21 regions of cities in the Chuvash language. Chuvash Republic

Distinctive features . Who doesn’t know Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev? The brave red commander, the hero of films and jokes? This is probably one of the most popular folk characters 20th century, well, with the exception of Stirlitz. But few people know that the famous Chapaev was born in Chuvashia, in a small village near Cheboksary.

Monument to Chapaev in Cheboksary. Photo by shandi (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/shandi/)

In addition to the fact that the Republic of Chuvashia is the birthplace of Chapaev, it can also be proud of its original people, who make up the majority of its population. The lands of the Chuvash were part of the Volga Bulgaria, then subordinated to the Kazan Khanate.

Now two languages ​​are used in Chuvashia - Chuvash and Russian. And although everyone here understands Russian, the Chuvash language is used more and more. This is also explained by the fact that many visitors from other parts of Chuvashia now live in Cheboksary, and Cheboksary residents themselves prefer to move to other cities, for example Kazan or Nizhny Novgorod.

Chuvashia can be called a region that has relied on agriculture. Its share in the economy of Chuvashia is 9.4%, which is two times higher than the Russian average. Industry is concentrated mainly in Cheboksary and Novocheboksarsk, although the old giant factories are now dying, and the level of industrial production in Chuvashia has dropped to 70% of 1990 levels. Today, Chuvash business is more occupied with buying and selling.

Geographical location. The Republic of Chuvashia is located in the southeast of the European part of the Russian Federation, part of the Volga-Vyatka economic region and Privolzhsky federal district. The republic's neighbors are the Nizhny Novgorod region in the west, the Republic of Tatarstan in the east, the Mari El Republic in the north and Ulyanovsk region on South.

The great Russian river Volga flows in the northern part of Chuvashia. The terrain is predominantly flat, where the highest point is 286.6 m above sea level.

In Chuvashia in its own way beautiful nature, and to preserve it were created national park“Chavash Marmane”, which became one of the “7 Wonders of Chuvashia”, as well as the Prisursky Nature Reserve.

Population. As of 2013, the population of the region was 1,243,431 people. Of these, 72% live in cities. The ratio of male to female population is 46.5%: 53.5%.

In Chuvashia, the mortality rate is almost equal to the birth rate, even slightly lower. Therefore, there is a slight natural increase in population. So, despite the outflow of emigrants to other regions of Russia, the population of the republic has remained practically unchanged for at least thirty years.

Chuvash in national costumes. Photo by Raushaniya (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/raushaniyagaripova/)

However, the share of pensioners is steadily growing, and now they make up a fifth of the residents of Chuvashia. By national composition, 65.1% of the population are Chuvash. Russians make up 25.83% and live mainly in large cities. In third place in terms of numbers are the Tatars (2.73%), who live compactly in the southeast of the republic.

Crime. The Republic of Chuvashia is a fairly calm region. In the criminal ranking of regions, Chuvashia is in 50th place. This is not to say that there are no crimes here at all. The most common types of crime include theft and fraud. So if you come to Cheboksary, be on your guard!

Unemployment rate in the Chuvash Republic in 2012 it was only 5.86%, which is practically no different from the Russian average level. In the ranking of regions for unemployment, Chuvashia took 41st place. average salary in Chuvashia, frankly speaking, makes you cry. 16,832 rubles per month is not what residents of one of the European regions of Russia would like to receive.

Moreover, it is extremely difficult to find such industries in Chuvashia, where average level salaries would exceed the thousand dollar mark. However, so far the leaders are the IT sector (32,771 rubles / month), financial activities(30,814 rubles/month) and production of electrical and optical equipment (28,687 rubles/month).

Property value. Average price per sq. meter of housing in Cheboksary - 50,248 rubles, in Novocheboksarsk - 42,520 rubles. A one-room apartment in Cheboksary will cost you 1.3 million rubles and more. Depending on the area, its price can reach 3 million rubles. New apartments in new buildings, for example, “three rubles” are already sold for 6 million rubles.

One of the courtyards in Kanash. Photo by Kanash-Club (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/kanash-club/)

Climate. Chuvashia, like most regions in the European part of Russia, is located in the temperate continental climate zone. Winter here is cold, with frosts sometimes reaching 40 degrees below zero. Summer is hot, with dry winds. But if you step back from extreme indicators, then average temperature July is +19°C, and the average temperature in January is −13°C. The amount of precipitation is 500 mm per year, most of it falls in summer.

Cities of the Chuvash Republic

Regional center and The largest city areas. Population - 473,688 people. The city was once a center of mechanical engineering and instrument making. But now everything is not so simple, production has decreased, and the city’s economy is all higher value acquires the food industry, trade and tourism.

The city has a lot of greenery, beautiful parks and monuments. In general, there is something to see. And the city’s infrastructure is well developed: there are many scientific institutions, theaters, and festivals are held regularly. Due to the reduction in production and, accordingly, harmful emissions, the environment is also doing well. Of the minuses, it should still be noted economic factor- Cheboksary is significantly inferior here Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan.

- a large industrial center located on the banks of the Volga River. Population - 123922 people. If in Cheboksary everything is fine environmentally, then in Novocheboksarsk it’s the other way around. Being the second city in the republic in terms of production volume and having such a monster as Khimprom, residents of Novocheboksarsk are forced to suffer from various harmful substances entering the atmosphere from factory chimneys and city landfills. We don’t see any more disadvantages, and it’s not for nothing that Novocheboksarsk is in the top 100 best cities in Russia.

Kanash- the third largest city in Chuvashia. Population - 45,759 people. This is a city of railway workers, with a dozen large industrial enterprises. This is not so small considering the size of the city. There are wide green streets, creating a feeling of spaciousness. There are practically no high-rise buildings in the center; most buildings are limited in height to five floors. The city's infrastructure cannot be called very well developed, but it has everything necessary for life - kindergartens, schools, even branches of universities.

The Republic of Chuvashia is located on the right bank of the Volga River in the middle of its tributaries Suroy and Sviyaga. There are more than 750 large and small lakes on the territory of the Republic. In the northern part of Chuvashia there are mainly terrain with ravines, and in the southern part there is a plain with hills.

Chuvash Republic is a subject of the federation. Its area is 18.3 thousand km2.

Climatic features

The temperate continental climate prevails on the territory of Chuvashia. During the year, according to average data, 400-600 mm of precipitation falls.

Residents of the republic

More than 1.3 million people live in Chuvashia, of which about 40% are rural residents.

The Chuvash Republic has 21 districts, nine cities, eight urban settlements and more than 1,700 villages, villages and hamlets. The capital of Chuvashia is Cheboksary, where about half a million people live. At the end of 2001, the city was rated as the most attractive large city for living. locality Russia.

History of the Chuvash people

As researchers say, the first people inhabited these lands 50-70 thousand years ago. In the 4th-3rd millennium BC. e. Finno-Ugrians, who are the ancestors of the present-day Mordovians and Maris, lived here. The Bulgarian and Sabir tribes, who became the ancestors of the Chuvash, lived in Siberia, and their forefathers were the Huns, steppe nomads who eventually abandoned nomadic life and took up arable farming and the production of tools.
In the 10th century, Volga Bulgaria appeared on the territory of Chuvashia - a famous state in the early Middle Ages. In the 13th century it fell to the Golden Horde and became part of it.
In 1438, after the collapse of the Golden Horde, Volga Bulgaria became part of the Kazan Khanate. At this time, the Chuvash had to hide in the forests from forced Islamization.
In the mid-16th century, Chuvashia independently joined the Russian state. It is from this moment that the formation of the Chuvash people takes place.
In 1920, the Chuvash Autonomous Republic was formed, and five years later the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was created. Since 1992, this territory received the name of the Chuvash Republic.

Industry and agriculture

There are 12 powerful industrial enterprises in the Republic that produce complex electrical mechanisms and apparatus, refrigeration chambers, soda, resin, high-quality plastic, as well as knitwear, furniture, reinforced concrete structures and much more.
About 60 collective farms and more than 1,200 farms are registered in Chuvashia, producing grain and vegetable crops, potatoes, meat and dairy products and eggs. Many types of cattle, pigs of various breeds are raised here, there are many herds of sheep and herds of horses.

Located in the northern part of the republic, on the banks of the Volga. IN written sources first mentioned in 1469. Population 441.6 thousand people. (2008).

Novocheboksarsk (Çĕnĕ Shupashkar)

Satellite city of Cheboksary. Located 5 km from the capital on the banks of the Volga. Founded in 1960 in connection with the construction of a chemical plant. Population 126 thousand people. (2008).

Kanash (Kanash)

Administrative center of Kanashsky district. Located in the center of the republic, a large railway junction. Founded in 1891. Distance to Cheboksary - 76 km, population - 47.3 thousand people. (2008).

Alatyr (Ulatăr)

Administrative center of the Alatyr region. Located in the southwestern part of the republic, on the left bank of the Sura River, at the confluence of the Alatyr (river)_Alatyr tributary. Founded in 1552 by Ivan the Terrible. Distance to Cheboksary - 185 km, population - 45.8 thousand people. (2008).

Shumerlya (Çĕmĕrle)

Administrative center of the Shumerlinsky district. Located in the western part of the republic. Founded in 1916 in connection with the construction railway. Distance to Cheboksary - 110 km, population - 34 thousand people. (2008).

Tsivilsk (Çĕrpӳ)

Administrative center of Tsivilsky district. Located south of Cheboksary, at the confluence of the Big Civil_Big and Small Civil. Founded in 1589. Distance to Cheboksary - 37 km, population - 13.1 thousand people. (2008).

Kozlovka (Kuslavkka)

Administrative center of the Kozlovsky district. Located on the right bank of the Volga, in the northeastern part of the republic. Founded in 1671. Distance to Cheboksary - 97 km, population - 11.7 thousand people. (2008).

Mariinsky Posad (Sĕntĕrvări)

Administrative center of the Mariinsko-Posad district. Located on the right bank of the Volga, in the northern part of the republic. Founded in 1620. Distance to Cheboksary - 36 km, population - 10.1 thousand people. (2008).

Volga Federal District. Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia. Area 18.34 thousand sq. km. Formed on June 24, 1920.
Administrative center federal district - city ​​of Cheboksary.

Cities of the Republic of Chuvashia:

– subject Russian Federation, part of the Volga Federal District, located in the east of the East European Plain, on the right bank of the Volga River. The main river is the Volga with tributaries Sura, Tsivil, Anish. Cheboksary reservoir. In the south there are tributaries of the Sura (Abyss, Kirya, Me) and Sviyaga (Bula, Kubnya). Floodplain and karst lakes.

Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia is part of the Volga-Vyatka economic region. Leading place The economy of Chuvashia is occupied by the industrial complex, which accounts for more than half of the turnover of organizations of all types of activities. The structure of turnover of industrial organizations is dominated by manufacturing, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water. The structure of manufacturing industries is dominated by organizations engaged in production food products, electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment, machinery and equipment, vehicles. The agricultural complex occupies a special place in the economy of Chuvashia. The main cultivated crops in the Republic are potatoes, vegetables, grains, industrial crops (rapeseed, hemp, sugar beets) and fodder crops. Traditional culture- hops. In the livestock industry, the Chuvash Republic specializes in the production of milk, meat and eggs.

On June 24, 1920, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted a resolution on the formation of the Chuvash Autonomous Region as part of the RSFSR.
On April 21, 1925, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided to transform the Chuvash Autonomous Region into the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
On October 19, 1990, the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was renamed into the Chuvash Soviet Socialist Republic.
On February 13, 1992, with the adoption of the Law “On Changing the Name of the Chuvash SSR,” the Chuvash SSR became known as the Chuvash Republic.
In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 9, 2001 N 679, the name of the subject of the Russian Federation was changed to “Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia”.

Cities and regions of the Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia.

Cities of the Republic of Chuvashia: Alatyr, Kanash, Kozlovka, Mariinsky Posad, Novocheboksarsk, Tsivilsk, Shumerlya, Yadrin.

Urban districts of the Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia:"City of Cheboksary"; "City of Alatyr"; "City of Kanash"; "City of Novocheboksarsk"; "Sumerlinsky".

Municipal districts - Administrative center: Alatyr district - Alatyr city; Alikovsky district - village. Alikovo; Batyrevsky district - village. Batyrevo; Vurnarsky district - town. Vurnars; Ibresinsky district - town. Ibresi; Kanashsky district - Kanash city; Kozlovsky district - Kozlovka; Komsomolsky district - village. Komsomolskoe; Krasnoarmeysky district - village. Krasnoarmeyskoe; Krasnochetaisky district - village. Red Chetai; Marposadsky district - Mariinsky Posad; Morgaushsky district - village. Morgaushi; Poretsky district - village. Poretskoe; Urmara district - Urmary village; Tsivilsky district - Tsivilsk city; Cheboksary district - Kugesi village; Shemurshinsky district - village. Shemursha; Shumerlinsky district - Shumerlya city; Yadrinsky district - Yadrin city; Yalchik district - village. Yalchiki; Yantikovsky district - village. Yantikovo

NOVOCHEBOXARSK, a city (since 1965) in the Russian Federation, Chuvashia, a port on the Volga, 20 km from the Cheboksary railway station. Population 123.1 thousand people (2002). Production of building materials, cotton spinning factory. It appeared in 1960 as a satellite of Cheboksary. Near Novocheboksarsk there is the Cheboksary hydroelectric station.

KANASH(until 1920 Shikhrany), a city (since 1925) in the Russian Federation, Chuvashia. Railway junction. Population 55.3 thousand people (2002). Mechanical engineering and metalworking (factories: electric forklifts, auto aggregates, etc.); PA "Lakokraska", polymer materials plant; food industry. Museum of Local Lore.

ALATYR, a city in the Russian Federation, the Republic of Chuvashia, is located in the Middle Volga region, on the left bank of the river. Sura, at the confluence of the river. Alatyr, 195 km south of Cheboksary. Railroad station. Airport. District center. Population 46.2 thousand people (2001). Founded in 1552. City since 1780.

Coat of arms of the city of Alatyr. Approved December 22, 1780.

Main industrial enterprises: JSC "Electroavtomat", "Electropribor", electromechanical "Lisma", low-temperature refrigerators, mechanical, "Alba" (production of pianos), "Furniture factory". Enterprises of footwear, textile, food industries. Deposits of peat, clay, sand, etc. have been discovered in the area.

Founded by Ivan the Terrible as a fortified point to protect the borders of the Moscow state at the mouth of the river. Alatyr. Since 1780 county town Alatyr.
The city has local history and art museums.

Alatyr. The building of the Chuvash University branch.

In the city and its immediate surroundings there are 15 cathedrals and churches, including St. John the Baptist (1703), Nativity of the Virgin Mary (1747). Active monasteries: Holy Trinity Monastery (founded in 1584) and Kiev-Nicholas Novodevichy Women's Monastery (founded in 1634). Stone mansions from the late 19th - early 20th centuries have also been preserved in Alatyr.

There is an arboretum in the city.

Children's and teenage years sculptor S. D. Erzya (Nefedov), shipbuilder A. N. Krylov (monuments were erected, memorial house-museums were opened), gunsmith designer A. I. Sudaev and others.

SHUMERLYA, in Chuvashia, republican subordination, district center, 110 km southwest of Cheboksary. Located on the slopes of the Volga Upland, the pier is on the right bank of the river. Sura. Railway station on the Moscow - Kazan line. Population 42.7 thousand people (1992; 15.2 thousand in 1926; 30.2 thousand in 1959; 36.2 thousand in 1979).
It emerged in 1916 as a railway settlement. In the 1930s. became the location of a number of industrial enterprises. City - since 1937. In modern Sh.: a caravan plant (built in 1931); factories - special vehicles (1928), chemical (1930); wood processing and food industry enterprises. Sh. is the center of an agricultural region. Museum of History and Local Lore.

TSIVILSK, regional center in Chuvashia, 37 km southeast of Cheboksary. Located on the Volga Upland, on the banks of the river. Bolshoy Tsivil (near the confluence with the Maly Tsivil river), 8 km from the railway station of the same name on the branch to Cheboksary from the Moscow - Kazan line. Road junction (to Cheboksary, Ulyanovsk, Kazan). Population 10.4 thousand people (1992; 2.3 thousand in 1897; 8.3 thousand in 1979).
The first mention dates back to 1584, when, by order of Boris Godunov, a fortress inhabited by Russians was built here. In 1609 Ts. was burned by the Cheremis, in 1671 it was attacked by the detachments of S. T. Razin, and in 1774 it was taken by the detachments of E. I. Pugachev. In 1781 Ts. received the status of a district city of the Kazan governorship, and from 1796 - in the Kazan province. IN late XIX V. There were 4 stone churches in Tsentralny, and 17 small industrial enterprises operated. The inhabitants were mainly engaged in agriculture. Since 1920, Ts. - as part of the Chuvash Autonomous Okrug, in 1925-90 - in the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In modern C.: food and light industry; brick and car repair factories. Museum of Local Lore.


Yadrin, a regional center in Chuvashia, 86 km southwest of Cheboksary. Located on the left bank of the river. Sura, 59 km from the Shumerlya railway station on the Moscow - Kazan line. Population 10.6 thousand people (1992; 7 thousand in 1979).
Known since 1590. By Chuvash legends, the city is named after the pagan Chuvash. In 1708 Yadrin was assigned to the Kazan province, and in 1781 received the status of a district town of the Kazan province. In modern Yadrin: enterprises of the metalworking, food and clothing industries; production of building materials. Near Yadrina, on the banks of the Sura, there is the Chuvash stud farm.
The creator of the 17-volume Dictionary of the Chuvash Language N.I. Ashmarin and the artist N.D. Mordvinov were born in Yadrino.

NOVOCHEBOXARSK, in Chuvashia, republican subordination. Located on the slopes of the Volga Upland, on the right bank of the Volga, 5 km below the city of Cheboksary (the nearest railway station to N.). River port. Airport. Population 120.2 thousand people (1992; 39 thousand in 1970; 86.5 thousand in 1979).
It emerged in 1960 as a builders’ settlement during the construction of the Cheboksary hydroelectric power station. City - since 1965. In modern N.: production of building materials; light and food industry enterprises; a chemical plant is under construction (1992).

MARIINSKY POSAD, regional center in Chuvashia, 48 km east of Cheboksary. Located on the right bank of the river. Volga, at the confluence of the river. Syndyrka. Pier (Kuibyshev Reservoir). The nearest railway station is Cheboksary. Population 10.7 thousand people (1992).
Known since the beginning of the 17th century. like the village of Sundyr. At the request of residents of the village of Sundyr with adjacent villages in 1856 it was transformed into the city of M.P. Cheboksary district of the Kazan province. In modern M.P.: factories - cable products, car repair, machine-building, building materials, alcohol, creamery, etc. Museum of Local Lore.

KOZLOVKA, regional center in Chuvashia, 95 km southeast of Cheboksary. Located on the right bank of the Volga (Kuibyshev Reservoir). It is connected by a road (9 km) to the Kazan-Moscow highway and the Tyurlema ​​railway station on the Moscow-Kazan line. Population 13.1 thousand people (1992; 11.4 thousand in 1979). City - since 1967. Van plant, creamery.


Buinsk, an urban-type settlement in the Ibresinsky district, in Chuvashia, 117 km southwest of Cheboksary. Railway station on the Kanash - Ruzaevka line. Population over 2 thousand people (1993; 4.2 thousand in 1897; over 2.5 thousand in 1979).
In 1780 the village of B. was transformed into a district town of the Simbirsk governorship. After 1917 - rural settlement, since 1938 - an urban-type settlement.

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