FSB Admiral (documentary novel). Videos Documentary films about the FSB

Dedicated to the military counterintelligence officer Hero Russian Federation Vice Admiral German Alekseevich Ugryumov.

Nikolai Alekseevich Medvedev:

He knew how to take a punch, knew how to make decisions, take on a challenge. He knew how to calculate the enemy's moves in advance and work proactively. In counterintelligence work, he seemed to be guided by the golden rule of aikido: protect yourself from blows and keep the enemy from delivering them. We all felt a calm confidence in him, which was passed on to us. If Herman said “yes,” then it is so. And then - having said “yes”, he never renounced his words. They knew for sure: if he made a decision, it means everything was weighed, thought out, analyzed. You can work calmly.

Well, okay, I’ll give one illustrative example of conducting operations. I receive information that some people “across the river” have shown increased interest in our weapons depot. Let's put it this way: here is our school, and across the road is the largest weapons depot in the Caspian Flotilla. It is unknown why foreigners suddenly began to suspect that nuclear weapons were stored in this warehouse. And they threw quite a significant force in order to get exact information- confirming or refuting this, so to speak, rumor from the OBS agency (one woman said). Between us: there was nothing like that there! No missiles, much less nuclear warheads for them. There were mice, but there were no missiles!.. Their specialists in the analytical department, even from indirect data, could calculate that the Russians were not such idiots as to place nuclear warheads in Baku. If they are so interested, it means they can play on it. And play beautifully! Using their interest, we can identify those foreign citizens who are connected with the intelligence services and secretly collect classified information. It must be said that from an organizational point of view, it is extremely difficult to organize such a difficult job of identifying these individuals. Herman says:
- Let's do this. I go to the command of the air defense district, the guys there are understanding, they know me, we’ll come to an agreement. At a certain time, a couple of covered cars will drive along this road - as if there were missiles in the backs. We'll find a time so that I can go to school big change. Let’s place our people where necessary and see whose pants are stained with scum and whose back is smoking...
We contacted the local traffic police, the air defense command, so that vehicles with their license plates, camouflaged for the appropriate load, would pass through, dress up and place our “outsiders” and began to wait. The combination is most interesting! It’s the middle of the day, police cars with flashing lights are driving by, city transport is giving way, behind the “traffic cops” there are two gloomy covered trucks, in the cabs to the right of the driver there are officers with fierce faces, behind them there are again “traffic cops” with flashing lights - in a word, they have staged a classic farce. But go figure, since everything is completely serious! They worked cleanly, without bluffing!
Then it’s as simple as a steamed turnip: our people noticed who was nervous, who ran to whom, what they reported – “et cetera”, as the French say and as Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin liked to say at the end of an unfinished phrase. We did not give the “case” any progress, since all the threads were still lost in the net. We waited until the “Cossacks” hatched on their own, and waited: it was the very people we suspected who incriminated themselves. They began to purposefully find out: what was in these trucks? They began to show intelligence interest in the personnel - in the VOKhR, which guarded this weapons depot, and looked for workarounds to obtain secret information on the “nuclear” Baku issue.

We then collected information - right to the bar, chock full!.. And the principle is ancient: if you want to expose an enemy agent, create for him such conditions so that he proves himself. We created the conditions. German Alekseevich possessed this skill exclusively. And I didn’t work in such a way that, they say, let’s come up with something like this - maybe someone will fall into our trap. No, everything is prepared, thought out, signed, calculated - both for yourself and for the enemy. Each opera gets its own task. But at the same time, a team is needed so that each operator does his job the highest level. And Herman knew how to pick a team - it’s not just me, anyone else will tell you who worked with him. And all these people are nuggets in their own way, because Ugryumov did not bring any dutiful “gray mice” closer to him. His work had the highest charm - initiative with the prospect of operational development. The end result is a positive result, as they modestly say in our “office”.
I said that we had double subordination: the 6th Department at Lubyanka supervised us for the Navy, and the 3rd Department for intelligence work. A commission from the 6th Department arrives: so-so, combat readiness, safety of weapons, information leakage, etc. Another one arrives - from the 3rd department: checking the effectiveness of intelligence activities, our position among foreigners, etc. There were certainly people from PGU. So, Herman always tried to unite different directions our work and carry out comprehensive activities. This is what young security officers need to learn! Complex event – ​​complex and interesting thing. In order to achieve the intended result, it is necessary to spend a lot of time preparatory work, to create such conditions for the enemy to somehow show himself, to discover, to provide him with such an opportunity...

Another example of his amazing knowledge. One foreign intelligence service was eager to obtain information about our weapons technology - we are talking about the now famous “Caspian monsters”, ekranoplanes. I came to German Alekseevich:
- They fell for our setup!
I managed to expose them to a young officer whom they had “recruited” and now believed that he was in their hands. He answers:
- Welcome. We ourselves will arrange an “information leak” for them. Let the guys be glad that they didn’t work in vain.
And he prepared a pile of papers with the stamps “Secret”, “Top Secret”, made some kind of “documentation” through the printing house - for exhibition, with pictures... Our guy handed all this over to his “owners”. We controlled the further process: we took it at face value! Well, it takes a lot of intelligence to come up with something like this: after all, it’s not the “dummies” there, but military intelligence, they had to distinguish the wheat from the chaff. Then we checked through external intelligence - the PGU confirmed that yes, a group consisting of so many active intelligence officers was engaged in the hunt for “monsters”.

Author: Maxim Kalashnikov described ekranoplanes very poetically in the book “Broken Sword of the Empire.” Let us quote it for clarity - what kind of Wunder-Waffe (miracle weapon) is this and why our opponents were hunting for its secret.
“Robert Bartini, a Soviet aircraft designer with tragic fate. Alexander Lippisch, a talented Nazi engineer, also designed such machines. In the 70s and 80s, imperial designers were far ahead of the West in the development of devices with a dynamic method of movement - ekranoplanes and hovercraft. The first to go into production were military KVPs intended for landing Russian marines.

...The ekranoplan is not threatened by mines hidden under the surface of the waters and on the shallows. It is inaccessible to torpedoes from submarines. But he himself, with a speed of 300 - 400 versts per hour, will catch up and destroy even the fastest submarine with depth charges. The ekranoplan can carry anti-ship missiles and mines, striking enemy squadrons. A device was designed that would be capable of transporting an entire battalion of Marines with all their equipment and weapons over several thousand kilometers at a speed of 600 km/h.”
Maxim Kalashnikov provides tactical and technical data of implemented projects and brilliant design developments that remained on paper due to the collapse of the USSR and the coming to power of the “democrats”. After the veil of secrecy was lifted from the “Caspian Monsters”, the American ekranoplan designer Stephen Hooker, head of the Aerocon company, which works closely with the US military department, visited the city of Kaspiysk. Then he visited several Russian companies involved in ekranoplanes. His reaction to what he saw is noteworthy: “They were 30 years ahead of us!”
If not more, Mr. Hooker, let us add from ourselves...

Vice Admiral Alexander Vladislavovich Zhardetsky:

Misinformation about “monsters” - here you may not have fully understood. Or your interlocutor, not having the right to disclose details, presented the situation in a condensed version, so it turned out to be something like a legend. In order to launch a “misinformation” on the enemy, you need to get permission from the leadership. There was a special instruction that prohibited employees from engaging in disinformation without permission from the KGB leadership. “Deza” according to this complex technology, like ekranoplanes, could only be carried out on a planned basis - through different sources, with the participation of PSU, GRU, 3rd Main Directorate and so on. The heads of the Special Departments on the ground had the right to solve only a narrow task at the suggestion of the Center: slip them what we say.
This is only possible in one case, when the “misinformation” must force the enemy to immediately act in a certain direction and reveal himself. Even if this is a legend, it is a very eloquent one: legends about an ordinary person have never appeared before.
But German was an operationally competent person, he had a brain - the brain of an operative. Others need to be hammered into it, chewed on, but for Herman it was enough to set the task. How to carry it out - you don’t have to stutter, he will organize everything himself and bring it to its logical conclusion. He didn't need petty care. As his former boss, I will say that Ugryumov differed from some operative leaders in his laconicism in his reports. Another will make a fool of you, and send a report like a novel in verse: if you’re sweating, show yourself to your superiors before your shirt gets dry. And German Alekseevich reported in two or three words: such and such an operation was carried out successfully, its results were such and such. And behind these words there could be anything: a landfill, shooting, full-scale risk. Only then did we learn about the degree of complexity of the operations he performed.

Genre: Intelligence, Counterintelligence
Production: Viange Production, t/c "Zvezda"
Year of issue: 2017
Duration: 0:38

The documentary tells the story of several days at the end of June 1941. There is a network of German anti-fascist agents operating in Berlin. Soviet intelligence officers are in touch with them, among them Alexander Korotkov. Moscow sent two portable radio stations to Berlin. They must be handed over to agents. But ours are blocked at the embassy. They enter into a game with an SS officer. They offer him money, and in return they ask him to take Alexander to the city for a couple of hours so that he can say goodbye to his beloved German girl. He agrees. And on June 24, Korotkov goes to meet with radio operator Elizabeth. Two hours of incredible tension. At any moment, both he and Elizabeth could be captured. But everything worked out. That same evening the first radiogram went to Moscow.

  • Documentary series “Legends of State Security”, “Alexey Botyan. How I liberated Poland" Episode 10

    Genre: Intelligence, Counterintelligence
    Production: Viange Production, t/c "Zvezda"
    Year of issue: 2017
    Duration: 0:38

    The documentary film tells about the legendary intelligence officer, brave and successful saboteur, hero of Russia Alexei Nikolaevich Botyan. With partisan detachments, he traveled thousands of kilometers behind enemy lines, carried out dozens of successful military operations, and in 1944 received an almost impossible task: to destroy the “executioner of Poland” - German Governor-General Hans Frank. While hunting for the Nazi leader, Botyan learned about plans to destroy Krakow and managed to stop the Nazis by blowing up an armory. This helped the advance of the Red Army and put Alexey Botyan among the heroes who saved this ancient city from destruction and liberated Poland from fascism.

  • Documentary series “Legends of State Security”, “Colonel Medvedev. Special Purpose Raid" Episode 9

    Genre: Intelligence, Counterintelligence
    Production: Viange Production, t/c "Zvezda"
    Year of issue: 2017
    Duration: 0:39

    The documentary tells about unique operation Soviet intelligence and sabotage services during the war. The “Winners” detachment, under the command of state security captain Dmitry Medvedev, fought in Western Ukraine. Being a thousand kilometers away Mainland, waging constant battles with German punitive forces and Ukrainian nationalists, the partisans destroyed 12 thousand Nazi soldiers and officers. Under the name of a German officer, the outstanding Soviet intelligence officer Nikolai Kuznetsov acted in Rovno and Lvov, eliminating 11 fascist generals and major officials. He and his comrades regularly supplied the Center with valuable intelligence information, including about the Wehrmacht counteroffensive near Kursk and the location of Hitler’s headquarters in the Vinnitsa region.

  • Documentary film "Professor of Counterintelligence"

    Genre: Counterintelligence
    Production: Russia
    Year of issue: 2005
    Duration: 0:25

    About the confrontation between Soviet and German intelligence services during the Second World War.

    Until recently, Fedotov’s name was listed as “Top Secret”.

    The purpose of the documentary research is not only to reveal to the viewer the image of Pyotr Vasilyevich Fedotov, but also to show the role of counterintelligence during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War, to indicate the contribution that was made by the Soviet counterintelligence service to the overall Victory.

  • Documentary film “Benckendorf. Say a good word for the poor gendarme."

    Genre: story
    Production: Russia
    Year of issue: 2013
    Duration: 0:39

    In Soviet historical science and school textbooks, the person of the chief of gendarmes, the head of the III department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery, Count Alexander Khristoforovich Benkendorf, was depicted exclusively in black tones, as a “strangler of freedom,” “a tsarist satrap,” and “the killer of Pushkin.” The author of the film suggests A New Look on the personality of Count Benckendorff, presenting him in large statesman Nicholas era, the creator of an effective intelligence service capable of fighting official corruption and embezzlement in the Russian state.

  • Documentary film “The End of the Black Angel. Find and destroy"

    Genre: Anti-terror
    Production: Russia
    Year of issue: 2005
    Duration: 0:44

    The genre of this film is military detective. It is based on the story of the search and liquidation of international terrorist Ruslan Gelayev, who was killed in February 2004 in the mountains of Dagestan by state security officials.

    The film is entirely based on exclusive documentary footage filmed by Alexander Sladkov from 1992 to 2004, including unique footage taken during a special operation in the area of ​​the Mokok border post. The film also uses recently declassified video materials from the Russian FSB on the case of R. Gelayev.

  • Documentary film “Condemned. Trap for the Alpha group

    Genre: Politics, history
    Production: Russia
    Year of issue: 2014
    Duration: 0:44

    Storming of the Vilnius television center in January 1991. Who actually shot at the unarmed crowd and who decided to declare the fighters of the legendary Alpha criminals so that the true culprits of the tragedy would escape punishment?

  • Documentary film "Gray Street"

    Genre: Anti-terror
    Production: Russia
    Year of issue: 2005
    Duration: 0:18

    “A. Sladkov’s Military Program” is about Denis Pletnev, an employee of the Russian FSB, who died during a special operation in the Chechen Republic.

  • Documentary film “Call Sign “Atom”

    Genre: Anti-terrorism, Biography, Image
    Production: Russia
    Year of issue: 2016
    Duration: 0:14

    Film in memory of the hero of Russia Alexei Balandin (Vympel).

  • Documentary film “Kill Comrade Stalin”

    Genre: Story
    Production: Russia
    Year of issue: 2009
    Duration: 0:56

    The film is dedicated to the organization in 1944 by military intelligence of the Third Reich of the most daring and dangerous assassination attempt on Stalin and other leaders of the Soviet state in order to decapitate the government Soviet Union and turn the tide of the Great Patriotic War. In parallel, the authors of the film analyze other failed attempts to carry out terrorist attacks against Stalin and his associates. Research of German, English, American and Russian literature archival and memoir nature allows us to talk about five documented attempts to assassinate Joseph Vissarionovich. The film uses rare color newsreels from the Second World War.

  • Direct descendants of the cult Soviet films about the adventures of intelligence officers, generously flavored with spectacular scenes in the spirit of the best spy films made in Hollywood - all these are Russian series about the special services. Art films, the main role in which the area reserved for agents and intelligence officers is interesting to watch, regardless of the year of release or cast, because they are always ready to offer viewers intricate detective stories, a thick paranoid atmosphere and spectacular action.

    Movies about special forces

    Multi-part films about special forces are fascinating crime action films that tell about the lives of brave GRU soldiers. Preferring forceful methods of combating criminal elements, these people invariably carry out assigned tasks, often doing this with special ingenuity and healthy humor. Series about special forces are replete with well-staged shootouts and fights, explosions and chases, sharp dialogues and a clear ideological orientation.

    Films about the FSB and the KGB

    Series about employees of the KGB of the USSR and the FSB of the modern Russian state are quite different from the dashing adventures of their colleagues from the GRU. Scouts, of course, have the skills of hand-to-hand combat and targeted shooting from automatic weapons, but more important qualities for them are composure, analytical thinking and the ability to prevent conflicts before they enter the active phase. Accordingly, films about people in charge of intelligence have a more measured narrative, tightly wound intrigue and a high concentration on details.

    Fortunately, watching movies online about special services does not promise Internet users meetings with representatives of these structures, as well as with riot police, NKVD, SMERSH, so new and best Russian TV series about special agents are available to viewers at any time for free.

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