An actor who died in an accident with his wife. Russian artists who died in an accident

They could have delighted audiences with their roles for many years, but their lives were tragically cut short. The actors who died in an accident were still young, and the whole country mourned their passing. Find out about the circumstances surrounding the death of these talented artists so you don't repeat their mistakes.

Suicide overtaking

The wonderful actor Leonid Bykov is familiar to viewers for his roles in such films as “Only Old Men Go to Battle”, “Maxim Perepelitsa”, “Bunny”, “Marina’s Fate”. with kind, radiant eyes and a ringing voice, he knew how to conquer those around him with his responsiveness and hard work. However, in family life everything was very ambiguous: many acquaintances and friends said that his relatives did not like the artist.

In 1976, he had a heart attack - this gave him the idea that death was nearby. He wrote a letter to Emilia Kasnichuk, in which he admitted that he was tired of living and wanted to die. Two years later, this message resurfaces. Then rumors spread that the actor had committed suicide in such a strange way. The newspapers wrote about how Leonid Bykov died, and public opinion was divided into two camps.


On April 11, 1979, the actor was driving his car along the Minsk-Kyiv highway. He was in no hurry, so it is still unclear why he decided to overtake. A tractor was driving ahead of him, and Leonid, hoping to get around it, jumped into the oncoming lane and crashed into a truck. Death was instant. The only organ that was not damaged was the heart. Here's the irony of fate: he survived two heart attacks and thought that he would die after the third, but it turned out completely differently. The actor was 51 years old.

The Bykov family tried for a long time to prove that it was not tragic accident. The truck driver went through all the circles of hell before he was completely acquitted. The guy lost his job and in the eyes of Soviet citizens was the killer of the legendary actor. The young man was sure that he would be given the death penalty and shot. Fortunately, all the experts agreed that the actor himself was to blame for the collision, and the boy was released.

How Marina Golub died

A charming blonde with a wide smile and an open heart - this is exactly how fans and friends will remember this talented actress. She walked to fame for a very long time and managed to be married three times. All her marriages were exclusively for love, although they lasted a very short period. The fourth husband could have been Mikhail Kravchenko, but the influential businessman was shot dead right at the entrance to his own house. In his first marriage, a daughter, Anastasia, was born. After the divorce from all her husbands, the actress maintained friendly and warm relations.

Car accident

On October 9, 2012, the artist joined the list of actors who died in an accident. On an autumn evening, Marina and her driver were heading towards her house in south-west Moscow. A Cadillac driven by Alexey Rusakov crashed into them at full speed. The driver hastened to flee the scene of the accident, but was later detained and sentenced to 6.5 years. Before that, he managed to be in ten accidents and appeared in more than 50 reports on traffic violations. The driver and Marina Golub died in the collision. The next day there was to be a performance with her participation. The performance was canceled, and the audience saw a notice on the doors of the building about tragic death everyone's favorite actress. She was only 54 years old.

Hit from behind

The favorite of millions of Russians, Yuri Stepanov, played in such famous paintings like “Zhmurki”, “First after God”, “War”. I would especially like to note his fateful role in the film “Walk”, in which he played a participant in the accident. A father of two and a wonderful husband, he was just a few weeks shy of the birth of his third son. His wife named him after his father - Yuri. The actor starred in films and was involved in several performances. His career was in full bloom and offers poured in like from a cornucopia. He died when he was 43 years old.

On a cold March night in 2010, the actor was returning home after a performance. He was a person who was unpretentious in everyday life, and that night he hitched a ride. When the driver stopped at the intersection, a Mazda crashed into him from behind at full speed. The impact pushed the car into the oncoming lane and a VAZ 2112 crashed into it at full speed. The blow fell into the passenger seat, and Yuri Stepanov received many injuries incompatible with life.

Tragic coincidences

The face of this man cannot be forgotten. Deep dark eyes and a shock of brown hair gave him the image of a sad knight. Actor Evgeny Dvorzhetsky was one of the most popular artists, he managed to play many roles in cinema and theater. His wife Nina gave him two children - daughter Nina and son Mikhail. Together with her husband, she played in several performances - on the stage of the “School modern play“There was no more beautiful couple. In 1999, he began his career as a TV presenter, and viewers remember him from the program “Seven Troubles - One Answer,” “Understand Me.”

Evgeniy had no less famous brother Vladislav. He was also an actor and acted in many films. His life was cut short at the age of 39. The attack of acute heart failure happened suddenly, and they could no longer bring the artist back to life. The man was incredibly handsome and all the girls were in love with him Soviet Union. At the time of his death, Evgeniy was 18 years old, and he had a hard time with the loss of his brother.

The Irony of Fate

On December 1, 1999, the actor was returning home in his car. He was incredibly happy because the clinic denied his suspicions of asthma. Evgeny was in a hurry to tell his wife this good news and was distracted by dialing the number on mobile phone. The collision with the truck ended tragically: the actor died on the spot. He was 39 years old, like his brother at the time of his death. Among our list of actors killed in road accidents, he was the most prolific in film roles.

Young star

Young, but already famous actor in Fizruk he played one of the main roles. Before this, there were already several roles in films. Real fame came after the release of the popular sitcom. He was only 18 years old, but his philosophical thoughts were amazing in their depth. He published regularly in in social networks their thoughts on various life topics.

On September 27, 2017, he was driving his Toyota Mark 2 along the Moscow Ring Road at night. He saw an accident ahead and stopped to help the victims. Together with three other drivers, he stood on the road and waited for the inspectors to arrive. Their conversation was interrupted by a Honda Accord. The driver did not notice the accident and hit people and then rammed their cars. Egor died on the spot from his injuries. The rest of the drivers were lucky - they were taken to the hospital and provided with the necessary assistance. Kindness and responsiveness played a fatal role in the life of the Fizruk star, Yegor Klinaev. If he had remained indifferent to what was happening and passed by, he could have continued to act in films and live long life. But at 18 he was an open-hearted man kind soul, which did not allow him to close his eyes to the misfortune of another person.

Family tragedy

“Taras Bulba”, “Brigada”, “Driver for Vera”, “Thief” - this is only a small part of the films in which Alexander Dedyushko starred. A tall, blond, athletic build has always been desired actor for any director. The actor's career took off when in the 1990s they began actively filming TV series about special forces and the police. The textured Alexander was simply created for such roles and managed to star in several popular serial films.

IN personal life For him, too, everything was going as well as possible. After divorcing his first wife, he met young Svetlana Chernyshova. Three years later they got married, and the girl gave birth to his long-awaited son, Dmitry. On November 3, 2007, the family was returning home from visiting. They were driving their car, and for an unknown reason it suddenly jumped into the oncoming lane and collided with a truck. A huge iron colossus literally ran over the Toyota Picnic. Alexander Dedyushko, his wife and eight-year-old son died on the spot. It was later established that the actor was still alive for some time, but did not last until the ambulance arrived. The bodies of Alexander and Svetlana were so mutilated that they were buried in closed coffins. At the site of the family's death, a black granite stele was installed with engraved portraits of all three family members.

American Beauty

This girl was a sex symbol of the 1950s. and competed with Marilyn Monroe. A charming blonde with blue eyes appeared on the pages of Playboy and drove millions of men crazy. However, you should not perceive her as a frivolous nymphet. Jayne Mansfield managed to achieve unprecedented heights V acting career in a very short time. Among her awards there is even a Golden Globe. She managed to star in thirty films and conquer the whole world with her talent.

Despite such a busy work schedule, she became the mother of five children and was married three times. On June 28, 1967, Jane, her boyfriend, driver and two children went to New Orleans to visit the girl's parents. On the way they had to cross and they did not manage to get through in time. The train crushed the front of the car. Three adults died instantly. Children on back seat escaped with minor bruises. Mansfield was only 34 years old when her life was tragically cut short.

Death at the peak of popularity

The blue-eyed blond with a snow-white smile and a sparkle in his eyes became the favorite of all the girls in the world after the release of the movie “Fast and the Furious.” Hollywood actor Paul Walker began his career practically from the cradle. His first role was as a baby, in a diaper commercial. This was followed by several more similar filmings, and by the age of 12 he began acting in popular TV series. The first success came after the films “Tammy and the T-Rex” and “Pleasantville”. The young charming actor began to receive mountains of offers and could choose projects that were interesting to him. He was actively involved in sports and participated in charity programs. He was famous for his romances with actresses such as Denise Richards, Jamie King and Jessica Alba. However, above all love relationship valued true friendship. For his devotion to his comrades and natural frankness, he was noted by his co-star Vin Diesel. It was in his honor that the famous actor named his daughter Paula. 4 years ago I joined the list of actors who died in road accidents.

On November 30, 2013, after another evening in honor of raising funds for people affected by natural disasters, he was returning home. He was driving the car best friend. The driver lost control and the car crashed into a tree. There was an instant fire and both young men died on the spot. Paul was 40 years old and left behind a wife and daughter. Later, rumors began to circulate on the Internet that the actor was allegedly seen alive and unharmed in various places. But there was no evidence of this.

In this collection, we remembered celebrities whose lives were absurdly cut short as a result of an accident.

Paul Walker (died November 30, 2013)

The star of the Fast and Furious film series passed away at the very peak of his career. On that fateful day, 40-year-old Paul and his friend Roger Rodas were returning from a charity event. Rodas, who was driving, accelerated the car to 130 km/h in a place where it was forbidden to exceed the speed of more than 72 km/h. The car crashed into a lamppost and immediately caught fire. Those in the cabin had no chance of salvation. Both friends died on the spot...

Grace Kelly (died September 14, 1982)

On September 13, 1982, Princess of Monaco and Hollywood star Grace Kelly was driving along a mountain road with her 17-year-old daughter Stephanie. That day, Grace complained of a headache and fatigue, but still decided to let the driver go and drive herself. On the way, the princess became ill; she screamed, “I can’t see anything!”

Stefania tried to stop the car by turning on the handbrake, but it was all in vain. The car fell off a mountain cliff. When rescuers arrived on the scene, Grace was still alive, but her injuries were so severe that doctors were unable to help her. The next day the princess died in the hospital. Kelly's funeral was attended by 22-year-old Princess Diana, who 15 years later was also destined to die in a car accident...

Princess Diana (died August 31, 1997)

20 years ago, the favorite of millions of Englishmen, Princess Diana, passed away. The princess and her dear friend Dodi Al-Fayed died in Paris after their car crashed into a bridge support over the Alma tunnel. It is assumed that the princess and her companions, trying to get away from the paparazzi pursuing them, were driving at high speed, as a result of which the driver was unable to control the car. Diana's lover and the driver died on the spot, and the princess herself died in the hospital 2 hours after the accident. Her bodyguard survived, but does not remember anything about the incident.

Viktor Tsoi (died on August 15, 1990)

Legend Soviet rock died at the age of 28 on the Sloka-Talsi highway near Riga. According to official version, the tired musician fell asleep at the wheel, and his Moskvich drove into the oncoming lane at a speed of 130 km/h and collided with an Ikarus. Victor died instantly...

Alexander Dedyushko (died November 3, 2007)

Famous actor Alexander Dedyushko died tragically at the age of 46 in a terrible car accident, which also claimed the lives of his 30-year-old wife Svetlana and 8-year-old son Dima. Late in the evening the family was returning from Vladimir, where they were visiting friends, to Moscow. For an unknown reason, Dedyushko’s car suddenly drove into the oncoming lane, where it collided with a truck. Alexander and his wife died instantly; their son was alive for some time after the accident, but died before the ambulance arrived.

Marina Golub (died October 9, 2012)

Famous actress became the victim of a car accident that occurred on the night of October 9-10. Marina was returning from the theater by taxi when a Cadillac crashed into her car at breakneck speed. The actress and the taxi driver died immediately. The Cadillac driver, who tried to flee the scene of the accident, was subsequently sentenced to 6 years in prison.

Tatyana Snezhina (died on August 21, 1995)

Tatiana Snezhina is incredibly beautiful and talented singer and poetess. For my short life(she lived only 23 years) the girl managed to write more than 200 songs, including the famous “Call me with you.” Tatyana's life was interrupted on August 21, 1995, when she, along with her fiance and friends, were driving along the Barnaul-Novosibirsk highway. Their minibus collided with a MAZ truck. As a result of this accident, all passengers of the minibus, including Tatyana and her fiance, died.

Tatyana seemed to have foreseen her death. Three days before the tragedy, she presented new song"If I die prematurely":

"If I die prematurely,

Let the white swans carry me away

Far, far away, to an unknown land,

High, high into the bright sky..."

Evgeny Dvorzhetsky (died on December 1, 1999)

The actor died in a car accident at the age of 40. Evgeniy was returning from the Institute of Immunology in his car. He was in excellent spirits: tests showed that he did not have asthma, which doctors had previously suspected. While dialing his wife’s phone number, Evgeniy did not notice the “Give Way” sign and immediately collided with a truck. Dvorzhetsky died on the spot from his injuries.

Jayne Mansfield (died June 29, 1967)

This dazzling blonde shone in Hollywood cinema 50s and was no less popular than Marilyn Monroe. On June 29, 1967, the 34-year-old actress died in a car accident when her car crashed into a road train. Along with her, her fiancé Sam Brody and the driver died. Mansfield's three children, who were in the back seat of the same car, suffered only minor injuries.

Kuzma Scriabin (Andrey Kuzmenko) (died February 2, 2015)

On February 2, 2015, Ukrainian musician Andrey Kuzmenko, known under the pseudonym Kuzma Scriabin, died. The tragedy occurred on the Kirovograd-Krivoy Rog-Zaporozhye highway. Andrey was returning from Krivoy Rog, where the day before there had been a concert dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Scriabin group. The musician was driving very fast, as a result of which his car collided with a milk tanker. Andrey died on the spot.

Mikhail Evdokimov (died August 7, 2005)

Artist and politician Mikhail Evdokimov died as a result of terrible accident on the M-52 Biysk-Barnaul highway. His Mercedes, traveling at high speed, collided with a Toyota and flew into a ravine. As a result, three people died: Evdokimov, his driver and a security guard. The artist’s wife survived and was taken to the hospital with serious injuries.

They will never please us with new roles again...

A fatal coincidence of circumstances or someone’s unforgivable carelessness leads to the death of hundreds of people every day in road accidents. This is an irreparable loss for loved ones and relatives. But when a car accident ends your life talented person, this is a loss not only for relatives, but also for numerous admirers of his talent. They will never go on stage again and delight the public with their new roles and songs. Their flight is interrupted, but the memory remains.

Egor Klinaev

Egor Klinaev was only 18 years old, but he had already appeared in 20 films and TV series. On the night of September 27, 2017, Yegor was rushing home. Seeing the accident at the 24th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road, the young actor stopped to provide assistance to the victims. And a few minutes later he himself became the victim of a hit-and-run. The driver of a passing Honda Accord did not notice the accident and hit three drivers at once, including Yegor Klinaev. The actor died on the spot.

Victor Tsoi

On August 15, 1990, in Latvia, on the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Talsi highway, Viktor Tsoi, the leader of the Kino group, a cult performer who was at the peak of his popularity, died.

He was returning from fishing, at 11:30 in the morning his Moskvich-2141 drove into the oncoming lane at high speed and crashed into the Ikarus. The impact carried the bus to the side of the road, the car was carried almost 20 meters and the engine was ripped out. There were no passengers on the bus, the driver was almost uninjured, Viktor Tsoi died instantly. The singer was buried in a closed coffin.

According to the official version, Tsoi fell asleep at the wheel. However, many still do not agree with the stated cause of the accident, so they are still trying to solve the real reason death of Viktor Tsoi.

Leonid Bykov

The death of a truly national favorite, Leonid Bykov, shocked the entire country. On April 1, 1979, he was returning from his dacha in the village of Strakholesye, Chernobyl region. I wanted to overtake the asphalt roller ahead, and did not notice how a truck jumped out towards me. Trying to avoid the collision, the actor turned the steering wheel in the opposite direction, but the car skidded on the wet road and crashed into a skating rink. Witnesses to the accident immediately tried to help the actor, but the actor died as soon as he was pulled out of the car.

Evgeny Dvorzhetsky

The actor, who played the role of Edmond Dantes in The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If, returned from the clinic on December 1, 1999 in high spirits: his suspicions of asthma were not confirmed. The VAZ-2109 in which the actor was traveling did not give way to an oncoming ZIL-5301 truck on Moskvorechye Street. According to the testimony of Konstantin Karasik, who was in the car at the time of the collision, Evgeniy was about to call his wife, took his attention from the road and pressed the gas pedal instead of the brake. The 39-year-old actor died on the spot. His passenger survived.

Alexander Dedyushko

He said that he could not live without his family. On November 3, 2007, Alexander Dedyushko with his wife Svetlana Chernyshkova and son Dmitry were returning from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow. Near the village of Starye Omutishchi, the actor’s Toyota Picnic jumped into the oncoming lane. As a result of a collision with a Scania truck, Alexander Dedyushko’s car slid to the side of the road and caught fire. The actor and his wife died on the spot; their son lived only 40 minutes after the accident.

Marina Golub

On that fateful night of October 10, 2012, the famous actress Marina Golub was returning from watching the play “The Mortal Engine,” which opened theater festival in Moscow. Her car had recently been in an accident and was being repaired, so the actress was given a ride by a friend. At the intersection of Lobachevsky Street and Vernadsky Avenue, a red Cadillac crashed into their car at a speed of 100 km/h. The driver of the car, Dmitry Turkin, and Marina Golub died instantly. The culprit of the accident tried to escape, but was detained and later sentenced to 6.5 years.

Larisa Shepitko

Early in the morning of July 2, 1979, Larisa Shepitko, actress, screenwriter, and director, was heading with the film crew to film “Farewell to Matera.” At the 187th kilometer of the Leningrad highway, the Volga with Larisa at the wheel crashed into a truck in the oncoming lane. And a year before, during a trip to Bulgaria, she met with Vanga. And she predicted Larisa’s imminent death.

Alexey Loktev

On September 17, 2006, the actor was returning from a creative meeting at the Amur Autumn film festival. Together with the chairman of the jury Sergei Novozhilov and two other actors, Alexey Loktev went in a Toyota Crown outside the convoy with a traffic police escort car from the village of Razdolnoye to Blagoveshchensk. At an intersection, the car with the actors collided with a minibus, then crashed into another car and overturned. Alexey Loktev did not make it to the hospital with an open head injury.

Maya Bulgakova

Maya Bulgakova and Lyubov Sokolova went to a patron’s concert on October 1, 1994, accompanied by the organizers of the event. The driver of the car constantly looked back to look at the actresses, still could not believe the happiness of seeing them. At some point, Lyubov Sergeevna pulled him back, asking him to watch the road. But it was too late: the car flew into a pole at full speed.

The driver died on the spot, Lyubov Sokolova was soon discharged from the hospital, and Maya Bulgakova died a few days later without regaining consciousness.

Yuri Stepanov

On the night of March 3, 2010, Yuri Stepanov was returning home in a passing car after the Three Sisters. At the intersection of Lyublinskaya and Shkuleva streets, a Mazda6 flew into the VAZ-2104 where the actor was driving at full speed, the driver of which did not notice the “four” standing at the intersection. The impact spun the car and collided with an oncoming VAZ-2112. Yuri Stepanov died on the spot.

Neither relatives nor fans wanted to believe in Paul Walker's death: how did an actor, who so many times independently staged the most complex stunts in the Fast and the Furious racing movie, become a victim of a car accident?

The actor died while holding a charity car show for typhoon victims in the Philippines. The car in which Paul and his friend Roger Rodas were (he was driving) crashed into a lamppost and caught fire - the passengers did not even have a chance to escape.

On the eve of his death, Walker began filming the seventh Fast and the Furious. The actor never completed the episodes with his participation, but film crew In memory of a friend, I decided to finish the film.


James Dean

Despite his death at the age of 24, James Dean managed to become a symbol of the 50s and influence the style and culture of subsequent years. His hairstyle with sideburns was transformed into the iconic images of Tyler Durden from “Fight Club”, Dylan in the TV series “Beverly Hills, 90210” and the vampire Edward in the “Twilight Saga”. And Lana Del Rey and Rihanna in their sad ballads Diet Mtn. Dew and Love Without Tragedy sang the praises of a sad romantic.

James' death is associated with a mystical story in which the actor's car is to blame. On the eve of his death, the artist purchased a new sports Porsche, which he never tired of admiring. Actress Ursula Anders and actor Alec Guinness, who intuitively sensed trouble, warned James against traveling, but he still got behind the wheel. Due to a collision with another car on one of the Californian roads, the artist died and the car crashed to pieces.

After the death of the actor, the car was bought by one of the fans, who paid a fabulous sum to repair the car. When the car was completely restored, the girl got behind the wheel, but never reached her destination: she had an accident and died from a broken neck. They decided not to repair the car anymore, but its parts, installed in other cars, fatally sealed the fate of several drivers who were either killed or seriously injured as a result of accidents. In 1960, while the Porsche was being transported to a Los Angeles auto repair shop, the car suddenly disappeared.

Grace Kelly

The daughter of the famous playwright George Kelly, Grace had access to high society from birth, but Hollywood attracted her. The blonde aristocrat was not afraid of filming commercials for beer and vacuum cleaners, and her hard work paid off handsomely. Grace Kelly was nominated for an Oscar for her role in the drama Mogambo, and later the actress became Alfred Hitchcock's muse. It was working with the master that radically changed Kelly’s fate, making her not only a Hollywood diva, but also the Princess of Monaco. The actress met Prince Rainier III of Monaco during her third filming with Hitchcock in the south of France. Immediately after completing work on the film To Catch a Thief, Grace married the prince and left cinema. But until the end of her life, Grace still remained a star, securing her fame as the most stylish and generous princess.

Kelly died while driving. While driving along a serpentine road, she suffered a stroke, causing the car to fall off the mountain. Her youngest daughter Stefania, who was next to Grace and suffered a broken neck, remained alive, and the princess died in the hospital a day later. Grace Kelly's funeral was attended by Princess Diana, who herself was also the victim of a car accident 15 years later.


Fotodom / Rex Features

For her contemporaries, the princess was the spiritual leader that humanity always needs. She was not a deeply religious person, did not have political power and did not gather full stadiums of people at their shows. She was a living example of pride, love and mercy. But the main thing is that she was not an airy image, but a living person with her own mistakes and joys.

Diana died in Paris along with her man, the son of Egyptian billionaire Dodi Al-Fayed. According to the official version, the driver Henri Paul lost control and crashed into a tunnel support in the area of ​​the Alma Bridge. The cause of the accident is still not entirely clear; there are a number of versions: conspiracy, driver intoxication and the need to get away at speed from the paparazzi who followed Lady Di last minutes her life. The paparazzi's desire to photograph Diana with Dodi Al-Fayed was truly insane and turned into a disaster. The only survivor, bodyguard Trevor Rhys-Jones, was seriously injured (his face had to be reconstructed by surgeons) and does not remember the events.

Since after her divorce from Prince Charles, Diana ceased to be part of the royal family, there was no national mourning and farewell to her.

True, the reasons were rather subjective. Charles's mother, Queen Elizabeth II, did not like her daughter-in-law very much for her spontaneity and, of course, for the fact that she dared to file for divorce.

However, ignoring Diana's death caused popular anger. A crowd of people wishing to bid farewell to their beloved stood guard near Buckingham Palace for several days, demanding that the flags be lowered to half-staff as a sign of the national tragedy.

Lisa Lopez

TLC is the third most successful girl group (after the Spice Girls and Destiny's Child) in the world. The team still gives concerts, despite the death of one of the soloists, Lisa Lopez. Lisa, nicknamed Left Eye, had a difficult childhood. Her father drank and beat her mother. Lisa herself became addicted to alcohol, which became her salvation during family scandals. Despite resounding success group, Lisa continued to drink. The reason for the breakdowns was experiences in his personal life. In 2002, Lisa decided to go for rehabilitation to Honduras, where she loved to vacation. But instead of salvation from alcoholism, she met death. 30-year-old Lisa died while driving a car, trying to avoid a collision with a truck that drove into the oncoming lane.
Rozonda and Tionne decided to continue singing as a duet, rejecting all offers to replace the deceased Lisa.

Gennady Bachinsky

Vadim Tarakanov/TASS

Famous DJ, partner of Sergei Stillavin morning show on Radio Maximum died at the age of 36. Bachinsky crashed on a highway in the Tver region, driving into the oncoming lane while overtaking a truck.

Valery Kharlamov

Vyacheslav Un Da-sin/TASS

Valery Kharlamov was a legend of Soviet hockey - legend number 17. Kharlamov could be called the “hockey Cristiano Ronaldo”, known throughout the world, and even an accident could not hinder his brilliant career on the ice - the first car accident in 1976, in which he ended up with his wife Irina. The athlete suffered a broken leg, ribs, and a concussion; Kharlamov could not walk independently for two months, and doctors doubted that the hockey player would resume his career. But Valery triumphantly returned to the national team after just 7 months! And five years later, 33-year-old Kharlamov was involved in another accident - at 74 km of the Leningradskoye Highway. Like last time, his wife was sitting in the car with him. Irina’s cousin was driving with the couple; she was the one driving the car and lost control on the road slippery from the rain. All three died on the spot after being hit by a truck.

Victor Tsoi

The 28-year-old musician crashed on the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Talsi highway in Latvia, having fallen asleep at the wheel. His Moskvich crashed into a bus at high speed, and the legendary rocker died instantly. The death of the leader of the Kino group was such a huge shock for the youth of that time that several of Tsoi’s fans even committed suicide. At the site of Tsoi’s death, a monument to the musician was erected, and the famous “Tsoi’s Wall” was spontaneously formed in Krivoarbatsky Lane in Moscow. Inscriptions dedicated to the musician began to appear after someone wrote “Viktor Tsoi died today” in black paint on the wall, and another passer-by also responded with an inscription: “Tsoi is alive.”

Famous in St. Petersburg Opera singer Mikhail Lukonin died as a result of an accident on the Pskov highway. The head of the pop-jazz direction at the Elena Obraztsova International Academy of Music announced this on his Facebook page Vladimir Samsonov. Federal agency news remembers the most tragic stories deaths of artists in recent years.

1. Tatyana Snezhina, August 21, 1995

Composer and singer Tatiana Snezhina died on the 106th kilometer of the Chuysky tract, returning with friends and her fiance, producer Sergei Bugaev, from Gorny Altai. Their minibus collided with by truck MAZ - all six passengers were killed. A week before, Tatyana Snezhina and producer Sergei Bugaev announced their upcoming wedding. Three days before the accident, at the presentation of the production project, the singer performed her new romance “If I Die Before Time.”

Tatyana Snezhina died at the age of 23, having become the author of more than 200 songs and many poems. She gained posthumous fame in the late 90s after performing Alla Pugacheva her songs “Call me with you.”

2. Mikhail Evdokimov, August 7, 2005

The Chuysky tract brought death to another artist - a comedian, TV presenter and actor Mikhail Evdokimov. Already being a governor Altai Territory, he died in a traffic accident at the age of 49. Together with his wife Galina and his bodyguard, Mikhail Evdokimov went to the celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Altai-born cosmonaut German Titov.

According to one version, the official's driver was driving at a speed of about 150 km/h. At some point, he tried to overtake, but, having lost control, he hit a passing foreign car and flew off the road into a deep ditch.

According to another version, the road accident was faked. It was suggested that in this way Mikhail Evdokimov could be “removed” for fighting corruption. There is also information that shortly before his death, the governor of the Altai Territory said that he would “probably be spanked.”

Mikhail Evdokimov was a regular participant television shows and humorous programs, starred in the films “I Don’t Want to Get Married”, “About Businessman Thomas”, “Don’t Play the Fool” and several others. In April 2004, he won the election for governor of the Altai Territory.

3. Natalya Pivovarova, September 24, 2007

Russian singer and founder of the rock group "Kolibri" Natalya Pivovarova died as a result of a traffic accident in Crimea. The car she was driving drove into oncoming traffic at about four o'clock in the morning and collided with another car.

Natalya Pivovarova released five albums as part of the Hummingbird group and recorded one solo disc; the singer also starred in the films “Brother” and “Streets of Broken Lanterns - 2”. At the time of the accident she was 44 years old.

4. Alexander Dedyushko, November 3, 2007

The hero of the action films “Sarmat”, “Special Forces”, “Operational Alias”, “Brigade”, “Albanian Alias” was traveling with his wife Svetlana and son Dmitry from Vladimir to Moscow to meet his wife’s parents at the station. His car crossed a double lane solid line and drove into the oncoming lane, where a head-on collision occurred with a truck. The driver of the heavy truck did not have time to brake.

According to rescuers who arrived at the scene, the actor’s son was still alive for some time, but died before the ambulance arrived. At the scene of the accident, a black granite stele with portraits of the actor, his wife and son was installed. About death Alexandra Dedyushko and his family are mentioned in the Russian action film “Officers-2”, which became a continuation of the film “Officers”, where the actor played the role of Colonel Marchenko. In total, the actor played more than 30 roles in films and television series, and also received an award from the FSB of Russia for his personal contribution to the formation of the image of a special services officer.

5. Gennady Bachinsky, January 12, 2008

Popular TV and radio host Gennady Bachinsky got into an accident while driving a car on the road in the Kalyazinsky district of the Tver region. The showman decided to overtake in the oncoming lane, prohibited by the rules, and crashed into a minibus that was moving towards him. As a result, Gennady Bachinsky and one of the minibus passengers died.

Later, the Forensic Center of the Tver Region expressed the version that “Gennady Bachinsky’s departure into the oncoming lane was provoked by some external influence.”

Gennady Bachinsky became popular as a radio host in a duet with Sergei Stillavin, with whom they hosted a talk show on Radio Modern. In addition, he acted as the host of several television projects. Gennady Bachinsky died at the age of 36.

6. Yuri Stepanov, March 3, 2010

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor Yuri Stepanov was returning home after the play “Three Sisters” on a ride. At the intersection of Lyublinskaya and Shkuleva streets in the capital's Tekstilshchiki district, a Mazda6 flew into the VAZ-2104 where the actor was driving at full speed, the driver of which did not notice the “four” standing at the intersection. The impact spun the car and collided with an oncoming VAZ-2112. The blow hit Yuri Stepanov's chair - he died on the spot.

The culprit of the accident was sentenced by the Kuzminsky District Court of Moscow to three years of suspended imprisonment. The court, at the request of Yuri Stepanov’s widow, also ordered the convict to pay the victim about two million rubles and regularly pay funds for the maintenance of the actor’s three children until they reach adulthood.

Yuri Stepanov is a laureate of several theater awards, as well as the winner of the prize for best acting in the television series “Citizen Chief”. At the time of his death he was 42 years old.

7. Nikita Emshanov, August 17, 2011

Actor Nikita Emshanov died in a car accident on his 28th birthday on the Garden Ring in Moscow. At approximately 6:30 in the morning on Sadovaya-Samotechnaya, the artist crashed his car at high speed into a car walking in the same lane. The actor's car was thrown into the oncoming lane, where a third car crashed into it. Emshanov's Mercedes flew off from the impact, crashed into a pole and caught fire. His girlfriend was in the car with the actor Ekaterina Biryukova and friend Konstantin Kamyshanov. They all died. Subsequently, it was found out that Emshanov’s car had transit license plates and winter tires.

Nikita Emshanov played on the stage of Theater.doc and the Praktika Theater. Despite his young age, he performed over 50 roles in films, including “Legend No. 17”, “72 Meters”, “Soldiers”, “Penal Battalion”.

8. Marina Golub, October 9, 2012

Marina Golub late at night I was returning home by taxi after the performance “The Mortal Engine”. In the South-West of Moscow, the car the actress was in collided with a foreign car that was moving at breakneck speed. The actress and driver died on the spot. The culprit of the accident tried to escape, but he was detained without delay. He was sentenced to six years.

There is a version that the tragic incident could not have been accidental. Five months earlier, the 46-year-old owner of the 8 March furniture company was killed. Mikhail Kravchenko, with whom the actress was in love. She tried to conduct her own investigation into his death. Relatives said that Marina complained about the threats she received.

Honored Artist Russian Federation shone on the stage of the Moscow art theater them. Chekhov, and also performed several dozen roles in films. She was 54 years old.

9. Egor Klinaev, September 27, 2017

To the actor Egor Klinaev was only 18 years old, but he had already played roles in 20 films and TV series. On the night of September 27, 2017, Egor was driving home. Seeing the accident at the 24th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road, the young actor stopped to provide assistance to the victims. And a few minutes later he himself became the victim of a hit-and-run. The driver of a passing Honda Accord did not notice the accident and hit three drivers at once, including Yegor Klinaev. The actor died on the spot.

Egor Klinaev starred in all three parts of the film “Honest Pioneer”, in the TV series “Fizruk”, “Policeman from Rublyovka” and others.

10. Mikhail Lukonin, September 16, 2018

Composer and opera singer Mikhail Lukonin died in an accident on a section of the Pskov highway being repaired the night before. The car Lukonin was driving was standing at a traffic light when a truck crashed into it at full speed. Witnesses to the accident tried to save the singer, trapped in a mangled car. It is reported that among those present there was a doctor who determined that 49-year-old Lukonin had a broken neck and it was better not to touch him until the ambulance arrived.

However, the singer died before the doctors arrived. Users of social networks are actively discussing a video from the scene of the accident that has appeared on the Internet, noting the large number of accidents in this area due to the prolonged repair of the highway.

The only remaining member of the artist’s family is his daughter. Vladimir Samsonov, who reported the death of his colleague, announced on his social network page that he was collecting financial assistance for her.

Baritone Mikhail Lukonin for a long time was the leading soloist of the St. Petersburg Opera theaters and the St. Petersburg Theater of Musical Comedy. Since 2009, he has been involved in his own projects and charitable activities- as an organizer and participant in concerts. Was artistic and musical director“Petersburg Autumn” and “Spring of Romance”, bearer of the unofficial title “Mr. Romance”. IN next year Mikhail Lukonin was about to turn 50 years old.

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