A. S

Goals: acquaintance, analysis, expressive reading of A. S. Pushkin’s poems “I remember wonderful moment...", "Madonna".

Equipment: texts of poems; romance “I remember a wonderful moment...”; book by A.P. Kern “Memories of Pushkin”; portraits of A. S. Pushkin, A. P. Kern, N. N. Goncharova, M. Glinka; reproductions of the icon of the Mother of God and paintings by Raphael " Sistine Madonna».

Lesson type: combined with arts (music, painting).

During the classes

1. Poem “I remember a wonderful moment...”

Today we will get acquainted with the samples love lyrics A. S. Pushkin. Let's start our acquaintance with the poem “I remember a wonderful moment...”.

This poem is biographical. It was caused by meetings with Anna Petrovna Kern, who later wrote wonderful memoirs about Pushkin (show book).

Anna Petrovna lived difficult life. She was not even 17 years old when she was married to the fifty-two-year-old division general Kern. Anna Petrovna submitted to the will of her parents with despair. After 9 years she left her husband. After his death, Anna Petrovna remarried. She and her husband lived poorly, but in love and harmony. Anna Petrovna was an extraordinary woman: charming, intelligent, educated, with literary abilities.

The first meeting of Pushkin and A.P. Kern took place in 1819 in St. Petersburg at a ball. Pushkin liked Anna Petrovna, he tried to show her signs of attention. But she did not notice him, as she was absorbed in how I. A. Krylov expressively read one of his fables.

6 years later, in the summer of 1825, Anna Petrovna came to her aunt at the Trigorskoye estate. Pushkin at this time was in exile in the neighboring Mikhailovskoye estate. He came to Trigorskoye almost every day. On the day of Anna Petrovna’s departure, the poet gave her the 1st chapter of “Eugene Onegin”, which included a piece of paper with the poem “I remember a wonderful moment...”.

Years later, the poem received a rebirth. Composer M. Glinka met the daughter of Anna Petrovna Kern and fell in love with her. This became the source of inspiration for the creation of the romance. Listen to this romance. While listening, pay attention to the change in tempo of the music and intonation. This will help you in analyzing the poem.

Analysis of the poem.

How many stanzas does the poem consist of? (Out of six)

How many semantic parts can a poem be divided into? (Into three equal parts, two stanzas each. About three different stages in life lyrical hero. Each stage has a different tempo of music.)

Let's analyze the first part. Which real event Is she dedicated? (First meeting at the ball.)

1 stanza.

How was this meeting assessed? (“Wonderful Moment”)
Name the epithet. (“Wonderful.”)
List comparisons. (“Like a fleeting vision, like a genius of pure beauty.”)
These comparisons reinforce the impression of something unusually beautiful, sublime, but devoid of living signs.

2nd stanza.

What did the poet remember about this meeting? (“Tender voice”, “cute features.”)
Name the epithets. (“Gentle”, “lovely”.)
Again the most common features captivating female image.
When did a poet imagine “lovely features”? (“In the languor of noisy bustle.”)
Name the epithets. (“Hopeless”, “noisy”.)
In difficult moments of life, the memory of a sweet face helped to survive them and warmed the poet’s soul.
The second part is about the years of hardship in the poet’s life. Slow pace in romance.

3 stanza.

How did the years pass? (“The storm is a rebellious impulse.”)
Name the epithet. ("Rebellious".)
What is the meaning of this metaphor? (Difficult years of trials, adversity.)
How have these years affected the cute look? (“I forgot,” the years obscured me. Over time, the bright memory was lost.)
What epithet is used to name traits? (“Heavenly.”)
Where are the 4 epithets in these stanzas? (At the end of the lines.)
What syntactic expressive device is used? (Inversion.)
For what? (Signs are more important.)

4th stanza.

What event in the poet's life? (About the exile in Mikhailovsky.)
How was the link? (“In the wilderness, in the darkness of confinement, my days passed quietly.” In the provinces, far from the cities, I saw almost no one; the days passed slowly, monotonously.)
What was missing during the exile? (“Without deity, without inspiration, without tears, without life, without love.” A period of mental oppression began. Existence itself seemed to lose all meaning.)
In the third part, the hero’s spiritual rebirth takes place.

stanza 5.

Why has the soul “awakened”? (“You appeared again.” About meetings in Trigorskoye.)
Why are comparisons repeated? (The second meeting produced the same strong impression, like the first one.)

Stanza 6.

How has the hero's life changed? (Mentally revived, life became full.)
What are the similarities and differences between the last two lines in the 4th and 6th stanzas? (The same nouns are used, but in the 4th stanza - with the preposition “without”, and in the 6th - with the conjunction “and”.)

State the main idea of ​​the poem. (Love helps the lyrical hero survive life’s hardships, revives him to a full life after mental oppression.)

Which means of expression does the poet use? (Tropes: epithets, comparisons, metaphor. Syntactic device: inversion.)

And in our time, the poem is considered a masterpiece of love poetry.

Work on expressive reading poems. The teacher expressively reads the poem by heart. At this time, students mark pauses and words with logical stress in the texts.

What is the intonation in each three parts? (1st, 3rd – joyful, 2nd – anxious, sad.)

Notice the pronunciation of the word “hopeless” in stanza 2.

Expressive reading of a poem by two students.

2. Poem “Madonna”

The poem was written in July 1830, on the eve of the marriage of A. S. Pushkin to N. N. Goncharova. It is dedicated to her.

The student reads the poem expressively by heart.

Who is Madonna? (Image of Western European religious painting. In Orthodoxy - the Mother of God.)

Before you are 2 reproductions: 1st – reproduction of a painting by the great Italian artist Renaissance Raphael “Sistine Madonna”, 2nd – reproduction of the icon “Our Lady of Vladimir”.

What do these illustrations have in common? (Both the Madonna and the Mother of God are holding the baby Jesus in their arms.)

What differences did you notice? (Madonna is depicted in full height; Madonna has 2 angels at her feet; Madonna looks more like an earthly woman, and the Mother of God has a stern, unearthly face, her baby is older.)

What picture would the lyrical hero like to have? (Last line of stanza 2, stanza 3.)

Let's understand the meanings of words. “Most Pure” is one of the addresses to the Mother of God. “Divine Savior” - Christ, child. “With greatness” - inspiring admiration and respect. “He has reason in his eyes,” despite his infancy. “Under the Palm of Zion” - about the first Christian Church, collected in the upper room of Zion.

Find the comparison in stanza 2. (“From the canvas, like from the clouds.”)

Note the clarification “without angels.”

So, draw a conclusion about whose features are more in the poem: Madonna or Our Lady? (Our Lady.)

In his poem, Pushkin rose above the differences between the Western and Eastern churches.

How did the lyrical hero's wish come true? (An earthly woman appeared.)

Who is the “Creator”? (God as the creator of the world.)

What does “sent down” mean? (Given it.)

How do you understand the expression “the purest example”? (A combination of purity and beauty, heavenly and earthly, holiness and beauty.)

Contemporaries noted that the appearance of Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova evoked associations with the image of the Mother of God.

This is the sublime attitude the poet had towards the woman he loved.

The feeling of reverence is also expressed by the selection of vocabulary. The poem contains words of high and book styles, outdated. Try to name them. (High style words: “heed”, “with greatness.” Book style word: “send down.” Outdated words: “look”, “send down”.) The poem also contains many words of Christian themes. We talked about them earlier.

The form of this poem is a sonnet. Let's find out its features.

How many lines are there in the poem? (14 lines.)

How many stanzas? (4 stanzas.)

A sonnet has a special rhyme scheme. What rhyme is in the 1st stanza? (a – b – b – a: encircling.) In the 2nd stanza? (a – b – a – b: cross.)

How many lines are there in the 3rd and 4th stanzas? (3 lines each. Rhyme: a – a – b, a – b – a.)

Which stanza expresses the main idea of ​​the poem? (In the last stanza.)

State the main idea. (Exalted, reverent attitude towards the woman you love, gratitude to fate for the gift of happiness.)

3. Summing up the lesson: notes in notebooks

“I remember a wonderful moment...” (1825)

Theme and genre: love lyrics.

Main thought: love helps a person survive life’s adversity, revives him to a full life after mental oppression.

Expressive means:

  1. tropes: epithets, similes, metaphor;
  2. syntactic device: inversion.

"Madonna" (1830)

Theme and genre: love lyrics.

Main thought: a sublime, reverent attitude towards the beloved woman, gratitude to fate for the gift of happiness.

Expressive means: comparison, vocabulary of high and book styles, outdated .

Form: sonnet (14 lines, special rhyme scheme).

4. Homework

Learn by heart the poem “I remember a wonderful moment...”.

This poem was written by the poet in Mikhailovsky in 1825. It is dedicated and addressed to A.P. Kern (niece of P.A. Osipova), whom Pushkin met in St. Petersburg in 1819. The poet hands this message to the addressee on the day of Anna Kern’s departure from the estate next to the Pushkins, Trigorskoye, on July 19, 1925.

Theme, genre and composition of the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment”

Of course, the main theme of this masterpiece is love. However, there are also reflections young author about the philosophical significance of every moment in human life, about the intrinsic value of each such moment.

The genre of this work is a love letter.

Compositionally, the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” reflects the biography of the author in love. So,

  • in the first and second quatrains one can trace Pushkin’s St. Petersburg period. We must remember that the poet met this lady for the first time in 1819.
  • And already in the third quatrain the period of the author’s southern exile is depicted.
  • In the fourth - “imprisonment” in Mikhailovskoye, where the poet’s days dragged on (without a deity, without inspiration...)
  • Fifth and sixth - new meeting and "awakening"

This phenomenon of the “genius of pure beauty” again gives the poet admiration, rapture, enlightenment, and, of course, new lyrical revelations.

Pushkin expresses the omnipotence of love, which cannot be destroyed either by “hopeless sadness” or “anxious worldly vanity.” Wonderful moment true love capable of both resurrecting and giving meaning to life; it is obviously stronger than any suffering and adversity.

Artistic means of the poem

Pushkin pays special attention to them; in the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” there is not much, but they are carefully chosen, which gives this lyric both simplicity and sophistication.

Pushkin epithets

“genius of pure beauty”, “wonderful moment”, “favorite features”

both sublime and surprisingly harmonious.

The simplicity of the author’s image is achieved, at first glance, by familiar, in ordinary words, but the special swiftness and passion are conveyed through metaphors. The poet’s love is not destroyed, only “former dreams” can be dispelled by a “storm of rebellious impulse.”

And the very image of his beloved appears to the poet “like a fleeting vision.” These epithets turn the heroine into an unearthly, slightly mysterious, special creature, but at the same time real and tangible.

It is interesting that Pushkin borrowed the image of “pure beauty” from the poet’s teacher, V. Zhukovsky, which turns it into a literary quotation in this poem.

Separately, it should be noted the melody of the work, which is achieved by syntactic means -

In Pushkin's stanzas of this poem there is an alternation of rhymes:

  • Women's - rapture-imprisonment
  • Men's - beauty-vanity

The rhyme is of a cross type, alliteration is represented by the sonorant consonants “l”, “m”, “n”.

All this contributes to a special melody of this work. It is well known that this poem especially attracted numerous musicians. Among the famous ones is a romance, moreover, dedicated by Mikhail Ivanovich to the daughter of that same A. Kern.

The poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is written in the author’s favorite meter – iambic tetrameter. Each quatrain is an independent rhythmic unit, the transition between them is soft, dimly expressed through rhymes, which unite the entire work into a single amazing lyrical and melodic composition of the verse.

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The theme of love in the lyrics of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is of particular importance. If Nekrasov, for example, had a Muse, which he identified with a peasant woman, then the “sun of Russian poetry” did not have a Muse as such - but there was love, which the poet needed like air, because without love he was not able to create. So they became Pushkin’s Muses earthly women, who once conquered the poet.

It is worth noting that Pushkin was in love many times - often his chosen ones became married women, for example, Elizaveta Vorontsova or Amalia Riznich. Despite the fact that all these high-society ladies were included in Pushkin’s so-called Don Juan list, compiled by him personally, he did not at all imagine the poet’s closeness with his lovers, with the exception of a spiritual, tender friendship. However, Anna Petrovna Kern, to whom the immortal “I remember a wonderful moment...” is dedicated, becomes Pushkin’s most famous Muse.

This woman captivated the poet in St. Petersburg in 1819 at one of the social events. At that time, Kern had already broken up with her unloved husband, so a romance began between her and the talented descendant of “the Blackmoor Peter the Great,” which high society was unable to condemn.

But the epochal poem was created much later, in 1825, when Pushkin again meets ex-lover, and his feelings flare up with renewed vigor. Like Katerina, who became a ray of light in dark kingdom, Anna Petrovna revived the poet, gave him the pleasure of a feeling of love, inspiration, and gave him poetic strength. Thanks to her, one of the most beautiful works of Russian love poetry was born.

So, the history of its creation is well known, which, however, does not prevent literary historians from putting forward other assumptions about the possible addressee of the tender message, including even a certain serf girl Nastenka, about whom, however, nothing is known in Pushkin’s diaries, his personal letters, etc. .

It is important to note that the poem is autobiographical in nature, which is why episodes from the life of the great poet are so easily traced in it, however, the complete identification of the lyrical hero with the author, as well as the lyrical heroine with A.P. Kern, will be incorrect, since the image of the latter, of course, is idealized.

Undoubtedly, the theme of the message “I remember a wonderful moment...” is an intimate revelation, a love confession. As has already been said, Pushkin needed love, not necessarily shared. Thanks to his feelings, he was able to create. At the same time, in the poem one can find philosophical theme the meaning of love in human life.

“I remember a wonderful moment...” - plot poem. In it, the lyrical hero meets a beautiful lover who revives the best feelings in his soul, but over time loses her. Along with the girl, the hero’s romantic dreams and inspiration go away, and the wings curl behind his back. Over the years, the devastation only intensifies, but then the charming woman appears again in the life of her lover, again bringing with her the beautiful, spiritual.

So, if we transfer this plot to the biography of its author, we will note that the first stanza describes the first meeting with Kern in St. Petersburg. The second and third quatrains tell about the southern exile and the period of “imprisonment” in Mikhailovskoye. However, there is a new meeting with the Muse, which resurrects the best in the poet’s soul.

The autobiographical nature of the message determines its composition. Facilities artistic expression quite modest, but at the same time picturesque. The poet resorts to epithets (“ clean" beauty, " wonderful"moment," rebellious"gust of storms, etc.), metaphors (" genius of pure beauty», « awakening of the soul"), personification ( the gust of storms is animated). Particular expressiveness and melody is achieved by using stylistic figures, for example, antitheses.

Thus, the hero lives “without a deity, without inspiration,” which are resurrected as soon as his beloved returns to his life. In the last quatrain you can see anaphora, and in the second - assonance (“a gentle voice sounded to me for a long time”). The entire poem is written using the technique of inversion.

Pushkin's lyrical heroine is an image of some unearthly being, angelic, pure and gentle. No wonder the poet compares her to a deity.

“I remember a wonderful moment...” is written in Pushkin’s favorite iambic tetrameter with cross alternation of female and male rhymes.

Amazing tenderness and touching messages to Kern make romantic work one of the best examples of love lyrics - on a global scale.

“I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is one of the most important works in the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin. People will learn about this poem today school desks, because it has not lost its popularity. The poem is frank confession in the poet's unbridled feelings for Anna Kern, who was famous person in St. Petersburg and was known as an extraordinary beauty. The poet wrote this masterpiece in July 1825, and it was published by Pushkin’s friend A.A. Delvig only in 1827 in the collection “Northern Flowers”.

Love and passion are the main themes that the author touches on in his works. Many of the poet’s works are devoted to this topic. In this poem, Pushkin describes his attitude towards the young beauty, whom he saw at a social reception in 1819 with the Olenins. Since then, there was no peace in Pushkin’s heart; it burned with passion throughout for long years. The southern exile disrupted the opportunity to see his beloved, which the poet recalls in the work. But returning to the village of Mikhailovskoye, he again sees Anna Kern at a reception at the nearby Trigorskoye estate. Feelings flared up with renewed vigor. Unfortunately, the relationship between the young people did not work out, because Anna saw Pushkin only as a promising poet. Pushkin even proposed to her after she divorced her first husband, but was refused.

The main theme of the poem

From the first lines of the poem it becomes clear that it is filled with bright, pure, sincere feelings of love for a woman. This is the main theme of the work. Portrait characteristics the object of Pushkin’s adoration is not here. He gives short description to his beloved: “a genius of pure beauty.” The poem is composed of three parts, each of which describes different period time with a certain mood.

In the first part, the poet mentions the sensations that he experienced when meeting his beloved: “a wonderful moment,” “a fleeting vision.” The use of gentle epithets allows the reader to feel the author’s feelings. The second part of the verse speaks of the poet’s sad period of exile and imprisonment, in which he could not feel anything, having forgotten about the sweet features of the woman he loved. But in the third part, feelings are resurrected with renewed vigor, the poet’s soul comes to life again. He can experience the same sensations as before: “life, tears, and love.” The author's spiritual strength returns again, because love occupies the main place in his life.

“I Remember a Wonderful Moment” can rightfully be called an ode to love for a woman whose beauty is comparable to a genius, that is, a spirit, a model, a standard. This describes a love that neither years of separation, nor captivity, nor mental anguish could subdue.

Structural analysis of the poem

The artistic means used by the author are the use of epithets. The poem contains a single metaphor, which confuses critics, because this did not affect the emotional richness of the poem and its lyricism. The poet uses some other comparisons: “genius of pure beauty”, “fleeting vision”.

The composition of the poem divides it into three parts. They differ in emotional intensity. The mention of the first line at the beginning and at the end of the poem is called a ring composition. The chosen genre of the work is a form of message, a confession of feelings. The poem can be called autobiographical, it clearly highlights the periods of Pushkin’s life: being in St. Petersburg, Southern exile, staying in the Mikhailovskoye family estate. In the text, the author interweaves tender feelings with philosophical thoughts.

The verse is written in iambic pentameter. Cross rhyme is used - with alternating male and female rhymes. Each stanza has a clear meaning and completeness of thought. Due to its melody and ease of perception, the poem has been reproduced more than once as a romance. The most famous romance is musical composition M.I. Glinka.

This poem is considered a masterpiece in poetry. It reveals the sincere feelings of the poet, which makes it possible for future generations to learn about sensuality, tenderness, and the meaning of life, which lies in love. Using the example of a poem, you can understand what it means to truly love.

The essence of every person's life is love. It is this feeling that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin teaches to appreciate in many of his works. Love was the inspiration for the poet to create his masterpieces. The love lyrics of the genius discuss many philosophical and everyday problems. An example of a brilliant and brilliant amorous message is Alexander Pushkin’s poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment.” An analysis of this creation will demonstrate to you the inspired state of a person in love, the features of the composition and language of the masterpiece. The generally accepted version of the title of this work is “K***”. This title hides who “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is dedicated to. Well, it's worth meeting this mysterious lady.

The history of Pushkin's poem "I remember a wonderful moment"

The lines, which belong to the pinnacle of world love lyrics, are dedicated to a secular beauty named Anna Kern. This beauty was idolized by many fans, among whom was the emperor himself. Her maiden name- Poltoratskaya. An easy-to-remember surname was given to her by her elderly husband. So, famous masterpiece intended for the socialite St. Petersburg beauty Anna Kern. The first meeting between the future lovers took place at gala reception in 1819. The beautiful woman immediately called young poet ardent passion. But the fatal temptress was married at that time. Secular laws did not allow married women to express their feelings.

Flirty Anna, in turn, did not even pay attention to the unattractive Alexander among the famous gentlemen. Some of the young man's statements and remarks even irritated her. The next time they met was at the Trigorskoye estate (1825). By this time, Anna had already become a fan of Pushkin’s work. The lady was simply charming and did not behave as timidly as before. When analyzing “I Remember a Wonderful Moment,” it is worth mentioning that it was after this incident that Kern’s message was written. Such attention was very flattering to Anna, but did not evoke mutual feelings. Soon Pushkin went into exile to Mikhailovskoye and agreed to correspond with the beauty.

For two years the poet devoted ardent confessions to Kern. She was a deity to him, filled with incredible virtues. The most brilliant confessions are dedicated to the beauty. Later he became jealous of her, which he sometimes expressed insultingly. In 1827, Anna separated from her husband and started an affair with her husband’s nephew, 20 years younger than her. Alexander Sergeevich was disappointed in her. One day, a connection took place between the lovers in St. Petersburg, after which the poet completely lost interest in his muse. She became happy wife the same young nephew.

In the analysis of “I Remember a Wonderful Moment,” it would not hurt to mention that this message was published by Kern herself in Delvig’s almanac “Northern Flowers” ​​(1825). Being for six months younger than Alexander Sergeevich, she outlived the poet by 42 years. Anna concluded that Pushkin did not seriously love anyone.

Main motive

Getting acquainted with the analysis of “I Remember a Wonderful Moment,” readers clearly see in the poem main topic. This is, of course, love. Pushkin provides his beloved small description of his life between their first and second meeting, when he was going to Mikhailovskoye. During this time, a southern exile flashed through, bitter disappointment in life, and the creation of pessimistic works. But Bad mood the poet changes the image of the divine muse. Joy has returned to the author’s work again. It was during this meeting with the heroine that his soul awakened.

Message idea

Analysis of “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” cannot be imagined without highlighting main idea poems. Pushkin shows love not only as a feeling for a woman, but also as an inspiration for creativity. Love for Alexander Sergeevich is a sincere, deep, magical feeling that has completely taken possession of him. In addition, Pushkin wanted to show inner world poet in cruel reality.

Masterpiece composition

The composition of the poem consists of three fragments. Each of these episodes has its own meaning and its own mood. The first part conveys to the reader the poet’s memories of his meeting with the genius of pure beauty. The second part is a description of the dark days in captivity, when there was no inspiration. The third fragment conveys the state of mind of the lyrical hero, who again wants to create and love.

Genre originality

Now we know to whom “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is dedicated. Let's determine the genre of the work. This is a love letter. The poet did not deprive him of philosophical reflections. You can see moments from Pushkin's biography. The first stanza talks about life in St. Petersburg, the second - about southern exile, the third - about the upcoming exile to Mikhailovskoye.

Features of language and means of expression

The vocabulary of the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is filled with epithets and comparisons. The colorful phrase “tender voice” is repeated twice like a musical refrain. All rhymes are filled with harmony and songfulness. Not in vain famous composer M.I. Glinka wrote a romance based on this text.

In addition to repetitions, the message contains inversion, parallelism, and silence. The poet resorts to a rhetorical question. With the help of complex syntax, Pushkin achieves lightness and clarity of the text. The author uses direct and reverse word order, different positions of epithets, and alternating anaphors. To write the message, the poet used iambic pentameter with cross rhyme. The alternation of vowels in assonance gives the poem melodiousness and smoothness.

This brilliant creation genius is known in many parts of the world. In 2013, a book was published that collected translations of this work by Pushkin into 210 languages. 13% of Russians surveyed named this work their favorite.

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