Alexander Gordon: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Bad-good husband: Alexander Gordon and all his wives (rare photos) Alexander Gordon’s career in Russia

Russian television and radio presenter, journalist, actor, writer. Son of a poet, writer and artist Harry Gordon. Ex-husband famous TV and radio host, writer and online publicist Catherine Gordon .

Biography of Alexander Gordon

Alexander Gordon born in 1964 in the city of Belousovo, Zhukovsky district, Kaluga region. His father, Harry Borisovich Gordon, famous poet, novelist and artist, originally from Odessa. Mother, Antonina Chinina, medical worker. Alexander spent his childhood in Moscow in the Chertanovo district. After graduating from school, Gordon avoided military service by undergoing examination at the Moscow psychiatric hospital. P.P. Kashchenko.

Alexander Gordon: “I was offered an alternative: either I won’t be able to enter higher education educational institution, get a normal job, a driver's license and I will be an outcast in society for the rest of my days, or I will go to serve at Baikonur. The choice was mine, I made it. Two weeks in a clinical psychiatric hospital, I was diagnosed with “psychopathy with a tendency to litigiousness.” With that they were released into life.”

In 1987, Alexander Gordon graduated from the acting department of the Theater School. Shchukin and began working at the theater-studio named after. R. Simonov, and also taught acting. In 1989, Alexander Gordon decided to immigrate to the United States with his then wife and daughter. According to Alexander, he did not like America, but despite this, he spent 9 years there and still retains American citizenship.

Alexander Gordon about American citizenship: “First of all, this is a very good travel card around the world, but every year it loses its meaning. The more countries open to Russians for visa-free entry, the older I get, and therefore, it’s already breaking me to travel the way I used to.”

In the USA, Alexander Gordon went from an air conditioner adjuster and a pizza delivery man to a senior correspondent for the WMNB television channel, and in 1993 he created own company Vostok Entertainment. From 1994 to 1997, Alexander Gordon hosted the program “New York, New York,” which aired on TV6.

Alexander Gordon: “In general, when I came to television, I set it as my task to make anti-television programs, so to speak. Well, most television program there was “New York, New York”, it was just a report. It was different there - there was an attitude, that is, I was not a reporter. I was like this, you know, reconnaissance in force, that is, this is our man on the moon. But that time has passed, thank God, and it’s unlikely to return.”

In 1997, Gordon returned to Russia. However, he often visits the USA, where he left behind his first wife and daughter, an elderly mother, and many relatives, acquaintances and friends.

Alexander Gordon's television career

In 1997, Gordon got a job as a correspondent for Alexander Voevodin’s “Private Case” program, and later became its author and presenter. At the same time, he hosted the “Gloomy Morning” program on the “Silver Rain” radio station, the video version of which was aired on the M1 TV channel. In 2001, Alexander Garrievich moved to the NTV channel, where he was the host of the Gordon program. In 2004, his program “Stress” was released on the same channel. Since 2007, Alexander Gordon has been working on Channel One; was the host of the programs “Closed Show” and “Gordon Quixote”.

In 2014, Alexander became the host of the program “Male/Female” on Channel One, created on the basis of the program “They and We,” which he hosted together with actress Ekaterina Strizhenova. Gordon's co-host on the new show is ex-wife football player Andrei Arshavin Yulia Baranovskaya.

In each episode of the program, male and female views on various things and events happening in the world collide. IN different time stars took part in the show Russian show business and cinema.

Alexander Gordon does not forget about his theater education. As a director, he made two films based on the works of his father - “The Shepherd of His Cows” (2002) and “The Lights of the Brothel” (2007). As an actor, Gordon starred in Igor Maslennikov’s film “Night Visitors.”

At the beginning of 2014, famous TV presenter and director Alexander Gordon contacted our company (NANOSPHERE). There came a time in his life when irresistible desire build your own house and live in it. Gordon has done the hard work of analyzing the technologies and companies on the market. We are very pleased that in the end Alexander chose the DOK technology and our company.

Alexander Gordon says: "When I decided to build my Vacation home, then began to carefully study various construction technologies and delve into their intricacies. Like most people, I was concerned about construction time, quality and value for money. A stone house is expensive and takes a long time. I considered building a house from laminated veneer lumber; I even worked on the project with my relative, an architect, but I was not satisfied with the architectural capabilities of this technology. And since gas has not yet been supplied to my site, it is impossible to heat such a house. Before meeting with DOK, I had not considered frame houses, since I lived in America for a long time and had seen enough of a single frame...

DOK technology has changed my ideas about modern frame houses. I figured out how the DOK eliminates cold bridges that destroy walls in a single frame. I was convinced how strong and reliable the double frame is. And due to the fact that I am expecting a new addition to my family, the environmental friendliness of the materials used in the DOC is also important to me.

Noise immunity is also very important to me. And only DOC was able to provide all these important characteristics.

I am a creative person, so I do not have time to personally coordinate the actions of several contractors for the installation of ventilation, electrical, heating, water supply and sewerage systems. But in "NANOSPHERE" all these works are initially included in the basic package. I was pleasantly surprised by the price-quality ratio.

The work at the design stage was carried out very quickly. The architects responded quickly to my wishes. As a result, the house turned out to have a spacious office-library, a huge fireplace room and a high “second light” separating the master and guest area. DOK technology made it possible to create a usable roof where the whole family can sunbathe."

53-year-old Alexander Gordon finally got his own home

53-year-old Alexander G ordon Finally got my own country house.

For famous TV presenter, director and actor, this event was significant for two reasons. Firstly, all these years he did not have his own corner and wandered around rented apartments. And secondly, a couple of months ago Alexander once again became a father - his 22-year-old wife Noza Abdulvasieva gave birth to their second child together. the site found out where Gordon moved his growing family.

IN popular show Channel One “Male/Female”, which Gordon is now paired with Yulia Baranovskaya,Alexander always acts as a “strict policeman.” He does not coddle with the heroes, but cuts the truth in their eyes. So much so that it often offends people who come to the studio.

Those who are closely acquainted with Gordon assure that in life he is the same - harsh, meticulous and corrosive. They say that this is why his previous wives did not get along with him (the TV presenter is in his fourth marriage, not to mention his previous numerous novels).

Even the construction of the house was slow - few could please the demanding taste of Alexander Garrievich.

“I calculated that in my adult life I have changed one hundred and one rented apartments,” Gordon once shared in an interview. - I didn’t have my own home. And then I thought: I’m already “fifty dollars” - I need to lay my head somewhere. I decided that I didn’t need an apartment - I could always rent one while I was working. And when I can’t, I want to live not in Moscow, but outside the city, in my own house. This became my dream, because after fifty it’s already difficult to wake up, because all your desires have already been exhausted: you open your eyes in the morning and don’t understand why.

When the TV presenter divorced his young wife in November 2013 Nina Shchipilova, and six months later he married an equally young student of VGIK Nozanin Abdulvasieva(granddaughter of the famous director, Honored Artist of Tajikistan and Russia Valeria Akhadova) and found out about her pregnancy, the question of her own living space became very acute.

Gordon assures that he then studied mountains of literature, talked with a dozen acquaintances who own country real estate, and made several important conclusions. In his opinion, a brick house is too expensive, a log house is somehow rustic, and a timber house is not entirely reliable.

It is important that the house is not only durable, but also warm and quiet: I don’t want the neighbors to hear what’s going on with me,” Alexander meaningfully expressed his wishes. - I also want the two houses - the master's and the guest's - to be connected by a common living room.

As a result, the search construction company dragged on for another year, but when young Noza became pregnant with her second baby, Gordon finally signed up for the grandiose project.

Relevance in the landscape

Especially for future home TV presenter bought a plot on the shore Pestovskoye Reservoir 30 kilometers from Moscow. And since then everything free time spent there, at a construction site.

It was decided to build the star mansion from a double volumetric frame in order to run all communications inside the walls, and not disfigure the landscape with protruding pipes and wires. In addition, this type of structure, according to Alexander, is stronger than brick and wood - it is not in danger of deformation.

“I grew up on the water all the time - either on Seliger or on the Volga, so I was looking for a similar place in the Moscow region,” Gordon shared. - When I found it, another question arose. It seems to me that one of the advantages of the house is its relevance to the landscape. That is, it should not be conspicuous. I wanted a small country house. I managed to achieve this: my house is practically invisible. I don't like pretentiousness.

Indeed, the TV presenter’s two-story mansion looks quite modest against the backdrop of its neighbors’ cool cottages. But Gordon’s roof is very unusual - in appearance it resembles the deck of a ship, where you can sunbathe.

The guest house has two bedrooms and a spacious living room, and in the master's house (among other things... necessary premises) Gordon took special care to create his Personal Area. There he installed a massive and expensive work desk, a comfortable sofa, many bookshelves and a rocking chair.

They say that Alexander and his family celebrated a housewarming party on the eve of the New Year. Although in January, when Noza gave her husband a second son, the family lived in Moscow for some time. And now, when little Fyodor has grown up a little, Gordon is busy landscaping the site so that in the summer his missus can calmly spend time with the children in the fresh air.

For those who wish to stay with GORDON for the night, the TV presenter has prepared two cozy bedrooms (1) and a spacious living room (2). In the master's part of the house there are a couple of children's rooms (3), a matrimonial bedroom (4), a study (5) and a relaxation area on the roof (6). Alexander did not forget about the bathhouse on the site (7) and the small garage (8). Photo by Ruslan VORONOY

A cynic, a brilliant journalist, a happy husband and father. Biography and personal life Alexander Gordon is full of interesting facts And scandalous details. High-profile divorces, fateful returns to their homeland and new love- a young wife who gave Gordon a long-awaited son. But first things first.

Alexander Gordon: biography and personal life of a TV star

The biography of Alexander Gordon began with a loud and important event– birth. Moreover, they were born not in an ordinary working-class family, but in a family famous poet Harry Gordon. True, his father left the family early, and Alexander began communicating with his father as an adult. Moreover, this communication soon grew into fruitful cooperation. In 2011, father and son Gordon presented a joint film work, “Brothel Lights.” True, Alexander Garrievich himself admits that communicating with his father has always been difficult for him.

“My relationship with my father was different. After the first film, “The Shepherd of His Cows,” where he was a screenwriter and production designer, we didn’t speak for more than six months. There was a conflict between the director and the screenwriter..."

Alexander Gordon with his father Harry Gordon

The professional career of the future journalist, TV presenter, director, actor and screenwriter Alexander Gordon began from the student bench of the legendary “Pike” - Theater School named after. Shchukin.

Alexander Gordon in his youth (left)

After graduating from his alma mater in 1987, Gordon teaches in kindergarten theater club and soon decides to leave Russia. Together with his first wife Maria Berdnikova and their little daughter, he emigrates to the USA. There Gordon gets a job as a journalist on the Russian-language television channels RTN and WMNB. Later, a series of his author’s programs “New York, New York” was published, where, in particular, Alexander Gordon documented and talked about the purchase of his first American home. What Alexander Gordon looked like in his youth in the early 90s can be seen in his story about life overseas.

In the mid-90s, a radical change occurred in the biography and personal life of Alexander Gordon. The future TV star returns to Russia, leaving his first wife and daughter in the States. His Russian epic begins, full of scandals, new marriages and divorces.

Alexander Gordon and his wives: rare photos

Wife No. 2 of Alexander Gordon is Georgian actress Nana Kiknadze. The TV presenter lived with her for seven years. True, this marriage was never officially registered. As she later admitted in her interviews ex-common-law wife Alexander Gordon, it was a very difficult period in her life.

Nana Kiknadze, second wife of Alexander Gordon

According to Nana, Gordon was a terrible jealous person and was jealous of her not only about men, but also about her work. Alexander categorically forbade his common-law wife to contact modeling business, although the Georgian beauty bore the title “Miss Tbilisi” and she received many offers from famous photographers And modeling agencies. The same taboo was imposed on filming films. And one day, after another quarrel, Gordon almost killed himself and his wife. Nana later recalled:

“Once, after a serious quarrel, when I decided to finally break off our relationship, he simply crashed the car at full speed and miraculously survived. True, at that moment I was also sitting in that car.”

Still husband and wife: Alexander Gordon and Nana Kiknadze

After breaking up with Nana, Alexander Gordon did not remain alone for long. His third serious love was journalist Katya Podlipchuk, who became infamous as Katya Gordon. Their acquaintance was accidental, but soon Katya became the wife of Alexander Gordon.

Alexander Gordon with his wife Katya Gordon on vacation

Katya told how it all began in one of her interviews: “When I went on a date to a sushi bar, the first person I saw in the hall was that same Gordon! He drank beer alone. And now I’m sitting with the next applicant, I’m incredibly bored... I, realizing that it’s unlikely that poetry will come to fruition, took the collection and went to Gordon’s table. Of course, she knew that his father, Harry Gordon, was a poet, and decided to give him her poems, perhaps for some kind of review or as a gift from an aspiring author. As far as I remember, I even had the audacity to sign the book..."

Thus, the girl’s initiative was approved by Alexander, and soon the couple began a romantic relationship. But the relationship with her father-in-law did not work out right away - Katya and Gordon Sr. fought openly, without hiding their hostility towards each other.

Alexander Gordon with his wife Katya and father

But Alexander Gordon was only amused by this. But increasingly, the famous director and TV presenter took his father’s side. At one point, the young wife’s patience ran out.

"I'm tired of fighting with windmills and they don’t feel sorry for me. When I was sick or sad, I was always alone! At the same time, I can say without a doubt that Sasha is wonderful and kind; he’s just an actor (by the way, he’s also an actor by training), creative person, he will never be a good husband to anyone... just like, probably, I am a wife... Well, then he left me.”

A new turn in the personal life of Alexander Gordon is an extramarital affair with a journalist from Krasnodar Elena Pashkova and the birth of another daughter. One juicy detail: at this time Gordon was married again, to his young student Nina Shchipilova

Each new wife Alexandra Gordon - younger than the previous one

Upon learning of the birth illegitimate daughter Alexander Gordon's young wife decides to leave him. But... our hero did not grieve for long and remained alone. Very soon he will again lead his next young lady down the aisle. In the meantime, Alexander Gordon’s biography includes successful television projects and scandalous skirmishes with famous politicians, journalists and representatives of show business.

The journalist and TV presenter is known for his complex character and scandalous statements on air. There is no doubt that in Alexander Gordon’s personal life his character plays an important role, and not every woman can get along with him under the same roof. He had several marriages, and only in the last, fourth, did he seem to find his happiness.

Wives of Alexander Gordon

The famous journalist was never constancy in his personal life; he had many affairs, and some of them ended in marriage. So how many wives did Alexander Gordon have, and how were the relationships in his families?

Maria Verdnikova

The journalist's first wife was Maria Verdnikova, who came to Moscow from Novosibirsk to enroll in the Faculty of Journalism of the Literary Institute. Alexander at that time was an aspiring actor and, having met an interesting, pretty girl from an intelligent family of genetic scientists, he simply could not help but fall in love with her.

They got married, a daughter, Anna, was born into the young family, and when the baby was one year old, Alexander and Maria went to America.

But family life abroad did not go well - scandals began in the family, and the couple decided to separate. Alexander Gordon's first wife remained in the States forever and managed to achieve significant results there. professional success- Maria Verdnikova is a famous political commentator and media personality, collaborates with Russian-language media, writes historical novels.

Nana Kiknadze

Alexander met Nana when he lived in America and worked as a correspondent for one of the television channels. She was four years younger than Gordon and was studying at the Television Academy at the time.

Kiknadze had a marriage behind her that had broken up due to her husband’s infidelities, her daughter Nika was growing up, and Alexander fell head over heels in love with a new acquaintance.

They were together for seven years, and their family life full of scandals and stormy reconciliations could not be called calm. Despite their long life together, Nana and Alexander never formalized their relationship.

Ekaterina Gordon

Alexander met Katya Podlipchuk by chance, but very little time passed and the journalist, who was sixteen years younger than Gordon, became his wife.

At that time, Alexander was thirty-six years old, and Catherine was twenty, but they did not pay attention to such an age difference.

From the very beginning, their life together was overshadowed by open hostility between Alexander Gordon's wife and his father, poet and screenwriter Harry Gordon. At first, Alexander tried to stay away from these scandals, but then more and more often he began to take his father’s side, and six years later this marriage broke up.

Nina Shchipilova

He met Nina, who became the next wife of Alexander Gordon, at the university where he worked as a teacher. At the time of their acquaintance, she was only eighteen years old, and she was studying on a course taught by Gordon.

In the winter of 2011, they had a quiet wedding, and two years later the family fell apart after Nina found out that her husband had cheated on her with another girl, Krasnodar journalist Lena Pashkova.

The children of Alexander Gordon were born not only in legal marriages, it happened this time too - Elena gave birth to a son, Alexander, but this fact did not become the reason for Gordon to marry Pashkova.

Nozanin Abdulvasieva

After another divorce, Alexander Gordon’s personal life did not stop - he met the granddaughter of director Valery Akhadov and the daughter of producer Abdul Abdulvasiev Nozanin, who soon became his fourth wife.

Nozanin is a graduate of the Faculty of Documentary Film at VGIK, and at the time of meeting her future husband she was still a student. They met on the set of Smart Guy, in which Gordon was involved in leading role, and Noza came to interview a famous journalist and actor.

Their conversation dragged on for a long time, and as a result of communication they realized how much they had in common. The wedding of Nozanin and Alexander took place in 2014, and soon after the couple had a son, Alexander.

In his fourth wife, Gordon apparently found the ideal woman - Noza, despite the relatively young age, already has her own opinions, she is modest, natural, she does not need publicity.

Being with his wife is interesting for Alexander and he feels calm and comfortable. At the end of 2017, he became a father again - the number of Alexander Gordon's children increased to four - Nozanin gave birth to a son, Fedor.

Brief biography of Alexander Gordon

The famous journalist and TV presenter was born in Obninsk, and his early childhood took place in the village of Belousovo. But all the conscious years of Alexander Gordon’s biography passed in the Russian capital. Sasha was raised by his stepfather, whom his mother married after her divorce from his father.

After school, Alexander entered the Shchukin School, and then was accepted into the Simonov Theater Studio. Two years later, Gordon and his family left for the States, where he discovered television. He became the host of one of the Russian-language channels and soon his career quickly took off.

Later he founded his own television company, and in 1997 he returned to Moscow. Creative biography Alexander Gordon received active development in his homeland, and he quickly gained authority and popularity; many interesting projects appeared and continue to appear.

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