Alexander Pushkin - The Tale of Tsar Saltan: Verse. The fairy tale about Tsar Saltan, about his glorious and powerful son, Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and about the beautiful Swan Princess (Pushkin A.S.) read the text online, download for free And all the nuts are not easy

Part four

The wind blows across the sea

And the boat speeds up;

He runs in the waves

With sails raised

Past the steep island,

Past the big city:

The guns are firing from the pier,

The ship is ordered to land.

Guests arrive at the outpost;

Prince Guidon invites them to visit,

He feeds and waters them

And he orders me to keep the answer:

“What are you, guests, bargaining with?

And where are you sailing now?

The shipbuilders responded:

"We've traveled all over the world,

We traded horses

All by Don stallions,

And now our time has come -

And the road lies far ahead for us:

Past Buyan Island,

To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan..."

The prince then tells them:

"Good journey to you, gentlemen,

By sea along Okiyan

To the glorious Tsar Saltan;

Yes, say: Prince Guidon

He sends his regards to the Tsar.”

The guests bowed to the prince,

They went out and hit the road.

The prince goes to the sea - and the swan is there

Already walking on the waves.

The prince prays: the soul asks,

So it pulls and carries away...

Here she is again

Instantly sprayed everything:

The prince turned into a fly,

Flew and fell

Between sea and sky

On the ship - and climbed into the crack.

The wind makes a cheerful noise,

The ship is running merrily

Past Buyan Island,

To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan -

And the desired country

Now it’s visible from a distance;

The guests came ashore;

Tsar Saltan invites them to visit,

And follow them to the palace

Our daredevil has flown.

He sees: all shining in gold,

Tsar Saltan sits in his chamber

On the throne and in the crown,

With a sad thought on his face.

And the weaver with Babarikha

Yes with a crooked cook

They sit near the king,

They look like angry toads.

Tsar Saltan seats guests

At his table and asks:

“Oh, you, gentlemen, guests,

How long did it take? Where?

Is it good across the sea, or bad,

And what miracle is there in the world?”

The shipbuilders responded:

“We have traveled all over the world;

Life overseas is not bad;

In the world, here’s a miracle:

An island lies on the sea,

There is a city on the island

With golden-domed churches,

With towers and gardens;

The spruce tree grows in front of the palace,

And below it is a crystal house;

A tame squirrel lives there,

Yes, what an adventure!

The squirrel sings songs

Yes, he keeps nibbling on nuts,

And nuts are not simple,

All the shells are golden,

The cores are pure emerald;

The servants are guarding the squirrel,

They serve her as various servants -

And a clerk was appointed

A strict account of nuts is the news;

The army salutes her;

A coin is poured from the shells,

Let them go around the world;

Girls pour emerald

Into the storerooms, and under cover;

Everyone on that island is rich

There are no pictures, there are chambers everywhere;

And Prince Guidon sits in it;

He sent you his regards."

Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle.

"If only I'm alive,

I’ll visit the wonderful island,

I’ll stay with Guidon.”

And the weaver with the cook,

With in-law Babarikha,

They don't want to let him in

A wonderful island to visit.

Smiling secretly,

The weaver says to the king:

“What’s so wonderful about this? Here you go!

The squirrel gnaws pebbles,

Throws gold into piles

Rakes in emeralds;

This won't surprise us

Is it true or not?

There is another wonder in the world:

The sea will swell violently,

It will boil, it will howl,

It rushes onto the empty shore,

Will spill in a noisy run,

And they will find themselves on the shore,

In scales, like the heat of grief,

Thirty-three heroes

All the handsome men are daring,

Young giants

Everyone is equal, as if by selection,

Uncle Chernomor is with them.

It's a miracle, it's such a miracle

It’s fair to say!”

The smart guests are silent,

They don't want to argue with her.

Tsar Saltan marvels,

And Guidon is angry, angry...

He buzzed and just

sat on my aunt's left eye,

And the weaver turned pale:

"Ouch!" and immediately frowned;

Everyone shouts: “Catch, catch,

Push her, push her...

That's it! wait a little

Wait..." And the prince through the window,

Yes, calm down to your destiny

Arrived across the sea.

The prince walks by the blue sea,

He doesn’t take his eyes off the blue sea;

Look - above the flowing waters

A white swan is swimming.

“Hello, my handsome prince!

Why are you as quiet as a stormy day?

Why are you sad?” -

She tells him.

Prince Guidon answers her:

“Sadness and melancholy eats me up -

I would like something wonderful

Transfer me to my destiny.”

“What a miracle is this?”

Somewhere it will swell violently

Okiyan will raise a howl,

It rushes onto the empty shore,

Splashes in a noisy run,

And they will find themselves on the shore,

In scales, like the heat of grief,

Thirty-three heroes

All the handsome men are young,

Daring giants

Everyone is equal, as if by selection,

Uncle Chernomor is with them.

The swan answers the prince:

“What, prince, confuses you?

Don't worry, my soul,

I know this miracle.

These knights of the sea

After all, my brothers are all my own.

Don't be sad, go

Wait for your brothers to visit."

The prince went, forgetting his grief,

Sat on the tower and on the sea

He began to look; the sea suddenly

It shook around

Splashed in a noisy run

And left on the shore

Thirty-three heroes;

In scales, like the heat of grief,

The knights are coming in pairs,

And, shining with gray hair,

The guy is walking ahead

And he leads them to the city.

Prince Guidon escapes from the tower,

Greets dear guests;

People are running in a hurry;

The uncle says to the prince:

“The swan sent us to you

And she punished

Keep your glorious city

And go around on patrol.

From now on every day we

We will definitely be together

U high walls yours

To emerge from the waters of the sea,

So we'll see you soon,

And now it's time for us to go to sea;

The air of the earth is heavy for us.”

Everyone then went home.

Everyone calls them loudly
And the prince is crowned
Princes cap and head
They shout over themselves;
And among his capital,
With the queen's permission,
On the same day he began to reign
And he called himself: Prince Guidon.

The wind blows on the sea
And the boat speeds up;
He runs in the waves
With full sails.
The shipbuilders are amazed
There are crowds on the boat,
On a familiar island
They see a miracle in reality:
The new golden-domed city,
A pier with a strong outpost.
The guns are firing from the pier,
The ship is ordered to land.

Guests arrive at the outpost;
Prince Guidon invites them to visit,
He feeds and waters them
And he orders me to keep the answer:
"What are you, guests, bargaining with?
And where are you going now?"
The shipbuilders responded:
"We've traveled all over the world,
Traded sables
Black and brown foxes;
And now our time has come,
We're going straight east
Past Buyan Island,
To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan..."
The prince then said to them:
"Bon voyage to you, gentlemen,
By sea along Okiyan
To the glorious Tsar Saltan;
I bow to him."
The guests are on their way, and Prince Guidon
From the shore with a sad soul
Accompanying their long run;
Look - above the flowing waters
A white swan is swimming.

Why are you as quiet as a stormy day?
Why are you sad?" -
She tells him.
The prince sadly replies:
"Sadness and melancholy eats me up,
Defeated the young man:
I would like to see my father."
Swan to the prince: “This is the grief!
Well, listen: you want to go to sea
Fly behind the ship?
Be a mosquito, prince."
And flapped her wings,
The water splashed noisily
And sprayed him
From head to toe everything.
Here he shrank to a point,
Turned into a mosquito
He flew and squealed,
I caught up with the ship at sea.
Slowly sank
On the ship - and hid in a crack.

The wind makes a cheerful noise,
The ship is running merrily
Past Buyan Island,
To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan,
And the desired country
It's visible from afar.
The guests came ashore;
Tsar Saltan invites them to visit,
And follow them to the palace
Our daredevil has flown.
He sees: all shining in gold,
Tsar Saltan sits in his chamber
On the throne and in the crown
With a sad thought on his face;
And the weaver with the cook,
With in-law Babarikha
They sit near the king
And they look into his eyes.
Tsar Saltan seats guests
At his table and asks:
"Oh, you, gentlemen, guests,
How long did it take? Where?
Is it good or bad overseas?
And what miracle is there in the world?"
The shipbuilders responded:
“We have traveled all over the world;
Living overseas is not bad,
In the world, here’s a miracle:
The island was steep in the sea,
Not private, not residential;
It lay as an empty plain;
A single oak tree grew on it;
And now it stands on it
New town with a palace
With golden-domed churches,
With towers and gardens,
And Prince Guidon sits in it;
He sent you his regards."

Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle;
He says: “As long as I’m alive,
I’ll visit the wonderful island,
I’ll stay with Guidon.”
And the weaver with the cook,
With in-law Babarikha
They don't want to let him in
A wonderful island to visit.
“It’s a curiosity, really,”
Winking at others slyly,
The cook says,
The city is by the sea!
Know that this is not a trifle:
Spruce in the forest, under the spruce squirrel,
The squirrel sings songs
And he keeps nibbling on nuts,
And nuts are not simple,
All the shells are golden,
The cores are pure emerald;
That's what they call a miracle."
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle,
And the mosquito is angry, angry -
And the mosquito just bit into it
Aunt right in the right eye.

The cook turned pale
She froze and winced.
Servants, in-law and sister
They catch a mosquito with a scream.
"You damned midge!
We you!.." And he through the window
Yes, calm down to your destiny
Flew across the sea.

Again the prince walks by the sea,
He doesn’t take his eyes off the blue sea;
Look - above the flowing waters
A white swan is swimming.
"Hello, my handsome prince!
Why are you as quiet as a stormy day?
Why are you sad?" -
She tells him.
Prince Guidon answers her:
“Sadness and melancholy eats me up;
Wonderful miracle
I'd like to. There is somewhere
Spruce in the forest, under the spruce there is a squirrel;
A miracle, really, not a trifle -
The squirrel sings songs
Yes, he keeps nibbling on nuts,
And nuts are not simple,
All the shells are golden,
The cores are pure emerald;
But maybe people are lying."
The swan answers the prince:
“The world tells the truth about the squirrel;
I know this miracle;
Enough, prince, my soul,
Do not worry; glad to serve
I will show you friendship."
With a cheerful soul
The prince went home;
As soon as I stepped into the wide courtyard -
Well? under the tall tree,
He sees the squirrel in front of everyone
The golden one gnaws a nut,
The emerald takes out,
And he collects the shells,
Places equal piles
And sings with a whistle
To be honest in front of all the people:
"Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden..."

Prince Guidon was amazed.
“Well, thank you,” he said, “
Oh yes, the swan - God bless her,
It’s the same fun for me.”
Prince for the squirrel later
Built a crystal house
The guard was assigned to him
And a clerk at that

The wind makes a cheerful noise,
The ship is running merrily
Past Buyan Island,
To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan,
And the desired country
It's visible from afar.
The guests came ashore;
Tsar Saltan invites them to visit,
And follow them to the palace
Our daredevil has flown.

He sees: all shining in gold,
Tsar Saltan sits in his chamber
On the throne and in the crown
With a sad thought on his face;
And the weaver with the cook,
With in-law Babarikha,
They sit near the king
And they look into his eyes.

Tsar Saltan seats guests
At his table and asks:
“Oh, you, gentlemen, guests,
How long did it take? Where?
Is it good across the sea, or is it bad?
And what miracle is there in the world?”

The shipbuilders responded:
“We have traveled all over the world;
Living overseas is not bad,
In the world, here’s a miracle:
The island was steep in the sea,
Not private, not residential;
It lay as an empty plain;
A single oak tree grew on it;
And now it stands on it
New city with a palace,
With golden-domed churches,
With towers and gardens,
And Prince Guidon sits in it;
He sent you his regards."
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle;
He says: “As long as I’m alive,
I’ll visit the wonderful island,
I’ll stay with Guidon.”
And the weaver with the cook,
With in-law Babarikha,
They don't want to let him in
A wonderful island to visit.
“It’s a curiosity, really,”
Winking at others slyly,
The cook says, -
The city is by the sea!
Know that this is not a trifle:
Spruce in the forest, under the spruce squirrel,
Squirrel sings songs
And he keeps nibbling on nuts,
And nuts are not simple,
All the shells are golden,
The cores are pure emerald;
That’s what they call a miracle.”

Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle,
And the mosquito is angry, angry -
And the mosquito just bit into it
Aunt right in the right eye.
The cook turned pale
She froze and winced.
Servants, in-law and sister

“You damned midge!
We you!..” And he through the window,
Yes, calm down to your destiny
Flew across the sea.

Again the prince walks by the sea,
He doesn’t take his eyes off the blue sea;
Look - above the flowing waters
A white swan is swimming.
“Hello, my handsome prince!
Why are you as quiet as a stormy day?
Are you sad about what?” -
She tells him.
Prince Guidon answers her:
“Sadness and melancholy eats me up;
Wonderful miracle
I'd like to. There is somewhere
Spruce in the forest, under the spruce there is a squirrel;
A miracle, really, not a trinket -
The squirrel sings songs
Yes, he keeps nibbling on nuts,
And nuts are not simple,
All the shells are golden,
The cores are pure emerald;
But maybe people are lying."
The swan answers the prince:
“The world tells the truth about the squirrel;
I know this miracle;
Enough, prince, my soul,
Do not worry; glad to serve
I will show you friendship."
With a cheerful soul
The prince went home;

As soon as I stepped into the wide courtyard -
Well? under the tall tree,
He sees the squirrel in front of everyone
The golden one gnaws a nut,
The emerald takes out,
And he collects the shells,

Places equal piles
And sings with a whistle
To be honest in front of all the people:
Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden.
Prince Guidon was amazed.
“Well, thank you,” he said, “
Oh yes swan - God bless her,
It’s the same fun for me.”
Prince for the squirrel later
Built a crystal house
The guard was assigned to him
And besides, he forced the clerk
A strict account of nuts is the news.
Profit for the prince, honor for the squirrel.

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