Alan magicians - who are they? Konstantin Getsati: biography, personal life

Konstantin Getsati is the most likely winner of the 18th season of the Battle of Psychics. It was thanks to this program that he became known throughout the country. Here the hero was able to realize his psychic abilities and proved to everyone that he is a strong magician.

Konstantin Getsati has a bright, brutal appearance that has captivated many women. Therefore, his fans are interested not only in his unusual gift, but also personal life. However, if he is ready to talk about the first, seemingly endlessly, then he does not want to cover the second question, which further fuels the interest of the fairer sex.

Biography of Constantine

Konstantin Getsati is the pseudonym of a psychic. His real name is Getsaev Taimuraz Konstantinovich. He changed it after arriving in Moscow, taking his father’s name, which is more familiar to ordinary people.

Date of birth: July 10, 1987. The nationality of the magician is Ossetian. His place of birth is the capital North Ossetia city ​​of Vladikavkaz. Taimuraz was born into a family of doctors. He is not only child in family. The magician has a sister, with whom he still maintains a warm relationship. Unlike her brother, she does not have a magical gift.

Despite the fact that the sorcerer was born in Vladikavkaz, his family did not stay there. Taimuraz grew up in Chukotka in the village of Ugolnye Kopi. He studied at school number 3. In addition, the boy also attended a music school, where he received guitar lessons.

After Taimuraz Getsayev graduated from school, he moved to Vladikavkaz. It was in this city that he received his higher medical education. In 2011, he graduated from the North Ossetian Medical Academy. When the sorcerer received his diploma, he went to conquer Moscow. Here he almost immediately found a job. At first he worked in a public clinic, after which he moved to work in a private institution. His specialty is pediatric urologist and andrologist. During his work, he established himself as an excellent specialist. Thanks to this, he always has a lot of patients. Konstantin does not plan to say goodbye to medicine, so he continues to realize himself in this field.

He is interested not only in medicine and esotericism. Konstantin loves to play sports and is interested in photography. He is a sociable young man with many friends, including famous people.

Konstantin’s height is 188 cm. Thanks to him, the magician was immediately noticed from the first minutes of the show. However high growth and his young age are not his only advantages, thanks to which the magician fell in love with the public. The main thing is his abilities, which he demonstrated to the whole country.

This is the biography of Constantine.

Personal life and work as a doctor

The doctor does not talk about his personal life. The only information that the magician’s fans have is that he is not married and has not yet had time to have children. However, he has a girlfriend, but he does not even want to voice her name.

You can’t find out about a magician’s personal life even from social networks. The fact is that the psychic does not like to spend time on the Internet, and is not registered in in social networks, preferring to be in nature more often. He only has an Instagram page where fans can admire his photos.

As already mentioned, Konstantin realized himself as a doctor. Currently, he works in two private clinics in the capital, called “Family Doctor” and “Alternative”. In his work, he focuses exclusively on the methods of traditional medicine, which he mastered to perfection back in student years. The doctor introduces himself to patients by his real name. He uses a pseudonym only when he “turns” into a magician. Taimuraz conducts consultations only as a doctor. Like a magician he is this moment does not work. He does not provide esoteric services even via the Internet.

When the magician participated in the filming of the show, he did not quit his job. The doctor took leave for the entire filming period. After their completion, the doctor returned to his official activities.

The emergence of psychic abilities

Getsati Konstantin by his origin is the descendants of Alanian magicians. However, the legacy did not manifest itself immediately. Long years the gift did not make itself felt.

The psychic Konstantin Getsati's gift manifested itself during his student years. It is difficult to say how old he was when this happened, but it is known that it happened during a pathology class. This happened when he was autopsying the bodies of murdered people. At that moment, their souls told Constantine under what circumstances they died. After that, he began to master magic and related rituals. Year after year he improved his gift.

The magician studied with ancestors from an ancient Ossetian family. Thanks to them, he can summon the spirits of people who have not been on this earth for a long time.

It was the spirits that pushed Konstantin to take part in the Battle of Psychics. They said that the magician must pass the tests established in the show. The sorcerer considered it his duty to fulfill this “instruction”.

Konstantin Getsati at the Battle of Psychics

Season 18 of the battle of psychics became " finest hour» Konstantin. From the first minutes, he amazed not only all the spectators, but also the main skeptic of the country - presenter Sergei Safronov. The fact is that he not only managed to find a person in the trunk of a car, but also accepted the challenge of the presenter, who offered to find him not one, but three people. As a result, the magician was able to detect two people.

Psychic Konstantin Getsati amazed singer Yulia Samoilova. Already in the first minutes of the test, the magician, who was blindfolded, said that the person in front of him was unable to move. However, this is not all the information that the magician told about Yulia. He also accurately voiced the disease that was diagnosed by doctors. Konstantin also voiced details of the singer’s personal life. She did not inform the participants in the filming process about them, so the magician once again surprised not only Yulia, but also everyone film crew. It must be said that not all psychics have coped with this test. Free consultation with an astrologer, fortune teller or psychic after registration

This is what the Alans looked like

The Huns were not to blame for the collapse of the Roman Empire, as was believed. She owes her downfall to the eastern people, who had an unusual elongated skull, called Alans.

It was the Alans who brought the cult of war to Europe. And the foundations of medieval knighthood were laid by them.

The history of the Great City remembers many invasions of nomads, but its collapse began under the hooves of Sarmatian and Hunnish horses. Despite the fact that I was shaking ancient world long before the Alans appeared there, the latter became the reason for its collapse.

This “non-German” people differed from their predecessors in that they could Western Europe establish large settlements.

The Alans existed for many years in the neighborhood of the empire, paying it “neighborly” visits from time to time. They were invincible warriors, as Roman commanders recalled more than once.

Where did the warlike people live?

They lived on both banks of the Don, because, as the great geographer of those years Claudius Ptolemy believed, the border ran along the river.

He called those who lived on the western bank Scythian Alans, and the lands they occupied - European Sarmatia. The inhabitants of the eastern shore were called, according to Ptolemy's sources, Scythians, or Alans (according to Suetonius' sources).

Joining the Roman Empire

Thanks to Constantine the Great, the Alans became part of the Roman Empire as federates. This happened in 337. Their place of settlement was Central Europe (formerly Pannonia). Thus, it was possible to turn a dangerous enemy into a defender of the imperial borders for a worthy reward.

This did not last long, however, because the warriors were dissatisfied with their lives.

Teaming up with the Vandals

Alan symbolism

A hundred years later, the Alans entered into an alliance with the German tribe of Vandals. These two peoples earned the title of cruel robbers of Rome, which they ravaged for two weeks.

Recover from such an “invasion” The eternal City I couldn't. More than 20 years passed until the German leader Odoacer managed to formalize his fall. He forced him to abdicate the throne last emperor Rome.

Therefore, today it remains common noun"Vandal".

In the fifth century AD, the Romans began to imitate the barbarians. Strange as it may seem, they dressed in wide trousers tailored in the Samara style, grew beards and mounted short, but extremely hardy and fast horses. Everything “Alan” was in fashion and simply overwhelmed the Eternal City.

But special honor was given to horses, which, as already mentioned, were not distinguished by height and beauty, but were famous for their almost supernatural endurance, and dogs.

The Patricians of Rome, having had their fill material benefits, preferred everything primitive, natural and simple, which brought them closer to the people, as it seemed to them. Tired of the noisy ancient metropolis, they contrasted it with a quiet barbarian village. The barbarian tribes themselves were so idealized that legends and traditions were composed about courtly knights.


Video: The history of the invincible Alans

In the books of that time, the Romans praised both moral and physical virtues. With the Alans, the opposite process took place. They freely used the achievements of the largest civilization, which were absent on the periphery, which gradually led to the romanticization of the Alans, in contrast to the Romans, who were “Alanized.”

However, the Romans did not like some Alan customs. They did not accept the fashion for an elongated skull and the artificial deformation common among the Alans. Although for modern historians it is precisely this feature that facilitates the work of determining the territories where the Alans lived.

  • Scientists find burials with long skulls, which make it easier to assess the habitats of militant people.
  • According to the manager local history museum Pyatigorsk, in that ancient era, up to 70% of Alans had long skulls.

How was the unusual shape of the skull achieved?

To change the shape of the head, children immediately after birth, until the cranial bones were strengthened, had their heads bandaged very tightly, using a bandage made of leather and decorated with beads, multi-colored threads, and pendants.

They were removed only after the bones had strengthened.

Why was the elongated skull needed?

One version claims that the deformation of the skull affected the capabilities of the brain. Thanks to this, the priests quickly fell into a trance. This tradition was later adopted by the local aristocracy. It soon became fashionable.

According to Flavius ​​Arrin, the mounted tribes of Sarmatians and Alans attacked the enemy with lightning speed, not allowing him to come to his senses. The most effective means used against Alan attacks were infantry flanks, which had metal shells.

But the “steppe people” often used the tactics of false retreat, which often caught the enemy, thus achieving victory. When the Alans fleeing from the advancing infantry lost their ranks and the victory of the attackers was so close, the Alans suddenly turned their horses 180 degrees, crushing the pursuing foot soldiers.

This tactic was later adopted by the Romans. This is understandable, since the Alans had great combat capabilities, which they could not ignore in the west. The Alans elevated the fighting spirit into a kind of cult.

Ancient writers explained that at that time it was an honor for the Alans to die in battle, even joyful, since they believed that those who died served God. Those Alans who lived to old age and died in their homes were despised and considered cowards who disgraced their families.

The importance of Alans in the development of European military art

The influence of the Alans on the development of military art in Europe was very strong, since they provided spiritual, ethnic and military-technical developments, which became the beginning of the knighthood of the Middle Ages. In addition, the culture of fighting influenced the creation of the legend of Arthur's exploits.

Witnesses to this are ancient authors who say that on military service During the time of Howard Reid, more than eight thousand experienced Alan and Sarmatian horsemen were hired. Most of the soldiers in Britain fought on Hadrian's Wall under banners resembling the famous dragon.

Legends of Arthur

It varies among different researchers. Researchers Malkon and Littleton see it in the sacred cup and Grail from the Ossetian epic (Nart) - Nartamonga.

The path to independence

Two warring tribes, the Alans and the Vandals, united and posed a great threat. The savagery of these peoples and great aggressiveness did not allow concluding an agreement with the empire. They quiet life in a certain territory, preferring to engage in robbery in new territories.

In the end, the Alans reached the borders of Eastern Spain by 425. Here they captured ships and set off on them to North Africa. The leader of the Alans was Geiserin. They landed in the Roman colonies, which at that time suffered from internal uprisings directed against the current government and from frequent raids by the Berbers, and were therefore weakened. The Alans captured significant territories in a matter of days.

  • The lands, including Carthage, were a tasty morsel for the Alans.
  • Having taken possession of a strong fleet, Alan warriors often visited Sicily and the shores of Southern Italy.
  • Rome had no other choice, and it recognized the independence of the Alans in 442, and 30 years later, its defeat.

During the period of their existence over a vast territory, militant people left a fairly “long” trail - from the Caucasus Foothills to Africa through Europe. Today, the peoples living in these places are fighting for the right to be related to the famous tribe. But, according to scientists, their descendants are Ossetians. In modern Ossetia there is even a movement demanding the return of the country's historical name.

Ossetians have every reason for this:

    linguistic community;


    folk epic.

Residents of Ingushetia, who also consider themselves descendants of a militant tribe, oppose this.

Some ancient sources claim that the Alans are collectively nomads and hunters living north of the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea. Most likely, the Ossetians represent only a small proportion of the successors of the Alans.

And most of them merged with other ethnic groups, including:

  • Berbers and even Celts.

One version says that the common Celtic male name Alan, it starts from “Alans”. They lived in Luarez from the beginning of the fifth century, mixing with the British.

"on the TNT channel.

Konstantin Getsati. Biography

Konstantin Getsati- descendant of Alanian magicians. The real name of the medium is Timur (Taimuraz) Getsaev. Born into a family of an economist and a surgeon, he grew up and Chukotka. He studied in Vladikavkaz and graduated from the North Ossetian Medical Academy in 2011. Arriving in Moscow, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology named after. ON THE. Lopatkin, and then got a job in one of the capital’s clinics.

IN ordinary life Getsati - practitioner a urologist and andrologist and believes that he is continuing the work of his great-grandfather, who treated with prayer, herbs and the laying on of hands. However, in her work she uses exclusively traditional methods of treatment. Konstantin has no plans to leave his medical career after the show ends.

Getsati wrote on his blog on Instagram that he does not conduct online receptions on the Internet: “I don’t like the Internet. My “social networks” are here in nature. I have NO pages on the Internet other than this one. I don't do any internet hosting. I'm not asking you to transfer money to me!!! Don't fall for scammers. Fighting them is beyond my strength.”

For the first time, Konstantin felt his abilities in pathological anatomy lessons, when the spirits of people whose bodies he opened told him the circumstances of their death. Konstantin Getsati learned magical practices from his ancestors from an ancient Ossetian family, who taught him to summon the spirits of dead people.

Konstantin Getsati in the show Battle of Psychics, season 18

In the first episode of the “Battle of Psychics,” season 18, Konstantin Getsati amazed observers and Sergei Safronov by not only finding a person in the trunk of a car, but also accepting Safronov’s challenge, agreeing to find three people in the trunk at once. As a result, he found two people.

Konstantin was also able to surprise the singer Yulia Samoilova. Medium with eyes closed and not knowing who was sitting in front of him, he immediately said: the man cannot move. Moreover, Getsati accurately named the diagnosis that the doctors gave to Yulia, and also revealed to her details of her personal life that no one except the artist herself could know. On camera, neither the artist nor the medium voiced topics that were too personal for Yulia.

After the first episode of the show “Battle of Psychics,” season 18, fans of the project began to say on social networks that they saw the winner of the show in Konstantin Getsati. In the second episode, the magician did not disappoint viewers, having successfully passed a difficult test: he found a girl hidden in one of the 600 rooms in a huge abandoned hospital building.

On October 7, 2017, in the third episode of the “Battle of Psychics,” season 18, Konstantin Getsati again showed excellent results in two tests. He became the first participant in the 18th season, whose photo, by decision of the jury, ended up in a white envelope. Getzati dedicated his first victory in the “Battle” to his family.

December 23 at latest issue“The Battle of Psychics” announced the name of the winner of the 18th season of the project - it was Konstantin Getsati (53% of voters). Second place was taken by Sonya Egorova (20%), third by Alexander Kinzhinov (17%), and fourth by Zhan and Dana Alibekov (8%).

“Victory is determined not by strength, but by the audience’s love in the project. And this Love does not always choose the strongest. Therefore, there was no confidence in victory. However, when the results were announced, I no longer doubted the insight of those who voted this season. I was overwhelmed with emotions, it was even difficult for me to speak, but I am grateful to everyone who voted for me. I am grateful to “Battle” for giving me the opportunity to show myself. I went to the project not for, but in spite of. And I’m happy that I made the right choice and ended up at the “Battle”. For now, we have plans to come to our senses. I want to relax and be with people close to me. Now I want to restore my strength, and let the whole world wait,” Konstantin Getsati.

In September 2018, the continuation of the show “Psychics. Battle of the Strongest,” and the audience saw among its participants Getzati and two finalists of the 18th season of the “Battle of Psychics.” So, in one of the episodes of the program, Konstantin worked together with Victoria Raidos and investigated mysterious deaths three teenage girls.

On April 7, 2019, the show “School of Psychics” from the creators of “ ", in which Konstantin Getsati became a participant.

During the filming of the project “School of Psychics,” Getsati had to a pretty blonde who failed one of the tests. After this, rumors spread that the girl wanted to press pity in this way so that the mentor would not kick her out. In addition, Getsati had a serious quarrel with Swami over one applicant, since both mentors wanted to get her on their team. Getsati and Swami were separated with great difficulty by the presenter of the project, Sergei Safronov.

Konstantin Getsati. Personal life

Since his youth, Getzati has been interested in collecting stamps, sports and photography. Loves to travel, preferring hot countries and beach holidays.

After participating in “Battle” Konstantin Getsati began to be credited with an affair with the finalist of the project, Sonya Egorova. The rumors intensified after the couple appeared together at the casting for the 19th season of the project to support the participants, and also starred in the program “Psychics.” Battle of the fittest "(episodes with the participation of Getsati and Egorova aired on TNT in September 2018).

Konstantin Getsati said that he would meet his herbalist and love at the age of 32, intriguing everyone with the phrase: “She already knows me, but I don’t know her yet.”

Name: Konstantin Getsati

Date of Birth: 10.07.1987

Age: 31 years old

Place of Birth: Ugolnye Kopi village, Chukotsky

Weight: 84 kg

Height: 1.88 m

Activity: Alan magician, urologist

Family status: not married

Fans of the show “Battle of Psychics” may have already noticed unusual participant eighteenth season - Konstantin Getzati. The man, who has already been dubbed the “new sex symbol,” has an attractive appearance, a sharp look and obvious psychic abilities. And, of course, many are interested in the biography and personal life of Konstantin. Some are simply confident that he will win this show.

Konstantin's childhood and youth

Teimuraz Konstantinovich Gatsayev (Konstantin Getsati) was born in 1987, his biography began in the village of Ugolnye Kopi, on the Chukotka Peninsula. The man was born under the zodiac sign – Cancer, therefore he has characteristic personal qualities: isolation, reticence and intuition. Teimuraz studied in music school in guitar class, where I fell in love for the first time in my life.

His chosen one turned out to be a music teacher. Many years later, Konstantin remembers this youthful love with warmth.

Konstantin Getsati in his youth

Teimuraz is Ossetian by nationality, so after graduation high school he decided to move to Ossetia. In the city of Vladikavkaz, the young man entered the medical academy. Teimuraz had a great desire to help people, so he decided to become a doctor. He completed his postgraduate studies in Moscow.

Psychic abilities

While studying at a university, the young man felt unusual abilities. While visiting the morgue, he suddenly realized that he knew everything about the dead people: who they were, what their illnesses were, what their abilities were, and this even before the autopsy. This scared him at first, but then he found out that all his ancestors male line were Ossetian magicians. Teimuraz simply could not go against the call of his ancestors and resist the abilities inherent in him.

Teimuraz saw and heard spirits who told him everything about their former life and about what feelings they experienced during death and after. Also, the sorcerer decided to use his talents and began to heal people’s ailments with touch and without contact, although he later stopped doing this.

Konstantin felt his first psychic abilities while studying at the university.

Soon the man decided to take a pseudonym - Konstantin Getsati so that personal fame could not interfere with the quiet life of his relatives, and also so that there would be no problems at work. Teimuraz graduated from the academy and got a job as a urologist-andrologist in two Moscow clinics. He prefers to treat people using traditional methods.

Getzati's professional biography does not include seeing patients as a magician-healer. He warns that there are now many scammers on the Internet calling themselves his name and offering their services. Therefore, one must be careful and not succumb to such provocations.

Participation in the show “Battle of Psychics”

After opening magical abilities, Konstantin Getsati decided to try his hand at the show “Battle of Psychics”. In his biography, this was the first such place in which he could demonstrate the personal abilities of a magician. For the first time in his life, a man found himself in a television studio, where many things distracted him from working on a solution given tasks. And yet, Konstantin successfully completed the task and advanced to the second round.

In the first task, the psychics were required to find in which of the cars a person was hidden. Konstantin guessed right, despite the fact that the show organizers cheated: they hid two people in the trunks, not one. Getsati was a little offended by them, but this did not stop him from completing the task in the second round.

While participating in the 18th season of the “Battle of Psychics” program

Participants were required to guess who was in the secret room. Konstantin not only guessed the identity of the hidden person (it turned out to be singer Yulia Samoilova), but also stated that she did not know how to walk independently. This turned out to be true, since the girl lost her legs from birth.

Judging by the incredible abilities of Konstantin Getsati, we can confidently assume that he will be the winner of the “Battle of Psychics” show. Seeing the look of this magician in the photo, it becomes a little creepy: it’s as if he pierces the person right through. And this is true, because Getsati is a talented clairvoyant who, just by looking at a person, can unmistakably say what this or that person is like, what problems she has in her personal life, what her biography was.

Konstantin successfully passed all tests

Some viewers really liked the episode of “Battle of Psychics,” where Getsati worked in the “house of suicides.” It was literally breathtaking when Konstantin accurately identified the place where the men hanged themselves. Also aroused by delight was the fact that the magician conveyed to the wives of the suicides the words of their late husbands.

The deceased husband of one of the women asked her to convey through a psychic that he approved of the choice of her new husband ex-wife. He also said that he liked her new hairstyle, So what youngest daughter I felt all his torment.

The deceased husband of another woman was jealous of her new chosen one, and he also expressed dissatisfaction that she forgot him so quickly. But that’s not all: Getzati discovered another ghost in the house. It turned out to be an unfortunate woman whose husband kicked her out of the house after her betrayal. From then on, she became homeless and spent the rest of her days surviving on scraps and looking for random shelter.

Personal life of Konstantin

Teimuraz (aka Konstantin Getsati) carefully hides his personal life from prying eyes. One thing is known that there are no changes in his biography yet: the man is not married and he does not have children yet. Naturally, he has many fans thanks to his attractive appearance. The man is quite tall - 188 centimeters, a beautiful Caucasian face, black thick hair and eyes of the same color. He has a beautiful athletic build.

Konstantin is a rather secretive and mysterious person, so he doesn’t even have a page on social networks. The sorcerer only has an account on Instagram, where he publishes his photos, although the account itself is closed to prying eyes. There is not even a Wikipedia page about Konstantin Getsati, so it is almost impossible to find out everything about his biography.

The famous magician spends a lot of time in nature

But we only know that the man loves to play sports, spends a lot of time in gym. He is silent, reserved and laconic in his interactions with others. He usually answers questions briefly and specifically, and does not like long conversations.

Also, Konstantin spends almost no time in front of a computer monitor. He likes an active lifestyle, and this is noticeable in his appearance. Thanks to this active life the man is healthy and fit.

Konstantin Getsati regularly visits the gym

Recently, it became known from secret sources that Konstantin is dating a girl and intends to propose marriage to her soon. But how soon this will happen remains a mystery to others. The same secret is the name of the mysterious stranger who managed to win the heart of a hereditary sorcerer.

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 11/13/2017

Participant name: Konstantin Getsati

Age (birthday): 10.07.1987

Moscow city

Family: not married

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Konstantin Getsati's great-grandfather was engaged in treating people with herbs, reading prayers, and laying on of hands. It was from him that the guy adopted his gift, which he first felt during a practical lesson in anatomy at the institute.

Strong energy emanated from the dissected body of the deceased, which helped Konstantin accurately establish the events and cause of his death.

At first, Getsati was a little taken aback by what had happened and did not tell any of his relatives. But later such situations began to occur more and more often, and he realized that this was his special gift.

After graduating from medical school, Getsati got a prestigious job in one of the capital’s clinics as a urologist.

Konstantin is a successful practicing specialist, was not officially married and has no illegitimate children.

In 2017, he had a vision in which the Higher Powers told him to go to the casting of the popular project “Battle of Psychics”, where resounding success awaited him.

At the project, Konstantin introduced himself as a hereditary Alan magician. From the first test he established himself as a strong and confident opponent.

Getsati set a record for all 18 seasons of the “Battle of Psychics” in searching for a person in the trunk. The magician quickly became one of the main contenders for victory. It was he who became the winner of the 18th season of the show, and in 2019 he was entrusted with the role of a mentor in the new project “School of Psychics” on TNT.

Photo by Konstantin

The psychic has a support group on VKontakte, where you can find his personal photos. Konstantin's height is 188 cm.

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