Aivazovsky became a test for the Russian museum. A large-scale exhibition of Aivazovsky’s paintings opened in the Russian Museum Organizational aspects of the exhibition

An exhibition of paintings by the great Russian artist Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky opened on December 22 in the Russian Museum (Benoit Wing) in St. Petersburg. The exhibition, which is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the artist, will be held until March 20, 2017, so that everyone, residents and guests of St. Petersburg, will have time to go and see a large collection of the most famous and little-known works of Aivazovsky with their own eyes.

The exhibition turned out to be one of the largest at the beginning of 2017. There are long queues at the Benois Wing of the Russian Museum. And this is not surprising, because seascapes The great marine painter is loved by almost all art connoisseurs.

Why is it worth visiting an exhibition of Aivazovsky’s paintings?

This exhibition of paintings is truly unique. A huge number of paintings, photographs, as well as other materials related to this great artist are collected here. The collection includes paintings from the permanent collections of the Russian Museum, the collection of the Peterhof Museum-Reserve, the Tsarskoye Selo Museum-Reserve, the Central Naval Museum, the Maritime cadet corps, as well as private collections.

Ivan Konstantinovich (1817-1900) - a great Russian artist, famous marine painter, battle painter. He was a painter of the Main Naval Staff. Academician and honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Arts, honorary member of the Academies of Arts in Amsterdam, Rome, Paris, Florence and Stuttgart. For my creative career created a huge number of stunning canvases, which today are considered true masterpieces of Russian and world painting. Aivazovsky today is considered one of the most outstanding Russian artists, who had a huge influence on painting and left behind an invaluable legacy. The most outstanding paintings by Aivazovsky are considered to be “The Ninth Wave”, “Chaos. Creation of the World", "Black Sea", " Chesme fight», « Sinop battle", "Among the Waves" and many others.

11:29 — REGNUM

In St. Petersburg today, December 22, an exhibition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the most famous Russian marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky began. It is deployed in the Benois building of the State Russian Museum.

Natalya Streltsova © IA REGNUM

In the anniversary exhibition entitled “Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky. For the 200th anniversary of his birth” included about two hundred paintings from the collections of the Russian Museum, the Central Naval Museum, the Naval Cadet Corps, the State Tretyakov Gallery, museum-reserves "Peterhof" and "Tsarskoe Selo", as well as other museum and private collections.

In addition to paintings, the exhibition presents memorial materials and photographs related to the life and creative activity Aivazovsky. Let us recall that Ivan Aivazovsky was a painter of the Main Naval Headquarters of the Russian Empire.

The cost of tickets to the exhibition: (without visiting the main exhibition of the Russian Museum) for adult visitors will be 300 rubles, for schoolchildren and students of secondary specialized institutions (over 16 years old), students and pensioners - 150 rubles.

Children under 16 years of age and preferential categories citizens will have the right free visit exhibition, the Russian Museum reported.


On April 26, 1986, an accident occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChNPP) near the city of Pripyat in the Kyiv region of the Ukrainian SSR with the destruction of the core of one of the reactors and the release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere.
The release of long-lived radioactive substances led to long-term contamination of the surrounding area. The city of Pripyat was completely evacuated. Of the accident liquidators, 134 people suffered acute radiation sickness. The number of victims of the disaster cannot be estimated due to the complexity of the connection between the deterioration of the health of each individual person and the consequences of radiation exposure.
Radioactive substances released into the atmosphere during the explosion were carried by wind over long distances, causing radioactivity levels to exceed permissible levels in large areas of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Until the events at the Fukushima plant in Japan in 2011, the Chernobyl disaster was considered the largest nuclear power plant incident.
To eliminate the consequences of the disaster, radioactive substances were first covered with inert materials, after which a so-called “sarcophagus” was built - a shelter to prevent further release of radioactive substances into the environment.
The commission that investigated the disaster came to the conclusion that the personnel were at fault; later, during the destruction of the USSR, they came to a politicized conclusion about the unsafe design of the reactor. At the same time, there is a huge number alternative versions causes of the disaster.
In connection with the Chernobyl tragedy, there are many rumors, political speculations and conspiracy theories. The theme of the disaster is played out in books, feature films and computer games.

Ivan Constantinovich Aivazovski - greatest creator of his time, a famous Russian artist who glorified the sea element like no one else. Small Armenian boy, born in the port of Feodosia, he was doomed to eternal love to sea. The sea was everything to him - life, destiny, soul! This endless affection for natural wonder inspired the writing of unique creations designed to delight humanity for many centuries.

Chronology of exhibitions of works by Aivazovsky

During the artist’s life many events took place public presentations masterpieces. Many of the exhibitions took place in St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Odessa. Aivazovsky was especially worried before the shows in his native Feodosia. After all, fellow countrymen came to admire his works, many of whom remembered Ivan as a boy who played the violin. And today tickets to the Russian Museum on Aivazovsky are very popular. Residents of the city and its guests enjoy contemplating the exhibitions of the great marine painter.

Aivazovsky was popular not only in his homeland, but also in many European countries. Many owners of foreign galleries considered it an honor to exhibit the artist’s works in their salons. Thanks to public showings of paintings in Berlin, Rome, London, Amsterdam, Venice, Nice, Florence, and Vienna, more and more connoisseurs learned about the creator artistic arts. Unusual images marine power engineers captivated and inspired admirers of talent.

A modern view of the artist’s works

2017 is a year marked by the celebration of the bicentenary of the birth of the Russian artist. Many museums in the country and abroad celebrate the great date by showing exhibitions of works by the great painter. But the main show will take place at the Russian Museum. Aivazovsky's paintings are represented by the most famous works.

The Russian Museum houses 54 paintings by the great marine painter. But in order for the exhibition to cover all facets of Aivazovsky’s life and work, it is supplemented by exhibits brought from the Peterhof and Tsarskoye Selo museum-reserves, the Central Naval Museum and the Naval Cadet Corps.

On the occasion of the bicentenary of the artist’s birth, many owners shared the stars of their private collections for the duration of the exhibition. Some works were delivered from abroad, from museums in Florence, Rome, and Berlin.

The exhibition of Aivazovsky's works at the Russian Museum consists of several halls. The largest contains paintings by the master. There are 200 works included in a separate exhibition; there are memorial materials that introduce the viewer to images of icons. Being deeply pious, Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky could not ignore the imprinting of the faces of saints.

The basis of the presentation of the marine painter’s work is good famous paintings, which are marked high level and the love of fans. Along with the famous paintings, few were exhibited for the bicentenary of Aivazovsky famous works from private collections. The exhibition is complemented by objects accompanying creative path painter. The exhibitions occupy all the exhibition halls of the Benois Corps. In terms of its production concept, it differs significantly from the exhibition that took place in the summer at the Moscow Tretyakov Gallery. The key moments of the opening of the Aivazovsky exhibition at the Russian Museum were handled by the Sistema Charitable Foundation.

Traveling through the exhibition halls

Many potential visitors to the exhibition ask the question: “What paintings by Aivazovsky are in the Russian Museum?” The presentation includes many paintings by the artist.

The central place in the exhibition of the marine painter’s paintings is occupied by two monumental paintings - “” and “”. The works are rightfully considered the pinnacle of the artist’s creativity.

Sinking ship. 1854

Another painting by the artist is presented at the exhibition of paintings by Aivazovsky in the Russian Museum - “”. An active participant in naval battles, the painter could not remain indifferent to the fate of Russian ships. The artist realistically depicted the crash of one of them on canvas. Using pencil and gouache, Ivan Konstantinovich painted raging waves and strong wind. The emotional mood of the picture is emphasized by the images of the crew members who suffered the disaster. People from last bit of strength trying to save the ship and own lives. Whether they will be able to do this is a matter of execution. Powerful waves and a tilting ship evoke a pessimistic mood in the viewer. The canvas exudes doom and hopelessness. The power of an element that does not obey man dooms the characters to a sad ending. And only the seagulls hovering over the ship evoke timid hope for illusory happiness. The painting is replete with broad strokes coupled with meticulously painted details. The gray and white color scheme emphasizes the realistic genius of the masterpiece. The queue at the Russian Museum on Aivazovsky is due to the audience’s interest in famous paintings masters

In addition to paintings, the Russian Museum displays photographic documents indicating the stages of the artist’s creative work.

Two hundred paintings by Aivazovsky are supplemented with parts of real ships - a globe, a bell, a yardarm. This emphasizes the effect of realism of the painted landscapes. Photographs of the artist at work enhance the emotionality of the masterpieces. The viewer can smell the salty waves, the burning of charred masts, and wet sand. Aivazovsky's marineistic style is unique and easily recognizable. But that doesn’t stop it from being truly a masterpiece.

Organizational aspects of the exhibition

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky painted more than six thousand paintings. Most of the paintings consisted of images of the painter’s favorite element – ​​the sea. Each of the marinas is endowed with a unique plot and unique history. The artist wrote all his creations from memory, counting similar method the highest sign of mastery.

Opening hours of the Aivazovsky exhibition at the Russian Museum

For visitors wishing to view the exhibition, tickets will be sold and entry to the exhibition will be through the Benois building (Griboyedov Canal embankment, 2).

Monday - 10.00-20.00
Tuesday - day off
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday - 10.00-18.00
Thursday — 13.00-21.00

At the exhibition you can also admire portraits of his contemporaries painted by Ivan Konstantinovich. A special place in the portrait collection is occupied by images of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The celebrities knew each other and sincerely admired each other's talent. Throughout his life, Aivazovsky remembered the parting words of the genius: “Work, work, young man. Work is the most important thing in a person’s life.” Subsequently, the painter had a tender friendship with the poet’s widow and her second husband, General Lansky. There is a legend that in his youth, wanting to imitate his idol, Aivazovsky wore sideburns and a hairstyle similar to that of the poet. Many lunar landscapes("", "", "" and others) were created under the impression of eternal poetry. The image of the great Orpheus was captured in six canvases by the artist. All of them can be seen at the anniversary exhibition of the Russian Museum.

Electronic tickets for the exhibition I.K. Aivazovsky will not be sold. Ticket to the exhibition I.K. Aivazovsky can only be purchased at the box office of the Benois building, at the box office Mikhailovsky Palace You can purchase a single ticket (the main exhibition and the I.K. Aivazovsky exhibition).

At the exhibition dedicated to memorable date- the bicentenary of the birth of Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky, paintings from private collections are also presented. Portraits of famous contemporaries, unknown landscapes, the artist’s personal belongings occupy the entire space of the Benois Corps. In addition to the artist’s creations, the exhibition includes items delivered from the Central Naval Museum and the Admiralty. Fragments of ship masts, ship rigging, deck lanterns, banners, bells, globes and compasses fill exhibition places. The exhibition is complemented by models of Aivazovsky’s contemporaries. However, these items not only create the realities of the 19th century era, but also significantly distract from the main exhibits - marinas, portraits and landscapes.

Reviews from visitors about the presentation of Aivazovsky's works at the Russian Museum indicate some viewing difficulties. Too much information collected in one room. However, nothing can stop true admirers of the painter’s talent.

A special place in the exhibition is occupied by paintings brought from the artist’s homeland – Feodosia. The Feodosia collection includes landscapes “,” “, “, etc. Strong impression produces canvas "". Created two years before his death, the painting captured biblical story- one of the miracles of Jesus Christ. The boat with the apostles follows the clear light emitted by the Savior hovering above the waves. Apostle Peter was the first to believe in the Miracle and dared to meet the Teacher halfway. The waves lick the bare feet of the follower, not daring to completely engulf him. The rest of the students, enchanted, direct the fragile little boat towards the bright path shining in the middle of the dark sea. The created picture of existence bewitches the viewer, completely absorbing him with its depth. The schematic images of the apostles and their darkened faces are designed not to distract the viewer from the key moment of the canvas - the figure of Jesus. The light emanating from Christ brings hope for salvation and eternal life.

The schedule of Aivazovsky's exhibition at the Russian Museum is designed so that as many spectators as possible can enjoy the artist's work. On the opening day of the exhibition, December 22, 2016, many St. Petersburg residents and guests of the Northern capital visited. Before the end of the show (03/10/2017), it is expected to receive several million visitors. The monumental idea of ​​​​displaying the creations of the great genius of the brush is artistic education contemporaries.

Permanent list of works

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (1817–1900) is a world-famous Russian marine painter, one of the most successful Russian painters of the 19th century, whose works are a decoration museum collections in Russia and abroad and use constant attention and success with the audience. The collection of the Russian Museum contains 54 paintings by the great marine painter. Along with these works, the anniversary exhibition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the master included paintings from the collection of the Peterhof Museum-Reserve, the Tsarskoe Selo Museum-Reserve, the Central Naval Museum, and the Naval Cadet Corps. A special section of the exhibition, which features about 200 works, consists of memorial materials and photographs introducing the iconography of I.K. Aivazovsky. The exhibition was based on well-known works, distinguished by their high artistic level, and works of Aivazovsky little known to the viewer from private collections, as well as various surroundings that constitute the context of I.K. Aivazovsky’s activity as a painter of the Main Naval Headquarters. The exhibition occupies the entire space exhibition halls The Benois corpus and in composition, design and semantic accents the exhibition at the Russian Museum differs significantly from the exhibition opened in July-November at the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.
The exhibition was organized with the support Charitable Foundation"System".

Video materials:

Promotional video for the exhibition

Installation of the exhibition in the Benois Wing

Information Agency prepared by TASS video dedicated to the anniversary I.K. Aivazovsky, with the assistance of the State Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum

Aivazovsky's paintings from the collection of the Russian Museum are being prepared for shipment to Moscow - report from the Kultura TV channel

Artistic relocation: St. Petersburg museums send Aivazovsky’s paintings to an exhibition in Moscow - report from the St. Petersburg TV channel

Aivazovsky goes to Moscow - report from the TV channel "Mir 24"

Aivazovsky's masterpieces are temporarily moving from St. Petersburg to Moscow - report from NTV channel

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