Alexey Chadov is young. Chadov brothers

Andrey Alexandrovich Chadov born on May 22, 1980 on the outskirts of Moscow, in the Solntsevo district. When he was six years old, and his younger brother Alexei Chadov was five, their father died. My mother, an engineer by training, had to learn new professions in order to support her family.

Andrey studied at the theater studio, studied at art school. Has a secondary specialized choreographic education. After leaving school he worked as a teacher in a kindergarten theater club.

First he entered the Theater School. B.V. Shchukin, however, after studying there for a year, he transferred to the Higher Theater School named after M.S. Shchepkin (workshop Vladimir Seleznev), which he eventually graduated in 2003 along with his brother Alexei.

Andrey Chadov. Creative path

While still studying at drama school, in my second year, Andrey Chadov played the first film role - a supporting role in the melodrama by Ivan Solovov " Avalanche" However, he became famous in 2004 for his role in the film “Russian” by Alexander Veledinsky and work in a television series "Cadets", where Andrey played young Peter Todorovsky. Behind "Russian" Andrey received the prize of the Moscow Premiere festival in the category Best Actor competition film."

In 2005, Andrei played with his brother Alexei in the film “Alive”. This is his job received a lot of praise from critics and film experts. The actor himselfwas nominated for Best Actor at the award"Nika" for this picture.

Andrey’s filmography also includes Western film projects. So, in 2007 he played the German pilot Eric Lindt in the series "Heart of the Enemy", however, due to funding problems, work on the film was suspended. The film was released in 2008 "More Ben" By work of the same name P. Tetersky and S. Sakin. He played one of the main roles in the film together with Andrey Ben Barnes, then a little-known actor. A year later, Barnes arrived at the premiere in London as a rising star.

For Andrey, it was an interesting international work experience. Moreover, the artist was approved based on one small photograph. According to the filmmakers, when they saw Chadov, they realized that this was a perfect fit for the role.

Another big international project is “Slove. Right in the heart " , where Andrey and his brother Alexey played together again. Then both appeared in the series “A Matter of Honor”. The Chadovs play brothers in it who avenge their parents, but choose different paths: one goes into crime, the other goes into law enforcement agencies. The film was based on an Italian TV series. Work on the painting took a year.

In parallel with this Andrey Chadov worked on the TV series “Provocateur”, where he has a vivid role as an undercover agent who constantly changes images and masks. The film, which was first presented in February 2016 in the Baltics, also stars Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Tatyana Arntgolts, Daniil Spivakovsky and other domestic stars.

In 2014, Chadov played one of the leading roles in the detective series “The Batagami Case,” where the famous Hollywood actor Mark Dacascos (“Showdown in Manila”, “ Drive», « The Crying Killer", "Brotherhood of the Wolf", " Killer instinct»).

The actor also got a role in the fantasy action film “Mafia: Game of Survival” (2016), directed by Sarik Andreasyan, which takes place in the distant future, where a TV game called “Mafia” has become the most popular all over the world. Andrei also starred in the crime drama “Escape for a Dream,” consisting of three short stories. Denis Kosyakov, Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Miroslava Karpovich, Zoya Kaidanovskaya, Alexey Fateev, etc. also played in the film, presented to the public on November 30, 2015 as part of the 98th Russian International Film Market.

In 2017 Andrey Chadov tried on a new role, acting not only as an actor, but also as a producer of a crime drama " Rake”, which tells the story of a young accountant who finds himself in the world of an underground casino.

Prize for best actor at the Moscow Premiere festival for the film “Russian”. Nomination for Best Actor at the Nika Award for the film Alive (2007). Prize for Best Actor in the film “Live” MTV Awards (2007). Award of the FSB of Russia for the film “Quiet Outpost” (2011). Nomination "Acting". Prize "Best Actor" (film "Quiet Outpost") of the XIX International Children's Film Festival " Scarlet Sails in Artek" (2011).

Andrey Chadov. Personal life

Andrey Chadov does not advertise his personal life, so various rumors about his affairs with this or that girl have not been confirmed by the artist himself. However, it is known that he has experience of quite long-term relationships. So, for five years, from 2005 to 2010, he met with Russian star musicals, singer and actress Svetlana Svetikova (“Gloss”, “ Love is not show business», « New Year's SMS", etc.).

Throughout life true friend Andrew is his brother Alexey Chadov (“War”, “Height 89”, “Games of Moths”, “Street Racers”, “Hammer”).

Andrey Chadov: The kind of relationship we have with my brother requires permanent job above oneself. It is important to be able to support loved one at the right moment and be there when it is most needed. What does it mean to me? best friend"? If I didn’t have a brother, I could call someone like that, but that’s how it is with me.

Andrey Chadov. Filmography

  • Actor
  • Rake (2017), Kirill
  • I will love you, okay? (2017) Sergey
  • We won't say goodbye (2017)

Alexey Chadov is one of the most sought-after stars of Russian cinema. The 34-year-old actor has to star in several projects at once, because of which he leaves Moscow for a long time. Such a work schedule, of course, does not have a very favorable effect on his personal life, since Chadov rarely sees his little son Fedora. Alexey was born in 1981 in Moscow. An older brother grew up in the family, who also became famous actor. His father died when the boy was five years old, and his mother had to raise two children alone.

IN school years he played in a theater group and was interested in modern dances. After receiving a school certificate, Chadov entered the school. M. S. Shchepkina. During his studies, the young man acted in films for the first time, appearing in the film “War”. This project received recognition from viewers not only in Russia, but also abroad. At the same time, the aspiring actor gained popularity and demand. Alexey also managed to act together with his brother: they were involved in the film “Alive”. For my creative career Chadov managed to play many successful roles in films such as “9th Company”, “Love in big city", "ChB" and others.

In his personal life, the actor was credited with many affairs with his partners. film set, but many of them were not confirmed. On the set of the film “Heat,” the young man became close to her, with whom he had to play love on the screen. Of course, ardent feelings were transferred to real life, and the lovers began to meet. But already in 2009, young people fled. They met again on the set of the series “A Matter of Honor,” which awakened their old feelings. Now the couple decided to legitimize their relationship, and in the summer of 2012 their marriage took place. secret wedding. Two years later, Alexei’s wife gave birth to a son, and for some time the actor enjoyed family happiness.

In the photo Alexey Chadov with his wife Agnia Ditskovskite

But already in 2015, the spouses stopped going out in public together; in addition, their personal blogs disappeared joint photos. It soon became known that they had separated. The actor commented on the reasons for the divorce, noting that he and his wife lived a happy time together, but everything comes to an end someday. Former spouses saved a good relationship and now they are raising their son together. As soon as filming ends, Chadov hurries to the baby to make up for lost time and have plenty of time to chat with his son.

Sometimes photographs from unknown girls, thanks to which many fans decide that this is his new passion. But Chadov himself is in no hurry to comment on his personal life, adding another layer of intrigue to it.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 05/17/2016

Alexey Chadov biography, photo - find out everything!

Biography of Alexey Chadov

Alexey and his brother Andrey were raised by their mother. It has nothing to do with cinema. Galina Petrovna is an engineer by training. The head of the family died when Alexei was only five years old, his brother was then six.

As children, Alexey and Andrey quarreled and even fought. However, they always stood by each other and never gave offense. Alexey says that he was never afraid of not having friends at school, because he knew that he had a brother at home. He was both a relative and a friend at the same time.

At school, Lesha studied in a theater studio. His first teacher was Vyacheslav Kozhikhin. He, together with the guys from Chadov’s courtyard, created a small theater. Young actor was associated with him for ten years, by the way, as Alexey admits, interesting and important. One of her first roles was in the production of “Little Red Riding Hood” based on the play by Evgeniy Schwartz. Then Chadov played a hare, for which he received the Laureate award and a trip to Antalya. Then the boy was 12 years old.

After school, Alexey Chadov went to study at the Shchepkin Theater School. He took the course of Vladimir Seleznev. At the university, he was met by employees of the STV studio, which produced all of Alexei Balabanov’s films. Then the students were told that Balabanov was beginning to create New film"Brother". Several students were selected for samples, including Alexey Chadov.

The students were photographed and left. “We didn’t hope for anything,” says Chadov, “we thought that they wouldn’t take us into the series. And when they called me, I was very surprised. I came and talked with Balabanov himself. He asked where I was born, where I studied, who my parents were. For the second time I already talked with Selyanov, also on insignificant topics. He then asked me why I wanted to become an actor. I replied that I liked Gaidai’s films. Well, then constant trips to St. Petersburg began, trying on suits, but I still didn’t understand whether they would take me or not. No one reported that I was approved. I waited a month, just before leaving for Kabardino-Balkaria they told me that I was also flying.”

Chadov found himself in the company of famous actors: Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Sergei Bodrov. But he had no timidity, he only admitted that he was scared before the first take, but then he got used to it and became friends with many of the actors.

And so that the actors were imbued with the theme of the film, Balabanov showed a Chechen chronicle before filming, how militants cut off the heads of soldiers.

“It shocked me,” says the actor, “I had watched Purgatory before and was mentally prepared. Knew this was happening. But knowing and seeing, it turns out, are two different things. I watched the tapes, went out to smoke, and a wild anger took over me.”

The film, by the way, was a success not only in Russia, but also abroad. Alexey was at a film screening in Canada at a film festival.

After “War,” Chadov’s popularity fell. Alexey himself is modest by nature; he did not want to advertise his personality. Avoided interviews, participation and television shows. And after the death of Sergei Bodrov. he didn't want to talk about their work together.

“I practically didn’t give interviews after the film. It takes a lot of energy. It takes a lot of energy. I was invited to both radio and television, but I didn’t want to go there. We were invited to a program with the theme “Hero of Our Time.” But it’s not interesting, it’s just verbiage. Someone from “Antikiller” and “Brigade” was called there,” Chadov said.

The successful film “War” increased interest in Alexei Chadov from directors. After the film, the young actor starred in the film “At a Nameless Height” by Nikolai Malakhov.

In 2003, Chadov was invited by Andrei Proshkin to main role in the drama "Games of Moths". Before the casting, the actor was terribly worried. But he liked the role and really wanted to play it.

Alexey Chadov on

“It was interesting to work on the image. Since childhood, I dreamed of touching music. And if somehow this happens, then it is a victory. And in this film the script is very interesting. A young man from Zlatoust, talented and understands that he is not fully formed, he needs to do something else.” Oksana Akinshina and the scandalous Sergei Shnurov then starred with Alexey.

In 2003, Alexey Chadov got another significant role, the vampire Kostya in the blockbuster “Night Watch”. He got into the film through casting, but even then he had doubts about whether it made sense to star in the film. The actor had no idea who Lukyanenko was, moreover, he had not read Russian science fiction at all.

The film “Night Watch” became the first domestic high-budget science fiction film. The expensive film fully lived up to expectations and attracted a huge audience. The second film, Day Watch, was even more popular; it appeared on screens in early 2006.

In 2005, the actor was invited by Alexander Veledinsky to play the role of a clergyman in the film “Alive,” which was originally titled “What We Won’t Be.” Initially, it was planned that Alexei’s brother Andrei Chadov would play the role. And they didn’t plan to include Alexey in the film at all. Overnight, the director changed his decision. Then Andrey played young man named Cyrus, and Lesha, respectively, a priest. As a result, both brothers found themselves together on the set for the first time.

Interview with the actor

This film tells about a contract worker who went through a Chechen company and returned home without a leg. “This is a drama film, and besides, it contains elements of tragedy and comedy,” says the actor, “this is a human path to repentance, a picture about conscience.”

Well, after that Alexey Chadov starred in a number of successful films, including “9th Company”, “Love in the City” and its sequel, “Street Racers” and “Mirage”.

In 2006, it became known about Alexey Chadov’s relationship with a Lithuanian actress named Agniya Ditkovskite. The actor met her on the set of the film “Heat.” However, the romance ended in 2009. But after some time, on the set of another film, the series “A Matter of Honor,” the former lovers met again and got back together. At the end of August 2012, Chadov and Ditkovskite got married.

More information

Actor Date of birth September 2 (Virgo) 1981 (37) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @alexeychadov

From the very first filming, thanks to his bright appearance and charisma, Alexey Alexandrovich Chadov received the main roles. At the same time, the actor begins acting while still a student at the theater school. It is thanks to his natural talent to convey various emotions with his acting on the screen that he always successfully appears in different genres of images.

Biography of Alexey Chadov

Alexey Chadov was born as his second child. With my older brother, Andrey, the age difference is almost a year. Almost all of their childhood, Alexei and his brother were raised by their mother, Galina Petrovna, an engineer by training. Chadov's father died in an accident when he was only 5 years old. From the early childhood Alexey looks very similar to his older brother. As children, they almost always fought and quarreled. However, in any situation they stayed together and protected each other.

The desire for acting began in Alexey during his school years. Then Chadov Jr. visited theater studio under the leadership of Vyacheslav Kozhikhin. Close collaboration with this teacher lasted almost 10 years. Thanks to Kozhikhin’s hard work and sensitive work, at the age of 12 Alexey plays a hare in “Little Red Riding Hood” based on Schwartz. And for this game, still young Chadov was awarded prestigious award“Laureate”, and also received a prize in the form of a tourist voucher to a resort in Antalya.

After graduating from school, Chadov, following Andrei, easily enters the Shchepkin Theater School. At the same time, in free time he works part-time at night behind the bar in city clubs. This work was also not in vain for Alexey. From her future star Russian cinema gained experience in the correct manner of communication and behavior with different people.

One of the most important and turning points in Chadov’s biography is his studies at the theater. One day, the producers of a new film came directly to the school with the goal of selecting actors for supporting roles for the famous director Alexei Balabanov. Alexey was among those selected for samples. Quite soon after this, he received a call and a meeting took place with Balabanov himself.

After this, a period of frequent trips to St. Petersburg began in the life of Chadov Jr. - regular fittings of costumes for the upcoming shoot were required. However, he heard an unequivocal answer about the approval of his candidacy for the role in the film already before leaving film crew. Only on the first day of filming historical drama“War” Alexey found out that he got the leading role. After its release on wide screens, the film turned out to be very successful not only in Russia. It was also highly appreciated at the Canadian Film Festival. At home, the picture received Grand Prize Kinotavr. Popularity came to Chadov immediately after the release of this film in wide release. He was often invited to various television shows. However, being modest by nature, he refused such offers.

Almost immediately after “War,” the filmography of Alexei Alexandrovich Chadov is rapidly expanding. He appeared in the title role of the military series “At Nameless Heights.” Already in 2003, the actor was invited to participate in the filming of the dramatic film “Games of Moths”, where he also played the main role. This job was one of the first social work roles on his list. In the same year, he received an invitation to star in Timur Bekmambetov’s film “ The night Watch" Before this, Chadov was not familiar with Lukyanenko’s work. In addition, the actor doubted for a long time whether to take part in the filming. However, having agreed to the role of a vampire named Kostya, he subsequently did not regret his decision even once. It was this film that made Alexey recognizable not only in Russia, but also abroad.

After Bekmambetov’s spectacular blockbuster, Alexey starred in Bondarchuk’s acclaimed work “9th Company.” And in 2005, he played with his brother Andrei in the drama “Alive.” Here he got an episodic, but very bright role as a church minister. In 2007, actor Alexei Chadov was offered a role in the bright social melodrama of video director Alan Badoev “Orange Love”. After the release of this film, many critics noted that the plot of the film, along with Chadov’s bright and skillful performance, made one remain impressed by the film for a long time after viewing.

In addition to dramatic roles, Alexey’s filmography also includes many comedic roles. In general, the actor has successfully played in more than 40 films of various genres. Some of the most famous comedies with the actor’s participation were the series of films “Love in the City”, the film “My Favorite Goofball”, “The Irony of Love” and “Love with Limits”.

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Personal life of Alexey Chadov

Being a very famous actor, Alexey, however, rarely puts his personal relationships on display. However, his novels that become public are always bright and loud. During the period of fame of Chadov Jr., Alexey Alexandrovich, one of the most notable passions was his colleague on the set, Oksana Akinshina. However, the relationship with her did not last very long.

The longest and a brilliant novel Chadov began a long-term relationship with his partner in the film “Heat”. A romantic relationship with a young actress from Lithuania, Ditkovskite, began in 2006 on the set of the film. This romance of Alexey lasted 3 years, after which the couple broke up in 2009. However, having met again during the filming of the joint series “A Matter of Honor,” the guys were inflamed with renewed vigor. And already at the end of the summer of 2012, Alexey proposed to Agnia. They got married in the same 2012. And after another 2 years their son, Fedor, was born. However, being rather rebellious and deeply creative people, the Chadovs were never able to get along together. In 2015, the couple announced their separation again.

The whole country has been following the development of relations between Agnia Ditkovskite and Alexei Chadov for a long time. Young beautiful talented actors... It seemed they were perfect couple, but now they are no longer in place. What are last news for today from the life of Agnia Ditkovskite and Alexey Chadov? What are they doing today? How did their lives turn out? Let's find out.

Chadov and Ditkovskite met in 2006, on the set of the film “Heat”. Then the young people immediately realized that they were destined for each other. Sympathy flared up between them instantly. And the actors did not hide their feelings - they happily appeared together at social events and gave interviews. The romantic relationship had the most positive impact on their work - the film with Agnia and Alexei in the lead roles was a resounding success.

Agnia met Alexey on the set of the film “Heat”

After living in a civil marriage for three years, the lovers separated. Both later admitted that at that time they knew nothing about real relationships, did not know how to give in to each other, and did not know how to forgive.

In addition, Agnia said that even then she wanted to formalize the relationship and give birth to a child, and her lover had other plans for life.

In 2012, the couple’s fans were delighted with the unexpected news - and Alexey not only resumed their relationship, they got married! The actors crossed paths again on the set of the film “Viy”. There feelings flared up with renewed vigor. Chadov later admitted that he was glad that fate gave him another chance. Happy because now he has a wife and child.

The couple's son, Fedor, was born in June 2014. There is an opinion that he was named after the director Fyodor Bondarchuk, who, in a sense, introduced them.

However, despite Alexei’s statements that complete idyll reigns in his relationship with his wife, already in 2015 it became known about the couple’s breakup. For a long time fans couldn't believe this sad news. The happiness of Chadov and Ditkovskite seemed unshakable, and their love seemed sincere. But again circumstances turned out to be stronger than this union.

Alexey Chadov admitted in an interview that he dreamed of family happiness, but was never able to build it. He tries to maintain a normal relationship with Agnia after the breakup - after all, they have a child together.

Agnia told reporters that the breakup occurred on the initiative of her husband. One day he simply packed his things and left the family.

But the actress does not blame her ex-husband for what happened. She believes that both are to blame for ruining their relationship. Gradually, the romance in the couple faded away, and everyday difficulties took first place. For some time the girl tried to resume family relationships With ex-husband, but nothing came of it.

Agnia Ditkovskite: latest news from the life of the actress

Despite the fact that actress Agniya Ditkovskite had a hard time breaking up with her beloved husband, she has now come to her senses. Behind last couple several years have passed interesting films with her participation. For example, in 2016, the girl played in the fantasy drama “Dancing to Death,” where the action takes place in 2070, after the apocalypse. Residents of Moscow now live in a bunker and even participate in a dance battle. The rules of such a game are harsh - all the energy will be drained from whoever loses.

In addition, in 2016, the girl starred in a small role in the comedy film Selfie#Selfie.

The latest news for today from the life of Alexey Chadov and Agnia Ditkovskite, which dates back to 2017, is very contradictory. For example, the news that she gave birth to another baby this year came as a surprise to the artist’s fans.

The girl, in principle, does not like to talk about her personal life - she is practically not present in in social networks and rarely gives interviews. That is why the news of her pregnancy literally stunned the public.

Rumors about the actress’s personal life are actively spreading across the Internet. They say that the father of her second child is called Amir, and he is from Tashkent. Journalists even claimed that the girl was planning to move in with this man in the near future. However, the actress’s mother Tatyana Lyutaeva said that this is not so - her daughter still lives with her and has no plans to leave anywhere.

Wes Agnia Ditkovskite

According to information from different sources, Agnia’s weight is 54 kg and her height is 174 cm.

Alexey Chadov: latest news for today, photo

Alexey Chadov today is still in demand as an actor, and for last years he managed to take part in several major projects. But the man’s personal life also remains a mystery.

Some time ago, Chadov appeared at the premiere of the film at the Moscow Oktyabr cinema together with a pretty brown-haired girl. The journalists were never able to find out who Alexei’s companion was. Nevertheless, rumors appeared on the Internet that the artist’s personal life was finally getting better.

And in September 2017, photos appeared of a joint vacation between Alexei Chadov, Agnia Ditkovskite, the latest news from whose lives we are discussing today, and their son Fedor.

Judging by the photographs, the young people had a great time together at sea in sunny Italy.

Alexey was on holiday in Spain with his son and ex-wife

Fans of the couple are already congratulating Alexey and Agnia on their happy reunion. But there are no details of what happened and no official comments from the artists yet.

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