Algorithm for solving linear inequalities with parameters. §2

Solving inequalities with a parameter.

Inequalities that have the form ax > b, ax< b, ax ≥ b, ax ≤ b, где a и b – действительные числа или выражения, зависящие от параметров, а x – неизвестная величина, называются linear inequalities.

The principles for solving linear inequalities with a parameter are very similar to the principles for solving linear equations with a parameter.

Example 1.

Solve the inequality 5x – a > ax + 3.


First, let's transform the original inequality:

5x – ax > a + 3, let’s take x out of brackets on the left side of the inequality:

(5 – a)x > a + 3. Now consider possible cases for parameter a:

If a > 5, then x< (а + 3) / (5 – а).

If a = 5, then there are no solutions.

If a< 5, то x >(a + 3) / (5 – a).

This solution will be the answer to the inequality.

Example 2.

Solve the inequality x(a – 2) / (a ​​– 1) – 2a/3 ≤ 2x – a for a ≠ 1.


Let's transform the original inequality:

x(a – 2) / (a ​​– 1) – 2x ≤ 2a/3 – a;

Ах/(а – 1) ≤ -а/3. Multiplying both sides of the inequality by (-1), we get:

ax/(a – 1) ≥ a/3. Let us explore possible cases for parameter a:

1 case. Let a/(a – 1) > 0 or a € (-∞; 0)ᴗ(1; +∞). Then x ≥ (a – 1)/3.

Case 2. Let a/(a – 1) = 0, i.e. a = 0. Then x is any real number.

Case 3. Let a/(a – 1)< 0 или а € (0; 1). Тогда x ≤ (а – 1)/3.

Answer: x € [(a – 1)/3; +∞) for a € (-∞; 0)ᴗ(1; +∞);
x € [-∞; (a – 1)/3] for a € (0; 1);
x € R for a = 0.

Example 3.

Solve the inequality |1 + x| ≤ ax relative to x.


It follows from the condition that the right-hand side of the inequality ax must be non-negative, i.e. ax ≥ 0. By the rule of revealing the module from the inequality |1 + x| ≤ ax we have a double inequality

Ax ≤ 1 + x ≤ ax. Let's rewrite the result in the form of a system:

(ax ≥ 1 + x;
(-ax ≤ 1 + x.

Let's transform it to:

((a – 1)x ≥ 1;
((a + 1)x ≥ -1.

We study the resulting system on intervals and at points (Fig. 1):

For a ≤ -1 x € (-∞; 1/(a – 1)].

At -1< а < 0 x € [-1/(а – 1); 1/(а – 1)].

When a = 0 x = -1.

At 0< а ≤ 1 решений нет.

Graphical method for solving inequalities

Plotting graphs greatly simplifies solving equations containing a parameter. Using the graphical method when solving inequalities with a parameter is even clearer and more expedient.

Graphically solving inequalities of the form f(x) ≥ g(x) means finding the values ​​of the variable x for which the graph of the function f(x) lies above the graph of the function g(x). To do this, it is always necessary to find the intersection points of the graphs (if they exist).

Example 1.

Solve the inequality |x + 5|< bx.


We build graphs of functions y = |x + 5| and y = bx (Fig. 2). The solution to the inequality will be those values ​​of the variable x for which the graph of the function y = |x + 5| will be below the graph of the function y = bx.

The picture shows:

1) For b > 1 the lines intersect. The abscissa of the intersection point of the graphs of these functions is the solution to the equation x + 5 = bx, whence x = 5/(b – 1). The graph y = bx is located above at x from the interval (5/(b – 1); +∞), which means this set is the solution to the inequality.

2) Similarly we find that at -1< b < 0 решением является х из интервала (-5/(b + 1); 5/(b – 1)).

3) For b ≤ -1 x € (-∞; 5/(b – 1)).

4) For 0 ≤ b ≤ 1, the graphs do not intersect, which means that the inequality has no solutions.

Answer: x € (-∞; 5/(b – 1)) for b ≤ -1;
x € (-5/(b + 1); 5/(b – 1)) at -1< b < 0;
there are no solutions for 0 ≤ b ≤ 1; x € (5/(b – 1); +∞) for b > 1.

Example 2.

Solve the inequality a(a + 1)x > (a + 1)(a + 4).


1) Let’s find the “control” values ​​for parameter a: a 1 = 0, and 2 = -1.

2) Let’s solve this inequality on each subset of real numbers: (-∞; -1); (-1); (-10); (0); (0; +∞).

a) a< -1, из данного неравенства следует, что х >(a + 4)/a;

b) a = -1, then this inequality will take the form 0 x > 0 – there are no solutions;

c) -1< a < 0, из данного неравенства следует, что х < (a + 4)/a;

d) a = 0, then this inequality has the form 0 x > 4 – there are no solutions;

e) a > 0, from this inequality it follows that x > (a + 4)/a.

Example 3.

Solve the inequality |2 – |x||< a – x.


We build a graph of the function y = |2 – |x|| (Fig. 3) and consider all possible cases of the location of the straight line y = -x + a.

Answer: the inequality has no solutions for a ≤ -2;
x € (-∞; (a – 2)/2) for a € (-2; 2];
x € (-∞; (a + 2)/2) for a > 2.

When solving various problems, equations and inequalities with parameters, a significant number of heuristic techniques are discovered, which can then be successfully applied in any other branches of mathematics.

Problems with parameters play an important role in the formation logical thinking and mathematical culture. That is why, having mastered the methods of solving problems with parameters, you will successfully cope with other problems.

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State budget educational institution

Samara region secondary general education

School No. 2 named after. V. Maskina railway Art. Klyavlino

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« Equations



with parameters"




"Equations and inequalities with parameters" for students in grades 10–11

this manual is an appendix to the program of the elective course “Equations and inequalities with parameters”, which has passed external examination (the scientific and methodological expert council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara region dated December 19, 2008 recommended for use in educational institutions Samara region)


Romadanova Irina Vladimirovna

mathematics teacher at Klyavlinskaya Secondary Educational Institution

School No. 2 named after. V. Maskina, Klyavlinsky district, Samara region

Serbaeva Irina Alekseevna


Linear equations and inequalities with parameters……………..4-7

Quadratic equations and inequalities with parameters……………7-9

Fractional-rational equations with parameters……………..10-11

Irrational equations and inequalities with parameters……11-13

Trigonometric equations and inequalities with parameters.14-15

Exponential equations and inequalities with parameters………16-17

Logarithmic equations and inequalities with parameters......16-18

Unified State Exam objectives………………………………………………………...18-20

Tasks for independent work……………………………21-28


Equations and inequalities with parameters.

If in an equation or inequality some coefficients are not given specific numerical values, but are designated by letters, then they are called parameters, and the equation or inequality itself parametric.

In order to solve an equation or inequality with parameters you need to:

    Select special meaning- this is the value of the parameter in which or when passing through which the solution of the equation or inequality changes.

    Define valid values– these are the values ​​of the parameter at which the equation or inequality makes sense.

Solving an equation or inequality with parameters means:

1) determine at what parameter values ​​solutions exist;

2) for each admissible system of parameter values, find the corresponding set of solutions.

You can solve an equation with a parameter using the following methods: analytical or graphical.

Analytical method involves the task of studying an equation by considering several cases, none of which can be missed.

Solving equations and inequalities with parameters of each type using an analytical method involves detailed analysis situations and consistent research during which the need arises "careful handling" with parameter.

Graphical method involves constructing a graph of the equation, from which one can determine how a change in the parameter affects the solution of the equation, respectively. The graph sometimes allows you to analytically formulate the necessary and sufficient conditions for solving the problem. The graphical solution method is especially effective when you need to establish how many roots an equation has depending on a parameter and has the undoubted advantage of seeing this clearly.

§ 1. Linear equations and inequalities.

Linear equation A x = b , recorded in general view, can be considered as an equation with parameters, where x – unknown , a , b - options. For this equation, the special or control value of the parameter is the one at which the coefficient of the unknown becomes zero.

When solving a linear equation with a parameter, cases are considered when the parameter is equal to its special value and different from it.

Special parameter value a is the value A = 0.

b = 0 is a special parameter value b .

At b ¹ 0 the equation has no solutions.

At b = 0 the equation will take the form: 0x = 0. The solution to this equation is any real number.

Inequalities of the form ah > b And ax < b (a ≠ 0) are called linear inequalities. Set of solutions to inequality ah >b– interval

(; +), If a > 0 , And (-;) , If A< 0 . Similarly for the inequality

Oh< b set of solutions - interval(-;), If a > 0, And (; +), If A< 0.

Example 1. Solve the equation ax = 5

Solution: This linear equation.

If a = 0, then the equation 0 × x = 5 has no solution.

If A¹ 0, x =- solution of the equation.

Answer: at A¹ 0, x=

for a = 0 there is no solution.

Example 2. Solve the equation ax – 6 = 2a – 3x.

Solution: This is a linear equation, ax – 6 = 2a – 3x (1)

ax + 3x = 2a +6

Rewriting the equation as (a+3)x = 2(a+3), consider two cases:

a= -3 And A¹ -3.

If a= -3, then any real number X is the root of equation (1). If A¹ -3 , equation (1) has a single root x = 2.

Answer: At a = -3, x R ; at A ¹ -3, x = 2.

Example 3. At what parameter values A among the roots of the equation

2ah – 4kh – a 2 + 4a – 4 = 0 there are more roots 1 ?

Solution: Let's solve the equation 2ah – 4kh – a 2 + 4a – 4 = 0– linear equation

2(a - 2) x = a 2 – 4a +4

2(a - 2) x = (a – 2) 2

At a = 2 solving the equation 0x = 0 will be any number, including one greater than 1.

At A¹ 2 x =
By condition x > 1, that is
>1, and >4.

Answer: At A (2) U (4;∞).

Example 4 . For each parameter value A find the number of roots of the equation ah=8.

Solution. ax = 8– linear equation.

y = a– family of horizontal lines;

y = - The graph is a hyperbola. Let's build graphs of these functions.

Answer: If a =0, then the equation has no solutions. If a ≠ 0, then the equation has one solution.

Example 5 . Using graphs, find out how many roots the equation has:

|x| = ah – 1.

y =| x | ,

y = ah – 1– the graph is a straight line passing through a point (0;-1).

Let's build graphs of these functions.

Answer: When |a|>1- one root

at | a|≤1 – the equation has no roots.

Example 6 . Solve inequality ax + 4 > 2x + a 2

Solution : ax + 4 > 2x + a 2
(a – 2) x >
A 2 – 4. Let's consider three cases.

Answer. x > a + 2 at a > 2; X<а + 2, at A< 2; at a=2 there are no solutions.

§ 2. Quadratic equations and inequalities

Quadratic equation is an equation of the form Oh ² + b x + c = 0 , Where a≠ 0,

A, b , With - options.

To solve quadratic equations with a parameter, you can use standard solution methods using the following formulas:

1 ) discriminant of a quadratic equation: D = b ² - 4 ac , (

2) formulas for the roots of a quadratic equation:X 1 =
, X
2 =

(X 1,2 =

Quadratic inequalities are called

a X 2 + b x + c > 0,a X 2 + b x + c< 0, (1), (2)

a X 2 + b x + c ≥ 0,a X 2 + b x + c ≤ 0,(3), (4)

The set of solutions to inequality (3) is obtained by combining the sets of solutions to inequality (1) and the equation , a X 2 + b x + c = 0. The set of solutions to inequality (4) can be found similarly.

If the discriminant of a quadratic trinomial a X 2 + b x + c is less than zero, then for a > 0 the trinomial is positive for all x R.

If a quadratic trinomial has roots (x 1 < х 2 ), then for a > 0 it is positive on the set(-; x 2 )
2; +) and negative on the interval

(x 1; x 2 ). If a< 0, то трехчлен положителен на интервале (х 1 ; x 2 ) and negative for all x (-; x 1 )
2; +).

Example 1. Solve the equation ax² - 2 (a – 1)x – 4 = 0.

This is a quadratic equation

Solution: Special meaning a = 0.

    At a = 0 we get a linear equation 2x – 4 = 0. It has a single root x = 2.

    At a ≠ 0. Let's find the discriminant.

D = (a-1)² + 4a = (a+1)²

If a = -1, That D = 0 - one root.

Let's find the root by substituting a = -1.

-x² + 4x – 4= 0, that is x² -4x + 4 = 0, we find that x=2.

If a ≠ - 1, That D >0 . Using the root formula we get:x=

X 1 =2, x 2 = -.

Answer: At a=0 and a= -1 the equation has one root x = 2; at a ≠ 0 and

A ≠ - 1 equation has two rootsX 1 =2, x 2 =-.

Example 2. Find the number of roots of this equation x²-2x-8-a=0 depending on parameter values A.

Solution. Let's rewrite given equation as x²-2x-8=a

y = x²-2x-8- the graph is a parabola;

y =a- a family of horizontal lines.

Let's build graphs of functions.

Answer: When A<-9 , the equation has no solutions; when a=-9, the equation has one solution; at a>-9, the equation has two solutions.

Example 3. At what A inequality (a – 3) x 2 – 2ax + 3a – 6 >0 holds for all values ​​of x?

Solution. A quadratic trinomial is positive for all values ​​of x if

a-3 > 0 and D<0, т.е. при а, удовлетворяющих системе неравенств

, whence it follows thata > 6 .

Answer.a > 6

§ 3. Fractional rational equations with parameter,

reducible to linear

The process of solving fractional equations is carried out according to the usual scheme: the fraction is replaced by an integer by multiplying both sides of the equation by the common denominator of its left and right sides. After which the whole equation is solved, excluding extraneous roots, that is, numbers that turn the denominator to zero.

In the case of equations with a parameter, this problem is more complex. Here, in order to “eliminate” extraneous roots, it is necessary to find the value of the parameter that turns the common denominator to zero, that is, to solve the corresponding equations for the parameter.

Example 1. Solve the equation
= 0

Solution: D.Z: x +2 ≠ 0, x ≠ -2

x – a = 0, x = a.

Answer: At a ≠ - 2, x=a

At a = -2 there are no roots.

Example 2 . Solve the equation

This fractional-rational the equation

Solution: Meaning a = 0 is special. At a = 0 the equation makes no sense and therefore has no roots. If a ≠ 0, then after transformations the equation will take the form: x² + 2 (1-a) x + a² - 2a – 3 = 0 (2)- quadratic equation.

Let's find the discriminant = (1 – a)² - (a² - 2a – 3)= 4, find the roots of the equationX 1 = a + 1, x 2 = a - 3.

When moving from equation (1) to equation (2), the domain of definition of equation (1) expanded, which could lead to the appearance of extraneous roots. Therefore, verification is necessary.

Examination. Let's exclude from the found values X those in which

x 1 +1=0, x 1 +2=0, x 2 +1=0, x 2 +2=0.

If X 1 +1=0, that is (a+1) + 1= 0, That a= -2. Thus,

at a= -2 , X 1 -

If X 1 +2=0, that is (a+1)+2=0, That a = - 3. Thus, when a = - 3, x 1 - extraneous root of the equation. (1).

If X 2 +1=0, that is (a – 3) + 1= 0, That a = 2. Thus, when a = 2 x 2 - extraneous root of equation (1).

If X 2 +2=0, that is ( a – 3) + 2 = 0, That a=1. Thus, when a = 1,

X 2 - extraneous root of equation (1).

In accordance with this, when a = - 3 we get x = - 3 – 3 = -6;

at a = - 2 x = -2 – 3= - 5;

at a = 1 x =1 + 1= 2;

at a = 2 x = 2+1 = 3.

You can write down the answer.

Answer: 1) if a= -3, That x= -6; 2) if a= -2, That x= -5; 3) if a= 0, then there are no roots; 4) if a= 1, That x=2; 5) if a=2, That x=3; 6) if a ≠ -3, a ≠ -2, a ≠ 0, a≠ 1, a ≠ 2, then x 1 = a + 1, x 2 = a-3.

§4. Irrational equations and inequalities

Equations and inequalities in which the variable is contained under the root sign are called irrational.

Solving irrational equations comes down to moving from an irrational to a rational equation by exponentiating both sides of the equation or replacing a variable. When both sides of the equation are raised to an even power, extraneous roots may appear. Therefore, when using this method, you should check all the roots found by substituting them into the original equation, taking into account changes in the parameter values.

Equation of the form
=g (x) is equivalent to the system

The inequality f (x) ≥ 0 follows from the equation f (x) = g 2 (x).

When solving irrational inequalities, we will use the following equivalent transformations:



Example 1. Solve the equation
= x + 1 (3)

This is an irrational equation

Solution: By definition of an arithmetic root, equation (3) is equivalent to the system

At a = 2 the first equation of the system has the form 0 x = 5, that is, it has no solutions.

At a≠ 2 x=
Let's find out at what valuesA found valueX satisfies the inequalityx ≥ -1:
≥ - 1,
≥ 0,

where a ≤ or a > 2.

Answer: At a≤, a > 2 x=
at < а ≤ 2 the equation has no solutions.

Example 2. Solve the equation
= a
(Appendix 4)

Solution. y =

y = a– a family of horizontal lines.

Let's build graphs of functions.

Answer: at A<0 – there are no solutions;

at A0 - one solution.

Example 3 . Let's solve the inequality(a+1)

Solution. O.D.Z. x ≤ 2. If a+1 ≤0, then the inequality holds for all admissible values X. If a+1>0, That



where X (2-

Answer. X (- ;2at a (-;-1, X (2-

at A (-1;+).

§ 5. Trigonometric equations and inequalities.

Here are the formulas for solving the simplest trigonometric equations:

Sinx = a
x= (-1)
n arcsin a+πn, n Z, ≤1, (1)

Cos x = a
x = ±arccos a + 2 πn, n Z, ≤1.

If >1, then equations (1) and (2) have no solutions.

tan x = a
x= arctan a + πn, n Z, a R

ctg x = a
x = arcctg a + πn, n Z, a R

For each standard inequality we indicate the set of solutions:

1. sin x > a
arcsin a + 2 πn

at a <-1, x R ; at a ≥ 1, there are no solutions.

2. . sin x< a
π - arcsin a + 2 πnZ,

for a≤-1, there are no solutions; for a > 1,x R

3. cos x > a
- arccos a + 2 πn < x < arccos a + 2 πn , n Z ,

at A<-1, x R ; at a ≥ 1 , there are no solutions.

4. cos x arccos a+ 2 πnZ,

at a≤-1 , no solutions; ata > 1, x R

5. tan x > a, arctan a + πnZ x< a, -π/2 + πn Z

Example 1. Find A, for which this equation has a solution:

Cos 2 x + 2(a-2)cosx + a 2 – 4a – 5 =0.

Solution. Let's write the equation in the form

Withos 2 x + (2 a -4) cosx +(a – 5)(a+1) =0, solving it as a quadratic, we get cosx = 5-A And cosx = -a-1.

The equation cosx = 5- A has solutions provided -1≤ 5-A ≤1
4≤ A≤ 6, and Eq. cosx = - a-1 provided -1≤ -1-A ≤ 1
-2 ≤ A ≤0.

Answer. A -2; 0
4; 6

Example 2. At what bthere is such that the inequality
b> 0 holds for all x ≠πn , n Z .

Solution. Let's put A= 0. The inequality holds for b >0. Let us now show that no b ≤0 satisfies the conditions of the problem. Indeed, it is enough to put x = π /2, If A <0, и х = - π /2 at A ≥0.


§ 6. Exponential equations and inequalities

1. Equation h(x) f ( x ) = h(x) g ( x) at h(x) > 0 is equivalent to a collection of two systems

2. In the special case (h (x)= a ) the equation A f(x) = A g(x) at A> 0, is equivalent to a collection of two systems


3. Equation A f(x) = b , Where A > 0, a ≠1, b>0, equivalent to the equation

f (x )= log a b . Happening A=1 are considered separately.

The simplest solution exponential inequalities based on the property of degree. Inequality of the formf(a x ) > 0 using variable changet= a x reduces to solving the system of inequalities
and then to solving the corresponding simple exponential inequalities.

When solving a non-strict inequality, it is necessary to add the roots of the corresponding equation to the set of solutions to the strict inequality. As in solving equations in all examples containing the expression A f (x), we assume A> 0. Case A= 1 are considered separately.

Example 1 . At what A equation 8 x =
has only positive roots?

Solution. By the property of an exponential function with a base, greater than one, we have x>0
X >1


>0, where from
a (1,5;4).

Answer. a (1,5;4).

Example 2. Solve inequality a 2 ∙2 x > a

Solution. Let's consider three cases:

1. A< 0 . Since the left side of the inequality is positive and the right side is negative, the inequality holds for any x R.

2. a=0. There are no solutions.

3. A > 0 . a 2 ∙2 x >a
2 x >
x > - log 2 a

Answer. X R at A > 0; there are no solutions for a =0; X (- log 2 a; +) ata> 0 .

§ 7. Logarithmic equations and inequalities

Let us present some equivalences used in solving logarithmic equations and inequalities.

1. The equation log f (x) g (x) = log f (x) h (x) is equivalent to the system

In particular, if A >0, A≠1, then

log a g(x)=log a h(x)

2. The equation log a g(x)=b
g(x)=a b ( A >0, a ≠ 1, g(x) >0).

3. Inequality log f ( x ) g (x) ≤ log f ( x ) h(x) is equivalent to a combination of two systems:

If a, b are numbers, a >0, a ≠1, then

log a f(x) ≤ b

log a f(x)>b

Example 1. Solve the equation

Solution. Let's find the ODZ: x > 0, x ≠ A 4 , a > 0, A≠ 1. Transform the equation

log x – 2 = 4 – log a x
log x + log a x– 6 = 0, whence log a x = - 3

x = A-3 and log a x = 2
x = A 2. Condition x = A 4
A – 3 = A 4 or A 2 = A 4 is not performed on ODZ.

Answer: x = A-3, x = A 2 at A (0; 1)
(1; ).

Example 2 . Find highest value A, for which the equation

2 log -
+ a = 0 has solutions.

Solution. We'll make a replacement
= tand we get quadratic equation 2t 2 – t + a = 0. Solving, we findD = 1-8 a . Let's consider D≥0, 1-8 A ≥0
A ≤.

At A = quadratic equation has a roott= >0.

Answer. A =

Example 3 . Solve inequalitylog(x 2 – 2 x + a ) > - 3

Solution. Let's solve the system of inequalities

Roots of square trinomials x 1,2 = 1 ±
3,4 = 1 ±

Critical parameter values: A= 1 and A= 9.

Let X 1 and X 2 be the sets of solutions to the first and second inequalities, then

X 1
2 = X is the solution to the original inequality.

At 0< a <1 Х 1 = (- ;1 -
(1 +
; +), at
A> 1 X 1 = (-;+).

At 0< a < 9 Х 2 = (1 -
; 1 +
), at
A≥9 X 2 – no solutions.

Let's consider three cases:

1. 0< a ≤1 X = (1 -
;1 -
(1 +
;1 +

2. 1 < a < 9 Х = (1 -
;1 +

3. a≥ 9 X – no solutions.

Unified State Exam objectives

High level C1, C2

Example 1. Find all values R, for which the equation

Rctg 2x+2sinx+ p= 3 has at least one root.

Solution. Let's transform the equation

R ∙ (
- 1) + 2sinx + p= 3, sinx =t, t
, t 0.

- p+2t+ p = 3, + 2 t = 3, 3 -2t = , 3t 2 – 2t 3 = p .

Let f(y) = 3 t 2 – 2 t 3 . Let's find the set of function valuesf(x) on

. at
/ = 6 t – 6 t 2 , 6 t - 6 t 2 = 0, t 1 =0, t 2 = 1. f(-1) = 5, f(1) = 1.

At t
, E(f) =

At t
, E(f) =
, that is, when t

E(f) =

To Equation 3t 2 – 2 t 3 = p (hence the given) had at least one root necessary and sufficientp E(f), that is p


Example 2.

At what parameter valuesA the equation log
(4 x 2 – 4 a + a 2 +7) = 2 has exactly one root?

Solution. Let's transform the equation into one equivalent to this:

4x 2 – 4 a + a 2 +7 = (x 2 + 2) 2.

Note that if a certain number x is the root of the resulting equation, then the number – x is also the root of this equation. By condition, this is not feasible, so the only root is the number 0.

We'll find A.

4∙ 0 2 - 4a + a 2 +7 = (0 2 + 2) 2 ,

a 2 - 4a +7 = 4, a 2 - 4a +3 = 0, a 1 = 1, a 2 = 3.


1) a 1 = 1. Then the equation looks like:log
(4 x 2 +4) =2. Let's solve it

4x 2 + 4 = (x 2 + 2) 2, 4x 2 + 4 = x 4 + 4x 2 + 4, x 4 = 0, x = 0 is the only root.

2) a 2 = 3. The equation looks like:log
(4 x 2 +4) =2
x = 0 is the only root.

Answer. 1; 3

High level C4, C5

Example 3. Find all values R, for which the equation

x 2 – ( R+ 3)x + 1= 0 has integer roots and these roots are solutions to the inequality: x 3 – 7 R x 2 + 2x 2 – 14 R x - 3x +21 R ≤ 0.

Solution. Let x 1, X 2 – integer roots of the equation x 2 – (R + 3)x + 1= 0. Then, according to Vieta’s formula, the equalities x 1 + x 2 = R + 3, x 1 ∙ x 2 = 1. Product of two integers x 1 , X 2 can be equal to one only in two cases: x 1 = x 2 = 1 or x 1 = x 2 = - 1. If x 1 = x 2 = 1, thenR + 3 = 1+1 = 2
R = - 1; if x 1 = x 2 = - 1, thenR + 3 = - 1 – 1 = - 2
R = - 5. Let's check whether the roots of the equation x 2 – (R + 3)x + 1= 0 in the described cases by solutions to this inequality. For the occasionR = - 1, x 1 = x 2 = 1 we have

1 3 – 7 ∙ (- 1) ∙ 1 2 +2∙ 1 2 – 14 ∙ (- 1) ∙ 1 – 3 ∙ 1 + 21 ∙ (- 1) = 0 ≤ 0 – true; for the occasion R= - 5, x 1 = x 2 = - 1 we have (- 1) 3 – 7 ∙ (- 5) ∙ (-1) 2 + 2 ∙ (-1) 2 – 14 ∙ (-5) × (- 1 ) – 3 ∙ (- 1) + 21 ∙ (-5) = - 136 ≤ 0 – correct. So, the conditions of the problem are satisfied only R= - 1 and R = - 5.

Answer.R 1 = - 1 and R 2 = - 5.

Example 4. Find all positive values ​​of the parameter A, for which the number 1 belongs to the domain of definition of the function

at = (A
- A


Solving inequalities online on for students and schoolchildren to consolidate the material they have covered. And training your practical skills. Inequality in mathematics is a statement about the relative size or order of two objects (one of the objects is less or not greater than the other), or that two objects are not the same (denial of equality). In elementary mathematics, numerical inequalities are studied; in general algebra, analysis, and geometry, inequalities between objects of a non-numerical nature are also considered. To solve an inequality, both of its parts must be determined with one of the inequality signs between them. Strict inequalities imply inequality between two objects. Unlike strict inequalities, non-strict inequalities allow the equality of the objects included in it. Linear inequalities are the simplest ones from the point of view of starting to study expressions, and the most common ones are used to solve such inequalities. simple techniques. The main mistake students make when solving inequalities online is that they do not distinguish between the features of strict and non-strict inequalities, which determines whether or not the boundary values ​​will be included in the final answer. Several inequalities interconnected by several unknowns are called a system of inequalities. The solution to the inequalities from the system is a certain area on the plane, or volumetric figure in three-dimensional space. Along with this, they are abstracted by n-dimensional spaces, but when solving such inequalities it is often impossible to do without special computers. For each inequality separately, you need to find the values ​​of the unknown at the boundaries of the solution area. The set of all solutions to the inequality is its answer. The replacement of one inequality with another inequality equivalent to it is called an equivalent transition from one inequality to another. A similar approach is found in other disciplines because it helps bring expressions to a standard form. You will appreciate all the benefits of solving inequalities online on our website. An inequality is an expression containing one of the => signs. Essentially this is a logical expression. It can be either true or false - depending on what is on the right and left in this inequality. An explanation of the meaning of inequalities and basic techniques for solving inequalities are studied in various courses, as well as at school. Solving any inequalities online - inequalities with modulus, algebraic, trigonometric, transcendental inequalities online. Identical inequalities, like strict and non-strict inequalities, simplify the process of achieving the final result and are an auxiliary tool for solving the problem. Solving any inequalities and systems of inequalities, be they logarithmic, exponential, trigonometric or square inequalities, is ensured by using an initially correct approach to this important process. Solving inequalities online on the site is always available to all users and absolutely free. Solutions to an inequality in one variable are the values ​​of the variable that convert it into a correct numerical expression. Equations and inequalities with modulus: the modulus of a real number is absolute value this number. Standard method The solution to these inequalities is to raise both sides of the inequality to the required power. Inequalities are expressions that indicate the comparison of numbers, so solving inequalities correctly ensures the accuracy of such comparisons. They can be strict (greater than, less than) and non-strict (greater than or equal to, less than or equal to). Solving an inequality means finding all those values ​​of variables that, when substituted into the original expression, turn it into the correct numerical representation. The concept of inequality, its essence and features, classification and varieties - this is what determines the specifics of this mathematical section. The basic properties of numerical inequalities, applicable to all objects of this class, must be studied by students in initial stage familiarization with this topic. Inequalities and intervals of the number line are very closely related when we're talking about about solving inequalities online. The graphic designation of the solution to an inequality clearly shows the essence of such an expression; it becomes clear what one should strive for when solving any given problem. The concept of inequality involves comparing two or more objects. Inequalities containing a variable are solved as similarly composed equations, after which a selection of intervals is made that will be taken as the answer. You can easily and instantly solve any algebraic inequality, trigonometric inequality or inequalities containing transcendental functions using our free service. A number is a solution to an inequality if, when substituting this number instead of a variable, we obtain the correct expression, that is, the inequality sign shows true concept.. Solving inequalities online on the site every day for students to fully study the material covered and consolidate their practical skills. Often, the topic of online inequality in mathematics is studied by schoolchildren after completing the equations section. As expected, all solution principles are applied to determine solution intervals. Finding an answer in analytical form can be more difficult than doing the same, but in numerical form. However, this approach gives a more clear and complete picture of the integrity of the solution to the inequality. Difficulty may arise at the stage of constructing the abscissa line and plotting solution points for a similar equation. After this, solving inequalities is reduced to determining the sign of the function on each identified interval in order to determine the increase or decrease of the function. To do this, you need to alternately substitute the values ​​contained within each interval into the original function and check its value for positivity or negativity. This is the essence of finding all solutions, including solution intervals. When you solve the inequality yourself and see all the intervals with solutions, you will understand how applicable this approach is for further actions. The website invites you to double-check your calculation results using a powerful modern calculator on this page. You can easily identify inaccuracies and shortcomings in your calculations using a unique inequalities solver. Students often wonder where to find such a useful resource? Thanks to an innovative approach to the ability to determine the needs of engineers, the calculator is created on the basis of powerful computing servers using only new technologies. Essentially, solving inequalities online involves solving an equation and calculating all possible roots. The resulting solutions are marked on the line, and then a standard operation is performed to determine the value of the function on each interval. But what to do if the roots of the equation turn out to be complex, how in this case can you solve the inequality in full form, which would satisfy all the rules for writing the result? The answer to this and many other questions can be easily answered by our service website, for which nothing is impossible in solving mathematical problems online. In favor of the above, we add the following: anyone who is seriously engaged in studying a discipline such as mathematics is obliged to study the topic of inequalities. There are different types of inequalities and solve the inequalities online sometimes This is not easy to do, since you need to know the principles of approaches to each of them. This is the basis of success and stability. For example, consider types such as logarithmic inequalities or transcendental inequalities. This is generally a special type of such, complex at first glance, tasks for students, especially for schoolchildren. Institute teachers devote a lot of time to training trainees to achieve professional skills in their work. The same types include trigonometric inequalities and denote general approach when solving many practical examples from a posed problem. In a number of cases, you first need to reduce everything to an equation, simplify it, decompose it into different factors, in short, bring it to a completely clear form. At all times, humanity has strived to find the optimal approach in any endeavor. Thanks to modern technologies, humanity has simply made a huge breakthrough into its future development. Innovations are pouring into our lives more and more often, day after day. The basis of computer technology is, of course, mathematics with its own principles and strict approach to business. the site is a general mathematical resource that includes a developed inequalities calculator and many other useful services. Use our site and you will have confidence in the correctness of the problems solved. It is known from theory that objects of a non-numerical nature are also studied using inequalities online, only this approach is a special way of studying this section in algebra, geometry and other areas of mathematics. Inequalities can be solved in different ways; the final verification of solutions remains unchanged, and this is best done by directly substituting values ​​into the inequality itself. In many cases, the answer is obvious and easy to check mentally. Suppose we are asked to solve fractional inequality, in which the desired variables are present in the denominators of fractional expressions. Then solving inequalities will be reduced to bringing all terms to a common denominator, having first moved everything to the left and right sides of the inequality. Next you need to decide homogeneous equation, obtained in the denominator of the fraction. These numerical roots will be points not included in the intervals of the general solution of the inequality, or they are also called punctured points, at which the function goes to infinity, that is, the function is not defined, but you can only obtain its limit value at a given point. Having solved the equation obtained in the numerator, we plot all the points on the number axis. Let's shade those points at which the numerator of the fraction turns to zero. Accordingly, we leave all other points empty or pierced. Let's find the fraction sign on each interval and then write down the final answer. If there are shaded points on the boundaries of the interval, then we include these values ​​in the solution. If there are punctured points at the boundaries of the interval, we do not include these values ​​in the solution. After you solve the inequality, you will need to check your result. You can do this manually, substitute each value from the response intervals one by one into the initial expression and identify errors. The website will easily give you all the solutions to the inequality, and you will immediately compare the answers you received with the calculator. If, nevertheless, an error occurs, then solving inequalities online on our resource will be very useful to you. We recommend that all students first start not solving the inequality directly, but first get the result on the website, because in the future it will be much easier to do the correct calculation yourself. In word problems, the solution almost always comes down to composing a system of inequalities with several unknowns. Our resource will help you solve inequality online in a matter of seconds. In this case, the solution will be produced by a powerful computing program with high accuracy and without any errors in the final answer. Thus, you can save a huge amount of time solving examples with this calculator. In a number of cases, schoolchildren experience difficulties when in practice or in laboratory work encounter logarithmic inequalities, and even worse when they see trigonometric inequalities with complex fractional expressions with sines, cosines, or even inverse trigonometric functions. Whatever one may say, it will be very difficult to cope without the help of an inequalities calculator and errors are possible at any stage of solving the problem. Use the site resource completely free of charge, it is available to every user every day. Getting started with our assistant service is very good idea, since there are many analogues, but there are only a few truly high-quality services. We guarantee the accuracy of calculations when searching for an answer takes a few seconds. All you need to do is write down the inequalities online, and we, in turn, will immediately provide you with the exact result of solving the inequality. Looking for such a resource may be a pointless exercise, since it is unlikely that you will find the same high-quality service as ours. You can do without theory about solving inequalities online, but you cannot do without a high-quality and fast calculator. We wish you success in your studies! Truly choosing the optimal solution to an inequality online often involves a logical approach to random variable. If we neglect the small deviation of the closed field, then the vector of the increasing value is proportional lowest value on the interval of decreasing ordinate line. The invariant is proportional to two times the mapped functions along with the outgoing non-zero vector. The best answer always contains the accuracy of the calculation. Our solution to the inequalities will take the form of a homogeneous function of successively conjugate numerical subsets of the main direction. For the first interval, we will take exactly the worst-in-accuracy value of our representation of the variable. Let us calculate the previous expression for the maximum deviation. We will use the service at the discretion of the proposed options as needed. Whether a solution to inequalities will be found online using a good calculator in its class is a rhetorical question; of course, students will only benefit from such a tool and bring great success in mathematics. Let us impose a restriction on the area with a set, which we will reduce to elements with the perception of voltage impulses. Physical values Such extrema mathematically describe the increase and decrease of piecewise continuous functions. Along the way, scientists found evidence of the existence of elements on different levels studying. Let us arrange all successive subsets of one complex space in one row with objects such as a ball, cube or cylinder. From our result we can draw an unambiguous conclusion, and when you solve the inequality, the output will certainly shed light on the stated mathematical assumption about the integration of the method in practice. In the current state of affairs necessary condition will also be sufficient condition. Uncertainty criteria often cause disagreement among students due to unreliable data. University teachers, as well as school teachers, should take responsibility for this omission, since at the initial stage of education it is also necessary to take this into account. From the above conclusion, in the opinion of experienced people, we can conclude that solving an inequality online is a very difficult task when entering into an inequality of unknowns different types data. This was stated at a scientific conference in the western district, at which a variety of justifications were put forward regarding scientific discoveries in the field of mathematics and physics, as well as molecular analysis of biologically organized systems. In finding the optimal solution, absolutely all logarithmic inequalities are of scientific value for all humanity. We examine this approach for logical conclusions based on a number of discrepancies in top level concepts about an existing object. Logic dictates something different than what appears at first glance to an inexperienced student. Due to the emergence of large-scale analogies, it will be rational to first equate the relations to the difference between the objects of the area under study, and then show in practice the presence of a common analytical result. Solving inequalities is absolutely dependent on the application of theory and it will be important for everyone to study this branch of mathematics, which is necessary for further research. However, when solving inequalities, you need to find all the roots of the compiled equation, and only then plot all the points on the ordinate axis. Some points will be punctured and the rest will go into intervals with general decision. Let's start studying the section of mathematics from the basics of the most important discipline school curriculum. If trigonometric inequalities are an integral part of a word problem, then using the resource to calculate the answer is simply necessary. Enter the left and right sides of the inequality correctly, press the button and get the result within a few seconds. For fast and accurate mathematical calculations with numerical or symbolic coefficients in front of unknowns, you will, as always, need a universal inequalities and equations calculator that can provide the answer to your problem in a matter of seconds. If you don't have time to write a whole series of written exercises, then the validity of the service is undeniable even to the naked eye. For students, this approach is more optimal and justified in terms of savings. material resources and time. Opposite the leg lies an angle, and to measure it you need a compass, but you can use the hints at any time and solve the inequality without using any reduction formulas. does it mean successful completion started action? The answer will definitely be positive.

Job type: 18


For what values ​​of the parameter a does the inequality

\log_(5)(4+a+(1+5a^(2)-\cos^(2)x) \cdot\sin x - a \cos 2x) \leq 1 is satisfied for all values ​​of x?

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This inequality is equivalent to the double inequality 0 < 4+a+(5a^{2}+\sin^{2}x) \sin x+ a(2 \sin^(2)x-1) \leq 5 .

Let \sin x=t , then we get the inequality:

4 < t^{3}+2at^{2}+5a^{2}t \leq 1 \: (*) , which must be executed for all values ​​of -1 \leq t \leq 1 . If a=0, then inequality (*) holds for any t\in [-1;1] .

Let a \neq 0 . The function f(t)=t^(3)+2at^(2)+5a^(2)t increases on the interval [-1;1] , since the derivative f"(t)=3t^(2)+4at +5a^(2) > 0 for all values ​​of t \in \mathbb(R) and a \neq 0 (discriminant D< 0 и старший коэффициент больше нуля).

Inequality (*) will be satisfied for t \in [-1;1] under the conditions

\begin(cases) f(-1) > -4, \\ f(1) \leq 1, \\ a \neq 0; \end(cases)\: \Leftrightarrow \begin(cases) -1+2a-5a^(2) > -4, \\ 1+2a+5a^(2) \leq 1, \\ a \neq 0; \end(cases)\: \Leftrightarrow \begin(cases) 5a^(2)-2a-3< 0, \\ 5a^{2}+2a \leq 0, \\ a \neq 0; \end{cases}\: \Leftrightarrow -\frac(2)(5)\leq a< 0 .

So, the condition is satisfied when -\frac(2)(5) \leq a \leq 0 .


\left [ -\frac(2)(5); 0\right ]

Source: “Mathematics. Preparation for the Unified State Exam 2016. Profile level." Ed. F. F. Lysenko, S. Yu. Kulabukhova.

Job type: 18
Topic: Inequalities with a parameter


Find all values ​​of the parameter a, for each of which the inequality

x^2+3|x-a|-7x\leqslant -2a

has a unique solution.

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Inequality is equivalent to a set of systems of inequalities

\left[\!\!\begin(array)(l) \begin(cases) x \geqslant a, \\ x^2+3x-3a-7x+2a\leqslant0; \end(cases) \\ \begin(cases)x \left[\!\!\begin(array)(l) \begin(cases) x \geqslant a, \\ x^2-4x-a\leqslant0; \end(cases) \\ \begin(cases)x \left[\!\!\begin(array)(l) \begin(cases) a \leqslant x, \\ a\geqslant x^2-4x; \end(cases) \\ \begin(cases)a>x, \\ a\leqslant -\frac(x^2)(5)+2x. \end(cases)\end(array)\right.

In the Oxa coordinate system, we will construct graphs of functions a=x, a=x^2-4x, a=-\frac(x^2)(5)+2x.

The resulting set is satisfied by the points between the graphs of the functions a=x^2-4x, a=-\frac(x^2)(5)+2x on the interval x\in (shaded area).

From the graph we determine: the original inequality has a unique solution for a=-4 and a=5, since in the shaded area there will be a single point with ordinate a equal to -4 and equal to 5.

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