A m Gerasimov after the rain. "After the Rain (Wet Terrace)"

An essay based on the painting “After the Rain” is included in school curriculum. Typically sixth or seventh grade students are faced with this task. The gentle landscape and the terrace refreshed after the rain evoke a variety of emotions in the viewer.

Author of the painting

This image was left for us by The painting “After the Rain”, an essay on which you will write, captures the most ordinary state of nature.

But before we start working on the canvas itself, it’s worth saying a few words about the creator himself.

Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov gained fame in the first half of the last century. Not only was he very talented by nature, he also had a professional art education. In addition, he also graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and devoted himself entirely to his favorite work - creativity.

He considered himself a master of portraiture, but more than once turned to landscape.

He gained wide fame after he painted portraits of famous Russian leaders - Lenin and Stalin.

Alexander Mikhailovich held quite large positions in the field of art and had great influence. During his life he was awarded many awards.


After short biography The artist should begin to analyze the plot of the canvas. An essay describing the painting (Gerasimov) “After the Rain” must include this point.

What unusual do we see in this image? The answer is simple: nothing special. The artist captured the green garden and veranda after the rain that just passed. Perhaps this is the terrace of his own country house. Impressed by what he saw, the artist decided to immediately describe the beauty and at the same time simplicity of nature.

Everything around is green and fresh. You can even feel how pleasant and humid the air is after a summer shower. The color scheme will also be included in the essay on the painting “After the Rain.”

It is very rich and juicy. At some point, it may seem to the viewer that in front of him is not a painting, but a high-quality photograph, everything is so believable and wonderfully depicted. The bench and floor, as if varnished, shine from the water. It can be seen that the rain has passed quite recently, and the moisture has not yet had time to evaporate. It was probably very strong, since the entire terrace was flooded with water.


Essay-description of a painting by A.M. Gerasimov’s “After the Rain”, let’s start with an analysis of distant objects. The first thing that catches your eye is the green garden. The painting probably depicts May or June, since the trees are in full bloom. In the midst of green foliage, a small building can be seen. It can be assumed that this is where country residents have breakfast or lunch on fresh air. Or is it a shed in which the tools needed to care for the garden are stored. Or maybe this is a bathhouse? We don't know for sure. But this object fits very well into general atmosphere paintings.

The grass is very bright, juicy, soft green. It’s nice to run on this one even after it’s rained.

A fragment of the sky is visible on the canvas. It is still gray, but is already starting to lighten. It seems that the sun's rays want to break through from behind the clouds at all costs.

All nature seemed to have risen from sleep, awakened by a warm shower.


What should an essay describing a painting first contain? Gerasimov “After the Rain” most likely wrote from life, the foreground objects are outlined in such detail.

Here we will talk about the terrace itself. There is a feeling that she has been washed clean. Everything shines so much that in the reflection of the floor you can see the railings and table legs. On the bench we see a reflection sun rays, which creates a shiny effect. To her left is a table with beautiful carved legs. There is no doubt that this piece of furniture is high quality. handmade. He is also covered in glare.

The artist managed to so skillfully depict the state of nature after the rain that the viewer may seem to be very close to the scene of events and watching what is happening.

The essay on the painting “After the Rain” includes information that the shades of colors in the foreground are darker than those in the background. Probably Alexander Mikhailovich placed his easel in the center of the veranda in order to fully embrace the beautiful view. Thus, elements of nature and human life are intertwined on the canvas.

It’s amazing how the artist was able to convey not only the beauty of the moment itself, but his mood: joyful, surprised.

Central images

The most important object of this painting is the table and what is on it.

An essay describing the painting “After the Rain” must necessarily reflect how accurately the author managed to convey the moment after a natural disaster. We see that the glass standing on the table has fallen. Perhaps just recently someone drank water from it. But now, under the influence of wind and rain, he fell. The table is flooded with water, and it is unclear exactly whether it spilled from a glass or whether it happened because of the rain. To the left of the glass is a vase of flowers. Red, pink, white, they stand out like a bright spot in the picture. Probably the rain was so strong that the petals of the cupion fell onto the table.

Of course, after such a storm you can’t sit on a wet bench or at such a wet table. But, nevertheless, there is no unpleasant feeling of dampness. The air is saturated with pleasant and fresh moisture. I just want to take a deep breath to feel the same aroma that Gerasimov himself felt at that moment. The painting “After the Rain,” on which an essay needs to be written, conveys the light and wonderful state of nature.

Bottom line

This painting is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. On this moment it is stored in Tretyakov Gallery, so anyone can watch its original.

It seems that the artist, having seen such an amazing picture of nature, immediately grabbed his easel and paints so as not to miss a single detail. The creator himself considered this work of art one of his most best works. And you can't argue with that.

After carefully studying this landscape, you will easily cope with the task and write an essay on the painting “After the Rain,” since it makes an indelible impression on every viewer.

An essay based on the painting After the Rain by A.M. Gerasimov for 6th grade students.


  • The plot of A. Gerasimov’s painting “After the Rain”
  • Description of the terrace, table, jug with flowers
  • Background of the picture (garden, house, building)
  • Painting technique
  • My mood from what I saw.

I look at A.M. Gerasimov’s painting “After the Rain”. Everything I see, I need to describe in an essay. I'll start with the plot of the picture. A small terrace appears before our eyes after the rain. The artist chose objects as the subject of his canvas: a table, a jug of flowers, part of a terrace with railings, and depicted them against the backdrop of nature.

It just rained. We see small puddles spilled on the bench and floor of the terrace. Everything is reflected in the shine of the wet surface. There is an overturned faceted glass on the table. Apparently, the rain was very heavy if it left so many “traces” behind.

The terrace itself is not completely visible to us. Vertical supports hold up the roof (we only see its corner), and the wooden platform has steps leading out into the garden. The narrow bench ends with simple railings. It’s nice to sit on such a terrace in the evening and enjoy the smells of nature. Or you can get together with your family and have a cup of tea.

On the left is a table with carved legs. The figured table top is also covered with raindrops. And on the table there is a glass jug with flowers. A bouquet of beautiful flowers also felt the power of the rain. Some petals have fallen and lie in the water that has accumulated on the edge of the table. Or maybe the wind dropped the jug and scattered the delicate petals? The flowers are painted white and red, in some places they have shades of pink and soft green. The leaves are very dark and rich green color. The bouquet was probably collected just before the rain to decorate the table. But suddenly it began to rain, and the bouquet was left on the terrace.

In the background of the picture we see part of the garden. All its greenery is replete with different shades. Somewhere it is very bright, light, even turning into light green color, and somewhere dark green, juicy, with a tint of emerald and even blue colors. There are a lot of trees in the garden. To the side you can see some kind of wooden building, maybe it’s a small barn or a small bathhouse. There is a pipe on its roof.

On the right in the picture, behind the thick foliage, we see the corner of the house, to which the terrace adjoins. A. Gerasimov used interesting technology Images. All objects have blurry outlines. There are no clear correct lines. The blurry brushstroke technique makes the painting interesting. If you look closely, you can see instead of leaves on the tree just a vague brush stroke. It’s as if the artist didn’t try to draw all the elements the way they look and left blurry spots on the canvas the right colors. Also depicted are flowers in a jug, and part of the terrace, and a piece of the sky that shines through the dense foliage. The colors mix well here. They combine with each other to form a new shade.

The picture on creates good mood. After the rain it becomes light and joyful, nature is renewed, everything around is fresh. No sad thoughts, only positive emotions!

At first glance at the picture, you can see the terrace, thoroughly soaked by the recent downpour. The bench, floor and all objects located on the terrace are reflected in the water surface, as in a mirror.

Flowers standing in a vase on the table are slightly tilted. Apparently the rain was heavy and damaged the bouquet; fallen petals lie on the table. The glass may have been knocked over by the force of the rising wind.

In the background is green, summer background beautiful garden. And the bright sun is already shining through the trees. The leaves of the trees shine from drops of rainwater. In general, looking at the picture, there is a feeling of freshness and coolness.

In the first background there is a dark carved table, which gives the picture contrast. Everything is made of natural wood: you can really smell the smell of wet wood. The rain washed away all the dust and dirt that had accumulated during the hot summer days. Purity and beauty.

You might also think that before the rain, relatives were sitting here quietly and peacefully. They slowly sipped tea, discussed something, someone was reading interesting book. And then, suddenly, it began pouring rain, the wind rose, and they had to quickly run into the house. The terrace is protected by a roof, but apparently the bad weather was so strong that it was completely flooded with water.

The painting “After the Rain” is very impressive. There is a combination of landscape and still life here. This combination is not often used by artists. Gerasimov coped with this task perfectly. He managed to convey up to the smallest details all beautiful landscape, revealed to his gaze after the rain. He accurately conveyed in the painting the effect of water, its reflections and reflections. The author managed to convey his mood when painting the picture: delight at the beauty he saw, and inspiration. You can just imagine how he grabbed a canvas, an easel, paints, sat down in the depths of the terrace and began to paint a picture. They say that he wrote it very quickly and did not correct or redo it anymore.

Yes, the picture is very inspiring, because the first thing the eye catches is the light from the sun. And only then does it move to the foreground. It exudes purity, freshness, and coolness. It’s as if you feel the heat that was before the rain. And here comes the relief from the purified, humidified air, which you take in deeply.

The artist painted a large number of paintings, but this one always remained his favorite, and, as he believed, the best.

Essay on the painting After the Rain by Gerasimova

Alexander Mikhailovich was most likely inspired to paint the canvas “After the Rain” by his childhood, which he spent in a small town with a steppe climate. Native nature was like a muse for the creator of paintings. A this picture autobiographical, because there were times when Gerasimov actually rested on this terrace, perhaps drinking aromatic tea, wrapped in a warm blanket. And so he decided to transfer all his memories and impressions to canvas, to show many how beautiful nature can be, to show that it doesn’t matter what the weather is like outside, the main thing is how you look at it.

Looking at the canvas you can see that the rain has just stopped. The clouds have floated away from the sky, and the sky has brightened; bright rays of the sun begin to break through the green branches. These rays seem to be trying to silently tell the viewer that after any bad weather comes warmth and light. But despite this, the viewer can still see the effects of the rain. The terrace, made of wood, is completely covered with a transparent layer of rainwater, which the sky left behind.

Moisture is everywhere: on the chair, table, trees, from whose branches droplets fall like diamonds. It seems that nature played out seriously during the rain, because the glass standing near the vase with beautiful flowers could not resist, it lies alone on the massive table. The thought involuntarily arises in your head that all this is similar to life: some people hold on stronger and more confidently, while others give up at the first problem.

The sun on the canvas beats the grayness. Its rays gently tickle the leaves of the trees, jump across the roofs of neighboring houses and make their way onto the terrace itself. The air seems to be saturated with revival and imminent change. On the canvas we see that it was only heavy rain - downpour. But the artist was able to convey it so luxuriously, with such subtlety and perfection, that it is impossible to take your eyes off this canvas; it seems that a person could not create such beauty!

How clearly and beautifully the artist conveyed the richness of the colors, how beautifully the reflection was painted.

When you see this painting, you seem to feel a light, fresh breath of the summer breeze, you hear drops falling from the trees and roofs of houses, you feel the fragrance of the flowers in the vase and the grass in the yard. The canvas seems to scream about beauty, which we sometimes do not notice!

Description 3

The work reveals to us a picture that is surprising and at the same time ordinary. Who hasn’t seen nature after the rain, who hasn’t seen wet panels, wet wood and puddles? The author of the picture not only saw this, but was able to convey all the charm and alluring beauty of this natural phenomenon.

We see the terrace wet from the rain, but the rain itself is no longer there. The sun appears through the cloudy sky, making all objects around begin to glow with silver and warmth. It is clear that the terrace is no longer new - the boards on the floor are uneven, their color indicates that this tree is many years old. However, under the raindrops the terrace looks renewed, clean, fresh and wet. Under the rays of the sun, a railing, a bench, and slender table legs are reflected on wet surfaces.

The black lacquered table doesn't look new either, but the raindrops gave it some shine. There is a transparent decanter with flowers on the table; rain also fell on them, it knocked down several petals, which now lie on the surface of the table, giving the picture a natural look. Next to the decanter lies a transparent glass, which may have been knocked over by the wind before the onset of a storm and thunderstorm.

Outside the terrace there is a garden; you can tell from the foliage of the trees that they are apple trees. There are no apples visible on them yet, but there are no flowers either, and therefore we can say that this is early summer or late spring, a time when thunderstorms and rains are especially frequent, fast and strong. The leaves of the trees are saturated with moisture, swollen and heavy, and droplets of remaining water hang from them. By the way the leaves are located we can determine that there is no wind outside.

In the distance you can see the wet roofs of small buildings, the foliage partially hides them, so it is difficult to determine whether these are houses or sheds, or, perhaps, village bathhouses. The picture looks very harmonious and attractive; looking at it, you feel the fresh clean air, the smell of wet trees and leaves, the aroma of old terrace boards soaked in rain.

Description of the mood of the painting After the rain, a wet terrace

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Essay based on the painting by A. M. Gerasimov “After the Rain”

Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov is a famous Russian painter. He was born on July 31, 1881 in the city of Kozlov, into a merchant family. The artist spent his childhood and youth in this provincial town, surrounded by Russian nature. The young man knew how to see beauty in the simplest everyday things. And this became the basis for many of his future works.

Only for real talented artist can notice the most inconspicuous, at first glance, details of the environment. We see this in his paintings. And we cannot help but admire this.

In his youth, the artist was attracted to impressionism. But then he became an adherent of socialist realism, the new artistic direction. Gerasimov painted portraits of political leaders of that time - Lenin, Voroshilov, Stalin and other Soviet leaders. The artist was considered a recognized master of socialist realism; he was Stalin’s personal artist. Gerasimov's works were considered canonical at that time.

However, Alexander Mikhailovich himself, already in the mid-thirties, was tired of the constant desire for official recognition. And he decides to go on vacation to his hometown Kozlov. It was then that the artist created amazing picture"After the rain".

This work is strikingly different from all the paintings that were created by the artist. He himself believed that this was the most best work of all that he created during his life.

Alexander Mikhailovich’s sister recalled that the artist was literally shocked by the garden after the rain. It was an amazing sight that Gerasimov definitely wanted to capture on canvas. “There was a fragrance of freshness in nature. The water lay in a whole layer on the foliage, on the floor of the gazebo, on the bench and sparkled, creating an extraordinary picturesque chord. And further, behind the trees, the sky cleared and turned white.” The artist immediately demanded a palette from his assistant.

The picture was painted very quickly, in a few hours. This testifies to how great the artist’s admiration for the amazing beauty of nature was.

In fact, the creation of this picture was not accidental. Even in his youth, Gerasimov was attracted by the motif of nature after the rain.

The rain seemed to symbolize renewal. And the world around me took on different shapes, became brighter and fresher. When the artist studied at the School of Painting, he painted wet roofs, roads, and objects.

There is no carefully thought-out plot in the film “After the Rain”. It was created in one go. The work cannot leave the audience indifferent; it has sincerity and lightness.

The lush reflections of garden greenery are reflected on the terrace. Multi-colored reflections are reflected on the wet surface of the table, here they are blue and pink. The shadows are multi-colored and colorful. Silvery reflections are visible on boards covered with moisture. The state of nature is conveyed extremely expressively. This simple picture remembered by everyone who saw it.

The terrace, drenched in rain, appears before us along with a corner of the garden. Water covers the foliage, floor, benches and railings. The water together with the sun that illuminates the terrace is a truly mesmerizing sight. The water sparkles in sunlight, acquires a special character, sophistication and clarity.

On the left side of the terrace we see round table on carved legs. They are also reflected in puddles. On the table there is a glass jug containing a bouquet of garden flowers.

Garden flowers are amazing; there is no deliberate pomp and luxury in them. They are gentle, but at the same time invisible. Flowers are so real that you want to touch them. It seems that you are about to smell their delicate aroma. There is a glass on its side next to the vase. Probably a sharp gust of wind knocked him down. As if in a mirror, a glass and a vase are reflected in the surface of the table, drenched in rain.

After the rain there is a special atmosphere in the garden. Everything around looks extremely beautiful and harmonious. The picture gives a good mood. It is impossible to be sad and sad while admiring such a beautiful painting.

The corner of the house opens into the garden, we can see how beautiful the garden is after the rain. The foliage shines in the sun. A lilac branch leans over the bench. The sky is already getting brighter. The gloomy clouds are about to disappear. And the rays of the gentle sun will rush down.

In the depths of the garden you can see the roof of an old barn. Every detail is simple and unpretentious. But taken together they take on a completely different meaning. This real life, the beauty of which we sometimes do not notice. We are busy with other things. And our attention is unlikely to be attracted by the garden after the rain, unremarkable, familiar and simple. Only a true artist is able to notice all the splendor of the colors and shades of an ordinary everyday landscape.

Mentors A.M. Gerasimov, wonderful Soviet artist, were the greatest Russian painters turn of the XIX century and 20th centuries - A E Arkhipov, N. A. Kasatkin, K. A. Korovin. From them he borrowed a broad sketch style of painting, a bold brushstroke, and a rich (although often rough) coloring. First of all, Gerasimov considered himself a portrait painter, although he often turned to landscape painting.

One of bright examples Gerasimov’s landscape painting is “After the Rain,” painted in 1914. In the picture we see very little: a table, a vase of flowers and a mug on it, and part of the gazebo in which the artist is located. And, despite such a simple composition, the picture attracts attention. How? She conveys mood mainly through color and light. Cold tones and watery reflections on wood - this only happens after rain. The artist saw this and presented it to the viewer. A carelessly overturned glass also indicates that it has rained. Most likely, someone was in the gazebo, but due to the surprise of the weather, they hastened to take refuge in the house. It's amazing how one small detail allows the viewer to speculate and come up with their own story. Thus, Gerasimov’s canvas is even more interesting.

The color scheme of the picture, as was said, corresponds general mood. When painting trees, not only cold green colors are used, but even blue and black colors. The texture of the varnish table is also well shown, on the wet surface of which there is a whole riot of colors.

From such little things and details, the artist creates a picture, and the viewer, in turn, has a mood and impression. We can safely say that Gerasimov is a master of his craft.

Second version of the essay:

1. Genre of the painting
2. Description of the painting:
a) wet terrace;
b) garden after rain;
c) color scheme of the painting
3. The mood that the picture creates

A. Gerasimov’s painting “After the Rain” can be considered both as a still life (an image of a vase with flowers on a table), and as a landscape (a description of a garden), and as a genre scene without people. The artist was so inspired by the view from the terrace after the rain that the painting was painted in three hours.

The artist managed to capture the atmosphere after the rain. Looking at the picture, we smell wet leaves and humidity in the air. It's amazing how Gerasimov was able to paint wet surfaces. There are raindrops on everything we see. Apparently the summer rain ended recently, because the water did not have time to dry out. But the rays of the bright sun are already breaking through the foliage. Its highlights are well defined using light colors.

When the painter was working on his canvas, he stood in the depths of the terrace. Therefore, in the foreground there is a view of the terrace after the rain. On the side there is a table on which stands a vase of flowers and an overturned glass. It probably capsized due to a strong gust of wind before the thunderstorm. The bench and floor glisten with moisture in the bright sunlight.
In the background, an old garden is depicted, which is saturated with moisture and freshness. For him, the artist chose greenish, emerald, light green, calm, dim colors. The moisture effect is created by silvery tones.

Our gaze is directed into the distance of the garden, thanks to the artist’s skillful combination dark colors in the foreground, bright ones in the middle and very light ones in the background.

Gerasimov managed not only to convey the beauty of the moment, but also to create an upbeat mood. Everyone who looks at the picture admires the purity and freshness of nature and feels cool. It seems that if you touch something, it will leave a wet mark on your hand.

Gerasimov wrote for his creative life There are many paintings, but the painting “After the Rain” was one of my favorites.

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