April 7 holiday is when the holiday begins. Church Orthodox holiday of April

On April 7, the UN countries celebrate a holiday - World Health Day, in Russia they celebrate the Birthday of the Runet and the Day of Remembrance of Dead Submariners. What other holiday is today? On this day we can celebrate Slavic holiday- Day of Karna the Mourner.

Holidays April 7, 2019

world health day

- holiday in UN countries
World Health Day is celebrated by UN countries every year on April 7th. On this day in 1948, the World Health Organization was created. Since this historical moment, 194 countries of the world have become members of the World Health Organization.
Since 1950, it has become a tradition to hold Health Day annually.
Health Day events are held to make people understand how much health means in their lives.
World Health Day is dedicated every year to different global problems that face global health and is held under different mottos of the planet.

RuNet's birthday

Every year, April 7 is celebrated for all Russian-language Internet users. significant date— It’s the birthday of Runet, but few people know what holiday today.
On this day in 1994, the domain .Ru was registered for Russia and entered into the international database of national top-level domains.
Earlier, on December 4, 1993, the largest Russian providers of that time signed the Agreement “On the procedure for administering the zone.RU”.
Russia was thus recognized as a state represented on the Internet.

Day of Remembrance of Dead Submariners

April 7 is the day of the death of the crew of the nuclear submarine Komsomolets of the Northern Fleet, which was launched on May 9, 1983. At that time, it was believed that this nuclear submarine, in its tactical and technical characteristics, was about 25 years ahead of its time. It had a titanium heavy-duty hull with a diving depth of more than 1000 meters, an 8500 ton underwater displacement, its speed was more than 30 knots and it was completely inaccessible and undetectable to any weapon.
On April 7, 1989, in the Norwegian Sea, when the most combat-ready nuclear submarine was returning from combat service, a tragedy occurred - a fire broke out on the Komsomolets, which led to the sinking of the unique submarine.

Holiday of the Slavs

Day of Karna the Mourner

Karna is the goddess of sadness, grief and sorrow. The ancient Slavs assigned her the role of a mourning goddess and goddess of funeral rites.
People believed that if a warrior dies in battle far from his home, then the goddess Karna or the heavenly Goddess, the patroness of human reincarnations and new births, will be the first to mourn him.
On behalf of the Goddess Karna, words appeared among the people - incarnation, reincarnation. Karna allows a person to get rid of mistakes made in his life and unseemly actions in order to fulfill his destiny prepared by the highest god.

Unusual holidays

Today, April 7, everyone can cheerfully celebrate Pillow Fight Day. Anarchist Day is also celebrated on this day.

Pillow Fight Day

Do you remember how you misused your pillow as a child? How long have you had a pillow fight? Pillows usually rejoice with you when you give them the opportunity to actively move around in fun pillow battles! If in this battle the pillow loses a few feathers, then its happiness and pride will know no bounds. On this festive Pillow Fight Day, you can safely bring joy to all participants in this celebration.

Anarchist Day

The creation of this holiday, “Anarchist Day,” actually in itself already contradicts the idea and concept of anarchy. This holiday can be celebrated on any day of the year, because that’s why it’s Anarchist Day.

Church Orthodox holiday

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Annunciation Holy Mother of God is a great church holiday that was established in memory of the day when the Archangel Gabriel brought the good news of the birth of the Son of God to the Virgin Mary. This great holiday falls on Bright Week or Lent.
The duration of this holiday varies - from one to three days. At the time when the Annunciation coincides with Easter, the Orthodox celebrate two holidays in one, which they call Kyriopascha.
Such an event happens very rarely, for example, the last Kyriopascha was in 1991, but the next one will be in 2075.
In Rus', the holiday of the Annunciation was very popular and it was considered very important in the year. On this day, the fast was relaxed - for this day a special pie with fish or cabbage was specially prepared - kulebyaka, and on this day the third arrival of spring was celebrated.
Our ancestors considered it a great sin to undertake the smallest task on this day.
People used to say: “On this day, girls do not weave hair, and birds do not build nests.”
This holiday was considered a bird holiday; in the old days, on the Annunciation, it was customary for catchers to redeem birds and release them into the wild, so that the bird would intercede before God for the one who freed it.
On the occasion of the Annunciation, peasants burned straw beds at night and jumped through the fire, fumigating their dresses in order to protect themselves from witchcraft and destroy diseases.
On this day, the peasants watched the weather. They believed that if it rains on the Annunciation Day, thick rye will be born, and if there is a thunderstorm on that day, then a nut harvest is worth waiting for.
Name day April 7 from: Savva, Tikhon
April 7th is also celebrated:
- Day of Feat,
- Cosmetologist's Day,

Published 04/07/18 00:25

Today, April 7, 2018, also celebrates Holy Saturday, World Health Day and other events.

What holiday is today: April 7, 2018 marks the church holiday of the Annunciation

On April 7, 2018, the great twelfth feast of the liturgical cycle is celebrated - the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The celebration is timed to coincide with the announcement to the Virgin Mary by Archangel Gabriel of the good news about her conception of the Son of God.

In the Orthodox Church, this holiday symbolizes humanity's atonement for the fall of Eve.

The first mention of the Annunciation dates back to the 2nd century. This event became official in the 6th century, when the Byzantine Emperor Justinian set the date of the holiday on March 25 (April 7, new style).

By intkbbee folk signs, if there is frost on Annunciation, then there will be a rich harvest, and if swallows have not arrived by April 7, then spring will be cold and late.

If a wife calls her husband “beloved” forty times on this holiday, then the family will expect love and peace for many years.

The wish that will be made for the Annunciation will come true in the near future.

Holy Saturday (Great Saturday)

Passionate or Great Saturday is a folk Christian holiday. This is the last day before Easter. In 2018, Holy Saturday falls on April 7th. Orthodox Church on this day, he remembers the burial and stay of Jesus Christ in the tomb and His descent into hell.

On this day, the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great is celebrated in churches in the morning. In the evening the Acts of the Holy Apostles are read. Before midnight, the Midnight Office is held, during which the priests take the Shroud to the altar and place it on the throne. Matins begins at midnight. Church ministers are changing the dark clothes they have been wearing since Monday of Holy Week to light ones. In the evening, churches begin to consecrate Easter cakes, colored eggs, wine, meat and other holiday treats.

On Holy Saturday, the descent of the Holy Fire takes place in the Jerusalem Church of the Resurrection.

World Health Day 2018 is celebrated on April 7th. The purpose of the holiday is to draw people's attention to health care and the need to prevent diseases.

World Health Day was founded by the World Health Organization (WHO). The first celebrations took place on July 22, 1948. In 1950, the date was moved to April 7. On this day in 1948, the WHO Constitution came into force. The document determined the structure of the international organization, the purpose of its existence, functions, the procedure for accepting members and other provisions.

RuNet's birthday

The birthday of Runet is celebrated annually on April 7. It is celebrated by developers and providers in Russia and the states of the former Soviet Union.

The breakthrough of the Russian domain on the Internet took place at the end of the 20th century. On December 4, 1993, a meeting of representatives of the largest provider companies in Russia took place, at which the Agreement “On the procedure for administering the zone.RU” was signed. Thanks to this document, the state received the right of official representation on the Internet. On April 7, 1994, domain.ru was first registered and included in the international national domain list. This date was officially declared the birthday of the Runet.

Day of Remembrance of Dead Submariners

The Day of Remembrance of Dead Submariners in Russia is celebrated annually on April 7. In 1989, the third generation Soviet nuclear submarine K-278 Komsomolets crashed on this date.

The disaster, which occurred in the Norwegian Sea, claimed 42 lives of the 406th naval crew. The fire on the ship happened at the moment when it was returning from the third combat exit, at a depth of 380 meters.

Cosmetologist's Day

Cosmetologist's Day is celebrated in Russia on April 7, 2018. The holiday arose after the signing of the Order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation dated July 7, 2009 No. 415n. The document registered the specialty “Cosmetology” in the Russian Federation. He installed qualification requirements for direction workers.

  • 1795 - the Law introducing the Metric system of measures was passed in France.
  • 1805 - Ludwig van Beethoven's Third Symphony premiered in Vienna.
  • 1826 - the building of the Pinakothek was founded in Munich.
  • 1827 - English pharmacist John Walker sold lawyer Nixon the first matches as we know them today.
  • 1934 - education day government agencies Fishery Protection of Russia.
  • William Wordsworth 1770 - English poet.
  • Alexander Turgenev 1784 - Russian historian and politician.
  • Allen Dulles 1893 - American statesman.
  • Billie Holiday 1915 - American jazz singer.
  • Yves Rosche 1930 - French entrepreneur.
  • Francis Coppola 1939 - American film director.
  • Mark Rudinshtein 1946 - Russian producer.
  • Valentina Matvienko 1949 - Russian statesman.
  • Jackie Chan 1954 - Chinese and American actor and stuntman.
  • Guillaume Depardieu 1971 - French actor, son of Gerard Depardieu.

(chapter 3). Liturgy of St. Basil the Great. Wine is allowed at the meal (fish and oil are not allowed).

Luke 1:39-49,56

Matthew 27:62-66

Matthew 28:1-20

Luke 1:24-38

The Lord sleeps in the tomb with his body, but with his soul He descended into hell and preached salvation to the spirits there. All the Old Testament saints were not in paradise, although they remained in the comforting faith that they would be brought there as soon as the Promised One, in whom they lived by faith, came to earth. His coming was foreshadowed there too by the Forerunner.

When the Lord descended, all who believed clung to Him and were elevated to paradise by Him. But this paradise is only the threshold of a real paradise, which will open after the general resurrection and judgment. In it, all the New Testament saints, although blessed, expect even greater, most perfect bliss in the next century, with a new heaven and a new earth, when God will be all in all.

Have heaven as a throne, and earth as a footstool, the Maiden can fit into her womb! The six-winged and many-eyed cannot look upon Him; in one word, He deigns to be incarnate (from the stichera of the holiday). Until now, God has not been close to people and has not revealed Himself to them in full. For the Son of God, “the radiance of the glory of the Father and the image of His hypostasis” (Heb. 1:3), who, according to the eternal advice of God, was to reveal God to people and unite them with God, has not yet appeared on earth. But since...

Many people are waiting for the onset of April, since at this time the weather is almost spring. What holidays await us in the first week of April?

Motherhood and Beauty Day

In Armenia, for example, on this day the role of motherhood and beauty in a woman’s life is exalted; this is an ideal time for rethinking family values. This date was not chosen by chance, since the Orthodox celebrate the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary on April 7.


This event is one of the most important for the church. The name of the holiday accurately reflects the main meaning associated with it: on this day the Virgin Mary was predicted to conceive and give birth to the baby Christ. This festival is considered one of the twelve everlasting days and is celebrated annually on the same date in April.

The main holiday icon is recognized as the creation made by Andrei Rublev, where the messenger descends to the Virgin to convey the good news to her. Archangel Gabriel presented the Virgin Mary with the most joyful news that the Son of God would be the Son of man. In response, Isaiah’s prediction comes true, the Mother of God responds with consent and says: “Let it be done to me according to your word.” Without this phrase spoken goodwill, God could not become a man. He could not put on flesh and blood, because the Lord does not force us to do anything, does not influence us by force. Man is given absolute freedom to express his attitude towards God with love and harmony.

According to the interpretation of the Church tradition, at the moment when the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary, she was busy reading the book of the prophet Isaiah, precisely those words about the birth of the Messiah. “I am ready to become the last servant of the one who will have the honor of giving birth to the Messiah,” she thought.

The holiday of the Annunciation is associated among the people with various ancient traditions. It is believed that doing any work on April 7, the day of the Annunciation, is a great sin. According to folk superstitions, on this day nature revives after winter. By this moment, storks and swallows should already have flown in, raccoons and chipmunks should have crawled out of their holes, hedgehogs should have come out of stumps, and ants should have awakened in their anthills. After the Annunciation, spring agricultural work begins.

International Health Day

In addition, April 7 is World Health Day. This holiday is dedicated to the day of the formation of the international health organization, and it took place in 1948. Year after year, everyone began to join this association. large quantity states, and today it includes more than two hundred countries, including Russia.

In accordance with the Charter, which was signed by the presidents different countries, any citizen at the municipal level has the right to medical care, and the state, in turn, assumes an obligation for a healthy population.

The main direction of activity of the World Health Organization (WHO) is the united desire of the world's population to combat threats that can harm the health and livelihoods of the population.

Health Day has been celebrated every year since 1950. Each year, the event addresses a different health care issue, which is supported by traditional advocacy efforts.

The day of the appearance of Runet

Runet is a small part of the Russian-language global web, and every year users celebrate its birthday. The Russian-language domain RU has been included in the worldwide domain database since 1994. This event officially established Russia on the Internet.

In accordance with the agreement, all responsibilities fell on the shoulders of RosNIIROS; it is this organization that provides technical support and administration of the RU domain. In 2009, another event related to the domain occurred - another one appeared - “RF”. Its difference is that with all second-level names it is written in Cyrillic.

Cosmetologist's Day

Do you want to know what date is celebrated on April 7, other than those listed? This day is a professional holiday for cosmetologists. These specialists help people maintain radiant skin, a fresh and youthful appearance, and a toned figure. Services of cosmetologists in modern world It is used not only by the fair sex, but also by men for whom their appearance is important.

It was on this day in 2009 that the Ministry of Health issued an order stating that cosmetology is an independent specialty. Of course, this is not considered the date of the emergence of cosmetic medicine in Russia; it’s just that earlier “beauty and youth specialists” were not highlighted in the calendar.

The holiday of cosmetologists is celebrated in the professional sphere with various thematic conferences, seminars and round tables.

Historical events

This day is also famous for Russia for the events that happened earlier. For example, the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” was completed by Pushkin on April 7, 1820.

"Ruslan and Lyudmila" is the most great job writer. IN big light it was published only four months later, but the author was no longer in St. Petersburg; he was sent into exile in the south of the country.

It took Alexander Sergeevich a full three years to create this work. The poem is based on stories that his nanny told him at an early age. The poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” glorified the author and put him in first place among others Russian writers that period. After the publication of this work, people started talking about Pushkin in Europe and began to mention it in writers’ publications.

The next event on April 7, which took place in 1899, was the launch of the first electric tram.

TO end of the 19th century centuries, horse-drawn carriages could no longer cope with the huge passenger traffic, and the very state of the rail equipment was very sad. That is why the question of solving this problem has become acute.

In 1898, the replacement and re-equipment of three large lines began. By March 1899, almost everyone construction works were completed, and the designers launched a trial route to test the electric tram. In parallel with this, group training of operating workers began.

After certain adjustments, the movement was launched on April 7 of the same year electric trams along the streets of Moscow.

Events in the coming days

What is remarkable about the coming dates of April, for example, April 6? April 7th is rich in events, but do not forget about the holidays that are celebrated on April 6th. So, on this day we congratulate the employees of the Investigative Committee, as well as geologists.

  • World Tai Chi and Qigong Day. This holiday appeared on the initiative of the American Bill Douglas, who is a supporter of tai chi and qigong gymnastics. On this day, those who practice such gymnastics stage performances, which they rehearse in advance until April 7-8, when the performance is shown to the public.
  • International Roma Day.
  • Military Commissariat Workers' Day.

An annual non-transitionable holiday in the church Orthodox calendar, which falls on April 7, is the Annunciation. But this year there is another event on this day, which this holiday seems to overlap. According to the current Easter calendar, it turns out that April 7 will be Great (Holy) Saturday - the last day of Lent on the eve of Easter. What to do with such an overlap of church holidays and what needs to be done, according to the charter.

During strict fasting on the eve of the Resurrection of Christ there are only a few holidays, when the fast itself weakens, you can eat fish. The Annunciation is always included in the list of these holidays, but if it happened like this year and what holiday April 7, 2018 is not only the Annunciation, but also Holy Saturday falls during this period, then the rules of conduct will be slightly different. We propose to consider each aspect in order.

The first holiday, which has a constant date of 7.04, is associated with the memories of the Mother of God when she received the Good News from the Holy Spirit. That night, Archangel Gabriel came down to Mary and told her that the Holy Spirit would descend on her and after nine months she would give birth to the Savior.

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Holy Saturday in church calendar- this is not a holiday, but a very important memorial day when they remember the second day of finding the crucified body of Jesus Christ in the tomb. On this day he descended into hell and among Orthodox believers this day is often considered a “day of silence.” Christ brings the righteous out of hell, talks about Last Judgment. And already at the night service from Saturday to Sunday they will celebrate the great event of Easter.

Both of these events are separated from each other by only thirty-three years, and in each event there is the unearthly Light of Christ’s Resurrection. Therefore, it is a miracle that the events coincide and thus help to better understand the essence of the birth, life on earth, death of Christ and his resurrection.

Service in the temple

This year, on the Annunciation on April 7, the Liturgy of John Chrysostom, which is usually scheduled for this holiday, will not be celebrated. But there will be the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, which is important for Holy Saturday. This liturgy is read only once a year and precisely on the last day of Lent on the eve of Easter.

On April 7, 2018, fish will also not be eaten. Despite the fact that, according to church regulations, you can eat fish on Palm Sunday and the Annunciation during Lent, the coincidence of dates with Holy Saturday invalidates this rule. On the Saturday before Easter, you need to keep a strict fast and try not to eat until the night service.

What can you eat

In this year's situation it will not be possible to cover festive table for the Annunciation. If you are not on a strict fast, then you can include porridge and mushrooms, fruits and vegetables in your menu, but you will have to give up fish, and also try not to use vegetable oil. You can drink a little wine, but not for fun or to relax, but to strengthen your strength before the long night service and Easter Matins.

Is it possible to bake Easter cakes and cook Easter cakes?

We know what Orthodox holiday will be on April 7, 2018, and also that it coincided this year and with last week Great Lent. IN church holidays As a rule, you need to refrain from all work, including not cooking anything. But on Holy Saturday, which also fell on April 7 in 2018, housewives are often busy with household chores and bustle - they need to prepare the table for Easter.

The clergy emphasize that you can bake Easter cakes this Saturday, even despite the holiday. But it is very important that household chores do not occupy the main place and you definitely need to go to church with the whole family. Alternatively, the cakes can be baked in advance Maundy Thursday or just buy it in the store.

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