Alena Ashmarina latest news, rumors, gossip. Alena Ashmarina latest news, rumors, gossip How old is Alena Ashmarina from home 2

Maiden name Alena Ashmarina - Ivanenko. Despite the fact that the girl was born in Hungary, she confidently considers the capital her homeland Russian Federation. No one knows anything for certain about Alena’s education, but the girl herself assures that by profession she is a first-class stylist and hairdresser. Her experience in the beauty industry exceeds 10 years. Alena has her own Internet resource, on the pages of which the hair extension technique she uses is described in detail. The girl is also the owner of a specialized beauty salon focused on natural hair extensions. ABOUT high level The establishment says that among its clients there are many famous people.

At the age of 22, Alena met a young man named German Ashmarin. The guys lived in a civil marriage for two years, after which they legalized their relationship. After some time, Alena and German Ashmarin had a daughter, Patricia.

During this period there is no time successful business Alena gradually began to turn into an unprofitable enterprise, bringing only debts and headaches. To improve her financial situation and save the salon from closure, the sociable girl decided to take the easiest path and try her luck on popular reality shows. In 2011, she became a participant in the TV show “ Dinner party”, and exactly a year later appears on TV screens as part of the second season of the program “Vacations in Mexico”. By the way, the girl participated in the second show already as a married lady. Perhaps this is why the marriage did not last long, and soon the guys filed for divorce.

Alena Ashmarina came to the television project House 2 in September 2014. Being a fairly attractive girl, she realized from the very beginning that she could seduce any inhabitant of a man’s bedroom. And, despite all the wealth of choice, Alena decided to express her sympathy, who, by the way, was legally married at that time. On the television project, Sasha lived with his wife, mother Olga Vasilievna and little son Robert. But the relationships in this family were always distinguished by originality and shockingness, so Alexander’s affairs were taken for granted.

However, with Ashmarina everything was much more serious. After several meetings, the couple moved into separate apartments. A few days later, Alena announced that she was going to bring her eleven-month-old baby to the project. By the way, the girl never fulfilled this promise.

Talking with her friends about Alexander Gobozov, Alena said that she saw in him the support and warmth that she so lacked in communication with her husband.

Olga Vasilyevna Gobozova, Sasha’s mother, not only did not interfere with her son’s connection with the girl, but also approved of his choice. However, Ashmarina, most likely, did not attach much importance to this affair, and taking advantage of the opportunity, during the long absence of Alexander and Aliana from the project, she turned her attention to Yegor Kholyavin. After several days of communicating with this young man, Alena realized that he clearly did not correspond to her idea of ​​​​an ideal life partner. It was at that moment that the blonde came into view. The guy was just going through a breakup with Tatyana Kirilyuk and communicating with a more mature girl did him good.

Relations in the Ashmarina-Grigorenko couple developed very rapidly and in the winter of 2014 the guys decided to leave the project in order to continue building love outside the perimeter. However living together turned out to be not such a simple thing. Returning home, Alena actively took up the development of her salon, and Ilya began to look for his place in her life. But I never found it.

Two months later the guys broke up. Grigorenko returned to the project again to look for new love, and a couple of weeks later Alena Ashmarina followed his example.

Alena was brought to the show by a married man and the couple began to build love under the guns of television cameras. Alexander, who at that moment was in a quarrel with Aliana, was not embarrassed by the presence of a wife and little son on the project. This fact did not bother Alena either; there was a lot of negativity addressed to the girl. The only one who approved of her son’s new relationship was Sasha’s mother, ...

Alena Ashmarina with Alexander Gobozov

Realizing the futility of this relationship, Alena “switched” to a handsome young man. She quickly found with Ilyusha mutual language and the guys declared themselves a couple. However, soon, for unknown reasons, they left together to “build love beyond the perimeter.”

During her stay in “House-2”, Alena became the champion of the project in fighting. She had conflicts with, and.

Now the couple is back on the show, they returned one by one, declaring that it “didn’t work out for them” outside the perimeter and they broke up. Most likely, this was just a reason to return to the project, since the couple was already flirting with might and main and declaring their love for each other.

Alena Ashmarina (on Instagram - @ashmy_a) is a participant in the Dom2 project. Born in Hungary on July 23, 1986, but grew up in Moscow. In 2010, the girl got married and gave birth to a daughter, Patricia, but after her birth, the marriage did not last long, only 3 months, and then the couple separated. After this, Alena Ashmarina began participating in various shows, the first of which was “Dinner Party”, and then “Vacation in Mexico”. This show did not give the desired result, she wanted people to know about her and her business (a nail and hair extension salon) as much as possible. more people, so she decided to try Dom2.

House 2

Alena appeared on the project in 2014 and began flirting with Alexander Gobozov. He was married at that time, but he got carried away new member, that he went to divorce his wife in the city where they were registered. At this time, Ashmarina began to look for other men: first it was Yegor Kholyavin, and then Igor Grigorenko. Despite the fact that he drank, they continued to be together, and then left the project. However, in 2015 they appeared on the project again. Now the girl is developing her business in Moscow and lives with Igor.


Instagram Alena Ashmarina(@ashmy_a) shows that so far there has really been warmth and tenderness between the lovers. She constantly posts photos from professional photo shoots where they were together. He accepted her daughter, who is growing up to be as beautiful as her mother. Previously, on Alena Ashmarina’s Instagram there was big photo from Dom2, and now she is focused on building personal happiness and business.

Judging by the pictures, she conducts master classes in different cities and enjoys testing new technologies and implementing new ideas on her beloved. And, of course, as the owner of a beauty salon, she cannot afford to look bad, so she is always well-groomed in photographs. We follow the official Instagram website of Alena Ashmarina and her life, so we advise you to subscribe to the newsletter.

The girl was born in 1986 in Hungary, but as a little girl she moved from there to the Russian capital. Ashmarina with early years I understood what specifically didn’t suit my appearance and how it could be corrected. According to Alena, at the age of 15 she asked her mother for money for mammoplasty, but was refused.

Even before plastic surgery, Alena Ashmarina decided to connect her life either with the beauty industry or with television. Soon the girl trained as a specialist in eyelash and hair extensions, and after a while she opened her own beauty salon, which is how she made a living and performed plastic surgery.

Before appearing on the reality show, Alena managed to marry businessman German Ashmarin and give birth to a daughter. According to rumors, they started dating even before Alena Ashmarina’s plastic surgery, and all the changes and expensive operations It was her husband who paid her. Unfortunately, the marriage broke up three months after the birth of their daughter Patricia. Official reason neither Alena nor German voiced the divorce.

Further, the biography of Alena Ashmarina was closely connected with participation in reality shows, the first of which was “Dinner Party”. Participation in “Vacations in Mexico” turned out to be fleeting: Alena was kicked out of the project a few days later for “scandalous and inappropriate behavior.” Ashmarina did not despair and decided to look for love on the television project “Dom-2”, and in 2014 she came to Alexander Gobozov. Determined Alena was not stopped by either Gobozov’s wife, son, or mother: she achieved her goal and began to live with Alexander in city apartments.

The happiness did not last long, and Alena turned her attention to Yegor Kholyavin. This intrigue was also fleeting, and Ilya Grigorenko became the next partner.

The relationship between Alena Ashmarina and Ilya Grigorenko was complicated by Ilya’s addiction to alcohol. At the end of 2014, they went to build love outside the perimeter of the project, but after a while they returned, announcing their separation.

At the beginning of 2018, a photo taken during an ultrasound appeared on Alena Ashmarina’s Instagram. The girl shared good news- She is pregnant and extremely happy.

Ilya Grigorenko is now next to her lover and supports her during difficult moments of pregnancy.

Commandments of the MATRONA OF MOSCOW.
Matronushka, Matrona Dmitrievna Nikonova (Mother Matrona) was born in Tula region in November 1881, and died near Moscow in May 1952. Therefore, on May 2, the day of the death of the old woman, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Matrona of Moscow.
Prayer to the holy righteous Matrona of Moscow:
O blessed Mother Matrono, with your soul standing in heaven before the Throne of God, with your body resting on earth, and exuding various miracles by the grace given from above. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, our waiting days, comfort us, desperate ones, heal our fierce ailments, from God we are allowed by our sins, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, iniquities and falls, in whose image we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour, and through your prayers having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.
What Matrona of Moscow bequeathed to us:
🙏 Why judge other people? Think about yourself more often. Each sheep will be hung by its tail. What do you care about other ponytails?
🙏 Protect yourself with the cross, prayer, holy water, frequent communion... Let the lamps burn in front of the icons.
🙏 If old people, sick people, or people who are crazy say something unpleasant or offensive to you, then don’t listen, just help them. You need to help the sick with all diligence, and you need to forgive them, no matter what they say or do.
🙏 Don’t pay attention to the dream, dreams come from the evil one - to upset a person, to confuse a person with thoughts.
🙏 The world lies in evil and delusion, and delusion - the seduction of souls - will be obvious, beware.
If you go to an elder or priest for advice, pray that the Lord will make him wise to give the right advice.
🙏 Go to temple and don’t look at anyone, pray with eyes closed or look at some image, icon.
🙏 God will forgive you everything, girls, if you are devoted to God. Anyone who condemns herself not to get married must hold on until the end. The Lord will give you a crown for this.
🙏 The enemy is approaching - you must definitely pray. Sudden death happens if you live without prayer. The enemy sits on our left shoulder, and on the right is an angel, and each has his own book: our sins are written in one, and good deeds in the other. Get baptized often! The cross is the same lock as on the door.
🙏 By the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross, save yourself and defend yourself!
🙏 For someone who voluntarily entered into an alliance with the power of evil and took up sorcery, there is no way out!
You can’t turn to grandmothers: they will cure one thing, but damage your soul.

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