chernivtsi.


Alice’s mother recalls that she began to sing almost from birth. In any case, certainly before she started talking. Although both of her parents did not shine with musical talents. The father worked in construction, after the birth of his daughter he opened his own company, and soon received a deputy mandate from the City Council, and all worries about the baby fell almost entirely on the mother’s shoulders.

Since childhood, Alina was a charmer with pretty features and luxurious curls. In addition, nature gave her a beautiful voice and almost perfect pitch. Needless to say, the girl began to appear on stage very early to participate in various competitions.

Interestingly, unlike many children, she was never afraid of the stage. On the contrary, I looked forward to each performance as if it were another high point. And triumph was not long in coming. First, she confidently won a children's beauty contest. Soon she won the first prize for her musical talent.

Then the mother decided to take the baby to Kyiv. There, at the next competition, the little star was noticed by the famous singer Irina Bilyk. She came up to meet her and was so impressed by the girl’s spontaneity that she gave her a song, for which Alina’s first video with the same name “Bdzhilka” was soon shot.


After the premiere of the video on several Ukrainian TV channels, the young singer almost immediately became a celebrity. They often began to invite her to performances, and her mother decided that in this case she should take singing seriously, and hired the best vocal teachers for the girl.

For several years they constantly traveled to Kyiv, but soon it became unbearable - both the girl and her parents were tired. The family decided to move to the capital, where Alina continued to perform, under the patronage of Irina Bilyk, and went to a Kyiv school.

Classmates accepted the young star into the new team with ambiguity. Some admired, some envied. But the teachers quickly disliked her for her frequent absences due to performances. After suffering for a couple of years, Alina asked her parents to transfer her to home schooling. They agreed, and the girl received her certificate as an external student.

In 2009, after the release of a truly shocking video by the 13-year-old singer “Everyone Dances,” in which the ballet performed erotic dance moves in the S&M style and was dressed in appropriate costumes, a major scandal broke out, which almost cost Alina her career.

The parents were even summoned to the Ministry of Culture and explained at length that it was not appropriate for such a young creature to present itself in an inappropriate way. But since the underage girl herself did not do anything obscene in the video and looked quite decent, the passions gradually subsided.


Alina successfully graduated from the Kiev Variety and Circus School and moved to Moscow to continue her studies at VGIK. At the same time, she began to actively act in films, but her acting talent turned out to be very mediocre. So she decided to pursue a singing career.

In 2014, due to political events in Ukraine, she had to return to her native Kyiv - her mother was nominated as a candidate for deputy from Lyashko’s party, and the child’s studies in Russia could harm her political career. But after the mother lost the election, the daughter returned back with a clear conscience, especially since a new creative patron was eagerly awaiting her there.

It was Leps who persuaded her to become blonde and even slightly correct her already very pretty face. Alina plumped up her lips and enlarged her cheekbones, and after that she starred in Gregory’s video “A Glass of Vodka on the Table.” Now she is still successfully pursuing her career in Russia.

Personal life

Boys have always liked the charming curly haired girl. Her first love happened at a very young age - in kindergarten. But when fame came to the little girl, she quickly realized that most boys were attracted not to herself, but to her star status. This was the first, but not the biggest disappointment.

At the age of 13, she experienced her first stormy romance with a student from her own school. She doesn’t like to remember the details, but she said that that was the first time she learned what betrayal meant. Since then, she has become very careful in choosing friends and especially boyfriends.

Now her boyfriend, whom she has already officially introduced to fans by posting joint photos on Instagram, is Mikael Aramyan. He was invited as a partner in the shooting of one of Alina’s videos (the song “Dog”). While working, a mutual spark broke out, and since then the young people have been trying to spend their free time together.

With Mikael Aramyan

However, Alina is not in a hurry to get married yet - she is all about creativity. He tries to write song lyrics and dreams of publishing a book about his unusual path in show business. Lately I’ve become interested in cooking – after all, I constantly have to watch my figure, but I want something tasty!

He plays a lot of sports, and when he has a quiet moment he likes to just lie on the couch and read something.

The Ukrainian audience does not have time to follow how the singer is changing. She shocks fans by focusing on sexuality. What changes have occurred in the star’s work? And what's interesting about her personal life?

“New” face of Alina Grosu

22-year-old Alina Grosu began to look completely different. After the singer underwent several plastic surgeries, she is unrecognizable.

Now only the previous photos remind me of the Alina everyone knew. The fact that the girl “worked” on her appearance is evidenced by numerous photos that the singer herself published on social networks. After all, you don’t have to be an expert in surgical plastic surgery to determine this. The naked eye can see that Grosu's facial features have sharpened, his cheeks have become thinner, his lips have become fuller, and his nose has become more snub-nosed.

Most stars “work” on their appearance to maintain beauty and youth. Of course, few people can boast that they are not afraid of aging. But it’s probably too early for Alina to think about it. However, she still decided to improve herself. Indeed, despite the fact that many fans considered her attractive, Grosso herself was obviously not satisfied with her appearance. She changes her appearance to look simply stunning. But this is not the only thing the star shocks her fans with.

"Barbie" in Russia

One of her latest hobbies is a variety of braids. Only in tandem with bright makeup does the singer look more like a doll. This is exactly what her admirers think, pointing out on the social network pages under Alina Grosu’s photo that she now looks like a Barbie doll. And the singer is not going to stop there. And he promises to continue experimenting on himself. However, the singer is still keeping silent about what surprises should be expected from her.

As you know, Alina Grosu left Ukraine for a career in Russia. And in the fall of 2015 she sang “A Glass of Vodka on the Table” together with Leps. After this duet, the singer in her native Ukraine began to be called a traitor and “the second Ani Lorak.”

Alina herself was very upset about this. After all, according to her statements, collaboration with Leps is the dream of any artist. The star's creative career in Russia continues. And in 2016, she starred in Gazmanov’s video “Couples”. And a year later he presented the scandalous video “I Want Bass.” The singer generally has a lot of videos in which she appears in explicit images.

Intriguing clips of the star

In 2012, there was a lot of hype around her and the grandson of Alla Pugacheva. Nikita Presnyakov spent several days with the Ukrainian singer in the capital of love. News was constantly circulating on the Internet that Nikita Presnyakov left his fiancée in the USA for the sake of a video with Grosu, and he himself flew to Paris for 4 days. But is this really so?

As it turned out, Nikita Presnyakov became the director of her video. And the author of the song was Alina Grosu herself. Nikita Presnyakov admits that it was interesting for him to work with an amazing singer and a beautiful girl. After all, when Alina Gros was only 7 years old, and Pugacheva’s grandson was 10, he played the main role in the video of the rising star “The Homeless Boy.” Years later, Nikita Presnyakov learned that the matured Alina continued to sing and decided to shoot a video for the song “Adult”.

But if the video, directed by Nikita Presnyakov, did not cause much excitement, then the composition “I Want Bass,” where the singer herself acted as a director, posing in erotic poses, was criticized by netizens: “The little bdzhilka is not the same anymore”... Everyone else her clips can be considered unprovocative.

Personal life of Alina Grosu

For the singer herself, the most important thing now is creativity and career. Her heart has been occupied for a long time. True, the wedding is still far away. After all, the girl believes that she is a creative person. And first of all, he sets himself the goal of developing in this direction.

Grosu’s personal life now is an opportunity to feel a little freer than after the wedding. And many of the videos in which the young actress stars are not her personal life at all, but the acting. Her partners on the set act as her men and spouses.

In the winter of 1998, Alina won the “Mini Miss Ukraine” competition in the “Little Young Lady Talent” category (Ukrainian: Little Pannochka Talent), which was held by the Galakton company; At the same time, the popular singer Irina Bilyk noticed the girl, began to support Alina and gave her several songs that made Alina Grosu famous in Ukraine.

At the age of six, Alina Grosu moved from Chernivtsi to Kyiv and began working professionally in show business.

The singer has four solo albums. The third album, “The Sea Is Worried,” went gold.

Alina Grosu is a participant in such major projects as “Person of the Year”, “Song of the Year”, “Junior Eurovision” and World Music Awards; pop singer, performing both independently and in collaboration with other popular musicians.

In 2010, Alina Grosu graduated from the 11th grade of Pechersk gymnasium No. 75 in Kiev as an external student.

In August 2010, Alina left for Moscow, where she entered the All-Russian State University of Cinematography.

In the “Let Them Talk” program on ORT, Alina Grosu said that a security guard was assigned to her after she was proposed to by a man older than her, whom she mistook for a pedophile.


  • Father - Mikhail Mikhailovich Grosu (August 4, 1967, Chernivtsi) - worked at a vocational school as a foreman, engineer, then a tax inspector, later became a businessman and deputy of the Chernivtsi City Council, has a legal education.;
  • Mother - Anna Andreevna Grosu, a nurse by training;
    • Maternal half-brother Roman Kalandzhiy (b. 1985), when Alina was 6 years old, studied at the Chernivtsi Polytechnic College, has a legal education, is a realtor, and is engaged in the furniture business..


  • 2000 - Together with me (Together with me)
  • 2002 - Bdzhilka (Bee)
  • 2004 - The sea is agitated
  • 2006 - I am Kokhana Donechka (I am my beloved daughter)
  • 2008 - I want to be naughty
  • 2008 - On the 19th floor
  • 2010 - Chalk on the asphalt

Grosu Alina Mikhailovna (b. 1995) is a Ukrainian actress and pop singer who has been performing professionally on stage since the age of 4.

Birth and family

Alina was born in the Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi on June 8, 1995.
The time after the collapse of the Soviet Union was difficult for all former republics. In Ukraine, the formation of a new state was also taking place, and the life of the Grosu family could not be called cloudless at the time of the birth of their daughter. Mom, Grosu Anna Andreevna, has a medical education. She received the profession of a nurse, but practically did not have time to work on it, since her daughter was born and Anna was raising her.

Dad, Mikhail Mikhailovich, despite having a legal education, had to change many professions in order to support his family: a master at a vocational school, a tax inspector, an engineer. In the end, he got tired of hanging around enterprises and working for someone, Mikhail opened his own business, and his business turned out to be quite successful. He helped his hometown a lot, for which the residents elected Mikhail Mikhailovich as a deputy of the Chernivtsi City Council.
Alina has an older brother, Roman, who is his mother’s half-brother.

Childhood and first musical steps

The melodic Chernivtsi region is famous for such pop stars as Sofia Rotaru and Ani Lorak. Everyone sings there, so little Alina was surrounded by music from an early age. As soon as the girl learned to speak, her parents had already found a good vocal teacher for her, and classes began.

From an early age, Alina grew up to be a very developed child. Her curiosity knew no bounds; she could ask so many questions per minute that adults simply did not have time to answer them.

However, Alina Grosu's childhood was completely different from that of ordinary little children. Before she had time to learn to speak and walk, she was destined to begin her creative path in life.

At the age of three, the baby became a participant in the “Mini Miss Ukraine” beauty contest, which was organized by the company “Galakton”. Alina’s first victory came precisely on this project. In a competition where she had to show her talents, Grosu sang and charmed the jury with her performance. Alina received the “Little Young Lady Talent” prize.

A neighbor in Chernivtsi, seeing what an active child Alina was growing up and learning about her participation in the competition, told her parents: “Yes, you need to prepare your child for admission to Moscow State University!” That’s when mom and dad began to give their daughter a full schedule: math and English classes, singing and playing the piano, and dancing. At the age of four, Alina already knew the entire multiplication table.

Dad’s business developed well, and my parents had the financial opportunity to shoot videos. They began recording the performances of their little singer and soon took part in the next competition. It was the Bingo music festival. Since Alina was the youngest participant, she was chosen as the mascot of the event and was awarded a prize - a certificate for free recording of a song in the Nova studio in Kyiv.

Creative path

In Kyiv, a pretty girl with a wonderful voice was noticed by the Ukrainian pop star and composer Irina Bilyk. She gave Alina a recently written song “Rushnichok”.

Thus began a close and fruitful collaboration between an adult famous singer and a little aspiring star. Bilyk wrote several more songs for Alina: “Freedom”, “Bee”, “Little Love”.

The girl with pretty curls became popular in Ukraine along with famous singers, began working professionally in show business, and the family had to move from Chernivtsi to Kyiv.

To date, Alina Grosu has released several solo albums:

  • “Along with Me” (2000);
  • "Bee" (2002);
  • “The Sea is Troubled” (2004);
  • “I want to be naughty” (2008);
  • “Chalk on the asphalt” (2010).

The sweet curly girl turned into a beautiful girl, and the repertoire also changed. The touching and romantic composition “Wet Eyelashes” became a real lyrical hit. The video for this song was shot by famous video maker Alan Badoev; he called the composition the purest story about school love. This hit was written by the talented author and composer Yulia Gai. Grosu continued to successfully collaborate with her further. The result of this collaboration was the songs “Chalk on the Asphalt” and “Forgive Me, My Love,” for which romantic videos were also filmed.

She toured almost all of Ukraine with concerts, very often Alina was invited to perform at events dedicated to City Day in such megacities as Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Lvov, Odessa, Kyiv.

In 2015, the New Wave music festival took place in Sochi. Alina did not take part in the competition program, but at the closing ceremony she sang in a duet with the popular Russian performer Grigory Leps. For this performance she was criticized by Ukrainian fans. Later, unknown people began calling the young singer and threatening her with death for collaborating with Russian show business.

Of course, Alina is bitter to realize that such persecution began against her in her native country. How can art be so connected with politics? And besides, who doesn’t dream of singing a duet with Leps himself? How could she refuse such cooperation? “I am a singer and I find my calling in creativity. But it turns out that she has become a hostage to the political situation.”

Despite such threats, Grosu signed a contract with the production center of Grigory Leps. The songs “Jealous”, “Rozhdestvenskaya”, “Dogs@”, released in the first year, instantly won the hearts of listeners. Alina calls Grigory Leps her idol, follows his example in everything, and gets great pleasure from working and communicating with him. She is impressed by how the singer manages to combine stage, business and a big happy family.

During her creative career, Alina managed to receive many awards:

  • She won first prize at the Ukrainian music festival “Song Vernissage”.
  • She was a diploma winner of the Russian competition “Morning Star”.
  • In 2001, in the Ukrainian competition “Person of the Year”, Grosu became the winner in the “Child of the Year” category.
  • She has repeatedly become a laureate of the Ukrainian festival “Song of the Year”.

Alina Grosu’s record has not yet been broken by anyone; she remains the only Ukrainian singer who has been working on the professional stage since she was four years old.


In 2008, in Kyiv, Alina graduated from Pechersk Gymnasium No. 75 as an external student and entered the Utesov Academy of Variety Circus Arts. Naturally, she chose the department of pop singing at the Faculty of Musical Arts. Many teachers were skeptical of her and directly asked why she entered so early, because at that age they were still in school. But Alina was not embarrassed by such questions. If she felt that she was capable of more, then why stop there? In 2010, the girl graduated from the Academy with honors.

In the summer of 2010, Grosu went to Moscow, where she became a student at the All-Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK). At the acting department, Alina chose the specialty “Film and Theater Actress”. She studied at the course of Igor Yasulovich.

At VGIK, Alina did not feel too comfortable at first; her classmates were older and more experienced. Despite the fact that she performed on stage from early childhood, when she began to be trusted with roles in student productions, the girl developed a complex. It happened that I cried at night and complained to my parents. But my mother said in response: “I decided, so do it. You can!"

And she was really able to prove to both her parents and herself that it was not in vain that she left for a distant foreign city and entered a theater university. I gradually established contact with my classmates and played a lot in student theater productions. Alina visited Kazan with performances and a student troupe, and then abroad - in Georgia, Vietnam, Germany.

Her dream came true. Many girls at an early age dream of becoming a singer, but Alina did not need to dream about it, she conquered the stage at the age of four. But she really wanted to be an actress, or at least a clothing designer.

Alina graduated from VGIK with almost “excellent” grades; she was one “A” short of a diploma with honors. She could study for another year and get a degree in directing, but for now she doesn’t need it, she has too many creative plans.

other hobbies

Now Grosu is not only a singer, but also a lyricist. She owns poems for such compositions as “Adult”, “Yours forever”, “Throw it away”, “Brakes”. Many of the texts have a deep meaning; I can’t even believe that they were written by such a young author. She began writing poetry at the age of seven, and now Alina has accumulated enough works to publish a collection. In general, she really dreams of writing a book. I already started it three times, but after a few chapters I gave it up due to lack of time.

Grosu took part in the Ukrainian popular projects “Dancing with the Stars” and “One on One”, where she certainly became the audience’s favorite.

Alina loves to cook and experiment in the kitchen. True, she rarely eats the result of her creativity; she mainly cooks for her parents, brothers, and friends. Because her culinary delights include Ukrainian borscht and cakes, and the singer needs to keep in shape. Her daily diet mainly consists of light soups, baked chicken breast and lettuce. Lately Alina has become interested in Asian cuisine.

Even if she has moments when she eats up her bad mood with something tasty, then the next day she can easily sit on kefir alone. In general, Alina hasn’t eaten sweets at all for five years now, but she copes with it easily; she’s never particularly liked sweets. But the most delicious fried potatoes have to be sacrificed for the sake of the figure.

Sports occupy a significant place in Alina’s life. She trains in the gym every day, alternating cardio and strength training. And sometimes he goes for a run to get some fresh air and people-watching.

She names reading books among her favorite hobbies. He loves to retire and rustle through the pages of a good novel.

To the question: “What else is needed for happiness?”, the singer answers: “Nothing, I have everything. Family, friends, work." All that remains is to get married and have children, but Alina Grosu still has all this ahead of her, because she is so young.

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