A m Gorky short biography. Literary and historical notes of a young technician

Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov born in 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod. He lost his parents early, lived in his grandfather’s family, experienced many troubles and hardships with early childhood. This explains his pseudonym - Bitter, which he took in 1892, signing with it the story “Makar Chudra”, published in the newspaper. This is not so much a pseudonym-phrenonym - a pseudonym indicating main feature the author's character or main feature his creativity. Knowing for certain about the hard life, the writer described the bitter fate of the disadvantaged. Gorky described the impressions of the beginning of his life in the trilogy “Childhood”, “In People”, “My Universities”.

Creative activity

Since 1892, the aspiring writer published feuilletons and reviews in newspapers. In 1898, his two-volume book “Essays and Stories” was published, which made Maxim Gorky a famous revolutionary author and attracted the attention of the authorities to him. This period in the writer’s life is characterized by a search for the heroic in life. “Old Woman Izergil”, “Song of the Falcon”, “Song of the Petrel” were enthusiastically received by progressive youth.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Gorky finally subordinated his creativity to the service of the revolution. For his participation in the revolutionary movement in 1905, the writer was imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress, but under the influence of the world community the authorities had to release him. To avoid persecution, the party sent Gorky to America in 1906. Impressions of the country and that time are described in the essays “The City of the Yellow Devil”, “Belle France”, “My Interviews”. Gorky did not stay abroad for long for the first time.

Emigration and return to the USSR

Gorky met the October Revolution without much enthusiasm, but continued his creative activity and wrote many patriotic works. In 1921, he was forced to emigrate abroad, according to one version - at the insistence of V.I. Lenin, for treatment of tuberculosis, according to another - due to ideological differences with the established government. And only in 1928 he came to Russia at the personal invitation of Stalin. The writer finally returned to his homeland in 1932, and for a long time remained the “head of Soviet literature”, created new magazines and series of books, and initiated the creation of the “Union Soviet writers" Despite his extensive social work, he continues his creative activities.

Personal life

The writer's personal life was just as eventful as his creative life, but not as happy. IN different time he had several long-term affairs, but he was married to one woman - E.P. Peshkova (Volzhina). They had two children, but the daughter died in infancy, leaving only one son, Maxim. In 1934, Maxim died tragically.

Alexey Maksimovich Gorky died in 1936, cremated and buried in Moscow, on Red Square. There are still conflicting rumors surrounding his death, as well as the death of his son.

If this message was useful to you, I would be glad to see you

Message quote On March 28, 1868, Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov-Maxim Gorky was born.

Alexey Peshkov, better known as the writer Maxim Gorky, is a cult figure in Russian and Soviet literature. He was nominated five times Nobel Prize, was the most published Soviet author throughout the existence of the USSR and was considered, along with Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and Leo Tolstoy, the main creator of Russian literary art.

Alexey Peshkov - future Maxim Gorky

He was born in the town of Kanavino, which at that time was located in the Nizhny Novgorod province, and is now one of the districts of Nizhny Novgorod. His father Maxim Peshkov was a carpenter, and in the last years of his life he managed a shipping company. Mother Varvara Vasilievna died of consumption, so Alyosha Peshkova’s parents were replaced by grandmother Akulina Ivanovna. From the age of 11, the boy was forced to start working: Maxim Gorky was a messenger at a store, a barman on a ship, an assistant to a baker and an icon painter. The biography of Maxim Gorky is reflected in his stories “Childhood”, “In People” and “My Universities”.

After an unsuccessful attempt to become a student at Kazan University and arrest due to connections with a Marxist circle, the future writer became a guard at railway. And at the age of 23, the young man set off to wander around the country and managed to reach the Caucasus on foot. It was during this journey that Maxim Gorky briefly wrote down his thoughts, which would later become the basis for future works. Gorky's first stories began to be published around that time.

In 1902, Gorky was elected an honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences... But before he could take advantage of his new rights, his election was annulled by the government, since the newly elected academician “was under police surveillance.” In this regard, Chekhov and Korolenko refused membership in the Academy
Gorky published the poem “The Wallachian Legend,” which later became known as “The Legend of Marco.” According to contemporaries, Nikolai Gumilyov highly valued the last stanza of this poem:

And you will live on earth,

How blind worms live:

No fairy tales will be told about you,

They won't sing any songs about you.

Gorky was friends with Lenin. How could a great proletarian writer not be friends with the petrel of the revolution, Lenin? A legend was born about the closeness of two powerful figures. She has been visualized in numerous sculptures, paintings and even photographs. They show conversations between the leader and the creator socialist realism. But after the revolution, the writer’s political position was already ambiguous, he lost his influence. In 1918, Gorky found himself in an ambiguous situation in Petrograd, having begun to write essays critical of the new government “ Untimely thoughts" In Russia, this book was published only in 1990. Gorky was at odds with Grigory Zinoviev, the influential chairman of the Petrograd Soviet. Because of this, Gorky went into exile, albeit an honorable one. It was officially believed that Lenin insisted on the classic’s treatment abroad.

There was no place for the writer in post-revolutionary life. With such views and activities, he was threatened with arrest. Gorky himself helped this myth emerge. In his biographical sketch“Lenin” he rather sentimentally described his friendship with the leader. Lenin met Gorky back in 1905, quickly becoming close. However, then the revolutionary began to note the writer’s mistakes and hesitations. Gorky looked at the causes of the First World War differently; he could not wish his country to be defeated in it. Lenin believed that emigration and weakened ties with the Motherland were to blame. PublicationGorky in 1918in the newspaper " New life" was openly criticized by Pravda. Lenin began to see Gorky as a temporarily erring comrade.

Alexey Peshkov, who took the pseudonym Gorky

The first published story by Maxim Gorky was the famous “Makar Chudra” (1892). The two-volume “Essays and Stories” brought fame to the writer. Interestingly, the circulation of these volumes was almost three times higher than what was usually accepted in those years. Of the most popular works of that period it is worth noting the stories “Old Woman Izergil”, “ Former people", "Chelkash", "Twenty six and one", as well as the poem "Song of the Falcon". Another poem, “Song of the Petrel,” has become a textbook. Maxim Gorky devoted a lot of time to children's literature. He wrote a number of fairy tales, for example, “Sparrow”, “Samovar”, “Tales of Italy”, published the first special children's magazine and organized holidays for children from poor families.

Legendary Soviet writer
Very important for understanding the writer’s work are Maxim Gorky’s plays “At the Lower Depths,” “The Bourgeois” and “Yegor Bulychov and Others,” in which he reveals the playwright’s talent and shows how he sees the life around him. Big cultural significance for Russian literature they have the stories “Childhood” and “In People”, social novels“Mother” and “The Artamonov Case”. Last job Gorky’s epic novel “The Life of Klim Samgin” is considered, which has a second title “Forty Years”. He worked on this manuscript for 11 years, but never managed to finish it.

The personal life of Maxim Gorky was quite stormy. He married for the first and officially only time at the age of 28. The young man met his wife Ekaterina Volzhina at the Samara Newspaper publishing house, where the girl worked as a proofreader. A year after the wedding, a son, Maxim, appeared, and soon a daughter, Ekaterina, named after her mother. The writer was also raised by his godson Zinovy ​​Sverdlov, who later took the surname Peshkov.

With his first wife Ekaterina Volzhina

Soon Gorky began to feel burdened family life and their marriage to Ekaterina Volzhina turned into a parental union: they lived together solely because of the children. When little daughter Katya died unexpectedly, this tragic event became the impetus for the severance of family ties. However, Maxim Gorky and his wife remained friends until the end of their lives and maintained correspondence.

With his second wife, actress Maria Andreeva

After separating from his wife, Maxim Gorky, with the help of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, met the Moscow Art Theater actress Maria Andreeva, who became his de facto wife for the next 16 years. It was because of her work that the writer left for America and Italy. From her previous relationship, the actress had a daughter, Ekaterina, and a son, Andrei, who were raised by Maxim Peshkov-Gorky. But after the revolution, Andreeva became interested in party work and began to pay less attention to her family, so in 1919 this relationship came to an end.

With third wife Maria Budberg and writer H.G. Wells

Gorky himself put an end to it, declaring that he was leaving for Maria Budberg, a former baroness and part-time his secretary. The writer lived with this woman for 13 years. The marriage, like the previous one, was unregistered. Last wife Maxima Gorky was 24 years younger than him, and all his acquaintances were aware that she was “having affairs” on the side. One of Gorky's wife's lovers was an English science fiction writer H.G. Wells, to whom she left immediately after the death of her actual spouse. There is a huge possibility that Maria Budberg, who had a reputation as an adventurer and clearly collaborated with the NKVD, could be a double agent and also work for British intelligence.

After his final return to his homeland in 1932, Maxim Gorky worked in the publishing houses of newspapers and magazines, created a series of books “History of factories and factories”, “Poet’s Library”, “History civil war", organized and organized the First All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers. After unexpected death the writer wilted from his son's pneumonia. During his next visit to Maxim’s grave, he caught a bad cold. Gorky had a fever for three weeks, which led to his death on June 18, 1936.

In the last years of life

Later, the question was raised several times that legendary writer and his son could have been poisoned. By this case passed by People's Commissar Genrikh Yagoda, who was the lover of Maxim Peshkov's wife. The involvement of Leon Trotsky and even Joseph Stalin was also suspected. During the repressions and the consideration of the famous “Doctors’ Case,” three doctors were blamed, including the death of Maxim Gorky.

Born on March 16 (28), 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod in a poor family of a carpenter. The real name of Maxim Gorky is Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov. His parents died early, and little Alexey stayed to live with my grandfather. His grandmother became a mentor in literature, who led her grandson into the world of folk poetry. He wrote about her briefly, but with great tenderness: “In those years, I was filled with my grandmother’s poems, like a beehive with honey; It seems that I was thinking in the forms of her poems.”

Gorky's childhood was spent in harsh, difficult conditions. WITH early years the future writer was forced to do part-time work, earning a living whatever he could.

Training and beginning of literary activity

In Gorky's life, only two years were devoted to studying at the Nizhny Novgorod School. Then, due to poverty, he went to work, but was constantly engaged in self-education. 1887 was one of the most difficult years in Gorky's biography. Due to the troubles that beset him, he tried to commit suicide, but nevertheless survived.

Traveling around the country, Gorky propagated the revolution, for which he was taken under police surveillance and then arrested for the first time in 1888.

Gorky's first published story, "Makar Chudra", was published in 1892. Then, his essays in two volumes, “Essays and Stories,” published in 1898, brought fame to the writer.

In 1900-1901 he wrote the novel “Three”, met Anton Chekhov and Leo Tolstoy.

In 1902, he was awarded the title of member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, but by order of Nicholas II it was soon invalidated.

TO famous works Gorky includes: the story “Old Woman Izergil” (1895), the plays “Philistines” (1901) and “At the Lower Depths” (1902), the stories “Childhood” (1913-1914) and “In People” (1915-1916), the novel “ The Life of Klim Samgin" (1925-1936), which the author never finished, as well as many cycles of stories.

Gorky also wrote fairy tales for children. Among them: “The Tale of Ivanushka the Fool”, “Sparrow”, “Samovar”, “Tales of Italy” and others. Remembering his difficult childhood, Gorky paid special attention to children, organized holidays for children from poor families, and published a children's magazine.

Emigration, return to homeland

In 1906, in the biography of Maxim Gorky, he moved to the USA, then to Italy, where he lived until 1913. Even there, Gorky’s work defended the revolution. Returning to Russia, he stops in St. Petersburg. Here Gorky works in publishing houses, deals with social activities. In 1921, due to worsening illness, at the insistence of Vladimir Lenin, and disagreements with the authorities, he again went abroad. The writer finally returned to the USSR in October 1932.

Last years and death

At home, he continues to actively write and publishes newspapers and magazines.

Maxim Gorky died on June 18, 1936 in the village of Gorki (Moscow region) under mysterious circumstances. There were rumors that the cause of his death was poisoning and many blamed Stalin for this. However, this version was never confirmed.

Chronological table

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The great Russian writer Maxim Gorky (Peshkov Alexey Maksimovich) was born on March 16, 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod - died on June 18, 1936 in Gorki. At an early age he “became popular,” in his own words. He lived hard, spent the night in the slums among all sorts of rabble, wandered, subsisting on an occasional piece of bread. He covered vast territories, visited the Don, Ukraine, the Volga region, Southern Bessarabia, the Caucasus and Crimea.


He was actively involved in social and political activities, for which he was arrested more than once. In 1906 he went abroad, where he began to successfully write his works. By 1910, Gorky had gained fame, his work aroused great interest. Earlier, in 1904, they began to publish critical articles, and then the book “About Gorky”. Gorky's works interested politicians and public figures. Some of them believed that the writer interpreted events taking place in the country too freely. Everything that Maxim Gorky wrote, works for the theater or journalistic essays, short stories or multi-page stories, caused a resonance and was often accompanied by anti-government protests. During the First World War, the writer took an openly anti-militarist position. greeted him enthusiastically, and turned his apartment in Petrograd into a safehouse for politicians. Often Maxim Gorky, whose works became more and more topical, gave reviews of his own work in order to avoid misinterpretation.


In 1921, the writer went abroad to undergo treatment. For three years, Maxim Gorky lived in Helsinki, Prague and Berlin, then moved to Italy and settled in the city of Sorrento. There he began publishing his memoirs about Lenin. In 1925 he wrote the novel “The Artamonov Case”. All of Gorky's works of that time were politicized.

Return to Russia

The year 1928 became a turning point for Gorky. At the invitation of Stalin, he returns to Russia and for a month moves from city to city, meets people, gets acquainted with achievements in industry, and observes how socialist construction develops. Then Maxim Gorky leaves for Italy. However, the next year (1929) the writer came to Russia again and this time visited the Solovetsky special-purpose camps. The reviews are the most positive. Alexander Solzhenitsyn mentioned this trip of Gorky in his novel

The writer's final return to the Soviet Union occurred in October 1932. Since that time, Gorky has lived in his former dacha in Spiridonovka in Gorki, and goes to Crimea on vacation.

First Writers' Congress

After some time, the writer receives a political order from Stalin, who entrusts him with preparing the 1st Congress of Soviet Writers. In light of this order, Maxim Gorky creates several new newspapers and magazines, publishes book series on the history of Soviet plants and factories, the civil war and some other events of the Soviet era. At the same time he wrote plays: “Egor Bulychev and others”, “Dostigaev and others”. Some of Gorky's works, written earlier, were also used by him in preparing the first congress of writers, which took place in August 1934. At the congress, organizational issues were mainly resolved, the leadership of the future Union of Writers of the USSR was elected, and writing sections by genre were created. Gorky's works were also ignored at the 1st Congress of Writers, but he was elected chairman of the board. Overall, the event was considered successful, and Stalin personally thanked Maxim Gorky for his fruitful work.


M. Gorky, whose works caused fierce controversy among the intelligentsia for many years, tried to take part in the discussion of his books and especially theater plays. From time to time, the writer visited theaters, where he could see with his own eyes that people were not indifferent to his work. And indeed, for many, the writer M. Gorky, whose works were understandable to the common man, became a guide to a new life. Theater audiences went to the performance several times, read and re-read books.

Gorky's early romantic works

The writer's work can be divided into several categories. Gorky's early works are romantic and even sentimental. They do not yet feel the harshness of political sentiments that permeate the writer’s later stories and tales.

The writer's first story "Makar Chudra" is about gypsy fleeting love. Not because it was fleeting, because “love came and went,” but because it lasted only one night, without a single touch. Love lived in the soul without touching the body. And then the death of the girl at the hands of her beloved, the proud gypsy Rada passed away, and behind her Loiko Zobar himself - they floated across the sky together, hand in hand.

Amazing plot, incredible storytelling power. The story "Makar Chudra" became long years business card Maxim Gorky, firmly taking first place in the list " early works Gorky".

The writer worked a lot and fruitfully in his youth. Early romantic works Gorky is a cycle of stories whose heroes are Danko, Sokol, Chelkash and others.

A short story about spiritual excellence makes you think. "Chelkash" - a story about common man, carrying high aesthetic feelings. Fleeing from home, vagrancy, meeting of two - one is doing his usual thing, the other is brought by chance. Gavrila's envy, mistrust, readiness for submissive servility, fear and servility are contrasted with Chelkash's courage, self-confidence, and love of freedom. However, Chelkash is not needed by society, unlike Gavrila. Romantic pathos is intertwined with tragic. The description of nature in the story is also shrouded in a flair of romance.

In the stories "Makar Chudra", "Old Woman Izergil" and, finally, in "Song of the Falcon" the motivation for the "madness of the brave" can be traced. The writer places the characters in difficult conditions and then, beyond any logic, leads them to the finale. What makes the work of the great writer interesting is that the narrative is unpredictable.

Gorky's work "Old Woman Izergil" consists of several parts. The character of her first story, the son of an eagle and a woman, the sharp-eyed Larra, is presented as an egoist incapable of high feelings. When he heard the maxim that one inevitably has to pay for what one takes, he expressed disbelief, declaring that “I would like to remain unharmed.” People rejected him, condemning him to loneliness. Larra's pride turned out to be destructive for himself.

Danko is no less proud, but he treats people with love. Therefore, he obtains the freedom necessary for his fellow tribesmen who trusted him. Despite the threats of those who doubt that he is capable of leading the tribe out, the young leader continues on his way, taking people along with him. And when everyone’s strength was running out, and the forest did not end, Danko tore open his chest, took out his burning heart and with its flame illuminated the path that led them to the clearing. The ungrateful tribesmen, having broken free, did not even look in Danko’s direction when he fell and died. People ran away, trampled on the flaming heart as they ran, and it scattered into blue sparks.

Gorky's romantic works leave an indelible mark on the soul. Readers empathize with the characters, the unpredictability of the plot keeps them in suspense, and the ending is often unexpected. In addition, Gorky’s romantic works are distinguished by deep morality, which is unobtrusive, but makes you think.

The theme of individual freedom dominates early work writer. The heroes of Gorky's works are freedom-loving and are ready to even give their lives for the right to choose their own destiny.

Poem "The Girl and Death" - shining example self-sacrifice in the name of love. young, full of life A girl makes a deal with death for one night of love. She is ready to die in the morning without regret, just to meet her beloved again.

The king, who considers himself omnipotent, dooms the girl to death only because, returning from the war, he was in a bad mood and did not like her happy laughter. Death spared Love, the girl remained alive and the “bony one with a scythe” no longer had power over her.

Romance is also present in “Song of the Storm Petrel”. The proud bird is free, it is like black lightning, rushing between the gray plain of the sea and the clouds hanging over the waves. Let the storm blow stronger, the brave bird is ready to fight. But it is important for the penguin to hide his fat body in the rocks; he has a different attitude towards the storm - no matter how he soaks his feathers.

Man in Gorky's works

The special, sophisticated psychologism of Maxim Gorky is present in all his stories, while the individual is always given the main role. Even the homeless tramps, the characters of the shelter, are presented by the writer as respected citizens, despite their plight. In Gorky’s works, man is placed at the forefront, everything else is secondary - the events described, political situation, even actions government agencies are in the background.

Gorky's story "Childhood"

The writer tells the life story of the boy Alyosha Peshkov, as if on his own behalf. The story is sad, it begins with the death of the father and ends with the death of the mother. Left an orphan, the boy heard from his grandfather, the day after his mother’s funeral: “You are not a medal, you shouldn’t hang around my neck... Go join the people...”. And he kicked me out.

This is how Gorky's work "Childhood" ends. And in the middle there were several years of living in the house of my grandfather, a lean little old man who used to flog everyone who was weaker than him on Saturdays. And the only people inferior to his grandfather in strength were his grandchildren living in the house, and he beat them backhand, placing them on the bench.

Alexey grew up, supported by his mother, and a thick fog of enmity between everyone and everyone hung in the house. The uncles fought among themselves, threatened the grandfather that they would kill him too, the cousins ​​drank, and their wives did not have time to give birth. Alyosha tried to make friends with the neighboring boys, but their parents and other relatives were in such complicated relationships with his grandfather, grandmother and mother that the children could only communicate through a hole in the fence.

"At the bottom"

In 1902, Gorky turned to philosophical topic. He created a play about people who, by the will of fate, sank to the very bottom Russian society. The writer depicted several characters, the inhabitants of the shelter, with frightening authenticity. At the center of the story are homeless people on the verge of despair. Some are thinking about suicide, others are hoping for the best. The work of M. Gorky "At the Lower Depths" is bright picture social and everyday disorder in society, often turning into tragedy.

The owner of the shelter, Mikhail Ivanovich Kostylev, lives and does not know that his life is constantly under threat. His wife Vasilisa persuades one of the guests, Vaska Pepel, to kill her husband. This is how it ends: the thief Vaska kills Kostylev and goes to prison. The remaining inhabitants of the shelter continue to live in an atmosphere of drunken revelry and bloody fights.

After some time, a certain Luka appears, a projector and a blabbermouth. He “fills up” for no reason, conducts lengthy conversations, promises everyone indiscriminately a happy future and complete prosperity. Then Luke disappears, and the unfortunate people whom he encouraged are at a loss. There was severe disappointment. A forty-year-old homeless man, nicknamed Actor, commits suicide. The rest are not far from this either.

Nochlezhka as a symbol of the dead end of Russian society late XIX century, an undisguised ulcer of the social structure.

The works of Maxim Gorky

  • "Makar Chudra" - 1892. A story of love and tragedy.
  • "Grandfather Arkhip and Lenka" - 1893. A poor, sick old man and with him his grandson Lenka, a teenager. First, the grandfather cannot withstand adversity and dies, then the grandson dies. Good people The unfortunates were buried along the road.
  • "Old Woman Izergil" - 1895. Several stories old woman about selfishness and selflessness.
  • "Chelkash" - 1895. A story about "an inveterate drunkard and a clever, brave thief."
  • "The Orlov Spouses" - 1897. A story about a childless woman married couple who decided to help sick people.
  • "Konovalov" - 1898. The story of how Alexander Ivanovich Konovalov, arrested for vagrancy, hanged himself in a prison cell.
  • "Foma Gordeev" - 1899. A story about the events of the late 19th century that took place in the Volga city. About a boy named Thomas, who considered his father a fabulous robber.
  • "Bourgeois" - 1901. A story about bourgeois roots and the new spirit of the times.
  • "At the Bottom" - 1902. A poignant, topical play about homeless people who have lost all hope.
  • "Mother" - 1906. A novel on the theme of revolutionary sentiments in society, about events taking place within a manufacturing factory, with the participation of members of the same family.
  • "Vassa Zheleznova" - 1910. The play is about a youthful 42-year-old woman, the owner of a shipping company, strong and powerful.
  • "Childhood" - 1913. The Tale of a simple boy and his life is far from simple.
  • "Tales of Italy" - 1913. Cycle short stories on the topic of life in Italian cities.
  • "Passion-face" - 1913. Short story about a deeply unhappy family.
  • "In People" - 1914. A story about an errand boy in a fashionable shoe store.
  • "My Universities" - 1923. The story of Kazan University and students.
  • "Blue Life" - 1924. A story about dreams and fantasies.
  • "The Artamonov Case" - 1925. A story about the events taking place at a woven fabric factory.
  • "The Life of Klim Samgin" - 1936. Events of the beginning of the 20th century - St. Petersburg, Moscow, barricades.

Every story, novel or novel you read leaves an impression of high literary skill. The characters carry a number of unique characteristics and characteristics. The analysis of Gorky's works involves comprehensive characteristics of the characters followed by a summary. The depth of the narrative is organically combined with complex but understandable literary devices. All works of the great Russian writer Maxim Gorky were included in the Golden Fund of Russian Culture.

Maxim Gorky (born March 28, 1868) is an honored Russian writer, prose writer and playwright. For those who don’t know, Maxim Gorky’s real name is Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov. Author of many works with revolutionary themes.

His life deserves special attention, as he is a worthy example for young people. Despite many difficulties and hardships, he was able to glorify his name and gain recognition not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Chronological table of the biography of Maxim Gorky

Briefly about childhood

This one was born outstanding man in Nizhny Novgorod, in an ordinary working-class family. His father was a cabinetmaker. IN at a young age remained an orphan and was raised by his grandfather, who had a harsh and tyrannical disposition. Since childhood, he felt the need and was forced to quit his studies and earn his own living. But this did not stop him from developing and learning independently.

The only outlet for him was his grandmother’s soulful poems. It was she who contributed to the literary talent of her grandson. In his notes, the writer very rarely mentions his grandmother, but these words are filled with warmth and tenderness.

At the age of 11, he decided to leave his grandfather’s house and go free. Wherever he worked, trying to somehow feed himself. He worked as an errand boy in a shoe store, as a helper for a draftsman, and as a cook on a steamship. When he turned 15, he took the risk of entering Kazan University. This attempt was unsuccessful, because young man there was no financial support.

Kazan did not greet him very friendly. There he experienced life in its lowest manifestations. He ate whatever he could, lived in slums, and interacted with the lower strata of society. Because of this, he decided to commit suicide.

His next destination was Tsaritsyn. He worked there for some time on the railway. Then he contracted as a scribe to the attorney-at-law M.A. Lapin. This man played an important role in his fate.

Maxim’s restless disposition did not allow him to sit in one place and he decided to go on a trip to the south of Russia. Having tried many different professions, he added to his knowledge base. In his wanderings on foot, he never ceased to propagate revolutionary ideas. This is what led to his arrest in 1888.

The beginning of literary creativity

The first story of M. Gorky"Makar Chudra" was published in 1892. Returning to his hometown, he met the writer V.G. Korolenko, who made a significant contribution to the fate of the writer.

Fame came to him in 1898, after the publication of the work “Essays and Stories.” His creations began to enjoy popularity not only in Russia, but also abroad. The list of Gorky's novels includes the following:

  • "Mother",
  • "The Artamonov Case"
  • "Foma Gordeev"
  • "Three" and others.

The most famous were the story “The Old Woman Izergil”, the plays “At the Lower Depths”, “Bourgeois”, “Enemies” and others.

Since 1901 M. Gorky was constantly at gunpoint police, as he carried out propaganda of the revolutionary movement. In 1906 he was forced to leave his homeland and went to Europe and the USA. The main thing is that even there he did not stop defending the revolution, expressing this in his work. He lived on the island of Capri for about seven years, where he did not stop writing. appeared there the following works:

  • "Confession";
  • “The life of an unnecessary person”;
  • "Tales of Italy."

At the same time, he underwent treatment. During the same period of time, the novel “Mother” appeared.

After the October riot in 1917, Maxim Gorky became the first chairman of the Union of Writers of the USSR. Under his protection were everyone who was persecuted by the new government.

Last years

In 1921, the writer health has deteriorated sharply, tuberculosis worsened. He had to go abroad for treatment. There is information that Lenin strongly insisted on this departure. Perhaps this was due to the growing ideological contradictions in the writer’s opposition. At first he lived in Germany, from there he moved to the Czech Republic and Italy.

In 1928, Stalin himself invited M. Gorky to celebrate his 60th birthday. A grand reception was held in honor of this event. It was transported to many regions Soviet Union, demonstrating achievements Soviet people. In 1932, the writer returned to Russia for good.

Despite a serious and debilitating illness, Alexey Maksimovich tirelessly continues to work in newspapers and magazines. At the same time, he was intensely busy with the novel “The Life of Klim Samgin,” which he never completed.

IN personal life Maxim Gorky also lacked stability. He was married several times. The first marriage took place with Ekaterina Pavlovna Volzhina. They had a daughter who died in infancy. The second child was a son, Maxim Peshkov. Was a free artist. He died shortly before the death of his father. This was a surprise to everyone, which gave rise to many rumors about the possibility violent death.

For the second time, Gorky married the actress and associate of the revolutionary movement, Maria Andreeva. The last woman Maria Ignatievna Burdberg became in his life. This person had a dubious reputation among the people because of his hectic life.

Interesting fact It is believed that after the writer's death, they decided to study his brain in more detail. Scientists from the Moscow Brain Institute took up this task.

Maksim Gorky short biography

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