Alex Malinovsky real name is Alexander. Alex Malinovsky: biography, personal life

Singer Alex Malinovsky is already called one of the sexiest performers on the Russian pop scene. Super publishes seven facts about the artist, whose name was not known to the general public until recently.

1. Alex Malinovsky is 33 years old and has a twin brother, Grigory.

The birth of boys was accompanied by an incident. When my mother went to the registry office to receive birth certificates, it turned out that the brothers’ names were mixed up. Until this moment, Sasha (Alex) was called Grisha, and Grisha was Sasha. The twins spent their entire childhood where they were born - in Magadan.

2. Malinovsky was the star of the first season of the show “The Voice”.

At the blind auditions, the young man sang the song “Belovezhskaya Pushcha”, after which he got into the team Dima Bilan. In the next round, Alex “fought” the duo Sugar Mamas- they sang the song by Sting & Mary J. Blige - Whenever I Say Your Name. As a result of the performance of this composition, mentor Dima Bilan left Alex in the show. After which there was a 1/4 final, where Malinovsky sang Breathe easy Blue groups. But at this stage, Alex, alas, left the show.

3. Alex is interested in tattoos.

His back is decorated with an intricate ornament made in one of the Moscow tattoo parlors. And the singer is not going to stop there.

4. The singer believes in fate after a mystical incident in childhood.

At an early age, Alex and his brother were sent to visit their grandmother. The only way to get to her was by helicopter. When the parents once again brought the kids to the airport, Sasha suddenly began to cry a lot, scream, and literally climb into his mother’s arms. He categorically refused to fly, saying that he was afraid to get into this particular helicopter. The frightened mother, of course, decided to return home with the children. As it turned out, that same evening the helicopter on which the brothers were supposed to fly crashed.

5. Malinovsky dreams of becoming the representative of Russia at Eurovision.

The artist admits that, no matter what, he will go towards his goal. Now the production center of Nikolai Baskov and Alexey Romanov is engaged in the promotion of the singer.

6. Malinovsky had to ask his mother for forgiveness on Channel One.

From the very beginning, Alex's family was categorically against his desire to pursue a career in show business, since the young man received a law degree. Mom was so hostile to everything that in response to her son’s move to Moscow, she simply stopped communicating with him. This one-sided silence continued more than a year, and then Alex decided to ask his mother for forgiveness throughout the country - for this he had to come to the “Minute of Fame” show. The result was immediate. The very next day after the broadcast of the program, the family made peace.

7. Alex is single and his heart is free.

Although Alex claims that he wants to get married soon. “I’m already 33, and I really want a family and children,” explains the star, whose pumped-up body often adorns the pages of men’s glossy magazines. "I don't like going to underwear and I love hot sex,” Malinovsky reveals when asked to tell “a little about himself” off stage.

Singer Alex Malinovsky and the biography of this talented guy will always be of interest to his fans, but also to simply connoisseurs of musical talent.

“How young we were,” - the main performer of this song, Alexander Gradsky, almost played a fatal role in fate young guy who came to All-Russian competition"Voice" - 2012.

We are talking about the then very young young performer, who appeared on the stage of blind auditions with the song “Belovezhskaya Pushcha” - Alex Malinovsky. Dmitry Bilan literally in an “extra minute” managed to press the button and turn his chair around to face the contestant voluntarily. The rest of the jury did so under duress.

It is difficult for the uninitiated public to understand what kind of melismas the mentors or, as Bilan joked, “cup holders” are discussing. But Malinovsky’s fans are definitely grateful to Dima for his participation in fate young singer. Then, at the blind auditions, the public saw that Alex had a twin brother, with whom they were more alike than two peas in a pod. Some people may only be learning about the existence of an older sister now.

Malinovsky’s education and intelligence in fights did not allow him to “beat” the girls. But the main objective has been achieved. A person who has been looking for opportunities to take part in shows or other shows for many years in a row major projects, finally came under the wing of a public person who paid attention career growth singer

But not everything is so simple. The young guy left at one time parents' house for the opportunity to sing on stage. Despite the protests of his family, he stubbornly continued to look for ways to release his irrepressible desire to sing for the public. Even when he was deprived of maternal communication.

Let's start the story from the beginning

And it was in Minsk, when the singer was invited to take part in the national selection for Eurovision 2010. But earlier, he was a “mama’s boy”, communicating closely with her and trusting her with his secrets.

Moreover, having been born in July 1986 in the city of Magadan, far from all capitals, already in 2006 Malinovsky graduated from the first Moscow Law Institute. Perhaps not without the support of relatives, in a good understanding of this expression. Almost immediately, Alex moved on to obtaining an education in the field of culture. After which the institute was behind him contemporary art. So the young singer was included in the list of the most educated representatives of the Russian stage.

Relatives took Alex’s refusal to continue the family business, which his mother founded, painfully. After all, the parents initially took a big risk. Sold an apartment in hometown, where my mother worked as a paramedic. The proceeds were invested in family business. Therefore, the mother expected different actions from her son. After he left for the stage, she left Alex without communication with her for 2 years.

What does searching on social networks lead to?

But it seems that the mother was wrongly offended by her son. This is evidenced by his Instagram, where he has at least 164 thousand subscribers. And his latest hits on YouTube have millions of views. Malinovsky also has a page on VK.

If Youtube in a particular case acts as a measure of professionalism, which is sufficiently high level for a million users. Then Instagram is a litmus test for determining the human qualities of a performer.

And the first thing that catches your eye is the colorful colors in life young man, meaning vivid emotional experiences. They are critically combined with a strong desire to have a family and touching relationships with his niece and other members of the large family.

Alex avoids getting close-up, portrait shots into the camera of strangers and welcomes representatives of this profession as needed.

Otherwise, the singer shows his best features and desires, as well as the possibility of transforming from Batman to Kruger. But these are already the basics of another profession, which Malinovsky mastered as part of modeling business.

Personal life

At one time, Alex appeared on international stages and even became the owner prestigious awards Face Thet Award, P&M Russia Look. In addition, Malinovsky is the official face of the “Number One” fashion project. What does it have to do with personal things?

It's all about the press, which directly attributed Alex's affair with a representative of the modeling business Masha Tsigal. The guys really had a creative or, more precisely, professional contact. Despite all attempts to “marry” the couple, the young people began building their own careers.

Briefly about career milestones

Developing simultaneously in two directions: as a singer and a representative of the modeling business. Alex took part in the march “Together against breast cancer”; Anna Semenovich, Vera Brezhneva, Yulia Mikhalchik, Irina Antonenko, Nikita and other famous personalities also took part in the action.

Today Malinovsky is better known as a singer love theme, closely intertwined with the possible loss loved one. The attractive timbre of his voice and innate intelligence incredibly attract women of different ages to Alex in his biography.

Singer Alex Malinovsky and the biography of this talented guy will always be of interest to his fans, but also to simply connoisseurs of musical talent.

“How young we were,” - the main performer of this song, Alexander Gradsky, almost played a fatal role in the fate of the young guy who came to the All-Russian competition “The Voice” - 2012.

We are talking about the then very young young performer who appeared on the stage of blind auditions with the song “Belovezhskaya Pushcha” - Alex Malinovsky. Dmitry Bilan literally in an “extra minute” managed to press the button and turn his chair around to face the contestant voluntarily. The rest of the jury did so under duress.

It is difficult for the uninitiated public to understand what kind of melismas the mentors or, as Bilan joked, “cup holders” are discussing. But Malinovsky’s fans are definitely grateful to Dima for his participation in the fate of the young singer. Then, at the blind auditions, the public saw that Alex had a twin brother, with whom they were more alike than two peas in a pod. Some people may only be learning about the existence of an older sister now.

Malinovsky’s education and intelligence in fights did not allow him to “beat” the girls. But the main goal was achieved. A man who had been looking for an opportunity to take part in shows or other major projects for many years in a row finally came under the wing of a public person who paid attention to the singer’s career growth.

But not everything is so simple. A young guy once left his parents' home for the opportunity to sing on stage. Despite the protests of his family, he stubbornly continued to look for ways to release his irrepressible desire to sing for the public. Even when he was deprived of maternal communication.

Let's start the story from the beginning

And it was in Minsk, when the singer was invited to take part in the national selection for Eurovision 2010. But earlier, he was a “mama’s boy”, communicating closely with her and trusting her with his secrets.

Moreover, having been born in July 1986 in the city of Magadan, far from all capitals, already in 2006 Malinovsky graduated from the first Moscow Law Institute. Perhaps not without the support of relatives, in a good understanding of this expression. Almost immediately, Alex moved on to obtaining an education in the field of culture. After which the Institute of Contemporary Art was behind him. So the young singer was included in the list of the most educated representatives of the Russian stage.

Relatives took Alex’s refusal to continue the family business, which his mother founded, painfully. After all, the parents initially took a big risk. We sold an apartment in our hometown, where my mother worked as a paramedic. The proceeds were invested in the family business. Therefore, the mother expected different actions from her son. After he left for the stage, she left Alex without communication with her for 2 years.

What does searching on social networks lead to?

But it seems that the mother was wrongly offended by her son. This is evidenced by his Instagram, where he has at least 164 thousand subscribers. And his latest hits on YouTube have millions of views. Malinovsky also has a page on VK.

If Youtube in a particular case acts as a measure of professionalism, which is at a fairly high level for a million users. Then Instagram is a litmus test for determining the human qualities of a performer.

And the first thing that catches your eye is the colorful colors in the life of a young man, meaning vivid emotional experiences. They are critically combined with a strong desire to have a family and touching relationships with his niece and other members of the large family.

Alex avoids getting close-up, portrait shots into the camera of strangers and welcomes representatives of this profession as needed.

Otherwise, the singer shows his best traits and desires, as well as the possibilities of transforming from Batman to Kruger. But these are already the basics of another profession, which Malinovsky mastered as part of the modeling business.

Personal life

At one time, Alex appeared on international stages and even won the prestigious Face Thet Award and P&M Russia Look. In addition, Malinovsky is the official face of the “Number One” fashion project. What does it have to do with personal things?

It's all about the press, which directly attributed Alex's affair with a representative of the modeling business Masha Tsigal. The guys really had a creative or, more precisely, professional contact. Despite all attempts to “marry” the couple, the young people began building their own careers.

Briefly about career milestones

Developing simultaneously in two directions: as a singer and a representative of the modeling business. Alex took part in the march “Together against breast cancer”; Anna Semenovich, Vera Brezhneva, Yulia Mikhalchik, Irina Antonenko, Nikita and other famous personalities also took part in the action.

Today Malinovsky is better known as a performer of songs with love themes, closely intertwined with the possible loss of a loved one. The attractive timbre of his voice and innate intelligence incredibly attract women of different ages to Alex in his biography.

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