949 value. Angelic numerology - what do repeating numbers on a clock mean?

Every person would like to receive an omen from their guardian angel. Angelic numerology is a phenomenon in which higher powers try to establish a connection with a person. Using the magic of numbers, for example, the coincidence of numbers on a clock, they inform us about what is about to happen in our lives, or try to warn us about something.

Who is Doreen Virtue

Doreen Virtue is a practicing philosopher. She specializes in spirituality and human psychology. During her work, the scientist, through personal and professional experience, had the opportunity to communicate with children who have superpowers, the so-called young Lightbearers.

Doreen Virtue - author of the concept of angelic numerology

What is angelic numerology

Messages from higher powers are a kind of predictions for humans, encrypted in numbers. Every day we come across some digital combinations, these could be:

  • numbers on cars;
  • time on the clock;
  • numbering of houses or offices;
  • matching dates of birth;
  • public transport ticket numbers and much more.

All this may contain hidden information that can change your future.

Doreen Virtue, in many of her publications, shares with readers her experience of how, with the help of numbers, angels communicate with people, conveying important messages to them. The simplest and most famous way is to match the numbers on the clock. But recognizing a secret sign is not enough. The point is to decipher it correctly.

Video: numerology of angels as interpreted by Maxim Fedorov

How do angelic messages manifest themselves and what do they mean?

The “strongest” combinations consist of three identical numbers. Did you notice this number on the house or on the receipt you received after purchase? Find out what the angels want to tell you!


Three units is a sign that calls for a quick response. Having seen such a number, you need to build a plan of action with concentration, without panic. It is important not to get confused and bring the matter to the final phase.

With this combination, the angel is trying to awaken your vigilance, warning of any danger or calling on you to concentrate and act on time in an unpredictable situation.


A combination of three twos means that you need to be more careful in making decisions. Depending on your actions and words, a certain chain of events may unfold that will affect your entire future life. It is important to show intelligence and resourcefulness to prevent a sad outcome of the situation.


Three triplets act as a reminder that your destiny is being watched over by the ascended masters - the age-old guardians of historical events from the beginning of time. They have a powerful influence on the spiritual development of people. For centuries, their words have flown from the lips of different thinkers. Whatever thought comes into your head, it immediately triggers the mechanism for its implementation. Everything is predetermined and practically uneditable.

Three threes mean that your life is powerfully influenced by Higher Powers


Three fours represent a symbol of people who have lost themselves, their purpose in life and have gone astray from their intended path. The number represents those who are stuck in gray, hopeless everyday life, completely alone. This sign of the guardian angel encourages you not to lose heart, because you are not alone, there are your loved ones and friends who need you, love you and are waiting to meet you. Take heart, everything will be fine.


A combination of three fives means that you will again need all your endurance in solving important matters. Nothing too serious is planned; it will not be difficult for you to repeat the path that has already led you to victories.

If something suddenly happens that you did not expect, you should not worry about it. Take it for granted - and you will be on top again.


The mystical and frightening three sixes act as a warning from your guardian angel. You risk slipping and falling from the heights of your many victories. Don't try to get everything now and at once. If you strive for something without looking back, you will achieve nothing and will be left with nothing. Don't chase what you don't really need. Curb your impulse of ambition. Appreciate what you have, hold it tightly and try not to lose it.

Many people associate the triple repetition of six with the sign of the devil. But numerologists explain this number more simply. Combination 666 encrypts the energy of the physical nature of humanity.


Three sevens promise amazing success. Even if you haven't planned anything big in the near future, major changes will occur in your life. There is a person nearby who cares about you and strives to please you every minute. Trust him with your destiny and you will never regret it.

Develop, move only forward. On your way, at all intersections only green lights are on. Feel free to open new horizons, believe in yourself - and whatever you set your mind to, you will be able to do it.

Three sevens portend success in everything


Three eights are a symbol that is not often paid attention to. The thing is that it appears when everything is excellent with a person. However, do not forget that life is fleeting. Think about conquering new heights, making new plans, and self-improvement. All this will bring you additional pleasure.

Dream, act, achieve, don’t look back at the past. New opportunities are opening up before you, don't miss them.


Nine has a special meaning in Doreen Virtue's numerology as it is the number of the angels. This is a symbol of sincerity, loyalty and selflessness, but at the same time - the burden placed on the shoulders of a person responsible for the lives of a large number of people.

The combination of three nines carries a deep meaning. This is a sign of change, a symbol of what has gone and come, of that which will never stop existing - life. Its beginning foreshadows enormous work and systematic progress towards the end, and so on in a circle from the beginning of time.


Having noticed a combination of three zeros, a person must realize that he is always under the supervision of the Almighty, and his fate is in the mighty hands of the Creator. The presence of the Higher Powers can be noticed in every thought, in your every word and deed. The Creator knows your whole history from birth and carefully protects you from falls.

To comprehend this is to accept the wisdom of the entire universe. You have to be a messenger for those who need help, be true to your word and to the people who have done you good at least once in your life.

What does the coincidence of numbers on the clock mean?

Sometimes, looking at the clock, we notice interesting combinations of numbers. Such numbers can be perceived as funny coincidences, but Doreen Virtue claims that with their help the angels are trying to tell us important information.

The most famous way to identify messages from angels is to glance at your watch from time to time.

Same numbers

00:00 - the outcome of your activity, in which you have invested a lot of effort and time, now pleases you and bears fruit. You have reached the top, achieved what you have been stubbornly pursuing for most of your life. Slow down and look back, remember where it all began. Evaluate your achievements.

11:11 - if you see such a combination of numbers on the clock at the moment of making a difficult decision, act as you thought about earlier.

22:22 - you made every effort to ensure that your plans began to be realized. Now you can rest, the process has started.

Video: what does it mean if you see the same numbers on the clock

Repeating numbers

If the time on the clock does not consist of four identical digits, but of two repeating numbers, such a sign can also be important. Especially if this is not the first time you have seen such a combination. Check the meaning of the message in the table, perhaps you will be able to understand something extremely important for yourself.

Table: the meaning of repeating numbers on the clock

Time Meaning
01:01 Concentrate and remember your recent ideas. Perhaps one of them appealed to you the most. Take action! Don’t be afraid of other people’s criticism; people will definitely appear who will support your project. Fight your worries and strive for excellence
02:02 Soon you will receive an invitation to an entertainment event. It is possible to meet old acquaintances, you will see former classmates or celebrate a friend’s wedding
03:03 These numbers mean a meeting of a love nature, and if you already have a loved one, you can expect a romantic date. Are you still looking for your soulmate? Look around. Most likely, there is a person next to you who will become your faithful and reliable companion for life.
04:04 It's time to take off your rose-colored glasses and look at life with clear eyes. It's time to throw away all stereotypes and enjoy every minute of your free time
05:05 A combination of such numbers warns that your ill-wishers are plotting in your absence. Beware of negative influences
06:06 The numbers promise a sudden meeting with a faithful friend who, in times of difficulty, will lend his reliable shoulder, protect you from rash actions and give practical advice.
07:07 Avoid places with large concentrations of military personnel
08:08 Luck will be on your side this day
09:09 Keep a close eye on your belongings; there may be an attack on your property.
10:10 Get rid of obsessive thoughts. Figure out how to apply your ideas
12:12 You are thinking in the right direction. Soon, what you are working on will have a positive impact on your life.
13:13 Think carefully about your decisions, the likelihood of making wrong actions is very high
14:14 A hint that you should concentrate on your desires. It's time to make your dreams come true
15:15 Be careful, in the near future you will be able to make spontaneous decisions that will radically change your life. Changes will be for the better or worse - it depends only on you
16:16 You should engage in spiritual development
17:17 Luck is on your side. Now you are experiencing a bright, successful period of life, when you can realize even the most daring ideas
18:18 It's time for change. If things were not going very well, you can rejoice; changes will lead to a favorable solution to all life situations. Are you doing well anyway? Thank your guardian angel for supporting you
19:19 Time to implement new ideas. You will win easily and confidently. Don't stop, move on, conquering even greater peaks
20:20 The hand of the Lord is guiding you at this time. You are under reliable protection. Courageously overcome all life's obstacles
21:21 Soon you will see the result of your hard work
23:23 You are under the protection of the Wise Lords of the Universe

Mirror numbers as messages from higher powers

The numbers may not just be repetitive. Messages from angels are sometimes encrypted in so-called mirror numbers. These are digital combinations that seem to be the original combined with its reflection. They are no less important than the standard repetition of symbols.

Table: the meaning of mirror numbers on the clock

Time Meaning
01:10 Get ready for a sudden meeting with an old friend or colleague. The outcome of your conversation may lead to a promotion at work, perhaps during the conversation you can learn something very important
02:20 Be careful what you say and to whom. Ill-wishers can turn what you say to your detriment
03:30 If, next to your loved one, you notice that there is no adequate return in response to your care and attention, you should think about whether you need such a relationship at all. And if one negative trait overlaps all the positive ones, then break off the alliance with this person without regret, you do not have a happy future with him
04:40 Do not enter into important deals in the near future. Most likely they will fail
05:50 Angels warn you about a threat to life from water or fire
10:01 A very important meeting with a very authoritative person is planned in your life. Your future will depend on the outcome of this conversation. You should prepare in advance: think about what strengths you can show off, you may have to work on your appearance
12:21 A completely random acquaintance can make drastic changes in your destiny
13:31 A streak of life, full of risk and failed situations, ended happily. Hurry up to the start, time to win!
14:41 You are on the path to success. From now on, luck will favor your affairs
15:51 A new romantic acquaintance will occur in your life, but its outcome will not be successful
20:02 Beware of quarrels with loved ones
21:12 Find a new hobby. You may discover a talent for writing or, for example, cooking desserts. There will be a desire to change yourself. Any ideas you have to improve your life will benefit you
23:32 This combination warns of the occurrence of some disease. Don’t wait for the disease to manifest itself, get an unscheduled medical examination

Other successful combinations of numbers in esotericism

If you constantly come across combinations of numbers that are not repeated and are not mirror numbers, you should still pay attention to them. Especially if you see them everywhere: on car license plates, apartment numbers, etc.

Combinations with one

Combinations of ones and twos (12, 21, 112, 211) carry information that the wishes that you made earlier are already beginning to come true. Don't give up your faith, don't lose heart - and success will come to you immediately.

In numbers 1 and 7, the Higher Powers have encrypted words of encouragement for your desire and amazing perseverance. You are on the right track and will soon reach your goal. Do not skimp on words of gratitude to your guardian angel. It's worth paying attention to detail so you don't miss anything.

Numbers containing 1 and 8 promise a quick cure for illnesses. Review your old things, make room for new ones. Pleasant changes will occur in your life, even if you do not actively participate in it. If circumstances have driven you to a dead end and you don’t see any options for solving problems, don’t worry. Soon the time for favorable changes will come, and any situations will be solvable.

Combinations with one and seven mean that you will soon achieve your goal

With a deuce

Combinations of numbers 2 and 3 will provide you with a successful life full of positive emotions. If things are looking bad at this time, don’t be upset. The Universe hears your wishes. They are destined to come true very soon.

A message from angels in numbers containing 2 and 5 attracts good luck. You will achieve success much faster if you focus on the positive side of any event. Be confident in yourself and your actions - and the result will not take long to arrive.

With a three

The encrypted message in numbers 3 and 6 promises you the support of the Universe in self-realization. You are on the way to your long-awaited goal. Everything will be aimed at ensuring that your intentions soon come true. But on condition that you share the acquired knowledge with other people.

Numbers that contain the numbers 3 and 7 mean that you are moving in the right direction. The Universe rewards your actions with all sorts of gifts that can be used to implement your plans.

The combination of three and seven is a sign that you are moving in the right direction

With a four

Numbers 4 and 5 play an important role in your destiny. The Universe has responded to your call, and soon positive changes will occur in your life that will put things in order.

In combinations of numbers 4 and 7, your angel sends you encouragement for your correct actions. Higher Powers will support any endeavors, guiding you on the right path.

With an A

If you often see combinations with the numbers 5 and 6, you can expect pleasant surprises from the Universe, including in material terms. Soon you will be pleased with sudden cash profits.

The messages hidden in the numbers 5 and 7 mean omens of positive changes in fate. You will have the opportunity to gain important knowledge and develop spiritual or physical skills. Don't slow down, strive for self-improvement - and success will soon overtake you.

With a six

Do you often notice numbers containing 6 and 7? This way you receive praise from your guardian angel. Strive for your goals, you are on the right track. Develop, gain new knowledge, use it in practice - you will soon be able to realize your desires.

Numbers 6 and 8 tell you that you will soon receive considerable benefits from selling things you don’t need. They will offer you a great price for them. If you are planning to make any major purchase, do not rush to do it. You should get rid of old things in the near future, otherwise you are not guaranteed a favorable outcome of the transaction.

With seven

Messages encrypted by angels in numbers that contain numbers 7 and 8 foretell favorable changes in your life. If you have unresolved issues that you have been constantly putting on the back burner, now is the time to get them out of there. The time has come to resolve them.

Omens in the numbers 7 and 0 indicate that the angels approve of your actions, keep it up! Just don't miss the opportunity to help people who need your help.

Zeros and sevens standing together symbolize that the Higher Powers support you

With eights and nines

Combinations of numbers 8 and 9 indicate that unplanned circumstances will occur in your life. They may not make you particularly happy. But unexpected situations will contribute to your self-improvement. Do not be upset, everything that is done is for your benefit. Stay calm, the Higher Powers are protecting you from troubles.

Messages from numbers 8 and 0 mean that your wishes will soon come true. The Guardian Angel facilitates this. And if in the near future something completely different from what you had in mind happens, do not despair. This means that the opportune moment has not yet arrived. Does this worry you too much? Ask the Higher Powers to give you enough patience not to give up and wait for your dreams to come true.

Angelic numerology allows you to see important messages from the Higher Powers in seemingly random coincidences of numbers. Listen to them and perhaps you will be able to avoid danger or achieve dizzying success.

Our ancestors believed that every person has his own Guardian Angel, who remains next to a person throughout his life, protecting and helping in difficult situations.

These are creatures of a higher order, their goal is to help humanity in its development. Angels constantly give us hints, signs and signals. They are deciphered by angelic numerology - a body of ancient knowledge with the help of which one can interpret the messages of angels to humanity.

How do angels send their clues?

The founder of this young angelic teaching in numerology is the American clairvoyant, Doctor of Psychology and Philosophy Doreen Virtue. The soothsayer is sure: angels regularly give us signs to suggest a solution to a problem, indicate a way out of a situation, or warn of danger.

It was the help of angels that once saved a woman from an attack by an armed criminal. Having coped with the shock, Virtue seriously began studying the intervention of divine, angelic forces in people's lives.

Angels speak to us all the time through numbers and numerology, Doreen teaches in her books. Clues from our invisible guardians can come from frequently repeated numbers on the clock, for example, 22:22, 14:41, 15:14, etc.

They can be noticed by us in the form of repeating numbers day after day (14 41, 11 14, 1111, 555, 111, etc.) on license plates, store receipts, tickets, random advertisements, the date of some event, telephone numbers . Such coincidences are usually not regarded by us as something important. Meanwhile, according to Doreen, these are angelic messages.

Angel messages can also be deciphered by date of birth. You just need to look at what numbers or combinations are repeated in the date of your birth to get a hint that can clarify your entire life path.

Basic combinations of numbers and their decoding

If in the last few days you have often come across a set of specific numbers, Doreen Virtue advises you to pay more attention to such an angelic message. To decipher it, you need to know what meanings angelic numerology assigns to the main numbers and their combinations.

111 – three units indicate a favorable time for the realization of your long-standing dream or planned event. The number 111 foretells good news that will open up new perspectives and opportunities for you. Most likely, what can bring you what you want is very close, but you refuse to notice it. The Universe has already sent you a way to solve your problem, all you have to do is look carefully around you.

1111 – enhances the meaning of the sequence 111 and promises almost instantaneous implementation of everything you have in mind. In numerology, 1111 is called a reflection of a person’s thoughts. Don't miss the opportunity predicted by the four units of the angelic omen.

222 - a combination of three twos foretells a positive result of your actions. If, after important negotiations or contacting higher authorities, you notice the sequence 222 on your watch or license plate, you don’t even have to worry, everything will be resolved in the best possible way.

The Universe approves and encourages your actions. Do not be afraid and do not retreat under any circumstances, but continue moving towards the goal in the same direction.

2222 – four twos indicate that the Universe is giving you the information you need to solve your problem. Often, after four deuces, insight comes and intuition sharpens. In addition, numerology number 2222 indicates a profitable partnership.

333 - this sequence of numbers symbolizes the presence of the Ascended Masters, very strong heavenly guardians, next to you. The number 333 can be called a kind of calling card of these creatures and an offer of help. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, feel free to contact the Masters, they will certainly suggest a way out.

444 - three fours report the support of not one guardian, but several divine entities. The protection of so many powerful patrons gives you wings and opens all roads. Act boldly to achieve your goal; the angels standing behind you will take all ill-wishers and enemies away from you. Number 444 is a generous angelic carte blanche for you.

555 – the combination of these numbers warns of drastic changes in life. Gather all your strength and resilience to meet them with dignity. Changes can be both positive and negative - the angels prefer to remain silent about this. The combination 555 in angelic numerology encourages you to overcome your fears and find the courage to show your strengths.

666 – Three sixes are often regarded as an ominous warning and are called the “devil’s number.” In angelic numerology, this number has a slightly different meaning. 666 indicates a person’s excessive preoccupation with money. In pursuit of material well-being, you have forgotten about spiritual development and self-knowledge. The angels encourage you to pay more attention to your inner world, and then your financial problems will be resolved.

777 - promises you a real whirlpool of miracles and pleasant surprises. With the help of sevens, the angels report that all your wishes and actions during this period are doomed to dizzying success. Having noticed the combination 777 several times in a row, hurry up to catch your luck by the tail!

888 – three eights prophesy a quick resolution of the situation, the end of an event, process or relationship. In return, the combination of eights promises the birth of something different, new. You must be willing to let go of the past and open up to the future.

999 – the combination of three nines conveys the angels’ request for the need to complete something you started, but abandoned or left until better times. If you asked the Universe for something, and then, having received its consent, abandoned what you wanted, then the number 999 calls for completing the work.

000 – the value of this combination of numbers is close to the value of 444 and speaks of the support of higher powers for you. Their patronage will help you overcome your own fears and find a way out of even dead-end situations. When you see 0:00 on the clock, you know: you have reliable support. Also, three zeros according to angelic numerology indicate the end of some major event.

Combinations of different numbers

Angels can encrypt their messages not only in combinations of repeating units, but also in variations of several numbers. The meanings of the main two- and three-digit combinations will help you understand what higher powers are warning about.

Numbers with more than three digits can be added to a single-digit value. For example, the number 33314 caught your eye several times in a row: 3+3+3+1+4=14, 1+4=5. Then look at the forecast for the resulting unit in the list of main numerical sequences (444, 333, 111, and so on).

You can also divide the total number into smaller combinations and combine their values. For our example, use numerological forecasts for combinations 1 and 3, 3 and 4, 1 and 4.

What do repeating, for example, symmetrical sets of numbers or other significant numbers mean? Let's figure everything out in order using angelic numerology.

Options with unit:

  • The combination of 1 and 2 (12, 21, 121, etc.) foreshadows the imminent implementation of your plans. Do not give up under any circumstances, success is already close!
  • Combinations combining 1 and 3 (13, 133, etc.) encourage you to pay attention to everything that happens to you. Any little thing during this period can lead to solving your problem.
  • Numbers consisting of 1 and 4 (41,14, 144) indicate the beginning of a lucky streak. Having encountered such combinations, hurry to ask the angels for the secret, and you will certainly receive it.
  • 1 and 5 (551, 15, 151) warn of change. During this period, listen to yourself: if you feel anxious, be careful and do not take any decisive action. If you are confident of success, feel free to move forward.
  • With the help of 1 and 6 (611, 166, 61), the angels talk about the need for rest. Perhaps you are bogged down in worries about material things. Rest a little, dream, change your surroundings, and you will feel a surge of fresh energy.
  • 1 and 7 (17,71, 177) suggest that you are moving in the right direction.
  • 1 and 8 (81, 181) predict the completion of an entire stage in your life. This will happen regardless of your desire and actions. What no longer matters for your development will remain in the past, giving way to something new.
  • 1 and 9 (119, 991) portend you to receive results from the work done. Your life will be filled with new energy. Clear a place for her, leaving old worries in the past.
  • With the help of 1 and 0 (110, 011), the angels ask you to change your life or your vision of a situation, to learn to judge something unbiased.

Combinations with deuce:

  • The combination of 2 and 3 (322, 323), like the number 333, reports the patronage of the Ascended Masters. This is a time of good luck and fulfillment of desires.
  • 2 and 4 (442, 242) also mean the help of angels in your actions.
  • 2 and 5 (255, 525) predict the imminent fulfillment of some desired event.
  • 2 and 6 (662, 226) promise a large purchase.
  • 2 and 7 (772, 27) foretell good news.
  • 2 and 8 (82, 828) warns against the danger of delusion in making an important decision.
  • 2 and 9 (92.292) indicate that the situation will soon become clearer.
  • 2 and 0 (20, 002) indicate that angels are protecting you from enemy attacks.

Combinations with three:

  • 3 and 4 (334, 343) call to turn to higher powers for help.
  • 3 and 5 (533, 353) report that your guardian angel is preparing you for drastic changes.
  • 3 and 6 (633, 36) in conjunction mean that the Universe has heard your request and is looking for ways to fulfill it.
  • 3 and 7 (773, 37) imply the approval of the angels of your work, lifestyle, path of movement.
  • The combination of 3 and 8 (83, 338) has a similar meaning - the angels encourage you to move in the chosen direction.
  • Combining 3 and 9 (993, 39), the angels ask you to let go of past grievances, as they hinder you in the present.
  • 3 and 0 (003, 330) give a signal that you did not notice something important; analyze again everything that has happened to you over the past few days.

Combinations with four:

  • The combination of 4 and 5 (545, 445) prepares you for the positive changes that higher powers have prepared for you.
  • 4 and 6 (646, 46) call to distract from the world of material values ​​and turn to spiritual ones.
  • 4 and 7 (74, 447) in numerology are regarded as angelic congratulations and approval of the course you have chosen.
  • 4 and 8 (84, 448) prepare for a new stage of life.
  • 4 and 9 (49, 949) also foreshadow changes, but in this case the angels ask to let go of what has already outlived its usefulness. You need to find the strength to close this door so that the angels will open a new one for you.
  • 4 and 0 (40, 004) remind you of the angelic love that stays with you even in the most difficult situations.

Variations with five:

  • The combination of 5 and 6 (665, 56) is a sign of imminent financial well-being. You will receive a large sum of money and will be able to buy something valuable.
  • 5 and 7 (75, 575) foretell an event that will enrich you intellectually, emotionally and financially, as well as bring great life experience.
  • Combinations 5 and 8 (885, 58) are sent by angels to warn about life changes, the beginning of a new turn. Don't give in to fears!
  • 5 and 9 (995, 95) advise letting go of the past. By concentrating on past experiences, you do not allow new events into your life.
  • Using the numbers 5 and 0 (500, 50), the angels announce a grand gift prepared for you.

Combinations with six:

  • With the combination of 6 and 7 (767, 67), higher powers express their approval of your actions and thoughts.
  • 6 and 8 (886, 68) suggest: in order to get what you want, you must give up something that has become obsolete and has ceased to be necessary.
  • Combinations 6 and 9 (96, 699) are reminiscent of spiritual development. Take your mind off thoughts about money and material wealth in favor of spiritual values.
  • 6 and 0 (60, 006) encourage you to follow the voice of your conscience, otherwise an important event for you may acquire negative characteristics.

Numbers with seven:

  • Combinations 7 and 8 (877, 78), according to angelic numerology, indicate that you are entering a turning point. During this period, your thoughts and values ​​will change, and some events or connections will end.
  • 7 and 9 (977, 79) confirm the correctness of your actions. Keep up the good work to achieve your goal.
  • 7 and 0 (70, 007) indicate that someone close to you needs your support or help.

Combinations with eight:

  • Numbers consisting of 8 and 9 (98, 898) indicate that a period of change has begun in your life. In this way, the angels communicate their support and call to cast aside all fears and doubts.
  • 8 and 0 (80, 008) are confirmation that your requests are heard by the Universe. Do not hesitate to ask heavenly messengers for everything that is important to you.

Combinations with nine:

  • Combinations 9 and 0 (900, 090) are sent by angels to confirm the correctness of your path. This combination also encourages you not to get hung up and forgive long-standing grievances. Forgiveness will help you get your life back on track and prepare for positive changes.

Despite the fact that angelic numerology is a relatively new occult teaching, it has already gained followers all over the world. Doreen Virtue advises to correctly interpret the signs that higher forces send us.

The angels' hints provide answers to the questions that have tormented you, suggest a way out, and can even save your life, assures D. Virtue. Therefore, the third time you see 14:14 on the clock or pay attention to the repeating numbers in the date of an important event, think about what the angels want to warn you about.
Author: Valentina Levadnaya

Angelic Numerology, or Numerology of Angels is a kind of set of numbers. It can be called the language in which angels speak with their charges, that is, ordinary people. By deciphering such unusual signals, people can avoid many insidious and unpleasant situations.

Each of us faces situations every day when we need the support and help of Higher powers. And there is such help - our Guardian Angel is always nearby and guides us to make the right decisions. From time immemorial, the Heavenly Protectors have accompanied the human race, and with the help of symbols and signs they communicate with us.

  • What are angelic runes?

After all, it often happens that for a short period of time a person is accompanied by signs that are similar to each other. And in such cases you should not ignore them. It’s better to think about what exactly they are connected with.

Perhaps now a person has to make an important decision on which his career growth or personal life depends. By listening to the signals of your protector, it will be easier to find the right path.

What is an angel message?

Undoubtedly, every person has sometimes noticed that the same number or set of numbers constantly appears on his path. For example, these could be numbers of buses, documents, etc. And, involuntarily, a person pays attention to these objects, as if someone specially attracts his attention.

These messages from the heavenly guardians carry certain meanings that are not difficult to unravel. It is enough to think a little about what the symbols are associated with. Angel numerology usually gives answers to current issues that need to be resolved in the near future.

There are many objects around us in which fateful numbers can be hidden. These include seats in the cinema, a watch dial, and a bank card number. In order not to miss the signs of angels, you need to be more attentive to this kind of thing.

If a person notices messages from his guardian, then he should think about what exactly they are leading to? Experts who deal with angelic numerology on a professional level say that the angel himself will tell you the meaning of his signs if you pay attention to them.

Decoding numbers in the numerology of Angels


If you have long wanted to fulfill your dream or have planned some event in your life, then meeting three units is a wonderful gift. Many people, due to lack of confidence in their own abilities, are afraid to take on anything new - opening a business, taking a long-awaited trip, proposing marriage. In the case of the number 111 haunting you for a certain time, know that there is no need to be afraid. Everything will work out, plans will come true in real life. The Universe sends you many options for fulfilling your dreams, you just have to find the right one. Angelic numerology says that if you are faced with three units, do not waste a moment. Direct all your efforts towards realizing your desires. If you choose the right path to your dream, it will come true faster than you expect. Everything is in your hands, don’t miss the gifts that heaven brings. Take advantage of every opportunity.


This set of numbers will tell you that the business you have started will have a favorable outcome. For example, you are waiting for approval to travel abroad. All documents have been submitted, but there is no response yet. And suddenly a combination of three deuces catches your eye more and more often. This means that the angel is helping you. Don't go astray and the goal will be achieved. The higher powers of the Universe have accepted your plans and are making every effort to ensure that the decision is positive. The main thing to remember is that without your own work on the tasks at hand, nothing will happen. Having noticed three twos, continue to work on the current problem. The angelic presence will give strength and energy.


This combination indicates that there are really strong guards behind you who will not allow you to be offended. Ascended Masters – that’s what they are called. By giving you the sign of three threes, they want you to take advantage of their help. If your life circumstances are not the best, talk to your defenders. They will guide you on the right path.


If lately the number 444 has been haunting a person, it means that his body and soul are protected by several heavenly guardians. This suggests that extraterrestrial beings want to be known and completely trusted. Problems and tasks will be solved instantly if you call on angelic beings to come to the rescue. After that, don’t stop, take steps every day that will bring you closer to the expected result. You will act much more confidently when you know that you are under the reliable wing of God's creation. And all your enemies will run away and will not be able to stop you.


Something in your life will change if the Universe sends a message in the form of three fives. Changes can make you happy or, on the contrary, sadden you. In any case, they will radically affect your destiny. Symbol 555 warns that it is necessary to prepare and meet new directions on the road of life with dignity. Don't be afraid, fear is not the best companion. Gather your inner strength so that events do not take you by surprise.


Many people associate this number with the devil and diabolical forces. Faced with three sixes, a person shudders and expects something bad. Numerological science reveals a completely different meaning of this combination. The Universe sends this symbol to those whose thoughts and bodies are not developing spiritually. Such people are fixated on material matters. They are interested in financial issues, career, money. In this way, the defenders of heaven are trying to change a person’s life and help him cope with his state of mind. Such people should pay attention to their inner world, learn new things and enrich themselves spiritually. After all, having often dealt with problems within oneself, a person instantly solves all external problems.


And this combination is known to everyone. Seven is considered a number that brings good luck and success. And 777 is a triple success! If a person receives such a gift, he simply must take advantage of the opportunity to conquer new heights in his life. He will be successful in any area and everything planned will be served on a platter. Don't waste this chance. If an angel sends you such a message, appreciate every moment. During this period, you don’t have to be afraid of failures and losses - the heavenly forces will serve as a faithful assistant in your endeavors.


3 eights is the final. The ending in relationships, in business, etc. But don't be discouraged - if something ends, something begins. Usually this symbol shows that a new development of events awaits you soon. And perhaps they will lead to the long-awaited goal that you have wanted to achieve for many years. Don't be afraid to part with the past, just let it go with ease in your heart. This will be better for you, because you must tune in to a new stage in your destiny.


Sometimes it happens that once we start working on a certain task, we get bored with it. We abandon it and stop being interested. 999 is a sign that it is necessary to remember something forgotten and be sure to complete it to the end. In this case, the angel asks the person to deal with this problem.


This symbol is an excellent support for people who have lost hope. If at some point you start to give up, you lose the desire to work on what you love, you can’t do anything, know that an angel is nearby. The mystery of three zeros is a sign that the Universe cares about you. Any endeavors are supported by strong and powerful Guardian Angels. Also, this combination may indicate the final stage of a grandiose event in a person’s life.

Friends, numerology from Angels- these are powerful tips from our Heavenly Guardians - be sure to pay attention to them.

May the Angels protect you!

Arthur Golovin — esotericist, author of the website “Your Dream”


Each person is protected by his own, and although we do not see him, he tries to warn us about important changes that should happen in life.

Their clues do not come directly. They need to be deciphered. According to the author’s point of view, such messages can be considered moments when the same numbers appear before your eyes every now and then.

Messages from angels in numbers

This often happens: for one or several days in a row, a person constantly comes across a repeating combination of numbers - on car license plates, store receipts, bus tickets, etc.

You should definitely pay attention to these coincidences: this is probably an encrypted message from a guardian angel. It is the explanation of such coincidences that is called angelic numerology.

Numbers can be composed of the same numbers, but often they represent a combination of different numbers. Even special interpreters have been created that help determine what the repeated number means - what the angel wanted to tell you.

If you still don’t understand this, contact your guardian angel directly and ask him to enlighten you regarding the meaning of his message.

Have you ever involuntarily noticed the same numbers appearing on the clock dial - 22:22, 3:33, etc.? Someone, seeing such a coincidence, is seriously worried. Some people quickly try to make a wish, while others simply don’t pay attention. But it's in vain.

From the point of view of the ancient science of numerology, numbers, numbers, their various matches and combinations are magical signs with hidden meaning.

Of course, the number of fate also plays an important role in a person’s life. This number is calculated using the date of birth. The date, month and year of birth are added to form a single digit number.

If you know what the numbers mean, you can not only understand what is happening in the present, but also gain insight into the future.

You need to start by remembering what each individual number symbolizes.. And their coincidences will help you understand what this means.

  • 1 - also symbolizes strength. It is also an indication of the individual himself, his “ego”, the concentration of his attention to his own person.
  • 2 – characterized by softness, restraint, moderation. If the eye often marks this number on the dial, then you need to keep in mind that your behavior should be calmer and softer.
  • 3 – calls for reflection and meditation, the need to analyze the past and how it relates to today and the future.
  • 4 – advocates activity and hard work, organization in actions, and applying every effort to achieve your goals.
  • 5 – reminds us that we need to be more careful and prudent, avoid unnecessary risks, and protect what we already have.
  • 6 – symbolizes kindness and honesty, recalling that they are the most important human values.
  • 7 – has long been considered a symbol of good luck. Fate is preparing a gift for anyone who sees these numbers on the clock.
  • 8 - is a symbol of fate and changes in it. Indicates that it is necessary, by analyzing life events, to figure out what is the consequence of one or another of them, to learn to direct fate in a given direction.
  • 9 - a sign of spiritual development and wisdom, gaining some new spiritual and life experience.

By understanding the meanings of these nine numbers, you can easily decipher and understand what their time coincidences mean. Beautiful and unusual coincidences and combinations on the clock can also predict emerging situations, “translating” them into understandable language.

Combinations and combination of numbers

Numbers can be combined and combined in a wide variety of variations, and each of them must be able to “read”. There is a whole system of “hints” - which numbers are combined with each other in what way and what this can mean - presented in the book about angelic numerology.

If you come across a combination of different numbers, say, 166, then you need to look up the meaning of sixes in the interpreter and become familiar with the meaning of the combination of one and six. Then the information sent by the angel can be interpreted as accurately as possible. Combinations of type 16 and 61 will have the same meaning unless exceptions are specified.

If in combination all the numbers are different, then you should determine the value of the first two, and then the last two. So, in the number 387, the value 38 is first determined, and then 87.


  • Together with five they report the work of angels on the ambulances positive changes in life.
  • Four and six– warning: ma the material world has begun to occupy a lot of space in your thoughts, the needs of the spirit and body must be balanced, then everything will be within your reach.
  • 4 and 7 – you can consider that the angels congratulated you, they are so approve of your actions and are always ready to help.
  • Four with eight reports the end of some stage in your life, followed by something new.
  • Four in combination with nine in content they are similar to three and nine, i.e. report that we need to let go of the old so as not to lose something valuable that can be received in return.
  • Four together with zero reminds again about the love of the Lord God, resolving seemingly impossible problems if you trust Him infinitely and in the most incredible situations.
  • Combination 444 they talk about a difficult situation, but you can count on the help of the Angels.

Tandem of five

  • Numbers 5555 - this is a good sign, expect positive changes in life, everything will get better soon.
  • If the numbers five and six, is a message that soon in Your money affairs will improve significantly.
  • Numbers five and seven warn that changes will come into your life, which will enrich you with invaluable experience.
  • Numbers five and eight warn: let go of fear, which slows down your progress in the changed realities.
  • Combination of five with nine, like the combinations described above with 3 and 4, recommends parting with the past and, having lost the unnecessary burden, think about.
  • If there are combinations of five with zero- this is advice gratefully accept all changes sent by the Almighty.

What will the six tell you about?

  • The combination of six and sevens.
  • Number six s eight suggest that now is the best time to sell something, including unnecessary things.
  • Numbers six and nine do not recommend making a planned purchase – it's worth waiting for a more favorable moment, focusing for now on spiritual development.
  • Warning about making higher decisions Regarding the material component, it contains a combination of six and zero. For example, this can remind a businessman of honesty in business and actions - in order to avoid serious failures.

The meaning of seven

  • The combination of seven with eight.
  • 777 - a great sign, but you need to be very careful.
  • If seven is combined with nine, then this message contains: if you want to get rid of something, get rid of it, because this decision will be correct.
  • Praise from the angels is a message-combination of seven with zero. All your actions are approved, but it would be nice to take care of those who need your support.

Eight combination

  • Number eight, combined with nine, tells you what your life will be full of various incidents, but this should not upset you - everything is useful for your development, and remember that you are under the protection of a guardian angel.
  • Message with encrypted eight and zero informs you that your requests heard from above, but if nothing has changed yet, then it’s not time yet. Do not be afraid of changes: through your prayers, your guardian angel will send you peace.


Nine combined with zero reports that if you have lost something, it means that the Higher Powers considered that it greatly interfered with your life path. Another obstacle may be someone’s grievances against you; you need to ask these people for forgiveness.

As you can see, Doreen Virtue has developed a harmonious and effective method of angelic numerology. The messages of angels are “encrypted” in numbers and numbers. It is believed that this is the language that both people and angels understand. Using repeating numbers is the simplest and most acceptable way to convey messages.

Angelic is one of the very few teachings that explain the purpose for which certain numbers appear in a person’s life, and that understand such a phenomenon in a clear, accessible and specific way.

In this article:

Angels speak to us all the time. Their language is different from ours, so it is only possible to convey a direct and clear message using numbers. Do you notice the same numbers all around? Time, page numbers, machines? The gaze constantly stops at them. You think it's such a coincidence, but it's not. This pattern means an angelic message. It is worth paying special attention to them, because we all need angelic help. She can warn about danger or, on the contrary, wish good luck in the right endeavor. Pay attention to the signs around you, it can help a lot in life.

Angels speak to us

There is a constant struggle between the forces of Good and Evil. They fight for human souls. It is very easy to stray from the intended, correct path:

  • making easy, rash decisions;
  • getting what you want through the suffering and loss of another person;
  • committing crimes;
  • refusing one's real destiny without accepting it;
  • sacrificing your calling.

There we destroy the plan, make mistakes that lead us along the wrong path, not pleasing to God. To avoid this, the Angels help us with all their might. With some signs they warn, with others, on the contrary, they praise our choice. Sometimes, just such a sign is not enough for us to understand that everything is right, everything is happening correctly.

Enochian language

Angels use their own language to communicate - Enochian. It is indistinguishable to the human ear; we simply would not hear it. It was known to people, but only as a written language, it was never spoken. Its sounds are simply impossible to hear or pronounce. John Dee and Edward Kelly lived more than 500 years ago in England. They were researchers and practitioners of magical sciences. It was they who systematized all knowledge about the Enochian language. They did not invent it, but studied it for a long time using tables and inscriptions on the ruins of ancient temples around the world.

It is believed that this language is much older than Sanskrit. It was used to communicate with angels, but was lost and forgotten due to its complexity. Contains 21 letter symbols. It has complex phonetics. The researchers still tried to pronounce the letters and hear how they sound. Then, an Angel appeared to Edward Kelly, who thanked him for the revival of this ancient and powerful language. He himself decided to teach Kelly the correct pronunciation, but he dictated words and pronounced sounds backwards.

Each word carries enormous power, which is why words in Enochian cannot be uttered just like that.

The angel soon realized that this was too complex a science for people; they simply could not cope with the emerging knowledge. This is how angelic numerology was invented.

Messages and messages

Most often, angels do not appear, but send us a number as a universal sign. Behind the most ordinary number there can be an important meaning. It happens that you often see the numbers 1111, for example, like the time on a clock, or you end up on page 111, do you need to go to the 111th office or auditorium? This number seems to haunt you. This is really so, because it takes time to pay attention and understand. This is how angelic support happens. This is not just a number, it is very important for human life in general. It is impossible to convey the message in any other way; Angels can do this only through numbers and combinations. There is a version that the Angel said to Edward Kelly:

There are stories about how angels appeared to people in different guises.

“We cannot write our messages to you in heaven. You need to pay attention and believe when you see any pictures appearing in your life, especially in response to any questions you have or prayers you have formulated. When you hear a song repeating or see the same numbers repeated, who do you think is behind it? Your angels, of course!”

What do angel numerology numbers mean?

Each number has its own special meaning. The message can be deciphered correctly if you know the meaning of all the numbers and their combinations. Angelic kindness is endless, because it is the most powerful way to warn about dangers and show a person a possible way to solve a problem. Pay attention to the numbers around you. When buying a car, receiving an apartment number or paying attention to the opened page, you can receive important advice. One of the most interesting numbers is 111 or 1111.

Number 1

The number 1 has a very lucky meaning. It is the first, except for zero. Zero is neutral. It only shows the unity of man with God, the Higher Powers. One means initial success and helps in business and creative work. She will become your beacon that will lead to true success, wealth and self-realization. Money is not the main thing, but it is an important part of any process. All numbers consisting of ones, or containing many ones, will be a sign that success is near. This is a reminder: don't hesitate, everything is going well, everything is right. Angels send such a sign to show that a person is on the right path, but it is easy to turn away from it, so do not do rash, stupid things.

Number 111

Very often people catch themselves seeing the time 1:11. One o'clock in the morning and eleven minutes. Who's awake at this hour? Only those who think hard try to understand and realize something. The man is on the right track. This is what the Angels want to say by sending you this combination. You stare at the number for a long time, but the answer to all the questions becomes obvious and simple. Your thoughts are correct. This is a very useful insight that literally appears in your head like a flash. The man waited a long time for someone to praise him and say that this was the right path. You have a new, incredible opportunity. If this happens night after night, and even repeats itself like the number 111, be sure that this is a sign. You shouldn't be afraid of him. The fact that you are not alone, the Universe sees you, is very important. This is the support you need so much during this difficult period of life. For a student, a ticket with number 111 or an office will be very lucky. This combination tells you that your plan, ideas, have enormous opportunities that can be realized. The Universe sees you, feels your thoughts and is ready to give them real form. It is considered a very happy sign, which means quick changes for the better.

This is a sign of change, and global change at that.

Number 1111

If the number 1111 looms in front of you, then you can no longer hesitate. This could be the time 11:11 or the car number, or any other manifestation of it. Rather, you can’t hesitate, because now is the best time to implement your idea. Today it is a thought, but tomorrow you can touch it. An excellent sign for inventors, artists, writers. They often wonder whether to show their creations to the world. The longer a person works at something, the more imperfection he sees in it. It’s simple, because you studied your device, painting, poems from all sides. The angels tell you that this will be a success and will bring you everything you are waiting for. Your creation will bring happiness. A number is happy if it appears immediately before the start of the creation of something, right up to the wedding, conception. Anything that passes under this sign will have stunningly happy results for life. There is no time to hesitate here. If the number suddenly stops appearing, then the moment is lost. You didn't take advantage of it and lost a good opportunity for happiness and success. But creative people have no time to be sad; they need to start a new plan. The number will appear again, so don't miss out on your great opportunities this time. When laying the foundation of a house, you can write it on one of the bricks so that everything goes well. In such a house you want to live, create, and enjoy.

Combinations of numbers with one

In addition to the values ​​themselves 111 and 1111, if there are others - combinations. All other numbers are present in them, but one occupies the main position. You also need to know them, because they can help a lot in difficult times. Use them, pay attention to the signs around you. Numerology has no boundaries; any number carries a very powerful meaning.

1 and 2

Numbers 112, 121 show that you are sowing special seeds in this world. The angels want to say that you are a useful person who helps in the development of life. Your desires do not contradict the Supreme Plan, which means they have a very great future ahead of them. A person who fulfills His Purpose will be happy. Perhaps not right away, but he will understand it. Your success will come. An excellent number for businessmen, teachers, creative individuals and those who create any useful items.

1 and 3

Combinations 113, 131 mean that the Higher Powers are interested in your thoughts and ideas. They are ready to help you along the way if things get tough. Get help, all you have to do is ask. Very often these combinations appear at a “crossroads” when one does not know which way to follow. Do not worry. The appearance of these combinations indicates that you know the answer. It was sent to you from above, so feel free to act as your heart tells you. After all, that very hint was given to you by the Universe, which is ready to accept your work. The time has come for decisive action. Do not be afraid, you are under the tutelage of the Supreme Masters.


1 and 4

Values ​​114, 141 indicate that you deserve to realize your dreams. The angels are ready to fulfill it, you just need to formulate it correctly. If you suddenly, accidentally see the number 114 or even 411, then quickly make your deepest wish. Express it in simple words. If you are unlucky in love, for example, when you see this number, say that you are tired of loneliness, you want to have a soul mate who would understand, support, love you in sickness and in health, wealth and poverty. Don’t just think “I want love,” because it is so multifaceted and fickle that the Angels themselves will decide what kind of love to send you. Express your dreams, they will come true. Use this rule, and the world around you will become much friendlier.

1 and 5

The combination of numbers 115, 151 shows that reality is subject to your thoughts. Angelic numerology makes it clear here: only you control your life by making choices. If unwanted changes are coming, then stop them using the power of your thoughts. Think about what should happen, the Universe will adjust the situation to your needs and requirements. There is only one limitation: if you have envy, anger, a desire for revenge, then such changes will only destroy you. Only good intentions can change the world around us. If everything goes well, then don’t stop thinking about the happy ending.

1 and 6

Pairs 116, 161 give you the opportunity to call for help. It happens that this number appears at the most important moment in life, when it is scary, unclear and support is needed. Ask for it with all your heart and you will receive it. The number 611 is your personal “rescue” phone number. If you see him, then help is already close, it will come and let you know that everything is in order.


1 and 7

The meaning of the numbers 117 and 171 indicates that you are already very close to completing the task. Happiness awaits you. No wonder seven is a lucky number. It tells us: add emotion to the process. Who sends you inspiration, how do you look for ideas, who gives you direction - Angels or people? Thank them, sincerely say “Thank you!” for good advice. Angels whisper them to people so that you know that everything is working out as it should. Emotions will only speed up the completion process and bring your happiness closer. A good number is 7. In combinations, it speaks of quick success, but warns: no one achieves everything on their own, without help and support. Don’t forget those who directly or indirectly led you to success, thank them, share with them the joy of victory.

1 and 8

If you often see the numbers 118 or 181, then a certain phase of your life is nearing its end. Good or bad, but to the end. Here you need to be able to accept the situation as it is. If these numbers occur, then the Angels tell you - this is fate, even if you don’t like it. If it is possible to change it, then we would see the numbers 1 and 5. After the completion of one phase, another begins. Who knows what it will be like. For those who can humbly submit to Fate, things will be much easier in the future. A person should not perceive defeat only as his failure, miscalculation, bad luck. This is all part of the Design. It must be fulfilled for the sake of everything else on earth. You lost, your idea did not find a happy implementation, you came second - this is not your defeat. This is your humility. Someone else in this situation received a well-deserved prize, success. It was necessary, and it happened. Accept it. The numbers let you know that it is not your fault.

1 and 9

Pairs 119, 191 in Angel numerology make it clear that the time has come to reap the benefits. You will be able to see your ideas and creations with your own eyes. The result is already there, accept it.

1 and 0

The special numbers 100 and 110 speak of a connection with God. Have you asked, prayed, hoped? The appearance of these numbers in your life makes it clear that prayers have been answered. The number 100 means that everything is fine, God sees you and sends help. Let him improve your life. For numerology, this is a sacred number. A symbol of complete harmony. Let go of your thoughts, trust the Higher Powers.

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