Measures to ensure the safety of an educational institution. Security of an educational institution

"Security is a state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and state from internal and external threats"(Article 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Security").
Fires, mass diseases and poisoning of students, emergency situations criminal in nature, road traffic accidents, domestic accidents - all this results in irreparable loss of life and health of students and staff educational institutions, severe psychological trauma.
An integrated security system implies the state of protection of an educational institution from real and foreseeable threats of social, man-made and natural character ensuring its safe operation. Therefore, there is no more important task for an educational institution than providing safe conditions for the educational process, which imply guarantees of preserving the life and health of students.
Ensuring security means systematic, systematic work across the entire spectrum of areas - organizational, informational, propaganda, and training.
Ensuring the safety of an educational institution is the primary responsibility of the director, administrator and head of the household.
The director and manager of the farm is responsible:
- for organizing work to ensure the safety of the educational process;
- for ensuring control over compliance with the requirements of local regulations on safety;
- for the timely provision of operational information to students and staff on safety and decisions and measures taken in the educational institution;
The administrator answers:
- keeping a log of visitors to the Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance “Ostrov”.
- for monitoring the discipline of visitors to the Center.
- for methodological and innovative work to improve comprehensive security.
Integrated security of an educational institution is a set of measures and activities of an educational institution, carried out in cooperation with local governments, law enforcement agencies, other support services and public organizations, ensuring its safe operation, as well as the readiness of employees and students to act rationally in emergency situations.

Work on anti-terrorism security and countering terrorism and extremism
This work includes:
- holding meetings, briefings and planning sessions on issues of countering terrorism and extremism;
- continuous monitoring of the implementation of safety measures;
- organizing interaction with law enforcement agencies and other services, with the parent community.
The anti-terrorist group deals with issues of anti-terrorism security.
The basis for carrying out measures to ensure anti-terrorism security of the school, countering terrorism and extremism are the order of the director and the decisions of the anti-terrorist group.
The organization of counter-terrorism is regulated by the main legislative acts and other regulatory legal documents:
- Law of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 1992 No. 2446-1 “On Security”;
- Federal Law of July 25, 1998 No. 130-FE “On the fight against terrorism”;
- Federal Law of March 6, 2006 No. 35-F3 “On Countering Terrorism”;
- Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 15, 2006 No. 116 “On measures to counter terrorism”;
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 1999 No. 1040 “On measures to counter terrorism”;
- other federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.
Based on these documents, the Ostrov Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance has developed a package of documents on organizing work on anti-terrorist protection of educational institutions:
- passport of anti-terrorist protection of an educational institution;
- safety data sheet for students;
- instructions, reminders.

Work to ensure the security of an educational institution

The Center has organized a security guard (at night). During the stay of students at the Center, security is ensured by the administrator and specialist of the Center. The administrator meets visitors (students, clients, etc.) and invites a specialist. Further, the responsibility for safety lies with the specialist of the Center to whom the students and clients came. (a specialist meets you in the hall and escorts you to the exit from the Center).
An internal regime has been organized with a package of documents that is on duty:
- list of officials, teaching staff and service personnel of the educational institution;
- a list of officials who have the right to allow visitors to enter;
- a list of officials who have the right to permit the import (bringing in) or export (carrying out) of property;
- list of officials allowed to inspect the security of an educational institution;
- a list of officials responsible for the proper condition and maintenance of the premises;
- instructions for protecting the facility;
- facility security scheme;
- instructions for the watchman, duty administrator on fire safety;
- instructions to the watchman on duty in the event of a threat of terrorist acts and the discovery of ownerless and explosive objects, on anti-terrorism security and child protection measures;
- instructions for providing first aid;
- visitor log;
- log of reception and delivery of duty and control over the performance of duty;
- a log of issuing keys and receiving premises under security;
- schedule of consultations with specialists (psychologists);
- studio work schedule;
- duty schedule of officials;
- guard duty schedule;
- list of emergency telephone numbers, law enforcement, emergency services.
The equipped place has:
1. A box with keys to the doors of emergency exits and premises of an educational institution, locked with a lock.
2. Alarm button.
3. Telephone (landline, mobile).
4. Alert system (bell).
5. Medical kit.
6. Lantern.
7. Means personal protection.
Providing the security post with reference, instructional and methodological documents allows you to quickly and correctly perform security functions.
Organization of engineering and technical strengthening of the facility: there is a fence along the perimeter of the territory, bars on the windows of the first floor, lighting of the school area.
Fire safety
The basic concept and requirements for fire safety are defined and formulated in Federal law RF dated December 21, 1994 No. bZ-FZ “On Fire Safety”.
An analysis of the causes of fires and ignitions in educational institutions shows that specialists from the State Fire Supervision Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation confirm that only in 20% of cases they occur due to faulty electrical wiring and electrical equipment, and in 70% they are caused by negligence and sometimes criminal inactivity of officials responsible for ensuring fire safety.
Fire safety includes:
- compliance with regulations, rules and fire safety requirements, as well as carrying out fire prevention measures;
- provision of educational institutions with primary fire extinguishing means in accordance with the standards established by the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 01-03);
- strict compliance with the requirements of the State Fire Safety Inspectorate to eliminate fire safety deficiencies;
- improving the fire warning system and evacuation of people in case of fire;
- recharging fire extinguishers (within time limits, according to the passport) or repairs when the pressure in the fire extinguisher drops below the permissible level according to the pressure gauge;
- fire protection of electrical networks and electrical installations, bringing them into a fire-proof state;
- maintaining evacuation routes and emergency exits in proper condition;
- maintaining basement and attic spaces in fireproof condition.
Fire safety cannot be formal: the primary condition is the practical implementation of fire safety measures prescribed by the Law of the Russian Federation on Fire Safety and the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 01-03) and local ones developed in the educational institution regulations and methodological documents on fire safety.
The most important local regulatory documents are:
- order appointing those responsible for the fire safety conditions of the premises;
- instructions on fire safety measures in the Center. Fire safety instructions are the main working document for use, which reflects almost all safety issues and actions in the event of a fire;
- instructions “Actions in the event of a fire”;
- evacuation plan for students in the event of a fire in the school;
- a reminder about actions in case of fire;
- plan for evacuation of students in case of fire;
- situational plan.
Ensuring safety is specified in the orders of the school director on security issues throughout the entire school year depending on the specific situation.
the main objective to ensure safety at school - preserving the life and health of students and staff through high degree fire safety condition of the school, eliminating preconditions for fire and fire occurrence. Classes on the basics of fire safety and evacuation training for students and staff are regularly held. Behind Last year There has been a positive trend in improving the logistics of anti-terrorism and fire-fighting measures. In August 2007, an alarm button was installed, the attic space was cleaned, fire extinguishers were purchased, and it is planned to install an automatic fire alarm.
electrical safety
The main regulatory documents regulating electrical safety requirements are the Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations (PUE) and the Rules for the Technical Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations (PTEEP) (put into effect on July 1, 2003).
The entrance door to the electrical room must be permanently locked and lined on both sides with tin with a tin bend at the end of the door. On the outside front door The purpose of the room, where the keys are stored must be written and a warning sign “Caution! Electrical voltage” must be placed.
There should be no foreign objects in the electrical control room, the lampshades on the lamps must be sealed, and there must be dielectric rubber mats on the floor near the electrical panels. The electrical control room should be equipped with a carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguisher and one pair of dielectric gloves. All electrical lighting panels must be locked at all times. On the outside of the doors of electrical panels must be marked: the serial number of the panel, the voltage supplied to the panel and the warning sign "Caution! Electrical voltage", and on inside doors of electrical panels there must be a single-line diagram of power supply to consumers. There should be no debris, dust or cobwebs inside the electrical panels. Entrances to electrical panels must be equipped with an RCD.
Requirements for electrical networks and electrical installation products.
Lamps must be securely suspended from the ceiling and have light-diffusing fittings. It is prohibited to install non-standard (homemade) electric heating devices, overhead power lines and external electrical wiring laid across the territory of an educational institution in violation of the requirements of the PUE.
Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational safety - status working conditions, which eliminates the impact on workers of dangerous and harmful factors.
The presence of Rules and logs for instructing students on workplace safety is a prerequisite for organizing, managing and creating safe conditions for the educational process. Occupational health and safety measures should prevent injuries to children in an educational institution.
The legislative and regulatory basis for the activities of the labor protection service is:
- Labor Code RF (Section "Labor safety";
- recommendations for organizing the work of the labor protection service in an organization, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 02/08/2000 No. 14;
- order of the Ministry of General and vocational education RF "On the labor protection service of educational institutions" dated March 11, 1998 No. 662;
- Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On the Labor Protection Service” dated February 27, 1995 No. 92.
Based on these documents, the school has developed labor protection documents:
- regulations on the labor protection service in an educational institution;
- regulations on the labor protection commission;
- regulations on the work of the authorized person for labor protection;
- regulations on administrative and public control over labor protection.
Organizational orders on labor protection were issued:
- order on the appointment of persons responsible for organizing work safety;
- order on training and testing knowledge on labor protection with workers;
- an order appointing a person responsible for the electrical equipment of the school;
- order on the organization of fire safety and others.
Plans have been drawn up:
- plan of organizational and technical measures to improve labor protection conditions, health of workers and children;
- action plan to prevent child road traffic injuries;
- fire safety action plan.
Acts, agreements, programs, instructions on labor protection, and job responsibilities of labor protection workers have been drawn up.
In accordance with the law, all employees of the educational institution are given instructions on labor protection and fire safety:
- introductory (when applying for a job);
- initial briefing at the workplace (before the start of production activities);
- repeated (according to the initial training program at the workplace, according to job responsibilities on labor protection, instructions on labor protection in the workplace, once every 6 months);
- unscheduled (with the introduction of new or revised labor protection instructions, in case of violation of labor safety requirements that led to injury, accident, fire);
- targeted (before performing one-time orders, events).
Training and testing of knowledge on labor protection is organized, which is carried out once every three years, and for newly hired employees - within a month from the date of hiring.
Occupational safety training is one of the the most important moments in ensuring occupational safety and health, preventing industrial injuries and occupational diseases. Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that “all employees of an organization, including its head, are required to undergo training in labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Civil Defense and Emergency
Increasing scale of technogenic activity modern society, the increase in the frequency of manifestations of the destructive forces of nature has extremely aggravated the problems associated with ensuring the safety of the population, maintaining economic potential and environment in emergency situations.
Analysis of the causes of population losses from the consequences of accidents, disasters and natural Disasters leads to the conclusion that more than 80% of emergency situations are related to human activities and occur due to low levels of vocational training, irresponsibility and inability to correctly determine their behavior in emergency situations.
Systematic study of the most likely emergency situations, their characteristics and possible consequences, training in behavior in such conditions is intended to prepare a person to make a choice the right decision to get out of an emergency with minimal losses. Such training should be continuous at all stages of human life.
Thus, our Center carries out planned work on civil defense and emergency situations, as well as training students and employees of educational institutions on civil defense and emergency situations.

Teaching students the rules of safe living
Work on legal education is organized and carried out at all stages of education in an educational institution with the aim of developing in students a conscious and responsible attitude towards issues of personal safety and the safety of others.
For an educational institution, it should be a priority to form sustainable development of the individual towards antisocial manifestations in society as a holistic approach and the basis of primary prevention in solving the problems of drug addiction and tobacco and alcohol abuse.
Active preventive measures should be based on:

  1. methodology for developing adolescents’ ideas about a healthy lifestyle;
  2. developing in minors the skills and abilities of active psychological protection from involvement in antisocial activities, motives for refusing to “try” tobacco and alcohol;
  3. systematic training of Center specialists to work with minors in the formation of sustainable development

individuals to antisocial manifestations in society.
Students are instilled with fundamental knowledge and skills on safety issues during the Children's Day and Safety School.
Training of students (in the form of briefings with registration in a journal of the established form) on safety rules is carried out before starting all types of activities:

  1. correctional and developmental classes;
  2. art therapy sessions;
  3. summer work practice;
  4. socially useful work;
  5. excursions, hikes;
  6. sports activities, competitions;
  7. club activities and other extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

The formation of a safety culture is based on:

  1. integrated safety training programs;
  2. comprehensive study of safety issues (Psychological Health);
  3. personality of a teacher who has a culture of safety. Safety culture is:
  4. knowledge about safe life activities;
  5. experience of safe life activities according to the model;
  6. experience creative solution security problems;
  7. values ​​and meanings of safe life;
  8. experience in self-improvement of life safety.

Work to prevent harm to the life and health of students

Based on the conclusion of the Commissioner for Children's Rights in Sverdlovsk region Morokova I.R. dated January 31, 2012 No. 156/01-02, Resolutions of the Territorial Commission for Minors and Protection of Their Rights dated February 1, 2012 No. 5 “On the activities of the subjects of the prevention system of the North Ural City District to prevent crimes against the life, health and sexual integrity of minors based on the results of 12 months of 2011 and the necessary measures to reduce them”, dated 02/15/2012 No. 6 “On the necessary measures to eliminate the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of a crime against the sexual integrity of a minor, specified in the Conclusion of the Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Sverdlovsk Region Morokov I.R. from 01/31/2012 No. 156/01-02"

The following work is being carried out:
-developed legal act, establishing a mechanism to ensure physical safety when minors are at an educational institution;
- training work on legal literacy of Center specialists and the teaching community in relation to crimes against the person;
- educational events on safe behavior of children were organized;
- “Schools for parents” were organized with the topics: “Safe behavior of children” “Methods of non-violent pedagogy”.
- monthly filling out a personalized accounting card in TKDN and ZP regarding the implementation of activities individual program social rehabilitation and adaptation of minors and families in socially dangerous situations;
-a methodological package has been prepared:
-Formation of the ability for non-violent interaction in children 5–7 years old;
- Formation of tolerance in adolescents within the framework of classroom management;
-Activity program for children preschool age to develop the ability for non-violent interaction.

Based on the order of the “Department of Education of the North Ural City District” dated February 21, 2012 No. 32 “On measures to prevent harm to the life and health of students,” I order:

  1. Approve the regulations on ensuring the comprehensive safety of minors (physical, psychological, moral) in the MBUDO SGO CPPP “Island”;
  2. Organize the caretaker...... work to ensure the safety of the educational process ( Fire safety, electrical safety, occupational health and safety, civil defense and emergency situations);
  3. Clerk S.N. Tokmakova – keeping a log of visitors to the Center;
  4. Center specialists are responsible for meeting and escorting minor children to the exit from the Center. Maintain discipline during dynamic pauses.
  5. Methodist – Zaitseva A.Yu. – develop a methodological complex software – thematic classes for children of different ages on developing the ability for non-violent interaction.
  6. I leave control over discipline to myself.

Director of MBUDO SGO CCPP “Ostrov” T.S. Lebedeva

  • 1.6. Learning results, pedagogical diagnostics and monitoring of students’ mastery of knowledge, skills and life safety skills
  • 1.7. Pedagogical technologies. The use of pedagogical technologies in life lessons
  • 1.8. Planning in the activities of a life safety teacher
  • 1.9. The main elements of the educational and material base on life safety. General requirements for the obzh room. Facilities for the living room equipment
  • The main provisions of the private methodology for teaching the basics of life safety at school
  • 2.2. Methodology for planning and conducting classes to prepare students for actions in local emergency situations
  • 2.3. Methodology for planning and conducting classes with students on organizing the protection of the population from the consequences of emergencies of natural and man-made origin
  • 2.4. Methodology for planning and conducting classes at the level of secondary (complete) general education. Organizational forms and methods of work in high schools
  • 2.5. Methodology for planning and conducting classes with students of general education institutions on civil defense
  • 2.6. Methodology for planning and conducting classes with students of general education institutions on the basics of military services
  • 2.7. Formation in life science lessons in students of the need to comply with the norms of a healthy lifestyle, the ability to provide first aid to victims in various dangerous and everyday situations
  • 2.8. Methodology for holding the event “Children’s Day”
  • 2.9. Methodology for organizing and conducting training camps on the basis of military units
  • 3. Life safety teacher – teacher, educator, class teacher, methodologist, researcher
  • 3.1. Classroom management at school: functional responsibilities of the class teacher, forms of work of the class teacher with students, interaction between the class teacher and the family
  • 3.2. The role of the class teacher in the formation of a healthy lifestyle among students of general education institutions
  • 3.3. The system of civic and patriotic education of students in life lessons and outside of school hours
  • 3.4. Military-professional guidance for students of general education institutions
  • 3.5. Methods of promoting life safety
  • 3.6. A life safety teacher is a creatively self-developing personality: a person of culture, educator, teacher, methodologist, researcher
  • 3.7. Monitoring of teacher's pedagogical activity. Diagnostic culture of the teacher. Comprehensive analysis and self-analysis of the pedagogical activity of a life safety teacher
  • 4. Information technologies in the educational process in the school course “Fundamentals of Life Safety”
  • 4.1. Informatization of education as a factor in the development of society
  • 4.2. Information competence
  • 4.3. Information and technical support (ito) of the educational process
  • 4.4. Types of software pedagogical tools
  • 4.5. The Internet and the possibilities of its use in the educational process in life sciences
  • II. Fundamentals of medical knowledge and disease prevention
  • 1. Healthy lifestyle and its components
  • 1.1. The concept of individual and public health. Indicators of individual and public health.
  • 1.2. A healthy lifestyle and its components, the main groups of risk factors for human health. Health monitoring, health groups.
  • 1.3.Physiological tests for determining health.
  • 1.4.Stages of health formation. Health motivation.
  • 1.5. Rational nutrition and its types. Energy value of products. The importance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins for humans. Nutrition for children.
  • 1.6. The importance of physical culture for human health. Hardening as a prevention of colds.
  • 1.7. Ecology and health. Allergies and health.
  • 1.8. Personal hygiene and its importance in disease prevention. Features of personal hygiene in children and adolescents. The concept of school hygiene and its importance in the prevention of diseases among schoolchildren.
  • 1.9. Stress and distress, their impact on human health.
  • 1.11. The influence of tobacco smoking on human health. Prevention of smoking.
  • 1.12. The effect of alcohol on the human body, acute and chronic effects of alcohol on the human body. Features of alcoholism in children, adolescents, women. Prevention of alcoholism.
  • 2. Fundamentals of medical knowledge
  • 2.1. Infectious diseases, features, routes of transmission, prevention. Immunity and its types. The concept of vaccinations.
  • 2.2. Main intestinal, respiratory infections, infections of the outer integument, their pathogens, routes of transmission, clinical signs and prevention.
  • 2.4. The concept of emergency conditions, their types and causes.
  • 2.5. The concept of myocardial infarction, causes, clinical signs, first aid for it.
  • 2.6. The concept of acute vascular insufficiency. Types, causes, signs, first aid for acute vascular insufficiency.
  • 2.7. Acute respiratory failure, causes, clinical signs, first aid for it.
  • 2.8. Poisoning, types, causes, routes of entry of poisons into the body. Poisoning by poisons of plant and animal origin, principles of first aid and treatment of poisoning.
  • 2.9. Closed injuries, types, clinical signs, first aid for closed injuries. Wounds: types, signs, complications, first aid for wounds.
  • 2.10. Bleeding and its types. Methods for temporarily stopping bleeding.
  • 2.11. Burns, types, degrees, first aid for burns. Frostbite: periods, degrees, first aid for frostbite.
  • 2.12. Heatstroke, sunstroke, causes, development mechanism, signs, first aid for them.
  • 2.13. Bone fractures, classification, signs, dangers, complications, features of fractures in children. First aid for fractures.
  • 2.16. Shock, types, stages. First aid for shock.
  • 2.17. The concept of resuscitation, Basic resuscitation measures (indirect cardiac massage, artificial respiration). Features of resuscitation in case of drowning.
  • III. Fundamentals of state defense
  • 1.2. International peacekeeping activities of the Russian Armed Forces
  • 1.3. Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Purpose and composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
  • Structure of the armed forces of the Russian Federation
  • 1.4. Types and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, their functions and tasks, role in the national security system
  • 1.5. Martial traditions vs. Basic military rituals
  • Basic military rituals
  • 1.6. General provisions of the concept of building the Russian Armed Forces in the 21st century
  • 1.7. Purpose and structure of the Ministry of Defense
  • 1.9. General rights and general obligations of military personnel
  • Duties of military personnel
  • Rights of military personnel
  • 1.10. Legislative and regulatory security requirements for military service. Forms and reasons for hazing
  • Forms and reasons for hazing
  • Methods for preventing hazing
  • The mechanism of functioning of hazing relationships
  • Forms of negative impact:
  • How to organize counteraction to hazing in a department
  • Caring for the life, recreation and social security of military personnel
  • 2. Fundamentals of national security
  • 2.1.National security strategy of the Russian Federation (main provisions)
  • 2.2. Modern complex of national security problems.
  • 2.3. Safety laws.
  • 2.4. General characteristics of security problems of the post-industrial era.
  • 2.5. The concept of geopolitics and geopolitical interests.
  • 2.6. The procedure for implementing unstructured management
  • 2.7. Ways to solve global life safety problems.
  • 2.8. General theory of management. Laws of control theory.
  • 2.9. Law of time
  • 2.10. Theory of violence.
  • 3. Ensuring the safety of the facility
  • 3.1.Analysis and planning of measures to ensure the safety of an educational institution.
  • 3.2. Organization and technical means of security of educational institutions.
  • 3.3. Types of dangerous situations and harmful factors in an educational institution.
  • Socio-political:
  • Social-criminal:
  • Technogenic and socio-technogenic:
  • Natural and social-natural:
  • Environmental threats:
  • Threats of a socio-biogenic and zoogenic nature:
  • 3.4. Security management in an educational institution.
  • 3.5. Activities carried out in educational institutions to protect students and staff from natural emergencies
  • 3.6. Protection of students and staff from man-made emergencies Events carried out in educational institutions
  • 3.7. Organization of events in the field of go in an educational institution Organization of civil defense in educational institutions
  • Teacher's tasks
  • 3.8. Fire safety measures.
  • Directions of control in the OU and numbers of clauses of regulatory documents on fire safety.
  • Direct security management is carried out by: the director of the educational institution, his deputies (especially the deputy for security), specialists (consultants) in various types of security, and heads of departments. The safety commission (group) is created by order of the educational institution and promptly resolves issues of ensuring the safety of the educational institution when planning the educational process.

    Due to the complexity and diversity of the problems being solved, the head of the educational institution needs to have consultants or employees who supervise all elements of the security system. Therefore, in an educational institution, as a rule, several structural units and commissions are created that manage: electrical safety, fire, industrial, criminal and anti-terrorist safety. However, experience shows the advisability of combining these structures.

    Each subject of security management carries out standard management functions at its level: accounting, analysis and forecasting, planning, decision-making, organization, coordination and regulation, control, evaluation and stimulation of personnel (trainees, employees), office work.

    In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, state management of hazards and labor protection is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation directly or on its instructions by the federal executive body in charge of education, labor protection and other federal executive bodies (Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Service, etc.) responsible for various aspects of ensuring national security.

    The management system for all types of security in our country has four levels of management: federal, level of the subject of the Russian Federation, local and facility (i.e., the level of a specific OS).

    The federal executive body in charge of security issues in a certain area and within its competence performs the following functions:

      Adopts resolutions, gives explanations on the application of regulatory laws and acts in the field of security;

      Coordinates the work of industry security services federal bodies executive power;

      Interacts with executive authorities of the constituent entities of the federation;

      Provides methodological guidance on propaganda best practices, analyzes the implementation of research work;

      Organizes accounting of needs for collective and individual protective equipment;

      Submits an annual report to the Government of the Russian Federation on the state of security and measures taken to ensure it.

    The main declared goal of all numerous subjects of management of fire, criminal, energy, transport, military and other security, labor protection, sanitation, civil defense, finance, etc. is to improve the organization of work to ensure safety, reduce injuries and accidents by creating safe and harmless working conditions, preventive maintenance of workers at supervised facilities, incl. and students in the educational institution system. However, in reality, the abundance and fragmentation of these entities create certain difficulties when trying to coordinate their activities, which sometimes becomes a serious distraction for the heads of educational institutions.

    To coordinate the activities of ministries and departments in the field of security, interdepartmental commissions on certain species(directions) of danger, which is headed by the relevant minister, head of the general agency or department.

    For example, to coordinate the activities of ministries and departments in the field of labor protection, an interdepartmental commission on safety and labor protection is created. Her tasks include:

      Development of a federal program to improve working conditions;

      Analysis of legislative acts;

      Development of proposals for international cooperation.

    The Main State Expertise of Working Conditions is a body that performs the following control functions:

      Monitoring the correctness of pension assignments;

      Monitoring the correct application of lists of production, work, professions, positions and indicators that give the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms;

      Interaction with social security authorities;

      Monitoring occupational safety and health conditions.

    The Federal Labor Inspectorate exercises state control and supervision over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on safe conditions and labor protection and performs the following management functions in this area at the federal level:

      Provides organizational and methodological management of the activities of state labor inspectorates, their regulatory and material support;

      Analyzes the state and causes of industrial injuries and occupational morbidity and develops measures for their prevention;

      Monitors compliance with safety standards, established procedures and recording of industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

      Prepares and publishes annual reports on its activities.

    In a similar way, a security management system will be built in all its areas both at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and at the local level. This is carried out both by regional (local) divisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, and other departments, as well as interdepartmental commissions.

    Direct management in the field of occupational safety and health is carried out by the heads of educational institutions, trade union committees and labor collectives of educational institutions.

    The main tasks of all four levels of structures and safety management bodies in relation to the OS are:

      Ensuring the safety of educational and educational processes from all types of social, natural and man-made threats;

      Ensuring the safety of buildings, structures and production equipment;

      Normalization of sanitary and hygienic conditions of work, study, nutrition, and leisure;

      Training workers in the rules and regulations of all types of safety and labor protection, promoting safety issues;

      Providing workers and trainees with personal protective equipment, reminders, instructions;

      Ensuring optimal working and rest conditions;

      Organization of elimination of the impact of adverse factors and dangerous situations, including medical and preventive services for workers and students.

    It is important that the solution of these problems does not interfere, but rather contributes to the achievement of the main educational goals of the educational institution. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer them from the normal bureaucratic plane into elements of the everyday educational work of the educational institution staff.

  • Among various types Safety priorities for educational institutions are fire, electrical and technical. It is possible to solve the problem of ensuring the vital functions and safety of educational institutions and really feel the achievability of the final result using the software method.

    A software method for solving a problem is to create various programs allowing to concentrate (concentrate) financial, material, organizational resources, raising funds different sources and directing them in a targeted (targeted) way to solve the most significant, specific problems of educational institutions in the optimal time frame.

    To solve a problem, a concept is applied, that is, a system of beliefs, guiding ideas, or principles. The OS safety concept can be presented in the form of a virtual model that helps answer a number of questions when designing OS safety systems.

    To build an effective OS safety concept, it is necessary to constantly monitor and forecast possible dangers and on this basis determine the desired parameters of the elements of the future security system.

    The main idea of ​​the concept can be formulated as follows: safety and labor protection in educational institutions should be organized in such a way as to eliminate or reduce in advance the risk of possible adverse incidents in the educational process. Therefore, the measures taken to comply with the requirements of the rules and instructions must be precautionary and preventive in nature. Compliance with safety requirements by employees and managers of the educational institution is prerequisite organizations for safe and healthy conditions labor of workers, as well as when conducting classes with students in classrooms, educational workshops, classrooms of chemistry, physics, electrical engineering, biology, gyms and in the process of other educational activities. The principles, goals and objectives of ensuring safety in the OS determine main idea security concepts and are the criteria for choosing a particular solution, a variant of a separate element of the security system. Based on current legislation and experience in managing an educational institution, these principles can be formulated as follows.

    1) Humanity: respect and consideration of the interests of the individual, regardless of his age and position. Unfortunately, the actions of teachers do not always correspond to this principle, which causes a backlash and increases the risk of incidents in educational institutions.

    2) Legality: “The rights and freedoms of man and citizen may be limited to the extent necessary in order to protect the foundations of the constitutional system, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of other persons, ensuring the defense of the country and the security of the state” (Constitution of the Russian Federation , part 3, article 55).

    3) Democracy: taking into account the opinions of parents, law enforcement agencies, staff and students, as well as specialists. Sometimes the opinions, assessments and suggestions of one experienced specialist do not coincide with the opinions of the majority of students; in such cases, they should be persuaded using democratic methods.

    4) Close interaction with specialists and security services, economic and security forces. To do this, you should constantly maintain both official and personal contacts.

    5) Rationality and efficiency. Any security measures are expensive, but they are worth it. It's about about real measures, and not about decorative stands and folders for inspectors. Of course, the cost of security measures can vary significantly, with the most expensive not always the best. As one specialist said, a properly instructed granny watchman is sometimes more useful and more effective than an expensive video monitoring system.

    6) Organization, continuity. Ensuring the safety of the OS is a continuous daily process; it cannot be a one-time act. The OS is such a complex object that any threat can arise at any time.

    7) Planning and control.

    8) Foresight and anticipation. The more accurate the prediction, the more effective proactive preventative measures will be. There are many simple forecasting methods that can increase the degree of preparedness of an educational institution for emergencies. However, in practice, underestimation of the possibility prevails practical application methods for predicting various risks: “until thunder strikes, a man will not cross himself.”

    9) Systematicity and integrity, comprehensive coverage of all elements of the OS security system as a single whole. Real security can be ensured only with comprehensive consideration of all its aspects, with the use of all means of protection and counteraction in all structural elements OU, at all stages educational process, as well as on the routes of movement of students.

    10) Science and information support. Ensuring safety requires not only costs, but also, first of all, knowledge and certain training, scientific recommendations.

    Goals of measures to ensure OS safety:

    Protection of students, pupils, teachers, their rights and interests, property from dangerous influences;

    Ensuring the normal functioning and development of the educational institution;

    Reducing damage from the negative impacts and consequences of dangerous and emergency situations;

    Improving the quality of life, increasing the well-being of students and teachers (by reducing mortality and injuries, increasing the safety of health, property, and the environment).

    Objectives of measures to ensure OS safety:

    Formation of readiness for dangers and to counter them.

    Studying the types of dangers, ways to overcome them;

    Early identification of causes and signs of dangerous situations, their prevention and elimination;

    Providing conditions and opportunities for self-defense, rescue and protection of other people;

    Economic, technical and legal support for the OS safety system;

    Skill building correct behavior in case of danger;

    Formation of a culture of safe thinking and behavior, the interest of every student, parent and teacher in ensuring the safety of the educational institution.

    Law enforcement and other security agencies are unable to fully provide effective protection simultaneously and everywhere. Therefore, in the educational institution, as in other organizations, they create own systems security. This is a set of interconnected and ordered by the leader of various forces, means and methods of ensuring security. The correct selection of these elements, their location, combination and organization of interaction greatly increases the security of the op-amp. The main task of the OS manager is to effectively integrate all elements of the security system.

    The main elements of the OS safety system are:

    1) Subjects of OS safety assurance:

    Management of the educational institution, personnel of the educational institution and security, support, rescue and assistance services (DPD, DND);

    District administration, law enforcement agencies;

    Education authorities, health authorities.

    2) Physical protection of the OS building:

    Lighting of buildings, perimeters and territories;

    Fences, locks, bars on windows;

    Barriers and chains to restrict the passage of visitors;

    Barrier, anti-ram devices at the entrances to OS facilities.

    3) Security of the OS:

    Watchmen, watchmen, security personnel, management;

    Organization of security and regime;

    A package of documents on organizing security;

    Organization of training for security staff;

    Organization of prompt informing of managers of educational institutions and security companies about facts (actions) that pose a danger;

    Plan of joint activities of the private security company and the educational institution.

    4) Technical means of safety and security of the OS:

    Fire extinguishing and smoke removal system, alarm system, radio monitoring systems and notification of operational and duty services (police, civil defense and emergency situations, fire service, ambulance) about emergencies in the educational institution;

    Video surveillance systems;

    Automatic electronic admission systems; hand-held and stationary metal detectors; alarm transmission systems.

    5) Financial and resource support:

    Payment for security services of private security companies, private security, watchmen;

    Funds for the installation and maintenance of a security alarm, radio monitoring system and notification of operational and duty services (panic button);

    Funds for equipping the OS with video surveillance systems, lighting, automatic access control to the OS, metal detectors;

    Funds for installing new and repairing existing fences;

    Energy and other resources.

    6) Organization of interaction with security agencies (Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Ministry of Emergency Situations) and local government bodies.

    7) Educational work with students.

    8) Work with parents, parent committees, boards of trustees:

    9) Educational institution personnel: training of management and teaching staff for actions to ensure security, anti-terrorism protection and countering extremism;

    10) Legal and organizational documents on OS safety (paperwork):

    11) Methodological documents on OS safety.

    12) Medical provision of safety, labor protection and health-saving technologies in the educational institution.

    13) Psychological support:

    Methods of psychological preparation for actions in emergency situations;

    Methods of psychological rehabilitation;

    Trainings, role-playing games.

    14) Personnel and social measures.

    15) Regime, environment, safety culture.

    16) Educational authorities and interaction with them.

    17) Infrastructure, engineering structures, organizations for ensuring the operation of the OS infrastructure and interaction with them.

    18) Organizational elements: distribution functional responsibilities, mode, control.

    19) Knowledge about possible threats in the OS, methods of early detection of hazards; knowledge of how to properly deal with hazards.

    20) Skills of correct behavior and use of technical equipment in emergencies;

    21) Serious and correct attitude towards OS safety problems.

    The last three elements are the main elements of a safety system and culture. The same one human factor", without which all the money invested and technical means they won't give anything. Availability of culture safe behavior sometimes more important than other elements of the security system.

    Based systematic approach it is necessary to ensure comprehensive coverage of all elements of the OS safety system as a whole. Only orderliness and consistency of all elements provide the required quality and efficiency of the OS safety organization. An incorrect combination or unavailability of individual system elements can lead to extremely negative consequences.

    Continuous improvement of the security system and its organization, including a set of measures, knowledge, skills and abilities to ensure security gives teachers, students and parents the following advantages in the face of potential threats:

    Increases psychological resilience in emergencies. Increases the stability of the worldview due to the consciousness of greater security and survival in emergencies. Helps improve the status of a person with knowledge of BJD;

    Helps reduce losses in emergency situations, save money during their prevention and liquidation of consequences, allows you to manage risks;

    Creates favorable conditions for increasing the efficiency and quality of the educational process, the quality of life of the educational institution, to protect health, well-being, personal happiness and other human needs.

    The task of the manager and staff of the educational institution is to identify possible dangers, to create adequate safety elements (subsystems) and their integration into a single system.

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