Alexander Maslyakov Sr. resigned. Alexander Maslyakov was fired due to suspicions of corruption

02 October 2017

Historically, KVN began as an honest, gambling, intellectual game with elements of improvisation. Has she remained so to this day? And is it true that Kaveen players are people who are not capable of ruining anyone’s mood?


At the very beginning, from 1961 to 1971, in KVN everything happened as planned. The project developed, discovered new faces and teams, and was the only truly entertaining and smart one on Soviet television. Under the strict control of Gosteleradio, the program lasted 10 years. Then KVN was closed due to the fact that there were too many Jews among the creators and participants of the project. This happened after the final game of the teams from Frunze, Yerevan and Odessa. Israel at that time was the main ideological enemy of the USSR. And TV actively filtered faces of this nationality. The teams, authors and editors were dispersed. Only the presenters remained: Alexander Maslyakov and Svetlana Zhiltsova. 15 years later, in 1986, KVN was reborn. And in 1991, Alexander Maslyakov organized the independent company AMiK, thus privatizing the game both as a format and as a business project.

Since then, there has been talk that KVN has moved away from its original idea. What from intellectual game it turned into a variety show, where many taboo topics appeared, and the jury members knew the scores in advance, because they cost a lot of money.

Don't listen to ex-Kaven players

ex-editor Major League KVN Dmitry Kolchin. Photo: Channel One

Not long ago, the ex-editor of the Major League of KVN Dmitry Kolchin published a post on social networks that in Lately In team performances, sketches about the main officials of states are strictly prohibited. If they are not complimentary. It is impossible, for example, to make a skit with a negative connotation on the topic: a meeting between the President of Russia and the President of Kazakhstan. And the authors who wrote such things have disappeared somewhere. The decision to air a particular issue is made by people from Channel One. It is from them that strict editing and checking of the program content comes, and not from the KVN editors.

Kolchin gave an example of such censorship. He talked about how one of the teams at the general run-through performed an act about dismantling a balcony. Viktor Tsoi’s song “Change” was playing in the background. But a certain person appeared and declared that this composition should not be played here, because it was associated with dissatisfaction with the authorities. According to Dmitry Kolchin, he had encountered similar things before, when he was still the captain of the SOK team. And he left the post of editor of KVN precisely because of such interventions.

captain of the Ural team Viktor Pronin. Photo:

The KVN press service responded to Kolchin’s statement by saying that everything said was stupid. And don’t listen to the dubious conclusions of former KVN officers. Before Kolchin, members of the Kazakh team “Sparta” also complained about censorship. They reported that politically sensitive jokes were strictly cut out of their numbers. “It seems like just recently that the champions of the club, the Soyuz team, sang on the First Channel about Obama, Merkel and Putin,” said Ural team captain Viktor Pronin in an interview. - Now no one will be allowed to do this. It is now completely forbidden to joke about Putin, as well as about all other top-echelon politicians. In KVN there are generally many taboo topics, including religion, illness, alcohol, and drugs.

Kicked out of the club for infidelity

Behind long years a lot of people came out of KVN famous actors, directors, showmen, TV presenters, screenwriters, producers, etc. But while the participants are inside the game, they are tacitly forbidden to conduct independent concert activities, and even more so to appear on other TV channels.

Because of this, relations with the Club of the team from Krivoy Rog “95th Quarter” ended forever. Their debut took place in 1998. In the 2002 season, the team reached the semi-finals. And in next year I didn’t achieve any results at all, and then decided to go free swimming. For this reason, there was a conflict with the management of the AMiK company in the person of Alexander Maslyakov. Vladimir Zelensky, the captain of the “95th Quarter” team, was strictly prohibited from performing in Kyiv anniversary concert. They told him: “Either remove your posters, or you are no longer in the team.” Zelensky chose the second option.

Vladimir Zelensky. Photo:

Garik Kharlamov also fell under Maslyakov’s disgrace. Being the captain of the KVN team “Ungolden Youth”, in parallel with the game, he took part in the television project “Radiomania”, which angered Alexander Vasilyevich. Kharlamov was declared persona non grata. And only a few years later Garik was able to appear on the KVN stage, already as an invited guest.

For comparison, the command " Ural dumplings“I started producing self-produced performances only after I won the Major League and left KVN. began after they began to earn big money on their own.

Disqualification for disorderly conduct

Nurlan Koyanbaev, captain of the Astana.KZ team. Photo: Channel One

Traditionally, any KVN game is played twice. On the first day there are support groups, a jury and television cameras, on the second there are only spectators. In 2006, at the second performance the day before, having lost in the semi-finals, Nurlan Koyanbaev, the captain of the Astana.KZ team, caused a row in the dressing room. The upset Kaveen member loudly cursed at the KVN host. IN next season the team worked without their frontman.

At the very beginning of their journey in 1993, the Ural Dumplings team miraculously avoided dismissal from the national team. The guys allowed themselves to go on stage with a terrible hangover and behaved, to put it mildly, inappropriately. For the first time they were forgiven. No one repeated such a “feat” again.

On International festival in Sochi "KiViN 2007" "Team of Small Nations" demonstrated sketches on the topic internal system KVN and its leadership. For the team, this performance within the Club was the last.

Who are the judges?

Back in 1997, in the final of one of the games there were two teams “Transit” and “New Armenians”. The Armenians lost a whole point to their opponents. And then Yuliy Gusman, being the chairman of the jury, declared a draw. Since then, the chairman of the jury has been Konstantin Ernst.

Last spring, a scandal occurred in live, when Dmitry Nagiyev made several awkward jokes about the internal kitchen of KVN. The showman jokingly said that the teams are scored in advance, and objectionable remarks from the jury members are then cut out by the editors of Channel One. Maslyakov promised Nagiyev that nothing would be cut from this program. Nagiyev did not let up, and when it came time to evaluate the players, he deliberately raised the wrong numbers. Because of him, Maslyakov had to ask the jury to re-vote. And Alexander Vasilyevich personally suggested that Nagiyev no longer appear at KVN as a judge if he continues to behave so badly.

Some time ago, Leonid Yarmolnik and Sergei Sholokhov got it from Maslyakov and Gusman. In one of the final games of KVN, when the judges voiced their impressions of what they saw, Sergei Sholokhov said something wrong. The joke about Alla Pugacheva’s double chin seemed vulgar to him, and he asked the players to be more correct in their expressions. Then Yuliy Gusman told Sholokhov that he didn’t understand anything about KVN at all.

And Leonid Yarmolnik once rated the “Greeting” of the Vladivostok team as 6 points. Despite the fact that the other judges did not give them more than a four. Alexander Maslyakov scolded Yarmolnik, saying that later behind the scenes you will explain to me why you did this. Since then, neither Sholokhov nor Yarmolnik have appeared on the jury. Subsequently, the actor explained his departure from the KVN judges: “We argued with Maslyakov which of us loves the president more. Alexander Vasilyevich won.” Indeed, not a single Russian television show has received such attention from the authorities. Both Sergei Sobyanin and Vladimir Putin were present at the opening of the new youth center “Planet KVN”.

Profitable business: winners are not judged

According to reliable information from Forbes, the income of Alexander Maslyakov’s company “AMiK” is at least $3.5 million a year. This money comes from television broadcasts, and from tours of KVN teams, and from solo performances of participants in the KVN leagues.

KVN is consistently at the top of all ratings humorous programs Russian TV. Players’ access to television is personally controlled by Alexander Maslyakov and his family. Exclusive rights to show Channel One are sold by its company AMiK. At the same time, AMiK does not spend any money on content production. Sponsors pay for script writing, performances and high scores for teams.

For example, in 2014 the Ministry Chechen Republic officially placed an order on the government procurement website for the participation of the Chechen national team in the 1/4 finals of KVN. Moreover, the corresponding contract for 5.5 million rubles was signed two and a half months before the team made it there.

IN social network A flurry of emotions arose after reports of the death of Alexander Maslyakov. Users reacted to such messages with bewilderment and alarm. The news of the death of the honored leader of the USSR and Russia shocked everyone. So many decided to find out the truth after all. The wife of Alexander Maslyakov Sr. told the whole truth about Alexander Vasilyevich’s condition.

Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov - Honored Presenter of Russia and Soviet Union. It’s even difficult to imagine broadcasting KVN without him. Dozens of years ago Maslyakov began hosting KVN and is still its host. Not long ago, information appeared on the Internet that the famous presenter died in a hospital in Sochi at the age of 75. And even the reason was named - from a stroke. Netizens were alarmed to the extreme.

Alexander Maslyakov died or not: latest news, what happened to him

After which Alexander Vasilyevich’s wife told the whole truth about her husband’s condition. In her words, all this is “bullshit.” She noted that she doesn’t even know who could have come up with this. So, fortunately, everything is fine with Maslyakov and he is alive and well. It is currently known that Alexander Vasilyevich is in Sochi. But he did not go there to die, but to work.

In addition, on August 26, KVN took place, with his participation. So Svetlana Maslyakova “shed light” on the news of Maslyakov’s death. However, this is not the first time that the media attribute unconfirmed news to Maslyakov. Not so long ago, there was information on the Internet that Maslyakov allegedly had an affair with Svetlana Zhiltsova, but then Svetlana herself denied the information.

The other day it became known from various yellow media reports that allegedly yesterday from the second recent months The founder of KVN, Alexander Maslyakov, died of a stroke.

A flurry of emotions arose on the social network after reports of the death of Alexander Maslyakov. Users reacted to such messages with bewilderment and alarm. The news of the alleged death of the honored leader of the USSR and Russia shocked everyone. So many decided to find out the truth after all. The wife of Alexander Maslyakov Sr. told the whole truth about Alexander Vasilyevich’s condition.

Most recently, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambaev signed a decree according to which the President of the International KVN Union, presenter and director television program KVN Alexander Maslyakov was awarded the Order of Dostuk for his great contribution to strengthening friendship between the peoples of Kyrgyzstan and Russia, long-term and fruitful creative activity.

Alexander Maslyakov died: where did the rumors about the death of the KVN host come from?

About death famous TV presenter write representatives of the so-called “ yellow press» including,,, and others. These sources do not provide any evidence. None of the reputable media confirmed the death of Alexander Maslyakov. To clarify the situation, we turned to the wife of a famous artist.

Alexander Maslyakov: the presenter’s wife commented on the “death” of her husband

The wife of famous TV presenter Alexander Maslyakov denied rumors about her husband’s death in Sochi due to a stroke.

Svetlana Maslyakova clarified that her husband is indeed on business in a resort town on the Black Sea.

“This is bullshit, who can say such a thing. Alexander Vasilyevich is now on a business trip and on vacation, he is in Sochi. Everything is fine with him,” the portal quotes her as saying.

Earlier, information appeared on the Internet that the famous KVN presenter allegedly died at the age of 76. It was reported on the Internet that Maslyakov died of a stroke in a Sochi hospital.

It is worth adding that many rumors often circulate around the TV presenter. So, several years ago, Maslyakov was credited with a romantic relationship with his colleague Svetlana Zhiltsova, calling her almost the wife of a showman. Zhiltsova denied the gossip, saying that she and Alexander Vasilyevich have an exclusively working relationship.

Alexander Maslyakov biography

Let us recall that Alexander Maslyakov was born on November 24, 1941 in Sverdlovsk. The famous presenter has won many awards. The showman is the founder and owner of the television creative association"AMiK" - organizer and producer of the popular television program "KVN".

Over the many years that Maslyakov has been broadcasting the program, he has become more than a presenter. Beginning comedians called Alexander Vasilyevich everything - Master, Guardian, AlVasMas. Many artists consider the man to be an unquestioned authority and one of the main people in KVN. Colleagues of Alexander Vasilyevich speak of him as an outstanding and talented professional, a wonderful family man, and also an amazing person.

It is interesting that KVN was based on the TV show “Evening of Fun Questions,” which was launched on the model of the Czech program “Guess, Guess, Fortune Teller.” Not only players, but also spectators could take part in the Soviet program, who themselves often joked, causing thunderous applause from those around them.

Alexander Vasilyevich's son followed in his footsteps. He began his career as the host of the Planet KVN program in 1999. A few years later, the celebrity heir began to air in the Premier League.

TV presenter and one of the founders of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, Alexander Maslyakov, was stripped of his position as head of the Planet KVN company after accusations of corruption. This was reported by the press service of the international anti-corruption organization Transparency International.


The audit found that Maslyakov violated the law by combining the position of head of the youth center (state unitary enterprise) with the management commercial organization. This happened back in 2014, when “Planet KVN” and the creative association “AMiK” formed a joint LLC “House of KVN” in 2014.

Anti-corruption officials noticed that the building, donated to KVN for its 50th anniversary by the country's President Vladimir Putin, was previously owned by the city of Moscow. The cost of the former Havana cinema, located on Sheremetyevskaya Street in the Maryina Roshcha district of Moscow, is more than a billion rubles, excluding the cost of land. But now this expensive real estate has strangely ended up in the hands of a private company...

Let us remind you that Alexander Maslyakov is considered one of the richest TV presenters in the country. He makes money from what he created back in Soviet time KVN brand - a kind of factory pop stars. After all, it was from KVN that Tatyana Lazareva, Mikhail Shats, Mikhail Galustyan, and Yuliy Gusman came out. According to Forbes estimates, the income of the creative association "AMiK" headed by Maslyakov comes from television broadcasts, tours of KVN teams and individual performances of participants in Kaveen leagues different levels is at least $3.5 million per year. This is more than Alla Pugacheva and Nikita Mikhalkov receive.

As they say, for playing in a regional or central league (with the exception of television ones), each team must pay a fee - up to 20 thousand rubles, depending on the level of play. In addition, teams are allegedly required to make deductions from tours and corporate performances in the amount of 10-20% of the fee.

According to reports in latest news, Alexander Maslyakov, who for many years headed the state unitary enterprise “Planet KVN”, resigned in early December 2017. According to the organization's press center, the departure of the head popular show from the post of general director was initiated by himself, back in the spring of this year.

The reason for this decision was the desire to bring my own labor activity in accordance with the requirements of legislation adopted in the Russian Federation. Now Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, according to the latest news, will only host all episodes of the program, remaining the media face of the project, but will not be able to resolve property issues.

As has already been reported in all open sources According to information, in the early fall of 2017, a scandal broke out due to Transparency International’s inspection of the activities of a unitary enterprise, which for many years had been managed by the firm hand of the founding father of a popular entertainment show.

Then this non-profit organization to identify corruption components in all unitary enterprises has published documents indicating that the widely respected TV presenter is involved in a major fraud.

According to members of the inspection commission, the head of KVN transferred the rights to own the Havana cinema to the AMiK company, once founded by him. And by law they are unitary non-profit organizations they have no right to do this. Moreover, after Transparency International checked the permitting documents, it turned out that such a scam became possible with the approval of the capital’s mayor’s office. Members of the inspection organization had to contact the State Prosecutor's Office Russian Federation with a corresponding statement, which initiated a new collapse of all kinds of checks.

Alexander Maslyakov was fired from the AMiK company

In other words, as the latest news reports, Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov Sr. sold the premises to himself.

As a result of the prosecutor's investigation, it turned out that the TV presenter was not involved in anything criminal, so the owner of KVN will not bear criminal liability.

His colleagues, who took part in the game as members of the jury, spoke in defense of the head of KVN. For example, Valdis Pelsh said in an interview with journalists that without Alexander Maslyakov, who was fired from the post of head of KVN, the program will become different, so he will remain its permanent presenter for many years. At the same time, the head of the program will relinquish any formal responsibilities. did not stay away from the scandal, saying that he did not see a big problem in the scandal, artificially inflated by unscrupulous media.

Prohibition on the use of abbreviations

Does not lag behind in scandalous fame famous father and his son - Alexander Maslyakov Jr. As it became known in the latest news on December 6, 2017, the TV presenter’s successor as director of AMiK forbade the creators of a film about the history of the program from using the word KVN.

According to Russian legislation, the abbreviation has long been considered the intellectual property of an association belonging to the popular family. Therefore, the authors of documentary films do not have the right to introduce it into their works without the official permission of the owners of the “trademark” mark.

The filmmakers are outraged by such close adherence to commercial rights by the “cheerful and resourceful” owners of AMiK, especially since they had to incur additional costs for changing the name and replacing posters.

Facts from the biography of the presenter and the background of KVN

Maslyakov Alexander Vasilievich was born in Yekaterinburg in 1941. Nothing is yet known in more detail about the childhood of the 76-year-old popular TV presenter.

After school, the young man set off to conquer the capital and entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers. While still in his fourth year at the university, the student became interested in creating KVN, which received its name from the brand of the TV, which became the first product of the domestic industry. Therefore, Maslyakov decided to retrain as a television journalist and graduated from a specialized university with the appropriate specialization.

The very idea of ​​creating fun program belonged to Sergei Muratov, who decided to air the program “Evening of Fun Questions,” the plot of which the authors copied from the Czech prototype of the show. The program lasted only three broadcasts, after which it was closed due to a misunderstanding related to a mistake by the TV presenter.

As soon as the hype died down, the creators of the program released new project, calling it “KVN”, in which 5 presenters participated, backing each other up in various unpleasant situations associated with the live broadcast.

Gradually, the number of entertainers was reduced and only Maslyakov and Svetlana Zhiltsova remained on stage. Then the whole country was confident in a happy family life this famous couple. And no one knew that Alexander had long been happily married to another Svetlana, who became the director of the program and gave birth to his son.

For the first 7 years, KVN was broadcast exclusively live, which horrified television executives - students did not hesitate to joke live on air about the shortcomings in the USSR, which was severely persecuted at that time.

As a result, the transition to recording the program in the studio was influenced by the management’s ban on performances by bearded jokers - one of the censors saw in such images a mockery of the great ideologist communist party Karl Marx. The unpredictability of the program participants' performances led to the fact that the State Security Committee of the Soviet state became interested in their work and the program was closed in 1971.

There are many rumors associated with this story, which claim that the permanent host of the funny program was in prison for “currency fraud.” Alexander Vasilyevich himself, in response to such accusations, only laughed - to work for Central television it was impossible for a presenter with a criminal record. Moreover, all channel employees underwent strict selection under the all-seeing eye of the State Security Committee for reliability.

For 15 years the broadcast was banned. The state of affairs on Soviet television changed due to Perestroika. In 1986, the Cheerful and Resourceful Club appeared on television again. The extraordinary popularity of the program is evidenced by the fact that literally a few years later its return to the list of television programs, competitions in wit crossed the borders of the Soviet Union - competitions with international status began to be held in Israel and Poland, in the UK and the USA.

KVN became a kind of cradle of many pop comedy groups, which later became independent units on the country's television landscape.

The most famous of them are “Ural Dumplings” and “Kvartal 95”, which currently have their own show programs and even produce films under the registered trademark of teams that once won various humor competition festivals. A huge number of young talents consider their starting point to be work in KVN teams, which gave them the opportunity to become stars of modern show business, popular and famous.

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