A young married lover and his feelings. My husband has a married mistress: what does she want?

According to psychologists, cheating on married women is never unreasonable. If a lady is looking for a lover, it means that something does not suit her in her own marriage. A tense family situation, a husband's rudeness, lack of attention - all these are provoking factors that can push one to cheat.

Married women most often maintain acquaintances with co-workers or friends. Among these people, a woman is looking for a lover or, most likely, everything happens by chance.

If the lover is legally married, meetings take place according to a strictly thought-out scenario. There is a complete lack of spontaneity in relationships. Both lovers, as a rule, do not want publicity and carefully hide their betrayal.

Love relationships add zest to the measured life of two unfree people. But can they have a sequel? How does an affair between a married mistress and married man?

According to statistics, married men prefer to have married mistresses. In such a relationship less problems and the likelihood of exposure is low, since both lovers are forced to carefully hide the betrayal.

Relationships between a married woman and a married man. Do they have a future?

No one is safe from love. Often acquaintance with married woman develops into whirlwind romance, which brings a whirlwind of emotions and a sea of ​​feelings. The outcome in this case is quite obvious. But love does not invade life so often. According to statistics, only a few marry their lover. In other cases, dating for married people is just an outlet that allows you to temporarily forget about all the problems and plunge into a whirlwind of passions, after which the charge of optimism will last for some time. And what do such relationships promise?

If lovers are not connected by real feelings, sooner or later such a union will fall apart. The relationship between a married mistress and a married man most often does not promise anything.

The wife's behavior changes dramatically after cheating. Everything that a woman lacks in the family, she more than makes up for on the side. If a woman is the mistress of a rich man, she tries to get more out of life not only emotionally, but also materially.

Unfortunately, as soon as the married mistress of a married man gets fed up with such a relationship or something stops suiting her, the lovers will separate without regret. After all, in essence, an open relationship without love promises absolutely nothing

Your husband has a mistress, and a married one at that? What motivates this seductress and what does she want? Does she really need to destroy your marriage?

Mistresses can be different - beautiful and not so, smart and stupid, unmarried or burdened with marriage. It’s strange: it would seem, since she already has a husband, why did she need a stranger?

Married mistress of a married man: what does she want?

Many men prefer to cheat with older ladies, and even married ones. First, let's try to understand the psychology of such a man. The advantage of an affair with a married woman is that she will not demand that he leave the family. In addition, most often such women are self-sufficient, can provide for themselves and do not want money, dates or romantic actions from a man. All they want is sex. Of course, as a result, the representative of the stronger sex chooses her, and not the free girl.

As a result, it turns out that the man is free from additional responsibilities and he does not need to think about the fact that his mistress will impose herself on him or ask for something. They made a mutually beneficial deal - to meet for sex, and that's all. In addition, a married lady will not endlessly call mobile phone or follow on your heels.

Does your husband have a married mistress? Some women do not see the danger in such a connection and forgive their spouses, but in vain - this connection needs to be interrupted. The problem is that such a romance can last for several years, since both parties are satisfied with the lack of commitment. And besides, in some cases, husbands end up leaving for their mistresses, and they divorce their former spouses. So don't be dismissive of the situation, it will ruin your marriage.

The married mistress of a married man: her psychology

Everything is clear with a man, but what is this insidious bitch thinking? There can be a lot of reasons. One of them is desire to have sex on the side , since her husband is not enough for her, and perhaps he does not satisfy all her desires and whims. As a result, she finds solace on the side in the form of your spouse. In this case, you must definitely destroy this connection; it can be disastrous for both marriages.

The second reason is perhaps she found out about her husband's infidelity and thus wants to take revenge on him. And then your husband accidentally came across her path, whom she chose as a victim. In this case, it is unlikely that this woman wants intimacy or tender feelings; the problem lies in her relationships, which she thinks about throughout the day and night. In this case, their union is unlikely to last long.

The third reason is boredom and a desire to improve self-esteem . Perhaps the homewrecker wants to establish herself in this way and amuse herself: “What a seductive and fatal woman I am, if married men want to sleep with me.” This is a predatory woman who will go over her head, and most likely, your husband is not her first and not her last lover. After playing with him, she will get rid of this connection and forget forever. The advantage of such a connection is that married lover will not interfere in her relationship with her husband and is unlikely to bother her phone calls and frequent dates.

Another reason for such a relationship is You're unlikely to get infected from a married man sexually transmitted infections, he is much cleaner and does not have relationships with several girls.

For married lovers, such a relationship has only advantages, but in fact it only indicates that something is not going well in their own marriages. It is unlikely that such a connection will lead to anything good, and in most cases it is revealed.

If it happens that you want to have a mistress or you already have one and problems arise with her, then you should pay attention to this article to get clarification on common situations or leave a comment with your problems and get practical advice.

I love a married girl with a child, children and she loves me, I’m married myself, what should I do, she’s older, younger, what should I do?

It all depends on the situation in her family and in yours. If the husband does not notice her, does not strive for a normal relationship, sits on her neck, does not respect her, insults her. Take her away from this fool quickly.

If everything was fine with them before you arrived, it is better not to destroy the family, especially if they have a child. Most likely, after your disappearance, the girl will forget about you after a while.

Much depends on the situation in your family; if your wife does not see you as a person, and you do not have children, you can get a divorce. Your relationship does not depend on age.

I love a married mistress and lose self-confidence, girlfriend, colleague, classmate

Don't lose confidence. Women love confident, strong, strong-willed men.

Married and unmarried mistress through the eyes of a man, if he is single psychology of relationships

A married woman is interesting because she will not control or create scenes of jealousy. You can have a nice time with her and not be obliged to do anything.

As soon as the relationship becomes boring, you can easily break up, it is unlikely that she will vigorously sort things out and pursue, preventing you from living a normal life. With a free woman comes certain obligations.

You will have to report to her if you didn’t pick up the phone or didn’t come for a long time, you will have to take her to restaurants and cinema, give flowers. It’s convenient in this regard with a married woman, sheer savings.

Sooner or later, you will either have to break up with an unmarried woman or ask her to marry you.

A married lover is jealous of a married, unmarried lover, what to do and why

Women are possessive, and even when married they can be jealous. If this is unpleasant for you, remind her that she sleeps not alone at night, but with her husband.

What kind of headdress did married women wear and on which finger and hand did they wear the ring?

Lump - a scarf folded in two. On right hand ring finger wear wedding ring in Russia.

A married lover is pregnant from her husband, became pregnant from her lover, what to do

If you become pregnant by your husband, let them decide for themselves whether to leave it or not. In the end, they are married.

If you become pregnant from your lover, weigh the pros and cons. Do you want to live with this sin all your life, are you ready to deceive a man who will raise someone else’s child? Maybe we should get a divorce.

Married women are a fiasco, which means

It depends which way you look at it. A fiasco is a failure. The failure is that you will be 100% rejected, there is no chance of a relationship.

Married mistress does not want to date, why, how to convince and whether it is necessary

She doesn’t want to, which means she’s faithful to her husband. If their relationship is in complete disarray, there is no respect for her, then with the help of tenderness and courtship you can persuade her. But whether you need it is another question.

It is unlikely that you will be together, and you can hurt her by breaking up, which is inevitable in the future.

Married women live shorter, longer than unmarried women or not

Scientists have proven that married women live longer than free women. Perhaps it's all about constant love and care for your neighbor.

Married women miss or miss as correct

That's right miss.

Married women often ask me what to do, how long such a relationship can last

Relationships can last from one meeting to several years. You can use this or, on the contrary, ignore these women.

Psychology of a married girl and lover after 30 years

A married girl wants something new. The relationship with her husband may have reached a dead end, but there is no talk of divorce. A lover will be interested in this relationship, and it does not imply any obligations for him.

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