2019). Watch online Sunday evening with Vladimir Solovyov (02/03/2019) – Someone from above prohibits

Almost according to Gogol

Sometimes you want to go back to the past, where - as it seems now, after the passage of time - everything was clear and understandable, where the trees were large, and the people were simple and sincere. And the story begins slowly, almost epically.

Finally, at least someone is starting to tell the truth about Vladimir Solovyov. Perhaps Alexander Gordon is not happy that Solovyov has already refused his offer to participate in the “Gordonquixote” program several times. In any case, it is interesting to watch the open debate between two media personalities. One of which is in favor and the other is in disgrace. We do not undertake to judge the reasons for this disgrace, but it seems from Gordon’s words that Soloviev is obsessed with some kind of persecution mania.

This audio recording risks becoming as popular and discussed as a verbal skirmish in live between Ekaterina Gordon , ex-wife Alexandra Gordon and her eternal glamorous opponent - Ksenia Sobchak .

Jewish hero Vladimir Rudolfovich Soloviev, “who defeated half of the Presidential Administration.”

The process didn't work

In 1997, Vladimir Rudolfovich immediately returned to his homeland as a DJ for the FM radio station “Silver Rain”. The country was finally beginning to experience GDP growth, and money was being invested in electronic media more than willingly. On-air colleague Alexander Gordon has already appeared on television with all his might with the show “New York, New York” and even migrated from the sixth button to the first, where he came up with two programs at once - one solo, where, in particular, he proved that Americans have never were on the Moon, the other with the paired conference “The Trial”, where two presenters, by lot, undertook to prove to the audience mutually exclusive versions of what was happening. So Solovyov junior got to big screen- in the show "The Trial", the subject of which was debate about the justice and righteousness of the law. It was then that journalist Vladimir Solovyov met on the way of Alexander Gordon, whose build suited the role Sancho Panza.

Solovyov did not become a squire - he had his own ambitions. No less than Gordon’s (it’s not for nothing that each of them likes to create programs named after themselves). But Soloviev moved towards politics. More precisely - towards political journalism. His business card then came the program “To the Barrier!”, the design of which would quite clearly be repeated later in “Gordon Quixote”. ("Rossiyskaya Gazeta", 07/10/2008, Yuri Bogomolov)

Television critics somehow immediately disliked Solovyov’s lean and arrogant counterpart on the air of “The Trial,” so the promotion of Vladimir Rudolfovich as an alternative to the “arrogant and narcissistic” Gordon was practically for nothing. For some reason, ORT viewers did not immediately grasp the fact that the game of good and evil investigator was built into the format from the very beginning. Meanwhile, the then owner of the channel, Boris Berezovsky, was already in full swing information wars with competitors, and the platform where the current main political duelist of the country made his debut was the starting point for him as a provocateur of future changes in public sentiment. In 2004, this almost ended with the nomination of Solovyov for president from the BAB party.

In the old days, such jack-of-all-trades people were called special propagandists. Without their criticism of Western Sovietologists and bourgeois sociologists, the bulk of Russian people would never have learned about the main currents of world thought, and so would have had at least an approximate idea of ​​​​what is good and what is bad. So during the 2004 presidential campaign, which seemed to break all records of boringness, who, if not Vladimir Solovyov, told the world about the plane sent for him from London? Who, according to him, was offered to be a single candidate from the entire opposition for any money, just to overshadow Vladimir Putin, but he, being a patriot of his country, did not give Berezovsky a chance? Who told the world that Ivan Rybkin, like him, could simply be killed there in order to make him a martyr’s icon of resistance to the regime?

Vladimir Solovyov vehemently disliked Yegor Gaidar and Anatoly Chubais, and for this, in the age of struggle against the “young reformers” in the government of Boris Yeltsin, a lot was forgiven, including by both the democratically and oppositionally minded intelligentsia. True, even then Irina Petrovskaya remarked in her columns: “This man loves himself in art more than art in himself.” In general, working as a “face” for the master was only a way of making relatively honest money.

Vladimir Solovyov, as soon as he appeared on television, attracted the attention of the audience. At first, a combination of a powerful physique and a splashing temperament. After some time, he was already among the host of television stars. Having lost a significant part of his weight, Soloviev began to work even more actively, but his view of his own television future acquired a tinge of pessimism. But not simple pessimism, but heroic...

But Solovyov did not take on the role of the next “monster” in the program of his former friend “Gordon Quixote”.

Alexander Gordon: “He refused, and even twice, citing the fact that he had an exclusive with NTV, Vladimir Solovyov. I wanted to somehow get rid of my sin - after all, it was I who brought him to television.”

Immediately after the launch of the program, Solovyov turned 180 degrees in his comments, as often happens with him. He began accusing Gordon of all mortal sins, saying that Gordon stole his idea, promised to take him in for a share and deceived him. A new transmission– plagiarism of “To the Barrier”.

According to Gordon, “you can’t talk about the present on television today. Many “burned out” due to this (consciously - Sergei Dorenko, unconsciously - Evgeny Kiselev, and Vladimir Solovyov will soon burn out in the same way). This is a clearing where you can’t trample.”

Gordon about Solovyov

I feel guilty, very much, but not before Vladimir Solovyov, but before the entire multimillion-dollar audience of Russia. Because it was I who had the audacity to bring Vladimir Solovyov to television. And I want to somehow pay off this, because sometimes it doesn’t let me sleep, by inviting him to be one of the heroes in new program. And I’ll have a purely, heart-to-heart, heart-to-heart talk with Vladimir about how he ended up where he is now. Why does he do this and what does it give him? At the same time, I’ll answer the question I don’t remember from anyone: “Where can I make some money?” I think he knows for sure.

Vladimir Solovyov is a “disposable man” policy. The power will change, other Solovievs will come. But Vladimir needs to erect a monument as a hero of labor! He has been broadcasting on the radio three times a week for eleven years! Plus two programs on television, writes books, conducts weddings... An honest journalist is one who has sold himself once. And Vladimir Solovyov is precisely distinguished by his flexible back. Vladimir Solovyov is a one-time journalist.

He is very talented person, but where did his talents take him now?

In my opinion, what he does on television is monstrous.

Solovyov about Gordon

Sasha apparently has some kind of complex connected with me. I really feel sorry for him. The main thing is that for some reason he decided that it was he who brought me to television. This is a complete lie. It was all wrong. There is such a TV producer Sasha Levin, who Konstantin Ernst assigned to do the program “The Process”. So he was looking for a co-host for Gordon, for whom it was a big surprise when they brought me in as his partner. Yes, Sasha called me several times to his program “Gordon Quixote”. What's the show about? Again, it’s Sasha who wants to see me there. Why did he decide that it would be interesting for me to talk with him? I've known him for many years. He is ideologically uninteresting to me. Therefore, spending several hours of my life on a program that will then be severely cut up and listening to vulgar, stupid maxims from a person about whom I already know everything... why? And then, don’t I think that I should give ratings to another channel by my appearance? If you noticed, I don't go to any TV shows. Gordon invited me! Lord, what happiness! Malakhov often invited me and Tina Kandelaki. But I just don't go.

For me, Sasha is not important at all. He's boring to me. His views are vicious, we must fight them. And in all my statements addressed to Gordon there was a sincere rejection of his views. In general, I always say what I think.

In Russia, unfortunately, there have been no journalists for a long time. Two points of view can only be given when it concerns the points of view of Ksyusha Sobchak and Alexander Gordon.

It's boring in this world, gentlemen!

- What harm have I done to you, Vladimir Rudolfovich? - said Alexander Garrievich.

One more minute of explanation - and the long-standing enmity was ready to fade away. Already Alexander Garrievich reached into his pocket to take out the horn and say: “Do me a favor.”

“Isn’t it a harm,” answered Vladimir Rudolfovich, without raising his eyes, “when you, dear sir, insulted my rank and surname with such a word that is indecent to say here?”

- Let me tell you in a friendly way, Vladimir Rudolfovich! (at the same time, Alexander Garrievich touched Vladimir Rudolfovich’s button with his finger, which meant his perfect location) - you were offended for God knows what: for the fact that I called you a gander...

Alexander Garrievich realized that he had been careless in uttering this word; but it was already too late: the word had been spoken.

What he does on television is monstrous

How Vladimir Rudolfovich and Alexander Garrievich quarreled

Almost according to Gogol

Boris Poletaev

Sometimes you want to go back to the past, where - as it seems now, after the passage of time - everything was clear and understandable, where the trees were large, and the people were simple and sincere. And the story begins slowly, almost epically.

...Wonderful person Vladimir Rudolfovich! What a house he has on Lake Como! Around it on all sides there is a canopy on oak pillars, under the canopy there are benches everywhere. Vladimir Rudolfovich, when it gets too hot, will take off his bekesha and underwear, he will remain in only his shirt and rest under the canopy and watch what is happening in the yard and on the street. What apple and pear trees he has right next to his windows! Just open the window and the branches rush into the room. This is all in front of the house; But look what he has in his garden! What's not there! Plums, cherries, sweet cherries, all kinds of vegetable gardens, sunflowers, cucumbers, melons, pods, even a threshing floor and a forge.

Vladimir Rudolfovich loves it very much if someone gives him a gift or treat. He really likes it.

Alexander Garrievich is also a very good person. His yard is near the yard of Vladimir Rudolfovich. They are such friends with each other as the world has never produced.

Boris Abramovich Berezovsky, who still wears a brown frock coat with blue sleeves and dines at Sundays from a London judge, he usually said that the devil himself tied Alexander Garrievich and Vladimir Rudolfovich with a string. Where one goes, the other follows...

But our time does not tolerate such long periods. So we won’t be able to finish it until tomorrow and won’t be able to tell this story, which is very interesting.

Should Alexander Gordon be registered as a security officer?

In one of his latest broadcasts on “Silver Rain” Alexander Garrievich Gordon remembers Vladimir Rudolfovich Solovyov - and at the same time, to show his scholarship, Vasily Rozanov and Vladimir Solovyov, the partial namesake of our Solovyov, the great Russian thinker and poet, the pride of the Silver Age,

Gordon's attention was drawn to Kabbalistic business of Vladimir Solovyov junior and the price tag for related products posted on the Internet.

In the studio: Alexander Gordon – presenter. Ekaterina Shevtsova – co-host.

Gordon: There were two thoughts, I thought them until I was shot down. The first is Volodka Soloviev. They sent me a link

Shevtsova: For what?

Gordon: To some page of his website. Volodka is now a distinguished Kabbalist!

Shevtsova: Well, hello, he was one for a long time, but now, as I know, he has nothing to do with them.

Gordon: There have been many of them in my life. I saw them. Kirkorov, for example, Madonna.

Shevtsova: It all happened a hundred years ago.

Gordon: Yes, but that's not the point. A wooden box with a red thread (Kabbalah students tie a thread around their wrist) - from Vladimir Solovyov. I don’t remember exactly, it was 652 rubles, let’s say. The book “Me and Kabbalah” – 1,500 rubles, “blessing” from Vladimir Solovyov, since you cannot study Kabbalah on your own, you need a teacher. So he arrived in time. I didn’t expect, I’ll tell you honestly, such a degree of shamelessness.

Shevtsova: Well, it's not him. He said that, like, under him, he quarrels with them. Somehow I am very skeptical about this, I don’t really believe it. I know him.

Gordon: So then. Listen to me carefully.. From Solovyov’s point of view, there are very evil and very powerful forces that are selling all this crap on his behalf, and he, poor thing, can’t do anything. This is after he was able to fight off, poor thing, from...

Shevtsova: Sash, read it! It's all nonsense.

Gordon: ...it's a joke.

Shevtsova: Sash, what, did you believe it? You never know who creates what kind of pages!

Gordon: Volodya lived such a life...

Shevtsova: So what?

Gordon: That it's easy to believe.

Shevtsova: Stop it. I love Solovyov.

Gordon: So there you go. He left his grandfather, he left his grandmother, he fought off half of the Presidential Administration, who threatened to kill him with a knife. Is this also a joke?!

Shevtsova: There were real attacks there.

Gordon: Yes, real attacks. That's what I'm talking about... But he can't remove this from the Internet. Dear mother, this is a completely elusive thing that cannot be caught at all.

Finally, at least someone is starting to tell the truth about Vladimir Solovyov. Perhaps Alexander Gordon is not happy that Solovyov has already refused his offer to participate in the “Gordonquixote” program several times. In any case, it is interesting to watch the open debate between two media personalities. One of which is in favor and the other is in disgrace. We do not undertake to judge the reasons for this disgrace, but it seems from Gordon’s words that Soloviev is obsessed with some kind of persecution mania.

This audio recording risks becoming as popular and discussed as the live verbal skirmish between Ekaterina Gordon, the ex-wife of Alexander Gordon, and her eternal glamorous opponent, Ksenia Sobchak.

Jewish hero Vladimir Rudolfovich Soloviev, “who defeated half of the Presidential Administration.”

The process didn't work

In 1997, Vladimir Rudolfovich immediately returned to his homeland as a DJ for the FM radio station “Silver Rain”. The country was finally beginning to experience GDP growth, and money was being invested in electronic media more than willingly. On-air colleague Alexander Gordon has already appeared on television with all his might with the show “New York, New York” and even migrated from the sixth button to the first, where he came up with two programs at once - one solo, where, in particular, he proved that Americans have never were on the Moon, the other with the paired conference “The Trial”, where two presenters, by lot, undertook to prove to the audience mutually exclusive versions of what was happening. This is how Junior Solovyov got on the big screen - in the show “The Trial”, the subject of which was debate about the justice and righteousness of the law. It was then that journalist Vladimir Solovyov met on the way of Alexander Gordon, whose build suited the role of Sancho Panza.

Solovyov did not become a squire - he had his own ambitions. No less than Gordon’s (it’s not for nothing that each of them likes to create programs named after themselves). But Soloviev moved towards politics. More precisely - towards political journalism. His calling card then became the “To the Barrier!” program, the design of which would be quite clearly repeated later in “Gordon Quixote”. ("Rossiyskaya Gazeta", 07/10/2008, Yuri Bogomolov)

Television critics somehow immediately disliked Solovyov’s lean and arrogant counterpart on the air of “The Trial,” so the promotion of Vladimir Rudolfovich as an alternative to the “arrogant and narcissistic” Gordon was practically for nothing. For some reason, ORT viewers did not immediately grasp the fact that the game of good and evil investigator was built into the format from the very beginning. Meanwhile, the then owner of the channel, Boris Berezovsky, was already waging information wars with his competitors with all his might, and the platform where the country’s current main political duelist made his debut was the starting point for him as a provocateur of future changes in public sentiment. In 2004, this almost ended with the nomination of Solovyov for president from the BAB party.

In the old days, such jack-of-all-trades people were called special propagandists. Without their criticism of Western Sovietologists and bourgeois sociologists, the bulk of Russian people would never have learned about the main currents of world thought, and so would have had at least an approximate idea of ​​​​what is good and what is bad. So during the 2004 presidential campaign, which seemed to break all records of boringness, who, if not Vladimir Solovyov, told the world about the plane sent for him from London? Who, according to him, was offered to be a single candidate from the entire opposition for any money, just to overshadow Vladimir Putin, but he, being a patriot of his country, did not give Berezovsky a chance? Who told the world that Ivan Rybkin, like him, could simply be killed there in order to make him a martyr’s icon of resistance to the regime?

Vladimir Solovyov vehemently disliked Yegor Gaidar and Anatoly Chubais, and for this, in the age of struggle against the “young reformers” in the government of Boris Yeltsin, a lot was forgiven, including by both the democratically and oppositionally minded intelligentsia. True, even then Irina Petrovskaya remarked in her columns: “This man loves himself in art more than art in himself.” In general, working as a “face” for the master was just a way to make relatively honest money.

Vladimir Solovyov, as soon as he appeared on television, attracted the attention of the audience. At first, a combination of a powerful physique and a splashing temperament. After some time, he was already among the host of television stars. Having lost a significant part of his weight, Soloviev began to work even more actively, but his view of his own television future acquired a tinge of pessimism. But not simple pessimism, but heroic...

But Solovyov did not take on the role of the next “monster” in the program of his former friend “Gordon Quixote”.

Alexander Gordon: “He refused, and even twice, citing the fact that he had an exclusive with NTV, Vladimir Solovyov. I wanted to somehow get rid of my sin - after all, it was I who brought him to television.”

Immediately after the launch of the program, Solovyov turned 180 degrees in his comments, as often happens with him. He began accusing Gordon of all mortal sins, saying that Gordon stole his idea, promised to take him in for a share and deceived him. And the new program is a plagiarism of “To the Barrier.”

According to Gordon, “you can’t talk about the present on television today. Many “burned out” due to this (consciously - Sergei Dorenko, unconsciously - Evgeny Kiselev, and Vladimir Solovyov will soon burn out in the same way). This is a clearing where you can’t trample.”

Gordon about Solovyov

I feel guilty, very much, but not before Vladimir Solovyov, but before the entire multimillion-dollar audience of Russia. Because it was I who had the audacity to bring Vladimir Solovyov to television. And I want to somehow pay off this, because sometimes it doesn’t let me sleep, by inviting him to be one of the heroes in a new program. And I’ll have a purely, heart-to-heart, heart-to-heart talk with Vladimir about how he ended up where he is now. Why does he do this and what does it give him? At the same time, I’ll answer the question I don’t remember from anyone: “Where can I make some money?” I think he knows for sure.

Vladimir Solovyov is a “disposable man” policy. The power will change, other Solovievs will come. But Vladimir needs to erect a monument as a hero of labor! He has been broadcasting on the radio three times a week for eleven years! Plus two programs on television, writes books, conducts weddings... An honest journalist is one who has sold himself once. And Vladimir Solovyov is precisely distinguished by his flexible back. Vladimir Solovyov is a one-time journalist.

He is a very talented person, but where have his talents taken him now?

In my opinion, what he does on television is monstrous.

Solovyov about Gordon

Sasha apparently has some kind of complex connected with me. I really feel sorry for him. The main thing is that for some reason he decided that it was he who brought me to television. This is a complete lie. It was all wrong. There is a television producer, Sasha Levin, who was commissioned by Konstantin Ernst to make the program “The Trial.” So he was looking for a co-host for Gordon, for whom it was a big surprise when they brought me in as his partner. Yes, Sasha called me several times to his program “Gordon Quixote”. What's the show about? Again, it’s Sasha who wants to see me there. Why did he decide that it would be interesting for me to talk with him? I've known him for many years. He is ideologically uninteresting to me. Therefore, spending several hours of my life on a program that will then be severely cut up and listening to vulgar, stupid maxims from a person about whom I already know everything... why? And then, don’t I think that I should give ratings to another channel by my appearance? If you noticed, I don't go to any television shows. Gordon invited me! Lord, what happiness! Malakhov and I were often invited by Tina Kandelaki. But I just don't go.

For me, Sasha is not important at all. He's boring to me. His views are vicious, we must fight them. And in all my statements addressed to Gordon there was a sincere rejection of his views. In general, I always say what I think.

In Russia, unfortunately, there have been no journalists for a long time. Two points of view can only be given when it concerns the points of view of Ksyusha Sobchak and Alexander Gordon.

It's boring in this world, gentlemen!

- What harm have I done to you, Vladimir Rudolfovich? - said Alexander Garrievich.

One more minute of explanation - and the long-standing enmity was ready to fade away. Already Alexander Garrievich reached into his pocket to take out the horn and say: “Do me a favor.”

“Isn’t it a harm,” answered Vladimir Rudolfovich, without raising his eyes, “when you, dear sir, insulted my rank and surname with such a word that is indecent to say here?”

- Let me tell you in a friendly way, Vladimir Rudolfovich! (at the same time, Alexander Garrievich touched Vladimir Rudolfovich’s button with his finger, which meant his perfect location) - you were offended for God knows what: for the fact that I called you a gander...

Alexander Garrievich realized that he had been careless in uttering this word; but it was already too late: the word had been spoken.

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Boris Korchevnikov launched a new one television project on "Russia 1". In the new show "The Fate of Man", ex-presenter "Live broadcast" will talk with famous people about very frank topics concerning their difficult life path. New episodes are added to our website every day « Destiny of man», which you can watch online at any time, from any convenient place.

"Live" on the TV channel "Russia" is a program for those who want to keep their finger on the pulse. This beloved program, year after year, tells viewers about problems that are of interest to absolutely everyone. Recently "Live" began new page his history - the host of the program became Andrei Malakhov.

"Let them talk"- the most famous show not only in Russia, but also in many countries former USSR. Over its history, the program changed its name several times. In particular, it was called “ Big Wash" and "Five Evenings". However, in the summer of 2005, the show completely changed its format. It is now widely discussed private life, scandals of stars are covered. Some episodes also contain entertaining moments, and the most popular stories of the program are widely discussed on the Internet in various forums and social networks. After the star of the program left, Andrey Malakhov, on “Russia”, leading "Let them talk" became Dmitry Borisov, a rather ambitious and interesting young journalist.

Program "Male/Female" It got its name for a reason. It features a charismatic actor and director Alexander Gordon and charming Yulia Baranovskaya skillfully collide male and female views on various problems of individuals and families. The program widely discusses the stories of individual people, and chooses stories that will not leave anyone indifferent. Invited experts from different areas They openly express their opinions and try in every possible way to help the program’s heroes solve their problems. Yulia Baranovskaya, the former companion of Russian football player Andrei Arshavin, previously worked as a consultant for the program “What Men Want” on TNT, and also hosted “Girls” programs on “Russia 1” and on TNT.

In each episode of the program, three candidates are selected who will compete for the heart of the main character of the episode. Applicants consciously go to the program, since they themselves chose the object of their adoration on the site "Channel One". The courtship process consists of various dances, songs, demonstrations of their skills, which, according to the candidates, should surprise the main character. The already fascinating spectacle is succinctly commented on by the presenter Larisa Guzeeva, who leads the discussion of candidates and main character with astrologers Tamara Globa And Vasilisa Volodina, as well as with a professional matchmaker Rosa Syabitova.

You can now follow politics, keep abreast of world news and events within the country thanks to our website "LIVE NEWS" website. News on our website appears quickly and in a timely manner. We regularly post issues on the site television programs with Vladimir Solovyov, final issues News with Dmitry Kiselyov and other news programs with popular TV presenters. Daytime and evening broadcasts 60 minutes, Evening with Vladimir Solovyov, News, Results of the Week, Time for all the variety of political talk shows on our website.

The legendary reality show Dom-2 has been airing on the TNT channel since May 11, 2004, and for the second decade it has been winning the hearts of millions of viewers. Who knows maybe you new member, then the TV show is waiting for its new heroes! And if you just like to watch what is happening, then watch new episodes on our website at any time in good quality.

February 07, 2018

Some time ago information appeared on the Internet that famous TV presenter Several years ago, Vladimir Solovyov sought the attention of singer and human rights activist Katya Gordon, but was refused, which is why he still doesn’t like the blonde.

Photo: globallook

Vladimir Solovyov has repeatedly spoken rather ironically about Katya Gordon. Let us recall that Ekaterina Gordon, who announced her intention to run for the post of President of Russia last fall, was unexpected for everyone. According to Gordon herself, she organized her own party and will continue to fight for women’s rights, but she does not intend to participate in the election farce.

Then Soloviev is once again pleased with this news. “Gordon has withdrawn from the presidential race. Apparently she couldn’t decide under what name to participate: Gordon-Podlipchuk-Prokofieva…” Soloviev wrote on his Twitter.

After Gordon said on the radio, “ TVNZ"that when she was married to Alexander Gordon, Solovyov tried to take her away from her husband. However, he did it rather to spite her ex-husband. “He and Soloviev did not like each other then, to put it mildly. And Soloviev, in another verbal brawl with Sasha, declared that he would take his wife away from him. And then he told me how good I was. I was flattered,” shares Katya.

Vladimir was quite surprised by Gordon’s statement. According to him, he never had any relationship with the blonde.

“The girl lied. Where and how did someone achieve it? I feel sorry for the girl. I've gone completely crazy. This is ridiculous, absolute fairy tales. I was never alone with her. Probably saw Gordon only twice in his life. And even then in the company of her husband Sasha, with whom we worked then,” Solovyov told reporters from “

Radio and TV presenter Ekaterina Gordon, ex-wife of Alexander Gordon, about whom I wrote earlier, writes.

By the way, I want to inform the Internet TV channel KM.ru that it is being watched by the most honest and noble presenter in the country - Judushka Volodenka Soloviev. By insider information he launched into a whole tirade about how he wants to hate Katya Gordon, a stupid, greedy temptress, after watching my interview full of peace-loving banter (see below)) However, one can feel sorry for Volodenka - the time has come for Serezhenka Minaev on NTV)

My insight, which I wrote about in January, is that the program “Honest Monday” on NTV with Sergei Minaev in leading role was made as a future replacement for the “To the Barrier” with Solovyov, which was boring to the audience, it is confirmed.

I have already written about the conflict between the famous television and radio presenter Alexander Gordon and Vladimir Solovyov -. As I managed to find out, last week Alexander took the conflict off the air into real public life, submits a collective complaint from the residents of his house to the local police department and is determined.

There comes a limit to everything at some point!

These are photographs of Vladimir Solovyov in my house at Dynamo.

Residents of the area are going to write a statement to the police against these assholes and Solovyov himself, let them sort it out. So far there are only ideas on how to deal with this, are there any other options on how to stop this?

This Soloviev has annoyed everyone at our entrance - enough is enough!

In general, today we formed an initiative group, walked around the entrance, collected signatures for a letter to the head of the Savyolovsky District Department of Internal Affairs and submitted an application.

Enough. Personally, I don’t care who does it - Soloviev himself or his fans. In any case, these are his problems and he must deal with them, his neighbors have nothing to do with his popularity and should not suffer!

I recently wrote about how, on the radio station “Silver Rain”, the famous TV and radio presenter Alexandra Gordon, in the program “Gordon Juan”, talked about Vladimir Solovyov’s passion for Kabbalah -. Today Soloviev gave Gordon a symmetrical answer on the air of the same radio station.

You can listen to the broadcast using this link: http://www.moskva.fm/stations/FM_100.1/programs/%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8C %D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5_%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8/2009-01-28_08:48:30

Solovyov: But let’s tell the truth about Kabbalah. Gordon was the first to bring Lightman (founder of the International Academy of Kabbalah) to the Silver Rain radio station. He also made "Night Gordon" with him. Now he rolls his eyes: “Oh! Volodka is Solovyov....!” Sasha, smoke less - your head will work. Otherwise, the rest of the organs seem to have completely died, and now problems have begun with the head. Control yourself. Otherwise, you don’t look like Gordon Quixote, but just like a dystrophic Sancho Panza.

SMS: Gordon's build is more like a Rocinante.

Solovyov: Well, you tell Alexander Garievich this on Sunday. He is a talented person.

SMS: Vladimir, what is this conflict with Gordon? You are friends with him!

Solovyov: He and I were never friends, we just worked together for a while. For some reason Sasha developed delusions of grandeur; he forgot who brought me to television. He had nothing to do with this. But the truth is that when we came to Ernst’s office and the conversation came up about salary, Gordon said - I want to get paid, no less than Solovyov. Gordon is simply having delusions of grandeur, as aging males tend to be, and it begins to seem as if the sun, too, is rising just so they can smoke a cigarette.

This is simply ridiculous - two Kabbalists are using the air of a popular radio station to sort out their personal relationships, and everyone turns a blind eye to this. I wonder how the director of the radio station, Dmitry Savitsky, feels about this? I understand that he is now more interested in a bed relationship with Ksenia Sobchak, but won’t his inaction lead to the fact that people will become uninterested in listening to the constant showdowns on the air, and because of two ganders, “Silver Rain” will lose its rating?

Finally, at least someone is starting to tell the truth about Vladimir Solovyov. Perhaps Alexander Gordon is not happy that Solovyov has already refused his offer to participate in the “Gordonquixote” program several times. In any case, it is interesting to watch the open debate between two media personalities. One of which is in favor and the other is in disgrace. We do not undertake to judge the reasons for this disgrace, but it seems from Gordon’s words that Soloviev is obsessed with some kind of persecution mania.
This audio recording risks becoming as popular and discussed as the live verbal skirmish between Ekaterina Gordon, the ex-wife of Alexander Gordon and her eternal glamorous sidekick, Ksenia Sobchak.
Jewish hero Vladimir Rudolfovich Soloviev, “who defeated half of the Presidential Administration.”

In 1997, Vladimir Rudolfovich immediately returned to his homeland as a DJ for the FM radio station “Silver Rain”. The country was finally beginning to experience GDP growth, and money was being invested in electronic media more than willingly. On-air colleague Alexander Gordon has already appeared on television with all his might with the show “New York, New York” and even migrated from the sixth button to the first, where he came up with two programs at once - one solo, where, in particular, he proved that Americans have never were on the Moon, the other with the paired conference “The Trial”, where two presenters, by lot, undertook to prove to the audience mutually exclusive versions of what was happening. This is how Junior Solovyov got on the big screen - in the show “The Trial”, the subject of which was debate about the justice and righteousness of the law. It was then that journalist Vladimir Solovyov met on the way of Alexander Gordon, whose build suited the role of Sancho Panza.
Solovyov did not become a squire - he had his own ambitions. No less than Gordon’s (it’s not for nothing that each of them likes to create programs named after themselves). But Soloviev moved towards politics. More precisely - towards political journalism. His calling card then became the “To the Barrier!” program, the design of which would be quite clearly repeated later in “Gordon Quixote”.

Television critics somehow immediately disliked Solovyov’s lean and arrogant counterpart on the air of “The Trial,” so the promotion of Vladimir Rudolfovich as an alternative to the “arrogant and narcissistic” Gordon was practically for nothing. For some reason, ORT viewers did not immediately grasp the fact that the game of good and evil investigator was built into the format from the very beginning. Meanwhile, the then owner of the channel, Boris Berezovsky, was already waging information wars with his competitors with all his might, and the platform where the country’s current main political duelist made his debut was the starting point for him as a provocateur of future changes in public sentiment. In 2004, this almost ended with the nomination of Solovyov for president from the BAB party.
In the old days, such jack-of-all-trades people were called special propagandists. Without their criticism of Western Sovietologists and bourgeois sociologists, the bulk of Russian people would never have learned about the main currents of world thought, and so would have had at least an approximate idea of ​​​​what is good and what is bad. So during the 2004 presidential campaign, which seemed to break all records of boringness, who, if not Vladimir Solovyov, told the world about the plane sent for him from London? Who, according to him, was offered to be a single candidate from the entire opposition for any money, just to overshadow Vladimir Putin, but he, being a patriot of his country, did not give Berezovsky a chance? Who told the world that Ivan Rybkin, like him, could simply be killed there in order to make him a martyr’s icon of resistance to the regime?
Vladimir Solovyov vehemently disliked Yegor Gaidar and Anatoly Chubais, and for this, in the age of struggle against the “young reformers” in the government of Boris Yeltsin, a lot was forgiven, including by both the democratically and oppositionally minded intelligentsia. True, even then Irina Petrovskaya remarked in her columns: “This man loves himself in art more than art in himself.” In general, working as a “face” for the master was only a way of making relatively honest money.

Vladimir Solovyov, as soon as he appeared on television, attracted the attention of the audience. At first, a combination of a powerful physique and a splashing temperament. After some time, he was already among the host of television stars. Having lost a significant part of his weight, Soloviev began to work even more actively, but his view of his own television future acquired a tinge of pessimism. But not simple pessimism, but heroic...
But Solovyov did not take on the role of the next “monster” in the program of his former friend “Gordon Quixote”.
Alexander Gordon: “He refused, and even twice, citing the fact that he had an exclusive with NTV, Vladimir Solovyov. I wanted to somehow get rid of my sin - after all, it was I who brought him to television.”
Immediately after the launch of the program, Solovyov turned 180 degrees in his comments, as often happens with him. He began accusing Gordon of all mortal sins, saying that Gordon stole his idea, promised to take him in for a share and deceived him. And the new program is a plagiarism of “To the Barrier.”
According to Gordon, “you can’t talk about the present on television today. Many “burned out” due to this (consciously - Sergei Dorenko, unconsciously - Evgeny Kiselev, and Vladimir Solovyov will soon burn out in the same way). This is a clearing where you can’t trample.”

Gordon about Solovyov

I feel guilty, very much, but not before Vladimir Solovyov, but before the entire multimillion-dollar audience of Russia. Because it was I who had the audacity to bring Vladimir Solovyov to television. And I want to somehow pay off this, because sometimes it doesn’t let me sleep, by inviting him to be one of the heroes in a new program. And I’ll have a purely, heart-to-heart, heart-to-heart talk with Vladimir about how he ended up where he is now. Why does he do this and what does it give him? At the same time, I’ll answer the question I don’t remember from anyone: “Where can I make some money?” I think he knows for sure.

Vladimir Solovyov is a “disposable man” policy. The power will change, other Solovievs will come. But Vladimir needs to erect a monument as a hero of labor! He has been broadcasting on the radio three times a week for eleven years! Plus two programs on television, writes books, conducts weddings... An honest journalist is one who has sold himself once. And Vladimir Solovyov is precisely distinguished by his flexible back. Vladimir Solovyov is a one-time journalist.

He is a very talented person, but where have his talents taken him now?

In my opinion, what he does on television is monstrous.

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