Adaptation potential of recreational and health tourism. Recreational and health complexes


Ilyin A.

Youth is a specific socio-demographic group of society, including young people aged 16 to 30 years.

In modern society, the development and formation of youth proceeds to a greater extent outside the primary institution of guardianship - the family. Currently, they play a more significant role in this process social institutions: school, universities, media, sociocultural institutions, peer groups. Exactly free time is one of the important means of shaping the personality of a young person.

Leisure time for young people is characterized by increased emotional and physical mobility, dynamic changes in mood, visual and intellectual sensitivity.

Currently, there is an increasing tendency to increase the workload of young people. The accelerating pace of life requires younger generation more and more strength, the ability to quickly decide and think.

In such conditions, a special place in the system of organizing leisure time for young people is occupied by recreational and health technologies, which contribute to the physical and spiritual rehabilitation of young people, contribute to the introduction to a healthy lifestyle, maximum development of initiative, human independence, stimulate social activity and create optimal conditions for creative self-expression of the individual.

The problem of organizing proper rest and health improvement for young people is the subject of study of many sciences - medicine, sociology, psychology, jurisprudence, pedagogy, social education, socio-cultural activities

Despite a significant number of publications on the problem of “recreation”, “recreational and health activities”, most researchers do not give a clear definition of this concept.

L.A. Akimova, when defining the term “recreation,” notes that this is a specific type of biological social and physical activity, accompanied by the experience of a recreational effect. Recreation as a phenomenon represents different priority areas: rest, leisure, free time, play.

Recreational and health-improving leisure promotes the physical and spiritual rehabilitation of youth, the maximum development of initiative, human independence, relieves physical, mental and intellectual stress, stimulating social activity and creating optimal conditions for creative self-expression of the individual.

Recreational and health activities are activities that have great potential for the manifestation of human activity, depending on age characteristics, interests, physical abilities and individual preferences and is focused on improving the culture of life and creating a healthy lifestyle.

Recreational and health technologies are the organization of recreational, gaming, entertainment, physical education and health activities, a focus on improving lifestyle and improving the culture of life, relying on the active use the latest achievements biology, physiology, psychology, medicine.

T.G. Kiseleva and Yu.D. Dyers classify recreational technologies into two groups. The first group is recreational technologies, which are focused on the transition to the creation of long-term “end-to-end” leisure programs that involve consistent participation of the population in entertainment, games, physical education, ritual-festive and other leisure activities. They include the use of bioenergy methods, rebirthing, shaping, musical healing, etc. in health work; implementation of specific opportunities of musical-meditative and theatrical-health programs, the use of conversational psychotherapy, bibliotherapy, psycho-gymnastics.

The second group consists of technologies for organizing recreation and entertainment. They include the following to this type of technology: the use of traditions of revived folk culture; restoration of old and emergence of new folk holidays, rites and rituals; enrichment of competitive, game, artistic and entertainment leisure programs; individual, group, family tourism.

Thus, recreational and health-improving types of leisure activities include: games, communication, sports, tourism, shows and other group and mass forms of recreation and entertainment.

The most favorable conditions for introducing the younger generation to a healthy lifestyle can be created in the system of social education and socio-cultural institutions that have a wide range of recreational and health services.

Today, the sphere of social recreational and health services, unfortunately, is clearly underestimated.

Consequently, in the modern socio-cultural situation, the organization of recreational and health-improving leisure activities for the younger generation appears as a socially conscious need. Society is interested in effective use free time of people - in general, socio-ecological development and spiritual renewal of all life.

But this is impossible without overcoming existing problems in the field of organizing recreation and recreation for young people. Among them are many problems of a socio-economic nature: the lack of socio-cultural and sports recreation and recreation facilities for teenagers and young people in rural areas, regions and cities; insufficient number of institutions that satisfy the needs of young people in organizing recreation; poor material and technical equipment of institutions that does not meet the level of needs of youth; the content of the work of social and leisure institutions is not always adequate to the social order of youth.

The problem of organizing recreational and health leisure for young people has recently received more and more attention. This is a special type of pedagogical activity of a worker in the socio-cultural sphere, the specificity of which is manifested in its dual nature. On the one hand, in order to organize recreation and entertainment in an interesting way, a high level of organization of the audience is required, for which, with the help of theatrical methods, games, and the skillful use of all types of art, the desired, imaginary world can be created. At the same time, when organizing recreation and entertainment, it is necessary to create a real picture, since the direct involvement of people in action causes strong, varied emotions, conflicts, and a struggle of opinions.

In modern conditions, the organization of recreational and health activities provides special scope for imagination and invention, and involves a broad everyday search for original solutions.

Thus, recreational and health activities have great potential for the manifestation of human activity, depending on age characteristics, interests, physical abilities and individual preferences and are focused on improving the culture of life and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Recreational and health technologies are the organization of recreational, gaming, entertainment, physical culture and health activities, a focus on improving lifestyle and improving the culture of life, relying on the active use of the latest achievements of biology, physiology, psychology, and medicine.

List of sources used:

  1. Social and cultural activities: A short course of lectures to prepare for the state exam / E.I. Grigorieva, scientific. editor.- Tambov: 2007.- 276 p.

Akimova, L.A. Sociology of leisure: Proc. allowance / L.A. Akimova - M.: MGUKI, 2003. – 124 p.

Kiseleva T.G., Krasilnikov Yu.D. Social and cultural activities. Program. M., MGUKI, 2001, p. 103

Gerasimova G. N. Physical culture in the life of youth / G. N. Gerasimova // Soviet pedagogy.- 1990.- No. 3, pp. 24 – 29

Scientists have long found out that for high work efficiency, a person needs regular and proper rest. Without this, one should not expect great labor feats from an employee. But you can also relax in different ways: someone just lies on the couch and watches TV, while others take out their backpack and go hiking. In the latter case, the world's recreational resources, or in other words, resources for recreation and tourism, are of great importance.

What is recreation?

It is believed that the term “recreation” came to us from Latin: recreation - “restoration”. There is such a word in Polish language- recreatja, which means “rest”. It is worth noting that there is still no single and generally accepted scientific definition of this concept in the world.

We can say that recreation is the process of restoring a person’s vital forces (physical, moral and mental), which were spent in the process labor activity. At its core, recreation can be tourist, medical, resort, health, sports, etc. Types are also distinguished according to time frames: short-term, long-term (with or without interruption from work), seasonal. Recreation can also be organized or unorganized (so-called wild recreation).

Basic Concepts

From the definition of the term “recreation” other important concepts can be derived: “tourist and recreational resources” and “recreational activities”. The second term means a special type of economic activity aimed at restoring human strength. Moreover, the word “economic” in combination with the word “activity” suggests the possibility of generating income.

The study of these and some other related concepts is carried out by such sciences as recreational science and recreational geography. Among the scientists of these disciplines one can find geographers, biologists, economists, and psychologists, because they were formed at the intersection of several fields of knowledge. In particular, it studies the features of the distribution of recreational resources and facilities across the territory of our planet, as well as individual countries. Recreational resources of the world and their study are also within the purview of this science. They will be discussed further.

Recreational World Resources

They began to worry scientists and researchers around the middle of the twentieth century. It was then that the first serious scientific developments in this area began to appear.

Recreational resources of the world are a complex of recreational objects (created by nature or man) that are suitable for the development of recreational activities on their basis.

What can be a recreational facility? Yes, anything, as long as the object has a recreational effect. It could be a waterfall, a mountain peak, a sanatorium, a city park, a museum or an old fortress.

The main properties of such resources include:

  • attractiveness;
  • geographical accessibility;
  • significance;
  • potential stock;
  • method of use and others.


The world's recreational resources still do not have a unified classification. Each researcher has his own view on this issue. However, the following types of recreational resources can be distinguished:

  1. Recreational and therapeutic (treatment).
  2. Recreational and health (treatment, health improvement and resort holidays).
  3. Recreational and sports (active recreation and tourism).
  4. Recreational and educational (excursions, cruises and travel).

This classification seems to be the most successful and understandable. Although there are many others, according to which the world's recreational resources are divided into:

  • natural (created by nature);
  • natural-anthropogenic (created by nature and modified by man);
  • historical and cultural (created by man);
  • infrastructure;
  • non-traditional.

Very interesting last group, which combines the resources necessary for the development of unusual or extreme ones. This could be ancient cemeteries, dilapidated castles, underground catacombs, etc.

Recreational and medicinal resources of the world

They are intended to organize, first of all, human treatment. This can be both complex therapy of the whole organism and individual organs and systems.

Recreational and medicinal resources of the world include the following objects:

  • healing mud;
  • mountain resorts;
  • sea ​​coasts;
  • salt lakes, etc.

Recreational and health resources of the world

This group includes all resources on the basis of which treatment can be carried out, as well as the recovery of the body (for example, after major operations). Such resources include resorts and resort areas (sea, alpine, ski, forest, etc.).

Among the most popular resort areas in the world are the following:

  • Hawaiian Islands;
  • Seychelles;
  • Canary Islands;
  • Bali island;
  • island of Cuba;
  • (France);
  • Golden Sands (Bulgaria), etc.

Recreational-sports and recreational-cognitive resources

Majestic mountain systems (Alps, Cordillera, Himalayas, Caucasus, Carpathians) attract a huge number of active tourists and extreme sports enthusiasts. After all, there are all the necessary recreational and sports resources here. You can go to mountain hike or conquer one of the peaks. You can organize an extreme descent down a mountain river or go rock climbing. The mountains have a wide range of diverse recreational resources. There are also a huge number of ski resorts here.

Recreational and educational resources include many different objects: architectural, historical and cultural. These can be fortresses, palace complexes, museums and even entire cities. Thousands of tourists annually visit countries such as France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Austria, Switzerland and others.

The most famous museum in the world is, of course, the Louvre, which houses the richest collections of exhibits. Among them you can see ancient Assyrian bas-reliefs and Egyptian paintings.

Peterhof, located near St. Petersburg, is considered one of the largest and most elegant palace complexes in the world. A large number of tourists go to India to see the miracle of world architecture - or to Egypt to look at the famous Egyptian pyramids with their own eyes, or to Croatia to wander the narrow streets of medieval Dubrovnik.

Recreational and tourism potential of Russia

Russia's recreational resources are very rich and diverse. So, the Black Sea, Azov, Baltic coasts, as well as Mountain Altai have enormous potential for the development of resort tourism and therapeutic recreation.

Historical, cultural and educational recreational resources of Russia are also widely represented. In this regard, such regions of the country as the North-West, North Caucasus, Kaliningrad region, as well as the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kostroma, Tver, Kazan have the greatest potential. In Kamchatka, Sakhalin Island and Lake Baikal, recreation can be successfully developed.


Thus, the world's recreational resources are very diverse and rich. These are ancient cities, amazing architectural structures, high mountains and rushing waterfalls, museums and castles covered in legends.

It requires unimaginable physical and moral dedication from a person. But it still doesn’t work! If the average worker is not given a vacation at least once a year, and is not allowed to have a good rest, then the result of his work will be disastrous. The essence of the concept of “recreational activity” lies in the satisfaction of such needs, which are not alien to each of us.

What it is?

The concept we are considering can have many interpretations. So, recreation most often means:

  • the process of recreating human forces (both physical and psychological) that people expend in the process of their work;
  • improved health and ability to work;
  • pastime during the allotted annual leave;
  • rest after work or school hours and between them, etc.

In other words, this is a set of actions that helps a person stay in an active working state throughout the year. From here it becomes clear that recreational activity directly depends on the availability of time free from work (or other) duties for a person.

A brief excursion into history

The concept of recreation, in fact, was born back in antiquity (V-I centuries, when the first resort towns began to appear on the shores of Greece and Rome. At this time, people associated recreation with health procedures that helped restore health to their bodies, and, accordingly, their healthy spirit. For this, healing mud, thermal springs, sources of healing waters, etc. were most often used. But in the 18th century, recreation acquired the features of activity. The recreational activity of the peoples of those times was, first of all, hunting, and only then. physical activity, in particular: hiking, horse riding, dancing, physical education and all kinds sport games.

But the 20th century, along with technological breakthroughs, brought the inhabitants of our planet not only a mass of non-recyclable garbage, but also unimaginable atmospheric and psychological stress. All this contributed to rapid fatigue and a decrease in the overall motor activity of a person. In such a tense environment, the recreational use of their time has become for people perhaps one of the most important areas of their life. And this is the task not only of each individual person, but also of the state as a whole.


The systematization of types of recreation, due to its complexity, complexity and diversity, is quite diversified. But all varieties of this concept can be divided into four main groups:

  • medical resort;
  • sports and recreation;
  • entertaining;
  • informational and educational.

But you can’t just take it and clearly draw a line between these groups - all types of recreational activities are interconnected, which, in principle, is dictated to all of us by modern living conditions. A person who, for one reason or another, prefers one of these types of recreation, tries in every possible way to spend his free time with maximum benefit, and therefore turns to other ways of spending time available to him. In continuation of the article, we will try to understand the fundamental difference between all of the listed types of recreation.

Medical resort activities

The basis of such recreation is the use of any kind of resources of Mother Nature: climatic conditions, healing sources of water, mud, ozokerites, salts and other natural sources of health. Since such recreation is directly related to medicine, it is considered the most regulated way of spending free time. And all because the conditions for such recreational activities must meet all medical and biological standards. A person who has chosen such useful leisure time for himself must strictly follow the instructions of doctors.

Government regulation

This issue cannot be fully answered without mentioning such a concept as recreational lands. According to the law, these include territories whose purpose is:

  • mass tourism;
  • rest;
  • holding certain sporting events;
  • protection and performance of sanitary and hygienic functions (suburban “green zones”, etc.).

First of all, recreational lands are nothing more than territories under holiday homes, boarding houses, sanatoriums, campsites, tourist centers, children's camps; suburban lands of areas under green spaces; park and forest areas, etc.

These lands are subject to special protection by the authorities, since, occupying a relatively small area of ​​our state, they are the richest source of rehabilitation opportunities for people.

Sports and recreational activities

This kind of tourism is particularly diverse, but the lion’s share of it (up to 80%) is still occupied by recreation by the water. Most modern tourists prefer passive recreation, that is, sunbathing on the beaches and swimming.
In addition to this, there are also more active types: cycling, motorcycle and auto tourism, water, hiking, skiing, horseback riding, complex, etc. Moreover, the purpose of such recreation can be anything: from sports to research.

The most profitable in material terms is one that does not require a person to purchase any expensive equipment or pay for the services of luxury hotels and inns. All you need to do is join a tourist and recreational club or organize one yourself. It is worth noting that this way of spending leisure time is considered the most accessible - even socially vulnerable segments of the population, be it children, old people or the poor, can afford it. In view of this, this kind of tourism is becoming not just a hobby, but a worldwide movement supported by people from all over the world.

Recreational and entertainment system

This concept is quite loose, but basically this type of recreational activity includes all kinds of festivities, games, celebrations, booths, folk theater performances, round dances, etc. In other words, these are all those forms of entertainment that, having been formed in the distant past, still occupy a special place in every person’s life. Although this interpretation fades into the background when we remember all the delights modern life: computers and other neo-technologies, the Internet, huge cultural and entertainment centers, etc. The entertainment sector has become so popular that this area can confidently be classified as a separate sector of the economy.

What is a recreational type?

This type of recreation can be either a separate or a “built-in” element of the above methods of recreation. Think for yourself. This type includes tours to places around the world cultural heritage, for example, an overview of architectural monuments, ancient buildings, excavation sites of ancient civilizations, etc. Agree, such information tourism can be combined with resort or health tourism. The development of this area directly depends on the level of education and culture of the nation, the degree of development of the information space and transport system in the country.

779 RECREATIONAL HEALTH COMPLEX Guidelines for completing a course project for students studying in the specialty 03/07/04 "Urban Planning", specialty 03/07/01 "Architecture" Voronezh 2015 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Voronezh State Architectural and Construction University" RECREATIONAL HEALTH COMPLEX Guidelines for completing a course project for students of the specialty 03/07/04 "Urban Planning", specialty 03/07/01 "Architecture" Voronezh 2015 1 UDC 725.515 (07) BBK 85.11:53.54 i 75 Compiled by Yu.I. Karmazin, L.G. Glazyeva, E.I. Guryev Recreational and health complex: method. instructions for completing a course project for students studying in the specialty 03/07/04 “Urban Planning” and specialty 03/07/01 “Architecture” / Voronezh State Agrarian University; comp.: Yu.I. Karmazin, L.G. Glazyeva, E.I. Guryeva. – Voronezh, 2015. – 40 p. A systematic method, calculations and constituent elements of designing recreation facilities in the natural landscape environment are given. The sequence of implementation of the course project is considered, the goals and objectives of the design are revealed, and the corresponding theoretical provisions are given. Provides reference data necessary to complete the course project and examples of the best coursework on this topic. Intended for students of specialty 03/07/04 “Urban Planning” and specialty 03/07/01 “Architecture”. Table 2. Bibliography: 16 titles. UDC 725.515 (07) BBK 85.11:53.54 i 75 Published by decision of the educational and methodological council of the Voronezh State Agrarian University Reviewer - P.V. Kapustin, Ph.D. architect, prof., head department TYPAP 2 INTRODUCTION The main focus of the formation of professional knowledge in the second year is the environmental approach in the conditions of a natural landscape situation, as well as compositional-plastic and figurative-structural interaction with the natural landscape environment. In this case, the following major tasks must be solved: - mastering the methodology for comprehensive research and analysis of the natural landscape environment, along with the definition of generally accepted aspects of the environment (morphological, physical, compositional), it is necessary to identify such features as the tectonics of the environment, its emotional content and supporting symbolic landmarks; - mastering the methodology for identifying the potential of the environment (functional, compositional-tectonic, emotional and aesthetic); - formulation of an individual program and the main idea of ​​the project based on the task program, analytical data about the environment, the specifics of the designed object and personality; worldview understanding of design tasks; - mastering the basics of such design modeling methods as: modeling the emotional content of the environment, the scenario-composition method, developing schemes of functional pedestrian intensity, identifying the compositional-tectonic potential of the environment, sign-symbolic modeling, impulse-resultative method; - mastery of the concept of a system of compositional-environmental relations and the basics of the system-information method of structural formation; methodology and patterns of formation of the master plan of any planning element, its volumetric-plastic structure, plasticity of greenery landscape design in unity with nature. The recreational and health complex, with its large possible shades of functional content, allows you to reveal the full creative potential of the project and delve into the surprisingly complex and attractive world of fantasy when solving professional problems. 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS When deciding on the design of a recreational and health complex, one should study a chain of factors arranged in the following order: nature – habitat – people. These factors reveal the urgent problem of improving the relationship between an object and external environment and the human body’s need for comfortable rest conditions. Therefore, it is obvious that the requirements for the choice of architectural and planning organization of the site, 3 space-planning, functional and compositional solutions for the development of recreational facilities in the natural environment are increasing. The purpose of developing this project is to solve the architectural, planning and structural organization complex in unity with the natural environment while expressing maximum imagination in the use of a wide palette of compositional and artistic means; create a functionally comfortable, aesthetically expressive and extraordinary recreation environment for people. In this case, the creation of an artificial environment is not so much an end in itself for obtaining expressiveness, but rather the organization of a form of harmonious fusion of man with nature, his departure from the utilitarianism and everyday life of urban stereotypes. The tasks set for the students: a) master the methodology for conducting landscape-topographic and compositional analysis of the site; b) graphically express (model) the objective properties of the site (territory), as well as the potential possibilities in the functional, structural and compositional organization of the environment; c) to master the principles of stage-by-stage design of an object in the environment from the diagram of the functional organization to the solution of the sketch of the structural and volumetric-plastic organization of the object; d) identify compositional interactions between the object and the environment; e) understand the principles of the unity of solution of the architectural and planning structure and the synthetic organization of the object; f) master the concept of the basics of landscape-ecological direction (creation of an integrated recreational environment, ecological zoning, bipolarity of environmental types - the pole of urbanization and the pole of nature); g) determine possible ways of emotional and spiritual content of the object, the idea of ​​the project; h) learn the principles of forming recreational systems. 2. TERRITORY FOR ORGANIZING RECREATION AND TYPES OF RECREATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 2.1. Selection of territory and determination of development boundaries, analysis of the topographic situation and nature of the landscape To organize recreation, it is desirable to have the following favorable conditions: picturesque terrain, alternation of forests and open spaces, the presence of a lake, river or sea bay. However, the absence of some of these factors does not prevent the creation of full-fledged recreation areas of a narrower specialization, for example, the organization of tourist routes on foot or horseback in the summer, and ski routes in the winter. When locating a site for recreational and health complex facilities on a selected territory, an analysis of the topographical 4 situation and an analysis of the nature of the landscape should be carried out. It is necessary to express the natural specificity of the landscape and develop maximum possibilities for adaptation to human needs. At the stage of determining the specifics of the landscape and compositional analysis, it is necessary to identify the tectonics of the site, and subsequently its compositional and tectonic potential. An example is given in Appendix 1,2. The mechanism of these elaborations is presented in detail in the textbook by Yu.I. Karmazin “Structural-system method in architectural design. Environmental approach." The limiting factor may be: restrictions on the territory of recreational activities, namely: the presence of wetlands, inaccessible and unsuitable areas, the degree of urbanization, and agricultural activities. One of the most important results of analyzing the territory and determining the feasibility of using certain areas of it is drawing up a diagram of planning restrictions. This scheme includes areas that are not recommended for development due to their negative condition, or, conversely, as the most valuable, relict ones. When designing recreational facilities or selecting a site, its size, composition, determining the structure and interaction of functional zones, development methods, the opportunity must be provided for the seasonal expansion of institutions in the summer. 2.2. Types of recreational and health institutions The following types of institutions can be distinguished: A. Institutions for recreation and treatment - dispensaries, including: - children's institutions; - institutions for the elderly; - sports and recreation centers; B. Recreation institutions for healthy people: - boarding houses; - holiday homes; - youth recreation camps; B. Recreation institutions for tourists: - tourist centers; - tourist hotels; - tourist shelters*; - campsites**; - motels***; - boats****. sanatoriums, Note. * - for short-term stay of tourists; 5 resorts, ** - for motor tourists with a simplified level of service; *** - for motor tourists with a high level of service; **** - for travelers by water transport. It is recommended to take the standard area of ​​land for recreational facilities in accordance with the data in Table 1 Table 1 Recommended indicators of area per 1 place Type Service mode for institutions In winter In summer Capacity, Norm Capacity, Norm number of places area, number places area, m²/place m²/place Sanatoriums 500 175 500 175 1000 160 1000 160 Holiday homes 500 150 500 150 1000 140 1000 140 Boarding houses 1000 140 1000 140 Holiday camps 250 15 0 for youth 500 135 1000 120 Tourist 300 120 400-500 80 -90 bases 400 120 520-600 80-92.5 500 120 650-750 80-92.5 Tourist 400 85 400 85 hotels 500 85 500 85 Tourist 80 50 80 50 shelters 120 50 120 50 Campings 15 0 170 200 160 Motels 200 170 300 150 Botels* 50 90 100 90 Note.* The area of ​​the boattel territory is given without taking into account the water surface. 3. TYPOLOGICAL BASIS FOR SOLUTION OF THE FUNCTIONAL SCHEME AND ARCHITECTURAL PLANNING ORGANIZATION OF THE COMPLEX On the territory of recreational facilities, a clear functional zoning must be carried out, which is the basis of the entire architectural planning composition and ensures the optimal placement of objects, compliance with the requirements of sanitary, fire safety, building standards and manufacturability conditions. For an example, see fig. P.3. In addition, it most fully ensures the relationship with the natural environment, 6 allows you to maintain an ecological balance between the natural environment and buildings, creates optimal conditions for the influence of climatic factors (temperature, humidity and wind conditions, solar radiation, indoor insolation). Taking into account the specifics of recreational facilities, we can recommend basic functional zoning schemes: concentric, fan, linear, cruciform, multicenter (dispersed), providing the opportunity for promising development territories. In compact structures, vertical zoning is advisable. The spatial-plastic organization of an object and the organization of the process in it can be solved not on the basis of a stereotypical action called functional zoning, but by modeling the scheme of emotional content, modeling the scenario and the scenario-compositional organization of the object. To decide on the chosen scheme for the planning organization of the complex, the composition and ratio of functional zones is recommended to be taken in accordance with the data in Table. 2 Table 2 Recommended composition and ratio of functional zones Name of functional zones Approximate percentage ratio of the sizes of functional zones Residential development zone (seasonal operation) 12 Residential development zone (year-round 10 operation) Public catering zone 4 Administrative and consumer services zone 4 Cultural services zone 7 Functional sports zone and 15 medical services Zone of green spaces and quiet recreation 40 Beach zone 3 Community services zone 5 Total 100 The recreational and health complex represents the quintessence of leisure of the tourist and recreational cluster. The architecture of the complex's buildings is subject to special requirements as an environment of increased comfort and special aesthetic expressiveness. Contemplation of the architecture itself is considered as one of the most significant elements of the recreation system. It is necessary to create an environment that stimulates the physical and spiritual improvement of a person, who during rest should experience not only everyday, but also, first of all, psychological comfort, emotional uplift caused by the environment. 7 The visual impact of the form on a vacationing person is one of the successful conditions for recreation, while compositional solutions should emphasize the difference between the architecture of the tourist infrastructure, in which the individual stays for a short period of time, from the architecture of permanent residence buildings. The structure of the designed facility should include the following groups of zones: reception and lobby, residential, cultural and leisure, consumer services, catering establishments, business activities, administration and operation services, service premises. The spatial structure of the complex should provide a clear separation of functional areas intended for guests of the complex on the one hand, and for service personnel on the other. When designing, it is necessary to exclude the combination and intersection of economic and production routes with routes for visitors. Public buildings must provide access conditions for disabled people using wheelchairs (in accordance with VSN 62-91*). The porches of the main entrances should be equipped with ramps with a slope of no more than 1:12. Porches and ramps with a top height from the ground of more than 0.45 m must have fences. 4. TYPOLOGICAL DIAGRAMS OF STRUCTURAL ORGANIZATION OF A RECREATIONAL HEALTH COMPLEX Depending on the expected scheme of the functional organization of specific urban planning, natural and climatic conditions and the topography of the site, appropriate compositional systems and techniques for developing the territory can be used. The following types of structural planning systems are distinguished: - a centralized system, in which administrative, amenity, residential premises, as well as premises for cultural services and public catering are concentrated in one building; - block system, in which individual buildings for various purposes are interlocked horizontally or vertically, as well as simultaneously in both directions; - pavilion system, in which the main groups of premises are located in separate buildings; - a mixed system, in which various combinations of the systems given above are possible. Each of them has its own positive and negative qualities. As a result, an individual approach should be taken when choosing a development system. 8 4.1. Centralized development system It is advisable to use a centralized development system, as a rule, when designing tourist hotels and motels located in large resort and recreational areas where there is a shortage of territory, as well as when designing small-capacity types of recreational facilities, which allows for the entire functional process to be ensured in low-rise volume of one building. Efficiency centralized system consists in a clearer spatial organization of the territory free from development, an increase in the area of ​​green spaces and quiet recreation, a physical culture and sports area with open flat areas, rational organization of access roads, internal pedestrian connections, and the preservation of the natural landscape. Along with this, the disadvantages of a centralized development system are, as a rule, a low degree of isolation of functional groups of premises, unwanted intersections of human flows inside the building, a forced increase in the number of storeys of the building, which entails a decrease in the number of compositional techniques for fitting the object into the existing landscape. 4.2. Block composition development of sites of recreational institutions Block composition of development of sites of recreational institutions is used more often than a centralized one, since with a reasonable layout of the building it allows, to a certain extent, to avoid the above disadvantages. Blocking a building can be achieved in two ways: - horizontally - by installing pedestrian gateways and steep or open passages; - vertically - by installing elevator shafts, escalators, ramps with transitions along one or more floors. In conditions of complex terrain and relatively harsh climate, blocking buildings vertically makes it possible to combine buildings located at different levels. The block system is typical for the development of territories with significant recreational facilities. 4.3. Pavilion system The pavilion system allows for free development of a site with buildings erected in conditions of difficult terrain, with maximum use of the natural landscape, as well as recreational facilities operated only in the summer. Free construction 9 makes it possible to achieve optimal orientation of individual objects to the cardinal directions, rational use of the relief, and also ensure protection of buildings from unfavorable winds, overheating and other climatic influences. In addition, it is possible to harmoniously fit buildings and structures into the terrain, taking into account the surrounding landscape and other natural factors (sea, mountains, valleys, forests, etc.). The pavilion building system can be recommended for construction in mountainous and rugged areas. 4.4. Mixed system The mixed system is the most universal; it can be recommended for recreational facilities, taking into account all the factors listed above. A mixed system, having universal features, allows you to form the most optimal architectural and planning organization, taking into account a complex of various factors: compositional, functional, environmental, economic, environmental. A mixed system can be formed either according to a pre-conceived plan or gradually, in the process of development of the ROKS. 5. COMPOSITION AND ARCHITECTURAL - PLANNING ORGANIZATION OF THE COMPLEX. ANALYSIS OF TYPICAL ERRORS. INFORMATION SYSTEM. METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT The necessary professional information for solving the composition and architectural and planning organization of a recreational and health complex is data on the system of compositional-environmental relations, data from a block of structural shaping methods, data on the essence properties of the design model. The most important aspects of training include design in the mode of the impulse-resultative method and abstract thinking, the ability to formulate “objective” data about the existing environment and compare them with the subjective vision of the designed, future environment. Specific design methods include: identifying the compositional-tectonic potential of the environment, forming a diagram of the compositional-plastic organization of an object, a diagram of functional-pedestrian tension with its source materials, a scenario-compositional design method, an emotional and meaningful basis for design. A well-designed master plan is a fusion of composition, function, architectural and planning organization, structural image of objects, building materials, emotional content of the entire designed environment. 10 To begin work on the master plan, it is necessary to do the following: analytical data about the environment must be identified, constituting its objective specific characteristics (morphology of the territory, composition of environmental elements, its emotional content, scheme of planning restrictions, tectonics of the environment, compositional-tectonic potential of the environment); deeply and clearly understand the content and significance of the designed object in the environment; should be developed individual program with the composition of objects and main premises; determine the main idea of ​​the project - the scheme of compositional and plastic organization and emotional content of the object; it is necessary to determine the main planning connections, the most interesting visual disclosures (direct and reverse), the compositional hierarchy of environmental elements. Determining the compositional and architectural-planning organization scheme should be preceded by a search for the compositional and tectonic potential of the environment. This is a multivariate search for a possible optimal solution, carried out on the basis of a system of compositional-environmental relations. This design procedure serves several purposes. Firstly, the system of compositional-environmental relations, which represents a scientific generalization of techniques known in world practice for “fitting” an object into the environment, opens up a wide range of possible solutions for students. The system of compositional-environmental relations contains three large blocks: inclusion of an object for subordination with the environment, inclusion of an object for identifying it compositional role, inclusion of the object in the environment in harmonious contrast and the fourth - a combined technique. Each of them contains about a dozen types of techniques. Secondly, variation, worked out on contrasting solutions, will allow, due to the individuality of the author of the project, to take one of them as a basis and subsequently refine it. Thirdly, the version of the compositional-tectonic potential taken as a basis is being finalized into a scheme of the compositional-plastic organization of the complex. When deciding the overall compositional and structural organization of the complex, one should adhere to the rule of bipolar content of the designed environment: one of them is the pole of the urbanized environment, the second is the pole of the natural environment. The first is the main compositional element of all objects of the complex. This may be a dominant structure in the form of a group of residential multi-storey buildings or one relatively tall one, or it may be a leisure center, distinguished by the plasticity and expressiveness of its volume. The combination of objects is built in such a way that all the others are subordinated in planning and composition to the main one - the pole of urbanization. This is clear to all students. The need for the formation of a second pole - the pole of the natural environment - is not entirely clear. People who have had the opportunity to relax among beautiful nature will really enjoy solitude with it for some time. However, then the natural property of a person - to strive for communication - will undoubtedly manifest itself in some beautiful area, from which beautiful distances open up and to which approaches from various functional zones are planned to be drawn together. This includes a pattern that comes from modeling a diagram of functional pedestrian intensity, which is built on the principle of a cartogram of traffic flows of city streets and roads. The routes of planning connections between all objects are determined, then their direction is adjusted based on relief conditions and a number of others. Most often, the compositional center of the ROKS becomes a square or a system of squares near the embankment, near a viewing platform, etc., forming, as it were, a local forum or promenade. Here the problem must be solved with planning, landscaping, small forms of communication regarding large group vacationers, as well as the opportunity to sit quietly, watch and talk together, three, or four. The communication center can be represented by various diagrams. It is not at all necessary that the communication center represent a monocentric structure. It may consist of several subcenters, but among them there must be one largest, functionally the most used. There may also be a linearly solved center, connecting, for example, a cultural and leisure center with the embankment. Communication centers should be a synthesis of landscape design, small architectural forms with a fountain or cascade of water, and flower arrangements. Both poles, urbanized and in the natural environment, can be brought closer to each other, but cannot “absorb” each other in our natural climatic conditions, since a fertile environment contributes to the formation of the functional-structural organization of an object according to the principle of “dissolving” the object in the environment, and in harsh natural and climatic conditions - according to the principle of “the object withdrawing from itself.” An important feature of the architectural and planning organization of the complex is the decision of the “beginning” of the complex, i.e. the moment where vacationers arrive. In the vast majority of student projects, the “entrance” is formed as part of: a road section, a parking lot, an entrance to a building, and an administrative and reception group. The interior of the reception and lobby group is designed as usual, without any special design. The whole thing is defined as a common stereotype. However, it is from the entrance that the author of the project, guided by the “effect of presence”, based on the scenario-composition method, models sequentially, as he moves, section by section, and then, choosing a wide vantage point, evaluates with passion what he has created. 12 Analysis of project practice allows us to identify three types of entrance organization. First type. Its location and solution make it possible to reveal the advantages of the entire ensemble at once, as they say, “in all its glory.” The second type forms a sequential disclosure of one object after another, increasingly exerting an emotional impact on the audience. It is precisely this kind of disclosure that is illustrated in the book by J. Symonds “Landscape and Architecture”. The third type can be conditionally called the “lulling vigilance” technique, when the approaches to the main entrance form a kind of screen of dense greenery or a fence. A person who enters the lobby of the reception and administrative group, the interior of which also does not represent anything interesting, seems to be disappointed in the primitivism of the solution. But suddenly, on some terrace or platform, a magnificent panorama of the ensemble opens up in front of the visitor, delighting him. Thus, already at the entrance and even the approach to it, a scenario for the development of the theme of the formation of a recreational and health complex that organically merges with the natural environment is modeled. There is no doubt that the architectural and planning solution of the recreational and health complex will depend on a number of factors: on its specifics, on the features of the natural environment, on the chosen layout scheme of the main objects of the complex, on the scenario and compositional concept proposed by the author of the project, on the means and techniques that he will be used in the designed complex. Ultimately, it depends on the level of erudition and professionalism of the designer. It is in order to increase the level of solution of the project that a multivariate study of the compositional and tectonic potential of the environment is necessary. The result of this search work should be a diagram of the compositional and plastic organization of the complex, deciphered and developed in the draft general plan. The composition of an architectural planning structure can be built on three fundamental techniques, which allow, within the framework of its interpretation, to identify a wide range of varieties of techniques. The first of them is the construction of a structure based on a planning system, the feasibility of which is most likely in flat areas. However, it can be used both on rough terrain and on relatively complex terrain, reflecting a variant of harmonious contrast. In this case, it is as if a regular layout is superimposed on a picturesque landscape-topographic base. The overlap can be significant at different levels, namely: elements of the regular layout of the building, sites, planning connections can be located above the ground, connecting and intersecting with ground levels as functionally necessary. 13 The second technique is a picturesque architectural and planning structure. Of course, this technique is most suitable for a picturesque area and can be used both to subordinate it to the environment and to identify the compositional role of the object. However, a picturesque structure can also be justified on a flat area in order to harmoniously enrich a monotonous, featureless environment. The third technique is combined, but with priority given to one of them – regular and picturesque. Based on the total area, mass or density of lines and forms, priority can be conditionally determined within 60-90% of the total composition of the complex. And only the remaining 40-10% can complement the main technique, creating harmony and integrity of the structure from shapes and lines that are different in outline. It is this combined technique that allows for a more universal use of the natural environment and reveals the creative potential of the designer’s professionalism. In Fig. Section 4. Possible schemes for the composition of planning structures are given. The degree of dispersion and compactness of the arrangement of objects in the general plan is of significant importance. Based on the bipolar conditions of the formation of an urbanized zone of a natural landscape, in order to maximize the preservation of vegetation and grass cover and include them in the overall architectural and planning organization, not only as background, but also compositionally important elements, especially in homogeneous zones, it is necessary to develop a planning structure taking into account all elements of this environment. When deciding the architectural-planning and volumetric-plastic structure of the complex, one should be guided by the principle of hierarchy of elements of the entire organization: main dominant, secondary dominant, background elements, main emphasis, secondary emphasis, main environmental field. In this case, the leading convoy of the object’s content should be the emotional content of its fragments. 6. FIGURATORY AND ARTISTIC EXPRESSIVENESS OF THE RECREATIONAL AND HEALTH COMPLEX This section of the project is the subsequent and final part of the design of the entire ensemble, the basis of which is laid in the scheme of the compositional and plastic organization of the complex and developed in its architectural and planning organization. A good architectural planning structure should encode not only functional, but also aesthetic concepts. The most significant means of figurative and artistic expressiveness of the complex are: buildings, structures, platforms, paths, small architectural forms, elements of the natural environment and landscape design, elements of engineering means, lighting devices, building materials. And 14 all these elements should work not separately, but in unity and a set of connections among themselves, subordinate to some semantic and emotional outline. When solving structures figuratively, one should be guided by the laws of sign-symbolic modeling, which uses supporting sign landmarks of the environment. Based on the environmental approach, techniques for subordination, for identifying compositional and artistic properties, and for associative expression of form are preferred. Greater expressiveness and originality of the complex can be given by volume structures created on the basis of the structural and technological method of shaping using modular elements or on the basis of installation. A method for identifying national and traditional forms, the use of which contributes to the conservatism of decisions. The planning elaboration of sites and paths should be determined by their role in the general plan of the complex as main, primary and secondary. This should be reflected in their parameters and planning organization, the degree of complexity of the solution, the use of means of art synthesis, and the degree of their interaction with the natural environment. The more active and intense the process of communication takes place, which corresponds to the recreation area, the more important their role is determined, the greater their compositional significance, the more actively the means of synthesis of arts and landscape design are used here, the larger the area of ​​​​decorative coverage, the more expressive and large-scale the small architectural forms (abstract symbolic figures, fountains, water cascades, decorative lanterns, lighting-technical and light-musical installations). Typical shortcomings in the design of paths and platforms are the schematism and primitiveness of their solution, the absence or inexpressiveness of the general planning outline, the helpless, clumsy elaboration of the contour lines of the paths, if they are not rectilinear, i.e. are not drawn on a ruler. The color scheme of artificial elements that form the urban environment plays an important role. It can be laconic, say, built on the contrast of white spots of buildings with a green background of vegetation or with the mirror-blue waters of the water area. An inexpressive, monotonous landscape can be enriched through the use of active polychromy, the color spots in which must be built according to the laws of light-air perspective. With all methods of solving the architectural and artistic expressiveness of ROKS, the natural landscape environment itself and its individual elements should be a priority. The process of formation of an architectural form naturally develops under the influence of various factors: social, functional, technical, aesthetic, psychophysical, temporary, climatic, etc. The degree of influence of these factors and the nature of their relationships in the process of creativity and in the perception of the finished architectural work are determined by the level public consciousness , as well as physiological and psychological patterns of perception. An architectural structure, through its interaction with the environment, its volumetric-spatial solution, forms, expressiveness of proportions, should reveal the nature of the worldview of modern society, its way of life, and embody the iconic ideas of the era. When forming the architectural and artistic appearance of an object, it is necessary to take into account the following conditions: 1. The specifics of the design site itself, natural and climatic conditions, and landscape situation. The qualities of the landscape - relief, water areas, forests, as well as climatic conditions - often determine the overall compositional solution, suggest the nature of buildings, the plasticity of their facades, and the rhythmic structure of details. There are two main methods of incorporating an object into the environment: one of them follows the principles of shape formation objectively inherent in nature, and implies the organic inclusion of objects created by human hands into the natural environment, the other asserts the opposition of these objects to the natural surroundings due to their geometricity, emphasized clarity, rationality. 2. Social and cultural orientation of the activity. The social function organized by an architectural work directly influences the artistic appearance that the building will ultimately acquire. The creation of an artistic appearance occurs in compliance with all established average schemes for constructing objects and standard solutions, combining the rationalism of planning decisions and individuality, the uniqueness of the image. The artistic integrity of the designed object will be achieved through the synthesis of the unique and socially significant. 3. Urban planning situation. When designing in the current urban planning environment, it is necessary to take into account the historically established development trend, the system of urban planning dominants, the existing system of transport and pedestrian connections, 4. Architectural polychrome. Architecture as a spatially organized environment surrounding a person is largely formed by the use of color. Visual architectural form is impossible without the compositional unity of space, volume and color. Elements of architectural form, including color, with appropriate combinations, represent a means of expressing the content of an architectural structure and its aesthetic merits. Connecting volume and space, polychrome acts at the same time as a material and a tool for the formation of an architectural composition. 16 7. METHODS OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN The process of professional training is similar to the upbringing and development of a person: constant caring attention in childhood in order to form a basic understanding of the reality surrounding the child; a decrease in the level of guardianship and an increase in the share of independence in youth; independent activity in mature age ; the return of the older person’s life and professional experience acquired over many years. Thus, the initial stage of professional training should be characterized by students receiving as much information as possible. Gradually, from semester to semester, the ratio of input information and the share of independent creativity should change in favor of the latter, until the training is completed. There is also no doubt that at the same time, the sprouts of talent, the ability to make independent decisions, and the formation of professional skills must constantly appear. Professional information is given to students during elective classes in the architectural and methodological workshop. Based on the above conditions, the organizational and methodological side must have both certain regulatory actions and a significant degree of freedom of action and decision-making. The most appropriate organizational method in the design process may be the impulse-resultative method. The chain of actions of “how to do” and “what to do” in the complex process of designing a ROKS is formed in four stages of architectural design methods. In the thesis statement, the stages of the architectural design methodology include the following types of work: Analytical stage. Collection of information for design and its preliminary processing. The initial impulse for this work is explanatory introductory conversations of the teaching staff about the topic and essence of the upcoming project, orientation to teaching aids and literature, presentation to students of the program - assignments and calendar plan. The first section of the stage is the collection of information, which is differentiated by several groups of data: a) data about the design environment; b) data on the essence of the design object, including socio-ideological, socio-economic aspects, data on the specifics and relationships of processes that can take place in this object, design standards and norms, typological features of the object; c) data on methodology and design methods. The second section of the preparatory stage is the analysis and processing of the information received. The results of generally accepted types of analysis are: 17 morphological, compositional, environmental, functional, geological, hydrogeological analyses, the final document of which can be a diagram of planning restrictions. Inorganic types of analysis are: identifying the tectonics of the relief, a diagram of the emotional content of the environment, identifying the compositional and tectonic potential of the environment, and as a consequence of these types of analysis, the final documents are formed: a diagram of the compositional and plastic organization of the object and a model of the emotional content of the designed environment. The data from the first and second sections of the preparatory stage constitute a block of basic information, presented in a certain systematization. However, not all the information in this block will be needed at the next stage - the stage of creative search, but only that which will be necessary. The degree of necessity, in turn, is determined by the final tasks of the second stage, and the main one is the development of an idea that could be taken as a basis. The content of the sketch - ideas - is a generalized representation of the compositional, plastic and structural organization of an object, the interaction of objects with each other and the environment. However, it should be borne in mind that the degree of generalization must include the coding of a more developed system of data about the object. A typical phenomenon is the student’s inability to manage even extensive analytical material to move to the stage of creative development. To fill this gap, it is necessary to create another transition link, reflected in the individual program. It is in it that the most necessary data about the environment, about the object should be concentrated, but the main thing is the personal, creative understanding of the tasks of the author of the designed object, which is possible only after identifying the compositional and plastic organization of the object. This allows you to avoid piecemeal design, and most importantly, it forms a holistic vision of the tasks of interaction of an object with the environment and the structural and plastic organization of the object itself, which not every practitioner can possess. The quintessence of an individual program could be the idea of ​​a project, which can be presented both in a laconic expression, in the form of a motto, and in the form of a developed statement of the essence of the project. If an individual program selectively focuses the author of the project on a specific sector of work, eliminating unnecessary work, then the main idea of ​​the project runs like a red thread through all stages of architectural design, determining the feasibility of a particular solution. The stage of creative search is the most responsible, the most intense in terms of energy expenditure, the most dramatic and at the same time the most inspired period of the entire design process. Good optimal preparation of analytical material and the availability of the necessary 18 professional information are a necessary condition for the main transition from the preparatory stage to the stage of creative search. At this stage, a sketch-idea is developed that contains a solution to the planning, structural and figurative-artistic organization of the object itself. And this process began with the identification of the compositional and plastic organization of the object, the formation of an individual program and the main idea of ​​the project. The development of a model of emotional expressiveness of the designed object is also a transitional step from the first stage to the second. The traditional methodology at this stage begins, as a rule, with the development of a functional organization scheme, which, as it were, is clothed in some kind of artistic enclosing structures, or, more simply, takes on a materialized form. This technique, on the one hand, leads inexperienced designers to a stereotype of thinking, to the use of well-trodden paths, and, accordingly, to an uninteresting solution. Methodological manuals present various typological functional schemes. The student can take them, transform them at his own discretion and “clothe them” into an architectural and constructive form. Individuality and originality of a design solution can be achieved using a chain of logical, sequential actions. So, the initial basis for active entry into the stage of creative search is the following materials: an individual program with the main idea of ​​the project, the capacious but concise content of which was discussed above; analytical data about the environment, the main of which are data on the organization of the object, the emotional content of the existing environment, the system of supporting symbolic landmarks of the environment. The next step of the project, after a careful analysis of the above data, is the design development, which is based on the “effect of presence” and the dramatic principle of scenario construction of the theme. A scenario for organizing the process taking place in the proposed complex is being written. In this case, as in any dramatic work, some differentiated elements should be highlighted, with the compositional and meaningful role of each of them determined. It is necessary to identify the general strategic meaning of the development of the scenario: the nature of the decision, the location of the main and secondary compositional accents, the degree of gradation between the elements of the scenario. The next step is to design a model of emotional content, taking into account the sensations that should arise in viewers located in a given architectural environment. The “model” is worked out like a master plan on a situational plane, on a diagram of emotional sensations that can influence this viewer. The next step is the development of a unified model of the scenario-compositional organization of the environment, which, unlike the verbal scenario model, is verbal-graphic. It reflects the development of a 19 semantic scenario and at the same time, in an abstract or symbolic form, represents the emotional and compositional content of the object. That is, this model combines the script, composition, and emotional content of the designed environment. The model is presented in the form of symbols, text, the main fundamental elements of the composition are highlighted: background elements, accents, dominants, etc., but this model does not contain any spatial parameters. We can say that this model embodies the familiar functional zoning scheme, but also contains more information than the last one. The next type of work is the identification of zones of functional pedestrian tension, which are the basis for determining: a) planning directions with varying degrees of traffic intensity for vacationers; b) hierarchy of pedestrian paths (main, main, secondary); c) zones of aesthetic richness. The combination of all the above design developments, supplemented by planning standards, serves as the basis for the development of the initial general plan, and then the general plan of the complex being designed. Along with the development of the compositional and plastic organization of the object and the solution of the general plan diagrams, but with a slight delay, the figurative content of the complex is being decided. For an example, see Fig. P.5. - P.8. After approval of the general plan scheme, the solution of the image of the object and all its elements comes into priority. Only after this the master plan of the complex is directly worked out. After varying the working layout, constructing a panorama, perspective or axonometry, adjustments are made to certain elements of the project. After approval of the master plan and volumetric-plastic solutions of the complex, the stage, as the pinnacle of manifestation of the creative impulse, requires fairly stable and daily dedication of the student. Therefore, it is necessary to interrupt the work on the search as little as possible, constantly reflecting on the design of the project. Creative development stage. The ultimate goal of this stage is to develop a preliminary design with the required degree of elaboration on an appropriate scale, with a sufficiently clear architectural and artistic imagery of individual buildings. Hence, the initial stage of the stage is the translation of all elements of the project (general plan, plans, facades) to the scale specified by the task program, which, in turn, is dictated by the conditions of the project’s exposure parameters. The next stage of the stage is the harmonization of the elements of the composition both of the ensemble as a whole and of individual buildings and the clarification of the means of art synthesis used to enhance emotional expressiveness. The criterion for making these or 20 other decisions is the main idea of ​​the project. The final stage of the stage is to work out the details of planning parameters and structures to the required extent. For an example, see fig. P.9.- P.11. With normal material support, all of the above work is carried out on separate places on tracing paper with a preliminary estimate of the optimal scale of the project elements in pencil, so that something can be corrected if necessary. In this case, the exposure needs to be decided on a scale of 1:10 and then 1:1. When searching for exhibitions, it is necessary to find such an arrangement of project elements that would contribute to a greater disclosure of the concept. Mandatory information that facilitates the task of finding the necessary solutions for compositional-plastic and figurative-structural organization are systems of compositional-environmental relations, a block of structural formation methods, some fundamental principles of design modeling, patterns of expressing emotions through the plasticity of lines and shapes. Approval of the sketch by teachers means the end of the creative development stage. The final stage is the design of the project and summing up. Currently, this work must be done on tablets in computer graphics. At this stage, the following must be decided: a) the choice of graphic means and techniques to complete the exhibition of the project; b) clarification, adjustment of the presentation composition due to the mass or color of the spots of the project elements; c) selection of font for writing the name of the project, explication and size designations; d) development of planning and structural elements of the project; e) complete completion of the graphic part of the project; f) project protection; g) discussion of the project; h) modification, if necessary, of local elements of the project; i) summing up. A student’s awareness of the stages of architectural design methodology allows him not only to professionally and consistently carry out design procedures, but also to know in what range of work he is, what else needs to be done, how to rationally use his strength and time. 21 8. COMPOSITION OF THE PROJECT “Recreational and health complex” Graphic part: 1. Situational diagram 2. Scheme of landscape and urban planning analysis of the design site 3. Schemes of zoning, transport and pedestrian organization 4. General plan of the complex M 1:1000, 1:2000 5 Panorama of the complex 6. 3-D complex 7. General plan of the site M 1:500, 1:1000 8. Main technical and economic indicators: 8.1. Capacity – 8.2 seats. The territory of the site is 8..3 hectares. Construction area - m² Text part: - Abstract with illustrations of the most interesting examples, as well as the main conclusions characterizing modern trends in the project topic. - Explanatory note, including the following sections: 1. Introduction 2. Natural and climatic conditions 3. Architectural and planning solutions of the complex 4. General plan of the site 5. Technical and economic indicators 6. Bibliographic list Methodological complex: 1. Clauses No. 1, 2, 3 2. Sketches of the project 3. Sketches of the exhibition Project submission form 1. Subframe 100x100 cm 2. Photocopy of the project and a copy of the explanatory note in dwg format on a disk or flash drive. 3. A copy of the project in A3 format on photographic paper 22 9. SCHEDULE OF WORK Week “Recreational and health complex” Name of stage 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Contents of classes 4 Issue of assignment. Introductory lecture. Familiarization with the design site. 1 Landscape and urban planning analysis of the site. Analytical Clause No. 1 “Tectonics of relief and compositional stage potential” Balance of the territory of the design site. Development of an individual program. Construction of a model of functional relationships. Options for functional zoning Clause No. 2 “Options for functional planning and architectural-spatial organization” 2 Creative stage Evaluation and discussion of the clause. Selecting a solution option. search Work on a sketch idea for the complex. Clause No. 3 “Architectural and artistic solution. Scenario perception of an object.” Cathedral viewing. Development of a sketch project. Implementation of the master plan of the complex. Stage 3 creative execution panoramas of the complex and individual modifications of fragments. Approval of the project sketch. Approval of the exposition 4 Graphic design of the project Design of the project Execution of the explanatory note Presentation and defense of the project 5 Summary Delivery and evaluation of the project. Discussion of the results of the design results 23 REFERENCES 1. SP 42.13330.2011. Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements . Updated edition of SNiP 2.07.01.-89*. 2. SP 118.13330.2012 Public buildings and structures. Updated version of SNiP 06/31/2009. 3. SNiP 2.01.07-85. Maps of zoning of the territory of the USSR according to climatic characteristics. 4. SNiP 23-01-99. Construction climatology. 5. SanPiN 2.2.1/ Hygienic requirements for insolation and sun protection of residential and public buildings and territories. 6. Ikonnikov, A.V. Architecture and urban planning: Encyclopedia / A.V. Ikonnikov. – M.: Stroyizdat, 2001. – 688 p. 7. Gelfond, A.L. Architectural design of public buildings and structures: Textbook. allowance / A.L. Gelfond. – M.: Architecture - S. - 2007. 8. Zmeul, S.G. Architectural typology of buildings and structures: Textbook. for universities / S.G. Zmeul, B.A. Makhanko. - M: Stroyizdat, 2001. – 240 p. 9. Karmazin, Yu.I. Methodological foundations and principles of design modeling / Yu.I. Karmazin. – Voronezh: VGASU, 2006. – 180 p. 10. Architectural physics: Textbook. for universities. – M.: “Architecture S”, 2007. – 448 p. 11. Stepanov, A.V. Volume-spatial composition: Textbook. for universities / A.V. Stepanov. – M.: Publishing house “Architecture-S”, 2003. – 256 p. 12. Karmazin, Yu. I. Structural-system method in architectural design. Environmental approach: Proc. allowance / Yu. I. Karmazin. - Voronezh. engineer-builder ins., 1993. – 32 p. 13. Yargina, Z.N. Fundamentals of the theory of urban planning / Z.N. Yargina, Ya.V. Kositsky, V.V. Vladimirov, A.E. Gutnov, E.M. Mikulina, V.A. Sosnovsky. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1986. – 326 p. 14. Kruglyak, V.V. Landscape architecture and gardening construction of sanatorium and resort parks in the Voronezh region / V.V. Kruglyak, E.I. Guryev. – Voronezh: VSU Publishing House, 2010. – 156 p. : 4 departments l. ill. 15.Barkhin, B.G. Methodology of architectural design / B.G. Barkhin. -M.: Stroyizdat, 1982.- 324 p. 16. Symonds, J. Landscape and architecture: Trans. from English / J. Symonds, M., 1965.- 87 p. 24 Appendix 1 Recommended composition of premises and their area in accordance with standards* SNiP II-71-79 Part II. Design standards Chapter 71. Health and recreation facilities 1. General guidelines 1.1. The complex of rest houses and boarding houses is created taking into account the centralization of premises for cultural purposes, reception and lobby, service, and utility rooms. 1.2. Recreation institutions should be designed with the number of places: - Holiday homes, boarding houses - 500-1000 - Recreation centers, youth recreation camps - 250-1000 - Tourist bases - 500-1000 2. Master plans 2. 6. The distance between buildings and structures must be at least: - from sleeping buildings to open cinema areas, dance floors and sports facilities - 50 m - from sleeping buildings (tents) to open parking areas: Up to 30 places - 50 m Over 30 up to 100 places - 75 m Over 100 places - 100 m - between the longitudinal sides of two dormitory buildings - two heights of the tallest building - between the ends of two dormitory buildings that do not have windows from the dormitory buildings - 10 m (fire gap) - between dormitory buildings (tents) ) - 2.5 m - from the sleeping buildings (tents) to the border of the land plot of the recreation facility, running along the streets of the resorts - 30 m - not running along the streets of the resorts - 10 m 2.10. In addition to the main entrance, an additional utility entrance to the site should be provided. 2.11. Beach area - 5m2 per 1 place, number of places - 80% of capacity. Note * for the design of a recreational and health complex 25 2.12. Open parking lots - 1 parking space for 10 vacationers, area for 1 car - 25 m2, for short-term parking for 3 cars. 3. Space-planning and design solutions 3.1. The number of floors of recreational facilities should be no higher than 9 floors (according to modern requirements, the number of floors is not limited, it is designed according to the design specifications). 3.3 Rooms in which noise, vibration, and unpleasant odors are possible (boiler rooms with pumping units, refrigerated chambers with machine rooms, ventilation chambers, dining halls and industrial premises of the canteen, repair shops, etc.) are not allowed to be placed adjacent, as well as above and below bedrooms. 3.4. The width of the corridors is at least 1.25 m with a corridor length of up to 10 m; 1.5 m for corridors longer than 10 m. The width of the corridors in sleeping areas with summer operation is at least 1.6 m; with year-round – no less than 1.8 m. 3.5. The width of the bedrooms is at least 2.4 m (according to modern requirements - 3 m); and the depth should not exceed their double width and no more than 6 m. 3.8. Composition and area of ​​the reception and lobby group: 1. Lobby with a registration desk, premises for duty personnel: - 0.5 m2 for 1 place in rest homes, boarding houses; 2. The same - 0.7 m2 per 1 place in tourist centers. 3. Dressing room according to SNiP public buildings. 4. Hairdressing salon - 36-61m2 5. Post office premises - 18m2 6. Reception point for shoe repair and dry cleaning - 12m2 7. Instructor's room (in tourist centers) - 14m2 8. First aid post: doctor's office - 12m2; procedural - 14m2 9. Insulator: front - 4m2; chambers - 9-12m2; pantry - 6-8m2; bathroom -6m2 10. Luggage storage - 0.05m2 for 1 place 3.9. The number of beds in bedrooms should be: - in holiday homes - 1-2 - in holiday homes for families, boarding houses, tourist centers and recreation centers - 1-3 - in youth holiday camps - 2-4 3.10. The number of bedrooms of various capacities is established by the design assignment; should provide: - no more than single rooms in holiday homes, boarding houses - 20% 26 - the same in tourist centers, recreation centers - 10% - double rooms in boarding houses, tourist centers, recreation centers and youth recreation camps - 70% 3.11. Bathrooms are provided in the bedrooms. The entrance to the bathroom is provided through the front room, at least 1.05 m wide; in the front room there is a built-in closet 0.55 m deep. 3.12. Composition and area of ​​sleeping quarters in holiday homes, boarding houses, tourist centers, recreation centers, youth holiday camps: 1. Single bedroom - 9m2 (according to modern requirements 18-20m2) 2. Bedrooms for 2 or more beds: - 6m2 per bed (according to modern requirements 9-10 m2) 3. Living room - 0.6 m2 for 1 person 4. Bathroom in the bedrooms excluding the front room - no more than 3.5 m2 (according to modern requirements - 5 m2) 5. Bathroom in the absence of a bathroom in the bedrooms: - restrooms for men and women with a washbasin in the airlock - at the rate of 2 toilets and 2 urinals for men and 3 toilets for women for every 50 seats; at the rate of 2 washbasins for men and 4 washbasins for women for every 50 seats; - showers with changing rooms (closed cabins 1.8×0.9 m) - 1 cabin for 20 seats; - laundry room with drying cabinets - 5 m2 for every 100 places; 6. Bathrooms for staff - at the rate of 1 toilet and 1 washbasin for every 50 seats; 7. Staff room – 10 m2 for every 100 seats; 8. Ironing and cleaning room – 6 m2 for every 100 seats; 9. Utility room – 3 m2 for every 100 seats. 3.19. Dining rooms of holiday homes, boarding houses, and tourist centers should be designed with waiters serving 100% of vacationers in one shift. For other recreational facilities, self-service and dining room capacity for 50% of vacationers are provided. 3.20. The maximum capacity of the canteen is no more than 1000 seats; in pioneer camps there are no more than 200-250 seats. 3.21. For canteens in separate buildings, a lobby with a wardrobe is provided at the rate of 0.2 m2 per seat. 3.24. Composition and area of ​​premises in holiday homes, boarding houses, tourist centers, recreation centers, youth holiday camps: 27 1. Dining room - 1.4-1.8 m2 per seat; 2. Dispensing room - 20 - 40m2; 3. Dining room of summer bases - 1.8 m2 per seat; 4. Bar - buffet with utility room - 36-66m2; 5. Premises for waiters - 6-8m2; 6. Cold shop - 12-18m2; 7. Hot shop - 75-125m2; 8. Pantry - 8-10m2; 9. Room for cutting and storing bread - 8-12m2; 10. Meat shop - 20m2; 11. Fish shop - 20m2; 12. Vegetable shop - 18-30m2; 13. Primary egg processing workshop - 6-8m2; 14. Poultry workshop - 6-8m2; 15. Room of the production manager - 6-8m2; 16. Tableware washing room - 10-16m2; 17. Serving room - 10-16m2; 18. Kitchen utensil washing area - 10-16m2; 19. Flour products workshop - 16-24m2; 20. Diet nurse's room - 8m2; 21. Refrigerated chambers for storing: a) dairy products, fats and gastronomy - 10-12m2; b) fruits, berries, drinks - 6-9m2; c) meat and fish - 10-14m2; d) food waste - 4-6m2; 22. Dry food pantry - 12-14m2; 23. Pantry of vegetables, pickles and pickles - 14-24m2; 24. Pantry for daily supplies - 6-8m2; 25. Loading room - 16-24m2; 26. Pantry and washing containers - 10-14m2; 27. Staff premises - 8-13m2; 28. Storekeeper's room - 5m2; 29. Dressing room for staff - 24-56m2; 30. Showers, latrines and personal hygiene rooms for women - 12-20m2; 31. Inventory storage room - 8-15m2; 32. Linen room for clean linen - 6-9m2; 33. Linen for dirty laundry- 4-8m2; 34. Restrooms for visitors - based on 1 toilet, 1 urinal and 1 washbasin for men; 2 toilets and 1 washbasin for women. 3.30. When designing premises for cultural purposes, the standards stipulated by the chapter of SNiP for the design of 28 clubs should be followed, while the estimated number of seats in the auditoriums of recreation institutions, with the exception of pioneer camps, should be taken: in institutions with 250-500 seats - 70, in institutions for 1000 places - 60, for 2000 places - 35, 3000-7000 places - 30% of the total number of vacationers. 3.31. The composition and area of ​​cultural premises in holiday homes, boarding houses, tourist centers, recreation centers, youth recreation camps: 1. Auditorium - 0.65 m2 for 1 seat in the hall; 2. Foyer (Dance hall) - 210-360m2; 3. Stage - 54-84m2; 4. Warehouse for decorations and props - 8-13m2; 5. Cinema room - 27m2; 6. Radio center - 10m2; 7. Furniture storage room for the foyer - 10m2; 8. Pantry at the auditorium - 0.05 m2 per 1 seat in the auditorium; 9. Fire station room - 10m2; 10. Restroom for participants in variety shows - based on 1 toilet and 1 washbasin; 11. Library - 58-68m2; 12. Living room - 40-50m2; 13. Methodological room - 70-120m2; 14. Cultural room mass worker- 10-16m2; 15. Billiard room - 36-72m2; 16. Room for playing table tennis - 36-72m2; 17. Club rooms - 54-56m2; 18. Film and photo laboratory - 10m2. 3.34. For complexes of holiday homes and boarding houses, depending on local conditions, it is allowed to provide indoor and outdoor swimming pools with a water surface area of ​​0.5 m2 per vacationer but not more than 1000 m2, as well as Sport halls measuring 12x24 m or 15x30 m. For holiday homes, a pool with an area of ​​no more than 275 m2. 3.43. Composition and area of ​​service and utility premises in rest homes, boarding houses, tourist centers, recreation centers, youth recreation camps: Service 1. Director's office -2 4 m2; 2. Accounting rooms, cash desk, office, archive - 44-64m2; 3. Rooms of public organizations - 12-16m2; 4. Room for technical staff on duty - 12-18m2; Household 5. Storeroom for clean linen - 0.06 m2 per place; 29 6. Pantry for dirty linen - 0.02 m2 per place; 7. Room for drying clothes and shoes in camp sites - 0.05 m2 per place; Household 8. Repair shop - 40-60m2; 9. Storeroom for sports equipment - 30-36m2; 10. Warehouses (food and material) - 70-100m2. 3.47 The amount of laundry per day to be washed is 0.5 kg per 1 place. Composition and number of playgrounds for games, physical education and sports in holiday homes, boarding houses, tourist centers, recreation centers, youth recreation camps: for 500 places for 1000 places 1. Volleyball court 2 3 2. Basketball court 1 1 4. Gymnastics court 1 2 5. Table tennis court 2 4 (for 2 tables) 6. Croquet court 1 7. Playground for playing small towns 1 2 8. Badminton court 3 4 Beach areas, solarium and aerarium Therapeutic beach - 1 place - 5 m2; Solarium - 1 place - 4.5 m2; Aerarium - 1 place - 3.5 m2. The number of places on the beach is accepted for 35-40% of vacationers. 30 Appendix 2 Fig. P.2.1. Relief topography and its compositional analysis Fig. P.2.2. Relief tectonics is plastic, picturesque, fluid with individual dominant areas (hilltops and accents, islands) 31 Appendix 3 Fig. P.3. Architectural, planning and functional-spatial structure of the complex 32 Appendix 4 Fig. P.4. Schematic diagrams of the functional zoning of the complex 33 Appendix 5 Fig. Section 5.1. Search for the architectural organization of an object based on the tectonic patterns of the var. 1 Fig. Section 5.2. Search for the architectural organization of an object based on the tectonic patterns of the var. 2 Fig. Section 5.3. Search for the architectural organization of an object based on the tectonic patterns of the var. 3 Fig. Section 5.4. Search for architectural organization of an object based on tectonic patterns var..4 34 Appendix 6 a b Fig. P.6. Clarification of solutions: a – option 1, b – option 2 35 Appendix 7 Fig. P.7. Clarification of solutions for option 3 36 37 Appendix 8 Fig. P.8. Sketch of the appearance of the object according to option 3 CONTENTS Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS………………………………………………………. 2. TERRITORY FOR ORGANIZING RECREATION AND TYPES OF RECREATIONAL INSTITUTIONS…………………………………………………………… 2.1. Selection of territory and determination of development boundaries, analysis of the topographic situation and the nature of the landscape………………….. 2.2. Types of recreational and health institutions………………. 3. TYPOLOGICAL BASES FOR SOLUTION OF THE FUNCTIONAL SCHEME AND ARCHITECTURAL - PLANNING ORGANIZATION OF THE COMPLEX……………………………………………………….. 4. TYPOLOGICAL DIAGRAMS FOR THE STRUCTURAL ORGANIZATION OF THE RECREATIONAL AND HEALTH COMPLEX ……………. 4.1. Central development system…………………………………….. 4.2. Block composition of development of areas of recreational facilities..... 4.3. Pavilion system…………………………………………………………… 4.4. Mixed system…………………………………………………….. 5. COMPOSITION AND ARCHITECTURAL AND PLANNING ORGANIZATION OF THE COMPLEX. ANALYSIS OF TYPICAL ERRORS. INFORMATION SYSTEM. METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT……………………………………………………. 6. FIGURATORY AND ARTISTIC EXPRESSIVENESS OF THE RECREATIONAL AND HEALTH COMPLEX……………… 7. METHODS OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN……………… 8. COMPOSITION OF THE PROJECT………………………………………………… ………… 9. WORK SCHEDULE………………………………………….. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST…………………………………………………… Appendix 1. Recommended composition premises and their area in accordance with standards……………………………………………………….. Appendix 2.1. Topography, relief and its compositional analysis……………………………………………………………………………….. Appendix 2.2. Relief tectonics is plastic, picturesque, fluid with individual dominant areas (hilltops and accents, islands)……………………………………………………………………………………….. Appendix 3. Architectural, planning and functional-spatial structure of the complex…………….................................... .......... Appendix 4. Schematic diagrams of the functional zoning of the complex……………………………………………………………………………………………… Appendix 5.1. Search for the architectural organization of an object based on the tectonic patterns of the var. 1……………………………………………………… Appendix 5.2. Search for the architectural organization of an object based on the tectonic patterns of the var. 2……………………………………………………… 38 3 3 4 4 5 6 8 9 9 9 10 10 14 17 22 23 24 25 31 31 32 33 34 34 Appendix 5.3. Search for the architectural organization of an object based on the tectonic patterns of the var. 3………………………………………… Appendix 5.4 Search for architectural organization of an object based on tectonic patterns var. 4…………………………………………………………… Appendix 6. Clarification of solutions – options 1.2………………………… Appendix 7. Clarification of solutions of option 3……………………… ... Appendix 8. Sketch of the appearance of the object according to option 3……………. . 34 34 35 36 37 RECREATIONAL HEALTH COMPLEX Guidelines for completing a course project for students of the specialty 03/07/04 “Urban Planning”, specialty 03/07/01 “Architecture” Compiled by: Yu.I. Karmazin, L.G. Glazyeva, E.I. Guryeva Signed for publication on July 10, 2015. Format 60x84 1/16. Academic publication l.2.5. Condition-bake l. 2.6. Writing paper. Circulation 120 copies. Order No.___________ ______________________________________________________________ Printed by: department of operational printing of the publishing house of educational literature and teaching aids of the Voronezh State Agrarian University 394006 Voronezh, st. 20th anniversary of October, 84 39

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Recreational activity

1. Recreational activities. Structure

The structure of human activity in free time is no less complex than in working time. Rather, even more complex, since in work time technology and production organization severely limit freedom of choice in human activity. In his free time, he has greater freedom to subconsciously or consciously choose the method of recuperation. Two main functions of free time can be distinguished: 1) the function of restoring a person’s strength, absorbed by the sphere of work and other immutable activities, and 2) the function of spiritual (cultural, ideological, aesthetic) and physical development. Restorative functions (psycho-physiological) include: nutrition, sleep, movement.

They perform the functions of simple restoration of psycho-physiological parameters. Development functions (spiritual and intellectual) include: healing, cognition, communication.

Types of recreational activities have a certain number of ways of implementation, called recreational activities. Among the totality of activities performed in the process of recreational activities, one can distinguish recreational activities themselves (swimming, walking, picking mushrooms and berries, visiting monuments and museums, etc.) in contrast to satisfying everyday physiologically necessary needs (sleep, nutrition).

2. Typology of recreational activities

Recreational activities themselves can be divided into two groups, combining four main types of activities.

1.Recovery group: a) recreational and therapeutic activities; b) recreational and health activities,

2. Development group: a) recreational and sports activities; b) recreational and educational activities.

Recreational-therapeutic activities are a system of activities strictly determined by the methods of sanatorium-resort treatment: climatotherapy, balneotherapy and mud therapy. The type of recreational and health activities is much more diverse. This includes walking, swimming, sun and air baths, games, passive rest, mushroom picking, etc.

Recreational and sports activities are aimed primarily at developing a person’s physical strength. This includes sports games, sailing and motor water sports, skiing, long walks, and climbing mountain peaks. Recreational and educational activities are designed to spiritually develop a person. This group includes, for example, inspection of cultural monuments, familiarization with natural phenomena and so on.

Many types of recreational activities are combined in a real situation. For example, walking in new places serves the function of movement and cognition. A recreationist can consciously combine recreational activities for a certain period of time. Obviously, the more combinations, the more efficient the recreational activity, since more recreational needs are satisfied per unit time. A stable combination of repeated recreational activities over a certain period of time is called a cycle of recreational activities.

It is known that one of the conditions for the existence of living systems is the rhythmicity of biological processes inherent in living matter. Circadian (circadian) rhythms are the basic biological rhythm, an integral property of living systems and form the basis of their organization. Therefore, the daily cycle of recreational activity, as a certain combination of complexes of simultaneous activities or activities performed over short periods of time, can be considered as a primary cell. Daily cycles can be repeated many times over a certain long period of time. We can distinguish holiday cycles, life cycles, cycles characteristic of a certain age gradation (childhood, adolescence, maturity, etc.).

Life cycles of recreational activity are manifested in the alternation of types and forms of recreation, geographical areas, etc. Cycles of recreational activity can also be distinguished by their social function and technology; therapeutic, health, sports and educational.

The diversity, combination and cyclical nature of recreational activities are directly related to the properties of recreational areas and their organization. The diversity of activities should correspond to the diversity of recreational resources, both natural and cultural-historical. Combination and cycling are also possible if there are a variety of resources in a certain territory.

In regional planning, the functional diversity of a recreational area (selection of natural complexes, selection and placement of engineering structures, etc.) is achieved based on the recreational time budget, i.e., indicating the set and duration of activities. The cycles of amateur recreation have been poorly studied.

The manifestation of the properties of recreational cycles at the global and macroterritorial levels can be regarded as a task of the territorial organization of the recreational industry as a whole, i.e., as ensuring a variety of supply.

It is necessary to note two main trends in the evolution of recreational activities, reflecting changes in the structure of recreational needs. The first trend is manifested in an increase in the relative importance of recreational health, sports and educational activities, on the one hand, and in a relative decrease in therapeutic ones with an absolute increase in all types of activities, on the other. Particularly noticeable is the growing trend in the popularity of recreational types associated with the use of natural (untransformed or slightly transformed) landscapes. The second trend is the emergence of new, or rather, previously unpractised recreational activities.

3. Classification of recreational activities

In the scientific literature there are various classifications and groupings of recreational activities. Most often they are based on: the purpose of travel, the nature of the organization, legal status, duration of travel and stay in certain place recreation, seasonality, nature of the recreation's movement, his age, activities: swimming, sunbathing, walking along the shore, playing ball on the beach, water skiing.

Walking and fishing recreation - includes activities such as walking in the open air, viewing landscapes, collecting mushrooms and berries, sea shellfish, corals and other gifts of nature. Route tourism is often identified with tourism in general. It can be sports, or it can be amateur, i.e. simply recreational in nature. Based on the nature of the obstacles to be overcome, it is most often divided into flat and mountain. This type of recreation is based on a person’s desire to overcome natural obstacles, confront nature, and get closer to it. Route tourism is closely related to educational local history tourism and the patriotic youth movement. Depending on the nature of the methods used, it can be pedestrian, motorized, etc. The radius of its action is also different: local (in the vicinity), republican, all-Union.

Water tourism, both recreational and sports, has received great development. These types include motorboating, waterskiing, canoeing, sailing, etc. Typically, these types of tourism are combined with. bathing and beach tourism in recreational centers, dynamically growing on the shores of seas, lakes and rivers. Underwater sports tourism for the purpose of photo hunting and underwater hunting of sea animals is becoming increasingly popular. Underwater sports tourism includes not only elements of sports, but also elements of educational interest. For example, archaeological underwater tourism, developed in Mediterranean countries, where tourists are attracted by the ruins of ancient port cities under water, has an educational aspect. There are great prospects for underwater tourism in tropical countries on coral reefs. Fishing tourism is well known. Hunting tourism. Hunting is associated with travel and pursues like main goal rest in nature, not material enrichment. Such types of tourism as photo and film hunting belong to the educational form of tourism. Hunting tourism is increasingly regulated in connection with wildlife conservation issues. It is also one of the most expensive types of foreign tourism. Safaris in Africa are especially expensive. Rich foreigners are interested in hunting areas in Africa, Asia, the USA, Canada, Europe and Australia. Most of the hunter-tourists in these countries come from densely populated countries with impoverished hunting grounds: from France, Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Great Britain, USA. Hunting tourism as a source of earning foreign currency is being actively developed in the Russian Federation.

Ski tourism in last years is developing rapidly. Specialized ski resorts with a developed service system are being created.

Mountaineering is also becoming more widespread. All purely recreational and sports activities place high and fairly unambiguous demands on natural-territorial complexes. This is reflected in sports standards that determine the type and number of obstacles to be overcome, the characteristics of the routes, etc. Cognitive recreation. Cognitive aspects are inherent in a significant part of recreational activities. However, purely educational recreational activities associated with information “consumption” are highlighted. cultural values, i.e., with an examination of cultural and historical monuments, architectural ensembles, as well as familiarization with new areas, countries, with their ethnography, folklore, natural phenomena and economic objects.

For example, a natural object of educational tourism in the Russian Federation is the Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka. One of the educational types of recreational activities is animal observation. Thus, in world practice there is a precedent for using a seal rookery as a spectacle for tourists. There are 10 fur seal rookeries on St. Paul Island (Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea, USA). One of them has a gallery and observation tower for tourists. Tourists take away photographs and films about the life of the seal rookery.

Domestic educational tourism has great educational significance in the formation of patriotism, especially among young people. Cognitive motives for migration recreation are in direct connection with the cultural level of the population, as well as with the goals of the recreational industry. Congress tourism, exhibitions, fairs, sports competitions, festivals and pilgrimages to “holy places” occupy a unique place in international and domestic tourism. These events generate quite significant tourist flows.

Congress tourism is associated with the expansion of international scientific and technical contacts between specialists and scientists. Now the number of international congresses has exceeded 3 thousand, and the number of participants reaches 3-4 million people. Expenses of congress participants account for 5-6% of the total proceeds from international tourism. Foreign exchange earnings from each congress participant are 2-3 times more than from an ordinary tourist, which is why many countries are interested in developing active congress tourism. The division of free time depending on the nature of its use into daily, weekly and annual is important from a methodological point of view, as it serves as the basis for studying the structure of rest and the use of free time for recreational purposes. Free time differentiated in this way allows us to consider recreational activities according to frequency and territorial basis. The use of daily free time and everyday recreation are directly related to housing and the urban environment and their spatial organization. Weekly recreation depends on the location of suburban recreational facilities. The use of annual free time is associated with the placement of resort-type recreational facilities.

Based on the nature of the organization, recreation is divided into regulated (or planned) and amateur. Regulated, or, as it is more often called, planned recreation, is a journey and interruption according to precise, pre-announced regulations. Recreators are provided with a range of services upon purchasing a voucher for a certain period in advance (vacationers in sanatoriums, holiday homes and tourist centers). If only part of the services is provided to residents, then such service will be partial. Independent unorganized recreation means the independent travel of a recreationist who is not bound by any mutual obligations with recreational enterprises. It is this type of recreation that represents the most acute problem at this stage in the tourism industry. Thus, during the seasonal peak in the Black Sea region, the share of unorganized recreationists accounts for about 50-75% of the total number of tourists, which creates particular tension in the functioning of transport and the service sector.

Depending on the number of participants, individual and group tourism are distinguished. By individual we mean the journey of not only one person, but also a family.

For the purposes of regional planning, such an indicator as density is of great importance. social contacts, expressed by the number of recreants per unit area. The desire for maximum solitude can be called “centrifugality”, and for maximum contacts - “centripetalism”. Naturally, the territorial organization of centrifugal forms of recreation will differ significantly from the territorial organization of centripetal forms of recreation. In the first case, the dispersion of the service sector, low density of the transport network, and extensive use of recreational resources will be characteristic. The microenvironment of centripetal types of recreation is approaching urbanized forms of recreation. Taking into account the well-known inconsistency of an individual, the zoning of resorts should combine quiet zones with a minimum of contacts and zones with a maximum of contacts.

Based on mobility, tourism is divided into stationary and nomadic. This is a rather arbitrary division, since tourism, firstly, is necessarily associated with movement from a place of residence to a place of vacation, and, secondly, tourists, even in so-called vacation spots, are distinguished by great mobility. When highlighting stationary tourism, it is emphasized that in this case the travel is carried out for the sake of staying at a specific resort. Stationary forms of tourism include medical tourism and certain types of health and sports tourism.

Nomadic tourism involves constant movement and change of location. Here the stay is of a subordinate nature. With the growth of the technical capabilities of “deport,” the tendency towards nomadic tourism and the tourist’s tendency to “consume space” are intensifying.

Changes in the degree of mobility of recreational activities are reflected in the geography of the material and technical base of tourism. The growth of mobility, especially the growth of autotourists, strengthens the linear-nodal principle of the territorial organization of tourism. The material and technical base of tourism is increasingly gravitating towards roads. As a result of the growth of individual vehicles, the time spent by tourists in several places increases due to the reduction of stay in one place. The recreational sector is developing in breadth along with a simultaneous deepening of the territorial division of labor in the recreational industry.

The degree of mobility is reflected in approaches to the study of tourism, in particular to the assessment of recreational resources. For example, the assessment of landscape diversity along highways will differ from the assessment of landscapes for pedestrian and, especially, stationary tourism. It is clear that the frequency of landscape changes for walking tourism should be greater than for auto tourism.

Many types of recreation are seasonal for both natural and socio-economic reasons. Seasonality gives rise to many social and economic problems. First of all, seasonality reduces the profitability of operating recreational infrastructure, creates “peaks” and “troughs” in the employment of labor resources and the load on the service sector and transport. Thus, employment in coastal recreational areas in the winter months decreases by 3-4 times compared to July-August. Most people tend to relax in the summer, during the sunny period. The sun, therefore, is the most significant objective factor of seasonality. As the duration of vacations increases, there is a tendency to divide vacations into two parts. Obviously, this will be a holiday at ski resorts during the winter season, which is becoming increasingly popular.

Seasonality in recreation is partly explained by the fact that industrial enterprises and institutions have developed a work rhythm that provides for the provision of vacation to the majority of workers and employees during the summer. The education system has the same rhythm. A number of types of recreation, especially the medical-resort type, are year-round, although even here there is unevenness in the recreational flow.

Studying the rhythm of tourist movement has not only theoretical value. The intensity of the tourist flow should correspond to a certain intensity of the entire system of tourist services: transport, catering, logistics, etc. In addition, mitigation of seasonal fluctuations should be based on the study of the close connections between indicators of the intensity of the tourist flow (seasonality) and the factors that influence it. conditioning.

According to the nature of the transport services used, tourism is divided into automobile (individual), bus, aviation (flight or charter), railway, pedestrian, sea, river, lake).

Road transport accounts for 3/4 of all global passenger transportation. In Europe, about 70% of tourists travel by private car. In the next decade, we can expect rapid growth personal vehicles. Bus transport mainly takes part in servicing short-distance tourism, and air transport for ultra-long and partly long distances. For example, on the Atlantic routes, the development of air transportation led to a catastrophic drop in sea passenger traffic. They now account for only about 10% of total transatlantic passenger traffic.

Charter air transportation of tourists has become widespread. Charter aircraft -- (an aircraft rented for a single transportation or several flights. With the help of charter aircraft, so-called exclusive tours are organized, i.e. group tourist travel along a predetermined route with prepaid transportation costs. Railway tourist transportation is common especially in small across the country, railway transport is trying to withstand internal competition from other modes of transport by increasing comfort and speeds to 200-250 km per hour. Railways introducing exclusive tours. The role of maritime transport in tourism is growing through ferry transportation, in particular tourist cars. And in last decade Cruise tourism is also growing rapidly. A cruise is a sea journey, usually in a closed circle on the same ship along a specific route with stops at places of interest or at places that are starting points for excursions. Cruise sailing is becoming the predominant form of operation of the modern passenger fleet.

The main cruise routes are directed to warm seas. Cruise travel in the Mediterranean is the most developed, with the intensity of cruises in the waters of the Greek archipelago being especially high. The Mediterranean region is followed by the Caribbean region, where the Bahamas lead in the number of cruise tourist arrivals. The seaports of the Scandinavian countries also stand out in terms of their size. The number of cruise voyages in the Pacific Basin is growing rapidly. The port of New York ranks first in the world in terms of the number of cruise ship departures. Among the leading countries of cruise tourism are England, Norway, Greece, Italy, France, Germany, USA, Liberia.

Sea cruise shipping in the Russian Federation began in the Black Sea-Azov basin in the 60s. In 1960, the first 18-day cruise on the Black Sea was held on the ship “Admiral Nakhimov”; already in 1970, 85 thousand people participated in excursion and pleasure voyages on passenger ships of the Black Sea Shipping Company. Another area of ​​marine tourism is the Far Eastern basin. The first tourist voyage was organized here in 1962 on the motor ship Grigory Ordzhonikidze.

The prospects for sea tourism are enormous. Only 10% of routes suitable for sea tourism have been developed in the world. Such specific forms of tourist travel are also practiced, such as traveling on reindeer and dog sleds in the regions of the North, and in the future it is possible to fly over volcanoes in helicopters and travel by airship.

According to the legal status, tourism is divided into national (domestic), i.e. tourism within one’s own country, and international, or foreign, tourism. These two types of tourism in tourism-developed countries are developing in tandem. Otherwise, there may be disproportions in the service of domestic and foreign tourists, which violates the atmosphere of hospitality and creates socio-psychological tension.

International tourism is divided into active and passive depending on its impact on the country's balance of payments. For each country, the travel of its citizens to other states is called passive tourism, and the arrival of foreigners is called active tourism.

Based on the length of stay, international tourism is divided into short-term and long-term. If the duration of a tourist trip or stay is no more than three days, then it is classified as short-term tourism, and more than three days is classified as long-term tourism. In international tourism, those traveling for leisure for less than 24 hours are included in the category “tourist”. An excursion (Latin excursio - outing) means a collective visit to a museum, place of interest, exhibition, etc.; a trip, a walk for educational, scientific, sports or entertainment purposes.

4. Main types of recreational areas

recreational health walking tourism

In solving modern problems of identifying areas for long-term country holidays, two main trends are observed: 1) the development of “urbanized” recreational areas based on resort settlements or entire resort agglomerations; 2) development of recreation in intersettlement areas through the creation of recreational parks. Intermediate recreational areas include recreation areas in rural areas.

Among the territories of the first type, coastal recreation areas, medical and sanatorium individual resorts and resort areas, and mountain-skiing tourist complexes have become widespread throughout the world.

Primorye recreational areas are perhaps the most rapidly developing of all existing recreational areas. One can hardly be mistaken if we say that in terms of the number of arriving tourists, they occupy second place after the capitals of the world that are intensively visited by tourists. The rapid and often hasty development of sea coasts is the product of a tourist boom that began in the 50s of our century and continues to this day.

The emergence of mass demand for holidays by the sea and the need to satisfy it coincided with the intensive introduction of industrial construction methods. In resort areas, conventional industrial construction methods were used, and often the territorial layout of resort complexes was almost no different from ordinary cities. This is how urbanized recreational complexes in Spain, France, Bulgaria and other countries arose. Usually, characteristic features The territorial structure of these areas is a linear stretch along the coastline and slight separation into the territory. At the same time, the further growth of coastal complexes again occurs not inland, but along the perimeter of the coastal strip. Large linear recreational agglomerations are being created, which leads to many negative phenomena: the effectiveness of recreation decreases due to the usual attributes of city life, natural complexes are overloaded, social problems of the local population are complicated, etc.

The along-shore extension creates many inconveniences in the functional zoning of resort areas. The deep separation project is being carried out partially in the Gagra region. The cable car will transport vacationers from the seashore to the alpine zone. More radical steps in this regard were taken during the construction of a seaside recreational area in France. According to the project, some tourist facilities are located here at a distance of 10-15 km. from the seashore. Convenient transport links to the seashore provide the opportunity for daily sunbathing and sea bathing. And for the purpose of more rational functional zoning and saving beaches, development is carried out not along, but perpendicular to the coast, that is, the main pedestrian artery runs perpendicular to the seashore, and the main highway running along the sea is significantly removed from it. There are 3 functional zones clearly located perpendicular to the shore: 1) directly off the shore - an area for water sports and entertainment; 2) then a zone of land sports and entertainment; 3) then - the area where tourists live (accommodation facilities, catering establishments, parking lots, etc.). In the zone water sports The central place is occupied by the port of tourist boats. There are no strictly fixed sizes for each of these zones. They are determined by the specific conditions of the territory. This planning principle allows, firstly, to save beach space and, secondly, to more clearly delimit functional zones. One of the fundamental issues in the territorial organization of coastal recreational areas is the choice of location for recreational development, and the choice of the best areas for development is questionable.

In a number of Baltic holiday destinations, the recreational village itself is almost empty on a fine day (in Palanga, for example, only 6-7% of people remain in areas of boarding houses, holiday homes, etc.). Vacationers tend to leave the village even when the development zone is located in a very beautiful place. It is not the village itself, but the surrounding area that is the main center of attraction for vacationers. Therefore, recreational settlements should not be located in the most beautiful and favorable places on the coast for recreation - they should strive to be preserved in a natural (or relatively natural) state. To place buildings, it is advisable to choose more modest places on the coast.

Primarily multifunctional centers are being created in coastal areas to provide recreational activities. At the same time, in recent years there has been a tendency to build specialized centers, for example, centers for fishing enthusiasts, entertainment centers, etc.

Urbanized forms of organizing recreational activities also include sanatorium-therapeutic resorts, which use a number of factors of the geographical environment for preventive and therapeutic purposes. It has long been known that natural factors such as climate, mineral waters and therapeutic mud can have a healing effect on many diseases, as well as prevent them. Modern balneology has accumulated significant knowledge about the mechanism of influence of these factors of the geographical environment on humans.

Widespread and extremely diverse in composition, properties, medicinal use and effects on the body, mineral waters and medicinal muds, as well as comfortable climatic conditions, served as the basis for the development of numerous resort centers and areas.

Currently, medical tourism is experiencing a certain decline. This is especially true for capitalist countries. But still, sanatorium-therapeutic recreation continues to be a significant factor in both domestic and international tourism. Many of the foreign resorts are forced to radically restructure their functions in order to attract tourists. This restructuring often follows the path of expanding entertainment and sports and recreational functions. With a certain assumption, we can say that sanatorium-therapeutic recreation is a European type of tourism, since in other parts globe it is underdeveloped. Much attention is paid to balneotherapy in the Russian Federation. There are more than 500 resorts. Among them are the world-famous resorts of the North Caucasus - Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Tskaltubo in Georgia, Saki and Feodosia in Crimea, Matsesta in Greater Sochi, Belokurikha in Altai, Truskavets in Ciscarpathia and many others.

In recent years, the number of international ski resorts has been rapidly growing, the necessary conditions for the development of which are such natural factors as the presence of snow cover for at least three months a year, with a height of at least 50-60 cm, comfortable climatic conditions, weakly or moderately dissected terrain with slopes averaging about 17°, snow avalanche safety. The development of recreational activities in intersettlement areas in scope, taking into account both suburban and long-term country holidays, has come to the fore in the last decade. This is due to structural changes in recreational activities, expressed in the growth of leisure activity, its centrifugality and nomadic nature. One of the forms of organizing vast territories for recreation and tourism is the creation of natural recreational parks.

A natural recreational park is a formation that combines the interests of nature conservation and the interests of organizing recreation. These are areas of little transformed nature or areas of unique natural and cultural features. In world practice, there is experience in using the so-called national parks. According to international definitions, natural national parks are predominantly protected nature sites, and the organization of recreation and tourism in them is limited.

Approximately 100 countries around the world have national parks. In total there are about 1,200 national parks.

National parks have the following main tasks: I) protection of the most remarkable natural (or little cultivated landscapes); 2) organizing a base for scientific research in natural conditions; 3) creating conditions for educational tourism; 4) environmental educational work.

Recreational activities in national parks, although important, are not the main one of its functions. In contrast to existing forest parks and suburban forests, recreational parks should be similar in organizational structure to national parks, and in recreational functions to forest parks.

A scientifically based technology for the use of recreational parks in intersettlement areas involves 1) the creation of a fund of recreational lands with comfortable recreational conditions and a large set of highly valuable recreational resources, both natural and cultural-historical; 2) organization of recreational enterprises that use the recreational land fund for the purposes of recreation and tourism.

Recreational enterprises in recreational parks serve tourists and take care of recreational resources, regulate the loads of individual areas of the parks. Rational environmental management of recreational parks does not exclude the diversified use of land with the leading role of recreational specialization. However, it is necessary to develop a list of industries and land users prohibited from being located in recreational parks. Obviously, the construction of individual dachas here, the location of enterprises with increased harmfulness, and open-pit mining of minerals are unacceptable.

The cognitive type of recreational parks performs the function spiritual development person. Depending on the source of knowledge, two subtypes of educational parks can be distinguished: a) cognitive-cultural, which includes architectural, historical, ethnographic and other parks; b) cognitive-natural, which include not only places with unique and exotic natural phenomena and objects, but also spaces that have topical features of certain natural zones, belts, and landscapes.

5. Structure of the recreational industry

To clarify the concept of the recreational industry, we will divide enterprises serving recreationists, according to the degree of connection with recreational activities themselves, into primary, secondary and tertiary.

1. Primary enterprises directly serve recreationists. The main form of such enterprises in world practice is a travel and excursion agency. They operate in places of permanent residence of recreationists, provide them with accurate information about recreational areas and means of transport that they can use, enter into agreements with travel agencies of recreational areas on the accommodation of recreationists of a given locality, organize excursions, trips, etc. The functions of the bureau travel in recreational areas includes accommodation of tourists in hotels, organization of excursions, monitoring of compliance with the terms of the contract for the provision of services to tourists.

The primary ones include transport enterprises that provide transportation for recreational travelers from permanent place residence to the recreational area and back, as well as movement within the recreational area.

This type also includes accommodation enterprises (tourist bases, hotels, etc.), catering enterprises for recreationists, enterprises for the care of recreational parks, etc.

2. Secondary enterprises. These include life support enterprises - a network of public catering, retail trade, public utilities and consumer services, internal transport and external transport not specialized in tourist transportation, and the construction industry.

3. Tertiary enterprises are enterprises related to other sectors of the economy, but involved in recreational services. It is through these enterprises that the recreational industry influences other industries at the district and national levels. These are, as a rule, industrial and agricultural enterprises that serve the entire population, but also satisfy the needs of recreationists. They produce tourist equipment: equipment, special tourist vehicles, etc." A special survey in the USA showed that 24 industries and economies of the country are involved in the tourist service sector, for which the “tourism industry” is not the main field of activity.

Enterprises of the third group, of course, cannot be classified as part of the recreational industry, since, firstly, although their output of tourist goods is large, it is not core, and secondly, when they are included in the recreational industry, the principle is not respected technological homogeneity.

Satisfaction of recreational needs can only be ensured through the coordinated activities of primary, secondary and tertiary enterprises. Coordination of the activities of the constituent elements of the “tourism industry” is carried out in most cases on the basis of rent, without which the functioning of the recreational industry is impossible. For example, facilities such as airplanes, passenger ships, trains can only be used by renting.

Ensuring coordinated, coordinated functioning of all elements involved in recreational services is possible only with targeted planning and regulation. We are talking, firstly, about the need to include the recreational industry in national economic planning and the material balance of production and distribution. Secondly, there is an urgent need to ensure unity in the management of the recreational industry. In our country, the creation of the organizational foundations for resort treatment and tourism took place within the framework of trade unions. The Central Council for Resort Management and the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions are directly involved in the organization of resort treatment, recreation and tourism in the trade union system. The specificity of the organization is that trade unions -- public organization. In general, a coherent system of organization has been created and the tasks of developing sanatorium-resort treatment, recreation and tourism for the population are being successfully solved:

Diversification of recreational activities leads to a deepening of the process of intra-industry division of labor in the recreational industry, which, in turn, is consolidated in territorial recreational specialization: areas of resort treatment of a certain medical profile, seaside recreation areas, ski centers, etc. The formation of a network of areas is determined by the action of conditions and factors of territorial organization of the recreational industry.

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