Actors of "Pirates of the Caribbean": filmography and personal life. Johnny Depp on Stranger Tides

Angelica's Revenge. Pictures "Pirates" Caribbean Sea" from Captain Bul-Bul.
Based on the film "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides", or rather, this is a free continuation of the scene after the credits.
Characters: Angelica, Captain Jack Sparrow, Joshamee Gibbs and a Voodoo doll.

Captain Jack Sparrow and his faithful assistant Gibbs walked slowly along the white sand towards the sunset. The rays of the setting sun painted the waves of the Caribbean Sea golden. Thus ended the search for the Source of Eternal Youth. On this path, our heroes faced many dangers, including zombies, thugs, mermaids, sinners and the beautiful Angelica. Oh, this Angelica, perhaps she was the most difficult test on the path of Captain Sparrow. And although the captain saved the life of his obstinate sweetheart, he chose to get rid of her in the most decisive way. Namely, he left her alone on a desert island. What else did you want from a pirate captain? Jack didn’t care about her fate, and, as they say, a woman on a ship is a sign of trouble. But Captain Sparrow’s ship, although with him, is in an enchanted bottle, and he has yet to extract it from this ill-fated vessel.

Everything comes to an end, and so does another unforgettable adventure.

Jack Sparrow slyly narrowed his eyes, looking towards the horizon, and made a wide wave of his hand.

The source really is a test, Gibbs. But it’s better not to know when death will overtake you. And live, reverently admiring with all your soul the great mystery of existence. And perhaps I will live forever - the discoverer of the Fountain of Youth! I like the pirate life. I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. Do you dare?

A tiny island, lost in the vastness of the Caribbean. On the very shore, under a stunted palm tree, sad Angelica sits, sadly bowing her head. Her frozen gaze is fixed on the waves splashing at her feet. But what is it? A small object in the water caught her attention. The Caribbean Sea holds many mysteries and secrets, hides and hides untold riches, treasures of pirate ships, or traces of crimes and brutal raids on merchant ships. But sometimes the sea is not only cruel, but also generous, bringing its gifts. Angelica's hand reached out for the thing, which turned out to be nothing more than a doll. A doll in which familiar features were discerned, a doll made in the image and likeness of Captain Jack Sparrow, a Voodoo doll. This item was skillfully crafted by the master of the dark arts, sorcerer and most brutal pirate of all time, Edward Teach, nicknamed Blackbeard. Thrown into the river, the doll traveled a long way, and the threads of fate intertwined in such a way that it now ended up in the hands of Angelique, giving power over its prototype.

There is no need to offend women, the glorious Captain Sparrow should know this. Resentment has more power over a woman than love, especially if that woman has a noble and proud heart. Taking the doll in one hand and a sharp branch in the other, Angelica squinted and looked into the distance. “Here it is, my revenge,” whispered lips twisted in a grin. The hand clutching the branch swung and...

A long, anguished scream was heard over the shore along which Captain Jack Sparrow and his faithful assistant Gibbs were walking. The captain staggered and collapsed on the white Caribbean sand.

P.S. The captain was not seriously injured, because the effect of the voodoo doll was softened by distance. He was just in a lot of pain, and the captain was very scared.

Several years have passed since Jack left Ange on the island. He ruled the Black Pearl safely, robbed ships and received riches. He was already 32 years old. And suddenly he thought that he could spend his old age alone. One day he was sitting in his cabin and called Gibbs to him. He ordered to set a course for Tortuga, where Ange had been living for a year. Arriving there, he ordered the entire crew to remain on board, while he himself entered the city. After asking a couple of residents, he found out where Angelica was. Having arrived at the address, he went into the house and saw her. She remained just as beautiful. That long black wavy hair beautiful eyes. Seeing Jack, Angelica tried to grab the musket, but Jack stopped her in time. He sat down next to her and asked her:
-Are you always trying to kill me?
-Did you just notice? Why did you come back?
-It's a long time to explain...We need to talk.
-You and I have nothing to talk about. You left me.
-Yes, but I realized everything, will you forgive me?
-I don’t know, I’ll see what you say.
-I love you. Maybe we can be together again?
Ange remained silent. She didn't know what to answer. After an awkward pause, she answered:
-I need to think.
After these words, Jack left her house and went to the ship. The rest of the pirates were already waiting for him there. He went to his cabin completely silently. Today he learned a lot. He shouted the course from the cabin and the ship sailed. Night has come. Jack couldn't sleep. He thought a lot about Angelica and himself and fell asleep in the morning. He woke up when all the pirates were already up. Jack could no longer live the usual pirate life: rob ships, drink rum, and rob. He thought only about her and realized that he could not live without her. The pirates did not understand what was happening to their captain. Six months have passed. Jack began to forget about her and start living ordinary life. And then one day, having landed on Tortuga, the pirates were simply sitting in a tavern. After drinking two glasses of rum, Jack decided to take a walk. He walked forward along the street wherever his eyes looked. Suddenly, ahead he saw a familiar silhouette, he ran forward, it was Ange. Her dark hair and dress. He called her, she turned around and suddenly it turned out that it was not Ange at all, but unknown girl. Jack apologized and wandered on. Suddenly, he found himself at a friend’s house. Yes, it was Ange's house. Having entered it and having difficulty finding the right one
the door he saw her again. She rushed to him and kissed him passionately.
-Jack, I've thought about everything.
-I already understood
-Can we be together again?
Instead of answering, Jack kissed her again. How she was missed all these years. Knowing that all the pirates were drunk and would spend the night at the inn, Ange invited Jack to stay with her. The next day the couple went to the ship. On the way Ange asked Jack
-Why did you come back?
-I realized that I can’t live without you
-Where have you been all this time?
-I had to think things through carefully.
Entering the tavern, Jack raised all the pirates.
“Hello captain,” said Gibbs, “the ship is ready to depart.”
“That’s great,” answered Jack, “all back to the ship!”
All the pirates, together with Jack and Ange, moved to the ship. Climbing onto it, Jack helped Ange and they went to the cabin. All the pirates went to their places and the ship sailed.

The morning dawned cool and clear. Passed by at night the downpour refreshed and washed away the fine white dust from the surrounding tropical vegetation, and now the tiny rainbow drops sparkling on the tip of every leaf and blade of grass quickly evaporated under the hot sun rays, leaving behind only a light, weightless haze swirling over the trees.

Angelica got out of the cramped hut and stretched with pleasure, straightening her stiff shoulders. She felt herself, noting with satisfaction that her clothes had almost dried overnight. Still, it wouldn't hurt to warm up a little. She sat down by the extinguished fire, busily threw in a few dry branches and long strips of palm bark, and struck the chair, striking a spark. A cheerful bright orange tongue of flame instantly shot up.

Ange stretched her cold hands forward and closed her eyes.

It was not the first time for the pirate to remain on the island. Last time, meanly abandoned by Jack, she spent three whole days on a tiny piece of land, barely able to accommodate several palm trees.

Contrary to the assurances of the unscrupulous Sparrow, not a single ship was in a hurry to appear on the horizon. Angelica had completely come to terms with the inevitable death from thirst, passionately regretting only one thing: that she spent her only bullet on Jack again, and also managed to miss. What a disgrace!

She sighed and settled the Voodoo doll that had washed ashore on the nearest palm branch, knowing full well that her knowledge and experience would not be enough to achieve at least some help. Only my father knew how to truly handle such things. And all she could do was look at the tiny copy of Jack Sparrow, mentally wishing that he would catch all the known and unknown bad diseases, go bald, go blind, become covered with scabs and die in the nearest cesspool.

Her surprise knew no bounds when, noticing the long-awaited sails in the distance and running ashore, waving her arms invitingly, she saw in the approaching boat not just anyone, but Captain Sparrow himself. Unfortunately, alive and well. The pirate smiled at her at all thirty-two, waved his hat and, easily jumping onto the sand, moved towards her, scattering greetings and clearly intending to hug her. Angelica backed away, looking around the shore in search of a heavy club, but suddenly froze, discovering that Jack had not arrived alone.

Following him, the notorious Captain Edward Teague stepped onto the island, and one fleeting glance was enough to understand that in front of her were father and son. Hmm... Is Jack Sparrow the son of the legendary keeper of the Code? This changed things. Angelica stopped frowning, put on some semblance of a smile and did not resist when Jack finally pressed her to his chest.

“Jackie, don’t be so ignorant. Let me greet my future daughter too!” - and a second later Teach found herself squeezed into another embrace, even tighter than the first.

“What the hell is going on here? What means, daughter?!” - Angie started to panic, but suddenly calmed down, realizing that, apparently, she was just delirious and starting to slowly go crazy from the heat and thirst. So, to all subsequent questions and proposals of the two captains, she only nodded in agreement with a quiet, meaningless and absolutely abnormal smile.

Epiphany came a little later, when, lying on the bed in the cool semi-darkness of the cabin, Angelica felt life-giving moisture on her dry lips, and opening her eyes, she saw an alarmed Jack bending over her.

“Welcome back, chick! I know it will sound strange, but I miss you terribly...”

She greedily drank the water, exhaustedly threw her head back on the pillow and did not even protest when she felt the touch of a rude male palm to your cheek.

The events of the following days developed at breakneck speed. As soon as Angelica finally came to her senses, Jack showed up to her again and, in a respectful, solemn and, in her opinion, completely mocking manner, asked for her hand. Of course, Miss Teach’s first reaction was to tell the impudent man to go to hell, backing up her words with a couple of resounding slaps in the face, which Sparrow endured without complaint. But then dad came to the aid of the unlucky groom and clearly explained that she would get off his ship either in the Bay of Lost Ships as the legal wife of Captain Jack Sparrow, or on the very island where they picked her up, fortunately they had not sailed far yet. Leaving the angry Spaniard in an impotent rage to shower them with all the curses she knew, both captains left her cabin, warning that they expected an answer tomorrow.

Angelica was ready, without waiting for tomorrow, to declare that she would rather die on a damned island or become a port whore than become the wife of this vile, two-faced impudent person, but suddenly one simple and clear thought illuminated her consciousness. The pirate sat down at the table, knocked back a good glass of rum and smiled thoughtfully, experiencing a feeling of unprecedented calm and confidence.

For many years, she made ecstatic plans in her mind for revenge on her lover who had abandoned her. How many times in her dreams did she imagine how with her own hand she would shoot, stab, or even better, strangle the arrogant and elusive Jack Sparrow, the culprit of all the troubles and misfortunes that befell her. And today fate presented her with a truly royal gift: who else can make a man’s life unbearable if not his legal wife?!

Angie didn’t even think about why the devil Jack himself suddenly needed to marry her the next morning, trying to keep her smile from looking too triumphant and her eyes radiating not the predatory shine of a panther about to pounce, but embarrassment and quiet joy , kindly gave her consent.

The first wedding night, like all subsequent ones, did not bother her.

Real horror flashed in the black eyes of the newly-made husband, outlined in antimony, when, during the wedding party, started in the wardroom, Ange, smiling radiantly in response to the loud cheerful speeches sounding from all over, quietly leaned towards him and gently whispered in his ear:

If you try to touch me, I’ll cut off the entire farm at the roots. With a dull knife!

Jack, knowing full well that she was not joking, considered it best not to tempt fate and simply got drunk to the point of insensibility, which suited Angelica quite well. Unceremoniously pushing her sweetly snoring husband onto the floor, Mrs.... hmm, Sparrow stretched out on the bed with pleasure and, very pleased with herself, fell into a calm, deep sleep.

However, several days passed, and the young woman began to languish from idleness and boredom.

The ship, although a pirate, was on a direct course; robbery and robbery on board some unlucky merchant ship was clearly not included in Captain Teague’s plans. Ange was not allowed to do any work, as if she were a pampered white-handed aristocrat, and Jack hardly spoke to her and O spent most of his time on the captain's bridge next to his father.

Such idleness and complete lack of communication were new to Angelica and did not please her at all. The pirate couldn’t wait for them to finally get to the Bay, but they still had at least five to six days to sail.

She tried to distract herself by studying the maps. Having nothing better to do, I leafed through the old battered Bible that I found in the cabin. She rushed into the galley, hoping that the cook would not refuse her voluntary assistant, but he rather decisively kicked her out the door, muttering under his breath something unflattering about women in general and about curious women in particular.

There was nothing left to do but walk along the deck, look at the endless expanses of the Caribbean Sea and, inhaling the fresh and sweet sea air, frown, feeling the languor and incomprehensible nervousness increasingly gripping the body and giving no rest to the soul.

The hot Spanish nature took its toll. “I need a man,” Angelica suddenly realized.

How Jack managed to feel the sharp “change of course” that occurred in his beautiful young wife is a mystery. However, returning to the cabin that evening, Angelica found him calmly lounging on a chair with a bottle of wine in his hand, and looking into the pirate’s sly, mocking, but full of such fire that it simply took his breath away, she realized that the moment to show inflexibility had passed. And most importantly, I don’t want to show anything like that at all.

And when Jack impulsively and tenderly hugged her and pressed a hot kiss to her yearning lips, Ange, unable to cope with the sweet trembling that engulfed her whole body, wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing closer, and then, without any objection, allowed herself to be laid on the bed.

Later, basking in the arms of a tired but contented pirate, sneaking glances from under half-lowered eyelashes at his victorious smile, Angelica decided that her plan to turn Captain Jack’s life into a living hell would not suffer at all from the fact that she would not deny herself in marital joys. In the end, best man than Jack Sparrow she didn't have. Nights, so be it. But during the day... During the day she will show herself. Fully.

- Chick, good morning!

The pleasant memories were interrupted by a sleepy, rumpled and disheveled Jack emerging from a flimsy shelter. Angelica raised her eyes for a second and, without answering anything, again stared at the flame dancing in the makeshift hearth.

What's up with our breakfast?

Jack, seemingly not noticing her stubborn silence, stretched sweetly, closing his eyes for a second, and then stared questioningly at the pirate:

Sunny, are you deaf?

I'm not talking to you! – Angelica muttered through her teeth, becoming more and more irritated. It was such a wonderful morning, but no, Sparrow showed up and ruined everything again.
- Yeah? And why, may I ask?

The pirate sat down next to her, as if casually placing his hand on her shoulder. She instantly turned away, hissing like an angry cat:


How feminine! – Jack grinned. - However, I didn’t expect any other answer from you. So, darling,” he nevertheless hugged her and gently but confidently lifted her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes, “I don’t know what kind of whim has entered your pretty head, but I don’t intend to spend a whole month in constant swearing.” . If we want to survive, we will have to somehow put up with each other’s presence and act together. Therefore, now,” Jack rose from the sand and, having critically examined the small amount of the most necessary things that Tig generously allocated to him, took out a small cleaver, “I’m going into the forest and will try to build a more reliable shelter for us. I don’t know about you, but I personally can’t get a tooth on my teeth after tonight.

And I? – Angelica suddenly blurted out to herself.

Jack turned around and looked at her mockingly:

Have you ever boasted that you were a good fisherman? So get busy!

A few hours later, Jack and Angelica were working tirelessly. The fish caught in shallow water was enough to satisfy my hunger, and a couple of sips of rum inspired me and gave me more strength.

The small but strong house being built was strikingly different from the flimsy and cramped hut in which they had spent the previous night. Jack carefully examined the roof and walls for possible cracks and was proud to make sure that now they were not afraid of any rain or wind. Angelica took a few steps back and was now critically examining their temporary shelter. Not a palace, of course, but you can last a month.

For the first time all day, her face lit up with a joyful smile. Jack watched her furtively, and he really liked that she was smiling.

Reading the article will take: 4 min.

Less than three years have passed since the fourth part of “Pirates of the Caribbean” was released on wide screens... The picture was expected and adored in advance by the army of fans of the brilliant Jack Sparrow. Months passed under high-quality promotion with rotation of preview videos on all more or less popular TV channels - and here it is, the moment of a miracle! A miracle that didn’t happen... From the first frames of 4 “Pirates” there is an elusive feeling that something is wrong here, carrramba!..

In my opinion, the film “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” might have been a success for Rob Marshall if he had not decided to cast Depp as Jack Sparrow, Geoffrey Rush as Barbossa, McNally as the drunk Gibbs, and Ruchards as father Sparrow, leaving only Angelica (Penelope Cruz), the “sinister” Teach (Ian McShane), the idiotic preacher Swift (Sam Claflin) and the whole horde of mermaids preoccupied with food and sex, led by the sexy Gemma Ward and the unhappy-eyed siren Astrid Bergès-Frisbey. It was worth filming something more erotic, basing the plot on, say, the unnatural connection between the mermaids and Angelica and Ticha with the loser preacher. And now point by point...

Jack Sparrow and the nimble skeleton of Pons de Leone

Plot: pulled up by I don’t know how long the ears are (donkey ears would be too short). Some source eternal youth, which apparently was found by Pons de Leone, who as a result became a half-living skeleton, looking with genuine interest at a certain tattered map with the empty eye sockets of his skull. A lavishly painted Edward Teach, with his “smart” ship “Queen Anne’s Revenge,” which he easily manipulates with an impressively sized cleaver, as well as the zombies subordinate to him with voodoo magic. Chronic alcoholic Gibbs, whom Sparrow is trying to save from the gallows for some unknown reason and who is easily ready to sell Jack for his life and a bottle of rum. Hector Barbossa, imitating sudden devotion to the English crown, in order to avenge his own “crooked hairy leg” that he cut off and the loss of the notorious “Black Pearl”.

Mermaid Siren and the boring preacher

Love scenes. They look at the level of the pink diaries of underage girls - gasps, cautious glances, smack-smacks - in a word, complete fuck-up, considering that in the USA children under 13 years old could watch “Pirates” only in the presence of their parents (nonsense!) ! Oh my God - Angelica-Penelope Cruz appeared and the generously fixed Jackie-boy fell in love with her! The love affair of this couple is so complicated - Sparrow tries several times to betray the little girl Teach, and the girl herself intends to use “Captain Jack Sparrow” to pump up her black-bearded pirate dad with vitality. But the most amazing love line observed in the loser-preacher and the unhappy-eyed siren-mermaid - “go away”, “let’s go to the arms”, “I will save you, child of light!” - in a word, complete tops... and this takes into account that after satisfying sexual needs, the siren mermaid will, without a twinge of conscience, gobble up her lover for dessert... To be frank, the only love scene that you believe is Barbossa’s feelings for his cut off “crooked hairy leg." This line contains tenderness, spiritual trepidation, and a willingness to follow the object of love to the end!

Zombie. Just stupid pieces of evil meat, seriously damaged by piercings and tattoos.

Mermaids. They are preoccupied with sexual desire and hunger, and they cannot really make a choice between these desires. In one image there are pretty ladies who have a vague affection for the sailor rabble, in the second there is a cross between a dolphin and a vampire from “The Shepherd” with fangs of impressive size. And also “for mermaids” - the scriptwriters of Stranger Tides, Elliot and Rossio, openly whistled the idea of ​​​​the disappearance of the mermaids’ fish tail when the fish girls dried out of the water from the Australian teen series “H2O”, in which three or four Australian girls suddenly acquired mermaid abilities.

Character Goals "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides". The august heads of England and Spain have the only clear goal. The first majesty does not want the Spanish crown to gain access to the “fountain of eternal youth”, the second wants the same thing, and not immortality at all. The destruction of a couple of columns in the hall of the source by the Spaniards looks like the height of idiocy - why was this necessary? The remaining participants of the fourth “Pirates” simply have no goals!

Jack Sparrow

Will Turner

Elizabeth Swann

Hector Barbossa

Davy Jones

Minor characters

John Brown

In "Pirates of the Caribbean: Grudge" Black Pearl"" Gibbs first appears as a sailor aboard the Royal Ship carrying his young daughter Elizabeth from England to Port Royal. Gibbs is very superstitious and afraid of the mere mention of pirates. When they come across a wrecked ship, Gibbs is the first to suggest that the wrecked ship was attacked by pirates. He, probably, like Elizabeth, witnessed how the Black Pearl sailed away from the wrecked ship.

Under unknown circumstances, Gibbs left the Royal Navy.

Gibbs is an excellent sailor and a smart leader. Knows many legends and fables. Don't miss a drink. He stays on Jack's team for three films and then stays in Tortuga to go on a spree. Later, fate brings him together again (in London) with Jack in search of the fountain of youth. Sentenced to death penalty, but burns the map of the Source under Barbossa (who became an English privateer). This forces Barbossa to take Gibbs with her in search of the Source, since Gibbs remembered the contents of the map in every detail.

As a result, Jack and Gibbs obtained the bottle in which the Black Pearl was magically enclosed, as well as the rest of Blackbeard's "collection".

Anna Maria


Edward Teach, nicknamed "Blackbeard", appears in the fourth Pirates film as captain of the ship Queen Anne's Revenge. He struck fear into all pirates with his ability to wield magic: with the help of a Voodoo doll he could control a person and cause him pain and suffering, with the help of a saber - any ship, and zombies also obeyed him. Jack Sparrow points out that Captain Blackbeard was beheaded, his body floated around the ship three times, and he re-boarded. Edward Teach and his daughter Angelica (possibly not his daughter) collect new team to search for the source of eternal youth, since the quartermaster (one of the zombies on the ship "Queen Anne's Revenge" who can foresee events) predicted the death of Blackbeard from a one-legged man (Hector Barbossa). The crew also included Jack Sparrow, as a pirate who knew the way to the source. Although several times Jack Sparrow believes that he cannot cause any pain to Angelica, he is convinced that if something happens, he will dare to raise his hand even against his own daughter.

Xiao Fen


Short pirate. He walks around with a huge pistol, which he flies half a meter when he shoots.


Cotton - fictional character film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. A mute pirate, it is unknown how he taught a parrot to speak instead of himself. Walks with a parrot. He first appeared in the film when Jack Sparrow was introduced to the team by Gibbs.

Ian Mercer

Right hand of Lord Cutler Beckett. Armed with a pistol. Participated in all the battles of the East India Trading Company. In the film Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, he was killed by Davy Jones.


Pirates of the Caribbean
Curse of the Black Pearl
Soundtrack Remix EP Game
Dead Man's Chest
Soundtrack Game
On the edge of the world
Soundtrack Remix EP Game
On Stranger Tides
Characters Jack Sparrow · Will Turner · Elizabeth Swann · Hector Barbossa · Davy Jones · Tia Dalma (Calypso) · Joshamee Gibbs · Pintel and Ragetti · Marty · Captain Teague · Bootstrap Bill Turner · Xiao Fen · Blackbeard · Cutler Beckett
Universe "The Black Pearl" · "The Flying Dutchman" · "Queen Anne's Revenge" · Geography · East India Company · Royal Navy
Attractions Pirates of the Caribbean · Tom Sawyer's Island Pirate's Lair · Mickey's Party for Pirates and Princesses
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